48 hours in a charming Korean traditional village!

48 hours in a charming Korean traditional village!

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Good afternoon from Daejeon. Daejeon. Daejeon, yeah. So Daejeon is actually the closest city to Cheongyang, the village that we've been staying at previously. But today we are going to a smaller town called Jeonju. I think Jeonju is famous for its food and the Hanok village, which is basically how the traditional Korean village looks like.

We are going to take a bus to Jeonju. I think it will take a couple of hours maximum. Annyeonghaseyo (Hello in Korean) The guy was just waving so random. Oh, that's cute. So we've just got out of Guam Station towards this intercity bus stop. We are going to catch the bus from here. And we are so thankful that bus system in South Korea is actually very reliable.

Thank you. So we've just arrived at Hanok village in Jeonju city. And we've just been feeling like, oh, it's so quaint. It's so cute. Just because the sort of peaceful yet at the same time, quite beautiful looking buildings.

So I think we found the road. I think we just have to find which doors to knock. Let's go! Oh, that's so cute. Oh my

God. How cute is this entrance already with this side garden. I can't wait. Come on. Ah, it's okay! Oo, that's nice. Thank you.

Welcome to the traditional Korean type of guest room. I think this is lovely. This feels very luxurious for us because the wooden aspect of it actually makes the room very cozy.

It's a simple type of room. It reminds us a bit of the Japanese style of room that you would find in Japan. The bed basically a futon style, which means we will be laying the first layer, the second and the third on the floor. But also the floor is heated. I mean, you can't really feel it from the camera, can you? We're going to leave it here tonight, but tomorrow we'll be having a full day exploring Joinju.

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Check out all the details and links in the description box below. Now let's get back to explore some more areas in Jeonju. (knocking on door) (speaking in foreign language) So we have got a couple of toast. I think this is just strawberry jam, some freshly cut pear.

And what's interesting is this black sesame porridge, I think. This is mixed with rice. It's a traditional Korean type of breakfast, as we were told. I'm excited.

It's a bit like glutinous, don't you think? Thick. Mm, it's got more body and slight smokiness. It's nicer than oat porridge, I suppose. Yeah, I quite like it. Doesn't have a strong taste. So gloopy.

Oh yeah, that's what I meant. Gloopy, not glutinous. Good morning. This building itself actually has been renovated, but the origin of construction was first found over 100 years ago, I think. Yeah, it's so, so idyllic.

Jeonju, a gem tucked in South Korea's Southwest, is one of the country's top destinations. The city, which was once the spiritual capital of the Joseon dynasty, is still largely unheard of by international travelers. In the heart of the city lies the Jeonju Hanok village. With over 800 traditional Korean houses known as Hanok, it was originally home to the Korean upper class. Some hanok are still private homes, but most are now guest houses, restaurants, boutiques or artisan workshops. Dubbed as the foodie capital, Jeonju was designated the Unisco City of Gastronomy in 2012, offering a diverse food scene.

Jeonju has also recently reopened its night market, which is held on Fridays and Saturdays. It's so interesting because usually I would not be so excited visiting touristy places, but being that Hanok Village in Jeonju is less popular than many others, it gives still this like a bit more authentic experience. The thing about being here, you can experience not only stay at traditional Korean guest house, but also dressing up in Hanbok, which is the traditional clothing. Seeing this woman wearing and renting the traditional Korean style type of clothing looks really beautiful.

You know that this is targeted towards domestic or international tourists because all of these buildings are either cafes, I think a tarot reader, and some of this like rental places. I think this looks so elegant. This is the shrine that we are going to visit. There's a group of people dressing up in just beautiful day.

So we are purchasing the admission ticket for this museum, I think it costs 3,000 Won. Look at this beautiful decorated and intricate ceiling. So this is Gyeonggijeon, absolutely stunning. Wow. So behind me is the main building of this shrine, and I think it's so funny because it was so peaceful and quiet, and not long after that, a group tour of just aunties.

Just as we were saying, it was peaceful here and there's not many tourists. There's suddenly-- And like 100 people arrive at once. So, so, so loud as well, but it's so quiet. I know, it says like on the outside, like please be quiet in the shrine, and these are like, so excited to be here.

I could see my mom joining this group tour, definitely. This was built during the King Joseon dynasty, which is one of the long, everlasting dynasty in Korea. You know what's interesting? These ceilings, the color of it reminds me of some of the Tibetan houses we've seen in the Himalayas region, or even the Tajikistan ceiling that are so intricate. Even some section of the Chinese shrine that I've visited in the past.

I think it's so fascinating how as you travel, you see a lot of resemblance of this bit and that bit from all the other travel experiences. I think these are so beautiful, how they stack these, I think, wood ceiling, one to another, and the cracks on some of these pillars actually tells you how long has it been standing here. Just adore this intricate, and the details, and also the color. We are basically queueing up to take turns, taking photos in front of these. So we've visited enough of the shrine, and excited for lunch, we are going to eat bibimbap, which is the Korean rice dish. So "bibim" means mixing, and "bap" itself means rice in Korean language.

And I think Jeonju is very famous for bibimbap. The reason why we're in Jeonju in the first place is because of its food. And before coming here, I contacted one of locals from Jeonju, and he recommended this particular place to eat bibimbap, and it says that this place actually has been established since the 1979.

The owner, it looks like she has won a lot of awards to promote the famous Jeonju bibimbap. Oh my God, I'm sorry, I'm already salivating from looking at this picture. Let's go. Oh my God, look at this. This is like a festival dedicated to making bibimbap. Cannot wait to eat.

I'm lost for words. It's so exciting because just the colorful dish that is in front of us, and also just the fact that this is so healthy and wholesome, even this egg. I feel like I want to break this apart. Oh wow, this is just fluffy egg.

Oh, look at that softness. Oh my goodness, me! Sorry, I got so giddy with food. But the idea of bibimbap is basically mixing it all together so the art to eat this, I think this is not a hot, yeah.

The art to eat this is mixing it all together so the rice itself can soak in all the flavor. So we've got enough rice covered with gochujang, the red pepper paste, enough radish, some other bits and bobs. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm.

It's so simple but it's so flavorful. And I think the best thing about it is like, you've got so many different textures, like some of it's crunchy, some of it's like a bit slimy, some of it's a bit, and then you've got the rice, which is soft. So we've been exploring a bit, taste a bit of food, but now this is perfect timing because the sun is about to set to take some panoramic view.

Oh look, oh that is so cute. I think that's the spot we're supposed to be on. Oh, how? It's so nice, isn't it? Yeah, how lovely, it's so nice. One of my husband's biggest dream is actually to take me out at night because I'm not a night person, and for Jeonju, I'll make the exception. We are actually out for something special here.

When I say night out, it's actually just 7.30 pm, but we are going out for a rice wine taste. And Jeonju is the best place to taste that, let's go. So we've got the menu already, and I think there is this option of enjoyable makgeolli set, which means that it will come with a kettle of makgeolli and just so many side dish. I think we'll just go for that. Exciting.

(speaking in foreign language) So this is definitely my first experience of anything like this, like such a spread of food. The spread of this food is incredible. So this is makgeolli, which is basically rice wine. It's got six to nine percent of alcohol, I would say, and it's not very high in terms of alcohol. It's considered as a communal drink. Traditionally, you pour the makgeolli here.

That's milky. So we've had this makgeolli before with Dangun's family, but yeah, I would like to try this with the enormous-- Never had it with this set before, though. Cheers. I actually like it because it's slightly sweet. It's not actually at all heavy liquor. It's really smooth, it's very easy drink.

The viscosity of this is actually quite thicker than regular wine or beer. Beer, yeah. So I think this dish with makgeolli is set for 380,000 won. That's basically a dinner for us. Oh no. I was like, "I hope not."

38,000. Okay, yeah, 38,000. I'm excited with it. I was like, "Oh, we don't have enough money."

I've got this. Funny texture noodles. Is it like glass noodles? Potato noodles? I don't think that's noodles. Is it? What's it? It's so chewy.

I don't know. I'll put that back. All right, now on to the one I've been looking forward to. Are you gonna try some? No? So, I mean, it just looks like a bowl of bugs.

It is. I'll just eat a very... Oh, you're gonna eat a fried egg while I eat silk worms, okay, that seems fair. All right, you know. I mean, it smells a bit like...

It smells a bit like an old wooden house. That's probably where they've come from. Oh. Okay, it's not that bad.

The crunch of the skin got me a little bit. Yeah, it's like a slightly nutty, woody kind of taste. To be honest, I think I'm just gonna have some of this to wash it out. I think we should just put that aside. I think you should try some, it's really good.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. She said she wanted to go on a night out. What's a night out without eating Worms. So the soup comes in a claypot like this. It has some tofu, cucumber, onion.

Looks a bit murky, to be honest. Yeah, yeah, it's really nice. So it tastes quite oniony.

It's quite kind of fresh tasting. It's good, isn't it? Yeah, especially in winter time. I like that a lot of Korean food are very much like soupy, brothy.

If you come to Korea, you have to experience this because I think, especially if you're travelling with friends, family, it's just a cultural experience on its own, isn't it? Yeah. I think the side dish itself is called anju, but they will serve the same amount of food, even if you come alone, even if you come with three other people, which means like a group of four. I think we've got this spicy pork stir fry, kimchi stir fry. We've got a bit of bean sprouts and some other. Mm, so you wrap that in the seaweed.

Yeah, you've got a bit of seaweed. One piece of pork meat. Bit of bean sprout.

Water spinach. I don't know. Oh, it looks pretty. Then you wrap it, then put it in the mouth.

Good? No, still got some food to finish. And yeah, we're just going to enjoy our night, basically get ready for bed and see you tomorrow. Bye. Bye.

Thank you so much for watching today's episode. I hope you enjoyed us exploring and enjoying ourselves eating food in Jeonju. I am just going to send out this postcard from South Korea. If you're interested in receiving a handwritten postcard from every country that I travel to, make sure to check out my Patreon account if you wish to support a content creator like me and my work. I can't wait to see it again from the next video because we are going to Busan and then Seoul before we actually finish our trip from East Asia. See you again next time. Bye!

2024-06-02 07:03

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