$200 Glamping In Guatape Colombia

$200 Glamping In Guatape Colombia

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what's going on guys it's your boy Ace live  i'm back in Gautape as you can see the huge   rock famous Gautape rock i did a documentary about  check it out it's really dope but i'm here for   another reason i'm here for dumas glamping so i've  heard about glamping i've seen it on television on   youtube and i thought i do it myself all right are  you my host yes okay cool you speak english too   yeah all right show me around you she's gonna  show me around all right cool this is for you   this is uh it's like a security is for  health okay this is the hotel secure okay uh   in the taxes included the breakfast and the taxes  included the breakfast and at night 8 30 at night   we start the fire okay start fire yes and give  you some marshmallows oh marshmallow nine o'clock   8 30 8 30. yes okay party time okay something  like this okay and the taxes included two   aquatic uh things like a paddle  board or kayak uh you can do   all that activity is free kayaking in  um okay uh the restaurant service is uh   8 30 at morning to 8 00 at night okay this is the  last order that we that we take okay okay in your   room you have a menu and um a phone that you can  call oh nice um to the reception and you have to   a mini bar with all these products okay okay three  bottles of wine yeah one my bag uh lambrusco and   one of uh these are all these are all included or  no you have to okay just okay i'm just making sure   those are those all what you offer here  as far as wine is concerned okay cool   uh the breakfast is um a la carte okay  okay so you have three options to breakfast   yeah and it's room service oh how nice okay  yes in your room you have a jacuzzi and you   have a major catamaran oh i got a jacuzzi  yes okay nice jacuzzi if you need some uh   bubbles for the jacuzzi oh bubbles yes wow nice  one 101 okay one zero one okay perfect i'm gonna   get some bubbles guys then all right uh first guys  check out this beautiful views this is the place   it's nothing short but amazing very peaceful i  can't hear nothing i know i'm gonna be the one   to make all the noise here huh you got me the best  room right yeah the best room here yes okay that's   what i'm talking about let's do it there's a lot  of staff members here what's going on all that   stuff what's your name again my name is maria  camila maria sergio yeah christina maria marias Camila okay well okay let's uh make some  moves I got my maria number one and Sergio   showed me around town so uh so far I've been  loving the scenery of this place hit that   like button this is awesome, uh you know ever  since I found that they had glamping here   I was like no I got to come back I've been to  um lots of play plenty of times but I've never   experienced this and I've seen pictures  of the place and I was like you know what   let me come here and see exactly what  you guys have and so far I'm loving it hi this is uh I like rooms we have six uh doubles six  domes yes okay three are sweet oh we have a one oh   so what is this light rooms it's a regular room  yeah room all right the difference is uh the   landscape, oh the view in the two suites at the  in front is amazing okay cool because it's in   front of the lake nice and we have other suites  uh have wood and lake as it's this one okay okay   but that's oh that's another suite yes this  is another fish that is a wood lake all right nice this guy he's strong man song this  guy right here is a strong guy right here all right okay so they have names on the  rooms yes these are just the social area   social okay social area right here  at 8 30 at night we start the fire,   ah oh look you have a little area  right here okay cool nice this is uh nice this is good, yes and I came on the wrong  right day too very sunny day today I like how   everything is all manicured as far as the grass  is concerned um the path I thought it was going   to be difficult to even walk here everything  seems perfect all right so this is it all   right guys let's go wow check it out not bad  oh I see the jacuzzi right there wait a minute ah downstairs we're going in shortly hold on guys nice it's already worth it yes this place was  already worth it floating dock or we can go that   way yes you can go whatever you wanted and this is  uh the Mirador del Lago this is the name of this   so it like a viewing point for to look at  the lagoon uh-huh okay and you can go to   take some to paddle more or kayaking yeah this is  nice guys and then what's that I fall on the floor and she told me this place was  actually um started opening   um a couple months ago right last year  august 1st and wow look at this all right   um and this is your room I hear noises coming  from here what's going on here it's a kind of ventilator oh it's aventador yes but it's  because i mean it's because um this time is uh   the top of the um the weather inside is  let's go in here come on show me oh wow   it's kind of it's kind of toasty in right now i  guess when the sun comes down it'll be a little   bit cooler here all right i'll turn this to turn  okay to turn the ventilation so maybe a four or   five uh o'clock you can turn off and the water  here in is uh okay cool and guys so check out the   the way everything's built these are built with  main wood rods instead of all the way metal which   is i guess more eco-friendly and does the metal  won't get hot as much as an all-framed metal uh um   structure nice okay all right thank you now you're  welcome here you can find your next prize machine   okay so this is where i'll find my espresso  yes and this is the products of the manure   okay okay nice okay you have some dominoes  and cards to play uno and jenga okay cool   okay appreciate it and i love the whole landscape  here and i can look at the sky and that is amazing   you can see that the stars and your bed now  this place i said something about wifi wifi   yes it's not a big deal but you can use the the  the network is glampers glampers okay okay and   then you can call me and i give you the password  okay no problem okay when you finish to dinner   or breakfast it's necessary that you put the  dishes here okay nice it's because the personal   we don't need to walk inside yes exactly and  see me but naked yeah okay i can be i can be   naked here yes i can no problem not at all okay  oh okay okay well what about there can walk up all right okay thank you I'm gonna go back  up to go get the um to go get the box but   maybe when I go up you can show me one more um  one more building or you don't have to be you   okay okay all right let me just put some stuff  up I'll be right back all right guys so she's   gonna show us another view this is a suite but  you saw ours it was a lot more dynamic but this   is in the woods it's more private yeah it's  the same structure and inside is all the same nice I think this one if you don't  want no too much sun in your life this is perfect but it's not  gonna take away when that one   turns to night or in the morning  that's gonna be really good see and it's the same thing inside   and I won't that throw all right nice and so a  regular room has this normal sing it sings jacuzzi every room have a jacuzzi um I could have gone cheap cheapo  ain't got a regular room hold on see yeah this is what was talking about earlier  guys this is the metal frame so it's a little bit   different from you but you still have your jacuzzi  you still have your views your privacy, uh we're   actually at the tip end but you still have your  privacy here you go regardless of if you can't get   the major suite maybe you can go for this one not  bad what's this name what's the name of this one   lake room and every bathroom is downstairs  yes let's look at let me see the bathroom   here all right let me go is there any rules  to the bathroom hola somebody was using it   because they have um fixing  it okay maintenance okay   okay come on stuff all right so this is how the  bathroom looks an all right nice lot of room   yeah nice and cold might it's a good  temperature here and you shower outside not bad okay when is the best time to come  here so far I know it hasn't been a year   but when is the best time you think I don't know the best time to come depends one thing for sure guys make sure you  wear some nice uh walking shoes you know what   I mean because they are a couple hills it's  not that bad but you know you might want to bring some walking shoes all right guys so  the closer you get to the main building you're   gonna see there's gonna be one right here  and this one also has a very dynamic view   as you can see with the jacuzzi of course  with the jacuzzi and it's amazing this one   right here where it's really private but it's  closer to the building that might be it for me   I might want that one let me just be  close to the building what happened   no I want to be as close to that water as possible  I think that's dope so guys I brought some party   favorites cause I'm staying here for one  day but you see I got a little you know   little party favors and pretty much I'm going  to binky's house tomorrow so I brought this for   him you know the ladies are like oh my god you  want it it's too much for you you want to share   I can share with you no this west express I love  you what I want to say I go tv girl get together oh okay girl glad okay all right okay so i'm back  at my spot so i just want to check   out how my bathroom looks actually  so the sun is going down thank god   but that's something to think about if you  are coming here or going into glamping anyways   just to see whether or not they have like a decent  enough cover for you but if you're doing this   it is to be expected there's going to be some  heat and everything so basically what glamping   from my understanding is is camping  but putting some glam in the camping   so i mean for me the the explanation is not as  hot but i like the way everything is set up this   is like really cool type of way of camping so it's  really dope as you can see these guys are keeping   up today's the time this is the date so they're  actually checking up everything very professional   love it love this sink right here too nice  i feel like i need to take a shower though   and then i'm already got the jacuzzi running i'm  gonna show you a bit of the area right here so you   can get a understanding how this place looks but  it's amazing all right guys it's been like maybe   an hour later and what an hour makes the sun is  gone as you can see the clouds are over there   and i went in here and it's so so it's so perfect  now it doesn't is there's no heating in there or   nothing and i got the jacuzzi rolling i'm asking  my friend to hold this for me real quick come on this is awesome man and I got all these  bubbles here and I'm drinking on some um   some party favors right here guys  besides that noise it's perfect all right, bro, I'm having a good  time here it is worth coming to   make sure you come out here and I can't I still  can't show you what I'm wearing guys it's night   time right now and we have got our food check out  our food right here matter of fact let me see if   I can see it bring this to some light right quick  it's kind of dark and I know how the gopro works   so these are cheese sticks right here and they  are lovely it's supposed to be appetizers and   so what I did was I ordered some cheese sticks and  I ordered some pizza check out the piece it looks   delicious this should be enough for the two of  us however we ordered some other food so you get   to see a variety of different food all right and  I'm gonna show you the menu if I have not shown   you the menu I'll show you to you tomorrow the  cheese sticks are off the chain it's very soft   everything it feels like it's homemade you  can tell right here but um this is really soft I know it's kind of dark guys just  work with me and the cheese is melting pizza is so good right now  but this is an appetizer   but it's so good right now so worth it oh my gosh sorry if it's too bright this is salmon with  some pasta it looks amazing it smells amazing   and you know me I keep it on and  I'm eating some burgers right now   yo what's up guys if you're wondering how it  looks outside to check this out isn't this awesome   and right now they actually um they have their  bonfire on so I'm gonna try to show you that   right now but this is awesome I know you can't see  pretty much a lot but I know you get it but this   is awesome right here and let me see if you can  see the bonfire I know it's real dark right now   give me a second I'm moving on you see this right  here this is where I'm at actually it looks though   right and so we just zip it up because we want  no flies to come in there attracted to the light and there we go awesome coming here was amazing i  don't even know if you can see me but i can feel   this like heat on my body and that's awesome then  they're gonna bring some s'mores we'll eat some   s'mores and holiday weekend is gonna always be the  best time granted when you come out here depending   on who's here people might be anti-social they're  saying it is what it is i looked on this um   pla i looked on this place's website and i noticed  that they had um you know videos on youtube so   i want to go look at them and some of them was  about people proposing here so i could see like   a lot of couples coming here i i can see people  coming here by themselves it's not that serious   you know i mean you can come here and really enjoy  yourself peace calm literally i wanted to get some   work done as far as editing i haven't been really  editing a lot but if i wasn't with here with a   guest i would have probably got some work in this  is not the only place that does glamping right   but this is probably one of the newest places and  the service here has been phenomenal i looked at   other glamping areas and all of them are fixed  a different way but i pretty much love the way   they have everything set up here especially if  you're interested in having one with a jacuzzi   power in the room some wi-fi  yeah you want that all right come on all right oh it's melted and then put it  right there like a flip-flop   movie, yeah that's how you do it man hold it down that is so soft all right guys so this is  how the place looks in the morning baby baby it is awesome it's like you're waking out of a  scene from heaven really because of the curtains   I had pulled back at night at a certain time  but dang man it was just nothing but white linen   white everywhere it's good and you know I just  love the fact the wooden part about the dome   goes with the bed and everything so yeah ah feels  good guys and then I got a coffee machine there I   don't know if that's free I don't know I've been  like really careful not to touch anything here   um but I did promise I would show you the  pricing so we did order some breakfast   let me show you the pricing on everything here,  okay it can get up there but hey you know you   came here to have a good time enjoy the food  was good for sure so we had got the pizza and   the pizza was for 38 000 pesos and then we had  got some cheese sticks here and that was 15 000   pesos you can see the the the translations on the  bottom all right if you're wondering what it is   we also got the salmon right here that was 30.  that's a fair deal to be honest with you simon   always is a little bit more expensive and i had  got the burger and the burger was 22 000 pesos   this is all in pesos and um yeah it was a good  deal to be honest with you now we just got some   breakfast and i added some extra stuff on top  of it the breakfast here is from 22 000 peso to   18 000 pesos all right here you go all right and  what's it what's all this i guess okay these are   your additionals oh they have additionals for  cocktails here soft drinks here coronas here   uh other party favors here um yeah they have  a whole bunch of different stuff if you need   it all right guys so if you don't if you're  not like me or you stocked up on something to   if you're not so if you're not like me and if you  haven't stocked up on some favors here you go this   is good and then here's the information on the  place if you're wondering because i know you're   gonna ask a thousand times even though i put the  name on the place where is the place here it is   this is for those who pay attention all right  guys so this is what we just ordered it was the   first option for breakfast so you got some grilled  cheese some eggs some sausage some fruit orange   juice i'm not too sure what that is but it's  probably good and there you go guys not bad at   all after the amazing breakfast me and my friend  decided to go kayaking it was a great experience   just canoeing through the nature and water and  visiting people's homes i was literally talking   to other neighbors but it was short-lived because  we had to check out plus my friend had to get back   home and as for me i wanted to go visit my old  friend binky who is running a bed and breakfast   in guatepe now i don't wrapped up but i'm in a  tuck tuck here as you can see how the thing looks all right and um I'm heading to my boy's crib huh  so anyway enjoy the ride one of the things I love   about coming to Gautape is getting on these things  right here there's so much fun to get around town the challenges of going up a hill where you  got a lot of weight and I am very heavy as well   it puts a lot of strain on the motor hold  up we probably get it up to here finally   this is hilarious there he is all right man we are here wow  look at this guy's view nice nice that's what's up it's been so it's  been like over two years right   almost two years so yeah less than two  years almost two years glad family's at home needless to say, I was having such a great  time at my boy's bed and breakfast that I   decided to spend a couple of days there it was  perfect for me because I was able to catch up   on my editing also we went fishing just  enjoying the nature the environment it   was very perfect for me if you are planning to  take a trip to Gautape Colombia why don't you   stop by my boy's bed and breakfast and get some  lunch or dinner what I'll do is I'm gonna leave   all that information in the description  and as for me I see you guys in the next video

2021-03-22 21:47

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