【金門】英國正統馬術/洋樓古宅穿越時空/網美新玩法/貢糖製作公開/獨木舟pk賽/新式高粱調酒/船釣/牛車輪釣魚激戰大石斑《世界第一等》1024集完整版Taiwan EP.1024 EngSub

【金門】英國正統馬術/洋樓古宅穿越時空/網美新玩法/貢糖製作公開/獨木舟pk賽/新式高粱調酒/船釣/牛車輪釣魚激戰大石斑《世界第一等》1024集完整版Taiwan EP.1024 EngSub

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This time, we came to Kinmen. I want to show you a different Kinmen. A deeper...more stories... The tasty food and fun activities. Before we set off...

Let's meet our local friend. The most beautiful lady in Kinmen. Kinmen Lin Chi-Ling. Gary, do you know? This is the most fashionable activity among these Internet celebrities if they came to Kinmen Hit a villain. Hit cheaters. And....hit cockroaches.

3 2 1 go. So salty...Left... Paddle the left side.

How romantic! We hold hands and wander on the beach...how romantic. How can this be in Kinmen? This is crazy. The Kinmen famous fisher. This reel....is good.

Got a fish. You see, black sea bream. Yes... So big... Grouper...a big grouper. Grouper… This time, we came to Kinmen.

I want to show you a different Kinmen. A deeper... More stories... All the tasty food and fun activities. Before we set off... Let's meet our local friend.

Kinmen Lin Chi-Ling. What is your impression of Kinmen in the old days? Is it the century-old ancient house or a military base? These old times and memories have been transformed and changed. The return of young people has awakened the vitality of Kinmen. What fashion changes have been made on this small island? Follow our local friend and experience the new generation of Kinmen in the most fantasy way! Meng-Meng You don’t need to be a war horse anymore. You finally stand up. Meng-Meng. Hey, our beautiful lady, Though the horse stood up is good, the movie is not on anymore.

It just hits your face. It kisses you. It kisses you…yeah. Our local friend. She’s the most beautiful lady in Kinmen.

Wang Chig Hi, everyone… So, please take us and take our audience to know more about Kinmen. To know more stories about Kinmen. The first stop… Let's challenge the romance and sorrow of Kinmen. That’s horse riding. Romance and sorrow That’s right. Horse riding.

Horse riding might be related to romance! What is it about sorrow? Although I have never ridden a horse in Kinmen, I have experienced professional equestrian training in other places. After all, I can be considered as a handsome rider. What is it about sorrow? How is it? Look so cool. Alright.

If you are all getting ready, then take me to the beach. To enjoy the romance ,okay? Let’s go. Wait…now? It’s the right time. It’s getting darker.

It’s about time to… Wait… Don’t we need to practise? No…there is no need. I don’t need to practise. It’s okay. Don’t worry about me. No…I need to practise.

Instructor… Instructor…help me No…. For me… I might look cool on the horse. But I… I am new to horse riding.

So, I still need the instructor give me some lessons. The British equestrian The most traditional equestrian… Okay? We might need to trouble you to teach our lady. I don’t know when she wants to go. But we can do some practice inside there. Yeah…take him…let me practise.

Let Wang Ching has some experience. It’s different to ride in the indoor arena and outdoors. Ok…let’s go…do some practice. Sure.

OK Go… Practise… We don’t have much time to enjoy the romance. To be able to ride on the white beach as good as Boracay Island, the coach helped us found stable horses and did the pre-training. After all, before seeking for romance, safety is the priority. Finally, we are going to have our romantic moments.

But we need to get our beauty to get on the horse. Don’t say that. You look down on me? I dare not.

Just want to show you that we have a stool. But I know that you don’t need it. So…let’s leave it here. Fine….I need the stool. Ok. I have faith in you. Please give me the stool and I can get on the horse.

Ok…please. So, I get on first, right? You get on first. Be careful. Just did what you did early.

OK So cool. You said it yourself. Cool? Right! You said it yourself. Yeah…it’s true. Jaguar..you are so cool. What? (I know I am cool) Yeah…Jaguar is cool as well.

I am cool. You see? Am I looking professional? Sure. It’s my turn. How tall is it? 178 1 2 3 Okay…good. I’m glad that my trouser didn’t ripe.

Let’s go. Did you not say that you will go trekking. I am trying to do it. Porsche Hi.

Like this. Yeah…finally we walk together. If we can see the sunset…it’ll be… Turn… Unexpectedly, you can experience the romance of outdoor horse riding without being in Europe. Let Wang Ching’s dream come true and make me look cool once again.

At this moment, in front of me is the breath-taking sunset, the beautiful lady and riding on the horses. Enjoy a beautiful scenery that belongs to you… so good. Coach…this place… Where is it in Kinmen? Tongan Dutou This place is to memorise… Should say... in the Japanese Colonial period… When horse grooms were leaving Kinmen… We rarely heard… Kinmen has anything to do with horses. In fact, back in Tang Dynasty, Kinmen was a main area for supplying horses.

In the Japanese colonial period… When the Japanese army lost and they were leaving… They forced 500 strong men and 500 horses from Kinmen to leave with them. They went all the way to the coastline of Guangdong in China. To carry their equipment and materials. When the Japanese army left… These Kinmen residents were imprisoned as traitors in… People were seeking solutions to save them. Yeah…they were imprisoned in China. People who could leave and come back to Kinmen at that time.

It was less than 300 people. That was a true tragedy. I never knew.

Long ago, Kinmen used to be responsible for supplying horses. That’s right. Yeah…until the Japanese Colonial Period. Then during the Chinese Civil War…Yep.

During the Chinese Civil War, Horses always are so important for Kinmen. The thing had passed. Now, tourists can ride horses casually and leisurely on this island to enjoy a different feeling. After feeling the romance and sorrow on horse, next….

the wonderful Kinmen is waiting for me. Hello… Hello, Young Masters… What is it? You were shocked, right? Hello… Do you own this shop? No. Gary, do you know? Ok. This is the most fashionable activity among these Internet celebrities if they came to Kinmen Call you the Young Master? No. Let’s the boss give us the brief.

Because in Kinmen, there are many western-style buildings or Fujian style architecture. These are the perfect places to take photos when wearing traditional cheongsam. So, there are many Internet celebrities or artists or stars… They will wear these outfits if they come to Kinmen. Then…. They will go to these building to take photos or Check-in.

This feeling… I’ve tried it before. But I did it in other countries. For example, when we went to… We often went to Kyoto… Have you…to Kyoto… You must try to wear their traditional clothes. Yeah…Kimono… Then when we went to Korea… They would wear traditional Korean clothes. That's right. It is a bit like… You are trying to do what the locals do. Yep.

Then we also feel that… Kinmen is suitable for the similar thing. So, we are trying to promote this… In this small custom shop with a lot of clothes dazzling your eyes, the boss said that you can choose from Hanfu, cheongsam and all kinds of accessories. The most important thing is that the store also offers styling services. It provides the most popular thing to do in Kinmen, allowing you to walk into the time tunnel and wander between the alleys of the ancient houses to create your own unforgettable memories.

That’s good. These two outfits. Very good quality. So pretty. Different colours… different types of atmosphere. Which one suits me better in your opinion? Ok, we are here in Zhushan settlement.

There are western-style buildings in the front. Ok, you two can… One can sit down. Ok.

Then maybe you can look at that side…the houses… Just look at the houses. Ok…then you stand first. Ok…get a bit closer… Good…that’s right…good. Look at that way…. The houses… Good..looking good… Wonderful… This is so special… She has told us that… There are two relief Men Shen like these in Taiwan.

One is in Tainan. The other is here. Zhushan in kinmen. This is amazing.

It also looks beautiful in photos. Take photos… Quick. We must take photos. The Zhushan settlement is the largest Hsueh family in Kinmen, whether they are western-style buildings or Fujian-style buildings here. All of them are built facing the big pond in the middle of the settlement.

In the hope to collect money with water. Of course, you can also change outfits like us, jump into a scene, and immediately travel back to the 19th century. To experience the charm of the old Chinese hometown. This is a great attraction for girls. So sexy. So beautiful… for taking photos.

And you need to wear these outfits. Gary, do you know? When we entered here… The high tower we saw… The Deyue Gun Tower That is the famous Deyue Gun Tower. In fact… It was a tower for military use.

Do you mean for battles? Yeah…that’s for defence. Then… The first building we saw when we walked in… It was not an actual house for people to live. That’s for defence too. It’s a fake, empty house. Then… Next to it… It was just a wall at first.

Then… When pirates invaded… The dwellers in fact lived in this side… So, basic… Either it is a Fujian-style building or the western-style building, these are small rooms for defence. Because pirates actually invaded this place. Ok. The attic… Or some bullet holes… There are some small space allowing you to put your gun to shoot invaders. Luxurious western-style houses and traditional swallowtail horseback settlements in southern Fujian a journey of different time and space, put me in the golden years of dreams and illusions, but my rumble belly got me back to reality, and then I will need our Kinmen beauty taking me to fill my belly.

Beef jerky… It’s good. It cools you down. Yeah…cool me down. Then…it’s for vegetarians. Hi, Wang Ching, Hi.. She's my classmate’s older cousin.

So, she is… the boss… I’m the second generation. The second generation. Hello… Don’t think that you are single… So, you are kind of desperate. She’s married. Right? Yeah. Ok, please give us the introduction.

Gary, you haven’t…. So quick. You have eaten the Gong Candy. I though that we were chatting…. Then we can eat and chat.

Yep. Do you know what flavour it is? Pig trotters. Yeah, that’s one of the traditional flavours. But it is so time-consuming to make.

The outer layer of it is like gummy but not sticky…that’s because we need to cook it for 8 hours. How many flavours of Gong Candy in the shop now? In fact, there are about 12 flavours of Gong Candy now. This is the most traditional flavour. When we are making Lumpia… Making Lumpia… We use this flavour. To put it in the Lumpia.

It’s so unique. Some people put it in Mantou. The sweet but not greasy gong candies in front of me make me unable to resist taking a bite after another. The time-honoured gong candies are also constantly being updated. They are a must-have souvenir for visiting this place. It’s suitable for all ages.

And Gary… He keeps eating… keep eating… It’d better not to think these candies for you to try are free. I was thinking to try all flavours. To try the taste.

Because later, I am thinking that she can take us up to see the factory. Do you want to try? The traditional handmade… Handmade Gong Candy… Can we? really? Because Wang Ching took you here today… So, I can arrange that for you, okay? Yep. It’s your blessing. Thank you.

Great…thank you. Ok, we can go when we are full. No… let’s go…. Why can’t you stop eating? It’s the villain and cheater Villain…Cheater. And cockroaches. I feel that… I am struggling… Yeah, he also flattens this… But you didn’t tell us to do.

If you flatten it, then you don’t need to hit it. You should say that. The master is smart. This… This is old..this one.. It is so heavy. Try it.

Let me try. It’s okay. You have no energy, right? I can do this. Master…you can show us. Yeah…you can teach us.

This is already…. Peanuts are mixed with maltose. It’s mixed. Just mixed. Ok. Then what do we do now? It’s warm. It’s warm.

Quite comfortable. Now, what should we do? Flatten it. Flatten it.

You need to do this…one by one.. To flatten these peanuts…No… Flatten it. Now, we hit it. And… Hit…so… This… This is Gong Candy. It's a good way to release my stress.

Let me try. It’s the villain and cheater. Villain…Cheater. And cockroaches. You need to hit cockroaches. Yeah, it is… I feel that I cannot lift it anymore.

Gary, do you want to try? Let me try. This…if you hold it for a while…it’s heavy. Hit…who do you want to hit? Hit a villain. Hit a cheater. This is.. Wait…it needs to… Fold it…turn… You need to fold…then there are layers… So, it’s like making Dragon’s Beard Candy.

Or like making… Puff pastry… It needs to be folded constantly… Maltose… needs to be hit. Yeah…layer by layer… To create the multiple layers. It’s going to cool down…then it’s not… Yeah, if we hit it now… Normally, how long do you need to complete it? It’s short. Within 1or 2 minutes.

Within 1or 2 minutes. We’ve spent 1 or 2 minutes to chat. Yep. Can you help us? Is that okay? When can we stop? Peanuts become small pieces. The maltose is hard.

You really need to make each peant into pieces or powder…yeah. You can see it. He didn’t let go any peanut. Now, look at it.

So, you need to fold. Then you will fold these into it. Look at these layers. Now, each layer… Each layer…the thin layer… Each layer is obvious. Smell so good. Yeah…the smell is getting stronger.

You can get a powerful smell of peanut. That’s right. So good. Gary…go. Hit harder…harder..

It’s longer than 2 minutes. Now, it’s 5 minutes. Too late. Normally, how many did you use to make in a day? One day? About 1 or 2 pot.

It’s so demanding. 1 or 2 pots. We used to have bamboo leaves to warp it. Small ones. You can’t make big ones.

Speed up. otherwise…it’s getting… It's drying… yeah…getting colder… yeah, it’s cold. I can feel these… Do we need to hit these? You can’t do it anymore. No, we can’t? Why? Because it cannot take more.

So, you can’t mix them together. It’s cold. Yeah. Really! It’s cold. Then what do we do? Is it okay? Is it okay? No. This is not done yet.

We've tried our best. Why is it not okay? I thought that it was evenly flattened. Yeah, I though so too. He’s showing us. Wait… Let him show us.

Let him do it. This is totally different. Wow…so powerful. The traditional Gong candy must be beaten by hand during the production process, in order to achieve a dense and meticulous sugar quality. If the temperature and time are not well controlled the grounded peanut cannot be mixed evenly with the maltose when it is cold.

It’s relatively easy to fail. Regardless of the ease of the master’s demonstration the peanuts and maltose are perfectly mashed and shaped in a short time. Wang Ching and I were so exhausted and tried to hit it so hard, and still couldn’t pass the test of pastry making.

Now, he’s done. Look. Do you know how long did he take? It’s much delicate than ours. We didn’t press it down. Yeah, he flattened it. But you didn't tell us to do.

If you flattened it, then you don’t need to hit it. You should say that. He’s smart. I thought that you want me to go.

He can even tell a joke. If I told you to flatten (go) it, you can’t film. Then fold it. Ok, I can help that.

This kind of manually beating is really too hard, if not use the modern machinery production method. The production of Gong Candy according to the ancient method may not be able to satisfy the demand of the Kinmen tourism market. Alright. Now, you can definitely tell… We mad which one. This is made by a machine.

Yep. We made this one. That’s right. We made this one.

So tidy and flat. Don’t worry. Because our audience is smart. No… So different.

So different. We made this one in fact. Yeah…this is an unprofessional product. And it is really hard. Because… you need to smashed it. It’s too hard for the ordinary people.

Like this…it is like so fine. If it’s broke… Then you can’t use it to make the candy. Yep. So, you won’t use it to make the candy. Right? Yep.

Like this…you can see… It was made by a machine. It’s like Shaobing. It’s cold.

It’s so flaky…when it’s cold. Look…how stretchable it is. It must be so crispy.

Yeah…you can hear… The crispy sound. Crisp and fragrant. You can taste the multiple layers. You can feel each layer in your mouth.

Peanuts smell so good. Especially this is just made. Smell so good. Ok, let’s try what we made.

It's good. You know what? Where is the difference? It tastes a bit different from what we normally eat. It’s much crispier.

Because the peanuts are bigger. It’s obvious. That’s right.

You can get the texture…much crispier. The one we normally eats… It will melt in your mouth. Because the peanuts are grounded. So, it’s like smooth.

There are differences. Yep. Different textures.

This is really…. You can just keep eating it. So smooth and so good. Just tasty. Awesome.

You can eat and can bring some back home. So full. My belly is so full.

You are so crazy. Are you that hungry? Now, after eating all that, I felt a bit crazy now. Are you feeling guilty now? Ate too much. Yeah…I was thinking what to do. So full….

I feel that I need exercise. If you want to burn some energy… Then I can take you to the…. In Kinmen, there is the newest… Gym? No, a water park.

Is there a water park in Kinmen? Don’t you know? I do…. Have a walk in the intertidal area? Nope…you need to do that for a long time. I am taking you for mine clearance.

Dare you do it or not? I…. I never been to such a place before. I haven’t done that before. Demining in Kinmen? Maybe not…don’t do that. Are you serious? -There is no water park in Kinmen… -you’re joking. We do. That is…

I will keep it as a secret now. It will definitely make Gary get extremely exhausted. To burn all his energy. Let’s go. Really?! True story. A water park. Yeah…it will certainly get you exhausted.

Make me slimmer. We are one of the 3 categories. We are doing a zigzag path. This is special.

He has some cocktails using Kinmen liquor as the base spirit. Sometimes if I go to some bars with my friends. When I were there… My friend owns the bar.

I often go there. So, I do know something about cocktails. I didn't expect that my first time to sit in the famous GTR is in Kinmen. I thought that we are going to exercise. Why did you take me here, MCU Kinmen campus.

About this question, let’s listen to Director Chen at MUC. He will tell us. Hi, Hello, everyone. Welcome all of you come to the MCU Kinmen campus.

The water park. The water park. Why do we call this name? Do you know? The place we are standing now. A 100 years ago, it was the sea. It’s the land reclamation area.

Land fill. Including the pond we see in front of us. We didn't dig that out. The water will go up and down according to the tides. That’s seawater. Seawater.

And it is so clean. We’ve performed the quality check. It’s as clean as the swimming pool.

Wow…no bad bacteria. Clean seawater. Then you can see prawns or fish in it. Or even clams…all natural… Natural… You don't need to worry if falling in the water.

No need to worry. It's the same like you fall… Or have fun in the sea. That’s the same. And it is safe. We have a sluice to control the amount of water. So, it will remain this depth. But it’s lower when it’s low tide.

But it will just about your chest. It’s safe. On the campus, it is a safe area.

And we have lifeguards stand by. Long ago, because Because of the wars… You know… It’s true. Since I was young…. There are restrictions on the beach.

I have no chances to touch the sea. I never got to swim in the sea. You know? It sounds so sad. I live on an island…surrounded by sea.

But I never had a chance to get in the water. There were restrictions. You weren’t allowed to get too close. Because someone was excellent in swimming. He could hold on to a basketball and swim across the sea.

Director Chen. Can we start now? Can we? Ok. Let do a small competition. We even prepare the prize. Prizes…you even prepared prizes. A competition…and prize.

We all count on you. Ok. Let’s cheer everyone up. We all go for it…give it a go… I haven't tried this before.

Give it a go…go. Speaking of the canoe competition, I have experience. Next, we have to compete with the other three groups of teachers and students.

Which ship bypass the floating buoy in front and return first will win, I heard the champion is calling me again! 3 2 1 the hard bit is to turn. Get set…go. Go…be careful. You need to shout. Ok…1 That’s right. No…you need to shout.

Quick. Ok…1 1 2 … Why… Right…move to the right. Just paddle the right side..just the right.

Just the right. Yeah…just the right. Paddle the right side.

Ok…good. Left…right… Okay? It’s so salty…my eyes… Left…paddle the left side. We are one of the 3 categories.

We are doing a zigzag path. I can’t see…so salty. You can't see but you need to… Ok..right. Right…ok…this side… Left. We get it… Right… Wait… Wait a bit…don’t move.

Let me adjust it. Move it back. No…I want to win…need to be quick. You want to win. Ok…left…right.

There are prizes. Left….wait… Wait… So strange.

We seem…. Where are we going? Wait…. Where are we going? Ok.. Good…right…left. I was so confident that I had forgotten my “good” teammate who had took us to the wrong direction, and made the canoe move crookedly.

I think Wang Ching, you have a suspicion of drunk driving in the sea. You hit my face. Did I? You are pretty good. Really? Yeah…ok. Go… Though I can’t see… You can't see.

But I feel that we can do this. You can. We can..ok. Ok…left…right. Ok…left..

Left…twice. Left…and left.. Ok..left.

You are good. Really? Yep. Right…left..

Is your face still wet? Yep. I feel that we are winning. We need to return to that….

Really? Hey…wait for us. People ahead of us…wait…you know… Wait… Yeah…you know… Our Director has something to tell you. Did we get in the wrong lane? No. We should… No.

This is our lane…it’s right. How about…what’s our place? Are we there yet? We are. Do we win the second place? You won the second place. You are pretty good.

Nice. My core muscles are so achy. She has the fighting spirit.

That’s right. Go all out. You are good. If you saw our speed….

We were pretty fast. And this was our first time. Do you know what is the key point? We didn't go directly. Yeah….we can… We and others… The 3 silly types of people… We were moving crookedly. Like zigzag… That’s right.

We are good. I think that we should High Five. Good job…nice. Unexpectedly, it is approaching autumn. There is a safe water area where you can engage in various water activities in Kinmen. The director said that Ming Chuan University, Kinmen Water Park is not only a base for the university to promote water courses, but also an alternative attraction in the local area.

I come with the wind…. And leave with the wind. Ok…stand well… Bye… Our beautiful cheer leaders… Come on…get on… Let’s cheer for Gary. Come on… Let’s cheer for the windsurfing boards. Good…maintain that posture. Can you do it, Gary? How would I know? Can you? I haven’t played it before.

Ok…see you… In Taipei. Although the wind has been bringing me to the edge, I tried to adjust, but don’t look at the sea as if there are no waves, you think that sailing is effortless at all. My arms are so tiring. It’s so far to get back home. Thank you, Gary…. Ok…thanks Gary.

Do you mean that I drag them back? I felt like… We went to Southeast Asia… Or to Kenting… Doing water activities… There is always a man fully clothed. And drag the boat on shore. Make ways, please. Be careful…please.

Thanks… Tips. Thank you. We are here. Ladies…go go… Just like that. It is so fun…to be honest. Everyone can sign up for this course.

To feel it. To try the windsurfing. Or the canoe. And this is really a safe environment. Look… I can even do this.

To drag the boat back. I am safe. Thank you…Gary. This is the prize for the second place winner. I think that he is so nice.

Come on… He know that I exercised for a long time. No…you must try this. This is a new… Cultural-creative product, chocolate. To combine our local speciality. Is there anything inside? Did you ever try to eat that…. Brandy Chocolate or Whiskey Chocolate Yep.

It is a bit… Like that feeling. To be honest. Compare to other chocolate we eat in other countries… It has a entire piece of alcoholic filling. Really? Much nicer.

Then I must try it. The centre…is totally pure chocolate. So good. Then you wouldn’t feel that… To taste the strong alcohol. To feel that it’s too strong or bitter. Thank you, Director for today.

Thank you. Let us experience this fun activity. Welcome everyone back again for he champion.

Sure…No problem. Next time, I will give you the whole bottle. Every October to November is the harvesting period of sorghum in Kinmen.

The large golden sorghum field is also one of the special local landscapes. The world's first-class Kinmen liquor is the pride of all people in Kinmen. It’s not just me saying this… I feel that Kinmen is getting better and fun after dark. Especially in Jin-Cheng. It’s true…look… These are old but refurbished houses. How beautiful…right? Hi… Hello… Hi… You are from the same school.

That’s right. Then he retuned to our hometown, Kinmen. And own a small cultural shop here.

To make his living. He has quite special… He used the Kinmen liquor as the base spirit to make cocktails. Do you come up with all these cocktails? You created them? That’s right. Because myself… Sometimes if I go for drinks in bars. I also will go… My friend owns the bar.

So, I will try these. Can we, Bai-Wei? Let him try. I will get in. Ok… Then we can make a… The cocktail you often drink… Many people like it.

The Kinmen liquor is the base spirit. Then you might feel a stronger feeling of alochol. A bit stronger…yep. It is called Yan Nanhong. What types of spirits do you use? Except…I saw Kinmen liquor… First, Campari.

It’s a herbal flavour liqueur. Yeah, but Campari is like… For making cocktails… This liqueur is often used. Then this… This is a… An Italian Vermouth. And the last one… What is it? It’s the bitter.

Bitter. What type of bitter do you use? I use the original flavour. The original flavour, right? Do you start to talk about some professional terminology for cocktails? Not so professional… You still need to let her know. Or you might be in trouble after the work is done. It’s okay.

I only focus on the cocktail. You need to amaze me since I’ve drank Kinmen liquor for a long time. To make you feel satisfied. Yep. Ok, open your mouth. I can make you feel satisfied now.

Drink it now. I said Wang Ching, although you are from Kinmen who grew up with sorghum in your blood, to be a good bartender and use the creative hand shaker requiring skill. I have the talent and with the help of Bai Wei, this cup of Yan Nanhong with literary temperament is completed. You told me that… This is a twist from Negroni.

Yeah…its twist. The flavour…. By its smell….so similar…

But you didn’t use any spirits that I know…. Like Gin… Gin or maybe some herbal… Strong herbal flavours or Peaty… That kind of spirits. But… You can feel the similar flavour… So unique. The owner of the Vent Bar has transformed Kinmen liquor into a special drink that is popular among young people.

Whether it is the NO.16, PW's last words, with the magic colour or the slightly bitter and sweet Yan Nanhong, both are cockatiels made with 58-degree Kinmen liquor as the base spirit. Welcome to the 16th Special Zone of Houpu Arts and Culture, to taste alcoholic drinks in a romantic way, Vert Bar it will satisfy every friend who comes with youth’s dreams. Look at me. I didn't expect that my first time to sit in the famous GTR is in Kinmen.

This amazing car. No matter how good is it. We still need a driver.

We’ve invited the… An incredible… He’s the legendary fisher. Today, we are here to… We will go fishing. Yep. But now, it is the northeast monsoon season… It’s near the end of fishing season. Yep. People still will do it. Let’s ride waves.

We are now here… on the shore… It looks pretty calm. But I heard that today… The waves might be at level 5 or 6 or even reach level 8. That’s true. The waves will be so big.

True. I am a bad guy…I am scared… You worry? I am easy to be terrified. Nope… I can do it. Ok…take us to do it. Ok. Go… Ok…go..

Kinmen, an island with strict rules and disciplines, I can't help myself, I feel full the majesty and mighty spirit. Then let me do something that a man should do. Since we left the habour… All the way here… You can feel that waves are getting bigger. And it’s not comfortable.

From the dock…. That’s Jinlie Waterway Jinlie Do you feel there… waves are bigger. Several water flows will meet in that place. Did you mean where we just left? Yeah.

So, waves are much bigger there. The Jinlie Waterway really lives up to its prestige, it’s as exciting as taking a pirate ship. This is… We are heading to… We just passed Fuxingyu. Fuxingyu…that small… Yep.

There are no armies or residents there. Yeah…now… Then this is the small… This is Lieyu. Lieyu Then… We are in the fishing spot now. Here is much closer to Lieyu.

To be honest…my first time to do sea fishing. I feel that I might have a better chances so far. Though waves are getting bigger. But there are no other people. Just us.

The waves…today… People wouldn’t come. Yeah…Look…I even can’t stand still. I need to hold on to the rail. Skipper, the bait we used today… Live shrimps.

No need to cut. Just the entire shrimp. The entire shrimp…from the head to the tail. Here is about 7 or 8 metres deep. Yeah…not so deep. The bait can get to the bottom.

Yeah…. Let it touch the bottom. Then I will stop. Lift up your arm. When it stops…then we will… Lift up gently… Just lift…yeah… If you think that you put too long… Then we can pull some back… And try again…Yep. My arms are achy.

It’s a bit chaotic…the water flows… When you pull up… You can feel water is dragging it… So obvious. Today’s fishing area is near Lieyu and Fuxingyu. The captain drove the boat to Liutou. Let the boat drift in in the direction of Fuxing Island along the current without power, and then use the traditional bull spin fishing reel to use the one fishing rod method to fish along the waterflow. Although the weather is fine, the continuous strong winds really require courage to keep fishing in this situation. Let me check it… I felt like I got something… I was excited for that… I thought I got something.

Just check…because the bait was gone. Got nothing and the wind is so strong. The bait nearly came off.

The wind is too strong. Ok..go… It’s easily going missing. Got a fish.

I felt good when pulling it. Good. This is a big one. This is about 600g…pretty good. Normally it’s about your hand. Take your time.

I see it…so big. So big… Nice. Yes. It’s easily going missing.

Got a fish. yes…got a fish. Pulling it… Nice… Got a fish.

Goo job. Look at the rod…how shaking… You see? Take your time. Ok…let me get 6 kg of fish… You can tell from the reel… It's about… Maybe 600g… Just use one finger… But I felt so good when pulling it… A black sea bream.

Nice. Let's get it up first. The dorsal fin is so sharp.

Thank you. You see, black sea bream. It's pretty.

About 600g, of course. It’s not big. It can grow bigger. You can grab its tail to show. This is big.

600g is pretty good. Normally it’s about your hand. My palm…you mean like this. Yeah…that’s bigger than your hand.

Nice. It's pretty. Yeah…it’s taking the bait… It is…Got a fish… Wait… Let me see… Do I get a fish or… I thought that I got stones or… But I can reel… It’s heavy… Much heavier than the last one. But I can still reel. Then that means… I might get a fish, right? Yep…try it… It’s much heavier. I should get a fish… Look…it’s still pulling… I have no idea that it’s a fish or… I thought that I got stones… I was trying to let it go more… I thought… Big ones… Wait… Let it run… Ok… Wait..it is…

Take your time. I see it…so big. Nice. Yes. Grouper… A grouper…nice. It’s about 2.4 to 3 kg.

So happy. This is so good. this is insane. I thought that I got a stone… I was thinking that… oops…I didn’t catch… And let the line out more… Oh my god, I think it would good enough to just look at my performance today! After catching the black sea bream, there was another grouper.

Just kidding! Thanks to Mao Mao and the captain, sacrificing their fishing time, busy helping me to prepare the fishing tools and teach me how to fish. Today’s record is really relying on their help. Now hurry up and take advantage of the freshness, take it ashore and prepare a feast. This is the surprise from Kinmen. I thought that… Today’s waves are so big… So dangerous. I was quite worried.

I was glad that Mao Mao was with us. Then… We got the two big fish. Surprise. Really amazing.

Then Mao Mao was… You know…sacrificing his fishing time he was helping me all the time. And caught these two. The best surprises for me. He’s good at getting fish with a net. Then the second surprise.

Our pretty lady… Hi… She prepared all the food with the 2 fish. Not all… These are the two fish we got today, Right? But there are other dishes. Then we can eat and chat. I thought that you might catch nothing. So, I have reserved some dishes.

You reserved these. Yep. I see. Turned out…you didn’t. You caught such big fish. True…yep.

I was worried myself. yeah… Can you remember this fish? This is black… Regal demoiselle Yeah….Regal demoiselle What is the difference between this fish and other sea bream we normally eat in Taiwan? Where with stronger water flows… Yeah…like offshore area... Because this fish is quite active. The meat is firm. Because the strong currents… It exercised a lot.

Yep. Look…how thick. Yeah…the meat has a great texture. It did do lots of exercise. Yeah…it exercised a lot.

You can even taste the fish oil. How you cook it also mattered. Yep. It’s important the way you roasted it. This one is hard to catch.

I feel this is… Right? This is hard to catch. This is about… Did you weigh it? Around 1.8 to 2.4 kg. Almost 2.4 kg.

almost 2.4 kg, right? Yeah. A wild grouper..a grouper..

Steamed. Flattened it…does it look like an anglerfish? An anglerfish….it did. Dig in… Ok…after you… I am going to get the meat near its mouth.. Sweet and fresh, right? Indeed, a grouper is so tasty. It’s a Greasy grouper.

A grouper. The meat…the texture.. Yeah… It’s much softer and tender than a black sea bream. Much tender. This is the same.

And the cooking method is good… Just steamed… There are some black beans on the top. But not too strong. It didn’t overtake the flavour of the fish.

Not at all. This is good… It’s so tasty. Normally, in Kinmen, black sea bream is common. But it's rare seen such a big grouper. These are the most famous dishes in Kinmen. Oysters…yep.

In addition to the two fishes caught today, common local seafood, cooked by the innovative restaurant chef, have become a series of national banquet-level delicacies. Sure enough, the hospitality of Kinmen people is really extraordinary. This dish…we called it Beehive oysters. Beehive.

Yeah… It looks like beehive. Yeah, just deep fried it. Look at these small oysters… But the flavour is so rich. The oysters are from Kuningtou. Kuningtou Yeah..oysters in Kinmen are normally small.

But they are so sweet and fresh. With a rich flavour. Yep. The deliciousness of the table warmed the hearts of friends and the stomachs of travelers. Because of your persistence and innovation, this trip to Kinmen has given me a chance to understand the new face of Wuzhou and its profound cultural heritage.

From the bottom of my heart, I felt the enthusiasm of young people’s dreams. Friends in Kinmen, let us go together and continue to promote the new Kinmen to the world.

2021-11-02 19:14

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