37. VEGETABLE OR ANIMAL? Underwater Cabbages and Sea Cucumbers in Fiji.

37. VEGETABLE OR ANIMAL? Underwater Cabbages and Sea Cucumbers in Fiji.

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I. Don't. Notice this. If. You want to find out what the slimy creature is and why the people in Fiji are harvesting, it follow, me. Last. Time we took you to one of the planet's most popular, diving spots the, great white wall. We returned a few more times to Rainbow Reef to discover, some more of its underwater wonders. Coral. Reefs cover about 1% of the world's oceans, but about a quarter of all fish species live. Rainbow, reef is one of about a thousand, coral reefs in Fiji with incredibly, varied, underwater, world, the. Constant, year-round temperatures. And strong tidal current create, perfect, conditions, for coral, and fish to thrive. Rainbow. Reef is among the best coral, reefs in the South Pacific, rated, by scuba diver magazine. As the soft coral capital of the world with, over, 390. Species, of corals home to over 1,500. Species. Of fish many, unique to Fiji. The. Strong tidal current from the depths of the Coral Sea through the shallow waters, of the Strait provide, the necessary nutrients, for the polyps of soft coral. Soft. Corals are filter-feeding, hunters, and gatherers composed. Of a flexible, protein, called corn so, they cannot build reefs. Hard. Corals, are the engineers, and farmers, of the sea, polyps. Of hard coral secrete, a stony, calcium, carbonate, skeleton, and then, gang up to form colonies, in the large stony structure. Each. Animal, is small but given time and favourable, conditions, they, build amazingly. Large structures, the, shallow water coral, reefs. The. Stony corals, use a different, feeding strategy. Most. Contain, a symbiotic, algae that, turns sunlight, into food for both the algae, and pollen so, they need clear shallow water and sunlight to survive. There. Are 21 dive sites in Rainbow Reef of which the most popular, ones are the great white world which, we showed you in our last episode the. Fish factory the. Zoo rainbows. End and our all-time favorite. The Cabbage Patch. The. Cabbage Patch is a sloping, dive with depths ranging between 3, and 18 meters, with a huge area covered, in layers and layers of yellow underwater. Cabbages. These. Cabbages, are made of solid corals, with fragile coral, plates. The. Dive is one of the shallowest and Rainbow Reef and even unexperienced, divers, like my mom are safe to check it out especially at, low tide. It. Was here in the beautiful V on eBay we said goodbye to our friends, Jill Steph, Sam, and Tom aboard. Catamaran net for this one an elegant katana, 42. Cooc, you somewhere. We. Sailed for two years together with our friends from French, Polynesia, to Tonga, and New Zealand the friendship. And the memories we share from our journey will remain forever in our hearts. We. Met the locals, in the village of the on eBay. My. Dad is learning to play rugby. Evil. Playing rugby for a first time. The. Bald guy running, around is evil, my dad thank Rob be go. One, of Evil's new friends, was a guy working, as dive guide for tourists, the, next day he showed us a couple more snorkeling, and diving locations. Guess. Where rainbow. Reef we, kept going back it's, so unbelievably. Beautiful. You. Here. We met the Christmas, tree worms. They. Lived in tubes made of Sun and shell fragments, cemented, together with mucus. The. Worms are shaped like Christmas trees composed. Of feathery feeding, tentacles called, radials, any. Prey, trapped in them is transported. To the worms mouth. Bula. The. Kids envy on ebay play by the beach. Anything. Can be fun to play with, even, a wasp. Okay. Never seen it. I. Never seen such thing. Is. This. How. Do you call it. This. Slimy snake-like creature, is, a sea cucumber the. Locals, in Fiji harvest, sea cucumbers, process. Them and sell them to the Chinese markets. In. The. Island, of yahwah we met a group of fishermen and their families on. The. West side of the island which, is less than one square kilometer, in size is. The wide cuckoo, Bell Harbor where, they fish and dive for lobsters, they.

Also Collect, sea cucumbers, the. Bay is their temporary campsite. Their. Village is on the other side of the island when, fishermen returned, to bring their catch once every week. There. Are about 20 people living here in temporary, shelters and, tents. The. Men go out to fish in the reefs mostly, at night while, the women clean the fish cook, and take care of the kids. The. Catch is being loaded on one of the two fishing, boats to be brought to the village on the other side of the island to be sold at the local market. How. Many days do stay here like, one. Week. Mira. And, you sigh. Sigh. So. You need sugar what else you need rice. But. Fishing is not the main reason why these people spend, so many days here away, from their village. Their. Main activity is harvesting. And processing sea. Cucumbers. So. It has guts this, thing you. Have to take of the guts. Nobody, won Rodinia novella Marylanders. Sea. Cucumbers, are important, for the health of the reef ecosystem. They. Eat fine food particles, mixed with sand digest. Bacteria, and dead microorganisms. And poop, back clean sand so. The kind of recycles and. Overharvesting. Sea cucumbers, can be bad for the environment so. The locals, only take the adult animals leaving. The rare species to, reproduce, there. Are 1,000, species of sea cucumbers, but, only 20 are harvested, in the Pacific, Islands. The. Price depends, on the species of sea cucumber, its size as well as how well it has been processed. Asian. Consumers, pay good money for well processed, sea cucumbers. Processing. Sea cucumbers, means turning the fresh ones into dried ones called fish demand. The. Process, is long and involves, cutting and cleaning them salting. Them for two to five days boiling. Smoking, and drying the sea cucumbers. In. China, they are sold at a very high price along with shark fins and other dried seafood, the. Chinese people consider, as delicacy. These suspicious-looking, slimy, snails, and eat them at celebrations. And special, occasions, would. You try a sea cucumber. Thank. You for stopping by I hope, you learned something today please. Subscribe to our channel and share our awesome videos don't, be shy to leave a comment and watch our next episode. You.

2018-04-28 23:57

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Angel Beautiful And Brave The MAYA One Awesome * * Awesome One SAM The Brave And Beautiful Angel . A True Love , Match Made On Earth In The Sea Of Life . Best Friends , Fellow Travellers , Adventurers , Nomads , Brave Hearts , Lovers Of Peace And Love . As The Boat E-Motion Away , Love Stricken SAM Set In E-Motion Climbs Up The Rope Crying Her Heart Out Waving To MAYA Farewell , Mon Bon Ami ; My Good Friend,Loved One , With Love From SAM . MAYA Looking At SAM Receives The Message , Waving To Her Good Friend,Loved One While Crying Her Heart Out Love Is Eternal .

Just awesome and superbly narrated. Many thanks for sharing and best from HKG

Thank you for educating me on Fiji life and Sea Cucumbers.

Great underwater photography, plus Maya's narration tells us things I never knew before! Also, this is the first time I've heard about people eating sea cucumbers! This is another neat episode with interesting things that must have taken a long time to research, film and write.....thank you all once again!

Thank you! Yes, each new episode takes a lot of time, but it's a great creative and learning process, so we really enjoy making them! Thank you for appreciating!

Your videos are excellent, thank you for sharing with us! The reefs you have been diving are beautiful...

Thank you! yes, we feel privileged to see and be in such a beautiful underwater world.

Narrated by awesome one Maya the brave and beautiful angel. Very cultural and educational and information is good . I am in a trance state and in the flow when I see you guys under water, it is hypnotizing and peaceful. Maybe it is escapism , we all are trying to run away from somewhere to the distant shores to escape from our miserable lives that we have created for ourselves that is not fulfilling . Maybe all we really need is to look inside of ourselves and maybe we will find ourselves there . Could it be that we where there all along .There are not enough word to describe the beauty of the nature . HOW CAN A CREATURE KNOW THE CREATOR , BE SILENT AND OBSERVE . Love Mercredy Soir - Gilles , Steph , Sam and Tom you are awesome and beautiful angels. I have immensely enjoyed your company and you have enriched me by knowing you , you have touched me and i have grown to my higher conscious self . I will be missing you , thanks . You are as adventurous and fun as Ivo, Mira and Maya. 'Guys, see you, see you somewhere' - YES , we will meet again . We are all connected with the invisible strings of consciousness . Goodby , Mon bon amis , my good friends ! Peace And Love.

Life is a miracle . True . thanks , peace and love .

Yes, we miss our friends too much. But we will meet again, somewhere.... Life is a miracle. Thank you for yet another beautiful comment!

Ifo lahi

is this in Fijian? What does it mean? Thank you I guess :)

One video i would like to see is a in depth review about sailing with your daughter this long and this far on a catamaran, there isn't many doing this on YouTube. Me and my wife will be having a daughter very soon (actually she is now 4 days late to come out :P) and i was thinking of doing something similar like this around the world when she is old enough to understand it and get something out of it. Questions like, is your daughter okay with this, being away from friends and such, how easy is this for her? does she miss stuff and does the travels and exploring make it worth for her? How is she study wise, like if you returned home, could she actually start up in a same age class and follow it? How about for you the parents, what are the pro and cons of doing these travels with a child on board, when she was young and now of course? I guess Maya is not the most active on things like Facebook considering the lack of internet :P but is this a pro or con, related to contact to friends and such, how do you go around stuff like this? isn't Maya super bored? or how do you do to keep her entertained on these long voyages? Some would say you live out a parents worst nightmare, stuck on a 80 sqm boat for weeks at a time with no escape, and some would say you live life to the full, what would you say? Judging from your videos you are all always very happy and talk nice to each other, my guess is real life is a little bit different. Anyways, safe travels :) and i subscribed as i am also very curious for possible future plans of my own like this.

Ten thumbs UP !!! Most of us will never see a living reef environment ... Please teach us about all those interesting little sea critters. Every sailing channel shows us sharks and whales and dolphins ... but that Christmas tree display was certainly something that we have never seen before. That was sooooo COOL !!! Too cool for school little mermaid Maya ... teach us about the reefs please please ??? Much Love from northern Canada ... and salutes to Captain Evo and Mom too.

Google translate doesn't have Fijian, but in Samoan it means "Very Much" which is the closest translate has for the south pacific.... anyone else add to this?

It’s easy to see why the cabbage patch is your favorite. It’s an enchanting place!

Maya's and Sam's friendship and love made me remember my childhood and childhood friends that I loved , and that made me very emotional . There is no more truer love than that between childhood friends , because this love is unconditional , it is pure . This is the purest love that there is , even more than the love of parents and siblings or our spouses . This pure love comes to our lives once and once only . we have one chance at this life , spend it wisely , do not waste it , cherish it . But we forget this pure love of childhood innocence and bliss as soon as we grow up . And in its place emptiness grows up inside of us , and we try to fill it up with other thing , but we never do , because we have lost our innocence and we have been corrupted by the world . But we have felt this love in the inner depths of our being of conscious self , and this pure love is there waiting for us to rediscovered it , remember , remember , for the sake of love . Maya and Sam are the reminders RoseBud , Love is Eternal ! .

Very well said , and we can relearn that from the kids . our forgotten childhood . Peace And Love .

Best Friends Forever. Maya and Sam and Tom's friendship is truly special and no one can take this away. It's locked in the box of past memories and will stay there forever, on a sunny beach, in a blue lagoon. Lucky kids :)

Excellent vid ya'll.


One video i would like to see is a in depth review about sailing with your daughter this long and this far on a catamaran, there isn't many doing this on YouTube. Me and my wife will be having a daughter very soon (actually she is now 4 days late to come out :P) and i was thinking of doing something similar like this around the world when she is old enough to understand it and get something out of it. Questions like, is your daughter okay with this, being away from friends and such, how easy is this for her? does she miss stuff and does the travels and exploring make it worth for her? How is she study wise, like if you returned home, could she actually start up in a same age class and follow it? How about for you the parents, what are the pro and cons of doing these travels with a child on board, when she was young and now of course? I guess Maya is not the most active on things like Facebook considering the lack of internet :P but is this a pro or con, related to contact to friends and such, how do you go around stuff like this? isn't Maya super bored? or how do you do to keep her entertained on these long voyages? Some would say you live out a parents worst nightmare, stuck on a 80 sqm boat for weeks at a time with no escape, and some would say you live life to the full, what would you say? Judging from your videos you are all always very happy and talk nice to each other, my guess is real life is a little bit different. Anyways, safe travels :) and i subscribed as i am also very curious for possible future plans of my own like this. Edit: Sadly can only do 10$ patron with the kid on the way :), but i hope this helps just a little :)

Congratulations for your little daughter! She will be ready to go sailing at any age, but the best would be around 7 or 8, so that she remembers and learns a lot. Maya was 9 when we left Canada and by the time she reached 14 (now) she wants to stop sailing and do other things, like having permanent friends. So at age 14-15 I think most kids don't want to be stuck on a boat 24/7 with their parents and this is the time to stop for us, for now. Most sailing families with kids cruise continuously for 2 to 3 years before returning to land life. For us was 5 years and it was not enough to visit all the places we wanted to visit... Hope this will help you with your future plans! Good luck and may your daughter be very healthy and happy!

Good questions and good luck on your future adventures , peace and love .

So glad you find this episode interesting and educational! Yes, the little Christmas tree worms are small but stunning and they do deserve some attention :) The tropical coral reefs are a whole different world; so privileged to be able to experience this! Thank you for your comment!

Peace And Love .

TheOnecosmos ~ Reggie Toro ... is that you?

Thank you! Greetings from the three of us!

Welcome :)

Awesome, thanks VERY MUCH :)

Maya that worm part is really special Thank you for showing that

I am a peacemaker...

Hey sorry, daughter finally desided to come out, perfect health and so beautiful. Thank you for you responce :) 7 or 8 sounds like a good age to plan it for then, thank you :)


Just thought *Maya* might like to see a Movie with the Main character having her Name *Maya The Bee* [ https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B56sBpVP7xfzOXhsQnY2am9WcUU ]

Fata Morgana we are missing you...

How beautiful. Thank you for sharing your adventure

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