Мир Приключений - Фильм: "Загадочный Тянь-Шань". Кыргызстан. 4К.

Мир Приключений - Фильм:

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The mysterious Tian Shan - Finally, the World of Adventures studio is in Kyrgyzstan. We are very happy to welcome you and gladly agreed to organize an expedition for you. We have chosen the best locations, the most remote, pristine and untouched places. hope the Tian Shan Mountains will welcome you with joy and you will discover many new places and impressions will be higher than the mountains in Kyrgyzstan. - Thank you! Well, let's go dear friends.

Let's get on! Let's go to faraway lands, to the wild nature of the Tian Shan. - The main thing is to sit correctly! - We're finally in Kyrgyzstan! Lora is here! Our dream has come true, we are going for adventure in the mountains. We hope to see wild animals, to fish, to see those places that are inaccessible to many people. We are going and we want to get high, have adventures and show the best of it to our grandchildren. Yay! Let's go! - This is the most delicious bread in Kyrgyzstan! The national gaffer! It's delicious! So, having said goodbye to the capital of Kyrgyzstan, the city of Bishkek, we are going south to the Too-Ashuu pass located at an altitude of 3586 meters above sea level.

Due to weather peculiarities it can be covered with snow even in summer. Too-Ashuu Pass was one of the most important passes along the Silk Road. It is located on the highway that connects the northern and southern parts of Kyrgyzstan and consists of several serpentines that offer a magnificent view of the surrounding mountain peaks and the Suusamyr Valley. In the Suusamyr Valley, there is Kojomkul's Memorial - a grave, in the construction of which the famous Kyrgyz bogatyr Kojomkul took part. A huge stone weighing more than 600 kilograms, which in 1924 he lifted and placed on the grave of one of the local leaders Tyita uulu Chargynbek, has been preserved here. - One man was born here who was 2.3 meters tall - a bogatyr!

He could lift his horse. He lifted this stone and from that place brought it here and stuck it into the ground. He built this yurt with his own hands. Above the exit of the yurt he left a big imprint of his hand.

- This bogatyr put his hand in the wet mortar and left a mark. Compare his hand to mine. Heaven and earth! The Western Karakol gorge adjoins the Suusamyr Valley. This gorge is very long, with memorable landscapes and complex geographical relief. The gorge forms a wide intermountain depression, through which flows a turbulent and high-water river that carries its waters to Kokomeren. The floodplain of the river is covered with dense vegetation, through which small islands can be seen.

The gorge is practically uninhabited, and only in summer shepherds' camps are established here. Alpine meadows, a variety of herbs, mountain air, clean water in the mountain river create perfect conditions for recreation and fishing. Here, in this place we decided to set up our first camp. As usual, everyone is busy setting up the camp, and Berdinazar Tokumovich is preparing gear.

He is a local and will help us in the upcoming fishing. So, with the hope to catch some fish for the evening soup, we start hunting for fish Good luck to us! Fish soup additive. Big fish! - We start our twenty-three-day tour through the fabulous places of the Tian Shan.

And today is our first camp. We of course poured a shot glass. This is a drink of my friend “Beard”, which he produces himself. Unfortunately, he is not here, but his drink is with us.

I want to wish you health first of all, that we get through the whole tour. Secondly, that we get new emotions every night, that we share these emotions with our relatives when we return home, and that all the memories remain in our hearts for many years. - Can we eat now? - Yura, I'm sorry! And of course, at the end of the day, everyone gathers around the campfire to share impressions of what they have seen in warm company and relax a little before tomorrow's long journey to Lake Song-Kol.

Between Suusamyr and Djumgal valleys, surrounded by majestic Tian Shan mountains, there is an amazingly beautiful Kokomeren gorge, where between the mountain ridges the river, which gave its name to the whole gorge, carries its turbulent waters. Majestic mountains, crystal clear rivers and unique natural beauty make it one of the most breathtaking natural areas of Kyrgyzstan. So, we are waiting to get acquainted with the beauty of the Kokomeren Gorge.

On the way, in Jumgal district, we turn off the highway to get acquainted with another natural wonder hiding among the peaks of the Tian Shan - Akkol Lake. - We're having lunch here, friends, by this beautiful lake. Yura, are you ready for lunch? - This is the first time I'm celebrating my birthday in Kyrgyzstan. Good company, good nature, everything is great! God willing to come back here again, especially to such a beautiful lake! Akkol Lake is located surrounded by mountain peaks at an altitude of 1800 meters above sea level, and is considered one of the most beautiful high-mountain lakes in Kyrgyzstan. Further our way lies along the beautiful alternative road South-North running along Khan-Salyk canyon.

This canyon is surrounded by high rocks, narrow gorges and deep precipices cutting into the bed of the Kokomeren River. The canyon's nearly vertical walls are formed by layered rocks that have been shaped by erosion over many millions of years. Downstream, the Kokomeren River flows into the Naryn River, over which trestle bridges have been built, which fit very harmoniously into the relief of the Naryn River canyon. The length of the first bridge is 1076 meters and the second 396 meters. These are the largest bridges in Central Asia. And at last we see a majestic panorama of the valley of the largest river of Kyrgyzstan - the Naryn River, surrounded by the mountain ranges of the Tian Shan.

There, beyond the river, we will have to overcome several more passes to get to the high-mountainous Song-Kol Lake. - We went from Jumgal district through the pass to Ak-Talaa district. Crazy beautiful serpentine. Big, long and very interesting with exit to the open spaces. Cool! Having overcome another difficult serpentine, this time the Moldo-Ashuu pass, we decided to stop to enjoy the enchanting views of the gorge surrounded by majestic ridges of the Tian Shan Mountains, where flowering meadows alternate with rocky ledges covered with dense greenery of mighty fir trees. So! By right this pass is considered one of the most picturesque in Kyrgyzstan! And we are on our way again.

Today we still have to get to the yurt camp located on the southern shore of the high-mountainous Song-Kul Lake. After a long road, there is nothing better than resting on the shore of the high-mountainous Song-Kul Lake, gazing into its calm water surface you involuntarily think about eternal things. - Yesterday, we overcame Moldo-Ashuu pass and arrived at the Song-Kol Lake, which is located at an altitude of 3016 meters above sea level.

The length of the lake is 29 km, width - 18 km, depth - 13 meters. Our guests are resting today, we have a holiday today. We are organizing a national game “Kok-Boru”, which means goat fighting. Literally, “Kok Boru” translates as “blue wolf”.

As legend has it, the ancient Kyrgyz originally drove a wolf on horseback. And then the prey was used as the main object of youthful dispute and struggle of dzhigits for the main trophy. Later, the carcass of a goat or sheep was used as the object of competition. The game is similar to soccer: two teams of riders play, instead of a ball they use a ram carcass, and instead of a gate - a similarity of large cauldrons. Participants need to throw the ram into the opponent's scoring zone, while the opponents try to intercept the carcass.

Kok-Boru is a fun for real men. In the past, such a mock duel was primarily a training for future warriors. Young men learned to control horses in extreme conditions and fight with the enemy while standing in the saddle.

At this point the competition is over and it is time for us to go to the camp, where we are waiting for a meeting with a famous musician and keeper of the ancient traditions of the Kyrgyz people Serkebaev Nurbek. - Dear Nurbek, hello! - Hello! - Thank you for responding to our proposal to take part in shooting a movie about Kyrgyzstan, about the land, beauties, about people, about the nation. And of course our movie would not be complete if we could not reflect some of the national traditions, including musical traditions. We are very much counting on your help and thank you again! - Welcome! My family and I came here to show Kyrgyz musical culture. - Could you perform music from different parts of Kyrgyzstan? - We have a song about living once and having dignity.

A song about friendship. - What is the name of this instrument in your hands? - This instrument is called Comus. “Com” means society and ‘Us’ means all the masters. This instrument is usually made of walnut, apricot. - Can you play something for us? - It was the great composer who linked this melody to the four seasons: winter, spring, summer, and fall. In the gusts of wind, I could feel this melody being born.

I've been to America seven times, but this is my first time here. Thank you! - As you said, you didn't come alone, but with your family! - Yes! - What's your names? - Myrza! Thank you very much! Well done! - “The Manas Epic” is a big epic, a hundred times bigger than the Odyssey and the Elliad. - This instrument is made of camel skin, the wood is apple and apricot. Only five musicians play it now. I'm going to play a song about a herd. - Our pupil has come with us.

He's a virtuoso performer. Let's call him! - On this beautiful evening by the high mountain lake, folk music is playing, how great it is! Since you're staying with us, I'd like to ask you to play this beautiful folk music in the morning at dawn. Friends, let's thank our friend Nurbek for a wonderful evening! Thank you! It was an amazing performance! The sounds of the flute seemed to dissolve in the rays of the rising sun, and at their call, as in a fairy tale, appeared a herd of horses, hurrying to the morning watering. And all this was happening before our eyes! But we must go on. Ahead of us is 33 parrot pass, acquaintance with Song-Kol Waterfall and canyons of Karatal Japyryk Nature Reserve. The Song-Kol Waterfall is located in a picturesque gorge at an altitude of 2700 meters above sea level.

From a distance it looks calm and peaceful, but approaching it you realize that in reality it is a mighty element, rumbling down from a 30-meter height, from a narrow opening squeezed between the rocks tons of bubbling water. Downstream, the mountain stream carries its waters to an amazingly beautiful canyon, where we will set up our next camp. - In this beautiful gorge of the Karatal-Japyryk Nature Reserve we complete the first stage of our expedition. Thank you very much guys, two of our drivers will leave us today and we will have to go further on new cars. The journey is getting more and more extreme, so we need new cars.

And Ulan will tell us what's in store for us in the next few days. - Tomorrow we leave on special prepared off-road vehicles to the beautiful, high-mountainous Kel-Suu Lake and further continue our way through Uzongu-Kuush. - Let's go! I think new adventures are waiting for us! To the cars! So, we set off to Kel-Suu Lake on off-road prepared vehicles. We will have to overcome the Tian Shan mountain range, Ak-Sai Valley and Kyndy pass to get to the Kok-Kiya Valley, where in a picturesque gorge there is the pearl of Kyrgyzstan - the high-mountainous Kel-Suu Lake. While crossing another bridge in Ak-Sai Valley, we noticed a beautiful canyon and decided to make a small stop to have a closer look at it.

Further on, on the winding road, penetrating the whole Ak-Sai Valley, we go to the Kok-Kiya Gorge, where we will spend the next two days in a yurt camp. And finally, after a long journey, the panorama of the Kok-Kiya Valley opens before us with amazing beauty. Above the valley rises a majestic mountain range, and below it is dotted with many yurts, and almost all of them are intended for tourists coming to enjoy the beauty of Kel-Suu Lake. - So we have arrived in the Kok-Kiya Valley, which is located at an altitude of 3300 meters above sea level, and tomorrow we will get on horseback to one of the most unique places Kel-Suu Lake. Locals also call it Kolte Teri. By evening, at sunset, in the rays of the departing sun, the valley played with new colors, and the dense clouds overhanging the snow-covered mountain tops made it even more severe.

A new day came, yesterday's gloomy clouds dispersed, and the Kok-Kiya Valley was illuminated by the bright sun. In anticipation of a new meeting with the beautiful, on off-road vehicles, we go to the mysterious high-mountain Kel-Suu Lake, hiding its waters in the depths of the majestic Kel-Tau mountain massif at an altitude of 3514 meters above sea level. The road is quite difficult and leads into a swampy lowland, so at some point we have to switch to horses to get to the lake itself. A part of our group for the first time participate in a horse trek, so with caution, accompanied by guides, we go further to Kel-Suu Lake on horses. And at last we see an amazingly beautiful panorama of Kel-Suu Lake, surrounded on all sides by steep rocks of Kel-Tau mountain massif. These bare rocks have a bizarre relief and are mottled with numerous grottoes.

You can find a lot of information about this amazing lake on the Internet, so we suggest to enjoy its unique beauty together with us. During our travels around the world, we have seen many beautiful lakes, but Kel-Suu is really unique! Such beauty, perhaps, can't be found anywhere on Earth! Today we will spend the whole day on the road, enjoying the beauty of the Myudyuryum River Valley and the main ridge of the Western Kokshaal-Too Mountain range, and by the evening we need to get to the remote area of the Ak-Sai Valley, where we will set up our next tent camp at the foot of the glaciers of Kyzyl Asker peak. Early in the morning we leave by off-road vehicles to the foot of Karagerme Glacier, descending from the northern slopes of Kyzyl Asker peaks. There is no road here, so we have to drive along the slopes, avoiding the most dangerous wetlands. Unfortunately, now the mountain massif is practically invisible behind the thick clouds enveloping its peaks, but we hope that with the sunrise they will disperse and Kyzyl-Asker will appear before us in all its glory. In anticipation of an unforgettable spectacle, we set off on a hike to get at least a little closer to the glacier.

After overcoming a small ascent, a majestic panorama of the Kyzyl Asker mountain massif opened before us. It was an unforgettable sight! Sharp peaks of Kyzyl Asker mountain massif surrounded by massive tongues of Karagerme Glacier will remain in our memory for many years. A new day has come and with it the most extreme part of our expedition.

So, we set off to the east, towards Uzengu-Kuush, and the next three days a real extreme off-road safari awaited us. We didn't have to wait long for adventures, already on the approach to the river Myudyuryum our cars successfully got stuck in a swampy lowland. - This is the exclusive trip when both jeeps got stuck in the swamp.

The swamp is soft. Having successfully overcome the coastal swamp, our drivers direct their cars along the river bed to find a ford for crossing to the other bank. Suddenly, not far away, we saw a familiar car. It turned out to be our friend Kylych! His car broke down in the valley near Kel-Suu Lake, but with the help of his friends he managed to restore it in hiking conditions, get to Kyzyl-Asker and successfully get stuck in the bed of the Myudyuryum River. With the arrival of Kylych, our “regiment” arrived, and as further events showed, only his professional view of the hunter gave us the opportunity to meet with snow leopards and shoot on camera a whole story from their life. Well, our extreme off-road safari continues.

Overcoming difficulties, we are gradually moving forward to Uzengu-Kuush, and the desire of our cook Meder to cook lamb meat in the ground, on stones, according to Kyrgyz tradition, tonight gives us an additional incentive. Unfortunately, one of the bridges on Kylych's car could not be restored, so we had to use a rope for insurance in difficult places. We continue our way along the Kotur River enjoying the virgin nature of these places. There are practically no tourists here, and, as a consequence, the road in some places becomes just a direction. Enjoying the beauty of mountain ranges and gorges, overcoming sometimes dangerous steep serpentine passes, before us every time opened a unique picture of the Tian Shan Mountains, filled with a riot of colors from black, brown and red, to green, yellow and white. These mountain sceneries, stretching all the way to the confluence of the Kotur and Uzen-Gush rivers, left none of us indifferent.

And finally, by evening, we reached the place of our tent camp. The weather has finally turned bad, but it will not prevent us from cooking lamb meat in the ground according to Kyrgyz tradition, promised by our cook Meder. The meat really turned out very tasty.

And thanks to our cook Meder, his creative eye in cooking has always had a positive impact on the warm atmosphere that reigned within our friendly team. The morning came. The clouds dispersed and the panorama of the Uzen-Gush River canyon opened before us with amazing beauty. Today we have to make an 18-kilometer horse crossing through the canyon to the highest peak of these places - Dankov Peak.

The rocks surrounding the canyon, snow-white mountain tops, stomping of horses' hooves brought back memories when in our youth we watched the movie “Mackenna's Gold” and admired the beauty of the canyon, which was overcome on horseback by the heroes of the movie. So, this canyon of the Uzen-Gush River is probably more beautiful! And at last we see a magnificent panorama of the gorge with Dankov Peak towering above it, the height of which is 5982 meters above sea level and it is the highest peak of the Kokshaal-Too Ridge of the Tian Shan. And back on the road again, where new adventures await us. - We just drove out and stuck in the swamp! The road was recently cleared here, but it rained and snowed in the mountains during the night and the road was washed out. At that time we did not know that this day would become the most important in our expedition and we would have an opportunity to meet snow leopards.

In the meantime, we are going to get acquainted with one of the most remote and hard-to-reach parts of the Uzegu-Kuush gorge. The most part of the road passes under the mountain ridge and that's why there is often a rock fall here, blocking the possibility of passage. There is nowhere to wait for help, and that's why rarely anyone gets here. But we need luck to overcome the Uzengu-Kuush gorge, and we certainly hope that it will not leave us! And finally we reached the place where our friend Kylych noticed silhouettes of two snow leopards on the mountainside! - Ivan, Ivan! Get the camera! - Leopard! There they are! In the field! There's two of them! - They're going up.

- They're coming into the shade now. - What long tails they have! - They're coming into the shade. Can you see them, Valera? - Yes, I see them! - One's gone. -Where? - Behind the right rock? - The other one's coming in the center. - Where did he go? - They've gone behind the rock and are standing there.

- I'm holding the camera. I can't see them yet. - I can't get any closer. - I have to go higher. - There they are, over there, where the rocks are! Overflowing with emotions from the unexpected meeting with leopards, we set off further along the Uzegu-Kuush gorge.

The road ahead is still difficult, even dangerous in some places. But it can't stop us and we will definitely go all the way to the end! All good things come to an end. This day has come to an end and it is time to find a place to spend the night. - Today is a day of great emotions.

We have completed the second part of our expedition. It is an off-road safari, which turned out to be on the same wave. And of course in each of our expedition off-road takes its special place because it is the most emotional part of the journey, when everyone supports each other and thanks to this you can overcome any difficulties.

Next we are waiting for Koy-Kap, I don't know what is ahead of us, but what we have seen here is just astonishing in its beauty. Ulan, this gorge, this area is a nature reserve, right? - Yes, this is one of the places in Kyrgyzstan where the road is unpredictable. There are often landslides on the roads here. So it's a beautiful place and at the same time difficult to access. This is the Uzongu-Kuush gorge, it borders with China. The leopards were just on the Chinese side.

- And my God, what luck, people come to the Himalayas, Pamirs, Tian Shan, people live all their lives and they do not manage to see leopards. And we managed to do it. - Our friend's hunting eye helped us. - Having overcome all the difficulties from the broken car, he caught up with us and he saw them and we managed to shoot them on cameras.

- But before we saw the leopards we were lucky enough to ride the horses. It was a great feeling to ride a horse. There are grand canyons all around. - You remember the movie Mackenna's Gold, don't you? That's the movie of our youth. These canyons are even more beautiful than the ones in the movie. - Well, we have a new stage ahead of us.

We arrive tomorrow in the town of Karakol. There we say goodbye to our team. And we are heading to Koy-Kap with the hope to see the snow leopard again. Helicopter flights always take a special place in our expeditions.

This one is no exception. We are going to the most inaccessible and mysterious gorge of the Tian Shan – Koy-Kap. We will stay there for four days and hope to get unforgettable impressions from the wild nature of Koy-Kap, untouched by man, and of course for new meetings with the animals living there. Our route passes over the snowy peaks of the Tian Shan, so this flight is already a great rarity in itself.

With the permission of the helicopter commander we have installed some cameras and will try to show how the Tian Shan looks from the height of our flight. - We have finally reached one of the mysterious and hard to reach gorges of Tian Shan. Of course we are waiting for an interesting acquaintance with this gorge and a long history is connected with it. - This gorge is called Koy-Kap and it is really hard to reach. You can get here either by helicopter or in November when the water level in the river falls and you can get here by horseback within four or five days from the nearest town.

There is a very interesting story that in the 19th century a small Kyrgyz tribe settled here and secluded themselves from the big world. They lived here and traded with China. There is also an interesting story and legend that the leader of this tribe hid a treasure here and a lot of adventurers dream to visit here and find this treasure. - We are in Kontengeri Park. It's a very inaccessible place. Almost no one is here.

There are three gorges here. - Let's see the gorges! Godspeed! Here begins our third stage and I hope that we will succeed! Having finished setting up the tent camp, together with our guide Stalbek we set off to get acquainted with the virgin nature of Koy-Kap, and of course we hope to meet the wild animals living here. Having chosen a comfortable place on the top of the hill, we began to observe the slopes of the surrounding mountains.

Finally, Stalbek noticed a herd of goats on a green rock ahead of us. The first day of our stay on Koi-Kap has come to an end and it's time to return to the camp, where our cook Meder is sure to please us with a delicious dinner. In the evening, sitting by the fire with a cup of tea, we shared our impressions of what we had seen today. We managed to meet quite a big herd of goats, and if there are goats, then somewhere there must be leopards. And this leaves us a small hope for another meeting with a snow leopard. Early in the morning we set off again in search of animals.

Before dawn we have to climb to the top of the mountain with a height difference of 600 meters, from where a magnificent view of all three gorges opens up. At dawn the yaks came out to their favorite pasture. Back in the Soviet times they were brought here by helicopter, and since then they have taken root here and have become completely feral, so it has become quite dangerous to approach them. Not far away, the ranger Ulan, who was accompanying us, noticed a vulture soaring in the sky and suggested to watch it, because often, after spotting a predator, they circle not far away in the hope of eating the remains of their prey. Suddenly, on the slope, under the flying vulture, we noticed an elusive silhouette of a leopard. And this is a real luck! At the same time, on the opposite slope, overgrown with dense bushes, another herd of goats had settled down.

Another hike along the river crossing the gorge completes our introduction to Koi-Kap. And lastly, another encounter with a wild boar, busy searching for his fellows. However, the meeting with us was not part of his plans and turned out to be a complete surprise for him. Four days of our stay on Koi-Kap flew by.

Being here, in the inaccessible hinterland of the mysterious Tian Shan spurs, we lost all sense of space and time. And it seemed to us that life had frozen around us! But these illusions were not destined to come true, and the helicopter that arrived gave us back the sense of reality. And only as we were flying away we realized that we were saying goodbye to the mysterious Tian Shan. At the end of our expedition we certainly could not fail to visit Issyk-Kul Lake.

The tongue does not turn to call it a lake. It is a real sea! A sea reflecting the depth of the Kyrgyz people's soul. It is here, on Issyk-Kul Lake, that the mysterious Tian Shan begins and ends! And we, in the circle of friends, will spend this final evening of our stay in hospitable Kyrgyzstan.

- The final day of our expedition has come unnoticed. We are on Issyk-Kul Lake. This amazing place simply amazes with its vastness, its beauty and color of water, and mountain peaks.

Probably the soul of the Kyrgyz people is preserved here. Maybe that's what this sea symbolizes, I'd say so, not the lake. Everything went through, everything we planned. Thank you to your company Kyrgyz Tourism. - There were many trials, but we passed them according to God's will, with dignity! - Thank God! And I really liked the offroad stage. It was just inexplicable I don't know why, but we formed a team of people from different parts of the world who came and locals.

And we got a united team and we overcame everything thanks to it. We wish new meetings with you and your company and maybe someday we will be in Kyrgyzstan again and we will be happy to do another tour. There are a lot of places here. We wish everyone to get here.

- Please welcome to Kyrgyzstan! - Bye! I want to give my friends this song. May it remain in your memory.

2025-01-16 22:12

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