24 Hours in ATHENS - The ULTIMATE City Guide (Greece) #athens #greece

24 Hours in ATHENS - The ULTIMATE City Guide (Greece) #athens #greece

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We are in Athens! Today, we are going to be taking you on a tour of Athens, Living the Jo Life style, and we're going to show you all our favorite parts of this awesome city. It has such a vibe this area. We will take you to the best shopping areas. They have such gorgeous shops here in Plaka. Show you a really cool spot to get stunning views of the Acropolis.

What a fantastic view. Take you to our favorite Greek restaurant. Saganaki! and share with you the best rooftop bar with the most spectacular views over the city. Have a look at that view, it is insane. Good morning, guys.

It is a beautiful morning here in Athens. Our first stop is to our favorite movie place. We have found this really, really cute park where we're gonna have our yogurt and our smoothies.

I'm gonna try mine right now. That's really good. It tastes like a Greek-inspired pina colada. This has become one of our favorite breakfasts here in Greece, and it is Greek yogurt, honey, and nuts. - Tastes delicious. - It does. This looks so delicious.

All right, let me take a bite. It's really sticky. I just got it all in my lip gloss.

Oh wow, that is so good. The honey is so delicious and sweet. This is literally the best breakfast ever. And it's really filling with all the walnuts. We are currently walking around Plaka. It is an amazing place full of restaurants and shops.

I can't wait to show you this place today. This is actually our fourth time here in Athens, and I can confidently say it is one of our favorite cities in Europe. I just love how walkable Athens is. I love how you can see the acropolis from everywhere.

I love the food, I love the people. I love the opening hours, everything is open so late. Australia could really learn something from Greece. I love this. This would be so pretty to wear in Santorini. Channeling some Greek God vibes.

It gets very hard to walk here in Plaka. It is very busy with lots of people, lots of tourists, and also they have shops along each side of the street and it gets even busier in the afternoon. Ooh, something for the home decor. It's a bit R-rated.

Oh, that's so pretty. I love this one. We've actually seen so many people just along the streets painting these beautiful paintings. These are so cute. They have such gorgeous shops here in Plaka, just love it. You could spend a whole day just exploring this one area here in Athens.

So, if you're coming to Athens, definitely a must see. We've actually seen a lot of these beautiful colored doors while we've been walking around Athens. I love this.

It could be a nice little souvenir to bring home. Plaka is such a cute area. I really love all the shops, I like the vibe here. And all the buildings have those pastel colors that makes it just a really good atmosphere here.

It's just a really nice and colorful setting. Also, plenty of souvenir shops along this street. For all your bottle opening needs. I love the architecture around Athens.

Look at that building. So pretty. So apparently, I need to get a coffee, says Kasper and Ella. I'll let you put two and two together there. Thank you so much.

That's really good. Yummy. Oh hey guys! I'm just looking up directions to the next site.

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So cute! We just got to the main shopping mall here in Athens, and it's really busy and lots of shops on each side. There are so many people playing live music along the street, it creates such a nice atmosphere. There are even people dancing before, it's so cute. At the end of the shopping mall, they have the parliament building, as you can see here in the background, and that's where they have the changing of the guards every one hour, which is a really fun experience to see.

It's certainly all happening in the street today. It's kind of crazy and very hard to walk here. All right, we're heading down this way. We're heading down the mall.

There's a really nice church down here, and we're going to go and head to a square. They have this cute little church right in the middle of the shopping mall. It's almost a thousand years old, so I guess it was here long before the shopping mall and all the shops. I love how they have so many stores along the street selling grilled corn and chestnuts. It smells delicious. Look how fancy this is.

It's like a water fountain. with coconuts, it's so cool. There's a H & M shop over here and you should see inside. I've been in there before and it just looks so grand.

It is probably one of the nicest H & M's I've ever seen. Okay, come take a look. This could literally be a tourist site. Look how beautiful it is. Can we just take a second to appreciate the architecture? One thing i love about Athens is that you can see the acropolis from so many streets.

Like, look at this beautiful view behind me. Oh my gosh, look at this cafe. They have the most trendy and modern cafes in this area. It is so cute, it's such a nice vibe.

We have just arrived in one of our favorite squares here in Athens. It's called Monastiraki Square, it is so cool. It has a church, it has a museum there. It also has a really cool train station. And of course, it has a beautiful view of the Acropolis. Such an impressive mountain.

There are lots of markets around this area. So, we're going to go down some of the cute little streets and yeah, walk around. Look at all the fresh fruit, it looks so delicious.

Oh my God, look at those cherries. Oh my gosh. Certainly a beautiful setting here. It has such a vibe, this area. Full of shops selling lots of souvenirs, clothes, and there are so many restaurants just up here.

We are going to go along all the ruins on one side and then restaurants on the other and just take in the vibe. Oh yeah, that's good. I love walking past all the air conditioning, it's so refreshing. It's a pretty good way to cool down, just walking along all these restaurants here. You can certainly feel the temperature difference.

So refreshing. What can you recommend? What's your best meal? - This one right here. - Which one? - Lamb in the oven. - Lamb in the oven? One, two, three, chicken dish.

Okay, so that's your best meal? So, it's lamb and it's cooked in a bag? Yeah, yeah, cooked for 4 hours slowly in the oven. 4 hours? Okay. Well, we have just had lunch, so maybe later for dinner? We can make it bigger. Whoa, it's pretty big at the moment. - Where are you from, South Africa? - I'm Danish and Australian. It's okay, we'll still serve you. Come back later, guys.

- Yeah, okay, thanks a lot, thank you. - Have fun. Thank you. It is so crazy that they have a train line coming through here. I reckon they would have dug up some very interesting artifacts while creating this train line. Take a look at it. I just learned that Greece is very famous for its leather sandals.

It looks like all these are handmade in the workshop right here. These are so cute! We're taking you on a tour of the Monastiraki flea market at the moment. This place is insane. It has everything here.

Clothes, souvenirs, leather goods, lots of sandals, suitcases. There is so much stuff here. It is a really, really cool place. I don't know what the prices are like.

So, I might check a few things out and I'll let you know some of the prices. Okay, let's have a look at the clothes over here. So cute. Okay, so this is 33 euro this one here.

We actually saw it cheaper in Plaka. It was 19 euro in Plaka. - How much of this? - 10 euros Okay, these little bracelets are 10 euros Definitely a great place to get some souvenirs. These are like two euros so not too overpriced.

It's definitely more expensive here at Monastiraki than it is over at Plaka. Those little bracelets Ella was just looking at for 10 euros. They were one or two euro over in Plaka. Just getting a few bracelets.

Oh my gosh, I love this hat. It's so nice. Oh my god, it can be for two of us.

- I like it. - I think I can even join in. 19 euro. All right, not too bad. Literally ruins around every corner. It is absolutely insane in this city, it is so fascinating. Look at this.

All right, what are we doing next? We are heading, not up there, because we've already been to the Acropolis before when we've been here. We're actually going to head to a new spot this time. We're going to head to the viewpoint. So, if you've been to Athens, tell us what you think. What are your favorite spots here in the city? Where are your hidden gems? Make sure you drop it down in the comments and let us know.

It's a little bit of a hike to get up to this viewpoint, but it's going to be worth it. I know it. Feeling the burn. Feeling the burn. Beautiful girl.

Seeing some tourists get scammed. This guy goes over to these ladies and starts putting bracelets on them. And it's like, it's for happiness. You get good boyfriend if you wear these bracelets. You're so pretty, it's going to make you look more beautiful. And then she's like, "oh, thank you, let me give you something."

Worst tourist trap out there. Oh, my God, are you just talking about the bracelets back there? Yeah. I was just like, yeah, that's going to cost you. And she looked at me like.

Them right there. A little bit of a hike to get up here. I bet the view is going to be absolutely amazing.

Okay, yeah, look at that. Oh my God. We have been to Athens 4 times and I cannot believe we have never been to this viewpoint.

Look at that view. That's certainly a good view of Athens. Oh my gosh. You have the Acropolis, then you have the entire city. I never knew there were so many mountains in Athens.

It's so pretty. We made it up to Areopagus Hill and what a fantastic view. So, you have Acropolis up here on the one side and then you can see the whole of Athens city and you can really notice how wide all the buildings are. Obviously because of the sun to reflect all the heat. It looks absolutely stunning from up here. Definitely worth a walk up this hill.

You have to be so careful here not to slip on these rocks. They're so slippery, they're all rounded. I think it's like a type of marble.

It's actually pretty funny watching everybody walk around up here. We have just come down the other side of the hill and once again, another great view of Acropolis. Unfortunately, there's a bit of scaffolding on this side, but still looks pretty awesome.

We're going to head down this walking street now. It connects to Plaka, so I think it's time to go and get a nice cold drink of something because it is so hot this afternoon. All right, let's go.

There's so many beautiful flowers here in the city. It smells so nice. We've just made it to Plaka. We're going to go and grab a drink now. We saw this beautiful restaurant the other night up some staircases.

So, we're going to go and see if we can find it. It's a little bit of a maze, but I think we can find it. I love these cute tote bags, they're so aesthetic. Oh, it has Velcro.

Okay, so cute. And it's seven euros. Okay, I think I'm going to go with this one. So cute. When you come to Plaka, you have to make sure that you go off the main street and explore these really cute back streets.

They have some beautiful colored buildings and gorgeous doors, beautiful flowers. It's a really nice, peaceful spot away from the hustle and bustle down there. So cute, but it's really busy. Let's see if we can find a seat somewhere. Oh my gosh, look the grapes growing right here.

That's so cute, so aesthetic. This whole area is so cute. We just found this gorgeous rooftop terrace and we have it all to ourselves. And it has a beautiful view over Acropolis and the city. We just went to one place and they rejected us because we only wanted to have drinks.

We weren't going to order food. So they're like, "nah, sorry." So, I told him that that's a shame because we were going to buy your most expensive bottle of champagne. So, I guess we have to go find that somewhere else. So anyway, bad luck for him. Good luck for these guys here.

So, we're going to sit, we're going to enjoy a beautiful drink and we've ordered a little entree before we go out for dinner. So, a delicious greek salad. You can't come to greece and not order a greek salad and this looks absolutely delicious! That feta looks so creamy. Okay Ella, it's time to dig into this. Thank you, thank you very much. Holy crap, that's strong.

Jesus! I think I'm going to be rolling down the hill to dinner tonight. - That is so strong. - It has to burn. I think we need to stir it a bit. I think so, hahaha.

We just had the most amazing time at that rooftop terrace. But it's now time to go and have dinner. So, we have to walk through Plaka.

So, we're going to take you on a little tour of Plaka by evening sunset yes and then we're going to head to our favorite restaurant. This place is so cute. It even has some live Greek music. First, a little detour.

So nice. For some reason, Ella and I always seem to look at the exact same thing. Clearly we have the same taste.

This is absolutely adorable. - What you got? - The fish. You want to get that one? I think we found a winner. This is Sparta! Hi! We're back! This is our favorite restaurant of all time here in Athens. It's called Arcadia.

I'm going to put a link down below in the description to their details. So, that you can come here as well because it's definitely worth it. Especially if you have any dietary requirements, they will absolutely take care of you. So, all the food that we're having tonight is gluten free. So, we can eat all the Greek delicacies.

We have calamari some calamari with a delicious lemon butter sauce. All right, we have a platter here of some hummus, some cream cheese, and some tzatziki with some gluten-free pita bread. Saganaki. It is so amazing.

It is a fried cheese, and it comes with this delicious fig jam. Absolutely amazing. If you have not tried this in Greece, you have to try it. It is absolutely delicious.

So nice and tender. Just melts in the mouth. Crispy, chewy, salty, cheesy deliciousness. How can you go wrong? Our main meal has just arrived. We have ordered crispy skin sea bass. It comes with this delicious, creamy parsnip puree, these beautiful, delicious broad beans, this lemon gel, and then there's these orange balls.

I don't really know how to explain it, but they burst in your mouth. They just go pop, and they just add this delicious citrus flavor. It is our absolute favorite, it is so delicious. This meal is the best when you try a little bit of all the ingredients together. Oh my god. Yum.

It is so good. That was a delicious meal tonight and we are absolutely stuffed. So, I think we need to go for a bit of a walk and burn off this food.

We might take you down to Monastiraki square and we'll see if we can find a nice rooftop bar with a view over the Acropolis. - What do you think Ella? - Sounds good! All right, let's go! A little bit creepy. Don't know about the entrance here. Hopefully it looks better up there. We got recommended this place by one of our Uber drivers, so we're very excited. We thought we would, you know, go with the local recommendation.

But the entrance was kind of dirty looking. You could see from the outside of the building, It was missing all these glass windows and there were cracked glass windows, graffiti. It looked like a building that people would be squatting in. We are at a rooftop bar called The Attic.

There was a bit of a lineup to get in, but it is well worth the wait. Have a look at that view, it is insane. We have a view of Monastiraki Square and the beautiful Acropolis in the background. So, we're going to sit, enjoy a drink and enjoy the view.

This is such a cool place. So they have live music, so it creates a really good vibe here. You can actually see a lot of other rooftop terraces with similar views here, So, a very cool area. I think we got the best seats in the house.

We're in this really cute private area on a balcony that's hanging over the side of the building, looking at this amazing view. We're so lucky tonight to get this amazing seating. So yeah, we're having a fantastic time.

Yeah, great place to come and just chill out here at night time and have a drink. So yeah, highly recommend it. We've had an amazing time here in Athens.

We hope that you've enjoyed the tour. Don't forget to like and subscribe to our channel. So, you don't miss out on any of our upcoming videos. See you next time on Living the Jo Life. What the heck is going on? Ellie keeps having Marilyn Monroe moments. Oh, I stepped on cherry.

No. No. It's going to be a bit sticky. It's so ridiculously hot. Oh. Helps if you can get the lid off.

There's this dish called Saganaki and my dad keeps calling it Nagasaki and I said it wasn't part of World War II. It's a different thing, but he's not getting it. He keeps calling it Nagasaki, but it's Saganaki. I reckon if you put a bit of teriyaki sauce on the Saganaki, you could probably call it Nagasaki. It's Greek-Japanese fusion.

This drink that we ordered is really, really strong. I was just saying to Kylie that it kind of makes me feel a bit cross-eyed. I'm kind of sitting here eating something, I have a sip, it's kind of like a bit... I'm so full. - Are you okay? - Oh, happy food baby. Look at that, 3,300 year remnants of stuff.

That's definitely for the bloopers.

2024-10-19 23:37

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