2 Days Family Snow Camping in 2 ROOM INFLATABLE Hot Tent with DOG

2 Days Family Snow Camping in 2 ROOM INFLATABLE Hot Tent with DOG

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a helicopter helicopter oh yes  let's go. the other was a pot of gold *laughing* drop it right here oh my oh this is massive yeah big Monty what you doing boy huh you having fun I could stand the um tires on my wrist he wants leaning rubs  he want some leaning rubs yeah hey look there's gloves Jackson's working hard pumping up  the bed how you doing buddy good   thank you for working so hard uh-huh  yeah and Lily is helping me set up the   lights hi how you doing sass? good  my arms are getting tired though Monty what do you think big boy you having fun? we're still working are you ready for bed ? you can sleep there if you want   to. Its only 3:00pm. you can  take a nap and we'll play later. are you whittling a stick look  he made a cross hey you make a   cross let's see it let me see  it Monty a cross let me see a cross nice can I see that cross little across wow that's cool it is across he Whitted across that's very  cool Monte good job all right welcome   back to another adventure we're doing some family camping we've got this huge tent here  you guys check that out it is massive   super massive we stayed here last night um  we got here yesterday we set everything up   we just enjoyed our night we had a beautiful  sunset and uh we cooked up some hot dogs and   some mac and cheese and then we just relaxed  and had a good time it was kind just for us   last night but now we're going to bring you guys  along with us so we got Shelby hi Jackson Lily hiy what are you doing so we're just going  to have a good time you guys we're going to   explore uh maybe go on a little hike here in a  little bit but before we do that I'm sure you   guys want to see a tour of the tent this thing  is amazing it's another inflatable tent and it's   from Russian Bear Market this one I believe  is the koala 7 and it's giant giant you guys   check it out we've got our couch right there  well couch SL buunk beds for the kids we've   got our nice fireplace this thing is huge  um it is massive it kept us really toasty   last night it was really nice so we've got our  fireplace little kitchen over there I guess and   then we've got me and Shelby's bedroom uh  excuse the mess we've got a little bit of   mess over there and over there but we'll just  you know there that looks nice nice and tidy   this is glamping big time Big Time glamping and  we've got the bear lamp Mr bear he was looking   out for us last night I haven't done anything  with them yet but I I promise you I will maybe   we'll do it on the another video this thing  is nice you guys very nice soe thank you guys   for joining us and we're just going to have a  good old relaxing time with the family here all right liily was there something you wanted to  show me huh did you make something what' you   make Mon oh no Monty ate it what was it a duck  it was a duck well you can't you can't garnish   the duck with pretzels cuz uh Monty will eat it  he's like where did it go my duck all right L   you'll have to make another one okay yeah  I'll make family we have a picture of it   we'll have to insert the picture of the duck  the said duck duck and then Jackson what did   you make over here we're just having some good  time in the snow you guys what snow we have oh   you added glasses to him yep nice this is a his  mustache yep I think he needs to trim it a little   bit yeah he needs to trim it a little bit but  looks cool dude thank you good job Jack thank you they're having a funeral for the duck we come here in loving memory of Ducky I really like how how large the uh box is for  this you can fit big chunks of wood and they   last you a lot longer so the Firebox on this  is nice we'll get her stocked up a little bit   there we go look at that big old chunks of  wood can go in there much bigger than the   other stoves I have but of course this one you  know we're glamping you can carry a big thing   like this it's been kind of hard to get used  to this though um instead of a door you have   this like know so you got to kind of figure The  Sweet Spot but it also allows you to damper it   pretty well close it up like that and then  you have this little uh this other little   chain here plug you plug that up and it really  dampers down the fire pretty much kill it right there but we don't want to  do that we'll give her some air there we go oh runy runy runy what you  doing the snowing oh yeah you all right we're heading on a walk we  thought about snowshoeing but Snow's   really not all that deep so I think we'll  just tredge through tredge through with our   shoes and of course Monty will four-wheel  it okay here's a trail oh I do see some   some old Snowshoe prints there's a creek  over here and it sounds beautiful wow wow drar dropping very pretty you can go swimming no  swimming Monty freeze too cold   what do you think liil what honey the  deer definitely come down here and get   themselves aink drink of water this  is nice all right let's continue on   the trail shall we yeah please more to  see huh Li hopefully don't step in the water you just can't beat being out here  especially with family it's it's really   nice to get out here with the family and make  memories and and have them experience what   I usually experience when I'm out here that is  something special for me what do we got all right   Lily read it out mice to Moose you may see many  large and small mammals along the trail the dense   forest area and clear stream provides perfect  Habitat to call home can you name some of the   common mammals seen in this area what's number  one moose what's number two J uh squ three dear four Beaver six links seven mice do  look guys you see do if I ever catch   you in the tent no I'm just kidding  what's that number eight mus scrap   it's a weasel weasel at least that's  what it says I cheated it's a weasel and then there's a Monty Monty moose Monty moose  Monty the moose moose dog looks like a bear kind   of does look like a bear let's go Monty mush  mush Monty mush Monty mush mus mus okay there we go hold on no I can't run we really got to get Monty a harness and a sled  so he can pull our camping gear out into the   woods sure would be fun there's an owl there's  an owl Monte no oh my goodness it wow that was   an owl that was so you caught that on camera  right no dang it that was so if Monty wouldn't   have barked we probably would have captured him  he was nesting or sleeping over there on the   ground wow okay did it say that we were going  to encounter any owls out here so that owl was   nesting right over here or at least sleeping  let's see if we can see any of his uhat this   kind of looks like a be tracks look at those feet  whoa yeah those are big those are big feet he   was just sitting there oh hey look he was eating  something he looks like he was eating a eating a hair oh yep he had half of a hair  here really yeah he's eating on him oh wow anybody want anybody want some lucky  rabbit's feet no all right well he's going   to come back and he's going to eat that put  the camera yeah let's uh let's set up a GoPro   and set it here and see if he comes back  okay we got a camera set up right here if   he's hungry enough he's going to come back for  that for sure even if he just comes lands and   grabs it and takes it away um hopefully the  camera doesn't deter him too much and he can   continue on his uh his meal yeah that was  pretty cool to see huh Li yeah found where   he was uh we where he caught him we saw  where he caught him yeah right over here seea oh yeah yep yeah that's just what they do they got to   eat too the food chain am  M to use one of the things I I'm trying to see if there's any any  fish in there I don't see any right now yeah I did see them we are in Idaho  if you guys were wondering um up North   and Jackson was just saying that he doesn't  think that we'll see Harry because Harry is   in Washington state I don't know about you guys  but Seattle feel like Idaho and yeah Harry was   in Idaho or I mean uh Seattle Seattle area but  maybe he migrated over here towards Idaho yeah Idaho all right so here we are we are at the fine  Feathered Friends so yep great horned owl great   horned owl that was what we just saw short sharp  beak for tearing and ripping prey I think that's   what he was doing to that uh Snowshoe yeah and  then here's the bald eagle the impressive bald   eagle on the way up here we almost hit a bald  eagle yeah we did on the drive up here we saw   one on the side of the road and he uh he was he  was looking for some food I think beaver I don't   know no it looks like saw right well beavers  can chew pretty good that looks like a beaver's   chewing it for sure look at that little too  Little Beaver chew marks impressive look at this   he he chopped it over here oh wow he chopped that  tree down and uh oh was pulling it apart yeah wow he's down here somewhere look at this one oh wow he  chewed up that one too oh wow that's awesome I think man we're seeing  all types of nature out here isn't   that kind of funny you get out in  nature and you see nature because   it is the way that it is because  it is the way it is ain't that neat that Auntie are you being protector dog  yes he's on the trail I think that beaver's   trying to block our Trail Jackson can you  move he didn't go do a good job D Leave it   to Beaver good thing it wasn't Beaver Beaver  Cleaver maybe see if he can stick it in the   ground again maybe he'll chew it up a second time  he's like wait didn't I already do this yeah Deja Vu perfect oh cover it up again like new look at that Jack you just planted   a tree that was awesome that's not quite  how that works it's not how that works all right we made it back to camp we went  almost a mile we almost went a mile you   guys so we can't forget don't you guys  forget to remind me to go check on that   camera I don't want to forget it out there  I guess I shouldn't tell you guys maybe I   should tell you guys don't don't that in my  memory not even me tell Monty okay Monty hey   Monty yeah that's a lost cause too all right  we got the kids warming up in here it's nice   and warm man feels good the temperature up top  85° it's feeling good it's looking really good   let's check out outside temp currently 38°  outside it's 48° inside on this back side so   it's a little chillier in the bedroom um so for  Celsius friends that is 3° celsi outside 9° cels inside but it feels really good in here especially  when you stand up you know the heat rises I know   a lot of you guys have said that I need  to get a fan to throw up top um to push   some of that heat down and that's a really  good idea we have to figure it out at some point Mommy and [ __ ] are going to  the bathroom Auntie you're going to   stay here with me I know I know you love  your girls don't you yes you do love them girls you my way one of the lowest um ready go all right me and Jack are going to go check that  camera and uh see if that see if that owl showed up looks like it's gone the hair's gone hopefully  we cut it on footage let's check oh no it's dead okay we're going to have to  go go charge it well it's going to be an intense weight all right we got to start the oven there we go it's turned on that's nice all right  let's check out the footage see if we got the owl okay looks like oh there it is there it eight8 minutes in  yeah May where we left minutes in incredible   did he land on it looks like he's  on top of the the got it that's crazy oh he took it up he he lit he took it  up to that tree oh oh is he going to eat it there oh man it looks like he's looking right at  us how can owls turn their heads well just like   you but they can turn it way farther them that  way that's cool oh there he goes oh oh that was   awesome he just flew away that was awesome you  guys that was cool wow oh wow good spot mommy   yeah well Monty and I spotted I'm glad that he  actually I'm glad he actually came back me too   that was that was a good idea to leave the camera  there good job you guys job that was awesome got him the top temperature is 94° Fahrenheit  right now oh it's toasty okay said you   feel so bad cuz this you know a du is that  fire War Lil M man don't get tired are you   getting tired no get tired I feel like you're  tired tired Li we haven't even had dinner yet   no it's a fire oh the fire is keeping you toy  hey what's the temperature on that oven there little say I don't know it's almost 400  almost 400° yeah yeah all right we're   having pizza tonight who's ready  for pizza me woohoo what about you Monty you can't have pizza let's go Pizza can't  have pizza let's go pizza oh I'm hungry can't have pizza I'm sorry it makes you sick but we  do have a can we got a can of food for you   Monty brought you a steak stew a special  steak stew steak yummy that's better huh yeah all right we got some mozzarella cheese here some of the finest mozzarella except  for Monty doesn't think so he tried to eat   it and puked it up didn't PUK you just  spit it out SP it out how can you not   like this Monty he gave it a weird look  you don't want to try another piece do you no all right we got the non bread for the pizza   I told the family about this so they  wanted to try it Cardone pizza sauce hopefully that's tasty looks good Mak me hungry  even after I ate breakfast all right we'll add   some pepperoni to that we're going to do  pepperonis pepperoni pizzas tonight pretty simple does Monty like pepperoni he doesn't  need any right now this is going to be like   an extra pepperoni hopefully you guys like  it oh that smells good the double pep double pep and then a little more pepperoni on top I still that it oh it's sizzling in there oh look it even like are you with your buddy are you hungry Monty Pizza number two good looking  pizza yeah are you ready to eat it oh it looks like it's  toasted pretty good here we go look at that so good did get a little toasty  is it burned no I think it's good that looks tasty woo there we go we got it little we got it you're waiting so patiently Monty looks oh Mont  a nice chunky uh Big Texas steak tips Monty Monty   with chunks of real beef in the gravy Monty that  looks good are you excited for that I told you   to get steak tonight oo what would you rather  have pizza pizza oh no sorry Monty do you have   an upset oh you have a sensitive tummy we don't  need any pizza in your belly tonight you can have   some yummy steak that's going to be good sing that  Mom all right let's pray de life father Lord thank   you so much for this t time lord it's just been  so beautiful and wonderful to come out here into   your creation and just enjoy it as a family Lord  there's so many blessings and and we're counting   every one of them and we thank you so much for  the opportunity to just share this with others   and and uh just pray that uh we can be a witness  for you we thank you for the food and we pray   you'll bless it to our bodies in Jesus name I pray  amen amen are you ready to eat you ready good boy yummy this is much better than the  pizza that we had at the cabin yeah   way better well that doesn't take much  doesn't take much to beat that pizza no okay you ready mhm ready squid ghost good job 12 11  a bomb a cherry an apple a cupcake pce cakea oh pineapple I love pineapple go uh eyeg glasses yes glasses  glass okay yeah really big glasses uh uh cauldron uh water bucket bucket um  water uh uh gold rainbow um oh I know it's so hard   clear clear it clear it a helicopter helicop oh  yes let's go fell with a pot of gold that was   a pot of gold oh did it look like one yeah it  was like cauldron oh oh at at a point oh we're done be yep wow that was getting good had a point a dog a cat a dog stinky breath dog breath   dog fart dog efforts what dog yes  a wet dog two point okay milkshake   broom sweeping dusting I know what it is  cleaning how cleaning how tight breaking yes how you know it monkey bars yes  all right two points pointer or one pointer um shovel yo-yo  yoyo yeah two poins are too hard me and Mom risk it we take the chance  well when you're ahead like you are you can what would you say all right we got some dessert some  raspberry it got a little crunchy got a   little toasty we got some raspberry turnovers  and some apple blossoms man it kind of looks   cool with a little uh cross on it marking on it  thank you here you go Bud thank you that looks   good it's going to be hot little herb here's  yours here's yours oh yeah and the other two   raspberry turnovers got a little to we got two  crispy on these ones got a little two crispy   oh no oh did you get a good one Mama yeah that  thing's toast yeah so I'm going to eat another   apple tonova or apple blossom H what why are  raspberry turnover called turnovers I really   don't know that's a good question you're  supposed to turn it over in the oven ow   why are you supposed to turn it over when  you eat it otherwise they get burned only   in the camping oven when the fire is directly  below it those are good the raspberry turnover   mhm yeah I know how are the apple blossoms I  haven't had a bite yet you want a bite of it Li all right we got the kids in their bunks  hey Jackson's on the bottom bunk good night   Jack good night Dad night everyone good night  Li night last night I slept on the bottom yeah   you did didn't you we'll see if this one's  better for you we really like these uh bunk   beds this thing really nice I think it's called  the Disco bed or something like that yeah yeah   very fancy this one's the extra large and  I think we would probably do best with just   the large but this boy down here keeps growing  we might need and so does Lily kids are going   fast all right Monty Monty you ready for bed  he's been ready for bed he's been ready for   bed all right well we're ready for bed yes it  was a long but very good day um I don't know   if you guys can hear it but it's raining it's  pouring it's pouring my mom said it's raining   my mom said it's pouring sprinkling sprinkling  so it should be an interesting day tomorrow I   really wish it would turn to snow I think  I've said that about every video it's been   such a weird winter you guys weird winter  not our favorite no some people I'm sure are   enjoying not having snow but we love the snow  mon you ready for bed buddy yeah sleeping all   right everybody we're going to hit the sack  so we'll see all of you in the morning good night for good morning Def okay what I you going to start the fire for me he says you can do it dad you can do it right hot chocolate for the Lil thank you  hot chocolate for the Jackson thank   you coffee for shubby thank you  good morning Monte and coffee for me oh you just fogged up the camera oops hopefully  you can't smell that that's coffee breath and like   morning breath morning breath well good morning  everybody we slept uh decent I don't know how did   you sleep he actually slept pretty good we slept  pretty good M um I slept okay I slept better last   night than I did the first night so that was good  I did too yeah and I think mon slipped pretty good too Monty he still wants to sleep that's  silly boy I think that hike yesterday wore   him out yeah the whole the whole camping  experience wears Monty out yes he's like   what what are we doing he loves it though  he does love it well the rain has stopped   for now but it rained pretty good last night um  I think I think everything's going to be soaked   yeah but that's okay we'll deal with it we'll  manage with it we have been lately you know   in the past couple videos it's been nothing  but rain so really really looking for that snow all right we're doing art pancakes everybody gets to make one it's coming out uh squiggly see it is cute is it a bear it's a bear not a very good bear I've just been striking out with the Bears  lately yeah looks really cute it looks like a real bear okay we ready ready for the bear reveal let see oh it doesn't look as good though like  you can't tell the difference really you   can H you can kind of see it but not  super great didn't turn out very good   but hey I'll take it turn out very good  all right Lily's going for her pancake now I love hor now let's let that sit for just  a second here and we'll get her nice and browned up okay hopefully I can do  a better flip on this one yay Y super good good job liil a horse is  a horse of course of course good job good   job Lily thank you you want Mama to  make you a pancake you want a pancake okay Monty want these belt backwards does it show up uh m o n t y Monty  mon all right Jack's your turn all right we can flip it there we go nice look at Old   Glory there Monty we got you a  bone here you want to eat that all over the bed come on  keep it in the plate there buddy that was a quick uh in that  bone there sir inhalation of a bone keep it on the plate that  a good pancake is that a good   pancake he says more you have more  is that yummy need some more water now no Happ all right we got everything cleaned up  packed up and ready to go man that tent   was huge it was hard to put away but we did  it we did it now we got to go home and get it   all dried out that'll be another task not to  rain on our parade here but hey if you made   it this far please hit that like button it  tells YouTube that you enjoyed this content   and want to see more of it as as well as hit  that Bell notification if you guys want to be   notified every time we upload a new video  all right we're going to hit the road and   get out of here you guys once again thank  you guys so much for watching as always God   bless and we'll see you on the next episode bye  Monty bye Monte Monty oh no oh no Mon's going GoPro got to fil everybody drop it

2024-02-15 17:00

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