山西悬崖上1700年道观,竟然夹在石头缝里千年不倒,上去后吓得我腿都软了!|Supports English subtitles and more languages

山西悬崖上1700年道观,竟然夹在石头缝里千年不倒,上去后吓得我腿都软了!|Supports English subtitles and more languages

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Slow down Slower slower slower Travel around the land of Sanjin to appreciate the local customs Everyone is polite, I am Fanfan Today i'm in shanxi Discover a Taoist temple that is more than 1700 years old He has seven floors up and down It was built completely inside the cliff At the highest point of the seventh floor There is a mysterious eternal wonder hidden deep Many of us don’t have the eyes to see him Why is this Because there are no steps to the highest point No stairs There is no way at all How can I go up? On the cliff Hang down a 20-meter long Such a thick chain You only have to hold this iron chain To climb up step by step But because of the special straightness Particularly rough If the arm doesn’t have strength Just can't go up Special danger So throughout the ages Few people can reach the highest point What does this Taoist temple look like in the end How dangerous this place is The spectacle above How amazing he is Since Fanfan has come to this place today I will definitely take everyone up to have a look What is he like Only when I came here did I really understand What is a dangerous building a hundred feet high and you can pick the stars Taoist temple in front of you The locals are called Zhao Gaoguan He is located in Tiantai Mountain, Dai County, Shanxi Province Founded in the Northern Wei Dynasty It has a history of more than 1700 years His most peculiar place Is the seven-story building They were all built on smooth cliffs Wanna go up wanna go in You have to climb A large iron chain over 20 meters long Very dangerous So few people have been able to enter the interior throughout the ages Zhao Gaoguan Judging from the name, this is a Taoist temple Then why is he called Zhao Gaoguan? What does Zhao Gao mean? Take a look at how big this snow is In the Spring and Autumn Period There is a small country in northern Shanxi called Daiguo Zhao Gao is the prime minister of the country After the Jin Dynasty destroyed Daiguo, Zhao Gao took several wives who acted as the monarch Just ran here to live in seclusion The locals remember him Call this place Zhao Gaoguan Zhao Gao in History Is not a famous person This is not only a Taoist temple Is also an ancient temple People in the Northern Wei Dynasty were on the basis of Zhao Gaoguan Built another Tiantai Temple So here is a fusion of Taoism and Buddhism I want to go to Zhao Gaoguan You have to climb these hundreds of steps first The steps are covered with snow all the year round But these steps are not particularly steep We can take a walk and have a rest Halfway Everyone look behind me There are a lot of branches inserted in the cracks of the stone In many famous mountains and ancient temples We can all see this situation Why does he put the branches in the crevices of the rocks? What's going on About this landscape I have heard many sayings Some people say this is called a mountainside If it's back pain Just insert a branch here Then the waist doesn't hurt anymore Some people say this is called the top of the waist What does it mean In other words, if your husband is special, I'm afraid that my wife will stick a branch here Then the waist is hard These statements all sound like they are justified But it doesn't seem to make sense Now let's find a branch to plug in No wife and no wife What am i doing Actually insert branches in the crevices of the stones This kind of custom didn't exist in ancient times It's only in the past few years that it has become popular After all I think the real reason for him should be three words Finding a backer is our kind of culture Isn't she looking for a backer to hug her thigh? Every time we walk a mountain, we put a branch in it In this case, our backing will get bigger and harder That should be the case, right? No wife no wife Where does the winter breeze rise in front of the Baixue Temple? Let's walk in from the other side of the mountain all the way Cold and tired Now we are here at Zhao Gaoguan The gate of Zhao Gaoguan is right in front of you A stone plaque is inlaid in the center of the gate Three big characters on the book "Halloween" This is a plaque from the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty There is also a couplet on both sides of the mountain gate Morning bells and evening drums awaken the famous and wealthy people in the world The Scripture of the Buddha Calls Back the Lost People in the Sea of ​​Suffering Morning bell and evening drum Watching for those who are greedy for fame and fortune The Buddhist scriptures are calling for those who have lost themselves Life haste for decades Passed in a blink of an eye What fame and fortune It's just a passing moment You can't take everything away, only karma follows the shape Cross the mountain gate There is a long bluestone road in front of me On the right hand, there are more than a dozen stone steles These steles are all rebuilt steles from the Ming and Qing dynasties This shows that Zhao Gaoguan was very lively at the time This side is where the masters live The entire Zhao Gaoguan now has two masters here They have a lot of kittens There is a dog Look at the cats on the wall Let's keep going So I came to the inner courtyard of Zhao Gaoguan Zhao Gaoguan’s inner courtyard is divided into upper and lower parts Above the cliff is the seven-story hanging Taoist temple Under the cliff There are still several temples here Let's take a look at it as a whole The Sanjian Main Hall was originally dedicated to Sanqing It's Daxiong Hall To the west is the Jizo Hall To the east is Garanjeon Garan Hall enshrines Garan Bodhisattva Garan Bodhisattva is the Great Emperor Guan Er Ye Guan Sheng There are two hundred-year-old trees in the yard This is an apricot tree that is more than 300 years old On this side There is also an ancient pine tree that is more than 1300 years old It grows luxuriantly and is estimated to be more than ten meters high Oops take a look Under the trunk With a lot of red straps On each strap It's all one's hope This old pine tree Not only witnessed Zhao Gaoguan’s ups and downs It also records everyone’s troubles and happiness The most amazing place in Zhao Gaoguan is called Chaoyuandong Is the suspended building in front of me There are five floors above and below him At a glance A kind of thunderous aura came instantly Below is a red wall ten meters high The more you look up, only the small eaves are left See how tall he is Look at the cliffs around Like being cut by a knife It's bare and can't even see a blade of grass How can I go up? He has no steps Let alone there is a way From this place below Is hanging down a very long chain Almost vertical I have to crawl to this place first with the big iron chain After getting here There will be steps further up Then there are stairs to climb to the top This Chaoyuandong is not easy for him There are many mysterious places above him But after many people came here Can only stand below Looking up is to take a look Because the big chain is really hard to climb up Special danger But since Fanfan has come to this place today I have to take everyone up to have a look Master has prepared a pair of gloves for us Let's go in now Chaoyuandong There is a circular voucher gate under the plaque Let's enter from here This hole is very narrow Turn left when you come in Turn right again Oh so narrow You can see Everyone sees here there is a big iron chain Everyone look up It's almost vertical here Looks like a patio I can't even see Where is the upper hole It seems that I can only climb up with this big iron chain Don't talk about it I feel my legs are soft when I stand under my head Oh no wonder people say Most people can't get up to this place This place is really terrible This place is really very, very dangerous You only need to pick it up with two hands Let's ask Xiao Yuan to take a picture Now let's get on my soft legs You slow down Everyone, take a look at how deep below me No steps can only hold this big chain It's more than ten meters high all the way Never come again Really came up at the risk of my life My legs are soft now All the clothes on the body are worn out It’s really not easy to take everyone up to see this place Everyone must pay more attention Repost more comments Oh everyone take a look We just climbed up from the bottom Scared the baby scared the baby But as the saying goes Infinite scenery in the dangerous peak Want to appreciate the most dangerous and complete scenery in the world You have to use your feet to explore Holding on to the big iron chain Now let's climb up Came to the third floor stand right here Let's take a look at the surrounding mountains first Look at the mountains overlooking the surroundings I saw that the mountains were red all over the forest A good view of the winter scenery of Northland It's so beautiful The third floor here is a cave It is enshrined in it is eighteen arhats Let's take a look The expressions of these arhats All beaming They seem to be laughing Fanfan was so embarrassed when he climbed the iron just now It seems to be Smile and encourage me to climb this hard way This is the third layer I want to go up again, everyone, there is a ladder here The ladder we are climbing continues up Now we are on the fourth floor The one enshrined here is Amitabha He is standing on a lotus base Wearing a yellow cloak Everyone sees that the top of his head is blue This is called a bun Let's go up to the fifth floor The two floors below are statues of Buddha Come to the fifth floor Back to the statue of Taoism Everyone look here Enshrines Emperor Zhenwu It can be seen from here Zhao Gaoguan is a place where Buddhism and Taoism coexist Emperor Zhenwu is in charge of the northern Xuanwu seven places in the sky He is a very high saint in Taoism Now let's climb this staircase and continue upward Now we are on the sixth floor The Jade Emperor is enshrined here He sits in the middle and there are a few assistants around People often say that they dare not speak loudly to scare the heavenly people But now I seem to have come to heaven Sitting on an equal footing with the Jade Emperor and drinking Qiongye Yuye Now we are at the highest point of Zhao Gaoguan Here is the seventh floor Suddenly a big fat man with a smile appeared in front of him Big belly can tolerate things that the world cannot tolerate Laugh at the ridiculous people in the world Maitreya Buddha is enshrined here After a difficult climb Finally greeted with a comfortable smile It seems that I have only experienced wind and rain To see the most beautiful rainbow Zhao Gaoguan has a very magical place Not come to this top level Is invisible Everyone will keep your eyes open next Let's go and see how amazing he is We look out from the top Oops it's too high here Fanfan’s legs are weak Everyone pay attention to the cliff on our left hand Did you see it? It turned out to be a Buddha face here He lowered his head slightly This black hole is the eye This is the nose, this is the mouth and chin He was formed naturally Everyone says magic is not magic If we already thought it was amazing Then we were so wrong Now let's move a little to the right Just one step away Will change into a different look Let’s look at it from this perspective He turned out to be another face monster Look, this is the eye, this is the nose This is the mouth and chin It's really a Buddha on one side and a Demon on the other side The most important thing is that he was formed naturally Only one step away Changed into a different look Really confirmed that sentence One thought becomes a Buddha and one thought becomes a devil Watching everything in front of me I really feel that people are not like this When we stare into the abyss The abyss is staring at us What kind of mentality do we use to treat everything What kind of mentality will everything treat us This is what the old saying goes Misfortune lies in blessings and misfortune lies in He is connected to the blessings and misfortunes We only have to choose to do more good deeds So that we can stay away from the disaster So just one step away We can see that one side is a Buddha and the other side is a demon With kindness in mind and doing good deeds is the Buddha Harm others to harm yourself and do not do good deeds When we look back at this hanging Taoist temple Although so difficult Even so dangerous But a kind of hard trek The pride that finally arrived at the destination spontaneously Also makes me feel The breadth and breadth of heaven, earth and people Endless This is simply The wisdom of mankind and the extraordinary craftsmanship of nature The crystallization of mutual perfection No matter how hard the stone is It's not hard to imagine and determination in this world No one can succeed casually Our long life It may be crowded at the time of departure But not everyone Can reach the top of the mountain as expected Only firm will To overcome all the difficulties and obstacles Hold on till the last moment But the most beautiful scenery is actually not at the highest point It’s the road we’ve taken this time under our feet We can see it in today's video This is ancient and beautiful Shanxi I am Fanfan I am waiting for you in Shanxi Please remember to subscribe and comment if you like my video. Thank you

2021-12-04 23:59

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