$10 Market hunt in Saida Lebanon

$10 Market hunt in Saida Lebanon

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Hello, hello my friends and good afternoon from  another video here in Lebanon the series continues   and I'm very excited because we're going to a  place that I've never been to actually most of   the places probably 50% of the places I've shown  you in this series so far I have not been to but   more videos coming up soon guys are also places  I haven't been so let me just tell you the place   we're going to today is in southern Lebanon  a lot of you guys have asked why have I not   explored that much of Southern Lebanon well I've  been to sewer now I've been to Jezzine and today   we are going to Cedar with the boys we've got Fouad  hey good morning and we've got Yad running guys and we are just arriving actually we took about  uh two hour no probably an hour 15 minutes from uh   Batroun got ourselves a nice cup of joe a  cup of coffee on the way and uh now we're   gonna be doing some afternoon exploring all  around this beautiful beach town and so uh   Fouad bro when was the last time you were  down here uh less than a year less than a   year okay I passed through Cedar though no no  but when was the last time you explored side   okay oh it's been a long time it's been a long  time but one thing for sure Cedar is a special   place in Lebanon history food sweets coffee oof  and like look how beautiful it is and look at   that Island over there also oh yeah we're  gonna have to fly the drone over there guys   so yeah you heard it from Fouad there's a lot  to explore we're going to be showing you as much   as we can of that and one thing I'll tell you  whether it's sewer up here in Cedar you really   get that amazing part where they know they have  some of the best views in Lebanon so you have   seating places to eat places to rip a shisha  right there speaking of we've got them right   there right along the water so we're going to  be seeing what we get ourselves into but I can   tell you it is going to be a fun afternoon here  Cedar [__]. Found ourselves some parking here we have arrived hello hello  Cedar it's been a while   [__] let me tell you this guys we are taking  a dive right into history when we got out    6,000 Years of Living Heritage Insider and  if you guys don't believe me I believe   what we're looking at will make you believe me  all right we're starting out here [__] Grace four thousand uh who's got uh smaller  bills you can do 100 all right I see   no it's okay bro it's good yeah 15-20 . yeah take it off let's see   all right we are entering wow all right all  right why did we come here sooner bro no I'm just   kidding the schedule's been busy guys but finally  we made it and that's right yeah we got the   Cannons here Fouad don't be sure fortified the castle  yet we need some security here in the entrance all   right so guys I'm gonna close the gate we're  gonna have a good fortification let's go to   defense forward March I'm gonna take that horse to  the Old Town Road and I'm gonna ride to look at no   more this Channel's turned into a karaoke Channel  guys if you've been following along oh we should   be scared you know why because everybody wants  kung Fu fighting so guys to put in perspective   4,000 per person to enter that is I want to say  like five cents maybe maybe 10 cents the current   conversion rate on the uh the non-government  rate so the black market rate is what it's   called it's about 30,000 Lebanese Lira to one  US dollar so four thousand is what the entrance   is you do the math there I might be off by a  few cents but as you can tell it's shocking   how it's so inexpensive but here it is guys  we are going to be entering in the sea castle   we have entered the sea castle guys wow we've done  a lot of ruins lately in some of these uh Lebanon   uh videos here guys because there are so many  and they're all so unique you can tell this one's   probably uh taking such a hit when it comes to  weathering because of all the salt water obviously   it has a much stronger uh hit on the structures  in terms of all of the erosion that uh that salt   water can do to these types of structures but  it looks like oh looks like we can actually   take the stairs all the way up here I'm not sure  if that's a renovation going on up there or what   but I'm sure it takes quite a bit of uh effort  to keep this place in such a beautiful condition   all right guys we're gonna see where these  uh stairs take us I think these were a new   renovation based on the stone to the  wood and yeah it looks like we've got   the fishermen over there getting some  food for the local restaurants and the   dinner table and then in here what do we got  going on oh all right this brings us inside   what a beautiful place oh it looks like we even  have some wooden catapults hello very beautiful   leading up to wow look at this place bars on  the Windows views of oh we had a bird fly out   side on right there so far do you know why in some  cases it's called Cedar versus Sidon is that two   different names because this is like the Cedar  beach Castle oh sorry Cedar uh castle Yeah the city   is called sidon right yeah I think historically  speaking it's called sidon at first oh okay and   then now it's Cedar in some cases maybe if he's  translated to Arabic like Spin and biblus you know   okay multiple names then yeah that makes a lot of  sense this Castle here has an interesting history   what's the history behind it so the Crusaders  built this Castle on top of a Phoenician temple   on top of one yeah it was like such an important  point for the Crusaders because it's one of the   close cities to Jerusalem for them the Holy Land  back in the early days like the medieval yeah   yeah it is such an interesting place yeah because  we're not so we're not too far from there how many   kilometers would you say probably a couple hundred  kilometers yeah something yeah yeah because this   is Southern Lebanon. We're gonna check what this  staircase leads us up to so we went to the first   place which almost uh with those bars on the  wind has almost kind of gave you this like Castle   slash gel type of feel and then up here I think it  brings us up to maybe some sort of like Terrace we   shall see oh it's fascinating oh there's multiple  places let's try going up this staircase first   oh we're on top of the world here wow over there  guys you can actually see the port a lot of uh   these might be tourist boats but there's a lot  of fishing boats that come in and out of here   you even have a smaller yacht over there in some  speed boats so a place where the city lives both   on land and on the water gives it that Vibe but  like a lot of the uh Lebanese cities you've seen   but this one's got its own special unique vibe  to it then leading over to this side here guys   now you can see the coastline this will give you a  good idea of how this city is laid out so all the   way way back there there's a checkpoint to enter  the city then you actually have I believe it's a   soccer football stadium at the beginning you have  a mosque there you have a lot of apartments and   businesses lined along the road and then of course  a massive massive pedestrian walkway right along   the road that we were showing you at the beginning  of the video and I can imagine that we'll find a   lot of cool vibey restaurants like this one and  I'm already liking it you can see a lot of solar   panels on the top right there so they've got some  sustainable energy coming in and it's uh really a   beautiful spot that restaurant's calling calling  my name I'm kind of hungry guys haven't really   eaten too much uh yet today so yeah this kind  of gives you a nice perspective of sidon and I   believe after we show you guys a little bit more  of the ruins here walk around in a couple minutes   we'll actually be heading down into I want to say  right there is where the souks are we'll show you   some interesting stuff going on over there and uh  that'll be our welcoming for you guys too Cedar. All right guys that was the castle for you now  we're actually going to be going just a couple   minutes away Walk This Way and then cross and  we'll be right over there in the souks all right   we got to do the crosswalk here gotta see how  we can get across looks like we're gonna go for   it in three two one boom We Made It we got the  next Bill thank you thank you all right guys   we have made it over to the souks here we go  guys we're entering into the markets and uh oh   we've got hats over here markets let's see what we  got oh a candy shop might have to buy some right   over here uh-huh they say guys you should never  go shopping when you're hungry for candy but oh   you know what this is chips where you oh no that's  noodles bro that's noodles chips no I guarantee I   bet you five bucks that's noodles we buy them we  fry them then they turn out to be chips no that's   noodles bro that's chips wow is it really guys  comment below if you agree those look like noodles look at this guys these are this is my favorite  type of candy people always ask what's your   favorite type and I love the gummies I  love the sours all of it all of it guys uh I want let's see here we want to go  with this gummy this gummy this one uh   oh yeah yeah a computer bag oh you speak  English speak English perfect my friend   I'd like to get a one big bag uh half  kilo yes uh a mix uh some of the hearts   oh yeah oh yeah uh-huh oh yeah  we'll try one of these out thank you shut off now all right let's try  them out bro hard oh they're good oh that is nice my friend very nice wow very flavorful yeah we'll need some of those  oh yeah yep bro this is my guilty pleasure I live   for these yeah how did you stay so skinny bro  uh from walking around all day every day but   hey this year I'm building a Lebanese belly  uh oh yeah he's really loading us up there now that looks delish that is  the full thing of them guys we've got a nice big bag and add  there 60. no keep the change my friend thank you so much no change no change my  friend thank you so much nice to meet you got ourselves a nice for 60 or more maybe 15 or 20 at the airport but we got  this big bag for 60 000 which comes out to about   two US Dollars we're gonna be chowing down hello  all right guys we are a country boy yeah we are   heading into the old souks here now I'm thinking  it might be time to uh get a new pair I am in the   market for a new pair of black shoes they've  got some pretty nice ones here black on black   oh I like these Nikes uh let's see what do you  think for these bro yeah yeah good quality yeah 150k 150k deal uh do you have   I don't know nine and a half in the U.S  size what's the equivalent all right

actually okay so you guys you got to come down here to  side on if you want to get yourself a nice New   Pair of Shoes I was in the market for a new pair  of black running shoes so we're getting them for   a good price oh yeah we'll try these ones on  then yeah all right let's see should we smoke   Ahmed shut off now all right oh yeah these are  fresh and you see they're gonna make me about   an inch taller so I'm finally gonna be six foot  and five eleven my whole life all right let's   try this out oh I think those are gonna fit  nicely oh yeah we got ourselves a match 150 yes thank you all right guys we are now a proud  new owner of a pair of shoes here and uh 150   is about four us so got a nice price there  oh it looks like yeah it's getting himself   something guys looks like we might have to go  for a Lebanese passport holder right there that   looks kind of nice I might have to get that  one this is the uh the shop you want to go   to if you want to get a bunch of different  items that seemed like oh yeah we've got the   Lebanon Country emblem we've got the Cedars  tree we gotta find the shop owner to see   how much we can get this for guys I'll be an  official uh passport holder for Lebanon here what can you uh maybe translate for me bro  yeah what do you want I gotta figure out how   I buy this all right what are you gonna  ask I'm not sure yeah huh up here yeah uh 35k 35 all right to become a Lebanese  past world you got a deal 35k all right it's fine yep I'm now loving his passport hold on bro  yeah it's a little bit different than yours pleasure yeah now let's do it  let's do it she was Mark George I mean uh shut off now guys goodbye goodbye yeah exactly yeah yeah it's kind of Blown Away  with some of that arabic speaking Yeah yeah   there you go my guys that you are Mr Lebanon you  know bro oh we're doing a little shoe repair here we've got uh yeah   yeah did you see him I'm loving his passport  holding up yeah I got one yeah yeah exactly bro all right let's see what we're gonna be getting  up up here next guys yeah foil's got a good point   these uh these markets are pretty unique  to the side on it's like walking through   history yeah yeah it's super cool the nice  part is here guys like you can find anything   you need here whether it's clothing whether  you know belts we've gotten obviously some   sweets I'm sure there's a part of this area  that's food when we first walked it you can   get vegetables and uh yeah guys just so many  uh so many different things we're gonna keep   exploring through here he's out so we've got  some uh socks right here Lacoste sucks 50 000. are you buying brows man no he's  buying socks probably no pictures foreign guys I'm loving it down here the people are so  welcoming so kind and they love love showing   us the Lebanese Hospitality giving us really  good prizes here walking to the market haven't   even negotiated a single thing here because  they're giving us great and honest prices   which honestly I always appreciate that's why  you probably noticed in some of the cases I've   given a little bit of extra cash because  I like to reward places where you can get   otters good otters like this they produce  their own otters here what's an otter like   like a perfume ah perfume I usually wear cologne  all right but here they produce them if you want   and check out these I'm just giving them a hard  time because then like the US you call like uh   men's perfume cologne and then women's perfume  perfume so here they call everything perfume   so I always like to give them a hard time we're  exchanging a bit I'm becoming American and he's   becoming Lebanese yeah bro exactly guys as you  can see we're spending some serious cash today   but actually at a really good price so we're  not actually spending too much and we're gonna   get a lot for it oh we got the moped coming  through here oh we got the electronics store   all right what about the this one  that looks like it's pretty nice yeah 75 75 oh we got a bargain then very good deal  deal I definitely want one I've been meaning to   get a Lebanese hat no change there Mystique  tier just one please uh which one's better   what do you think flawed I think the  the one he's holding yeah yeah oh officially Lebanese there we go show us your   passport please we've got to  get this uh oh yeah adjusted oh yeah here we go um well that's gonna do the trick  I can already tell oh yeah how's that one bro yeah that looks good  hey welcome to the markets Mr Lebanon Nancy   this one's pretty fresh what do you  think no for me I'm okay uh Mercy   all right I think this will do the job let's see ammo all right guys as you can see New  Lebanon head Little Match well it's a   little a little small for the head but uh hey  just under three bucks good morning everybody   that fits them pretty well guys good morning  everybody right now we're vlogging around   sidon yeah perfect beautiful place with my  friend come on guys and with my friend yeah let's go let's go in this Alleyway  all right guys I gotta tell you this   experience is amazing it sounds good  there bro yeah yeah you're a natural   bro well it looks like the double camera  no no it doesn't look like Mario come on foreign guys we're cruising through here and I love  the design you can see that like these are   the closed markets but even when they're  closed they look really beautiful with these   wooden doors and like the metal padlocks  on them such a picturesque look on them keep going hello hello let's get these trees going keep going keep going yeah the whole Squad got some got some energy and excitement  there in the uh streets here guys intense guys look at this I've never seen anything  like this it's so nice and like comforting   walking through here guys you have like these  wooden doors just like the other area but here   you can feel it a bit closer to you with the the  stone walls and everything love that design we are   going to be walking in to oh it smells so nice  like incense look at this just hidden inside of   here guys insane I think we found a spot to get  a fresh juice yeah maybe this place is beautiful thank you um French yeah hey we're doing  a little mix Lebanese yeah yeah exactly yeah so what was  the history then of this place   enjoy it oh we have to read it yeah also this  is a map for All City oh amazing until you drink   your lemonade yeah you will enjoy oh thank  you for me uh fiasbach my cold or lemonade   and then uh what do you want your lemonade all  right so today lemonades and plate Mai yes all   right you must reaction clearly deal all right  we got it thank you perfect yeah because yeah   it's more closer here oh yeah it is thank you  thank you yeah guys so we're gonna just take a   nice seat get ourselves comfortable and do  a little relaxation perspective that is a   unique lemonade so mostly just translated uh  or she spoke to you in Arabic just give me a   quick brief on what's in this lemonade because  he had made a good point that this lemonade we've had quite a few lemonades so far in  Lebanon they've all been beautiful but this   one specifically you can really taste like  you're eating a lemon you've still got the   20 fill so it's just not very sweet but  amazing yeah yeah not too sour it's got   It's got a nice amount of sweetness  but so the technique that he makes it   so most places like this squeeze the lemonade  to get the juice out and the juice is the juice   here they they Churn it with its layer with  this with the skin of the lemonade so it's   a special technique ah so that's the secret  sauce to it yeah this is our secret all right as a local here who was born and his childhood  is here and it's for around 47 years old he is   still here inside though outside the guy yeah  love that it's an honor to meet you thank you   pleasure to meet you are you are you full  Lebanese like 100 percent yeah original name they make the sounds then get up  they're getting me yeah original he's the original signer local resident so he  lives here and he was born here and his childhood   is here it is amazing yeah no it's great nice  to meet you so it's very random actually we were   walking inside him he didn't expect to come here  yeah you see also this is the small quarter of   the decider this quarter hundred percent ottoman  that explains the design the design is automatic   so sideong we have five gates to the old city  in each cave light they close it and they it   was before at the 16th century 17 like this they  have Gates they close the gates at night then open   it and they to work this is this the Main Street  this is the highway before all this it was trees this street that you see you remember the  other end it was all trees it was all trees silent is well known for its lemons for   the fruits my Patron yes but it  has its own personality lemonade um let me treat me as the 300K again okay can you explain exactly how to  get to your shop in the name of it   Foundation Foundation all  right okay you must follow   the map it was between the castle the sea  castle and the Earth's Castle oh yeah in the   middle right in the middle yeah perfect you  can keep this one for me thank you so much if you need anything Musa Malik Al Saida yeah so guys that was a nice little  stop off I will say when you're inside on the   reality is in the summertime it's gonna be pretty  hot so stopping in for a cold cold lemonade in   that basement over with Musa was a nice experience  got to learn a little bit about the history I   didn't record it all but he was sharing a lot  about just this area and the history it's really   like cool and upbeat place now we've actually  entered into like the newer souks we were in the   older souks before and it's really Lively here in  the afternoon it's probably like 5 p.m and you can   see how much is going on at this time of the day  guys so we're walking out of the souk there's our   buddy actually when we first stopped in shufak  see you my friend and we are back at the FJ for some help from your friends to name the  FJ name the FJ yeah oh yeah drop your comments   below with what you guys recommend we need guys  we need a good name for this FJ oh goodness FJ   is my babe and like the names and in the comments  that you like most and then we will decide on the   top three which one's best yes so yeah guys that  was a short little tour for you we're back in the   car we're actually heading up because we are  we are picking up one of my good buddies who's   gonna be landing here in Lebanon so you'll see  him in some upcoming videos and uh we're gonna   be making lots of content it was a very short  trip to sidon unfortunately we wish we could   have spent a little bit more time but like  this morning we had so much stuff going on   but uh let me just tell you this we're for  sure gonna be coming back because had such   a nice experience checking out the ruins going  through the markets there got some amazing new   items and I had a great time with the boys so  thank you guys so much for watching and see you

2022-09-14 17:40

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