3 Night Winter Hammock and Pulk Trip in BWCA

3 Night Winter Hammock and Pulk Trip in BWCA

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all right here we are.... okay it's about one  o'clock 1 30. We're up here in the Boundary   Waters heading out across Snowbank pulling our  beautiful little pokes there me and Alex just us   weather's not supposed to be too bad  for Minnesota pretty yeah frosty yeah yeah there's beautiful out  here it's cloudy it's moody   uh a little late in the day we're  not gonna have a lot of light but   heading on over probably parent lake we  got a portage right down that way ooh buddy so quiet so time to grab breakfast always tie  the food off on the tree in my ear sack that's a fat food bag hello me hello morning fresh brood medallion doro it is  about 24 degrees so pretty mild   looking down toward alex he might still be  sleeping in it is after eight o'clock in   the morning because it doesn't even really  get light out here until about 7 15 7 30. you know i'm still trying to decide  whether brewing a cup of coffee   in the morning and i use this little deal  today that jason sent me as a christmas gift   thank you man and i do have a little pack  of my instant medallion dodo down there   which i can just dump and stir i  will say the fresh fruit is tastier i do have to wait a little longer to get  it and deal with a little fuss afterwards i got up yesterday at uh 2 58 in the morning and i drove to park rapids minnesota  to pick up alex which is about   nearly four hours three hours 45 minutes  four hours with a couple of stops to woo hi there yeah all right i'll back off from you picked him up and then uh it's about four  hours from park rapids to ely and then you   know spend our time getting our bulks  hooked up and everything and you know   by the time we got out here to camp and man  it was glorious walking across the lakes but   by the time we got to camp we had not a lot  of daylight left and i kind of wanted to get   my superior gear hammock hung up in the light of  day and get my tarp put up in the light of day and   i made uh what i call upside down meatloaf  for me and mag the other night so you got your   brown sugar on the bottom of your pan then  you catch up then you put your meatloaf in   there and cook it so that juice in the meat  goes down into the brown sugar and ketchup   caramelizes and you take it out of  the oven after cooking at about 350.   kind of drain a little bit of the fat off and  then let it sit you know let it rest 15 minutes   then flip it out of the pan and that brown sugar  and ketchup on top is not all dried out and stuff   so i made us up some meals last night with  meg's mashed potatoes and some broccoli   and i actually have another  one for myself maybe two   i might be eating that the whole time and some  country ham biscuits thank you james ooh buddy   real southern salty country ham so we brought  a lot of food so we think we might just have to   sit around here and just uh eat some food today  and now instant medallion daughter pour stir and drink when it's cold in the morning  you just want to get awake and be awake   that may win yeah where's my bloody spoon i know all you guys are always asking about the  little table i have it's like a little golden   table that sticks on a pole and i filmed his  updated version about two months ago i ordered a   new one and tommy was kind enough to kind of send  in a put in a couple little extras for me you know   sometimes out in the snow i got my fancy feast  down in there and if i'm not watching properly   even though i got it sitting on that little piece  of foil it'll kind of melt into the snow and tip   and once or twice i've lost my hot water and  that's a bummer because that delays coffee time cheers now notice now he has an option for this  little tiny tripod and i was kind of thinking   that would sit perfectly in the snow i can level  it out i got the uh the best buddy table right   here it's a little bit longer kind of fun i think  it might be a little improvement on my medalia espresso in the morning found yourself a place himself a place i'm gonna that's where i've just been myself back with you now have me a couple of sips but  i'm going to take my little pouch that i keep my   camera in that you're inside right now stop to  be in there what i do is i have a little inside   pouch that i slip a hand warmer into pocket  hand warmer one of those deals that one's done don't get no one in there that  way i can kind of be a little more reckless keeping my camera you know not  inside two or three layers of coats all   the time which i usually do still do with that  thing but i can have it in my pocket and uh some oxygen in that thing and  then after talking to you here i can just reach over after i got that in  there and just dropped that on over the camera   and it will keep it uh warm  enough next time i turn it on it's happy to film so like got a little colder  than we thought it was going to be last night   and that's always fun that's why i took my uh   my outer underquilt that i can  snap onto the superior hammock   and put that on because this superior hammock is  a uh 15 degree and this outer under quilt is a 30.   together probably good to minus 20 or  something but uh you know saw the temps   drop and getting ready to go to bed and it was  like already like seven degrees and i said well   i don't want to push it or do too  much testing let's just double up we had a lot of firewood yesterday spent a bunch  of the day uh sawing and splitting wood and it was   satisfying because we had an all-day fire still  got a little bit of firewood left down there   pretty settled in here and we got a lot of wood  that we can go saw and cut that's down really   close to us and you know pulling a pulk is still a  little bit of work especially through the portage   and you know i got that thing loaded up i'll  admit i'm a little heavier this time because   i have splitting axe i got a hatchet i carried out  the firebox stove it's kind of new and i wanted to   try it out out here and i hadn't really gotten  it out yet because we've had such a big fire   it's the day goes fast i mean it wasn't  light till 7 30 and it'll be dark by 4 30 and   you know every time we start doing stuff and you  know you start to go all right i'm going to go   over there and cut a log and split some stuff  warms you right up and just get your food ready   and you can piddle a day real quick i think it's  just going to make backpacking a little more fun   no matter how old you are or young yard you got to  just kind of change your groove once in a while to   make it exciting and go yeah you  can always go a different style so it's really nice you know it's that grunford  brook splitting axe is maybe it's a little over   two pounds definitely worth carrying and uh you  know being able to split that wood up like that   was really good you know i i never thought  i'd say this but i'm not even eating my   peanut butter pap tarts this morning i  know how many styles am i gonna change   because i cooked myself some pancakes at home  made some really good pancakes and i pre-cooked   some bacon loaded with butter brought a  stick of butter brought some maple syrup   i want to get up got my little frying pan  take it down there when we get a fire started   me and alex want pancakes and that's what  is on my mind in a peanut butter pop-tart   i don't want anything slowing  down my appetite for them pancakes   because i made a bunch of them in the heavy  and the medallion doro instant espresso   is a wake of me up now i feel the caffeine  kicking in i feel it feeling my body   i don't know this trip i really just  wanted to come out and and burn wood all day cut it split it chip it love it so so so coffee time coffee time coffee time in  the woods doing their morning chores yeah hey smokey that little stove is  kicking out some heat too man   sit there stoking that thing and you just  have to keep feeding it that firebox stove and   whew already i'm loading this thing up  like a swedish burning log you can put   some pretty big wood here here here  here stuff some stuff in the middle get these pancakes going yeah yeah yeah little lake walking i'm warm already hello little short arms long legs short arms hey yeah tonight's a little delight it's the  timeout wafer man it is a good one it's a cadbury   one of my favorite it's like an uppity kitkat  maybe it's more sophisticated and better schooled   and still a good friend and still someone that's  standing by your side you ever had a timeout alex   you fix it to get a bite of one i'd say last night was probably the windiest  night out here but the good old superfly   put the little warb on it superfly with  the internal pull mod and some doors   get me good one door pitch behind me i never felt the puff but i  felt it moving through camp well i got my sprawl right on there merci  beaucoup matthew i love this this is good   so i appreciate that and you can uh pull the  edges in and draw it up into a little bundle   but i need a sprawl sprawl sprawl  sprawl and that says it all   backing up getting ready to head out don't  want to go went too fast oh got myself a pretty bowler so so windy out here today yeah we're on the final pitch home now it was  good and we realized walking out here we didn't   wear our snowshoes we should have because it  would have kept our mukluks out of the slush   but there's some areas with no slush but   there's some right now let's see what is it  january 14th where there's some pretty good slush are you interested in slush foreign here all right let's see that pull poking you alex sometimes you got to walk the pork down like a dog so so excuse me sug

2021-01-23 23:58

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