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Vegan food has never looked so good  in Spain's largest city Madrid.   I'm Eunice and I'm going to tell  you all the good food spots and   tourist attractions to see from my  three-day stay in Madrid so let's go.   To start the trip I met with a local vegan foodie,  Israel, to show me around Rastro, a weekly flea   market in the Lavapies neighborhood where  you can often get free tapas with your drinks   so our first stop was one of Israel's top picks I'm here with local vegan foodie Israel  he has a vegan channel as well. Israel   right yeah that's right so if you want to know  about local vegan food in Madrid this is where   you come to check it out so tell me where are  we right now. We are in Lavapies and we are in   a market, a covered market and there are so many  stalls and we are lucky that there is a fully   vegan style so yeah and it's like traditional  style tapas right yeah very traditional so we   ordered a couple drinks and they gave us a  free tapa which is common right in Sundays   you're saying yeah in Madrid like it changes  in every part of Spain it changes but in Madrid   when you order a drink you will get a free tapa  always. I like that free snacks with your drink! So we got carried away, we ordered way too much  food but that's what happens when it's your first   meal and you want to try all the tapas. So we've  got papas gajo which is like potato wedges and it  

has like an aioli tartar sauce with it and then we  have timbal which is like a quinoa bean salad, the   free little tapas which are just a little bread  with hummus and avocado and then the choripan   which is chorizo and pan, so chorizo and bread and  they serve it to you like a bocadillo, a sandwich   but if you want to just eat the chorizo by itself  you can do that too so let's go let's go let's dig   in yeah I'm gonna start with the because I love  potatoes okay I'm gonna start with the hummus with the pimenton the potatoes come with  a nice tartar and aoli. Oo the poatoes   are really good well yes it's so good yeah  yeah yeah let me try yeah hummus is so good   so one of my favorite things here in spain yeah paprika where they get it from and it has such a  distinct flavor you can't find it in the states   yeah in fact this is what i'm  taking home with me at souvenirs i am it's a good flavor the texture is really good  it doesn't have a strong weird fake meat flavor   yeah i know it's natural it's good i like it so  a really cool thing about this place is that they   make everything in-house all the chorizos all the  ingredients everything's made here they don't buy   like vegan meats from vegan vendors everything's  made in-house which is nice so if you're ever   in la la pies in madrid come to the mercado san  fernando because it's a place worth checking out   for sure yeah you should definitely jump if you're  around and uh yeah this torito is so so good   i like the texture and with the olive oil and so  on it's amazing love it spoken from a motherland   afterward it was time to try one  of madrid's favorite tortilla spots   we are at viva chapatta which is known to have   the best vegan tortilla right that's  what everybody says yeah that's right that you can commonly have they give you this huge  portion here and it's amazing like just look at   the size of the thing from the display it looks  legit like you you wouldn't know it wasn't vegan   right like yeah it looked real i was like wow so  i was going to try it so it's served tomate right   yeah it's made with chickpea flour that's  usually the base of all the vegan tortillas oh it's good it was really good this one's not as  moist i've had more voices before yeah sure but   it's good the flavor is really good yeah yeah yeah  i have eaten a lot i am spanish so before i went   vegan i don't know if i could i could tell the  difference between this one and a real one like   it's so so close yeah just looking at the  color it looks exactly light you can tell   that they steam the potatoes because it's not  super oily or anything so yeah i like that next it was time to satisfy our sweet tooth  so there was one spot we couldn't miss out on   freedom cakes they have a  variety of vegan ice creams   cakes pastries and toppings to  make the craziest vegan milkshakes okay i am at freedom cakes and i'm going to eat  this as fast as possible because we ordered a   freak shake has a cake on top oreo milkshake  vegan whipped cream a palmera rice krispies   an extra serving of hazelnut ice cream  we were ambitious so it's about to fall   apart so i'm gonna eat this before it falls  apart oh my god okay this is so good they put   a lot of extra milk in the milkshake so it  doesn't taste a lot like the oreo ice cream but once you hit it with the death by chocolate  cake it's the perfect combination oh my word if you're a dessert lover you need  to get one of these freak shakes   the puerta del sol is a public square in madrid  one of the best known and busiest places in the   city and it's the center of the radial network  of spanish roads walking past the square you'll   eventually reach gaiao another main square where  the cena's gael is an iconic theater and one of   the most photographed sites in the square and it's  also where you will find a lot of street artists before getting to one of my favorite lunch stops  i made sure to stop by one of my ladies many vegan   donut shops delish vegan donuts specializes in  epic vegan donuts including this stuffed mac   and cheese donut with coconut bacon and orange  creme brulee they are amazing and a must try so for lunch i had to stop by one of my days  best gems and all vegan peruvian restaurant hola a is okay so i've gotten my first dish here at los  angeles and hello if you know peruvian food you   know you gotta get ceviche so i've gotten  of course their ceviche that looks amazing   where the base is mushrooms instead of fish  and they serve it to you with toasted plantain   chips fresh corn and you have toasted corn a  potato puree it just looks absolutely beautiful   they put some nori on there to give it that  marine touch and of course it's topped with   that's like their marinade that ceviche  is known to have so that's of course   this is something you have to  try okay so let's give this a try it is so fresh and acidic and spicy because i  asked for spicy sauce too the perfect combination   that you need for ceviche the mushrooms  really go do a good of replacing fish   so if you love ceviche or have loved ceviche and  you want a good option mushrooms is the way to go   such a great dish like you cannot come to madrid  and miss out on this place you have to come here   okay so i have my main dish now or dishes i should  say because i was special enough to get a little   sample platter of all these different dishes that  i wanted to try because i wanted to try them all   but typically these dishes are sold separately  as their own entree so i have the lomo saltado   which is a fusion from asian influence because  peru has a lot of asian influence so this is   used with a wok method to flambe the beef so  they use seitan and the texture on this looks   unreal then we got which is another typical dish  but it's usually calluses which they've replaced   with mushrooms and it's usually served on top of  a potato and veggie stew and then they've chopped   it with a fried egg on top where they buy the egg  but then they make their own egg yolk amazing then   we have papa salad which is a typical peruvian  dish as well where they have a yellow sauce on   top of this hot steamy potato and of course served  with rice okay so i'm going to try the cow cow now   oh my gosh the flavor is amazing  super comfort food and that vegan egg   the texture of the fried egg awesome  and it makes it just so much better   wow this is something i highly  recommend you try this on the menu okay now i'm gonna try the lomo saltado  with some french fries and tomatoes oh my gosh the texture of that  beef seitan is that is the most   legit vegan meat i've tried in terms  of texture it's almost identical   it's swamped you can smell the smoky  flavor when you eat it last but not least with the thumbs on top and of course some rice i  thought the cold sauce that they serve on top of   it was going to change the temperature a lot but  no with the steamy hot potato it cools it down to   the perfect temperature so all of this is amazing  the cow cow i think is my favorite it's nice to   try something different besides ceviche you know  that everybody knows about persian food but this   is a place where you're going to try real peruvian  flavors with a vegan touch in maduri okay so you   know you can't leave any restaurant without having  desserts so i have the suspiro alimenya which   is another traditional peruvian dessert on the  bottom we have mahara blanco which is basically   but it's soy based and then it's helped with a  aquafaba like meringue and it has cinnamon on   top has vanilla extract some clove cinnamon  it just looks amazing so i'm gonna try this wow and then when it's topped with the  mint leaf on top oh my gosh this is so good   it's light and airy and then of  course gotta enjoy with some coffee overall this is an amazing experience here  in madrid cuisine that you can't typically   find anywhere else so you have to give it a try  that's the beauty of madrid is that it's such a   metropolitan city and you have cultures from all  over you have a big presence of people from south   america so you can really enjoy south american  cuisine and peruvian is one of them so i really   hope you guys give it a try the next morning i  had the chance to check out an olive oil factory   because you know it's spain so why not oleum is an  all-organic oil producer located just 40 minutes   outside of madrid city center here you can learn  the process of how olive oil is produced but if   you actually want to see the olives make sure  you go in november while they're in season and   of course taste three different versions of olive  oil to learn how to identify the highest quality   next i was back in the city to try a  snack that almost can never be found vegan okay so i'm here for the tequenos mad mad  vegan makes venezuelan tequenos if you've   ever heard of tequenos they're a venezuelan like  treat basically it's pastry stuffed with cheese   and you break it apart and it just like oozes  out with cheese it's amazing so you never find   these and this one makes a vegan version because  there's a lot of venezuelan people here in spain   so after dipping into the sauce let's give this  a try is my first time trying tequenos period so   i can't tell you how legit they are but they are  tasty i like that they fill them up with cheese   they separate with a green aioli and a  marmalade so you have a sweet and savory option this place is definitely worth checking out  because they have a huge vegan menu burgers   and fries tacos a bunch of different things so you  gotta check it out not far from me in the malasana   neighborhood you will find copacion an all-vegan  carniceria aka a vegan meat shop here you can   purchase their own line of vegan spanish meats and  other favorite vegan items in their shop if you're   looking for a nice evening stroll in the city  you must visit el retiro this is the equivalent   to new york central park this major urban park  was built in the middle of the 17th century   el retiro is packed with things to see like  monuments statues lakes and beautiful buildings the next morning i decided to enjoy  a hidden treasure within the city   madrid has a chain of retail stores by  salvador bachier and each has a hidden   garden like restaurant this one near seoul  has a garden terrace on the fourth floor   so i came for a beautiful experience of  having a juice in a hidden rooftop garden   well now that i had a healthy juice i was ready to  indulge at one of my least favorite junk food bars okay so i am at distributor another popular  burger spot here in madrid because they have crazy   burgers and other junk food stuff so the cool  thing is that you can make your burger to order   so i got their hello burger which is soy based and  it all comes with potatoes on the side and i added   bacon blue cheese melted blue cheese and the  potatoes also have melted cheddar cheese because   i wanted to try that so you're gonna do something  wrong do it right and just go all out okay so   first i'm gonna try one of these potatoes because  i can't help it drench it all over this cheese so what they do here is they buy blocks of  vegan cheese i don't know which brand and   then they melt it themselves to make that  gooey ooeyness that you love in a burger   and potatoes you can't taste the cheddar  cheese that much in the potatoes but the   potatoes are really good okay now for the star  let's eat this burger oh my god this is huge you don't want sauce all over  your face you're doing it wrong so it's nice because you can taste the blue cheese  in this it's not superstar like real blue cheese   but you can still taste that essence of blue  cheese so that's nice the red color on this   burger is unreal the bacon is pretty good  i'm gonna try some of the bacon by itself the bacon is really good i like it  and it comes through in the burger   if you want a burger satisfaction you need to  come here one thing to note here is that it's   a small space so you need to reserve because  it fills up quick so keep that in mind when   coming to visit this restaurant is in the lava  pies neighborhood lava pies and malasana are   the two top neighborhoods where you can find  tons of vegan restaurants so that's something   to know if you're looking for a place to stay  so highly recommend you gotta come check it out   and now it was time for dessert so i made sure to  walk through plaza mayor madrid's central square   and one of the prettiest open spaces due to its  architecture and vibrant street life but i made   my way to chocolate 1902 because veganchurros  are an experience everyone must have in madrid   so you can't come to kuala lude without  getting churros why because this is basically   the birthplace of chutos the tudors that are most  popular with that are thin with the ridges that's   enchuro madrid that everybody knows about and  so it kind of started here so you kind of have   to have it anyways so everyone's going to talk  about a famous place called chocolate sanguines   but it's not vegan friendly so if you literally  just walk one minute around the corner you will   find chocolate 1902 they offer a dark chocolate  option with no milk in it they offer vegan churros   they offer plant-based milk so if you're vegan  it's a better option and it's right next door and   it's also one of the oldest shooter establishments  here in spain so it's of course having my children always a good choice it's crispy it's chewy in  the inside it's yummy the chocolate is good and   it's nice and it's dark chocolate no milk some  of these places will always put milk powder in   the chocolate mix and then they make with water so  still has milk this one doesn't so come check it   out if you want to enjoy a free rooftop view  of the city you can go up to the ninth floor   of the cortingles on granbia where you will  have a food court area and views of the city for my last dinner i couldn't resist  and go check out a restaurant that   makes avocado the star of the menu okay so  i am at avocado love in malasagna another   vegan hot spot here in madrid and i couldn't leave  without trying this spot because the whole menu   is basically surrounded around avocado so if  you're an avocado lover you'll love this place and   i would have had serious fomo without trying this  one particular dish it is a smoked avocado stuffed   with textured soy meat and it has a coconut  cream sauce on it so anyways let's try this   oh my god this is a whole avocado stuffed  with something oh my word this looks amazing if you love avocado you will love this  it's served warm you mostly come for   the experience because when they serve it  to you you know it comes off and it like   all the smoke comes out it looks really cool  but hey this is nothing but good fat right the best way to know a city is to eat it so walk  the streets of madrid discover new favorite foods   meet up with locals and immerse yourself  in the culture catch you later on rated v you

2021-07-12 21:39

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