Международный туризм во Вьетнаме, погода в Нячанге | Новости из Вьетнама (25.11.2021)

Международный туризм во Вьетнаме, погода в Нячанге | Новости из Вьетнама (25.11.2021)

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Hello everyone from Vietnam! My name is Ilya. You are on my channel. And today I will tell you some of the tourism news from here, from Vietnam. We will find out what is happening here, what is happening with vaccination, what the weather is like now, and I will tell you about the first tourists who arrived in Vietnam during the first time of the test tourist regime. The weather is bad throughout November, it rains every day, the waves, the sea, of course, is dirty now after the heavy rains every day - and they go day and night, clouds are constantly in the sky.

November is the worst month of unstable weather. Usually, it is in November that there are storms, floods, floods, so, of course, I would not recommend going to Nha Trang in Vietnam in November. It is better, of course, to go to Phu Quoc Island at this time, if you go exactly in November, the rest of the time the weather is more or less normal. Well, in December, in January it can be still chilly, of course, but at least there is no such heat, and there is less rain than in November. Well, on the resort island of Phu Quoc the season begins in October and at this time the sunny weather is wonderful, there the season is opposite to the season of Nha Trang and most of the resort cities of Vietnam. Now there were various floods due to rains, the road was washed out, in some places it was impossible to even drive through, landslides were sliding down the mountains and blocking the way.

Here is how we see in these frames. This eroded the country road here, so we had to clear it too. Most of the rain is in the central part of Vietnam.

Nha Trang is farther south than Da Nang and Hoi An, where it mostly rains and bad weather. At the same time, it is also cooler there in winter. I was in Danang in January and the weather was bad there, it was cool, you could swim, but there were still moments when it was cold to ride a bike, it still blows and it feels like frost.

We just went to Da Nang and Hoi An - it was the month of January. And in Nha Trang at that time it was sunny, beautiful and warm, there was no excessive heat, it was a little cooler than in summer, but because of the sun it was hot enough, the clouds did not block the sun, that is, it was warm enough, good and sunny, wonderful ... That year, in November, it was also normal, good, there were no such problems as now, that you can't go anywhere, you can only sit at home because of the rains.

It is drizzling, even if not a heavy downpour, then clouds, the sea is ugly, I don't want to shoot such a sea. This is how it is. Now the waves are big, but it’s not even about the waves, but about the fact that it’s not bright, I just know how it happens. And after the rains, when water flows from the mountains, the Kai River brings dirty water from the mountains to this side. Therefore, even now I do not strive to go somewhere.

The northern beach is clean, beautiful, but still the water is muddy, not as green and brown as on the central beach, but on the northern beach it is cleaner, but now is the time that the water there is not the coolest either. Waves, at this time you can take boards, ride waves, bodyboards. But now the waves are not so rolling to ride, you also need to watch, not every wave is still suitable for riding a bodyboard. It is noteworthy that this year there was not enough rainfall in Ho Chi Minh City and in the Mekong Delta region. There people usually wait every year for flooding on this river in order to collect more fish, they put up nets there, collect big catches.

But this year, they wrote in the news that there was not enough catch and at the same time the concentration of salt in the water increased due to the fact that there was not enough rainwater. Some crops were damaged, rice fields were damaged due to the fact that there was an excessive amount of salt in the water, because there was not enough rainwater and there was no flooding of the river as it usually happens. The rainy season there came much later than it should have been.

And here we have, on the contrary, in the central part of the rain and more than it was in previous years. What is happening now with the coronavirus and with all the restrictions that are now associated with it within the country? Some cities are fully open already inside, somewhere else there are restrictions. For example, in Ho Chi Minh City, restrictions are imposed, then some are removed, so there are minor restrictions. For example, the tourist city of Hue, from the 19th century to 1945, Hue was the capital, where the Vietnamese imperial citadel is located. Now this place has turned into a museum zone. This city is close to Da Nangi and Hoi An.

And in this city of Hue, a small outbreak of coronavirus just happened after tourists began to arrive, they also brought the coronavirus there. And in this city it was decided to cancel domestic tourism trips. I don't know what will change this.

Now, after all restrictions have been lifted, infections occur and continue. Now about 10, even 11, there are thousands a day infected. But the bottom line is that as a result of mass vaccination, fewer people still die - 2-3 times less than before. That is, if before 9 thousand people were infected, about 300 people died a day, everyone was not vaccinated.

And now in Vietnam, 65% have already been vaccinated with about one dose and 40% with two doses. And it is believed that it helps, and now we see by the numbers, about a hundred people die a day, and most of them have not yet been vaccinated or have been vaccinated with only one dose. So Vietnam is strictly targeting vaccinations. The restrictions are still being lifted.

In Nha Trang, for example, mass events are already officially allowed and up to a hundred people can gather, but at the same time, distance and all precautions must be observed. In principle, there are no longer any restrictions in Nha Trang. Restaurants open who can.

Those who can afford to work without tourists for the domestic market, they begin to open up and work at full speed. I recently showed an overview of Nha Trang and showed that some places are open on the first line, on the beach, where we are now, in the city center. Small cafes work quietly. People start to sing in karaoke on the street. Vietnamese are very fond of singing karaoke in the evenings on the sidewalks in the small cafes where they gather, so now this is happening. Almost complete freedom, but everyone walks in masks, absolutely everyone.

Even before the lockdown began, some people had to be forced to ride in masks, then after a long series of fines, people already ride a bike and I personally do not see anyone, so that someone was riding without a mask. Just like everyone wears helmets when riding bikes, so also everyone wears masks. But at the same time, the restrictions are lifted, and the distribution does not stop. Recently, there were several dozen people infected on one street in Nha Trang. But, at least now, there will definitely be no lockdowns and people can sit in quarantine at home and receive treatment. It is already beginning to come to the conclusion that people are not taken to the hospital, they are not filling places, they are only taking seriously ill patients.

Those who feel normal can be treated at home. But all the same, all measures do not take place evenly throughout the country. In each province and city, it happens differently, because different levels of vaccination are still different, different populations, population density and leadership are also different. That is, in all provinces, the leadership has the right to decide how they will deal with the coronavirus. Will they introduce stricter measures, restrictions, or will they not react somehow.

Everywhere, in each province, all this happens in a different way. Therefore, even in terms of travel, everything is ambiguous, when you can leave and somewhere they may require a PCR test or an express test, you need to take some kind of information with you. Also, PCR tests are needed on Vinpearl when you go to Hon Tre Island. Here, I’m just standing on the embankment and here you can see him perfectly. The cable car does not work at all now, people are brought there by boats and in order to get there, you need to pass all the tests. I was just told how it went with the guys.

We went there, stood in line for five hours just to get on the boat to go there, because they tested everyone, waited for the test results, then only one could go there on Vinpearl. At the same time, we got into the rain, all the rides were closed, the water park was closed, only the zoo was working, and there’s a good five-star hotel there. Now they are settled there for one night and you can spend two days in the park. Maybe for those who have not been there, of course, it will be interesting, but for those who were there and could not get to the new entertainment, new attractions, of course, this is not very good.

Yes, people seem to be vaccinated, there are QR codes, but at the same time QR codes are not even asked in restaurants. I have not yet seen people standing somewhere at the entrances and seriously asking questions. Well, this is only possible in large shopping centers, but so, I go, I look, they don't ask anywhere. People are all vaccinated. Almost one hundred percent have been vaccinated in Nha Trang for over 18 years. In total, in the province of Khanh Hoa, where the city of Nha Trang is located, there were about 11 thousand infected, 93 deaths from the coronavirus were recorded. And while this province is in tenth place for all infected people out of 63.11

thousand, the number is small and this province is in tenth place. That is, in other provinces there are even fewer infected, but somewhere there were more. Another 9 cities, including Ho Chi Minh City, had record figures.

Vietnam has resolutely begun to vaccinate the population. Already up to 2 million doses are injected into the population. In the province of Khanh Hoa, where we are now, 96% of the population has already been vaccinated with two doses, and now adolescents under 18 are also starting to inject vaccinations.

This practice has already begun in Ho Chi Minh City. There, almost the entire population from 12 to 18 years old was vaccinated. Recently, there was news that in Israel children from 5 years old are beginning to be vaccinated with some kind of special childhood vaccination from Pfizer. This practice is already widespread, I think Vietnam will also do this and will come to the conclusion that gradually the entire population will be vaccinated. But at the same time, the whole vaccination is stretched.

Initially, they did not immediately vaccinate people. For some, the deadline will come to the fact that it will be necessary to give the third vaccination, that is, to be revaccinated. And in this regard, Vietnam already has a plan to start revaccination from 2022. Vietnam continues to order and receive vaccines from different countries in order to carry out the revaccination process in 2022. They never started producing their own vaccine. The Vietnamese vaccine has not yet entered production, while there is no news about it.

But at the moment Astrazeneca vaccines are used here, mainly, this is the British vaccine, it is used a lot. Probably, only the Chinese vaccine Vero Cell from the Sinopharm company is used more, in addition to this, Moderna, Pfizer, American vaccines are also used, there is evidence that Johnson and Johnson were also injected here. In addition, there is the Abdala vaccine, this is the Cuban vaccine and also the Hayat-Vax vaccine, this is the UAE vaccine. And, of course, Sputnik V is also used here a lot, they wanted to produce it here too.

Sputnik V production technologies were transferred from Russia to Vietnam, but for some reason they have not yet begun to produce. Even in the comments, I was asked if the Russian vaccine Covivac is quoted here. I heard that this is a good vaccine, it is made by analogy with the Chinese one from Sinopharm, the Vero Cell vaccine and, by the way, the Hayat-Vax vaccine from the UAE is also made using the same technology. Well, and accordingly, Covivac, as I understand it, is not registered in Vietnam. If you are vaccinated with this vaccine, then most likely they will not be accepted with it in Vietnam.

This, of course, is strange, maybe something will change further, because I heard that this is a good vaccine - Covivac. Well, tourism news. Now they are already starting in a trial version, in very small batches of foreigners to fly to Vietnam. There were already two planes with Korean and Japanese tourists in Cam Ranh, at the Vinpearl hotel. Vinpearl hotels, by the way, they are in the first place in terms of occupancy now among foreign tourists in the test mode.

This company is very large and rich, therefore, of course, they, of course, agreed first of all to open their amusement parks and launch the first foreign tourists into their hotels. Other than that some other big good hotels were also admitted, but mostly Vinpearl everywhere. These hotels are located throughout the country and there are really a large number of them.

They belong to the Vingroup concern - this is the largest company in Vietnam, therefore the state has great confidence in them. In addition, the first tourists flew to Phu Quoc from Korea. There are 200 tourists there. They are in a closed group and move together along a closed route, organized. On November 17, a plane flew to the city of Da Nang with a group of tourists from Seoul from South Korea too.

There were people on this board from different countries. I didn't get it. It turns out that people from different countries with a transfer flew to Seoul to take a flight there, which was organized to Da Nang, to Vietnam, in order to finally arrive here and have a rest here. The photographs even show that it is as if there are even Russians there. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong, but here the men in the photographs really look like Russian tourists. Well, the city of Hoi An, which is located next to Da Nang, also welcomed the first tourists, I understand that an excursion was organized there with this group of tourists and they were brought to the city of Hoi An.

Everyone there was delighted. I understand what a joy it is to see tourists when the city is completely based on tourism and for two years living without a normal income, without the usual kind of activity, most of the shops and cafes there were closed. And, so, they bring, in my opinion, 25 people were brought to Hoi An, probably just to show people that tourists are starting to arrive and soon everything will be fine in order to slightly inspire the population.

But about Phu Quoc, I was told that people there do not count on tourism, because all these arrivals will move in an organized manner, they will be in closed hotels, it will not be possible to separately go anywhere, as it was before, outside the territory, somewhere to walk and drive ... There will be certain hotels and certain routes for these tourists, everything will be as organized as possible. Now these test trips are needed so that Vietnam can work out a clear algorithm of actions for accepting tourists from abroad. That is, to work everything out, try how it will be in test mode. Further, from January, they plan to slightly increase the number of tourists, they will negotiate with travel agencies so that people can come on a special trip in an organized way, so that they can try to receive the first tourists in Vietnam. Of course, these are still very small steps; mass tourism is still a long way off.

I posted a drawn action plan in the telegram channel, you can see it, go to my telegram channel. I periodically make posts with news and I will do it more, therefore, go to the telegram channel, follow the news there too. If something is prohibited on YouTube, then the video will also appear there.

They also wrote that the city of Ho Chi Minh is preparing to welcome tourists from abroad since December, let's see how this is implemented. Vietnam Airlines is now organizing all of these international travel. Two regular flights a week from the United States have already been scheduled. And then, in the future, they are planning a daily flight from Ho Chi Minh to San Francisco, a route there and back. They even wrote that the ticket will cost $ 1000. The meaning is that Vietnam works very closely with the United States, trades a lot and exports a lot of goods.

And it is in Ho Chi Minh City that many offices from American companies are based. Therefore, for business and trade, they make such flights in the first place. In addition, Vietnam Airlines negotiates with other countries regarding tourism. The priority here is Korea, as we see the first tourists from Korea. Also Japan, Europe, Australia, Russia.

Write to me in the comments if there are any suggestions, it is interesting to see what tour operators offer when the opportunity arises. If there are any suggestions, I wonder at what price and where, and how it will look. Now, as I understand it, there are still no offers from tour operators and travel agencies. At least for the summer, trips are planned, therefore, some already package tours should be developed so that you can already start organizing something.

At the moment, there are 5 registered zones for international tourism in Vietnam for tourism. It is on the south of Phu Quoc island. This is in the province of Khanh Hoa, the city of Cam Ranh, where you can stay in the closed areas of the Bai Dai beach.

These are Da Nang City and Hoi An City. And the fifth place where foreign tourists can get is Halong Bay in the northern part of Vietnam. That is, there are 5 of these zones. About our province Khanh Hoa. There will be 24 resorts available for the settlement of foreigners. 12 of them are located on Bai Dai Beach in Kam Ranh and the rest are located on the islands of Nha Trang and the countryside of Nha Trang, for example, the Amiana Hotel.

And several zones have already been identified where it will be possible to go on tourist excursions. This is Monkey Island, Orchid Island, of course, you can get to the amusement park on Vinpearl. It will also be possible to get to iResort, this is the territory of hot mineral springs and several other places where you can also get.

In general, they wrote that now 9,000 foreign tourists are expected to enter, and this is only in the province of Khanh Hoa, where we are located. That is, now more than 400 people have arrived, and in December, it turns out, they want another 8,500 to come. But at the same time, somehow it is still not organized. That is, Vietnam sets plans, but implementation is late.

Most likely it will be for December, for January. If they are planning a second phase from January, there may be more transfers. Но главное, что сейчас по-тихонечку будет пробно всё реализовываться, аккуратно, чтобы не разразились новые вспышки. Although, inside Vietnam, the incidence is already going on by itself.

People are not dying in large numbers now, but still there are some lethal outcomes. The Vietnamese are very afraid of the coronavirus, of course. If they are already preparing for revaccination, then this is a normal plan, maybe then it will be possible to open the borders and receive full-fledged tourists.

But so far, even domestic tourism does not work normally. Many people are even afraid to go somewhere. There is such a nuance that after a trip somewhere you can be quarantined at home for 1-2 weeks after leaving. That is, many people are even afraid to go somewhere and are not going anywhere yet.

In addition, of course, it is now speculated that there may be new outbreaks in connection with TET. This is the Vietnamese New Year, which is celebrated after the European New Year in January, February. It is celebrated every year in a different way, on a different date.

But now transport routes are already being planned: buses, trains, planes on TET. Because people love to travel. Someone leaves for their homeland, someone travels to other cities.

Therefore, let's see how else TET will go. I also plan to shoot the holiday itself. Last year we already showed a little, this year I will most likely show it too. Well, still such interesting news.

Mcdonald's has been opening in Nha Trang since 2022. This, of course, is also interesting, because the Mcdonald's menu differs from country to country. For example, American Mcdonald's is different from Russian, Indian Mcdonald's is vegetarian, and in Thailand, for example, I bought a Big Mac with four patties, and not two as usual.

2021-11-27 19:37

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