24 Hours as a Thai Street Food Vendor in Bangkok

24 Hours as a Thai Street Food Vendor in Bangkok

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I'm in Bangkok and this is my friend P two years   ago we went viral together due  to our unusual friendship dragon fruit TI's hard over the next 24 hours I will  show you a day in the life of a tie street food   vendor but I had no idea Le expected me to do  this I'm scared most tourists try street food   in Thailand but there's so much more to it long  hours hard physical labor it's a lot of work I am   sweating constantly in a city like Bangkok hard  work is the minimum for survival but Le threw   away a steady job to be a street food seller so  by the end of this video you'll know why he did   it and if I can keep up actually this story  starts over 2 years ago I ran into P selling   fruit in the street next to my hotel every day  I would visit him and every day he would teach   me a new tie work and Sapar Saar we even went  viral together fast forward to today I walked   back to the same place I'd seen Lex selling for 2  years on my numerous trips only problem he wasn't   there anymore luckily I found the girl in his  place was his employee and a quick phone call   from boom meant Le was on his way to say hello  and give his approval to hang out with him for   the day ironing out the finer details via social  media he's just he's just reped oh he's in he's   just replied he said I'm no problem I'm happy  to help you any day is fine it's up to you nice   Lex's work actually Begins the night before with  a trip to the night market and I was lucky enough   to arrive in one piece Le is a crazy driver you  are [Music] fast all right so we've made it to   the market and I I think I've actually been  here before maybe I'm not sure you have to   pick up all the fruit I hired a translator for  the day as Le and I speak very little of each   other's language and I really wanted to get to  know him more Le wanted to help her get into the market nickname nice to meet you everyone  stepping into the clong toi Market is crazy   there are sides and smells everywhere  but Le knew exactly what he was after   and how to get it joking around with  everyone in the process but then he   ordered fruit and walked away where's the  fre just for he order something and he go   to another shop to pick another thing  more and but doesn't he take that home the oh actually if he buy a lot he can order  for the and take from him this guy knows what   he wants he's having a look he's moving around  if he can't get it from one place he's going to   the other if it doesn't look good enough he's  going to the next place so you know that he   has quality fruit cuz I'm telling you right  now he's vetting them really well I also saw   just how much of an expert Le is with fruit  that's literally the sweetest Mandarin I've   ever tasted in my life as we walked around  and bought what he needed for the next day   he helped me try some of his favorites yeah  how are you check he's getting so he's hitting it and taught me about the difference in fruits  I'd never seen before like green and red mangoes   it was hard work building these friendships and  negotiating is important for Le he spends up to   5,000 B around $140 a day just to purchase and  transport it all and even with the heavy bags   he never let me carry a bag at any point a true  gentleman we are loading up this massive basket   of fruit and let is for one day's worth of  fruit he'll be back here tomorrow night buying   more [Music] fruit a start Before Sunrise isn't  normal for me but it is for Le and for countless   vendors across the country I met up with my  translator and we rode to Le's house good morning   oh is this it wow okay so many fruit okay what do  we do I soon found that I wasn't just going to be   standing by and watching Le put me to work and I  would be a member of his team For Better or Worse   careful about your hand your finger yeah no no  no no here no no no ah and then this yeah this is   hard maybe you finish this one yeah okay Le told  me he's been selling fruit for 10 years and it   really shows in how fast he can skin this mango  and prepare this fruit in the morning this used   to take him 3 hours and now it takes him around  1 and 1/2 Le gave me something a little smaller   but it still wasn't easy even though Le makes it  look like it is okay I can't believe how generous   he's being with his fruit I'm definitely messing  it up and he's just so patient and teaching me   how to do it and I didn't realize how hard it was  it's just peeling fruit and he's just so good boom   showed up to help out and I took the time to get  to know Le better and I asked why he started his business he do to many of oh really yeah so what   what made him do fruit what  what started his fruit cut Freedom yeah and he can be owner because he  just he just um employee or staff some some   company that have the board something like  that yeah so he's his own boss yeah yeah   yeah me too it was inspiring to hear Lex's  reasons for doing this it's the same for so   many of us around the world I left a steady  job to start this YouTube channel I'm still   waiting for it to pay me well but the freedom  that comes with it is my driving force just   like Le can you ask him as well cuz I met  uh ke does he have any other kids or Just ke oh they have for two and two boys two  boys two boys okay and how old are they   said told me he was six or six or  seven but I can't I don't know if he no do he will 10 10 old for July with all the carts  cleaned filled and prepped for a day's work   set out to our first location the place where we  first met all those years ago boom [Music] okay   good good all right well I'm in my fruit selling  uh apron today yeah uh and how do I say what would   you like again La ala la ala yes okay I'll try and  remember that yeah so we're just here to Che on   Boom so this is where I met him on this street the  first time like 2 or 3 years ago so he's checking   boom he's now got her working for her for him  as well um and then we're going to move on to   I think to the other spot that he's been going to  which this is why I didn't see him the other day   cuz he was somewhere else now sugar chili yeah and  you put and you dip fruit in it can put also but   but but much more Ty people them use with with uh  the mango sour ah sour mango okay so he puts them   in little bags cuz sometimes you'll put them with  the fruit chili and chili chili which one's the   most popular for Tha people and I this one yeah  I was thinking uh salt and chili Le's phone kept   going off and I really wanted to know why so  some someone's ordered have they and we make   them oh we we make like prepare pH right okay  so she was just telling me that he actually has   this group on on like line and basically they  just Place their orders he sends a photo says   this is what I have for the day what would you  like and they all just tell him what they want   and he pretty much delivers it it's like grab  but his own business that's really cool and   there was heaps of people in that group there  was hundreds of people so no wonder he's doing   so well and he has really good fruit Le started  cutting the fresh fruit and again his experience   with these massive utensils meant he isn't  as scared to use it as me oh scared okay okay foot you okay okay what if I chop my  head careful careful I'm scared hot hot   hot okay I I'm scared I'm going to chop  my hand [Laughter] I'm it's sharp it's a sharp tell him I'm going to  chop my finger off if I do that I almost missed then I'm scared boom help oh okay no no no here yep better okay boom you do wow that's crazy okay TI tight I  think Lex saw I needed something a   little easier so he gave me some  Rose apple and a smaller utensil   along with it okay oh done yeah  slice slice yeah little bit more yeah up yes as usual Le is generous and  giving me fruits to try and I tried some   Green Mango after picking them out myself  last night at the market oh it's nice and cold sour I started to wonder if  I was eating LAX profits literally   so I asked him how much of it he  makes from his fruit business so   when you said it was 3 to 4,000 a day  does that in is that the profit or is   that like like how much does the fruit like  you know what I mean how much does he make in profit but the profit I think 2,000 bu yeah  every day wow yeah so we left boom in one   spot while Lex showed me how he moves around  to sell his car he has a couple of different   locations where he sells to his regular  customers and it was time to head there but   with the crazy traffic in Bangkok I wasn't  sure if we were actually going to make it we just survived and found Le's next selling spot  so now he's going to stay at this spot for about   half an hour I assume that's where his customers  like know where he'll be and I've taken his coffee   order he wants a espresso Yen Mayan he has the  same coffee order as me so we're just meant to be friends uh thank [Music] [Music] you okay thank you is it good I said he order not  one not so we my but actually sweet because of you now that we're both caffeinated I found out  Le drinks multiple coffees a day by the way just   like me I ask Le what he loves about his job  also for the freedom time this one and also he   this money the one he get from here he can take  care of himself or he family also so he he loves   everything there's nothing he doesn't like what  about getting up so early yeah yeah yeah he can   do like that and he love that yeah can you ask  why um he was so nice to me the first time he met me actually he actually be nice with everyone  yeah but but with you he said he can make some   joke with you that's why he and and you're  not angry that's why he like he love you to [Music] yes good and and I tell him  you learn from him you learn Ty   TR TR can you ask him has he gone a holiday in  Thailand before no he say the want don't want   he doesn't want a holiday yeah like every day  wake up okay today I have to work today I have   to go something like that that's what he love  he doesn't want to go on holiday yeah he's it   was so good to get to know Le a little better  to know that he loves his work so much that he   doesn't even feel like he needs a holiday it  was time to move to the next location where I   met the most amount of people no time is your br  oh no are you YouTuber yes ch ch he's very nice though he's very he's very nice yeah sorry chai ch ch ch but not handsome chai  chai no not handsome oh he's handsome handsome chai c c okay so we have pulled up at  the second or third third stop of the   day and this is why sometimes if you find  a fruit vendor you like you can't always   find them because they're one spot then  they move and that's the other cool thing   about having something on Wheels it's  just such a cool idea you move around m for [Laughter] [Applause]   it was during this moment that it really did  hit me how important someone like Le is to the   community we often think of street food sellers  as being in tourist areas but street food is an   authentic part of everyday life in Bangkok  as nurses workers and anyone who is in the   area popped in to buy some fruit I was grateful  for this opportunity to meet so many wonderful   people that I never would have had the chance to  say hello to otherwise after serving everyone it   was time to yet again move to the next location  we stopped to serve a few more customers even on   the side of the busy main streets of Bangkok  as well as dropping some orders in to people   at work after arriving at the final location it  did set in how much I was enjoying myself and   how it really felt like I made a true friend  even if we don't even speak the same language   I noticed a lot of people were looking at me  there are lots and lots of questions about me   and why I think what they're saying is why is  there a foreigner riding around with you and   selling fruit with you yeah but too many people  ask about you how you can come with him and no   we uh he not say you come to make content but he  said you want to buy franchise the the fruit for   from him that's why you come to learn when I uh  come back to Bangkok I'll I'll get a stall yeah   work for him yeah my face hurts from smiling so  much today what would you want to tell people   who aren't from Thailand the most like what's  something you want to tell people who aren't   from Thailand it's number one number one too  many people that think about high not so good   too many people they they they don't know like C  show or have the beautiful be someone that just   know like Nana Plaza Market something like  but I want to tell all the people in this   world if you come to TI you can see too many  the beautiful Temple the people yeah you can [Music] come I have to say that in no way shape  or form is this easy I am sweating constantly it   is a hot day he doesn't get air conditioning  he doesn't get really a break it's 12:00 and   we've been going since 5:00 a.m. this is a hard  job this is hard yaka every time I ask him what   he loves about what he's doing and what he loves  about his job he just says everything he's there's   nothing he doesn't like about it and with that  it was time for me to go home but Le wasn't done   yet he was staying out for hours more to sell  I turned in my apron but I wanted Le to have   something other than that for his kindness and  generosity to others I want you to tell him that   um I'm going to give him this it's not much  money but it's enough for him to have a day   off so next time he wants a day off you tell him  that I'll pay for his day so you tell him [Music] [Music] [Music] that don't lose it don't lose it I said goodbye to p and I rode away from one  of the best experiences I have had traveling   it's funny isn't it when we dream of travel  from our desks we imagine beautiful beaches   cocktails by the pool temples and fancy  hotel rooms but it's proven time and time   again travel is best when you're brave and  outside of your comfort zone 2 years ago   Le was a fruit seller I stumbled across  by accident I was the loud Foreigner he   didn't expect to know basic Tha and a  friendship was formed and today I got   to have a true tieland experience so next time  you feel adventurous I dare you just say hello [Music]

2024-06-06 15:38

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