no this this city is special and I'll tell you what all the cities I've ever had the privilege to visit in the Netherlands are incredibly beautiful I still find this quite shocking that they are just in in Windows you know can I get one gr of the blue cheese very nice bar you got here thank you the streets are quiet tonight huh the streets are a bit quiet good afternoon guys from Amsterdam I actually just arrived here off of a flicks bus cost me around7 to get here all the way from Brussels 2 hours and 45 minutes not bad at all and I literally ran up to my hotel I'm staying at this holiday in express right next to the slaughter je station and I've actually stayed here before it's a beautiful property and it's located right next to the train station which makes it super easy to navigate around whether you're coming from the airport or if you're getting here on a flick bus man the flick bus literally drops you off right behind the station so it's super convenient location and today well I got a day and a half here in the city So today we're going to go to the center of Amsterdam I'm going to show you guys around the red district and we're going to go grab some beers and of course some good tree to inhale and enjoy our time here in Amsterdam so right now we're going to jump onto the train it's only about 15 minutes to the city center and I'm going to walk you guys through the entire process because it's actually quite easy and it is cold I think I'm going to put the beanie on here in a second but I just got out the shower so yeah I was trying to let the the gel simmer on in but yeah let's make our way in here oh I feel so good to be back here this is one of my favorite cities in the world and it's actually very easy to navigate and get around as well where do we purchase the tickets I think it's that kiosk right there yeah it's been quite some time but the St here are all super easy to use and very convenient so let's come over to this train ticket machine and then we'll jump on into the train and make the 15minute journey over to Amsterdam Central oh that's why the lines are big well they're not big but there's several people because all the other machines are shut down at the moment so yeah we'll wait in line but look they got a Starbucks in here they got a a Julia's Cafe and they got this place called smers that's like I think a a fast food chain here in the Netherlands I seen it last time people put money into this like a locker system and then pull out whatever sandwiches that they like but yeah I'm not trying to eat right now I'm trying to get a beer and a good spliff in that's how you do it right as soon as you arrive so let's see how much the train Journey cost all the way to Amsterdam Central okay and here it is super easy to use you hit English one way we're going to go Amsterdam Central and then we'll pay with coins let's see how this Works bam okay that was pretty hard to jam in there got to paid 260 more but look four to make it all the way down not terrible to be honest pretty pretty affordable compared to a lot of uh Transportation around the world and it's been paid €40 too much I believe it's going to dispense change ticket in hand and now all we're going to do is look up here check the time and let's see which one's heading to Amsterdam Central there's one at 2:30 on platform number 8 so let's look for platform number eight and make our way there oh it's right there right ahead of us all right I'll board the train and I'll catch you guys once we make it to the city center [Music] and that right there was incredibly easy to do man literally got here in 10 minutes it wasn't even 15 like Google Maps at 10 minutes and we are in Amsterdam Central and look at the the Central Station it is just beautiful there's all kinds of trams here the city is very easy to navigate around this here is the beautiful river that runs through the heart of the city and yeah the architecture is just beautiful here I can't wait to see what the city looks like like in the evenings this is my first time here during the Christmas time and I'm hoping we can come across some good Christmas markets and you know enjoy the Christmas lights during our stay here that's actually what I'm planning on doing tomorrow but today we are getting lit bro we're about to go have beers and just relax have a good time people watch and just enjoy The Vibes of Amsterdam in the winter but yeah you know what I could really go for right now a nice mold the wine as well I haven't had one yet since I've made it to Europe for this winter market tour that we're on but today we will make sure to make that happen so yeah right now I'm going to jump on into the de wallan neighborhood that's also known as like the red light district area we're going to jump on in there find ourselves a nice little coffee shop sit down relax break our little Amsterdam visit in and then we'll start wandering around and see where we end up I a little hungry but first a beer first a beer and then we'll get the food but yeah look at the station beautiful right guys you got two clocks they're actually spinning so they're working all kinds of little statues and stuff on top it's awesome and then look they got a Canal tour right there for1 14 maybe we'll get lit and go on a boat who knows we'll see what happens it's going to be a good day though that's for sure those are the kind of Little River Cruises you can take I actually did one in the summertime not here I did it in Rotterdam no it wasn't rdam it was the he in the he I did one of those little boats and it was beautiful um but that might be the move right now during the winter time as well so let me put the camera down for a second and I'll catch up with you guys once we make it into the dallan neighborhood and it's probably about time I put my gloves on man my Skin's starting to crack fingers cold as hell I'll tell you what being here in the winter time is quite brutal in Europe but as long as the rain stays away man it gets it's quite nice oh almost got killed by a damn Dutch train first 10 minutes into the video all right let me not walk over that way no more but yeah you definitely got to plan accordingly when visiting but I guess during the winter time you never know what you're getting yourself into because yeah the rain is unexpected and every day we've had rain there hasn't been rain on the forecast it shows that it's just CL and Moody but no it ends up pouring every single day so yeah we'll definitely do one of these Canal tours maybe we'll save that for tomorrow but look at how beautiful that church is right in front of us wow definitely a special City let me know down in the comments section have you guys been out here before is this on your bucket list it is definitely one of those places Worth to visit though I'll tell you that and coming here well in the winter time and also during the summer are just two unique experiences you got to visit it uh during both now this I told you guys this is my first time here during the Christmas time but I was here in uh early November two years ago that was the last time you seen videos from Amsterdam in on the channel and it was already quite cold there was already like you know the winter Vibes out and in full effect there's another view of Amsterdam Central from where we stand now and yeah I'll catch up with you guys here in a minute I got to put these hands away for for at least 10 10 15 minutes man I'm cold well I actually didn't end up waiting too long I wanted to show you guys these streets as soon as we walk on into them man they are beautiful and yes the Dutch people are known for their bicycles I wouldn't think that there would be a lot of people riding around in this cold weather but I guess you could probably even catch people riding bicycles here when it snows who knows I don't even know um how many times a year does it snow here but in Paris I was talking to a lady at the front desk uh because at the beginning of December there was snow but when we arrived there was none and I asked her where's all the snow and she said oh here in Paris it only snows about twice a year so I'm wondering if that's the same here in the Netherlands or in Amsterdam where we are right now a lot of construction but I'll tell you what I am smelling yes sir a whole lot of that green so we're definitely going to come across some good coffee shops here in a minute and we'll sit down and relax but yeah these streets are beautiful look at this a leg looks like a nice brunch spots yeah you can find food in restaurants from all over the world here hello you can find uh food in restaurants from all over the world a lot of Irish pubs a lot of Spanish food I remember going to a Mexican joint last time I was here a little bit of everything look at this coffee shop oh yeah we're definitely going to get sit down and have ourselves a little hinin that'll do the trick wow look at this guys literally out of a postcard right unbelievable no this this City's special and I'll tell you what all the cities I've ever had the privilege to visit in the Netherlands are incredibly beautiful and as you're driving in on the flick bus I definitely take recommend taking a Flex Bus especially if you're coming from like Brussels or Paris because along the way you just see windmills it looks flat as hell I mean looks pretty Dutch you know what I mean it's a nice Dutch experience look at how their doors are so close to the water it's unbelievable yeah this is going to be a fun trip definitely wish I would have stayed here longer should have stayed here a lot longer than we have had in other places that's for sure so right here you can start seeing a couple of red Windows these ones here don't have any ladies in them but I just passed by a few that do and you can definitely tell that they get quite busy people walking in and out very interesting it looks like these might be a lot of local tourists not yeah but it's uh not all right well we're going to do a little walk around and I'll show you guys a couple of these doors as we make our way over to a shop that I hope is right outside of here from what I remember [Music] very interesting right I know a lot of you guys watch from a very conservative country so this here is something completely new and different to you guys but yeah I always find it pretty interesting myself even though there's a couple of streets uh in the city that I live in where you can definitely walk down or drive down and see hundreds of girls working I still find this quite shocking that they are just in in Windows you know but yeah very beautiful day so I think that I'm actually about to head over to a coffee shop that I visited last time that's right around here somewhere um they had some nice tables good prices on that tree and I think that's a nice way to break it on break it on in man all of these canals are just so beautiful yeah tomorrow we're going to try and catch ourselves something like that wow they're eating pizzas and drinking coffee it looks like that looks like the vibe and then right here right next to me is a nice Church there's a couple of the Bulldog coffee shops over on this side but in my experience man those places are a little bit like really touristic and also very expensive so we're not going to jump on into that I ain't spending 20 year on a j you know what I'm saying I know better than that but yeah let's continue on with our walk Cafe Flinch it's they got hinin beer that's a good sign very interesting right and along this riverbed there's actually a lot of like uh prostitution museums red light district museums that are very interesting uh to go and check out and not too far away from here is also the famous Anne Frank house so yeah a lot to do in this area and of course it makes for a nice place to people watch but yeah in in the evening time I'll show you guys just how beautiful it is here in this part of the area when all starts to Glow but yeah according to my map the uh coffee shop I'm looking for is just down this Alleyway hello can I get one gram of the blue cheese do you sell beer by any chance not not in coffee shop oh not in coffee shop okay you can buy with and go some bar that allow small C inside but well can I take a latte please we'll go second best not the same but not the same but it'll do the jobs is this mine thank you so much sugar thank you enjoy thank you so much man what is even life anymore right guys that you can just like walk into a place order coffee so I wasn't able to get a beer I guess they don't sell beer at the coffee shops but you can take your J to a place that sells beer and they'll let you inside so I'm going to sit down here we'll enjoy the latte cover this up and what did I get oh some blue cheese 1 G1 15 so I'm going to twist this up chill enjoy the view of this market and then we'll go get some beer and some food once these Munchies kick in but man what a place and look at this bike right here super beautiful all right let's try this latte let's see if it's any good oh that is nice and it came out of actual uh proper machine uh the last time I think I sat down next door at Rockets I'm I'm confused I got to watch my video again but I think I sat down at Rocket and I ordered a coffee and it came out of a vending machine and I wasn't the happiest but right now I'm pretty damn happy let me know would you guys be pretty stoked too to be sitting right here man life is good but yeah they definitely got some crazy expensive options in there like you can easily purchase some American buds what's up bro you can easily purchase some American buds in there that are like man 30 to 40 a gram so yeah it gets it gets pretty expensive quite fast I actually went with not the cheapest but not the most expensive option walking out of that Center area now and we're going to go find ourselves a restaurant but let me just tell you man that coffee and yeah that little snack hit the spot no but that's what you do when in Rome right when you're in the Netherlands you going and sit down and have a coffee and do that and I know there's a lot of Dutch people like I got a lot of Dutch friends that you know don't even consume it I just have always you know had that in mind when I think of Amsterdam and so many people do and I met other tourists sitting down that were also you know indulging for their first times simply because of the fact that they were here so yeah it's pretty cool and there's the Argent Argentina Steak House New York Pizza House of fries they even got a Dunkin' Donuts right on the streets the usual you know yeah we got to find something good to eat Mexican oh no that's an Italian restaur looks like maybe a Ramen Shop Pizzeria this city has it all so we're going to sit down right now and grab ourselves a meal and that first beer because man it's freezing out here I got to get something to warm me up all right so right now I'm on one of those walks where I don't even know where the hell I'm walking to and I'm just tired of walking so I'm going to sit down at this place that says bar in Cafe man it's super beautiful out here Moody almost looks like it's gonna rain but the forecast says it's not raining so uh we'll take it how it how it says and hope that it just stays away however I definitely feel it coming but we're going to sit down and have ourselves some food a beer and then hopefully the city will get dark soon so that we can go and explore and I'm going to do some research and see if I can find a Christmas Market so I jumped into the Burger Spot and man I didn't really wanted a burger cuz I just had one yesterday but I think I'm going to get one anyway so I think I'm going to go with with the the Smokey it comes with cheddar cheese bacon onion rings and barbecue sauce hello yeah ready make for your water oh thank you so much can I do a which one do you recommend for the burgers you it's the biggest one what we have oh my God the B this with eggs and bacon and cheese or Smokey this was Smokey sauce big de looks two kind of cheese CH and all with mushroom orost with cheese okay then let me get the let me get the OMG special oh my God yeah Bri bun Brio bun is fine which bun did it come with you can't choose Brio or uh Sesame or glutenfree oh okay Brio Brio do you would like to take any sour for fries um yeah let me do a trule mayonnaise do you want me a drink um I'll do the hinin please small or large the small small yeah thank you so much damn so I should have went somewhere else man I could have got a a different meal this burger I think is going to cost out like 35 year now but hey hopefully it's good maybe this is a bombass spot and I don't even know no who knows it's beautiful though and he turned on the heater for me so I'm chilling I got the beer I got the food we'll see what we get into next who knows maybe we can go on like a little night cruise we'll see but yeah I'm cold as hell I just don't like talking when there's other people eating inside of the same restaurant you know I think it's kind of rude uh into my camera at least I guess that isn't rude now think about it because they're talking to whoever the hell they're with too oh well I just always feel a little weird so I chose to sit outside and it's not bad with the heater on and then um maybe after a few beers we'll be good but I think I'll just have one here and then man I don't know maybe just walk my way back towards like the real touristic area there's at least more things going on um I got to find a Christmas Market so I'll do some research all right and here's a hinan to start off the trip here in the Netherlands cheers I think next time I'll be back to do more cities but man a month and trying to squeeze in a lot of places is quite hard but I did find the Christmas Market I guess it's near the museum plane PL uh I'm going to go check that out tomorrow but yeah today we'll jump around grab a couple beers and who knows maybe we might actually make our way over there I mean it's still incredibly early guys it's 3:56 it just feels like it's late as hell uh cuz it's cold and gloomy but yeah it's early so we might still make it that way you know I'm never a big fan of hinin but it does taste a lot better when you're sitting here doing it mhm that is nice oh yeah and to be honest a lot of people always say that Europe is a lot more on the expensive side of things and I would agree but nowadays guys even drinking at like bars and Bangkok and Paya you can get charged 250 300 B depending on where you sit down and that's already you know five six bucks so it's pretty much the same uh however I would I will say a little bit of a of a better Vibe right more social but cheers to be fair that is a big burger and look at the fries they look nice and fresh I got the Truffle mayonnaise had that for the first time a few days ago and loved it and look at that guys nice and yeah this is definitely going to give me that energy I need to get on out there and start walking towards that night market I think that's actually what I'm going to do because we got the whole night ahead of us and it looks kind of dull out here so maybe there'll be some more energy out that way so I feel like that was by far probably the worst decision I could have probably made on this streets the food was terrible the burger with the fries in the beer was €29 guys and yeah it was yeah not recommendable at all I mean the burger was terrible a big tasty at McDonald's is a lot better than what I had there I thought it was going to be like a nice uh delicious Burger I actually had one yesterday in Brussels at this restaurant called Manhattans and yo that was bomb plus the customer service wasn't that great and yeah there was no Vibes there so definitely the worst decision I probably could have made tonight but it can only get better from here that's the best part about eating at a really [ __ ] spot on your first uh sit down at in any city is that it can only get better from then so I just jumped off the [ __ ] because it started to look really nice out here and there's a says that and Frank house is 1.1 km that way and Wester Kirk so yeah we're in a different part of the city now not too far from where we're just at about 20 minutes on the tram and I'm going to do the rest of the walk over to the museum area by foot because I figure why not let's walk a bit but at least I'm a little bit more than halfway there it was only like four more stops away but yeah it's always nice walking and look at this there's sweet shops of McDonald's Starbucks like you always find everywhere in the world walk to walk this is also a big chain in Europe oh and these Burgers again but look check this out all of the burgers are inside these little slots so you tap here and you can open up whichever drawer and get yeah the burger of your choice is pretty damn cool huh I might have to try that tomorrow I'm sure those Burgers would have been better than the one that I just got done eating that was terrible man but yeah look at this streets wow that's gorgeous I love the sounds of all the bells on the trains they're awesome what they got going on over here oh Stroop waffles man that smells so good we're definitely going to have to get ourselves a stro waffle man I should have came and ate somewhere around this area what the hell was I doing over in that other direction this looks like a not like a lot of a nicer area look there's some restaurants right here man a little weed shop you know what I think I've actually been in this area before yeah like I said I've that's one of the reasons why I took the train out this way as well is because I realized that it was in the area that I've been in before but yeah beautiful look a bunch of German beer houses or I guess they're they're Dutch they just have the German uh beer companies on there Bavaria yeah beautiful beautiful area I'm almost due for another beer though right about now it's been about 25 minutes and I'm getting cold so might sit down for another one all right so finally it feels like I am getting closer I believe this is it right here I see a big Christmas tree a bunch of Lights I can hear music and we're right now next to the van go Museum it's a very nice area very calm and yeah it doesn't look like there's a lot of foot traffic I mean what day is it today it's a Wednesday that could be probably why but yeah it's definitely chilly as I've been mentioning the entire video and my mouth is hella dry that um Metro ride and then the walk got me a little bit parched and I think I'm going to go and get myself a nice ice cold beer and we'll see maybe we grab something to snack on as well oh yeah this is definitely the move right here okay this is cool so it looks like there's an ice gatoring here in the middle man that's [Music] awesome so yeah that's pretty cool out of all the Christmas markets we've been to so far this is the first one I've seen with an ice gating ring and I know that there's one in Vienna as well so we'll see that one later on this week but yeah that looks amazing guys I'm about to send a video over to glattus right now and show her this because she's going to be incredibly jealous we've been wanting to see an ice skating ring since our trip has started so yeah this is going straight to glattus man that's damn cool isn't it all right well let's see if we can't get on in there and grab ourselves a beer man that's a good little Vibe right there I like that maybe we'll just have a beer tonight and maybe tomorrow we'll come and try out a bunch of different food who knows let's see what the Vibes are like I have a feeling tomorrow I can come up with something cool for tomorrow I mean the Christmas markets they haven't been as big as I've been thinking that they were going to be guys like um I think I had my expect expectations set way too high I know that the one in Vienna is going to be good but I think we should have visited some in Germany I think that's where all the big Christmas markets are okay here we go now I've heard that this is free so you don't need any tickets toenter this Christmas Market this is the rental where you can rent the what ice skates man that's damn cool if I knew how to ice skate I'd be on that and then it looks like right here is where you can get some uh beers coffees drinks all right I think I'm going to order me a beer let's hop on in there man it's quite small to be fair can I get a draft H again you want a pine or have fine uh Pine [Music] please all right I got me a nice pint for €850 guys that's not even bad man look at this amazing view cheers happy holidays M all right beer was nice and that was a good little Vibe but yeah it wasn't exactly what I was looking for I guess the Christmas Market doesn't kick off till next week what type of Christmas Market kicks off on the third week of December makes no damn sense but yeah it's just ice skating so had a quick pint there now I'm going to make my way back over to the deala neighborhood cuz there was at least a little bit more going on there and yeah have some beers man but yeah this is how my first day in Amsterdam is going not too bad though I love just walking around in new places and admiring the streets even though they're a little bit dead right now I just don't know exactly where the places to be so we're going to go back over in that neighborhood I'll show you guys what the red light district looks like at night uh we'll have some beers yeah just hang out right now it's yeah about to be 8:00 p.m. man time goes by quick so yeah we're going to go hang out and have some beers I mean everything is super beautiful wow so I'm back out in the Walland now and yeah The Vibes are very calm to today guys there you have a theater kasar Roso you a lot of Christmas decorations not as much as I would expect it's a lot it's very calm down here down there you have a peep show going on a cafe and yeah I think I'm just going to go find a place to sit down and have some beers by myself right that's what you do it's a very calm night I'm sure if I was here on a Friday or Saturday or with some with some locals I would know exactly where the the places that got it going on but very beautiful to say the least you can go in and see a live show live couples go at it for € two it's pretty crazy yeah a lot of boutiques all right so I think I'm going to jump on into this place beak 120 this is where we're going to have our beer hello all right this place looks pretty nice old school hello hello can I get a a pint hinin it's only cash no credit it's cash yeah thank you very nice bar you got here thank you the streets are quiet tonight huh the streets are a bit quiet yeah it's Wednesday always Wednesdays are quiet uh-huh how much is this one man €7 there you go so yeah everything seems to be a bit slow cuz it's Wednesday hey what do you do we're still going to have beers and have a good time cheers guys nice and warm in here too I've been walking for about a half hour now from that museum area but definitely a beautiful walk I've been walking around now since that last bar I had two beers there uh for about 15 minutes now and now I am yeah not too far down the street I've just been walking laps and I think I'm going to walk on into this bar right here and grab myself another beer Cafe cro gter hello can I get a um what is this is a blonde no this is a white one this is a blonde one um the G the G P or house print um I'll do the Pint so according to the bartender it's just an expensive month for the Dutch people that's why no one's out and about but cheers guys we're on this is number three so far and yeah I'm having a good time could be better right but I guess this might just be the worst time year to come early December this might be the worst time to come it's not even that early in the month guys but there's not even a damn Christmas Market open right now it's December 11th yeah by the time you guys see this it'll be definitely like in the 20 20s something but man it's early I mean it's pretty late in the month but yeah I guess it's too early oh well cheers so a few beers later and I think I'm actually going to be heading home guys man it's a bit boring out tonight I don't know why it's super slow but uh yeah I'm going to get home I've had a few beers by now had a couple Smokey smokies and now I think it's time to go and relax it's getting quite cold but nonetheless it's very beautiful out but yeah just slow it's the wrong day to be here I guess you don't want to schedule your time in Amsterdam between yeah you want to come on the weekends right that's when it's going to be lit out here but I will continue the video tomorrow and we're going to be heading over to hopefully the an Frank house I found some tickets and then also on a river cruise so I'll catch up with you guys tomorrow morning woke up very early this morning and not for anything too exciting I actually got to do laundry but all the laundry mats were like 30 minutes away from my house or where I'm staying and I had to come here to the center which is actually quite beautiful even though it is very um foggy and kind of drizzly it is very beautiful out here early in the mornings so yeah I'm going to do some laundry and and then we'll get this days started and turns out my my hotel actually had free breakfast so that was pretty damn cool got some free breakfast in and yeah I think I'm going to put some clothes in the wash and then going see if I can hide out in a cafe for a little while but yeah there's a lot of movement out here this morning I really wanted to get on one of those boat tours but I'm not sure if we're going to actually have the weather for that today but yeah things are starting to open up it is cold as hell and we are going to the Anne Frank house later on tonight I managed to get a ticket but not until 6:15 is our appointment look at the McDonald's it's popping yeah very nice morning I mean nice for winter right so here's the wash that I found on the internet aquar ret and yeah it's empty nice this is self-service laundry please keep your belongings safe all right let's see if we can figure this out but looks pretty damn good right let's see if it'll take this 10 year old bill that I got maybe there we go and it says that it actually gives you detergent as well washing a seveny old drying is €3 man that's an expensive ass wash all right3 change and this must be the wash but I tell you what at the hotel they wanted like € 10 pair of underwear so yeah this will work so yeah early morning I guess there's not much going on in the red light district I thought this was like 24 hours but yeah there's nothing going on it's all empty and closed I guess they only work from a set certain time to a set time but yeah right now we're make our way back to the laundry mat because the the clothes should be ready to be put in the dryer now so my clothes is finally in the dryer and now I got like 30 minutes left to just hang out so I'm going to drop jump around and see uh which company has a tour available for this evening right around the time that I got to go to Anne Frank's house that way I can go home drop off this dry clothes and you know enjoy the day a little bit oh look there's people taking off on one right now man that's pretty cool but yeah those bells on the church sound beautiful this early in the morning I keep saying early in the morning but it's not even early anymore now it's like 9:30 but yeah these boats seem pretty damn cool I was going to book one right now and get your guide but then I saw them right here in front of me usually I'm those kind I'm that kind of person though that um when I do something like this with glattus I try and make sure that I book in advance because yeah I don't want to show up to a place and then you know not be able to hop on one of these but it seems like Amsterdam is quite slow this time of year in the summertime you definitely want to book everything in advance this place is busy busy but right now not so much probably because of this weather I mean look at it looks incredibly wet but it's basically just been you know drizzle uh from that early morning fog all right let's see if we can't get a ticket for later on today we'll go check out we'll go check out this one right here in front of us the red R plaz run arton says 1450 for adult and 1050 for a child 1 hour guided Canal cruise that's cool hello can I make a uh do I need to make a reservation for one like around 5:00 p.m. no okay so yeah I don't need to purchase any in advance he said man it's pretty empty this time of year so I'm going to come back here around 400 p.m. we'll go on a guided river cruise and then we'll jump on into an Frank house now I did read online that you're not allowed to film inside but that you can take a couple picturers so in certain areas so we'll see what happens with that but I am excited I've been to Amsterdam many times and I have never been to an Frank's house because like I said it's usually fully booked I don't know why it's not right now but we'll check that out later on tonight right next to the laundry mat there's a stery where they make fresh stoop waffles and cheese it says this is the authentic tast in Holland obviously everybody knows that Stroop waffles are Dutch but let's come on in here and check one out this this is how we'll pass time until our clothes is dry oh that looks crazy good we have nine different toppings that you can choose nine different toppings which one do you recommend I like with the nuts like the topping and with caramel between oh okay caramel in between and wow you can get all kinds of toppings inside huh M&Ms or marshmallows sprinkles when do people usually eat a STP waffle is it for breakfast lunch a snack depends on their mood okay all right so here's the sto waffle to be honest with you guys I should have just got it with just the caramel in the inside but no I had to go Nutella so this is what it it looks like let's see what it tastes [Applause] like oh man yo that is Bomb yeah it's almost like a creepe it's like a crepe it's hella good hella sweet but I like that I can see why he said the nuts would go very well on top of that all right well I'm going to get my laundry I'm going to take it home and I'll see you guys in a few hours when we make it on back out here uh for the river cruise maybe for lunch first so I can't say I'm having the most eventful day but I'm making the most out of my time I did laundry and now we're back heading towards the center and I'm actually about to jump on into a restaurant that I just found on Google that says has amazing Dutch food as you can tell yeah weather doesn't look like it's getting any better as the days get going on so we're going to work with what we got but I found a spot on Google called the pantry and it said that it has really great authentic Dutch food so that's what we're going to jump on into and it has like 3,000 reviews so it has to be a good spot unlike that damn Burger we had yesterday that was trash and 28 crazy all right see you guys in a minute we're almost to the restaurant now and then we'll be jumping onto a river cruise after that even if it doesn't stop drizzling to be honest the drizzle is kind of annoying but it is what it is I take get over the pouring rain candles turret books the streets are beautiful check out the Amazon Prime out here that's sick huh it's crazy how much money that company has and how they're everywhere all right we're almost there yo I said 3,000 they have 7,148 reviews what that's crazy it says that the restaurant we're going to is right around here look they got a Dutch restaurant there Italian they got a Jamaican and a Mexican spot over on that corner there's food from all over here so I jumped into this restaurant in front of the pantry because the pantry was full and man I just ordered a pea soup it was incredible got a beer got another local dish coming out the music is quite loud so I won't be filming too much but this spot is beautiful and the soup I'm very much enjoyed should have got a bigger beer though but I didn't want to get it started too early I got some other things to do and I got to pack my bag today man that's the problem with jumping from one city to next so fast is there's so much packing and stuff you got to do in between like I spent the morning doing laundry and whatever it's just not the time to be here I guess I mean the streets are pretty quiet it's empty got to come back in the summer right yo check out this main course this is like mashed potatoes with some sort of like roasted beef on top with carrots insane so good and look at the Vibes it's beautiful yo this is so good I don't know what I was thinking yesterday sitting down where I did I should have came here that meal was a million times better than that burger I had yesterday and it was 2950 I would have filmed more but the music was pretty loud and there was a lot of people in there enjoying their meals but that was great that beef stew on top of those potatoes exactly what I needed right now and that pea soup uh came with like a piece of of pork on the side on a piece of bread that was just so good so right now I'm walking on this Street and I'm making my way back down towards the riverbed and I'm just going to jump on a boat and go on like a little 1hour cruise and then hopefully it'll be closer towards the an Frank time but yeah like I said overall just walking and chilling man streets are are dry this time of year but it is what it is it's still been cool it's been a nice uh feeling walking around the city and you know it's not raining it's just like a constant drizzle which isn't so annoying it's fine so we made it back down here by the boats and let me just tell you guys it's starting to look a lot more busier there's more movement out I think that's because people are starting to get off of work but we're going to try and get on the next boat now so that we can make our 6:15 appointment uh or reservation at the anrank Museum on time but yeah super beautiful once the street lights start kicking on right the city starts to look a little bit different all right it looks like there might be a cruise taking off here soon let's try and get a ticket can I get one ticket please no too late so for this one for this one yeah next one's in half an hour next one's in a half hour okay can I get a ticket forth thank you so much okay so next one will be this one yeah thank you so I just made it onto the boat and there's a lot of people on here but it's going to start in about 10 minutes and it's so warm and it feels so good to sit down so I'm looking forward to this shipping house built by six major Amsterdam shipping companies to serve as their head office this building is also known as the house with a thousand Windows it was built in the famous style of the the Amsterdam school and was decorated with details from shipping history including the Voyages of the VC it currently serves as a very luxurious hotel we are now sailing the old Inner Harbor of amam the choma and the OU Val behind the locks ships were docked sheltered from the sea Amsterdam was facing a major housing shortage forcing people to live on boats in the past some of these boats we see moured in this area these days the situation is very different house boats are highly sought after nowadays all of the house boats are connected to all of the facilities people are willing to pay considerable amounts for these floating houses that little boat right was cool but I can't lie to you guys I was falling asleep man a little bit too calm and warm for me but yeah it was nice and then they actually can play all the different audio guides in different languages you just tell them which ones in the beginning but nonetheless cool definitely worth the 15 bucks now I got another two hours to wait until the am Frank Museum and to be honest with you guys I think this is where the video is going to come to an end I'm a little bit tired guess it was just like the wrong time of year to come out here um a little bit too quiet for me right now but I think Prague will be better so see you guys in a few days for another one right now I'm going to go hang around somewhere wait 2 hours go to the an Frank house and take my butt home cuz my flight leaves pretty early tomorrow later guys love I remember how we started
2024-12-27 21:28