2024年9月末 又是一年兩週的孩子假期 學校假期 趁着天氣好 我們找了一個週末 來了一場三天兩夜的自駕遊 去墨爾本東南附近的菲利普島 從墨爾本出發 駕車大概一個半小時就能到達 所以我們很早就出發了 途中經過麥當勞喫了午餐 希望能儘早到達目的地 爭取更多日光的時間 但是沒想到 墨爾本現在人口趨於增多 去菲利普島的路上仍然會堵車 yes, so basically we were trying to go to Philip island we're stuck on this bridge right here look at you and look see we're stuck on the bridge and so we can't really get out because like the traffic and apparently if we were riding a motorbike right now we would be in the hotel sleeping but we're almost at Philip but what about which applause oh 被困於緩慢的車速 我們只能看看風景 而幾個孩子就在車上塗指甲油 愉快地度過這段堵車的時光 隔了大半個小時 終於可以過橋到島上了 我們第一時間就去到租住的地方 看看環境 先放下行李 you need cups because it prevents you 在澳洲旅行 最適合就是一家人租一個度假屋 三房兩廳 廚房和衛生間設施一應俱全 價格可能會貴些 但是一家人舒舒服服過幾天 還能自己烹飪喫早餐 悠悠閒閒地起身 都是值得的 oh that rubber duckies 停留的時間裏 我就靜靜地觀察周圍環境 拍下一些資料 享受短暫的安靜 停留了一會兒之後 不知不覺已經黃昏了 我們決定去 島上南部著名的Kitty Miler Bay 享受陽光與海灘 水清淨優美的風景 的風景 各位美女 okay look i'm gonna throw this jelly back into the ocean it is the ocean now stars we could sell these yeah so it's safe now try not to get it on your hands now you just let the wave take it look at this one look at look at the pattern yeah is it good yeah good see oh by the way i made it that was really fun we found a good stone hello we found treasure it's treasure yeah it's treasure you don't know how much it's worth 其實Philip Island最出名的就是看企鵝 但是看企鵝有很多地方都可以去 St Kilda就是其中一個例子 對於小孩子來說 最吸引的反而是陽光與海灘 我們在那兒逗留了一個多小時 直到天黑才依依不捨地離開 hi can i have it thank you hey Emma that's a friendship to analyze 去完海灘之後又是晚飯的時候了 我們就去了島上北邊的餐廳 找到了一家環境不錯的海邊餐廳 去享用我們的晚餐 it fish and chips beer battered market fish salad chip lemon house tattore Pasta that's not how you eat pasta for the rest it's hard to drink it 其實餐廳的水準 食物的質量都還不錯 但是和菜單上的價格比 我覺得性價比就一般了 但是最重要的是大家有說有笑 開開心心地喫了一頓飯 其餘的事都不那麼重要了 Hi, 我在試着忘記 喫完飯時已經不早了 我們就開車回度假屋 結束第一天的行程 第二天早上趁大家都還沒起牀 我就趁這個時刻 享受一下早晨的悠閒和寧靜 經過商量之後 我們決定繼續去陽光與海灘 所以早上我們又開車 and chapel Ron she's a single you've been living under a rock ah oh this is a mustung 好看嗎 午餐時 我們又選了一道 非常著名的一個比薩店 總是排着長隊 這次剛好午餐時 我們居然不需要等位 and then bump there you have it water straight to 這個小孩子 一會兒就把所有的比薩 和意大利麪都消滅了 這家比薩店果然名不虛傳 做的比薩 和意大利麪的水平都非常不錯 值得一試 喫完午餐之後 我們決定去接觸一下大自然 來到了一個野生動物園 去近距離接觸一下 野生動物 she wants to be called brick no i don't no i was talking about um the tv show i was watching had a dude called brick and you wanna be called brick but the name's funny you wanna be you i just i didn't know one but i thought Philip island was part of the Philippine this is like wallaby in Kangaroo food you can feed them wallabies in Kangaroos and um you can hand feed them too so let's go and feed them wow so it's too easy as well it is Emma 他喫你手 他不會的 before we bought milky we have one at home hello they have birdies 哇真好看 no hungry no we're finished and she's tired and she wants water she also wants water i want water off 玩了一整天之後 住在 度假屋的好處就是可以回家做飯 我們就去了超市 買了一些必需品來做我們今晚的晚餐 hi we got like ice cream and it's nine bucks for one i also got this jelly stuff because you know protein we're going home hello Sherman cook the dinner for us and the mushroom is baking all right this red chicken roast chicken yeah corn oh good hi okay guys they just had a bath and a spot and i put ice in their bath okay that's a beer hi so today we have our wonderful cameraman i'm drinking some beer ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ she's responsible ............ ............ ............ 爲什麼不拍呢 第三天天有不測之風雲 天氣預報說今天會下雨 但是這些小傢伙依然堅持要去海灘 真是服了他們 go get wet anyway but it's going to be cold okay the shit couldn't take much more of this was it hey sir you have to hurry we have to get out of this world oh captain we almost caught up It is cold Ahhhhh I feel the cold on my feet see 經過一輪風吹雨打之後 終於大家收手了 我們也回到了度假屋收拾行李 開車回家 結束這次難忘的旅程
2025-02-01 13:10