750 kg of PURE GOLD in India - never seen anything like it..

750 kg of PURE GOLD in India - never seen anything like it..

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Somebody ordered some bananas It's tight! It is tight? My head. Okay You are looking like a goddess Srinagar, Kashmir India Okay Bye-bye! Alright Good morning Internet! It is 7:45 in the morning and welcome back to the channel I am in Srinagar, Kashmir And I wanted to leave a little bit early today Well, I tried It took some time before you know, I got back here from the house boat But I have a long ride today It's 410 kilometers And even though that doesn't sound like so much It will take me a very long time I'm afraid 'Cause on a lot of these roads, you just can't go fast And I'm passing quite a lot of towns and cities, where I think there will be tons of traffic So.. this will occupy me pretty much the entire day I think But the reason I am riding so far, is today I went to make it to Amritsar And Amritsar is a pretty impressive place and it's in Punjab That's the next state, so I am now in the state, Jammu Kashmir So I'm first making my way towards  Jammu. And then I'm crossing the state border into Punjab

So that is the plan, now I'm hoping that actually the.. Oh Watch out.. tons of dogs Let me pay attention to where I'm going For a second You get like.. cycle rickshaws Like these ones And people and cars and everything Apples I hope actually, that the pollution will go down a little bit Now I think, I mentioned in the last  video as well That the pollution here is pretty bad at the moment It might be because they're burning fields But it's really, the visibility is really poor So I hope that will improve I just passed a very long tunnel  and I've come out on the other side And the pollution is definitely a lot  less here It's probably.. it kind of all stays hanging in like the Kashmir  valley or something 'Cause here it's a lot better Hi there Unfazed by traffic, used to it They're also building a tunnel  here So many tunnels are being built Or already have been built Oh Wow, did you see that? Oh Here All of this is fallen down Hello, please give me some space guys Yeah, why not It's unbelievable, the trucks are overtaking each other on the road like this They are overtaking I have to say they are gorgeous They all look super healthy as well Well fed and looked after Oof, temperatures are rising I just opened all my ventilation zippers Anyway, I've been riding for 4 hours now Nearly 4 hours and and I am nearly halfway So.. .. In a way that's not bad But yeah, I'm averaging about 50 kilometers an hour It's all not going very fast But what a change of scenery  right? Everything looks so different here Just gonna see.. if I find a place to..

Have a break, have a lunch somewhere, I'm going to do that 'Cause like always, I've just been riding for 4 hours straight No breaks Well, I did stop to fuel up But that's it So yeah, when I see something like a restaurant Traffic has come to an absolute stop Welcome Punjab police Wow! I don't know when but I've already entered Punjab Breakfast, lunch, dinner. Sounds good Look at my face! I kid you not, this is just fumes of trucks, I'm sure of it Maybe some dirt as well I cannot believe how my face looks like! Oh man, there were so many trucks on the road And yeah, they cough up like these black fumes And I'm sure that this causes my face to look like this Anyway, um, they have some uh, fans here, ceiling fans Which is nice because it's so hot outside And anyway I am about 70 kilometers from Amritsar So it's not so far anymore So I'm just going to have this lunch and then ride the last bit I don't know how the traffic is going  to be in the city. Um.. but let's see Anyway, in the meantime I ordered some typical Punjabi food, apparently Or a Punjabi special. This one Sarso.. Sarso ka.. Sarso ka Saag Sarso ka Saag Okay So this is the food that came It's like.. this is some vegetable curry I think Alright That was lunch done I got to admit, it wasn't the most appetizing looking food But man, it was good! It was absolutely yum! It uh.. it tasted a little bit like palak paneer

But then without the paneer So yeah, basically like a spinach..  spinach curry With some Punjabi roti I think it was Oh, that was nice And then they gave me a chocolate as well As dessert So yeah, 66 kilometers till Amritsar I have arrived in Amritsar Now the majority of the people here, they are all Sikh people Not sick but Sikh And so you can see, that they're wearing like these beautiful turbans And I believe, in India it's mandatory to wear a helmet on a motorcycle But they are exempt from that rule Now I've transported my motorbikes in some crazy ways, but look at this one Ha ha ha Somebody ordered some bananas Oh man, this is mental Hi, how are you? How are you? Good and you Actually, the parking is safe. We have a guard, morning and night Otherwise, the car park belong to our guests Don't worry about your bike You can put your luggage in the the hotel And the parking is safe, don't worry about it. We are responsible.

So don't worry, just come. Have faith in. Where you from? Netherlands Netherlands Netherlands - Yeah Yeah But - Put it down? Um.. first I'll put it here The next morning... There is my bike It was terrible weather last night You can see by all the water on the streets, that it came down It rained, it rained So that was a little bit unexpected And all I could think about was my bike that was parked out on the street Obviously, I put the bike cover over.. over her But still But anyway, everything looks fine I am now going to walk to the Golden Temple Which is about a 10 minute walk from here Maybe I'll take a rickshaw Okay, when there's a rickshaw, I'll take one So I'm off to the Golden Temple And the Golden Temple is the holiest temple for the Sikh people And worldwide, there are about 20 million people that adhere to Sikhism But 95% of the people live here in Punjab So this really is their homeland And I am now on my way to their most sacred temple Hi! Yeah! I hear you To Golden Temple Yeah Alright The last bit I have to walk towards the temple Let's see Ah This is a symbol of god Just press Okay yeah, got it Okay It's a bit tight! Bit tight It is tight? - Too tight, too tight Too tight? - Too tight. Ah no no, less tight, less tight

My head Okay You are looking like a goddess Yeah, look good You think so Right, you have to cover your head, so that is all sorted now I think I'll now go to the place  where you put your shoes Because no shoes are allowed But I believe they have a place where you can store your shoes Thank you So as you can see it's very busy already, and it's only 7 o'clock in the morning They give out free meals to the people here at the temple So this temple, this Golden Temple alone feeds 20,000 people a day And on some special days even up to 100,000 people get fed here for free So this is to clean your feet Thank you So when the Golden Temple was built,  it was decorated with 400 kilograms of gold leaf But over time I think they added even more, because some say it now has 750 kilograms of gold On the Golden Temple So it's a pretty special place And so the.. the line to gets inside the temple Was really, really long. So I decided  not to go inside and just leave that for the devotees  But it's a huge complex and yeah,  they're very welcoming So everybody, no matter from which background ethnicity or religion you are Everybody's welcome at Golden Temple Right, so I am in another tuk tuk Uh.. on the way back to the hotel I can actually take this one off now So that was the Golden Temple Um, I'm going to end this video now Because it's very bumpy again So that was it for today I really hope you like this video If you did, please give me a big thumbs up Subscribe down below and then I will see you in the next video

2023-11-09 11:55

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