700 Club Interactive - September 6, 2018

700 Club Interactive - September 6, 2018

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We. Saw a car in front of us flip over and then I went up to assist a Good Samaritan stops. To help the victims of a car crash only, to become a victim himself the, car ripped off my foot and the only thing that they had left was my heel watch as this teen makes a remarkable, comeback I kind, of trusted in God at that point whatever happens, is in God's hands plus, Efrem. Graham shares, his top 5 trending, stories all on, today's 700, club interactive. Hi. And welcome to 700 club interactive let's. Take a look at today's top 5 stories and entertainment, with Studio 5. Number. 5. Will. You marry me support. Pours in for Cosby, show star Geoffrey Owens after, someone spotted him working in a New Jersey grocery, store and posted. Pictures online I was really devastated but. It lasted, it was the, period of devastation, was so short because so, shortly after that the. Response, is my wife and I started to read, these responses, from like literally, all over the world actors. Like Chris ranking posting, I worked, in the kitchen after being in Harry Potter I needed, a job no, shame in that, Tyler. Perry sharing, I'm about to start shooting owns number one drama next week, come join us I have much respect for. People who hustle, between gigs and Terry. Crews responding. I swept. Floors after, the NFL if need, be I'd, do it again there's, all kinds of interest now because of this so and, that's nice you know I mean I feel like I'm more of a celebrity now, than I've ever been. At, number, four. Queen. Now. He just, had hold his, hosta. The. Latest, issue of relevance magazine. Is on newsstands. Now and on, the cover our husband, and wife, Abner. Ramirez, and Amanda, sadhana known, to music fans as Johnny, swim sharing. Their story Amanda, tells the magazine there's. Something, so beautiful about that time when, we hadn't seen any dreams, come to fruition yet, we, were the richest poor kids ever. At. Number, three that's made good, she, is talent, like, superstar, like, not even out of my league Hollywood. Filmmaker, Devon Franklin is sharing five issues single, people should consider before, getting, married I take pride in Who I am as a wife Franklin. And his wife actress Megan good are the authors, of the, wait and in a recent email blast, to his followers he. Advised when it comes to marriage sometime. Quote you've, chosen a person, because she or he is willing, to wait and not much else and, sometimes. We're just not ready for it emotionally. We talked about the value of delayed gratification in. This idea, that there is power in patience. At number, two he's the face of Nikes, 30th anniversary, just do it campaign, Colin, Kapernick just tweeted out this campaign photo with the caption believe. In something, even if it means sacrificing everything. The, former, San Francisco, 49er, is the new face of Nike, Kaepernick. Hasn't played for the NFL since, 2016. When he took a knee during, the national anthem to raise awareness about police, brutality, against, African Americans.

At. Number one. Worship. Pastor, Michael Ketterer whales America's. Got Talent and Simon, Cowell with his voice and his, story my family's, my, reason why I'm here my, wife and my six children say. Keter. His wife and six children from, foster, care watched, from, backstage. As. Simon. Cowell awarded, Ketterer the golden, buzzer, avoids, a, genuinely. Mean this is, special. Alright, Ephram joins us now Simon, Cowell was impressed, and who wouldn't they I tell you Simon Cowell moved to tears you know the voice that can make Simon Cowell cry the, story is also amazing he and his wife adopted he's. A minister they've adopted six, foster, children. And he says that, one of the reasons he's doing it now. In pursuing, this dream is so that his children will know that you're never too old to pursue your dream and that you can have whatever, it is your heart's desire great, singer worship leader he. Is advancing, forward let's all, pray that he makes it all the way it's a great great. Story yes Jeffrey Owens now from The Cosby Show people may remember he. Alvin. Thibodeau that's Alvin, Thibodeau and of course at first the story he was kind of shamed, yes. Working, in the grocery store now he's getting support, it was amazing, a customer, in the store sees, him recognises, him and took, a photo of him and he says he's been working there for about a year and a half and everyone who's come in and recognized him as said hi and been kind and he goes they almost kind of dismiss it oh you're working here now but, then that picture posted, and it was sort, of to say okay how can this actor go from here to here but, the the the the rallying, cry of support, for him is. People saying you know what doing. Good work and working is not something, to be ashamed of people, were quite mean and yes yeah he, had come, to that situation absolutely, and stars. Sharing. Their stories like you know there's no shame in doing. What it takes to. Meet. Your family's needs he is a Yale grad he. Was also a professor teaching acting, before and, he said he and his wife were just looking, saying what things don't add up we've, got to do something to make ends meet he's been doing that for a year and a half and he wanted something to do that was still going to allow him the flexibility, and freedom to, take acting roles when they did come but the acting roles had dried up he had joked that he was once working in a flower shop and his agent, came in and said oh you're, working here what, are you doing here he goes I should ask you that right what am i doing well now doors were opening for him indeed Tyler, Perry tweeted, an offer and you know he doesn't know whether that's a serious offer or not but he's certainly, flattered. And. He said even though the author's office are coming as a result of this he doesn't want anything just because of, he wants him. To he wants to earn anything, he gets because of the talent and the quality of his work of course colin kaepernick again in the news but even more so now Nike. Yeah a great backlash, that they have made him the face of Nike now, I think. He must have put a lot of thought in at a time and considered all the scenarios why do you think they made this move indeed, I've been watching what analysts have been saying about that very thing some say it's a financial move, they think that because. Colin, Kaepernick, has the, support. Of. Such, a diverse group and also, because, they realized that in terms of the purchasing, power that the people who support, Colin Kaepernick are really their customers, so far it hasn't proven, to benefit, like you know it has not proven to benefit Nike I've heard that you know stocks. Have. Declined as a result I'm sitting. There. Thinking in the long run this airing there somebody. In the, long run they feel that this will be the right decision they, say they want to be on the right side of history they feel this is the case and Colin, Kaepernick is not just the face they're actually going to create, a brand, and a line with. His, signature on, it and, he's been giving a first-rate. Deal also, Nike, stood behind him from the very beginning, of, all, of this because he was already on Nikes payroll and has never left Nikes payroll so this is just a bit, of a promotion, for him if you will credible the guy's not play in the NFL since 2016. Still in the headlines every day absolutely, absolutely tell, us about this couple on the cover of relevant magazine, Oh Johnny swim they're one of my favorite, couples, on that the voices are amazing their love stories also amazing, when they first met they actually, met in the hallway of a, church where, they were at Abner.

Sees Her and immediately, is smitten and, attempts. To get up and go over and speak, to her and she, shoots him a look like no don't don't even try it she. Said she sensed that he was used to getting his way and that wasn't, what she wanted she was in pursuit of her dream of being a recording artist they then end up meeting in a studio and working together and. Then, that's when I wonder. If he set that up I wonder, I wonder I think at that point she was working in Starbucks. And I forgot what job he was due but they share in their story a, time. When they literally had, to borrow from, their, churches Bible. Study charity, just, to buy snacks just survival. Stuffy and. That, they, certainly come a long way doing. Some great things they'll be touring, very. Soon and I've been pursuing a sit-down with them before. This tour begins, beautiful. Believers, they. Navigate, Hollywood, and maintain their faith quite well another, couple doing that Devon Franklin and his wife and they're giving, five issues, couples. To consider before getting, married you know anything about this absolutely I've got, the five I mentioned, some there one, they say that you may not be emotionally. Ready and if you're not emotionally ready to commit don't, commit, they also say that timing is critical that, if you are feeling in your heart that the timing of relationship. Is just not right don't. Rush and move, forward that that timing is actually you feeling reluctance. Is a sign that yeah you you should definitely wait fear. Of falling behind people, get as you get older, you're, thinking well I should probably go ahead and commit because I'm getting older that reason again yeah bad reason to get married also, they've written, this book the, weight and they, talk about waiting and reserving, sex for marriage at. The same time just, because someone is willing to wait doesn't, make them the mate for you that, alone is not enough it's beautiful, that they're willing to wait but don't think that alone and then the last one don't, do it to make someone else happy do. It because, if the timing is right you, know that this is what God has for you those, are the reasons that they lay out and looking, back my wife and I can both say yeah we're grateful we can follow those counsels. Indeed. It is well for all the latest in entertainment, news check out FM's weekly show studio, five you can watch it online at cbn.com slash, studio five Efrem thanks for being here pleasure thank we you always like having here thank you well coming up a family stops, to help an overturn vehicle and their son gets hit, those. Free. He, wasn't gonna make it start praying immediately. The. Other son recovered, and was able to forgive the man who hit him that's after this. Shawn. English and his family were helping the passengers, of a car that had flipped over right in front of them unfortunately, another driver, with pot in his system was headed for that same exact spot at the same time and what, happened next changed Shawn's, life forever. Sports. Were my life I was, eight seconds away from breaking the school record in the mile and I was just really hoping I could get the, attention of a premier, d1 scholarship and when I was taken away from me that was further difficult, the. Morning of April 2nd. 2017. Shawn. English's life was, changed, instantly, I was on my way to church with. My family I was gonna sing in the choir there, we saw a car in front of us flip over and, we stopped so my parents got out of the car and they, went to assist first and i was dialing 9-1-1, in the back seat and, then i went up to assist and i got out of my car and i looked to my right and I saw a doctor the. Doctor was Cynthia ray a local. Physician who, had also stopped, to help the passengers and, the Jeep obviously. We're waiting for the first responders, but kind, of felt a little bit more reassured. Because there's a professional, right there before, Sean and Cynthia could get to the Jeep another. Driver came around the bend and lost control.

Striking. Sean. And Cynthia, and I just look, up in the sky I thought, I was dreaming I didn't know what was going on the car ripped off my foot and the only thing that they had left was my heel he, was awake he, was talking, he kept. Saying I have to sit up help me set up and I. Knew he couldn't sit up if he, saw, his foot. He. Would go into further shock so, I kind, of pinned him down she, said you're gonna be okay and I said okay and she, sang, this childhood, song, that. Would put me to sleep and. You see the movies the person's dying and, they sing, the song to put them at ease so when they're passing they're relaxed. And ready, and I wasn't ready to go so, I was kind of scared worried, I was, afraid, um. He. Wasn't gonna make it. Prayers. Start. Praying immediately, I. Asked. To take his place and, I. Knew that wasn't possible but, still. S, first. Responders. Arrived, and attended, to all the passengers in the Jeep who eventually all recovered in, both Shaun and dr., ray were. Rushed to Henry Ford Hospital, tragically, ray. Passed away days later it, really hits name like, that woman lived 43 years I think it was and I, was. The last person she talked to so. I remember looking. Around like, thought, I woke up from my nap but I was in this hospital room with all these peeps and all these nurses, and all these people and, I had this breathing tube down my mouth I got. A notepad and then the first five questions, I asked is that okay. Is. This real life am i. Paralyzed. What's. Going on and can, someone hit my forehead, eventually. Sean. Stabilized. As doctors, explored, options, for his crushed right leg they, said there's. A chance we could get this half foot prosthetic, but then there's a chance for might have to amputate into a blown knee amputation, we would do all the research. Because, this was all formed us and none of us who are medical professionals and then. We consult, Sean we'd give him all the information and. I said that's the youngest I've ever again I'm ever gonna be I might, as well do it now on my bones and all these things. Can work in my favor and, help. Me heal Sean. Did lose his leg and received. A prosthetic. He. Then slowly began adapting to, his new way of life six, hours of therapy for, about. Two months, definitely. Wasn't fun but it, was reassuring because every day I was getting stronger every day I was getting better the hard part was the prosthetic, learning. How to walk on this learning how to trust that my ankle my, foot will be there and learning. How to use my hips and my thighs instead, of my ankle. And my calves Sean. Who had been a Christian since the age of 12 knew. That his faith in God would. Sustain him I kind, of trusted in God at that point whatever, happens, is in God's hands, I found out pretty quickly that I need to talk to people no, matter what I'm going through no matter how strong I think I am I need help I need other people whether, that's my mom whether that's a therapist, it. Was incredible, to see how. He. Handled the whole recovery friends, from school they would come in the first time they saw him and they saw that leg and you could sell that half. The leg was gone. They. Would you know break down and cry and and it, flipped, - Sean being the one comforting, them and he, used that he. Used his sense of humor Sean. Later found out the young man who hit him was driving, under the influence, Sean. Was angry, at first but. Ultimately, chose, forgiveness, I don't. Condone what he did what, he did was illegal, and morally, incorrect. But. I support. Him moving forward and I hope he can see, the light of God and I thought if I'm holding this grudge and I go into court guns blazing, yelling. At this guy, why'd. You do this that's, not going to help him and I. Kind of just said listen. If you need help I'm here, I'm in, your corner man I'm really. Rooting for you I. Forgive. What you have done as he began to use his new prosthetic leg. He, set two goals for himself to.

Dance At his senior prom and to. Run one, final, 400 meter, race I thought this was a bit of a stretch for me and I, was very. Very. Hesitant to to, say okay let's. Do this. First. Thing is he said it I did it dad I did it very. Proud. Of him and, I told him that that day, the. Scripture says plenty, of things about forgiveness and, how. We should act and in. The way that Jesus would and, I really take that to heart what would Jesus do I'm not happy with what happened but it's how I move forward because. What happened is in the past and. I, don't want that to influence my. Present, or my future his attitude, throughout this whole entire thing was never like. Why, God why me it was okay. What am I gonna do about this now John's, recovery, and strength has shown me that his. Ability, is stronger. Than his disability, yes. He lost his leg but he did not lose his life and, dr.. Ray lost her life he, tries to. Honor. Her memory by, by. Doing, good by helping others. I want. This story to help people and I. Just hope that the pain that I went through can help other people realize, that ok. If he can do it then I can do it. Quite. A young man Shawn English, it's hard not. To think of Philippians 4:13 when. You watch Shawn's story I can do all things, through Christ, who gives me strength we see that in Shawn's life. You. Know he could have easily looked at the external. What's. Happened to my leg that's a real life story, a real life tragedy. Life. Brings us all kinds of things we weren't expecting, often tragic and this, young man has, his leg amputated and instead, of only looking at the circumstances. He. Chose to look at what Jesus was trying to reveal you know we, often want the plan what are the steps. God. What's the next step in my life what do you want to do but God's, often, more interested, in revealing who Jesus, is. Jesus. Wants to reveal himself even. More than his plan who, he is even more than what he will do and, it. Takes taking. The time to. Say Jesus what can you teach me in this situation, what can you teach me in this season I'm going through that is not the way I want it not what I asked. For not what I ever even envisioned. And. Yet here I am in this situation. Yet. We can do all things through Christ who gives us strength and you know one of those things is forgiveness. That's. Such a key part of this story that this, brave young man chose to, forgive, who. Of us could stand in that courtroom and. Look. At the other young man who took, Sean's leg and took the life of an innocent woman and yet. Say I'm rooting, for you I want to forgive you Sean. Did that as much for himself, as he did for that other man because when we forgive, it releases, a freedom, in our life.

Jesus. Taught Sean the power of forgiveness. He. Taught Sean the value, of looking, deep inside of us as Jesus reveals not only who he is to us our Redeemer. Our rescuer. Our friend. But. Jesus will reveal even more and more about who we are. What. He wants to do in our life I don't know the season, you're in right now I don't. Know what your challenges, are perhaps. You had no choice in what. You're facing or perhaps you're in a bad circumstance, it's because of something your. Actions, brought about, but. I do know we have a God who will never leave us nor forsake us who. Gives us peace that. The world does not understand, he calls this peace a gift, in John 14:27. And let's, just take a moment now to pray, about. Whatever the concern is on your heart whatever you are dealing with join me now. Heavenly. Father you know the challenge, I am in you know the season of life I am in you. Know my struggles, you know my pain and my heartache, and you. Know those who I'm hurting for. Heavenly. Father I ask you now to reveal. More and more, of yourself, in the, midst of these, circumstances. In this situation. Help. Me not just see the obstacles, before me or, the challenges, but, Lord God let me see where you are in this. Season of my life, and. Lord. As you're changing me I, pray. You are patient on my journey, and. Lord. God right now I thank, you for grace. Grace. We have all been extended, through the cross of Christ and the, resurrection power. Of God that rose Jesus, from the dead Lord we thank you for the cross we. Thank you for redeeming us we, thank you not only that we can spend eternity with you thanks to the sacrifice of Jesus but, we have the Holy Spirit now to, lead us on this journey and for those who are praying with me now that have felt the, path is not lit. Lord. God illuminate, the path for them now direct. Our steps. Lord. Jesus we ask for your Holy Spirit to, intervene, in the, lives of those watching, and praying you know the miracle they need and Lord. Jesus we ask you now to intercede. With, favor on their behalf in Jesus. Name Amen, amen. If. You'd like further prayer I encourage you to call us any time of the day that's, eight hundred seven hundred seven thousand we would love to pray for you we'll still become a ten year old and her family survive a monsoon, I. Was. Scared when the water came into our house I feel, so sad when I think about how I will take care of my family. How will I feed them see. How viewers like you helped feed them and so much more that's when we come back. Ten. Year old Nisha and her family, survived, a devastating monsoon. In India but just barely, their house was flooded their, belongings, soaked and the, barber shop where Nisha's father worked, was, swept away by floodwaters. When. The monsoon, hit India ten-year-old. Nisha and her family, huddled on the roof of their home as floodwaters. Rose all around them I was. Scared when the water came into our house I could. Not sleep because, of the mosquitoes so. I covered myself with the shawl and watched, a flood, Nisha's. Family, was one among a hundred, and fifty thousand, people affected, by the devastating floods. With. A huge, loss of crops and livestock hunger. Was all around all, our ice and wheat were destroyed, and all, my white clothes got dirty. We, went days without any food as. Government. Relief arrived. Nisha's, father a margin, knew that once it ran out there, would be a crisis. The, barber shop he worked in had been swept away and, he didn't know how he turned a living I feel, so sad when I think about how I will take care of my family how, will I feed them, how will I send my daughter to school then. A CBN, disaster, relief team held a free medical camp in their village we, also distributed, food and other necessities. Even. Though he was there to receive help the margent forgot, his own troubles, and pitched, in to help other survivors, the. People who came to distribute, relief supplies met, me and asked me what did I do for living I told, them I worked as a barber so, the team set up a barber shop for, him when, the first customer, came in for a shave a margin, knew his troubles, would soon be over now, that I have my own shop Nisha, is going to school again and I can support my family business. Is going very good and I'm very happy thank, you for setting up the shop for my father. I'm very happy. Thank. You CBN partners, look what you have done for a family all the way over in India from your living room or your somewhere, in your house just by being a CBN partner you're helping people around the world here's, a family devastated by that monsoon, and not, only can we help them in various areas in their life but we say to that gentleman what, do you do how can we help you specifically, what's your trade and we find out we're, able to create another small business for him the family gets back on their feet and we are living out the gospel this is what Jesus calls us to to help others to be compassionate to give generously so, thank you to those of you who are CBN partners if you're not you can just call us at.


2018-09-11 10:06

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