$0.75 Sri Lankan Pepper Lemonade?

$0.75 Sri Lankan Pepper Lemonade?

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Good morning guys, and welcome back to another video here in Sri Lanka specifically down in Weligama. It's gonna be our first day exploring even though I’ve been here already for like four or five days. And in today's video guys, I’m with my buddy Trav. Yo, yo, what's up? And it's about 8:30 a.m. guys we're cruising down the road. We're gonna actually look for a couple different breakfast items probably start out with this smoothie truck that we've walked past like every single day and it's just caught our eye and so we're gonna see what they've got if they're open and after that maybe check out a place for some coffees see what else is available in this area. So it's just a few minutes walk from where we're staying at The

Centhara is down there and we're almost there in just a moment here. It's right along the coast so it's a beautiful walk to get there in the morning. The sun's just shining, it's not too hot yet and there's nobody out here yet you know like you'll see later in some of these videos that there are so many people at some of these beaches during the day. It’s a huge spot for surfing so having the place to ourselves walking down the road is a nice peaceful start to the day.

Good morning, subodesina [Good morning]. Good morning, are you guys available to make a sale now? Oh perfect. What are you guys selling? Lime juice. Oh we got fresh lemon juice, lemon juice. Oh lemon, lemon juice that looks delicious. So how does this work then? They're fresh lemons and how much? Down there somewhere. 100 rupees. Oh that's a great deal. 150 rupees. Alright,

so we gotta clean them first? Oh very nice. So we're getting this whole unit set up. So we basically take that thing and then we crush it down, and that's how it makes the lime juice, also getting that knife clean. Yeah those are lemons or limes? Really interesting these I guess it's organic.

That’s when you know it's the good stuff. Alright, so we're chopping that thing right in half. Oh yeah, that's starting to look more like a lemon. Oh and oh says you gotta pull down. Can I do one? Can I do one?

Yeah. Oh stootee [Thank you] you got filming for something. Alright, guys so I’ve never made a lemonade this fresh before but we're gonna- we're gonna line that thing right there and then we just- Oh this lemon, ah there we go. So we're just gonna use those muscles. Oh fresh lemon juice. Let's go. Geez she's strong. This is not easy bro. Oh my God, got every last drop out of there. Yeah. Oh there we go, guys I will tell you that was a lot more work than I thought

like I mean I work out sometimes but like you gotta really like put your whole body into it, and see like she actually just put it down again on mine and there's a bunch more lemon juice that I missed out on. Wow but let me tell you this, this looks delicious. Are these the same types of lemons? Yeah. Wow so these are just a large one a big one and small one, yeah.

Yeah. Oh these are fresher, yeah. Oh very good yeah, they smell good and it's- it's not a lime though. It's a lemon wow. Wow, I’ve never seen a lemon look like that before. Well, let me tell you that guys, that's a fresh looking juice. How many lemons does it take to go in? This lemon good for rock. Oh it's good for the rock, yeah. How many lemons does it take to fill the cup? One. One lemon? Oh wow, so it's one crushed lemon with

some fresh water in there. That's the key. So we're filling up that water raining the lemonade there. Yeah, this is gonna be good guys starting off the morning with a fresh zing that's gonna be necessary. Yes please a little sugar, a little sugar.

Sugar and pepper and salt? Oh pepper and salt is that the Sri Lankan way? Oh yes please then. Yes, yes. Just as you guys can see, getting nailed by this sign right here. You’re gonna begin one bro? I’m getting one for sure. Perfect, perfect. Alright.

Oh yeah, that's looking real good. That's a full cup right there and oh yeah, just light on the pepper though you know. You’re doing more taste? Yeah, I don't know. Oh yeah, that's gonna get me going right. We’re gonna go light on the pepper there. Oh one nice little, nice little scoop there. Wow. Alright, pepper and a lemonade only in Sri Lanka. We're gonna proper mix in there get all the different flavors going.

Oh yeah, that's looking good. That’s as fresh as it gets. Alright, so that whole batch made two lemonades out of that and thank you so much. Both are for me, that's for me too.

Alright guys, we got the fresh lemonade. It’s about 150 rupees which is 75 cents for freshly made right here on the beach two of them is about a 150 and let's try it. Whoa, we got some sort of concrete block there. So we've got the pepper mix in there. We've got the fresh lime juice lemon juice and it's gonna be delicious. Let's go ahead and test it out. A unique little spice to it, it's already gone. That was quick. Alright, let's- let's go for round two.

You know the first one was just kinda like a pallet cleanser. This next one we’re gonna be able to really taste it now. That’s nice. I will say basically the lemonade does taste more like lime and

the sugar kinda kills the like this extra sourness that you get from traditional lime then you have the pepper in there, that gives it kinda like a almost a spice in your throat, really unique, really refreshing. Let's finish this one out, another lemonade done. Stootee [Thank you], bye-bye. So a little bit of an unexpected stop over there at the lemon juice spot but it was a nice little morning push to get us going. That was about halfway in between from our hotel in the smoothie place. I believe this smoothie place is just maybe another two minute walk up here and hopefully it's open. I guess getting that juice bought us a little bit more time so we're gonna walk over there now and check it out. Guys here's the old smoothie truck right here as you

can see, it's pretty picturesque here. It’s right on the water. We've got the truck here which looks like it's seen better days. I’m sad to say that it's got an open sign on there but when you go around to the front, it's not as open as you might think. The window is closed but look at how inviting this looks. We've got the pallet step boards to walk right up to the window and plants built out of the driver's seat, a cool spot and some delicious looking stuff but looks like we won't be showing you guys today. Hello machan [Bro]. Hey bro, do you know what time this opens? I think 10. 10 yeah, 10 a.m. so we've got- Oh we've got an hour

and eight minutes. We'd have to burn if we wanted to go there. Is there any other smoothie bowls around here that are open? Only here, yeah. Alright, stootee machan [Thank you bro]. So guys we just stopped by the smoothie bowl shop, and we are unable to have one for another hour and ten minutes. So

we're gonna burn some time, find a local coffee shop over here, see if we can get a delicious, delicious one. I saw a bunch right along this road just as I’ve walked by and there's the machans [Bros] over there. One chicken thigh sire. Oh we've got these wild- We get a selfie.

Machan [Bro]. Oh man, whoa I watch every video bro. Oh you're the man bro. I come across some big fans smoothie shops call us we want to get a smoothie.

Yeah, yeah we got screwed. So now we're gonna burn some time. Yeah I was shocked. How are people supposed to get their morning smoothie bowls right now gotta wait till 10 a.m? They're trying to put something big in the biryani belly right there like some sort of burger. What are you sires getting? Hang time. Oh they know how to live yeah very nice. Subodesina [Good morning], good morning. Alright, are you open for coffee? Yes.

Yeah perfect, we can go up. Oh very nice. So guys, we're over here at Breakpoint Pizza actually we've gone here twice for dinner but I’ve shared with you guys a lot of pizza videos in Sri Lanka so far so I was like I probably won't do a pizza video these nights. Delicious food here some of the best pizza we've found down in Weligama. So now we're actually gonna stop here, get some coffee burn

through some time until the smoothie shop opens up. As you can see what we're walking past right here is this is the brick oven that they make the- the pizzas in. So it's huge like I don't know how many pieces you can cook in there but it is massive. It's probably like as long

as like two of me laying down so then we're gonna go right up here guys, it's got an awesome little patio rooftop area. Oh it seems like we're not the only ones here and we've got some views. So I’m thinking we might just have to get right out front. Iced coffee, do you have iced lattes? Yes. Okay can I just have one nice latte please? Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. So guys, this is where we decided to take a

seat here. There's quite a bit of space up top as we're showing you here, and we have a nice view of the ocean right here but the interesting part Trav and I were just kinda watching and I realized like it seems like in the morning that the locals are just starting little fires right there maybe burning the trash or I would assume the leaves because it looks like more of like a white smoke and it smells more like I guess like plants or wood burning but I was like, wow she literally has one, two, three little bonfires going and they kinda just popped up like I never saw her like bend over and start lighting them. No, no I didn't. I was just like whoa three fires now just appeared so a little bit of magic, just kidding. Oh it's a little mystical too. She's actually walking there, broom's dragging behind her right in the smoke.

Thank you so much. Oh yeah. Alright, so here we go guys. There’s the ice latte as you can see, we've got two different layers there. Let’s get a little mixy mix in there. Oh, that was a quick one and that is looking tasty. Just look at these views we've got wow.

My favorite way to drink a coffee here in the ocean in the background hot warm, warm, warm not super hot weather and I like my coffee always ice cold. Yeah, that's nice well-made latte not too sweet, a proper amount of strength to it I would say like this is definitely one you guys won't see me slam otherwise I’ll be like too wired to even think straight but it'll be the right amount of energy to get us going. So probably still have another 40 minutes we've gotta burn to the smoothie shop opens just down the road and the last sip here. Honestly guys, I could almost go for another coffee. I’m thinking the same thing. Yeah it's now Monday here so we kinda took the weekend off a little bit hung low you know we had some of our friends down here some of the guys that just ran up to us a few minutes ago, you probably recognize all them Harry, Luke and Ali and we just kinda had very low weekend so we're still getting back into it guys it's a Monday fun day. So I’m thinking two coffees to

get us going is gonna be the move. You made this basically so people can see the nature yeah? Organic food. Organic food, yeah and a nice view people can see the nature always. Yeah, yeah. They can fix the mind here. Yeah, yeah. They came from all over the country the inside the concrete building. Yeah, yeah so they wanted a nice escape in nature. We were talking about that when we sat down and she's showing us a little bit more here.

Is this like what is this? No, no. Yes, tea this is sepalika. This is the blue one catalonia. Yes, I show you one plant in up this one. Right and this is very healthy, very healthy for the immune system. Oh wow. So the mucus take it out these places. The sinuses. Yes clean, no blocks up.

Yeah, yeah so you've gotta be ready for it. I kinda want to try one to eat. Yeah. I think you're up bro. You're up. I might try one. Can I eat one or it's too spicy? No, no if you can't eat, it's too spicy but you can if you like I can give you for the try this one. I like to try. The tea? Yes. Yeah. Let's try the tea, yeah perfect. Okay.

Perfect. Ratica. Nice to meet you dear, I’m the owner of Breakpoints. Oh perfect. Well, it's very- thank you so much. Yeah give you this one. Yeah perfect. Yeah, we'll- we'll take a seat right over here then. Okay. Thank you. You guys really a lot of interesting stuff we're learning over here and it was very random. We were literally about to head over to the

smoothie bowl place. We ended up talking to Ratica and so it's crazy, she literally has so many different specialties and professional like focuses like she's a teacher, she is a doctor. She runs this restaurant and a whole bunch of other things that you guys heard earlier in the video, so very impressive resume and- and life story that she's got going on. So it's been very interesting. I’m excited to try this tea because I would say my lifestyle as you guys if you follow me, it's not always the healthiest but I’m slowly trying to learn a little bit more about it incorporate sometimes. I probably will never go 100 percent to a fully healthy

lifestyle because I like some chocolate lava cakes. I agree, I agree. I love my dessert. Yeah, yeah exactly but you know like fixing a couple things here and there especially sometimes I got this belly that I’m not always able to hit the gym for. It's- it's good to you know just know some

of the tactics especially through some of the natural medicinal processes so I do use like a fair amount of like normal pharmaceuticals like if I get sick, Advil for headaches things like that but it is very interesting for me to learn like you know what are some of the natural processes, how do those work and I’m definitely open to testing them out. So hope you guys have enjoyed this. We're just gonna try this tea here in just a couple moments and then after and finish off with a smoothie bowl which is I’d say quite healthy, yeah. I think it's healthy. I’m excited for it. I’m craving a smoothie bowl. It's gonna be good bro. It’s gonna be so good. Oh wow. Okay so the tea is just in the water. It's not in a tea bag. It's nothing like that it looks- It's flowers, sepalika flowers and name catalonic flowers. Oh they're different, two

different ways. Wow, this one's yellow. Yeah we got a blue one here. I don't think I’ve ever seen a blue tea and it looks like it's based on these flowers right there. I guess you'd call

them flowers you can see some of the I don't know if you'd call it dye but that's what's changing the color there. That looks quite tasty then over here Trav's got the more of a yellow one and it's- it's quite unique when you take a look at it because the teas not inside the bag. I had that if you guys saw quite a few videos ago when I explored the tea farm. That tea was also not in the tea bag. So I guess it's a little bit more of a common way to do it out here and it'll be curious to know if these can be reused. If you guys did see that other video, there was I can't remember the tee name but there was one type of tea that could be used like three or four times the one that you can only find here in Sri Lanka which I’ve found fascinating like once you finish it fill it up again, use it again do that a couple times and that's it. What do we

got here? Some fresh, fresh wood there, nice starting up the brick oven? Oh zas are gonna be in process soon guys. This is a light green mixed with sepalika and also nilkamal and yakinaran. Oh yeah. Alright so, we're gonna try these so like this is 439 00:15:08,079 --> 00:15:13,839 probably the healthiest thing I’ve had since I’ve been in Sri Lanka most likely. So let me ask you first of all are those

pizzas pretty healthy? The pizzas? Yes healthy, I put a lot of vegetables and especially basil. The pasta one yesterday. Because we grow in the basil one place we grow in arugula, the big basil-- We use a lot of basil to reduce cholesterol. Alright, alright. We have a lot of options. Yeah. You tried the first one yakinaran? Wow, I feel like I’m in some sort of like enchanted forest when I drink this one.

It just tastes like nature, very subtle delicious taste definitely not like your traditional green tea or black teas or anything like that, very unique you can taste I’m trying to think what flavors. I’m definitely not a tea connoisseur so I can't nail down all the flavors what is like the there's a very, very faint sweet flavor in there. I think sweet flavor from neil patron, neil patrodu little bit sour taste from sepalika and also the yakinaran is the fatty [___] check it out the bad fatty liver especially in Sri Lanka, we have natural medicines, take it out the fatty liver. And this one? It’s only sepalika.

It’s definitely more of a I’d say this one feels more of like an earthy taste to it. So when I drink the tea, am I supposed to eat the little pieces in my mouth? This one you can eat. I can? If you don't like you can feel that but usually natural things I want to show this is not colors, this is not flavor, this is natural. So I

should swallow it though. Yeah some people eat in the flowers they like it. Oh yeah, yeah I feel like- If you want, you can eat them. I’m taking literally a plunge right now into nature. Yes. So guys gotta be honest, Trav has

actually already had this all three of them and I specifically did them in this order because he said best for last but actually I don't know for some reason anything that has like a blue color like whether it's a popsicle not healthy or tea or something like that, you just have this image in your mind, that's gonna be sweet. Trav's already confirmed it. So I’ve been most excited as well Neil Carroll. Flower. Wow, I’ve literally never heard of a single one of these before. You can tell my lifestyle is probably not the healthiest but we're gonna change that. First time. That is nice. This is one I would probably sip on every day like out of

all three of these, yeah I could see myself having this every single morning. I told you I did say. I did say that one's the sweetest that one's that one's actually really nice yeah and it's good for the immune system. For sure, yeah. It's you can just you can taste the healthiness. Reduce the mucus. Oh reduce the mucus, that's perfect,

very good. Yeah that's wonderful. Thank you so much. Bye, see you. Alright, guys a bit of an unexpected plan but an exciting one. It was fun to learn quite a bit about the healthy lifestyle, try out some teas there too and now we had a little bit more time than we needed to the smoothie bowl place has been open for like two hours now. Yeah. At this point, they're gonna be closing soon. There's gonna be a line. Yeah

exactly. So now we're cruising back guys and I’d say that's a pretty healthy morning. I like that tea that was-- Yeah, it was a good tea. It was like I’d say I definitely agree the blue one was the tastiest. That's one I could see myself consistently sipping on. So alright, we'll show you guys the smoothie options once we get there. Yeah we got a little Sri Lankan chillaxer

right here just hanging out. Looks like he's pretty calm. I would be too if I was hanging out by the beach every single day. I think this guy's better looking than me. Yeah that's your twin.

Alright, here we are guys coming up on Cruising Smoothie. As you can see, it's quite a little vibe over there. We've got the hammock chilling right next to there and it is time to try it out, nice cream. Oh I like that nice cream and ice cream smoothies, iced frappes. So here we go. Subodesina [Good morning] my friends.

Hello, hello. Best smoothie bowls on the island, yeah. Perfect, perfect. What's your favorite smoothie bowl which one? Yeah, you want smoothie bowls or ice cream bowls? Smoothie healthiest yeah. Here's the smoothie bowl and you can try with these three bowls because the three bowls is best but people trying with the they are like they like because they match with the ingredients of the bowls. Yeah, you can match the ingredients of this bowls. Yeah. Oh yeah. Alright, so we basically have three options summer green tropical, island golden tumeric. Yeah. Turmeric. I’m saying that wrong, aren't I?

Yeah so what is the most commonly ordered? Yeah people always trying the tropical island, summer green. Alright, alright, then I’ll take one tropical island. Oh summer green, you think which one's healthier, summer green? One summer green for me please then. After all that healthy talk guys, I

definitely need something healthy. That's gonna be delicious and so one smoothie bowl, 900 rupees. We're paying just under five dollars to get ourselves a delicious smoothie bowl. Best on the island?

Yeah there we go, he's a little shy. Hey little guy, cute little one there. Just a nice little puppy. Good boy, good boy little beach pup just chillaxing. I wish I had a little chow to give you. Okay.

Alright, so this is where the magic happens back here. We've got the pineapple chopped up. We've got a bamboo stick that it looks like it's holding up the coconut right there with one of those massive leaves and the chops happening. Wow. So Trav got one of the ice cream bowls. Nice cream. Nice cream. With the n at the start. Look at that thing bro, the tower. That thing looks nice. Yeah, yeah you better be hungry. I am. I guess after

the build up for the last like four hours, we've been trying to eat. I’m always hungry so I’m okay. Yeah well, it's gonna be good. Alright, guys as you can see there we're getting the final ingredients on the smoothie bowl there.

Looks like we've got a whole bunch of different fruits on there, the banana, papaya, spinach, pineapple, mint moringa, coconut milk so that is gonna be delish. Oh and here it is. Look at this. Wow, perfected design there. The placement of the bananas, the pineapples literally diced up into tiny little cubes, the granolas, lentils. Wow, that is going to be so, so good. Do we pay now yeah? Yeah sure. Is it- that all? No, that's alright, no change, no change. Thank you for coming sir. Thank you so much machan [Bro]. I’m excited to try this out. Stootee

machans [Thank you bros] we'll see you later. Alright, we're gonna head over to the beach. That's where we can find a spot to sit down, enjoy this. Wow, I am so hungry guys. I’d say we earned this though put a couple coffees in the system, some tea we're starting the week off right, you know after having one or two beers this weekend maybe a couple more than that. It was time to nourish these bodies with

some good stuff and that's exactly what we're about to do. This is where we're hanging out in. We got the little tarp tent, little vibe city over here bro. Welcome my man. How is that thing? I am in heaven. I am loving this. Okay, I’m nearly finished. You literally inhaled that thing. Three minutes. Wow, that looks so good.

My favorite. Oh yeah, as you guys can see we're right out here with incredible views. You even have a little island. What I’ve been surprised about is that there's quite a few islands here in Weligama and oh now remember at the beginning of the video guys, I told you the beach really starts to fill up. We've got a lot of people out there surfing probably a bit hard for you to see on the GoPro but I noticed that yesterday in the afternoon, we came down here, didn't film any of it. We were just kind of just doing some swimming and like

around the afternoon maybe 3 4 p.m. that's when there's so many surfers out there. The waves were also super big so this is the- the spot to be we've got good views of the ocean, and we've got delicious food. So let's go ahead and chow down on it. Alright, so we're doing a little dig down to the bottom

underneath the fruits. Oh, oh, oh we got a runner there. We got a runner. So as you can see right there, we got the coconut flakes and then we have the smoothie slash ice cream. Let's try that out. That’s quite nice. That is refreshing. Guys, it's probably like 30, 35 Celsius out here right now plus humidity and so it's- it's a hot day but this is the perfect cure to it and literally that first bite is already cooling down my body. Now we're making the perfect bite here we've got granola slash like caramelized lentil mixed with a banana mix with a fruit smoothie, and a little coconut flake probably need a little pineapple on there and that's the perfect bite.

That is g double o d, good guys it's healthy but it's also tasty the crunch just does something to it and that's what I love about smoothie bowls is you can make the perfect bite this time I’m going for pretty much all pineapple plus the fruit smoothie, absolutely delicious. Oh look our biggest fans have returned. We're not doing autographs right now, sorry boys. How's the food. Oh so good, you wanna give it a shot bro? Sires.

Yeah hello sires, subodawasak [Good day] my friends. Boys, boys, boys. Oh Harry. I’ve always wanted to be a digital nomad and they say you can work on the beach so now I’m living up to that. Yeah how does it compare with the humidity? Oh it's very hot. Yeah, yeah. Little- a little too healthy for my life. Yeah, machan [Bro] give her a shot. Like naan and everything. Ali definitely approves of this. Yeah, he's gonna love this, healthy. Let me ten

bucks says he's gonna say best smoothie bowl in the world. A hundred percent know what it's so good, I’m gonna go get one myself. How much is that? Yeah 900 so about just under five dollars, and the hair man's gonna try it. Let's see what happens here. G double o d. I thought he was- I was shocked. I thought he was

gonna say he needed a chicken thigh. You know we tried the ice cream. I want to try the smoothie bowl now yeah let's see. I wonder if it's any better. What do you think's better, the ice cream or the

smoothie? I know I personally love smoothie bowls better but the nice honestly, it was a similar texture. Yours was just a bit thicker. Okay we'll give it a shot. It’s pretty much the exact same to be honest. It's literally identical. A little bit of a different flavor but no, it's pretty much the same. Yeah, yeah I love it. I love that. Well, enjoy that man. It's a fantastic taste. Alright, we've got quite a bit left to chow down on. Guys I just scraped that bowl absolutely clean.

Oh we got sand on the lens. There we go. That was delicious though, really enjoyed that honestly worth the wait. What do you think? Oh yeah. Very much though, so that's right down here on the beach in Weligama guys right in like the main area and you're kinda like the surf camp and everything so that's pretty much where we're gonna end the video. Hope you enjoyed the

healthy morning, the healthiest one I’ve had in a long time. So if you guys want to see more videos both here in Sri Lanka and all around the world, hit that subscribe button below and if you enjoyed this one hit that like button. I’ll see you guys in tomorrow's video. [Music]

2022-03-14 22:18

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