4x4 Isuzu NPS CV Breaks 3 days after diff lock fitted! Was it the beach or the Diff Lock?

4x4 Isuzu NPS CV Breaks 3 days after diff lock fitted! Was it the beach or the Diff Lock?

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we are Karl and Katty together we are Nowhere Bound Touring we've been adventuring for over three years now around Australia in our truck and our Caravan sharing our full-time life on the road we take you to some interesting and unique locations along with sharing tips and tricks of how to make Caravan life that little bit easier [Music] thank you [Music] good morning everyone we are at tangaloon Point on Morton Island and it's day one of our Morton island adventure and today we're going to head down to the you know Southern point and around that have a look at a wreck on the way and around the other side to Roose or Rouse battery where there's some Old World War II bunkers that we're going to check out hopefully we get bogged one less time than yesterday it was a lot yesterday so that'll be great [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] what's up about 10 or so kilometers further south than the tangaluma wrecks uh these two wrecks there's not much left of them I'm not even sure what their names are but here they are we're just checking them out interesting [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign that's why everyone's turned around he loves getting this in a pickle oh I hope that wasn't the CV and just crunched [Music] it was the left side that's what I was recording padlock [Applause] yeah so if you come down to the bottom that not everyone can get through here very skinny very skinny it's definitely from the CV the crunch I'm pretty sure that's what I heard yeah hard lock not really not quite but it was pretty yeah it was New Year try and drive in three-wheel Drive okay I didn't know you could do that I I didn't know you could do that it might be good uh sounded like it crunched itself anyway try and go yep [Music] [Applause] wow that's unfortunate sure is we have to backing back again yeah and they just looked at that and looked at it but checked it when they did the dip yeah [Music] we were hoping to come to the gutter bar under better circumstances but anyway we're here and just hopefully gonna work out some help stuck at the pub it could be worth quite just to be stuck but if you you find out what what's wrong with it yep come on let us know what we're paying for me so I think if I would go around the to the SCS I'm just asking whether I can it would be nicer to do it on on concrete yeah not in the sand ideally laughs [Music] foreign [Music] so we've just pulled up here at the SOS and the s e s SOS the Emergency Center for the island uh Carl's just airing up and then yeah try and work out what's broken but they're pretty positive it's the CV see how it goes we might be camped here for a few days I can't believe it huh adjusting those bolts it's fine yeah it just means it doesn't turn so sharp yep and flat height look at that yeah as you may be able to tell what I'm trying to do is diagnose exactly what's broken on the truck I'm doing this by first of all jacking up the pump so both wheels are off the ground and then either locking and unlocking the hubs locking the diff lock unlocking the diff lock and by that I'm trying to work out exactly what side's broken for instance if the diff lock is locked and the Hub is locked on either side and the hand brakes on you can't theoretically turn any wheel because it should be lock solid I did have a little bit of an issue with the diff lock because I am not used to an electronic Locker so it behaves a little bit different to a solid air Locker which is when you operate it it's permanently locked straight away with the electronic Locker it has got about at least a quarter of the turn of the wheel before it locks sounds like it's in the diff but I couldn't steer oh the diff's broken that won't affect steering when you go the other way it can also have a quarter of a turn in the other direction and it unlocks and then relocks so it made it a little bit more difficult for me to understand what was happening just because I wasn't super familiar with an electronic diff lock so once I understood that then I was on my way and I could confirm exactly what was happening which basically was no matter what I did the passenger side wheel could just turn because the axle was broken obviously and driver side wheel a tail shaft and the diff performed how I would expect which is can't turn and so on when you're trying to turn it under those situations from that I worked out for sure that there was something wrong with the passenger side and it wasn't the diff and it wasn't the driver's side which is exactly what we thought at the start it was a passenger CV that I believe was broken and I'm going to fall apart the passenger side I just really wanted to make 100 sure that it really was the passenger side and not something else funnily that's happening with the diff because I had a brand new diff installed three days ago really wanted to rule that out 100 before I started ripping things apart just so you know I've never pulled this truck apart before but I am fairly certain that it's the same as any solid axle four-wheel drive as in the construction is roughly the same as a Land Cruiser or Nissan when I pull it apart I roughly know what to expect already because I pulled a Nissan apart plenty of times oh this wasn't engaging yeah it's that one definitely okay that's a good start oh look at this again I'm 100 sure it's just the I'm not used to an electronic diff marker yeah because we've only just got it so it operates a little bit different right thanks a little bit before it to engage foreign can you push the diff lock button please sure yep now push it again thank you sure yep just so you understand that we selected The NPS over other models of truck because its Driveline is relatively simple and basic with nothing particularly funny about it because I have the ability to fix it it's simple mechanics which means that you can do a lot of bush repairs but you may not be able to do with other different or more complicated Vehicles most of the components on the truck are about one and a half to two times the size on a Nissan petrology Euro GQ so it didn't take a lot of effort for me to get used to working on the truck I needed Digger tools which I bought and a little bit more horsepower to do up the nuts but apart from that everything else is basically the same it is almost a little bit easier apart from the weight of some things because it's not so fiddling I am fairly confident that the installation of the diff lock as in the diff lock itself didn't really have much of a bearing on the CV braking and also that the installation the physical installation of the diff lock was correct with everything else so whether we had the diff lock or not I think that the CV would have broken in that same situation regardless which now I believe is because of the steering lock and just the torque put through the poor little CV when it's on such an angle in hindsight Isuzu should have made a better or stronger CV for this truck or taking out the Turning Circle and reduced it like I've done but who knows whether that will be enough maybe the correct amount of turning lock to lock is Straight Ahead who knows we'll soon see whether it breaks again but that's my current assessment of the situation one thing that is 100 out of isuzu's control is that we've had a remap which has given us probably 40 percent more torque you may have correctly concluded that the remap has contributed to the breakage of this CV and it may well have because we have 40 more torque than standard but our original CV breakage occurred when we had no remap at all in other words totally standard Isuzu torque and it still broke I don't think that that is a reasonable excuse for this CV or our last CV of course braking now this is the one that I needed the tool for that I don't have oh and somebody's butchered it already look at that yeah they've used a bloody center punch nope oh the hell hmm what do you thought don't hi oh does it attach will not be in there it's Rusty it'll be rusty dirty like that at all let's see if they put a new seal and put it on this side really well that's all fine on the bright side I get to pack the wheel bearing because they didn't yep because they didn't yeah I don't really have a soft hammer foreign oh my God and with that broken wow what happened smashed off the end of the shaft there we go radio that's order that is smash two bits crazy yeah yep sharp as hell now I'm gonna have to get it out well let's see if he's definitely smashed again and it's the same CV that broke last time and we'll doing the same thing you'd think I'd learned but anyway which is reversing in sand when it's really bogged down with you know a bit of steering lock the same way too yeah exactly the same and it smashed again yeah so we found Brisbane burpen Gary has got the part and there's one in Cairns too so with this two in Queensland and we just got to get it to here now so we're just walking down the pub to find out how we can get it to here uh Peter said he probably can help us out somehow we just need to work out what address to send it to and then send it might turn up tomorrow hopefully or the next day put it back together and off we go but lesson learned we're definitely getting the second one definitely thinking of the island we're gonna order another one maybe even before then but also I'm going to adjust the steering bump stops so it can't steer so hard in that direction because obviously for some reason it just can't handle I don't know what's happening and I did just check those CVS when they put the diff lock in three days ago apparently um so we'll see we'll see how we go yep but for now we're walking to the pub to sort it out and to sit down and have a few drinks and oh I look how nice the water looks oh it's beautiful oh my gosh I think he is all would agree he deserves a beer don't you think I think I need a beer still got to clean it I've still got to get it out anyway I got some oh my God I ordered some stairs last time far out how lucky and that's what you were just saying that you should have asked him to get yeah except I'd still and they didn't need an oil sale wow jeez well done I know now I am getting smart apart from my own breaches you know I've got a ringing it's about cookie I just had it in the wrong spot you are a Boy Scout actually I've just been supervising that's all I can offer so as you can see this is where we will be until the CV arrives and it's replaced by Carl so every time I think CV I think about the CV that I replaced in my poor little ducks and 180b and I don't think it was that big Beast of a thing so that cracked that's oh this has got all stuffed balls and a cage that's supposed to be like that oh wow okay and it's just completely broken off smashed a bit wow holy heck broken Shire yeah take the teeth off smashed it out smashed it to bits sorry if you're not already subscribed please subscribe it'll help support our bad habits bad habits bad so you really have it that's what we got here and if you're inclined you know drop us a drop us a line tell us some stuff have you ever broken your CV in your truck in your truck what's wrong with our truck maybe it's the driver no no not this time I don't think it was I wasn't doing anything wrong no and I recorded the whole thing so it's got video evidence I know that you didn't always being a good driver yep not that there's anyone that you know to blame as such yes Isuzu itself yeah but there you go weak broken broken like our bank account thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe if you want a reminder hit the bell and remember we always love a thumbs up if you'd like to be more involved check out our patreon page or our website

2022-12-01 14:30

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