7 Wonders: Laos (Episode 3)

7 Wonders: Laos (Episode 3)

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hey there i'm marcus i like our planet and i'm curious of the people at 21 that travelled asia in search of three things to see how people live learn how people think and understand the many ways people live their lives to achieve this I asked seven people from seven countries seven questions this series is an attempt to share my discoveries welcome to seven wonders [Music] welcome to one per bum located in northern Laos it serves as the cultural capital of the country listed as a unesco world heritage site Luang Prabang displays his ancient history in perfect harmony with his present day everyday life it was here met a young student straight out of high school meat combo what's your name my name is come on how old are you I'm 19 and what do you do can you show us where you live yes this is the hostel common Levitan very works and sleeps for free as he saves top to university complex a dorm with five of the people all from the countryside trying their luck in the city [Music] on the way to breakfast I asked Kamla about its origins I come from countryside countryside yes how many hours outside from here - there's three hours three hours yes oh yeah it's your family there yeah my family there yeah what's the village called one our village who now village yes yeah at 15 Kamla moved here too long prabang to attend high school leaving his family and friends at home you ever have brothers and sisters no no only child yes great and your parents yes yes as they began high school come a quickly discovered what he was good at so you could just finish high school yes you were the best now I think it's more perfect for student attic for us so now what do you want to do now I want to study English yes at University yes even though we will take years for kamma to save up to school he says there will be more than worth to wait why do you want to go to university because I need to improve my knowledge and I know the our country is developing yes an English very important for everyone as we eat breakfast by the river I asked Kamla about opportunities of allow children do every child and now go to school yes yeah good not everybody goes to university you know yes because ya know how much for one year one year is in the lies with average pay for a day's work being four dollars here and now three hundred dollars for a year at university it's hard to afford for young adults that being so calm loves thirteen hours a day to keep his dream alive Kamala Diaz wake up advice hi Emma ladies and I go to work I start at 6 from 6 to 7 13 hours comelet's got a job where he can practice his English so that he may improve it for future studies I will in a restaurant a Muslim yes as we finish our meals Kamla wants to take us back to the hostel to meet some friends for this my friends always say that sim simulator is a friend hi what's your name oh so this is the friend boo back to here yes the same image yes same oh let me stare together you say it together what's your name you stare as well it's pretty clear these guys has got a lot of things cooking let's check out one of them we can take this pie from the countryside it's sky-high protein levels and savory taste it's more than enough to put a gleeful smile I'm Chang Lee's face just as we were about to leave the guy switches speciously to the Native Tongues something as we move towards our next stop Kamla guides us through the local market where farmers and fishermen comes from afar to sell their goods to the public at the very end of the street / a temple where Carla's got a good friend Minster my name is Markus nice to meet you you're from the same village this temple is also a high school as well as learning the standard curriculum the students here also learned the ways of the Buddhist monk you live here it's my last this montserrat will still be a monk Minster will shortly return to the life of a normal citizen but he will always carry the spirit of the monk wherever he goes in the country of seven million people with the majority of the population is Buddhists and the majority of the nation's income is tourism Luang Prabang is the perfect example of how the two can coexist in harmony like Amla says there is nothing that makes him more proud than showing this Aries the beauty of his hometown like most parts of Southeast Asia loves experience the heavy rainfall every year from October to December called the monsoon [Music] leaving the vegetation green and lush and the river slide rainy days can do good but they can also do bad what are your struggles kumla what is bad in your life the money because my best I need to study at university that is but I don't have enough money because I live in the poor family release yes so but I'm so happy and I'm proud to live with my friend ladies but something is very bad I think my problem is money that is yeah yes I need to continuous at university okay here we go [Music] on the back of the bike of a happy driver arrived with Kamla to a place far away very used to go to school back then it didn't have a scooter but a bicycle to get back and forth spending about an hour on the road every day he hasn't been back since it's my high school yeah this your high school Santa Pam high school but it's the ride-along language Santa Pam high school yes great alright let's go this is where Carla mood when he was 15 to attend high school sharing accommodation with 500 fellow students what subjects did you have yes and match history language geographies yeah literature yeah Chinese also yeah Camas favorite subject was the English language which he plans to study further in the future as we walk around the school we end up in the outdoor canteen slash convenience store yes we can have them we can have the food as we make our way out I noticed many young children approaching the scooter park how old were you when you started driving scooter I'm 77 and we start driving yeah everybody does yeah it requires quite the attitude to fearlessly mount a scooter at that age and ride it out into this kind of traffic on the way back we drive by the many preparations been made for the big Buddhist festival coming up as it is one of the biggest events of the year all generations make their preparations for what's to come called The Boondock poncy festival it marks the retreat of three months with rain turning the vibrant night market Street into a vivid celebration the highlight of the festival is a big parade of banana leaf fold decorated with paint and candles to give thanks to Buddha on the river spirit the celebration of the river spirit starts in the morning with the people of Luang Prabang making their way across the river to catch the most anticipated event of the year the boat race haven't prepared for months the racers are ready to face off in front of their friends and families and other spectators who stare to share the fun on race day the judges of course are also present [Music] after a couple of practice left it's time to race [Music] in addition to the race itself the riverfront is turned into a fun fair with a wide selection of food stalls and games for the whole family the parents aren't the only one shooting straight in a couple of years time they'll be aiming at a whole different kind of bird yeah yeah a long time ago yes a long time ago back in the home village yes yes I know everyone before started 15 ladies now I know something yeah I think a Mountie as the Sun sets of my David Kamla we begin our climb of mount determined to show us the best views to Luang Prabang Kamla takes us uphill to reach the golden pagoda standing tall and proud it overlooks the very lifeline of Southeast Asia the Mekong River below the pagoda there's an old temple which is held in high regard by local Buddhist Carla goes into pace respect and pray as it does every time is up [Music] here seems like a good spot to us calmly the seven questions I want to and ponder about here we go I'm not going to ask you seven questions is that okay yes first one yes what is good and bad in your life I'm happy to stay with my family and then so I'm so happy to meet you friend is best friend and the right thing is sometimes my life so bad because I'm just one person has come from countryside and I don't have something to get someone yeah because my hometown is there as many people cannot speak noise yes so that is my bad so I need to improve that and know about English yes please if I can hear them question number two yes you ready yes where are you in ten years and one more minute yeah yes you're at your home millage yes I can make the hotel Kamla told me earlier about his dream of building and running a hotel in the countryside Larry would take his guests out in about the local area and give back to the local community in the process yes between yes dreams are important yeah question number three yes who is God because it's the kindness God is kindness yes the gas is kindness kind of it's God what about bad bad yes although it's got a very explicit idea what God is come a still prays to a higher power from time to time in everything before I go to sleep pray to Buddha yes for a good life for good luck yeah and I wish for this because the answer I know money is great yeah because these believe God you believe in God yeah question number four yes what's the first thing you think about when you wake up in the morning so I think about it how can I make the money yes fire fire Emily's wash my my face and I use I spend the time for for reading what do you five when you go to sleep what is the last thing you think about the last thing I think when I go to sleep I wish our tomorrow it will be good day yes I think about this if that I have a simple word how can I improve and how can I do it and how can I pass this program and I think about it and I know everything tomorrow is very good question number six what's the meaning of life so the my lies meaning the how the truth and it's a goal something this will let you meet the girl and I'm it were to see they're both beautiful babies yes yeah the best family and this year best family ladies yes yes this family yes with the children oh yes many children I think it's three ladies three sides yeah question number seven yes final question yes what makes you love the love love yes love singing song and place bought and interpret my family and the guitar and thence meet friends latest years and have quite dinner together very serious yes incredible yeah alright thank you very much [Music]

2020-12-26 10:50

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