8 DAYS IN BONAIRE!️ | The best things to do & the best places to eat on the island

8 DAYS IN BONAIRE!️ | The best things to do & the best places to eat on the island

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welcome to a new video It is already a year ago since we came back home from travelling And now it´s time to finally make a travel vlog again We´re going to Bonaire Max his uncle has got a house there and we haven´t seen the house yet and also his brothers and sister haven´t seen it yet We´re taking a flight to it today We will be spending 11 hours on the flight But we are all very excited And if you watch my face then you can see it is really early still at the moment I think it is 6:40 AM at the moment And everyone is busy with packing their suitcases Max is picking up his brother and sister in law And then we will be heading to the airport soon Oh yes, it has officially started! Goodmorning! Is everyone excited?? Yes we are !! First we have to do a COVID-19 test Are you looking forward to it, Fem? -No, I am again really nervous Me to! I really hate it They are stuffing a cotton swab into our noses and throats... And ofcourse we are wearing a mask as well But at least we arrived at the airport Excited for it! Try to relax a little and your head a little back And if you can't anymore, just give me a sign A little bit further still... 3 2 1 Thank you Thank you That's all? Yeah, in 20 minutes you will receive the results in your mail box and I wish you a nice trip We made it through guys! We survived! Now we still need to wait for the results It was really fierce, don't you think? Yeah it was, but... The holiday can begin! Hello "Queen"! Hello Pris! There we go! We are now going into the plane but Jan Hilbert had an extra surprise in mind for us...

we will be flying Business Class! That is a really, really nice surprise ofcourse!! With a special entry! We arrived!! "Bon Dia!" That’s how you say it, right? -We arrived!! We arrived in Bonaire -Can you please put on your mask here? We still have to wait for our luggage And then we can finally chill out! -we are going to take a dive! We arrived in the house of Jan-Hilbert and Marian and it is really beautifull Look at them, looking around Really nice! He is going to show his trick! You can do it, Harold Come on Harold, turn around! There are so many fucked up insects.. It makes me really unhappy I really like it that all three of them are wearing black Are you making a video? Femke is already turning a little more quiet She is already a sleep -Femke will not make it to 10 O’clock This one is drunk Dad is filming like if he is holding a hand recorder Like this.... Really slow... Goodmorning I haven't done my hair yet It is 6 AM and I am already awake since 4 AM And now we decided... Oh it is already 6:20 AM so we need to hurry up We spontaniously decided to walk up the hill to watch the sunrise We've had a really relaxed morning Yeah a long morning -Steffie wants to go in front of the camera all of a sudden? What is happening? Yeah, what's happening? You are willing to go in front of the camera? But where are we going to? We are going to eat -At? Ready for it? I am totally ready for it! It is already become evening We are going to eat at an Italian restaurant Erik his favorite! Oh this is really sweet! Today is already day 2 And the boys did some diving this morning And now we are on the way to eat again Our favorite thing to do during this holiday Goodmorning today is a new day Today it´s We.. Ehm, Tuesday We´re having a nice massage today we just woke up had some breakfast And I will be the first one having a massage at 9 o clock so we get really spoiled today So today there is not much going on tommorow on the other hand is a big day because it will be Max his birthday He is turning 27 years And right now I am enjoying the beautiful view because you can´t get enough of it at this place This evening we will have dinner at the villa The Foodmaniacs will make dinner And Max is flying the drone as you can hear We will be sitting outside, really beautiful There will be taken care of everyting, so we don´t have to do anything this evening Today it is Max his birthday and Henrike is already busy with the preparations we´re hanging the balloons everywhere and we will make some breakfast later And Max needs to stay in bed untill 8:30 AM and he is not quite happy with that And ofcourse Jan-Hilbert is also awake, he is early every morning So we will put some decorations everywhere and then we will have some breakfast later with all of us Birthday boy! Are you coming? But it's not 8:30 AM yet? No we will have breakfast more early So that you don't have to wait for so long How old are you now? 23 No, be honest 27 You getting old for real Okay, there we go This is really exciting... You won't get this anywhere else I think this is the best one! Yeah, that's a good one So we are on the road again because we are going to do a buggy tour Guys, is everyone excited?? We've arrived and these are the buggys we will be riding in This is a really nice birthday, isn't it? Yes, we are going to ride wild! We're gonna ride reaaaaally fast We are in a heavy rain shower It is raining reaaaallyy heavily This can be used as an aid in case of danger That's a good one The boys will be going through that hole.

Are you coming back? This evening we are going to eat at Bamboo Bali At Chefs Culinair Bonaire And Mark and Han will be our cooks... Our chefs this evening And this place is really beautiful I am now standing in front of the entry Good evening! Bye! Thank you very much! Today was a really relaxed day, we didn't do much The boys went fishing this morning Does it feels like a massive one? Reaaally massive! Oh, that's a nice tuna! And now we will have some dinner on a boat Even Jan-Hilbert and Marian have never done this before So we are all looking forward to it. For sure it is gonna be really nice. How is everything going on Melisa? It's great, right? Our last evening has officially started... We're going to have some nice dinner at La Cantina For the last time toasting The last few wines in Bonaire... Enjoy! Jan is excited! Cheers guys! That's the end of the holiday already! We're going back home! We've been looking out to this holiday for over a year And in no time it's flown by Yeah, but we also did a lot I think they are excited to go home, because they are all ready to go already They are waiting for uuuuus! Bye Bonaire!

2021-03-26 16:12

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