7 Wonders: Vietnam (Episode 4)

7 Wonders: Vietnam (Episode 4)

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hey there a Marcus I like our planet and I'm curious of the people at 21 that travelled Asia in search of three things to see how people live learn how people think and understand the many ways people live their lives to achieve this I ask seven people from seven countries seven questions this series is an attempt to share my discoveries welcome the seven wonders [Music] welcome to Ninh Binh located in the Red River Delta Ninh Binh is a rural retreat to our south of the capital Hanoi inhabited mostly by farmers and fishermen it is called the halong bay on land for his many limestone mountains rising up from its swamps it was here I met a first-time mother working at homestay meat-like what's the name ma'am how old are you thirty year old and what do you work yes is this your house can we take a look inside as we follow Lange around back vast nature and a large garden welcomes us to her home [Music] here she lives with her baby her husband and their husband's parents safe to say is the household of all ages Lange's favorite place of the house is the balcony where she spends her mornings soaking up her daily dose of her beautiful surroundings [Music] living in such a spacious place comes in handy when living under the same roof as that many people including her own in Los meet Lange's husband - hey and their baby girl whose name is every month yeah and who's got a blood enlist forces her to go to the hospital once a month even though it is quite the burden it will not shorten her life fueled by the fruits of the nature around them their spirit stays high we treat is all it takes to please family members of all ages wow you were good ma'am and your husband what does he do with both lang and her husband working everyday lang starts her day early to make you go around for the baby you wake up seven were not working lang likes to take her baby around the village well guarded by the local dogs it seems like a safe and quiet place to raise her kid in the name of the village is with ten children around the rage ank-ooo has plenty of socializing to look forward to as they say you can choose your friends but not your neighbors living in such a remote village lang in our neighbors relies heavily on self-produced food and water fresh water is accessed from deep within the mountains and it's distributed by cables to each and every family in the village each family also have their heated water tank which they use for washing clothes and themselves as for the food land grows different crops in your garden you grow heard sir and vegetables [Music] the never she's heading to the kitchen LAN can't help but worrying about the availability of certain ingredients one of these ingredients is rice but her biggest concern is for the people who harvested you know to Grose's arrive from the staff to the wind can the pick is the foreman yeah yes four million for four months yeah four million for Foreman four million Vietnamese dong is equal to about two hundred and forty US dollars pay for four months Bert it's not a whole lot to raise mountains on due to the shifting weather conditions the rice needs more time to reach maturity as a result the farmers are forced to take on second jobs to support themselves and their families the spirit of the people seems to be unbreakable here through any weather they stand tall and proud ready to face the task at hand I asked Lang about a personal faith in the role of religion in Vietnam others religion in Vietnam in the you know Buddhism yeah yeah so every day every body yes do you believe in Buddha to pray pray for the hell speaking of good life I ask Liang whether she's had one this one in the chant of the community after finishing high school Liang moon to explore more than Tran an she decided to attend University in another city Preeti so what did you study how can you go girl Lange's only sibling her little brother also went to university at the same time as her well the brother moved to the capital Lang moved back home and found love so how old were you when you got married and your husband from here I daringly asked Lang whether she's had any previous relationships her reaction is open for interpretation though most memories has been pleasant once not every moment has been a bed of roses I asked Lang to share some of her struggles in life only only need everybody in my family is a good health I'm very happy yeah Laing goes on to say that all the problems disappears when she gets back home to her family I see my husband and my doctor and my parents are very happy here yeah you want to grow old here yeah yeah you want to get all their yeah and as she gets on her bike she explains why and as we ride through the community I get the feeling that she doesn't want to be anywhere else in the world and in the middle of mountains covered in green rising up from vivid rice fields embraced by bamboo trees and water lilies who can blame her for not fishing around elsewhere [Music] [Music] as you ride a scooter to try and Lange takes the scenic route to our destination the lying dragon mountain after spending a David lang in Tryon we arrived at the lying Dragon Mountain as we begin our climb Lang's in his strength is quick to shine through as she pays us up to 500 steps towards the dragon on top [Music] as we gain terrain up the mountain it is easy to see why the locals consider this a holy place here seems like a good spot to ask lang the seven questions I wonder and ponder about here we go the first question is what is good and bad in your life my family it's good yeah when when I get to my daughter mmm-hmm every day I happy it's mine my daughter beautiful and bad maybe some time because my my mother yeah yeah every every week three time three times a week mother Jin Qin's Azusa bilasa so that's why I only hoped everyone in my family and have a good health so I'm very happy question number two yeah where are you in ten years I guess a new job I hope I can I ask Lang well ten years of further development will mean for Vietnam every day a lot of people ask you a question on the three line when you wake up in the morning what's the first thing to prepare breakfast you ready for question number filing yeah when you go to sleep at night what is the last thing you think about people you met question number six what is the meaning of life I want to grow up and she can get married yes I'm very happy question number seven what makes you smile you you and my memory and mind you boy yeah mmm my friend yeah yeah like vu and it's my yeah every day I only hope in I can my every day [Music] [Music]

2021-01-08 06:48

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