We're going to the airport to go to Europe. Becca's very excited, and mommy. Mom and daddy driving. We're in the back for some reason. We just, we like our space. We like the back.
Social distance. I remember one time. I was drawing, so I drew all over here with crayons, yes.
And daddy made me erase it all. I learned the lesson to never draw on the car again Anyways, see you at the airport. TRAVEL DAY The Girls Head to Paris OK girls, we're waiting to do bag drop. So the girls turned 15 this year and in Brazil for 15, you have either a big party or you travel. And the girls opted to travel.
And wouldn't you know— Oh! We are going to go to Europe. We're going to join my parents So here we go on this crazy adventure. OK, we're on our flight. Five and a half hours to Hong Kong, What's this? Oh yeah, you called someone.
Then we still have another long flight to Paris. The kids are just interested in their TVs. This is so different. Usually I'm the one heading off somewhere, but this time it's Ruth celebrating the twins 15th birthday with them and me with the Not-so-little littles here at home holding down the fort, and getting things done, staying alive! This is a life without a mommy. A life without a mom. How will we survive? We'll never survive. We will survive.
DAY 1 Hello Paris OK girls- we made it! After like 20 hours of traveling. This is quite the airport. I'm sorry Japan, but this is way cooler. Way cooler. Moving rollways everywhere. It's our first time in Paris and we are so excited, but we only have two days so we have to try to get pictures in front of as many famous landmarks as possible. We're on the train! We made it! Girls, how's France been so far? Good.
So confusing! Stressful. This is the countryside of the airport. Navigating the train system in Tokyo is one thing, but in France, it's a little bit different. We opted to get the one week pass, which included all five zones and the airport, which in the end ended up being a lot cheaper for us.
We're heading to our hotel to drop off our bags before we head to our first landmark. But honestly, here in France, everything looks like a landmark, so deciding which one is famous and which one is not can be a little bit challenging. OK, this is the fountain of St Michael. Look how pretty all this architecture is! We are at supposedly a very famous spot. Pictures all the time. Oh that lady! Oh! I don't have cash! I have cash.
We are so excited to eat pastries and French bread. There's our food. Oh my goodness! Does that look so good? Yes. Is this for me? That's for you, and here's yours. Look at the change. So tiny. It's so adorable! It's obviously touristy, because see all the shops? Oh! My favorite chocolate- Lindt! How pretty! Ah! That's a gyro.
And so you guys call them falafels? We are headed to our first landmark, which is on an island in the middle of the Seine river. See, that's where I want to eat! A place like that. With all the pastas! That's Italy though, isn't it? [Gasps] I can see it! Notre Dame! Wow! That is famous, girls! What is? Notre Dame- look at it! It's amazing! See the whole back there was all burnt. See how they're still working on it? Oh these are 5 euros, those are cheaper! Those are cute! It was extra crazy because it was opening weekend for Notre Dame.
There were even dignitaries from all over the world for the reopening. Traffic. It's just as crazy everywhere. Oh look- he's painting it. Oh right there- yes! Should we go to the other side? No, I think this is perfect.
Oo, can we take a picture right here? Look at, that's the Seine River. It's rough waters! That's a lot of water! Our first glimpse of the Eiffel Tower. And whatever dome that is over there. Oh, you can see the spire of the Notre Dame. Well this is the museum! Let's walk through it! Wait what?! You can walk through it? Look at this courtyard! Wow! Look at all those people on the wall! I don't know what building this is but it's big! Let's go straight through, look. All the detail! I don't know, I could never make this.
We didn't realize it at the time, but this whole thing is the Louvre. It is quite impressive. I'm starting to get tired... Yea. And cold...
I've been tired. Becca's been complaining about it for the last two hours. I think I watched the most movies on the plane... At this point, we hadn't slept in a bed for about two days and jet leg was definitely setting in. What the heck?! The Louvre. Let's go over close to it! Come! What's another mile or two? That's right.
Go in front of me so I can video you guys walking... Go go go! Anna, turn around and look at mommy... smile! Ha ha ha! By this point, everyone was so tired, we decided to head back to the hotel, but don't worry, Day two is coming and it is going to be epic. What's that? It's closing. My dream is coming true! She's riding a double-decker train.
I was just about to get my phone out. DAY 2 Exploring Paris Bon voyage! Ok- day 2! Cold day! Oh my goodness! I can't breathe! This reminds me of skiing weather. This is cold! It's so dark. We're off on our adventure. Which way do we want to go?
We are somewhere... in France. We're looking for another train. Yea, we want that C. Yea, we want this one... C- yeah. One C? Not the quest...
Yea, this is C. The RER It's all C. It's all C RER. Is that the train leaving right now? We're walking towards the Palace of Versailles. There's a lot of cool places along the way. Those are massive gates. That's a huge beautiful building too, isn't that? I know.
Do you want to quick catch this when it turns green, guys? Let's quick catch it! OK it's green now! It's down there. There it is. Is that where we're going? Yea! Oh, I thought we were going to the arch! Oh, after this we're going to the arch. Believe it or not, what we are about to see started off as a vacation home. There's Louis XIV With a pigeon on his head.
OK- oh, you probably need money to get into that gate. It is crazy. This is crazy. It's massive. And it's cold! I would like to play hide-and-seek in there. I would have no desire at all. Wow, look at all that gold. Look at all that gold.
If it's not now, it was then. It used to be then. Oh, there's the library of the prince.
Where? You just passed it. Ah, restaurant... gardens... Wow! Look at the gardens! Careful! It's muddy, people! It's so hard to capture how massive this place is. I would not want to have to clean it.
Wow! What do you do at the Palace of Versailles? You play tag! I'm joking. Let's get a picture of us too. The McCafe in France serves croissants and hot chocolate... Of course. Cinnamon roll, huh? A Cinnamon roll.
Coffee for the adults, chocolate for the kids. How is it Anna? This is a great camera angle. Oh! I know what I have for us...
I think I brought it with me... OK, look girls... some questions. Oh yea!! Becca! What's a successor? I don't know what a successor is. Somebody who makes the laws...
No, it's the one who's going to take over after you die. Oh. Or after you leave your positions, the successor is who takes over when you leave. From the palace of Versailles we went to the Arc de Triomphe which Versailles is 18 kilometers outside of Paris, so it was a little bit of a train ride.
Get in, get in! Alright, get in everybody! You're not showing the Eiffel Tower! That! There we go! OK. There's the Eiffel Tower behind us! That is beautiful there... We're in Paris! How do you know? Cold. Eiffel Tower—It's cold.
Now we're on the bus. Pretty much everywhere you look is picture perfect. We made it to the Arc de Triomphe Wow! Is that cool? Oh wait, am I in the way? Yea I know, it's so cool. It's like a movie. Amazing. So amazing! I can't believe we're here! It's so huge—it's so much bigger than you expect it to be.
Yea, I thought it was going to be like two times smaller. Everywhere you go you can see it! Oh, the big Louis Vuitton store — it looks like a suitcase! See it up there?! No. Oh Cartier, I bet these places are beautiful at night. Look at this little cafe guys! I know, look at this one! It's a drugstore! It's a drugstore, we should go in it. Wait wait wait, it's red.
It's green! Yea, it's green! Should we go in? Can we go in? Let's go inside real quick. Can you get a picture of me just right here? Yea. Then I'll do one for you of you with them you want to go with them? Let's go inside. Can you push this? No, I think it goes by itself. Oh! I could totally buy something for Sarah in here. Oh! We came out somewhere weird.
Did you hear what Dad said? If you have to ask for it [the price], you can't afford it? Oh look, we came out a completely different way. There's like this huge store with lights on it! Yea, we want to go this way exploring. It's a cinema.
Oh no that's the Dior one. I told you Dior had cool decorations! Goodness, look at those decorations. Oh, the Louis Vuitton store. There's no windows. It's just a big suitcase.
Hi. It's big. Big! Huge! Expensive. Probably expensive. It is expensive! It's broken too. Oh no! The airline damaged their luggage.
Oh, the window decorations. Becca, don't cry it's so cold! So cold! We just walked up a million stairs! All-week brunch. All-day coffee. Oh it's packed. Oh that jacket— those look like you, Anna! What? That black and white one? Yea. It's like the exact same one I have.
We're climbing up... to the tall part of Paris. Yea. Oh! This would be so beautiful at night! Look at that! It would be so pretty at night. But there's only so many places we can go at night. Look, see, everything's up high. Look!
Oh my goodness! Whoa. We are going to climb up these stairs... because we kind of need to. This side. You guys can count it if you want to, but we don't want to, so...
Are you tired yet? No. Climbing up. Look behind us. I'm strong and mighty and brave! I can climb up these stairs! It's good practice for [Mount] Fuji... Yea! Yea, we made it! OK, we're up the hill! We are so high up. So high up.
And we still have to climb up more, so huh! Vovó [grandma] needs a break. The older you get, the harder it is. Momma's the leader because I do not know where to go, Mommy, Vovó is basically leading the whole time. Vovô [grandpa] and Becca and I are just having fun, enjoying.
We have to go up there. Yippee! More climbing to do. Go up these steps, Becca. Time to climb up these stairs now. Anna, let's do a race? Race?! Yes. OK.
3, 2, 1... GO! Wait! No! Yes! They're so slow. They're still climbing up. Zoom in. Almost there!
Zoom! Oh, if you want to know who won, I did... Because there was someone in front of me, I couldn't kind of... Oh look at this cafe! This is cute. Is that the church right there?! We're going to go up there? And of course, more stairs.
Can you imagine when they built this, they had to carry all of this up? I cannot imagine. There's so many locks! Oh my goodness! Look at this! Look at Paris! And the background music... Look at all these love locks! Look at the view! Look at all these! It's like this all over. It's so crazy. I don't know what this says, but it says what it says. Oh, it tells you where everything is.
This is a view of Paris! What do you think? It's an awesome view! She's speechless! It's an awesome view from here. Yes! Look at Notre Dame, here you can see. See right there it is! Do you see that tower? Oh yea, I see it! Now we've gotta go down the stairs. And w'ere going in that building. I don't know what that building is.
Do they ever come back and unlock them or just forget about them? Forget about it. I think they're just made to lock on. Lock on and never get off.
Wow, that's a bummer. The view is crazy. Now we're going to go to a mall and shop. Probably not going to buy anything because it's expensive.
Well, I think they have all types. What Mommy said: I think they have all types. Hopefully we buy at least one thing. We're going on a gondola thingy so we can get down. Somehow we're doing this backwards.
I know, we should have come up this! Next we are headed to the Galleries Lafayette, not so much for the shopping, but for the world famous Christmas displays. Look at all these cute shops! Everywhere, so cute. Paris is so cute. I was huffin' and puffin' and about having a cow. I was surprised how well we all did. My legs are hurting now.
We're waiting for the bus. I'm getting hungry. What are you doing? Waiting for the bus. OK you're weird. Say "hi!"
We caught the bus, but unfortunately we missed our stop, so we had to do a little extra walking, but it doesn't matter because everything is so beautiful. Look at the cool buildings! Yea, I love the buildings here. I do too. They're my favorite type of buildings.
It's so pretty. Oh my goodness! I almost bonked into you! Say "It's pretty!" You have to say "It's pretty, I love it!" Pretty? OK thanks. We are trying to find the entrance to this mall. Over there... Oh, whoa! Everything is so pretty here! We want to go in the pretty side. Yea, let's go in the pretty side.
Let's go in here. How's that? OK. OK, we're going in. Let's go check out the mall! If you didn't notice, this is the Becca cam. I wanted to see this Christmas tree. Whoa. Wait, isn't this what Baba showed us?! Like the pink Christmas tree or something like that?! Whoa! Take a picture of me so I can show it to Baba! Take a picture of me so I can show it to Baba.
It's so pretty, just like mama chan. Let me do one of Ruth! Getting the pictures. A very important step. You can even go to the roof and see an impressive view of Paris and the Eiffel Tower, of course. Wow! This is amazing! You can see so much! Careful Anna! Oi! Let's put the Eiffel Tower right between us.
Wait! I want a picture too! Wow! This is quite the view. I'm really hungry! We came up that street right there. We found our dinner! We are so hungry! Oh! It's cold! Oh! Look at the cute window things for Christmas.
Cool? That was cool. There's more! Oh it's a train! Oh look, pillow fight! Is that it? No, there's more! But we gotta wait for Vovó. I love seeing these thing! Oh my goodness! Too cute. I think that shoe's too big for you. It's just like the elves. We made it to the Eiffel Tower! OK! This is what we need to see! Come a little closer this way! The tower at night! Ah! It's going to start glittering real soon! Now wait, I'm on my knees...
Here is comes! Ok ready? Quickly! It's sparkling! Here comes the beam! Here comes the beam! Look girls, look! Look at here, it's so pretty! Hey, now my turn! OK Anna's turn. Turn over, go over to the side. And do an arm way up. Way up, and one down. One up and one down. Other way. More more more extravagant. Like this! Can I get a cool picture? Yea.
OK! Alright, should we go, or do you want to see some more? Oh, we can go. Oh that's good! NEXT EPISODE The Europe Trip Continues We're leaving our hotel, we're going to go catch a train to the airport. And then we're headed to Italy! To Milan!
2024-12-30 06:29