ബഹറൈനിൽ നിന്നും സൗദിയിലേക്ക്‌ / Going To Saudi Arabia

ബഹറൈനിൽ നിന്നും സൗദിയിലേക്ക്‌ / Going To Saudi Arabia

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[Music] [Intro Plays] Hello, greetings to all! We're in Manama, Bahrain. So we're going out with Jawahar, those who saw my last video would know that he's my friend. I've already said that Jawahar will be with me to roam around.

In-between let me share few information, listen to it. Many people think that we need to stay in quarantine for 14 days in Bahrain to enter other countries. Here there's no quarantine, just 1 day is sufficient. We land in the airport, test for COVID and stay in quarantine in a hotel. There's no particular checking but we must stay in quarantine.

If the test result is negative, we're free to go anywhere. Those who want to visit Dubai, Oman or any other countries which request us to stay in 14-day quarantine, can choose Bahrain soon as they might also lock the country down. You can stay in quarantine for a day, then roam outside just like me. Here the tourist locations are very few. People from neighbouring countries visit here on weekends to spend.

There are no tourist attractions as we see in UAE or any other countries. There are water activities here. So we're visiting to such places today. I'll explain about few informations I know about Bahrain. Here I think there is not much COVID problems.

We need to wear mask else there's a penalty. In car, if two persons travel we need to wear mask. He's not wearing mask. Wear the mask. I just noticed his face, that's why I said him to wear.

I'll let you know the informations I know about Bahrain in this video. [Music] Here the COVID cases are under control as the vaccines around the world are available here. Sputnik from Russia, Covidshield from India, Pfizer and some chinese vaccines are available. If we're a resident of Bahrain, we can schedule an appointment and take a jab.

Government is providing 100% facilities to take vaccines. In our country, there is no vaccine. I'm saying this hard-heartedly.

Due to problems between governments, there is no availability of vaccines. If you think it's because vaccines are not produced, No! I can easily take covidshield from Bahrain. As an Indian, I haven't got an opportunity to take vaccine in India. Still waiting for our chance but I can take Indian vaccine from here if I'm a resident.

Normally if we do something for our home, we fulfil our needs and then only will give to others. But here even our vaccines are being shipped to other countries. Feeling sad but it's better not to talk about these. Those who have vaccinated from here has complete freedom to take part in parties or functions, there are no restrictions. The notification came out yesterday. Today is 7th May, today is when it came out.

After Ramzan, anyone can go outside. Here it is good and live peacefully without any problems. Shops are not closed, we can roam outside but I know you are all struggling back there. You need to understand that last year we stayed in home and this year again we're staying in home. In order to avoid it from happening next year, it's better that Govt provide vaccines to everyone. People are ready to take a jab by paying but the product is not available anywhere.

COVIDSHIELD is easily available here. Like someone used to say Petrol in India costs 80 INR and Nepal costs 50 INR. Here the vaccine is free. Govt is paying money and giving for free here.

Feeling sad thinking about things happening back in India. This is the Grand Mosque of Bahrain. You can purchase photos of this mosque for 20 dinars. There's Quran museum in the behind as well. When we visited Sohar, Oman I went to the Grand Mosque there. I visited UAE as well, now we got Bahrain as well.

When comparing the population with other GCC countries, there's a lot of difference here. First there are two types of Muslims here. Sunnis and Shiyas. Shiyas are larger in number. But Sunnis are the people in administrative power. More than half of the population in this countries are expats.

People like him. If an election comes up tomorrow and an expat contests, they might win as well. Vadakara guy might win because there are lot of people from there.

I'm not sure why there are so many Vadakara people here. If they contest in election, they might win as well. As I said there are many expats here. There's freedom here and everyone is enjoying their life. This is near Saudi. Many things are based on Saudi and there's a bridge here that connects Saudi and Bahrain.

People from here and there can travel easily without any hassles. I'll show you that bridge. There are lots of informations like this, only when we visit we get these. [Music] We're going through an area called Water Garden. It was sea here and they constructed this place by filling sand. Another thing is that the sea borders of Bahrain change every month.

Because they're filling sand and trying to expand the country. If there's one design today, tomorrow they'll change it to other. There's no perfect border on the sea side. We're driving towards city beach. We need to meet a person over there. These are all private properties.

The climate is hot here. Personally I like hot climate as I can manage it well. It's peaceful here. They're just creating few projects in a man made island. These were all sea once upon a time. They brought all this sand/soil from Saudi.

They shipped this from Saudi and created this land. Come, let's go. We're here and let me show the location. There are few people here and let me introduce them. I'll tell in short whatever he said. 2 BD for adults and 1.5 BD for kids for using the facilities here.

You can enjoy the beach and there's gym over there to use. It's an awesome place. This is behind Water Garden city and City Beach.

There's one more person. He's from Karunagapally and is our follower. They're all managing this private beach. I handle the accounts. He came walking from Manama Souk to here.

How long is it from there? He came walking for about 4 kms. When Mallu landed in Airport he started to message and follow up. Don't be a fan, just watch video and support. Thanks! Kevin bro is managing water activities like Snorkelling which is my favourite sport.

Within a couple of days, me and Jawahar will do snorkelling. We'll see that then. Now we'll leave from here. Main tourist attractions in Bahrain are beaches. I love water sport activities. We'll definitely do it and now we're riding through the town.

There's no specific tourist spots here when compared to other countries. We can visit here, work here, enjoy our life. There are chartered flights that arrive here from Europe, UK & Russia with tourists. It was here earlier but now stopped.

There's a lot of development here in terms of tourism. This is for people who are staying in quarantine in Bahrain, you can visit the place which I showed you with family. 20 SAR for adults and 15 SAR for children is the price. We can spend money for our family. As you saw in caption, we're now going towards Saudi.

There's a bridge which is 25 kms long which connects Bahrain and Saudi. It was constructed in 1956 and has got more than 500 pillars. It's a bridge that connects two countries in Middle East.

It's a long bridge as said 25 km long. This is the first lifetime experience for me. I think you're also gonna experience it for the first time.

How much more to go? We're about to reach the checkpost. We'll reach the check-post in another 2 mins. King Fahd Causeway is the name of the bridge. This is a toll in the entrance of the bridge.

Here we need to pay to enter the bridge. 2.5 Dinar for one vehicle is the expense. Here Jawahar paid by cash but they requested to pay by card. So we swiped the card and now entered. The bridge starts from here.

This is for people who wants to go to Saudi, don't skip the video. I'll place the camera here and show you. There's an office over there. We're about to climb the bridge now. We can see an island over there. [Music] We're about to reach now.

We're able to see Bahrain and Saudi flags. We can only go till there. So we've reached here and are allowed until here. There's a park here and these trucks go to Saudi. There are trucks from Dubai, how does it reach here? Are they coming from there? There's a park over there, we're allowed till there. We've stopped here.

We can stand in this sea shore. We can see parts of Saudi from here. The park is on the other side, but things which we need to see are here. Those buildings you see are from Bahrain which is on the right. Now I'll show you Saudi.

These are parts of Saudi. We can see both Saudi and Bahrain from here. That bridge you see is there in Saudi and the part of that bridge is here.

This is not an island but a man made creation. I'm going to Saudi, you go back to Bahrain. Go there Army is waiting and that's good for you.

They've set fence here so that you can't jump from here. But it's an awesome sea. We're somewhere in middle and we can see one country here and other over there.

It's good, right? Where are you going?

2021-05-09 20:29

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