3 countries in 24 hours (France, Monaco & Italy) Europe Travel Vlog

3 countries in 24 hours (France, Monaco & Italy) Europe Travel Vlog

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it's on a day like this, that I feel  so happy that I'm on this trip because... amazing! I'm so happy! what's up, guys! and welcome back to the channel,  My name is Kristian Hansen it is Friday august 13th   it is 7.30 here in the morning in Nice, France  it's 28 degrees now even though it's only 7.30 they're so quiet in the streets now you can see  everything is still closed it's too early nobody   wants to be up at this hour yet, it's way too  early so now I'm just heading to the beach   to show you guys how the beachfront looks  because it's so beautiful and today i will   be driving here from Nice towards Monaco very very expensive city it's a city where the big   Monte Carlo casino is and then I will just... I will not be staying there i'll just quickly be   driving a tour inside the city see how it  looks and then i will be heading towards   Italy today so uh yeah I'm gonna show you how  the road looks like to Italy I'm gonna make some   stops and hopefully get you, give you a virtual  feel for how it is to be in italy so let's get   on the road and let's go but first let me show you  the beach because it's really nice and we're here! so right now i'm just sitting on these line  of blue benches that's lined up so you can sit   and watch the view here over the water in the  morning the fun, thing about the beach here in   Nice is that there's no sand it's only rocks you  don't see that a lot in europe unless you go to   Croatia, but i kind of like it there the water  here is completely still in the morning there's   just a few people going out to swim, sun is coming  up over the mountain and people are running here   on the promenade, unfortunately i can't put the  drone in the air because they have some pretty   strict drone rules here in france as soon  as you're close to residential buildings   and i don't want the drone to be shut down so  i think we're gonna skip that part here in Nice but yeah guys over the last couple of days I've  just been staying in the hotel... Hotel Busby here   only three or four streets from the beach  a really nice location and quite affordable it's actually the cheapest hotel i could find at  all here in Nice it was only 85 euros per night   which is really cheap here because pretty  much all of the hotels were anything between   100 200 300 euros for one night so really  affordable and 12 euros for the breakfast so   in terms of cost that i've spent here I... yesterday  i went here to the beach club right here on  

uh the beach it was 30 euros for one sun bed  for the day and it started raining around   12 o'clock so that wasn't the best to  spend money here but it's really nice   really clean and i went to the hairdresser an old  guy called Michel had his own shop i spent 25   euros for a haircut there really nice guy that  was definitely worth it and what else did i do   I went out to have dinner last night i had a salad  dessert i just sat in the big street here in Nice   in what's called old town and i had a couple  of glasses of wine and that was 33 euros so   you can hear when you stay in these for a couple  of days the expenses really do start to line up   so it's been great to stay here but it's also  time for me to get going and try something new and you guys might be thinking but why didn't  you for example make any video when you're in the   city last night or wait... or when you went  out to dinner a little bit different making   videos here in europe because you cannot just  film uh a lot in like public places because   eventually some people are gonna get annoyed by it   so i can't say that at a big restaurant and just  start filming the other ones sitting at the tables to be completely honest with you i think  i could easily have stayed another week or   two here in Nice... just running on the  by the beach in the mornings and   getting some coffee and a croissant here  in the morning i think there's definitely   something special about Nice and i definitely  want to come back to the city at some point   but to be honest with you i really miss  Indonesia so i'm actually starting to head   north east today so i'm starting to make my way  towards the northern countries and towards denmark   because it is my hope that I can fly back to  Indonesia on September 4th... cross your fingers guys  

put it in your night prayer because i  really want to go back i miss my home now and another point that i  think i failed to mention is   besides the sun and the good looking streets  the nice food there's also... bonjour, there's also   a ton of beautiful women here it's  ridiculous blondes brunettes everything it's yeah it's crazy i don't know what  else to say about it there's a lot   so i actually had a really good idea before i  leave Nice i thought it would be interesting for   you guys to hear as well from other people what  they think of nice instead of just my opinion   so we're gonna go to the beach and we're gonna see  if somebody wants to tell us what they think about   Nice just make it short and quick just for you  to get an idea of what other people think as well the beach crystal clear water and the weather like today   i think that the beach is one of the best thing and maybe the culture you know the best about Nice... is it's the beach and the people and the party and the parties? yeahh fantastic! we have the ocean the mountains and the city   and the city? Beautiful city! Beautiful city, I agree with you! i like the long beach that stretches you can see everything... it's wonderful! The food! The food?! Yes... Yess we like the architecture... yes, the houses and the weather very sunny,   the beach is really nice...

The beach is quite uh... it's quite fun... a lot of restaurants and  a lot of people if you want to to have a   people bath, come to Nice! Okay! Fantastic! all right guys and there you have it... I'm now back in my room ready to   pack and it seemed like a lot of the people that  i met they really did enjoy these so now let's   pack up the things and let's go to Monaco!  all right guys! the hard part is over everything is  now packed it is quarter to twelve i'm heading to  Monaco and because of all the traffic it actually   says 43 minutes so i have to take off my jacket  because it is 33 degrees outside now so just i   would die before i even got out on the road so i'm  gonna drive a bit i'm gonna put it back on don't   worry but now let's get on the road thank you so  much hotel busby it's been a nice day and nice  Au reservoir you are not gonna believe what just happened to me   so i had to turn my way back right and then i  drove past the police again and then they reminded   me they stopped me actually and reminded me that  it's law here in france that i have to wear gloves   and i of course get off take on my gloves and they  would like to show me the papers and believe it or not the french police officer that stopped me  he see my sticker Kristian Hansen sticker and   he says you are a YouTuber, yes? and check this out, he's following me oh he's a subscriber on youtube   that is so cool so he just showed me a really  really good route that i can drive to Monaco, today   so wow! i did not expect to meet a subscriber  in Monaco    all of it, and then also it being uh being a police officer of everything   Wow! such a cool experience I can't believe it... Okay! time to get back on the road   this is why it is so important to talk to other  people when you're out traveling especially when   you're on your own because if i hadn't been  stopped by the police officer i wouldn't have   noticed that i had a French police officer  as a subscriber and he just recommended me   he said the best road to drive from from  Nice to Monaco there's three small ways   the small one, the smallest one is not that good  of a view, the middle one is the one that the   commuters between Monaco and France they use and  then since there is the the grand cornisher   like the big balcony or the big terrace where  you drive it's a little bit slower than the   highway but you drive up and you see all the  view over there the water on the way to Monaco   so that's what we're gonna do  now and we'll see how it goes see, from here... I couldn't really find a  good parking spot so I can't be here for long   but down there we have all the boats and the  massive big yard out there yacht in there and over here we have the coastline of Nice, wow! it's so beautiful the port of Nice  amazing all right let's keep it going   so i just had a small instagram live here between  Nice and Monaco the connection was not very good   but i still just felt like making this live  because i thought it was so much fun that i   was stopped by this police officer and that he  was a subscriber so now i have 20 minutes left   into Monaco... so for those of you who don't know  Monaco is actually a sovereign state kind of  

like the Vatican um just within France because  it runs on the same french riviera and Monaco is   famously known it's actually being called the  billionaires playground because a lot of rich   people live in Monaco and it's specially known for  the Monaco Yacht week and for the Monaco grand prix   and in Monaco there's also a very very very famous  casino Monte Carlo casino so we will be driving   there today and see if we can get close enough to see how it looks like.. wow! check the view here! so let's go! Guys, and the road says Monaco  straight ahead... wow so much water I can't believe... I drove all the way from Denmark to this the french  riviera sure is amazing and incredibly beautiful   i really want to get past that big truck  but it doesn't look like he's gonna let me   we're gonna try try try... and it worked! Nice! Pass on the next truck.. Made it! Wow! speed on the girl eh! i like this a lot! reminds me of Jakarta traffic and guys i think i am now  officially in Monaco.. Wohoo!

Fantastic! the sovereign state of Monaco is  now for the first time on my list   wow! look at the building look at  that all the carvings and the colors   no doubt about it this is a city with money i'm in Monaco! Amazing! Whoah! there we have it right in front of me can you see? Monte Carlo casino! Amazing! Wow! It's beautiful! Monte Carlo... and there are some expensive  shops here what a fantastic city!   so guys it's not allowed to drive in to the area  of the casino so i'm parked just outside i'm just   going to walk over there let's see how it looks  and then we're going to continue with the journey   because we still have quite a lot of kilometers  to cover today so let's go and check it out!   alright guys besides Monaco being absolutely beautiful... i'm not a fan right now because   i asked the police officer here how safe  my things would be if i left my backs at   the motorcycle he was standing right next to him  and he said ah he didn't know it was monaco but   you know so not a lot of help and it's  insanely hot today i'm wearing still my   motorcycle motorcycles began because i can't  just quickly switch into something else   so it's going to be a very short glimpse  of the monte carlo casino because i have   to get back to the motorcycle make sure  my things are not stolen and make sure   i don't die of sweating in the process let's  quickly go and have a look i just want to see it   and another insane thing here is that  the security guard just reminded me three   times i have to wear a mask even though i'm  walking outside like this so i don't infect   any of the people that is not standing close to me   So... combine that is already hot put on a mask but check out this view that is some of the  biggest Yachts i have ever seen in my life Alright guys, i'm now out in front of the monte carlo  casino here and it is no joke i'm sweating   bullets in my motorcycle clothing here but it's  so beautiful and it's all about the hype you see   the fancy Lamborghinis, Porsches behind me here  and it's just it is so beautiful the old buildings   here there's just maseratis ferraris i almost  feel like gambling a little bit now that i'm here   but i have to get going and  i'm slowly dehydrating here   so let's keep the that Vlog for another day  and actually you cannot film inside either so   all right back to the motorcycle  make sure my things aren't stolen   all right guys I'm now out of Monaco i just  made a quick stop here in the city of Mentel...

Mentol Mentel i just needed to to drink something because, wow! sweating that much in..  at Monte Carlo in Monaco... honestly i nearly fainted it was, but I just i just so much wanted to see   how the monte carlo casino looked like but it  was just it was unbearable it was so hot and   and i was afraid my things would get stolen and i was  in such a rush but i got to see it i had to see it   now i have seen it and i would love to come  back someday where i'm not in full leather gear Guys! i have now made it to Italy! I've been  in three countries in less than one hour   and I've made it to Italy on an Italian bike  on a Ducati isn't that amazing?! Wah! I'm so happy! what a beauty! that is driving next to  me right now... isn't it just beautiful?   here in Italia, I've been in Italy for less than 10  minutes and i'm already seeing the first ferrari so guys i did not make it to Alessandria today  and that will have to be tomorrow if is if that is   so generally i have been driving same in the  in the alps around 100 kilometers per day   and today i actually drove a  little bit more 110 kilometers   and i ended up in this city called Allasio and it  is a really beautiful little italian city   and... I couldn't find any hotels on Agoda on booking.com  and i almost ended up with the same thing   happening as last time where i couldn't find any  place to sleep so i had to go to the last option   which is basically just driving around knocking on  doors at the different hotels and asking them if   they have any um any available rooms and i went to  five six different hotels i think the sixth hotel   i asked them how much it was for a night they  had a room but it was 150 euros for one night   and i almost took it and then i thought  okay i'll just check one more hotel   and i did and the hotel next door same view  great room was only 75 euros so i took that, and...

yeah with breakfast is it's really cheap it's  right next to the beach it's perfect so now i'm   here in the small italian streets i'm going to  find a place to eat i just want to get some pizza   some wine and then get early to bed i'm just going  to show you this place because it is a really cozy   little city here in italy so yeah i'm gonna find  some food now and then i'll show you the place   so one of the best places about the city  is that it's right here on the beach   and it's so beautiful i wish i could stay  here for a couple more days but i felt the   same way about nice and i have to keep moving  so what i did today is i basically just drove   from Nice to Monaco along the coast way  and then i drove from Monaco to this city on the coastal roads as well i actually quickly  went on the highways but i thought that was just   way too boring so i just drove down to the  water and i kept going even though it was 50   zones 30 zones sometimes it's definitely  worth it i think on a trip like this   to drive on the most beautiful places instead  of just going straight on the highway and that's   what i did today that's why i didn't make such  a long distance and i think i'm going to do the   same again tomorrow because it's just less  stressful and i feel like i'm exploring more   when i'm taking these small roads so if you  are gonna do a europe tour like this i would   highly suggest that you take some of the smaller  roads and explore some of these smaller cities   for example this little city because this is  the way i think you explore the country the best   and then in all these small italian cities you  have these small streets but it's just so cozy   people are having pizza they're having wine also  a perfect place for people to go on vacation with   their family especially if you have kids and one  thing that i do tend to forget both here in france   but also in italy is that everything looks  so empty here in the streets even though it's   eight o'clock at night but that's because in  France and in Italy it's very common to Spain   as well to eat late so typically people won't go  to a restaurant until nine o'clock in the evening   so that's why every night i think oh it's so  empty but as soon as it gets more dark then   then people start showing up... Signore? Can i ask you? what time do people normally come to the restaurants? most people nine o'clock right? Okay, normally nine  o'clock here in Italy so but already here it's   at eight o'clock there's so many people but it's  such a lively city even though it's a small city   it's it's um a beautiful city  Coastal city i would say... all right guys i think that's going to be it for  today because i still haven't eaten and sun is   going down it's getting late and apparently i  can't focus on shooting and eating at the same   time so that will be it here from Allasio like  every time i go to new city i forget what the   name is i already put it on the screen but anyway  had a great day going here from Nice to Monaco   and now here to italy so thank you  so much for watching today's episode   i hope you enjoyed it stay tuned because there  will be coming more videos here from Italy i will   be going to Slovakia i will be going to Austria  Poland and... hello! and yeah I hope you enjoyed   today's episode thank you so much for watching i  will see you in the next one and until next time   today i'm in the beautiful italian city of bologna there is the ducati factory you

2021-10-11 08:41

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