山西2500年废弃无人村,竟发现大量机关和暗道,进去吓得腿软!Multi-language subtitles are supported

山西2500年废弃无人村,竟发现大量机关和暗道,进去吓得腿软!Multi-language subtitles are supported

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Travel all over the land of the Jin Dynasty to appreciate the customs of the loess You are welcome, I am Fanfan Today I am in a deep valley in Luliang Mountain, Shanxi Discovered a mysterious abandoned uninhabited village Listen to the local old people say The history of this village is very old It was created in the early Warring States Period It has a history of more than 2500 years And the buildings here are also very magical. It is all cave dwellings made of stones one-story two-story There are three and four floors It's very majestic, very huge but this village it is no ordinary village The cave dwelling here is not an ordinary cave dwelling either. It is said that in these caves But there are many secret channels hidden in the deep If it weren't for the natives here Ordinary people don't dare to go in after entering Don't walk around casually inattentive you may lose your way or even trigger the mechanism may fall into the mountain of knives below There will also be arrows shooting out from the side really very dangerous Then this 2,500-year-old small mountain village Why is it abandoned by now? Those institutions and secret passages in the village what does it look like we want to go in How dangerous is it? Now everyone follows Fanfan's lens Let's go in and have a look The midsummer sun brings extremely hot feelings Intensely shining on the ancient and desolate land in front of me This is Diantou Village, Jinyuan District, Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province At this moment we look around You can see that the whole village is all stone cave dwellings. The big and small caves They are built layer by layer relying on the potential of the cliff twists and turns And make full use of space ventilation, lighting, drainage and other resources Everywhere is exquisitely arranged It fully embodies the superb architectural wisdom of the ancients we can also see These three or four storey stone cave dwellings The area is very huge It stretches for more than 1000 meters from east to west Composed of 5 sections It is a pity that there were originally more than 3,000 stone coupon cave dwellings.

Most of them have collapsed because they are uninhabited Now there are only more than 460 well-preserved ones. And these stone caves It is said that they were all founded in the early Warring States Period It has a history of more than 2500 years Not only is it very ancient And also very mysterious In these stone cave dwellings just hide the intricate mechanism That mysterious tunnel came here But don't walk around and touch casually If you are not careful, you may lose your way even the trigger that's very dangerous Do you dare to come to a place like this? The stone cave dwellings in Diantou Village can be said to be varied. There are both spacious bays and narrow huts And its biggest feature is that every courtyard here Every hole Its interior is connected with each other by tunnels and dark passages. The inside is very complicated and extends in all directions. It can be said like this We casually walked into a courtyard Casually walk into a cave dwelling You can go straight to the whole village it's really amazing And in these tunnels and secret passages There are many mysterious organs designed By now everyone should have discovered an ordinary small mountain village It will not have such a complex architectural layout Then why is it designed like this here? actually Diantou Village from the Warring States Period to the Northern Song Dynasty it has always been a garrison castle It is used for garrison defense military fortress like this It is the solidity of the concealed defense of the great position operational flexibility And these characteristics of Diantou Village Castle It is said that it is rare in the world The fourth year of Taiping Xingguo in the Northern Song Dynasty is 979 AD Emperor Zhao Guangyi ordered the Jinyang City to be set on fire Taiyuan, Shanxi, known as the Dragon City After more than 1500 years of glory became a pile of ruins Until three years later, in order to resist the Jin soldiers going south It was rebuilt by General Pan Mei And this old storefront castle At that time, it lost the role of defensive troops. from now on It slowly became a village At this moment we have entered the village Once in the village I was deeply attracted by the environment here look around all we can see all made of stone Look at the tall and straight stone walls Look at the cave dwellings covered with stones Look at the smooth and straight roadway paved with stones It's like a kingdom built of stone And that rush of time seems careless It seems like it was done on purpose the vicissitudes of life year after year engraved on the land before my eyes Now the place is empty Only these simple and hard stones are left they support each other they encourage each other like brotherly brothers Like an old couple holding hands and growing old together Stone cave dwellings in Diantou Village mostly stone buildings Because the history here is very long so some people think The birthplace of my country's buildings is at the head of the store And those mysterious secret channels Hidden deep inside these stone buildings The most representative ones are the courtyards behind me now let's go and see What do these courtyards and cave dwellings look like? Those institutions and secret passages How mysterious is it? The whole Diantou village Its most representative courtyards are three The locals call it Quedi Building No. 1 Courtyard

Quedi Building No. 2 Courtyard Quedi Building No. 3 Let's take a look at No. 1 Courtyard of Quedi Building in front of us first. This is a three-storey cave building What does the word but enemy mean? we just said Because this was the first ancient battlefield These cave dwellings are not dwellings It is a building similar to a bunker tunnel Therefore, the word "didi" means After the enemy sees here back off because of fear Therefore, Diantou Village is also called Diantou Castle. let's go in now what's it like inside the cave It's very dark in here everybody see I feel a little scared when I come in Look at them and our common cave dwellings It seems that there is not much difference After entering through this door There are doors and windows And this place as soon as you enter the door There is also a stone kang everybody see There are many wooden planks on the kang Let's look at the side of the kang again There is also a square hole Anyone know what this hole is for? In ancient times we did not have electric lights At that time, only oil lamps were used to provide lighting. This lamp is used to put oil lamps However, people in ancient times were generally reluctant to light lamps. They go to bed when it gets dark And after 10 months when it's dawn Everyone will suddenly find out Suddenly there is one more person in the house Because there's nothing to do at night in our impression Where do ordinary cave dwellings come from? just go out from there But we came to Diantou Village This rule has to be broken This is also the stone house here one of the strangest places We came in through this door just now And the door to go out is not this door.

Let's see where the exit door is Everyone look behind us in this cave There is also a larger and deeper back cave dwelling But it's even darker in here Let's take a look at how big this back cave dwelling is This is the first time I have seen a cave dwelling like this At this moment, everyone can't imagine This back cave dwelling is not the end Everyone, there is a step in the corner follow it up we can go somewhere else Now let's go down the steps walk up see where it leads This is the mysterious secret passage in Diantou Village Walking here is really scary Because it's very narrow And it's very dark go up the steps Now we have come to the second floor of the cave Everyone look at this place There are two mysterious organs The first organ is the opening from the first step. We can see that it was originally paved with wooden planks. If the planks are not opened from above People can't get up from below And on the top of the opening, everyone look at this place There is also a small dog hole If the enemy comes up the steps People can get out of the dog hole Stretch out the long knife to fight back And the enemy can't get in and can't fight back such a design really very delicate After seeing these two organs, let's look at the whole cave You can see that the stones used in the cave are all river cannon stones This stone is durable It will not weather for thousands of years Take a look, it's really amazing let's move on Came to the balcony on the second floor The inside of the cave is dark and feels very depressing.

but this one came out I suddenly felt enlightened I feel more relaxed let's go back and see the place we came from Look, it's on the right hand side of it There is also a small cave here It is said that there is also a secret passage here. We can go straight from here Now let's go into this cave Enter this dark passage and continue to move forward go see where it leads look at our feet It's all man-made stone steps. on both sides of the steps Another stone wall In other words, the cave we are entering now it is built next to the mountain It is no longer a pure cave dwelling. It can be said to be a cave This is simply a human ingenuity Original style with nature The perfect witness of mutual integration It may be that these stone houses Why hasn't it collapsed for thousands of years? It's really too mysterious here Let's look at the steps again it's twists and turns very narrow if not here it is possible to get lost will get lost Now let's continue up the steps walk up the stairs We came to the third floor of No. 1 Courtyard of Quedi Building

Have you ever seen a three-story cave dwelling like this? I think you must have never seen Because the famous traveler, handsome man Fanfan he has never seen I have seen three-story stone houses But I have never seen a three-story stone cave dwelling Buildings like this are really rare in the world And there are secret tunnels all over here It's very mysterious and very dangerous Let's go back and look at the opposite side of the cave You see, here are mountains arched and surrounded by green trees And at our feet Here is a ravine tens of kilometers long The locals of this valley call it Fengyugou. From ancient times to the present, this place has always been a battleground for military strategists. It is Dragon City Taiyuan An important road connecting Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia And this is also the west gate of Taiyuan So these caves It was originally used to garrison defense Stone cave dwellings in Diantou Village At the beginning of its construction, special attention has been paid to three major features Ventilation, lighting and drainage Its overall design is very scientific and reasonable Because of its large scale and long history, it is very characteristic. So it is still here Many have disappeared for hundreds of years Even ancient architectural structures that are more than a thousand years old this is elsewhere we can't see it at all So Storehead Castle It was also named by the famous traveler Fanfan Known as the living fossil of the ancient castle Next to this in No. 1 Courtyard of Quedi Building

here is still preserved An ancient architectural structure that has disappeared for over 1,000 years You have never seen a structure like this Everyone, look at this small cave in front of us. it's not a house but a narrow staircase But this step is very strange There are steps in the middle There are grooves on both sides these two grooves It presents a bamboo shape layer by layer Anyone know what this trench is for? Friends who are more handsome than Fanfan must have thought of it Yes, it's the gutter Walk in the middle and drain on both sides This design is really very delicate And this structure It is the legendary Longweidao Dragon tail road It originated in the Warring States Period After the Song Dynasty, this structure was no longer used. From this we can see the stone cave dwellings in Diantou Village what a long history it has here is really A Living Fossil of Castle Architecture in Our Country Stone Village in Diantouchong There is another very big feature that's all the courtyards here it's all interconnected We go through dark passages from east to west, from south to north We are now located in No. 1 Courtyard of Quedi Building Everyone, go through this small door behind me We can reach the No. 2 courtyard of the enemy building

Now let's go and see what courtyard 2 looks like This place is really very hidden very amazing It's all underground Everyone, take a look at the dark passage in front of you. it's as deep as it gets It's very dark inside In the innermost place is a stone mill This should be an original mill house No wonder the locals say if not native If I grew up here If you enter the castle at the head of the store rashly, you will really get lost even dangerous After crossing this dark passage We came to the No. 2 courtyard of the enemy building You can see that this is a cave courtyard with three entrances and three floors. What is a three-in-three layer? Three entrances are cave dwellings behind There are three entrances in total Three floors means that its entire height has three floors Doesn't it sound amazing? cave like this You must have never seen Now let's go in and explore Look, everyone, once you come in through the gate The outermost house on the first floor it is very spacious And the lighting is pretty good This place was supposed to be a mill Everyone look in the middle of the house There is a huge stone mill while against the wall Here is a flat car But the body and the wheels are separate next to the flat car There is another small door here go in through this little door we can go into the suite inside It's still very dark inside. We'll go in from here and have a look in a while From here you can reach the second floor of Courtyard No. 2 the third floor Let's look at this place in front of us again There's also a tattered wardrobe a broken cupboard and a few broken baskets This should be left over from the original furniture like this It should be at least a few hundred years old Let's look at the thick walls of the house again You can see that its thickness is 2.5 meters

So we can see this window right in front of us It can be used as a kang to sleep This is the real big bay window such thick walls Have you ever seen it? The wall is really too thick The outermost cave dwelling on the first floor of the entire No. 2 courtyard we're done Now let's enter through this small door next to it Take a look at the cave dwellings on the first floor and the second and third layers what does it look like enter through this small door We came to the middle of the cave You see, this cave is also very big. Now here is a lot of sundries take a closer look This should be some of the original farm tools used take a look Have you ever seen a farm tool like this? Do you know how they are used? But it's very dark in here It can be said that you can't see your fingers let's move on Everyone, there is a small door here After entering through this door We have come to the innermost part of the first floor the innermost space it is also a dark passage it is very low and very narrow we go forward Everyone look at this place in front Here is a wooden staircase There is also a stone step above the wooden staircase This is the only place that leads to the second and third floors Take a look, it's really too dark here Listen to the local old people say It's in the dark passage we just walked through It used to be full of various institutions A certain stone under our feet It may be the trigger point of the organ step on it We risk falling into the mountain of knives below step on it again The arrow next to it may fly out It's really very dangerous here dark and narrow and dangerous walk here I really feel my legs are weak and I feel scared Now let's go down this wooden staircase climb up slowly But this wooden staircase I feel like it's been a long time It is very soft to walk on special imaginary I'm afraid I'll fall from this place may be trampled really feel scared Go up this wooden staircase In front of us there is another section of stone steps Let's go up the stone steps slowly. go up the steps Look, there's also a plank here It is also used to close the underground passage below put down the board Just enough to block this staircase This will prevent the enemy from coming up Now we're on the second floor The entire second layer is interconnected But it's empty nothing now let's move on everybody knows Cave dwellings have a great feature That is warm in winter and cool in summer But walking here, I really don't feel cold but feel cold It's really cold here Let's take a look at the outermost cave This cave is very mysterious Everyone look on the right side of the cave Here is a stone kang And on the left side of the cave That is, the back wall of this cave dwelling There's even a door here Do you know where this door leads to? Behind this door is actually a nunnery.

I really don't know what to say This place is really connected by dark passages. really don't know where do we go next let's move on Everyone look up here Suddenly, two forks appeared Go up the stairs on the left We can reach the third floor of No. 2 Courtyard of Quedi Building Let's stand here and look up everyone see from this place You can go up to the third floor of the enemy building But it's very dark inside we won't go up Let's look at the right here again go out from here on the right We can reach the balcony on the second floor The inside of the cave is very cold, very depressing, and very black And I also feel very scared Afraid of triggering those organs Immediately after coming out, I feel much more relaxed. You can see that the balcony on the second floor is very large In fact, this is also a lookout tower. Standing here on a high ground with a wide view We can see all the movements around us What do you think of this place? Through this journey of exploration I really understand a word What does it mean not to know the true face of Lushan Mountain just because it is in this mountain A cave like this, an institution like this secret passage like this It can be said that it abounds here it's too much Walking in the old castle It's really like being in a long time tunnel non-stop shuttle caressing the blue wall Walking on the blue stone road be in it There are bursts of sighs and emotions from the ancient times At this moment my tired and troubled mind Finally got a moment of peace and comfort It's so strange here here is so familiar again Today's video we see here This is the ancient and beautiful Shanxi I'm Fanfan, I'm waiting for you in Shanxi Friends who like Fanfan video pay attention to comments, thank you

2023-06-12 23:36

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