24 Hours Alone in the Wilderness

24 Hours Alone in the Wilderness

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i'm currently in full-on planning mode because  12 of my sister's girlfriends are on route to the   cabin to celebrate a bachelorette weekend which  means that we need to kick Eamon out of our house   and after watching hours and hours  of this television show alone i thought i'd challenge Eamon to a little  excursion why is there water in here? what did i just find should i go in  any dunk any geese any sheep oh my god   no do you want to come to my  campfire oh my god my kayak's gone morning well welcome to september   it's definitely getting a little bit cooler  should make for a nice day out camping embrace the unknown you're welcome baby   Bec pitched me this idea yesterday so i  haven't had much time to really think about   where i'm going what i'm doing or how i'm  getting there but that's often the best adventure   okay what do we start with supplies this is disgusting dude for all  that said bring back the pony   that's my old hair wow it is an absolutely  stunning day so i think what i gotta do   is get on the water so i think i'm gonna take  the kayak and find a spot to camp on the lake is that gonna fit in the kayak that's the  tent all right i'm gonna get back in this bag i just need the stove where did i put that camping stove i cannot find that stove anywhere  and i'm getting hungry so   you gotta always eat before you start  looking for stuff because otherwise   you get in a bad mood we're always looking  for the stove this little camping show a little extra protein in here throw like  a half scoop in with the yogurt apple   i'm not sure how good i'm gonna be  eating over the next couple days so   i made a big breakfast as far as food  goes i'm gonna keep things real simple one two one a you see my jam yeah top shelf to the right so here's what we've got drone gopros jacket  sweatpants towel this is a little overkill but   i got two pillows water headlamp a little cup  single pan toilet paper and a letter i'm not   bringing a stove so i'm hoping we can find  some good camping wood some camp firewood okay that's pretty good fit that looks really good yeah yeah yeah this reminds me of michelle tanner and for our  weekend we've got drinks wine vodka white claws   yeah girl it's gonna get batch crazy eamon you're  not seriously taking all that with you bro one's   a ten one's a sleeping bag and one's a sleeping  mat rough it a little harder bud build a shelter okay why is there water in here oh if he can fit  all this gear into that teeny tiny kayak   i will be impressed starting with the chair eh  that's one of the most important things to you oh yeah get her boy okay this thing's massive this might be a strap  we've got a last minute game time decision to   ditch the dry sack after just finding out that  no no no i'm not compartments get wet i'm not   ditching it baby i'm putting all the electrical  in there oh so at least i can vlog my oh okay okay   okay okay not ditching i still think it's so funny  that there's a chair on the front of his boat it's a good stream i'm hoping i  don't have to do number two oh geez hi buddy love you baby love you i will survive  love you love you have fun why am i nervous just remember me tonight when you  guys are all cuddling on the couch   beautiful sheets i'm in a queen bed of  course tree french linen of course of course sleep well everybody yeah i have no idea where i'm going and the mission begins see you later bud freedom all right well we've been going for  about 6k 67k i made it to this little   area that i have been before uh it's actually  a conservation area there's a little sign here   the unknown the great unknown hey bear hey bear i'm just kidding there's no bear i just stopped to take a piss and then i  caught myself standing here because my phone   beeped and i have like a little section  of service so i'm going to uh officially   turn off cellular because otherwise  what's the point of this whole trip   standing here on instagram or playing  the messages responding the emails   no i am officially offline for the next 24 hours  looks like a little bit of potential here looks   like there's a little grass patch just inside of  this tree so i'm gonna paddle over and have a look this is like an actual someone's  property there's a little lodge here   which doesn't make sense because i thought this  was all conservation land but this must be private i feel like this is cheating this would  be so easy this barn looks creepiest hello what did i just find should i go in hello oh it's locked oh there's a little boat in there oh  okay not so creepy still kind of creepy   potential spot number one failed this is  someone's cabin or land property continue i don't know what i'm thinking but i just  keep going further from the cabin i don't   know how many kilometers i am now there's  not many options this is a big island   and i'm hoping it'll start to level off around  the corner oh baby there's a little beach there and another one right there wow obviously i'm not the first one on this beach  hello sunbather hello beautiful dried firewood oh   get out what a score hello any bears hm  any deer any other little kritas chippies   any coons loons any duck any geese any sheep not a lot of flat land that's for sure okay i am way on the other side of the island now   it's not amazing as you can kind of tell it slopes  down but it's an option oh my god my kayak's gone just kidding no one else here well i'm getting thirsty i'm gonna sit  here have a think make myself a cocktail   you know there's only one cocktail i drink  to get me fired up and it goes by the name of athletic greens you might think i'm joking but this stuff  really does give me that extra little   boost of energy with 75 vitamins and minerals  especially on a camping trip like today where   you saw what i'm eating for lunch breakfast and  dinner i'm definitely not getting enough greens   so this is great for helping bridge those  gaps in my daily nutrition in case you've   never heard of it or tried it before athletic  greens is an all-in-one superfood greens powder   that actually tastes delicious it's high  in antioxidants probiotics prebiotics   and is a super food complex and i'll bet  beck is not going to be eating her best   or her healthiest weekend so i'll bet  she's getting a few of these in as well   are you baby are you at home drinking athletic  greens with the girls as the girls and i gear up   for a fun weekend we are also being proactive  with our nutrition because athletic greens   is a powder form and uses ingredients our  body already knows it is highly absorbable   so i know that we're supporting our gut health  our immunity giving ourselves a lot of energy too if you guys are interested in checking out  athletic greens you can head to the link in   our description box or visit athleticgreens.com  eamonn beck and you're going to get a free gift   with your first purchase we honestly cannot  recommend it enough so go check it out although this spot is pretty sick   i did see a little island just across the lake  it's probably a i don't know five minute paddle not sure if it would have flat  ground definitely won't have   that amount of firewood but it'd be  pretty cool to sleep on a tiny island is you guys ready to see the  cutest damn island you've ever seen there's like four trees on this little girl this is so sick oh my god look how eroded this is that's crazy that like this island will eventually   disappear it's all getting washed  away it's not the flattest spot that could work oh there's a campfire here  already ladies and gentlemen welcome home definitely happy i brought some firewood   do i just can't do it without you i just can't do it without you hello room for two let's see what we're dealing with here that's pretty nice that's like that's bare  ground that's not even the mattress i brought   oh we gonna sleep good tonight oh i'm tired and i miss my buddy it's nice having a buddy i don't spend  much time alone so sometimes you probably   i probably take her for granted so buddy i know  you're watching this i love you i miss you lots i like doing adventures better with you  i'm still having fun though don't worry i just can't do it without you just making  some cocktails for the ladies whoops i'm just lying in my tent and  looked up and saw a massive   eagle nest massive let's hope  he doesn't mind me camping here wow i just passed out on the floor i  was planning on setting up that map but   that's comfy all right it's a little  windy but we're trying to start a fire and   cook up some beads a little bit a little bit  of bait action on about got a tuesday whatever   day it is today there we go i got something going  but it's a windy one yeah oh look at that blocker this tree is tommy cooker and is held up literally  by because it's caught in that tree that could   totally land on the tent wouldn't that be a nice  way to end this story just a man on an island hello do you want to come  to my campfire how you doing oh yeah i haven't seen any yet oh a  couple of bird watchers hey can opener lefty protein baby protein where do you get your  protein from whole food plant-based beans   free holis legumes have you ever heard  of them there's not a complete amino acid   lineup in a whole food plant-based  diet amino acids i eat beans bro good time welcome ladies to  mexican vienna style evening   we've got a taco oh my god i think popcorn  what's the walnut meat girl mexican excuse me brian are you having a good time cheers everybody by the time that boiled   off i only got a half cup so  i got a little more water on god i love this island i think i  think i'm gonna name it no bear island no bear island i don't know why i don't  think a bear is coming here   if a bear comes with good vibes then they can  come but if they're gonna come with aggressive   territorial vibes trying to reclaim  the island no it's a no bear island yep this is just straight tea by  the way no spooky [ __ ] in it look how clear this water is you guys are probably like oh my god this  kid is gross he didn't even brush his teeth   tripod can opener toothbrush three things anyway  at least i'll wash my face with some clean water calm ritos we're all tucked in i'm actually really  comfortable i'm on a bit of an angle but i should   be okay unless anything extremely out of the usual  happens tonight i'll be seeing you guys tomorrow i think the eagle's back  from his little fishing trip all right coffee in a bag wow i've been thinking about that all night i'm not gonna lie just completed a task  that involves early morning coffee and a   couple plastic bags i'll let you figure  that one out but mission successful   and i think i'm gonna start  tearing down and make my way home   all set to go the last thing i'm going to  do is just go around collect any extra trash   i always want to leave the  campsite cleaner than you found it   that's just a cool thing to  do goodbye no bear island i'm coming home baby this has been a great reminder maybe some  of you need to hear go explore your backyard   maybe your backyard isn't the  same as this but i'm sure it's beautiful yeah i can see the dock  i think the ladies are on the dock morning you did it good morning but it seems fitting pretty happy to have  eamon home safe and sound sorry you didn't   see me much this week in the vlog but i'll  see you sunday now go call someone you love   and tell them you love them you didn't think  i was going to leave you on that rock did you   no chance okay you guys are  staying right there between the old well between the knees this whole little tripod  thing it's really starting to get to me oh [ __ ]   i left that time lapse going entire nap that's  gonna be boring i didn't hear anything out of you

2021-09-17 15:09

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