2 months OFF GRID….No Sign of Civilization Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 463

2 months OFF GRID….No Sign of Civilization  Sailing Vessel Delos Ep. 463

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(slow tropical music) - [Brian] How long since we went to a store? - So long! (Brian laughing) - [Brian] Yes, so long. - Like we haven't been to any stores, restaurants. We haven't seen civilization for two months. - [Brian] It's a typical Tuesday afternoon for our family.

Our home is anchored at a remote atoll in the South Pacific. My wife is relaxing on one of the most perfect beaches I've ever seen. Our daughter has a lizard crawling on her head, and an obscenely large crab is hanging from a tree, holding a beer can.

Life out here is unique to say the least. And civilization feels like a distant memory. And while we don't have access to some of the comforts of the modern world, what we do have is even better.

(upbeat tropical music) (Sierra laughing) - [Brian] Are you scared, Sierra? - Yeah, a little bit though. (upbeat tropical music continues) - Mommy, I think I had the best day ever. - [Kazza] You had the best day ever? (waves crashing) (relaxing music) (waves crashing) - [Brian] Today's adventure starts where it normally ends, under the cover of darkness. - It's 8:00 PM, and we've decided to go into the island to try to find some coconut crabs. - [Brian] Remember this guy holding the beer can? Yep, that's a coconut crab. These curious crustaceans are as enormous as they are fascinating.

They're the largest land invertebrates on planet earth, with leg spans reaching up to three feet, about one meter. And tipping the scales at a whopping nine pounds, which is just over four kilos. But they're not just big, they're also strong. Their pinchers are insanely powerful, Exerting up to 3,300 Newtons of force. If this number doesn't mean much to you, for context, it's more powerful than the bite of most animals on earth, including lions, grizzly bears, and wolves. Charles Darwin described these animals as monstrous.

And they have been even documented preying on birds and kittens. So yeah, that's what we're about to hunt for in the middle of the night. - Let's do it. - Let's do it. - We'll do it. - All right.

- [Sierra] Mama? (leaves crunching) Dad, hold my hand please. - [Brian] Okay. I'll keep you safe. Okay? - Look! - [Brian] Are you scared, Sierra? - Yeah, a little bit though. - [Brian] A little bit? You're very brave to come through the jungle in the middle of the night. - It's a little bit freaky just being out here. - [Brian] The creepiness factor was pretty high.

But in reality, we were in very good hands. One of our buddy boats had met a local guy named Nico, earlier that day, and he offered to show us the ropes. Not only would he be teaching us the safe technique of getting the crabs with all of our fingers intact, but also how to do it responsibly. Coconut crabs have a very long lifespan, up to 60 years.

But they don't reach reproductive age until they're five years old. So in much of their natural habitats, human consumption outpaces their ability to reproduce, leading to drastic declines in their population. So it's critical that we follow his lead, and stick to their practices which have allowed the coconut crabs to continue to thrive here on this island for decades. - [Sierra] Whoa, look at that! - [Brian] Whoa! Look at that one! It's so blue.

Look at, there's another one right there. That's a small one. That's a baby. They get so big. - Okay, so he's saying these claws are extremely strong, and they will break- - [Brian] A finger.

- Fingers. (Brian exclaiming) - [Brian] No, it is amazing- - [Kazza] Wow, look at those. They're pretty big. - It didn't take too long to find a couple big ones that would make a nice meal for our whole group. But it turns out that catching them is actually the easy part.

Preparing them on the other hand, would be a bit of an interesting endeavor, which we would find out for ourselves the very next day. We travel an extraordinary amount. And the very first thing we always do after sailing into a new country, is get connected with a local data plan. Which is why I'm happy to say that today's video is sponsored by Airalo. It's a global eSIM provider that can help you get connected in over 200 countries worldwide.

A SIM card is what allows your phone to connect to a mobile network, and eSIM is just an electronic version of this. So get ready to say goodbye to international data roaming fees, and all that wasted time trying to track down a physical SIM card. It's actually really easy to get started. Just head to the Google Play or the app store, and search on Airalo.

Or just scan the QR code on the screen right now. Since you're going to be spending a lot of time for the Delos 2.0 build in Australia, I'm going to choose an Australian plan. When you do it, don't forget to enter our code for your discount.

Follow the instructions to install the eSIM. The process is straightforward and super easy on my iPhone 13. I think the coolest thing about this is because it's an electronic SIM card, it will work side by side with any existing SIM cards or your cellular plan from back home. None of that changes.

So say goodbye to international data roaming fees, and stay connected anywhere you travel. Install Airalo today, and when you do, be sure to use the code SVDELOS3 to get three bucks off your first eSIM. The link to download is in the description below. Thanks very much. That's it. And now back to the show. (waves crashing) - So we're all packed up and ready to go into the beach. We're actually going to make a big fire on the beach, and I think we are going to cook the crabs in there, which is really exciting.

All of our buddy boats here are going to come in as well. It's so special to just have all of these friends that are here with us and kind of can share these moments. It's super cool. So yeah, we just going to go in and see if we can cook these crabs. (jazzy music) - [Brian] We arrived on our favorite beach, and set out to complete the variety of tasks that would allow our feast to come together. One of the cool things about our way of life out here, is that we are rich in the currency of time.

In our past lives, we traded our time to sit in the office and earn money to buy things that we wanted, like a seafood dinner at a beachfront restaurant, for example. Out here in the middle of nowhere, we don't have access to conveniences like that. But what we do have is the time to hunt our own crabs, set up a fire on the beach, weave our own serving plates, and spend all day preparing an incredible feast with our friends and family in one of the most beautiful beaches on earth. Let me see those skills though. - [Girl] So this one goes under, this one goes over.

(Girl and Brian laughing) What do you think of my work here? - [Brian] You're doing great. - [Girl] I'm fired. - [Brian] Let's go look at this one. - [Girl] Oh, come on.

- [Brian] Oh man. Look at that tight weave there, though. Have you done this before? - No, but I did have quite a lot of rum drink. (upbeat percussion music) - [Thomasina] You don't have to be afraid. Okay?

Should I take it? - [Brian] Yeah. We're going to be very gentle so we don't hurt him. Okay? - [Thomasina] Look, I... Okay. Okay. - [Brian] There it is. - Look here. Here's your friend.

Here, Sierra. - Thomasina, I love you. - [Thomasina] I love you too. (Brian laughing) So much! - [Brian] Ooh, what do you have, Sierra? - A lizard. - [Brian] A lizard? - So Fabio is trying something new. He is going to do coconut rice on the fire.

Have you done this before? No. (Kazza laughing) How long do you think it's going to take? Two hours. - [Kazza] Two hours? - Open it up, leave a hole about like about yay big.

We drain the juice. Then we put rice, we put the juice back, about one to two. - Okay.

- And then we try to kind of cover it with some of the palms. And then we stick it in the fire and we keep something across it. (upbeat percussion music continues) - [Kazza] Think it's done, Fabio? - I don't know. - I think it's going to be super smoky flavor.

I love your tongs. - [Fabio] I think they work. - [Kazza] Oh my God! Look at that! Fabio, the caveman. (Fabio laughing) - [Kazza] What technique. What do you guys think? Is it going to be a success or failure? What are your bets? Put your bets in right now. (Kazza laughing) (upbeat percussion music continues) - Oh my God, it's so sweet.

- [Kazza] Really? - [Girl] I'm so excited. - [Kazza] You want to try it? Are you going to be our judge? (upbeat percussion music continues) - Mmm. - [Kazza] Is it good? - Yeah.

- [Kazza] Try some more. - No. (everyone laughing) - I like it. - [Fabio] The voice of truth. (upbeat percussion music continues) (whimsical music) (people chattering) (whimsical music continues) - [Woman] Oh! Oh my goodness! Oh my God! (whimsical music continues) - [Brian] We quickly realized that our pots were not up to the task to handle the size and strength of these crabs.

So we had to get a little creative and figure out a way of keeping them from escaping. - [Woman] See how you're doing this. - [Adrian] Now you can tie it here around. Nope, a little bit more in front. He will grab it. - [Woman] Yeah. No. Oh, don't let him go. He's going to cut it.

- [Woman] Oh, way to go, Adrian. - [Brian] Yeah, Well done. - [Adrian] Oh, those guys are fast, you know.

(whimsical music continues) - [Brian] Sorry dude. (water splashes) - [Kazza] Thank you for your- - [Adrian] He's shocked. - [Brian] We got our system down pretty good, and soon we had all the pots on the go. And about 18 hours after first embarking on our crab hunt, it was finally time to enjoy the fruits of our labor. - [Kazza] That's actually a great tool. (Adrian laughing) - There's olive oil, lemons. Just dip it in.

- [Brian] I'm just going to take it. - Enjoy it, man. - [Brian] Just going to take it as is. Oh, it's so perfect. - Oh, you got give it to me.

You got to give it. Where is it? (people chattering in background) Oh my God. - [Brian] Is that good or what? - That's amazing. - [Brian] A delicacy. - Better than lobster. Better than anything. - [Brian] The taste.

What do you think about that? Coconut crab. Sierra, - [Kazza] You like it? - Mmm. - [Brian] Is it good? Yeah.

Have another piece. - No. - [Brian] No? All the food was fantastic. And the presentation was pretty top notch too, if I do say so myself. It's a great feeling to catch and cook your own food.

We put a lot of love and energy into this meal, and the juice was definitely worth the squeeze. And speaking of squeeze, we had one more part of the crab to sample, the gooey meat inside the tail, which happens to be a known aphrodisiac. - They call it like the foie gras. - [Brian] Is it creamy? - Yeah, it definitely feels like foie gras.

- [Brian] Is it weird? - Like foie gras. - It does. - It's like lip balm. - I'm going to feed it to you. - [Brian] No! - Just put it in your mouth.

- [Brian] I don't want to! I don't want to! - You're going to like it. - [Brian] I don't want it. I don't want it. (everyone laughing) (Brian exhaling) - Yuck! (everyone laughing) - [Kazza] Just eat it. It tastes great. - It's not great. It's weird. I swallowed it.

- [Sierra] Yay! - [Adrian] Well done, man! (people chattering) - [Woman] I don't mind it at all. - [Kazza] No, I like it. Yeah. (waves crashing) - It's been a while since we've been to the store, and this is how our fridge is looking. I really stocked up on eggs. So we have some eggs left, which is amazing. Three carrots left, very rotten mango, and one tomato.

(Kazza laughing) It's always interesting when you get to this stage, because I feel like it kind of is like trying to figure out recipes that has things that we have. So, for example, this morning- - You mean we have a lot of? - This morning, I made apple sauce and oats muffins. Sierra really likes them.

- We also have... - [Kazza] Moonshine! - A lot of moonshine that I made, but we really slacked on the mixers. - [Kazza] Oh shoot. - We have no mixers. And so we've been opening a lot of coconuts on the beach and mixing it with this and it's been amazing.

(island music) Is that enough? - Those are good ones. That's good, though. Is it delicious? - [Brian] So good? (everyone laughing) - Can I get a try? - It's going to be a little salty now.

- It's going to be a little salty - Shake it off. Shake, shake, shake, shake. Salty coconut. (island music continues) - Daddy, we have a good set up. - We have pretty sick setup. - Yeah. - We got coconuts, a machete, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. - Yeah.

- And we got moonshine and we brought hikes. We're going to drink moonshine with coconut water. What do you want to call it? Cocoshine or Shironut. - [Kazza] That jar has been around the block, huh? - [Brian] From 2015. - [Kazza] Show me the text on it.

- I've refilled it multiple times. - [Brian] Brady wrote that like so long ago. - [Brian] Okay. I think this is really going to be good. (island music continues) - [Kazza] Three scoops? Maybe give me two scoops.

- You want two scoops? - [Kazza] I want two scoops. - How many scoops do you want? - All the scoops. - [Kazza] All the scoops? (island music continues) (liquid pouring) - [Brian] It's perfect. Wow! - Yes. - Ooh, yeah. Cheers. (island music continues) - [Brian] Our afternoon happy hour on the beach, rolled into another fire.

Which rolled into another dinner filled with laughter, friends, and of course, a few very sweet dance moves. Life lately has felt a bit like our COVID days spent on deserted islands in The Bahamas with our tight-knit crew of buddy boats. Civilization felt like a distant memory, and our friends had become like family. And while there's no global pandemic forcing us into isolation, the remoteness of where we are and how special it all feels has forged some of the strongest bonds we've ever had through our many chapters out here living on the ocean. These were the days we'll look back on and think, "Damn! We really cracked the code on this whole living thing." And the next day, we got to wake up and do it all over again.

(motor running) - Yeah, go dad! - Look at him go. He's getting so good. (gentle guitar music) (anchor thudding) (gentle guitar music continues) - [Kazza] Nice job. - Go higher. Go higher. (gentle guitar music continues) - I freaking love this beach. (gentle guitar music continues) Is that your pet? - Yeah. - [Kazza] What's his name?

- His name's Pink Back. I need to show you my home. - [Kazza] Okay, let's go on to check out your home. Knock, knock, knock. Can I come in? - Yes.

- [Kazza] Wow. I love your house. - Here is my bed. Here is my couch.

- [Kazza] I like your couch. - It should make it a rainbow. - [Kazza] Is it a rainbow couch? - Yep. - [Kazza] My favorite color. - And you want to see my TV? - [Kazza] Yeah, where is it? - Here.

- I like Sierra's imagination. It's just like exploding over the last like, I don't know, for a while now. It's just been amazing to see her.

(gentle guitar music continues) What do you want to do now? Put up the chairs? - Yeah. (gentle guitar music continues) - What a place, huh? It's just so special to be able to spend our days at the beach here. This view, calm water, crystal clear. Do you like this beach, Sierra? It's your favorite, huh? - And has sauce on it. - It has so many cool shells, right? I find just getting into these kind of routines, and just trying to soak up every single moment here. Because I know that it's not a long time until we're kind of hauling out Delos.

We haven't really talked about it that much, but it's coming up fast. And I kind of... This morning I had a little, I don't know, I wouldn't call it panic attack, that's a bit strong, but I had a little moment, I think both me and Brian did, where we just felt kind of like, "Holy, shit! It's happening."

Like we're actually going to put Delos on the heart and leave her for quite a bit. And spending our days here, it's just the perfect cruising. I love this kind of cruising. So it's been hard to think about that it's all going to end. But, I don't know.

Just soaking up every second I guess. Brian, what's your favorite part about this life that we've had in the last couple of weeks? - I'll show you. Watch, listen. (gentle guitar music continues) Do you hear that? - [Kazza] No. - Because it's nothing. It's just the wind and the sunshine and the water and the beach and us. That's what I love the most.

- [Kazza] What's your favorite part, Sierra? - Diving down and get my sinking toys. - [Brian] How about drinking coconuts? - I like drinking coconuts too. - [Brian] How about making beach fires with our friends? - I want to make one beside one my sands. (gentle guitar music continues) - [Brian] Oh no. Why isn't Warren- - [Kazza] Look at this sunset! - Why isn't Warren flying his drone? - I know.

Warren's losing his mind. - [Warren] I am. - [Kazza] It's such a nice sunset. - [Warren] Sometimes it's okay just to enjoy it. - [Brian] Yeah, this is for us.

- [Kazza] Do you like the sunset, Sierra? - Yeah. It's so pinky. Mommy, I think I had the best day ever. - [Kazza] You had the best day ever? - Yeah. I swimmed, and I played, and I watched a sunset go down. All my favorite things to do.

- [Kazza] I love it, Sierra. And tomorrow we going to sail. - Yeah. - [Brian] New beach, new place. - [Sierra] Hey, Warren? - [Warren] Mm hmm? - [Sierra] I'm going to miss this place.

- [Warren] Mm hmm, me too, baby. (gentle guitar music continues) - I really hope you guys enjoyed the video and this sweet sunset. And just a little reminder, do not forget to install the Airalo app today to stay connected anywhere you travel.

And when you do, be sure to enter the code SVDELOS3 to get $3 off your first eSIM. The download link is in the description below. (gentle guitar music continues) Up next on "Delos", we have a fantastic Spinnaker sail to the breathtaking, atoll of Fakarava.

And immediately dive into the crystal clear waters of this world class dive destination. - [Kazza] Look at those nuts though. - Can't take her anywhere. (Sierra chattering) (gentle guitar music continues) - Whoo hoo! (gentle guitar music continues)

2024-06-24 21:00

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