4k Turkey tour | Istanbul Beyoglu district walking tour in 4k | Turkey walk tour | march 2021 walk

4k Turkey tour | Istanbul Beyoglu district walking tour in 4k | Turkey walk tour | march 2021 walk

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TEMPRATURE 15°C / 59°F During your stay in Istanbul, you cannot miss the visit of the neighborhoods that make up the Beyoğlu district. Composed of a great variety and diversity of neighborhoods of which the most famous are Galata, Cihangir, or Karaköy, this area is fundamental in the history of Istanbul Symbol of the heyday of Constantinople, but also of the decline of Istanbul in the 90s, it is the thermometer of the city To understand Beyoğlu is to understand the history of the city and its actuality The major symbol of Beyoğlu, and one of the symbols of Istanbul, is the pedestrian avenue of Istiklal (Avenue of Independence), which is more than one kilometer long and traversed every day by hundreds of thousands of people This avenue, once a symbol of the bourgeoisie and refinement, is now home to all the major international and Turkish brands, making it a veritable temple of consumerism Another symbol of this avenue, which recalls the great hours of Istiklal, and its importance in trade are the many passages (small walking galleries) that border it The best known is probably the Çicek Pasajı (the passage to the flowers), the famous passage of rococo style. It now hosts a large number of restaurants of average quality, it is very touristy, but the passage is very beautiful to eat for lunch, avoid Istiklal Avenue, and prefer the small streets of Nevizade (just behind Istiklal)where go to eat a dürüm (meat wrap) in Dürümzade (see the article on street food) if you want to taste authentic good Turkish cuisine, go to Hacı Abdullah A few years ago, Istiklal and the small alleys that surround it were also famous for an ever-bustling nightlife However, while previously the party was continuous throughout the week, following political decisions and the tragic events of 2016, this is less and less the case, and the Istanbulities prefer to go out to more local neighborhoods like Besiktaş, or Kadıköy on the Asian shore now i am in ISTIKLAL STREET Parallel to Istiklal, in the direction of the Bosphorus is the neighborhood of Cihangir which is one of our favorites It is one of the fashionable districts for several years, it dominates the Bosphorus and offers an exceptional panorama of the city The stars of Turkish TV, as well as influential people from the arts, fashion and entertainment world, or even expatriates, live there Here a different atmosphere reigns, cafes, bars and its bohemian way of life gives it the look of the Marais in Paris or Soho in New York here is heart of ISTANBUL-ISTIKLAL STREET YOU CAN SEE YAPI KREDI CULTURAL CENTER BUILDING HERE Cihangir is a neighborhood in the Beyoğlu district of Istanbul It’s among Istanbul‘s most interesting neighborhoods for young, creative, upwardly-mobile Istanbullus and foreigners in-the-know to live because many of its fine 19th-century European-style buildings are being restored the neighborhood is close to all the day- and nightlife action on and off İstiklal Caddesi If you’d like to get off the beaten track, away from the tourist crowds, and see real Istanbul daily life, Cihangir can be the lens through which you see it Just walk down Sıraselviler Caddesi from Taksim Squarepast the German Hospital (Alman Hastanesi) on the left to the Firuzağa Mosque, which is at the center of the Cihangir neighborhood Numerous café-restaurants are found here, as well as wine and gourmet shops If you’re interested in antiques, this is the place to be. The adjoining Çukurcuma neighborhood is the epicenter of antiques shopping in Istanbul

Cihangir doesn’t have many hotels, but it does have lots of apartments for rent/flats to let, even for short-term travelers who may only stay a few days or a few weeks Not many short-term visitors or tourists here because it’s some distance from the main tourist sites But if you want to live like Istanbullus do, in a real neighborhood quite friendly to foreigners, with nice cafés, good restaurants, and most of Istanbul’s antique shops, Cihangir (JEE-hahn-GEER) may be for you HERE IS ALGERIAN ALLEY WHICH IS SO COSY AND FAMOUS TO TAKE A SIT -EAT AND DRINK DURING THE DAY OR NIGHT With great bookstores, café-lined streets, and wonderful vintage and contemporary boutiques catering to every taste, Cihangir also offers some of the best people watching and mingling in Istanbul With a beautiful view of the Bosphorus, you can spend an entire day and night here and never be at a loss for things to do JUST ENJOY OF THIS ALLEYS AND BUILDINGS DURING YOUR WALK YOU CAN SHOP HERE SOME ANTIQUES TOO AND DO NOT FORGET TO DRINK A TURKISH COFFEE HERE. AND TAKE YOUR LOCAL BREADS HERE IN THIS AINCENT BAKERY

2021-03-13 05:56

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