the San Antonio Stock Show in Rodeo impacting over 19,000 youth in Texas every year it's back and it's better than ever but first we honor a San Antonio tradition with the cattle drive a herd of Longhorn make their way across Houston Street in the heart of downtown the old west comes back to life complete with mounted infantry authentic wagons and of course Cowboys the Western Heritage parade kicks off Rodeo season for this 75th year let's Rodeo San Antonio live from downtown San Antonio the Western Heritage parade and cattle drive sa live coverage powered by your local San Antonio area Chevy dealers oh looks like we have our friends from sa live and welcome everybody we are walking through history right now as the old west Comes Alive here in San Antonio as the cattle come through downtown where the Chism Trail used to run welcome to the 2024 Western Heritage parade and cattle drive our sa live coverage brought to you by your San Antonio area Chevy dealers this of course is the official kickoff to the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo good morning everybody I'm Mike oer H and I'm F gorea all right well we are live right now and as you can see right behind us that is the Kimble Cattle Ranch Texas Longhorn oh yeah and we we have started it we can't stop right now I tell you what this parade is bigger and better than ever thousands of people are already lighing the street right now and of course all the entries are either on cowboy boots wagon wheels or hoves like the ones in behind us and of course those gentle Giants carry with them all of the traditions of the Lone Star State and that Heritage that we are celebrating and honoring today that's right and it is a straight shot down Houston Street and we are walking it or clipping it uh yes indeed you know in the past couple of years there's been some construction on Houston Street right about here so the parade has had to make a left turn a couple of right turns coming back which little difficult to do when you've got about 50 to uh maybe 75 cattle or so but yeah like you said straight shot starting at 35 and going through downtown and of course we are ending at the Alamo yes and uh we have our Jen Tobias joining us for from Houston and Jefferson Street downtown as well as David Elder from Texas eats joining us at the viero cook off there at Market square and first we are going to toss it to Jen just up the road from us right there in downtown hey let's Rodeo Jen hey yes let's Rodeo thanks y'all yes and you can see them throughout the show on our cattle cam powered by San Antonio Packing Company appco brand meets now they'll make their way here to where I am and then of course all the way down to the Alamo now as we patiently wait for them to arrive here on Houston and Jefferson we want to thank our broadcast sponsor your local San Antonio area Chevy dealers and joining me now is darl Dixon the president of the San Antonio area Chevy dealers local marketing Association good morning good morning Jen well this is a beautiful truck behind us it's the new Chevy Silverado Trail Boss now let's talk about why it's the perfect vehicle for any Cowboy or cowgirl yes so this is the 2024 Chevy Silverado z7 71 Trail Boss package this truck comes standard with a 2-in lift 18-in allterrain tires monot tube shocks skid plates whether you're towing hauling or just enjoy off-roading this is the truck oh this would be so fun to go off-roading okay what are some of the features also inside well it's completely redesigned inside with a 13.4 integrated screen you could actually with Apple carplay display your phone up on the screen so that you can keep your eyes on the road 10-way power seats Heat and cooled multiple USB ports it's like having your own office on wheels that is amazing yes those wheels are really huge okay so let's talk about the parade today how excited are you for that I've always enjoyed the parade you know Chevrolet is always involved in the community but uh just to come out and support the Western Heritage parade and the San Antonio Stock Show in Rodeo we're very proud that Chevrolet is involved well we're always happy to see you Daryl thanks for bringing this beautiful truck and thanks again to the San Antonio area Chevy dealers now I I am going to go ahead and toss it over to our David Elder from Texas eats he's at Market square the vetto Cook Off David what's cooking over there I tell y'all it's cooking out here here you go here's a free sample for you we're live on TV right here you guys and we're giving out free samples of the Polish sausage by appco brand Meats would you like a free sample sir would you like a free sample oh of course so we're actually stationed here at the voleto cook off at Market square the historic Market Square which is a hop and and Skip away from the Parade route and you guys happening right now is the Cookoff we have a junior Cookoff happening right behind us this there different culinary programs high school programs from all across the area Johnson City K City there's also the big Cookoff happening in the back over by the commissary area and you can see all these vendors out here as well this whole event is just so fantastic and I feel like every year every year it just gets bigger and bigger and look there's even a lemonade stand right here look at that go and give us away and you guys it is just a blast and you know what's really cool too is when you come out here to Market Square you see me out here at La Margarita you guys can come out here and get a free sample of the Polish sausage from appco Brand meats and you can see we have them all lined up we're cooking some fresh ones but youall like a free sample there you go there it is we're getting them so just like this that's how easy it is there you go yeah hey there you go you know my friend Adel from you know Angel yeah I know Angel good friend of mine he told me about you I see all the time oh thanks for watching man I appreciate it so we're having a blast out here y'all we got the jalapenos going we have some onions cooking up as well walk around the event Enjoy Market Square come grab some sausages and just have fun out here it's the Western Heritage parade and cattle drive and I know two people who are having a blast right now Mike and Fiona you guys are out there you got the longhorn right behind you oh yeah this this is a right I know what's more exciting the Longs behind us or just the thousands of people lining in the streets here I mean we usually only see them up there at Jefferson it's such a beautiful day though and we just crossed Main Street and we're passing solad on Houston so we are slowly approaching uh where we need to be Dr Scott Kimble who owns the uh the Longhorns gave us this and said Kimble Cattle Company raising walking history which is basically what that is is walking history although one gentleman said you sure you want to hold that red flag up with all these cattle behind you right there that's why you're holding it Mike that's here I'll just put it on your back like that right there oh this is just so much fun hey big shout out to all of the volunteers because they came out here like a well oiled machine how are you this morning lining the street of Houston right here with all of the fencing setting everything up they have done an absolutely fantastic job hey how are you and well we couldn't and again we couldn't ask for better we there too so no and I think that's really I mean why so many people are here is that fabulous weather and we are going to send it back to Jen because she's got an exciting oh yeah uh game game for the crowd but first no no no but first we want to say we of course love your outfit Jen you know and we're excited about our Rod too gear too all thanks to boot should we here should we should we do a spin and show off our outfits here he spins so well while he walks yes shout out to Bard yes you guys look great you guys look yes thank ask okay I'll take it from here guys yes okay shout out to bot bar yes thank you for the hatot thanks to Tiffany who helped just me now I've got Chris Derby back here with me now we are going to do some trivia the look The Parade's right here guys it's right here all right all right the parade already creeping up here so Chris I'll let you go with the first question great so true or false is Brad Paisley performing at this year's Rodeo true true that's an answer okay next person I got right here okay mutton busting is where kids try to hold on to a wild running sheep how many seconds do they need to hold on to win a shiny new Buckle 8 seconds let's just say yes okay it's 6 seconds that's 6 seconds 6 seconds but you're still a winner okay Chris all right so I have that crazy question a bull rider has to hold on for for how many seconds 8s 8 seconds oh you're a winner too okay next question I'll go right here yes okay do kids or adults typically compete in the Cal scramble children yep yep between 12 and 17 all right and then Chris all right so I've got a question right here Breakaway roping is it a woman or a man sport it's a man oh it's a woman's but that's all right we got a winner here oh a cowboy all right you're a winner too you'll get some yes all right Chris let's talk a little bit about the history here of the Western Heritage parade in cattle D yeah this is our 17th year we couldn't be more proud to carry on with San Antonio and now cro coming down through Houston Street it's just a great time and it's Tradition now in San Antonio got it what do what would you say your favorite part is it's got to be the cattle I mean the Longhorns are coming down we got almost 50 head of longhorns coming down this is how it used to happen in the old days coming right down Main Street right into to the Alamo so we're just excited everybody's coming down here and celebrating the rodeo and and a familyfriendly event this is free you can come down enjoy the crowd is amazing yes yes okay we want to get you want to see if we can get some other people over here to scream yes yes there we go now we are going to wait for Fiona and Mike I feel like maybe I could see them way down there Chris I'm going to let you go to the stage and then I'm going to send it over to David Elder thank you Chris thank you guys thank you thank you beautiful lady all right David Elder how's it going over there how's it cooking at the market square with the vetto cook off yeah you know it is cooking up out here we got all the sausages you can see the smoke coming up off them and we also have some hungry people walking around there's your free sample free sample free sample thank you so much I appreciate it y'all y'all enjoy you you guys I got to say we've been out here a lot we come out here all the time the Western Heritage parade is just always such a blast I don't get to come out to this side I usually walk it around the Parade route and this is such a Vibe over here there's so much energy you guys want some free samples free samples hey there you go we got some free samples right here I'm going to walk you through this process check it out we're bowling one of these sausages up it's already cooked we're slicing it in half just like that and then when they come over there you go snap sausage wrap napkin sausage wrap there you go y'all enjoy okay thank you and I tell you what it's just a blast I love cooking so this is just an excuse to come out here and play with this huge grill that was given to us to use today by the good people over here L Margarita had all those just awesome and you can see all the tortillas that we have also from Lam maronita as well we got some beautiful Flames kicking up right here it's just a blast baby this is like an ideal Saturday I have my wife and my son are hanging out over here it's like probably one of the best Saturdays I've had in a very long time definitely for 2024 so you got to make your way on down to the vetto Cookoff here at Market square happening right now and of course the Western Heritage parade and cattle drive happening off Houston Street we're having a blast we have so much stuff to cook man I'm going to keep it going right now look at all this we got so many free sample would you like a free sample ah they got a free sample too here we go we're going there we go we're giving out a bunch of free samples right now or there you go awesome y'all enjoy free sample there you go we're having to blast you guys make sure you come on out here to the voleto Cookoff Market Square I just tell you what we got a lot more sausages to give out so make sure you stop on by we're going to start giving out whole sausages here in a little bit and you know what we're going to toss it back Houston and Jefferson Street cuz we got a lot of food hadalo is making sure that HDO go for it HDO go for it get in there get in there there you go yeah what you guys got going on over at Houston and Jefferson yeah got here on your forhead mhm hey hey we are just now switching off me my cover right here but you can see we've got the cattle coming through the Longhorns what a beautiful sight here in downtown San Antonio always a great time we are reliving history as they come down here this is the way it was we're talking 17 years of this through downtown San Antonio a beautiful site I'm going to hand the mic to Fiona thank you Jen yes and looking back at those beautiful Longhorn cattle and they are just about now to pass us here at Jefferson and Houston streets and I'll tell you what I don't know what was better the lon horns behind us are all the thousands and thousands of people out there oh my goodness gracious look at these beautiful animals and here they come now Crossing Jefferson on Houston the Kimble Cattle Ranch Texas Longhorns 44 of them here today and like they said the the neckerchief that Dr Kimble gave us said it is walking history he's raising walking history cuz this is the history and and Chris this is what the rodeo is all about too celebrating that history of Texas right this is this is exactly the how it used to happen way back in the days and coming on down through the through the through the pathway all the way down to the Alamo so we're happy to bring this back as a as a tradition here for the 17th year of the parade and when we've had the Longhorns there at Market square um on sa live I mean we learned a couple of interesting little facts about them right like they're they're horns right there warm to the touch right Mike yep cuz they never stop growing and of course they have a blood supply in them as well so and that was Dr Scott Kimble right there who owns these beautiful cattle oh my goodness gracious couple of buck boards coming by as well I'll tell you what we are going to take a little bit of a break here but a whole lot more coming [Music] up all right welcome back to the 2024 Western Heritage parade and cattle drive sa live coverage brought to you by your San Antonio area Chevy dealers I'm Fiona gorza I'm My gter AG and of course once again this year none other than Chris derby with us from the San Antonio stock show rodeo and well I tell you what thousands of people out here great weather and we've got the hting dogs that's right uh in 2015 the Sheep joined the Western Heritage parade and cattle drive and since 2017 um their handlers of course uh have been carrying on this tradition uh because their Handler can the passed away yes indeed and of course you know it's so amazing to watch these dogs herd sheep and the Instinct behind them and how they work as that little pack to to do it it's just amazing yeah we will actually have them to at the rodeo right on the cattle bar and you can come on down and see these dogs do their job it's great to see all right coming up next some gentlemen that work very hard out there the United States border patrol the Laredo sector yes the Laredo sector is responsible for 136 Southwest border miles along the real grand between Mexico and the United States and that area of responsibility stretches from the US Mexico border in Texas to the Oklahoma and Arkansas state lines and the United States border patrol has depended on horses for the border security mission for more than 100 years a true Texas tradition and listen to that welcome from the crowd ladies and gentlemen thank you very much for your service and all of your very hard work we appreciate it oh well what do you know who's who's that okay we have got of course David White executive director and CEO Cody Davenport uh from the San Antonio Rodeo yes San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo here here they come right now couple of gentlemen and we just talked with Cody the other day and interview with him is going to be airing on our rodeo special coming up on sa live this coming Thursday and boy oh boy I tell you what theyve run a big organization it's not just during the 10 days of rodeo is it yeah no definitely David actually works around with 6,000 volunteers and he's a volunteer himself to come on out so it's great to see them out here and support but we could not put this on without our 6,000 [Music] volunteers and the most important folks in the entire Western Heritage prayon cattle drive yes the South sand High School scoopers these students have a vision to ensure that all fellow students graduate with the Knowledge and Skills necessary to be College and Career ready and to obtain a successful future yes and thank you so much to this amazing group of high schoolers scoop that poop and on that note we will be right back with more right after this [Music] and welcome back to the Western Heritage parade and cattle drive right here in downtown San Antonio yes okay so now coming up here on Houston Street uh we have got uh sale of course uh the San Antonio Stock Show in Rodeo also known as San Antonio livestock Expedition or sale and this is what it's all about as far as scholarships and and everything right yeah it definitely is it's all about last we or since 1984 we've actually given away about 255 million in scholarships right now all right now we are looking at Jack sellers Bear County Palamino Patrol and drill team all of the trappings on those horses the horses themselves are absolutely gorgeous but look at the trappings on those animals yeah and you can actually come down to the rodeo right before the rodeo starts about 6:55 every night you can see the palamon patrol put on a great show right before the rodeo in the Frost Bank Center and the history behind the palamina patrol surrounding the stunning silver TCH that they have and now mi Miss Texas junor High Rodeo Association yeah Victoria burm Miss Texas Junior High princess is probably represents the Texas Junior High Rodeo Association and a 501c3 organization established in 2004 and it's always great when the M rodeos get out there and they you know have to ride horses they never know when they participate in the rodeo yeah definitely they all actually have to ride so it's great to be a partnership with the Miss Rodeo Jr all right some folks that we know very well s the Bear County Sheriff mounted Patrol oh yes the mounted patrolling unit has several members all who volunteer their time in this unit on top of their full-time jobs at the Sheriff's Office and of course led by none other than Sheriff Javier Salazar man we've known for a very very long time right here photo bom here's here's your annual photob bomb Sheriff can you get a little closer or I've got a trying to get as close as you can it's up him at this here we go I've got a stick for you right there great to see you Mike y'all doing all right good man we're having a great what a beautiful day you ordered up for us man you're good you're good my friend thank you so much let Rodeo San Antonio stay [Applause] safe ladies and gentlemen Sheriff Javier Salazar and the Bear County Sheriff's Mount unit all right and now we have the city of live o I'm riding in a unique horse drawn trolley today several dignitaries and guests of the city who are presenting the presenting sponsor of all the Western Heritage parade weekend events and we have councilman M borgan Jr Place one Ed simix and his wife Peggy and councilwoman Dr Aaron Perez Place three and her husband John yeah then what we're really about again live o special guests include top Scholars you know FR uh from France and Leadership acmy fifth graders U from Driscoll and Garza and and just great to have them here because this what we represent in a rodeo is all about the kids here in the state of Texas and what's beautiful too is they are riding on Clydesdales you know they've got those huge hoves that you see and such beautiful animals big ones too [Music] [Applause] all right the caset Insiders a top this 1878 Hensen touring wagon driven by Chila AA owner of the buggy bar are two one of the station's most familiar faces dear friend of all of ours work with the man for many years David Sears yeah sitting right there up front and of course you could be a case said Insider as well it is free to do all you have to do is just sign up and then you can enter to win things such as being able to ride in the rodeo like this with David Sears yes also getting to be a part of exclusive behind the- scenes content sweep stakes and unique local experiences experiences like getting a chance to be in this parade next we've got the Alm Management Group thanks to one of our generous sponsors Alm Management Group who helped make this weekend possible they're riding black and white V driven by pistek and Paula Yano bomb Gardner and pulled by Harley yes and of course they are honored and proud to be involved in this event each year now Rosas de Castilla was founded under the direction of rose and Cena here in San Antonio these young ladies are sadle equestrian riding group who participate in exhibitions and parades in surrounding counties and help with Community Services yeah and they also are ambassadors and they meet and greet dignitaries during and their visits here in San Antonio so we're happy to have them as part of the Western Heritage par this year yes they have several members ranging in age from 4 to 19 years and those stunning stunning dresses that they have on I mean are just breathtakingly beautiful and imagine having to ride side saddle yeah you know recently they were on sa live and remember when they were trying to show us how to sit in the side saddle yes indeed not easy to do I don't see how they do it and they keep their composure they have practiced this and oh my gosh what a beautiful entry and of course southan High School scoopers doing so much to keep this parade moving and we will be right back with more from the Western Heritage parade and cattle drive right after [Music] this [Music] welcome back to the 2024 Western Heritage parade and cattle drive essay live coverage brought to you by your San Antonio area Chevy dealers and look what we've got now yep boots on the gr Texas A&M University San Antonio resounding ra and our hearts and our Paws Up hailing from the south side of San Antonio they are Texas A&M University San Antonio yeah they proud to represent their institution as a symbol School of spirit and pride here in San Antonio they're on a mission of academic Excellence as a proud Hispanic serving and Military embracing institution and they are the black and silver the Jaguars and so welcome to Jaguars country Viva m and now the folclorico ballet Soul the San Antonio they were established in 2019 and under the direction of founder Alina Martin in ballet folkloric Sol day San Antonio is an award-winning competitive group residing in the Central Area San Antonio highlights the Mexican races Cultura and tradic and The Roots and culture and traditions yeah what's so nice actually about the San Antonio Stockon Rodeo you can come see them down on the grounds we'll have the escat Musa we'll have the dancers we'll have them all down there we'll also have a chatata rodeo that free with your Fairgrounds emmissions so come on down see them it's a great part of our culture at Rodeo but a great part of San Antonio's culture and I would venture to Guess that this is the most colorful entry in the Western Heritage parade parade and cattle drive look at those beautiful dresses those ladies are wearing this group is beginner through professional dancers and they are continuing to look for dancers from all ages that would like to learn and express their talent through dance and they have been on sa live more than a few times and always is yeah it's just such a pleasure to have them on there and to watch them dance in those beautiful dresses yeah this is really what San Antonio is all about it's a tradition with culture Heritage and that's the Western Heritage PR that's why we bring it here it's not just all Western it's a Hispanic culture here in San Antonio as well the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo just like it was 150 years ago that's true good old Lone Star [Applause] [Music] [Applause] State [Music] [Music] s [Music] [Music] fore [Music] [Applause] w [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] absolutely wonderful yes what a performance of the ballet fic de San Antonio yeah coming up next here is the hotus pro Rodeo Association hotus festival and Rodeo carnival is the PRCA award-winning Rodeo here in San Antonio right outside of San Antonio that celebrates 37 years of excitement I'm going to tell you guys I go every year in made to this Rodeo it's a cool Hometown rodeo and of course it's held in conjunction with the rodeo is lotus festival's 59th cornival which runs through Sunday May 5th all right we have the true women drill drill team who perform during our rodeo and there will be four days of Music food fun arts and crafts family entertainment they have a carnival out there and three nights of the PRCA Rodeo so if you didn't see him here at the San Antonio Stockon Rodeo you can catch him back out there in May at the hotus corny Bal four days of Music food arts and crafts family entertainment all right oh we know these guys yes they were just on the show yesterday yes indeed the high stocking Miniatures and Shetland ponies are owned and trained by Robin and Jim Bailey located in in Leia these little horses come in all colors and are used for pleasure and hores show competitions you know and many horses in chetland Go by different height requirements a Shetland is typically 42 in or lower and a mini horse is considered to be 38 in and fewer than that yeah the high the high stocking miniature and Shelton's provide bordering lessons for kids so they're really great great animals well a great way for kids to start to learn how to take care of their horse right and and Robin was telling us yesterday that sometimes you know somebody's a little bit afraid of a large Horse full siiz horse great way to kind of you know get get acclimated to it or little kids learning how to T [Music] horse yeah we had the four of them on the show yesterday and they were just the sweetest animals too oh and they do uh the little jumping uh competitions that they do yeah the jumping competitions with kids and the kids are not allowed to they have to train them so they can't touch them it's just by by ious hand signals yeah and again don't forget coming out to the San Antonio stock Rodeo you can check out some of these horses at the location as well during the horse event all right right now the US Army North Fifth Army Fort Sam Houston military honors Quan unit the Kayan section of the Fort Sam Houston funeral honors platoon was formed in 2002 to better honor departed soldiers being carried home honored Glory at Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery Army horses have been a part of Texas history since its Inception with the second draon regiment reporting in 1845 and through the construction of Fort Sam Houston's remount Depot in 1916 which processed 200,000 horses to support World War I and additional 300,000 before closing in 1925 yeah it's a really great history real quick about this is actually Fort Sam Houston and uh the the national cemetery in Washington DC are the only two Kon units here in the United States so in San Antonio you got to check out these wonderful horses here and of course to all of them thank you very much for your service the the sale International committee the international room at the San Antonio Stock Show in Rodeo is the Premier destination for international dignitaries and guests visiting from other countries and I think there's about 75 countries that come visit the definitely and it's exciting this year we have some coming from the UK from Italy and even from Ireland we've had 30 people are going to be visiting the rodeo this year from Ireland they want to really catch a Western Heritage and see what San Antonio as well as the rodeo is all about this is a good way to show them what it's all about yeah that's right all right now the junior vetto Cookoff Champion K City culinary arts program Car City uh yep car the K City culinary arts team is a shining star in the CTE program at Ken City High School it's led by Christina Garcia and they were last year's overall champion at the vro Cookoff and you can also come down here and check it out today down here in in the Market Square and they were guests on our show not too long ago cooking of force and yeah some great young kids learning all about the culinary arts yeah Mike and Fiona so what it's all about too is the scholarships and this year we're giving away a $110,000 scholarship to the vicaro Cookoff Champion all right South San High School pooper scoopers coming up right behind them and we will be back with more from the 2024 Western Heritage parade and cattle drive right after we pay the [Music] bills [Music] welcome back to the Western Heritage parade and cattle drive the official kickoff to the 75th annual San Antonio Stock Show in Rodeo all right and now the Thom Thomas Jefferson High School lassos since 1932 the glasses have reflected the unique Heritage and history of the high school right here in town let's watch them [Music] perform that's what's so great about is today they can actually be seen across the South Texas and the different parades of community events and we are so blessed to have them here with us here in San Antonio at the Western Heritage braid throughout the years they have performed for heads of state presidents visiting dignitaries and some of the the nicest young gals as well they've been on our show a few times there are service performance and spirit organization and support the girls dream of becoming a lasso and I got to kind of throw a shout out to the lassos are under the direction of uh Christina Neil an assistant director Anna leil and to all those Educators out there again that's what the rodeo is about but for all those teachers and educators out there we just really want to thank them for all their support and helping these kids and all those people out there making sure everybody gets educated this is our future here in San Antonio as well the US and which is what the San Antonio's do show rodeo is all about is scholarships and the kids about 18,000 of them were served last year by all of the the scholarships ladies thank you very [Applause] much all right well get ready to tap your feet San Antonio pipe synd drums born back in 1986 they present traditional bagpipe music for the enjoyment of both musicians and of course audiences and notice the Kilts in a variety of Scottish and Irish tatrn okay band members range from kids to great grandparents and they plan special events festivals and celebrations ladies and gentlemen we are a hearing from the San Antonio pipe syndroms so again it goes back to our tradition here in San Antonio you know the pipes and drums still it's it's not just always the Hispanic heritage it's not everybody's here it's all this different culture here in San Antonio that makes us who we are and there is just something about the sound of bag pipes that it's almost it's almost haunting and with the drums along with them is beautiful and I love as you mentioned all the different Scottish and Irish tartans in their kilts 75 countries participate right 75 to 100 countries participate in the rodeo so this is a nice example of [Music] [Music] that [Music] thank you to the San Antonio pipes and [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] drums all right now it's the bar County Buffalo Soldiers associate they're organized here in San Antonio August 13th 1999 and of course the purpose is research preserve educate and lecture and brought an accurate objective history of the great contributions given the United States Army's ninth and 10th cavalries the 24th 25th us infantry starting back in the mid 1800s and I got to say some of the coolest uniforms too I love those it is yeah we expand our education through lectures they do flag coloring guard uh presentations and parades and there are current C ly 35 troops strong and their motto is we can and we will oh listen to the crowd welcome now and now the ranch Rodeo committee which honors the traditions of Texas Western Heritage by showcasing the working Cowboys of some of the biggest ranches across the state in the annual Ranch Rodeo competition uh yeah and actually held in the Frost Bank Center this year on Thursday February 15th this year's wrench Ro will feature Cowboys from legendary Texas wrenches like the three to four sixes featured in the series of Yellowstone the King Ranch tongue wrench ra Brown Philip Ranch and the Thompson Ranch competing in events like you've never seen before if you've never seen a ranch Rodeo come on down in the frostbank center February 15th oh look at that Chris greeting people on the side that baby got a little little little kick out of that and coming up well coming up we are going to toss to a break and got a whole lot more Western her parade in cattle drive stick around [Music] folks and welcome back to the 2024 Western Heritage parade and cattle drive yes the chados de Bean are composed of the competition teams of Bear County they join us here now at Houston and Jefferson and of course the teams compete in chatata the national sport of Mexico yes so chatata is a celebration of the traditional methods of the animal husbandry it is composed of nine events and all of which are involved in horses or cattle unlike Rodeo which emphasizes utility chatata emphasizes Style by including floro and fancy roping that is also why chatos and chatas Viva chat yes and we had a brother and sister on our show yesterday that are in this parade right now yes indeed and of course you know with the the gentlemen participating in the nine different events and the ladies do that in conjunction with other riders in those beautiful dresses again all Sid saddle yeah again don't forget you can come on down to the San Antonio stock radio and see this live and see the competition live on February 24th at 4 p.m. in the Freeman Coliseum with your grounds admission so there's no cost besides your regular grounds admission to see this great event you know which is the great thing about the the Stock Show and Rodeo is that there is so so much to do there cuz a lot of people think it's just the rodeo and just all the the uh musical acts performing of course and you just see it right there look at that horsemanship of course showing off some great skills yeah so also we also had the Freeman Coliseum there's so many different horse events we'll have Barrel Racers down there that anybody can see with that grounds submission some roping and then also some cutting if you watch Yellowstone we'll have some cutting right there in the Freeman Coliseum along with your ground stickers come check it out which yeah a lot of folks have seen that on Yellowstone and uh now they can see it in person all right now we are looking at the River City Renegades an elite drill team based out of Floresville this drill team is comprised of talented hseen who have dedicated their time and skills to bring the San Antonio Rodeo fans a show they won't soon forget yeah and ring drills are already a huge thrill but they bring it to a new level and when you don't do them in the dark they got to see this in the dark it's incredible wow okay owned and led by Jen Brown and Britney gos their commitment to delivering new exciting performances is immeasurable and of course they are so proud to introduce you to all introduce all of you I should say to this amazing group of individuals that make up the River City Renegades and really neat looking outfits [Music] too coming up next we have Texas A&M Parson mounted Cavalry the Parsons mounted Cavalry is a mounted special unit within the core of cadets at of course Texas A&M University the unit is comprised of 85 Cadets and 72 horses and mules and Parson mounted calary is the only Collegiate mounted ceremonial unit within the United States so hey let's Giggle maggies and whether and whether you're an agie or not you just got to love all of these folks in uniform on those beautiful beautiful animals yeah and there are plenty of them here right now as they go by you know and that's when you when you bring up how this is the only mounted Cavalry you know Collegiate ceremonial unit in the country and that's one of the other things that makes this so special down here in South Texas and look at how beautiful all those animals are we saw them being we saw them arrive this morning and they were in a huge bus yeah huge yeah I mean semis brought these animals in here again the horses and some of the mules as well all of the ladies and gentlemen in the core of cadets and then to have this in the state of Texas and in our parade with college students again it goes back to the what the rodeo is all about it all supports and helps educate the Youth of Texas and we help educate almost a hundred different universities here in San Antonio or in Texas which also includes Texas A&M and of course when you think of Texas A&M you also have to think about fiesta when they are in the uh the Battle of flowers parade their their band is yeah their band is incredible if you haven't checked them out make sure you go look at that band here at Fiesta and during Fiesta here in April Oh what a beautiful beautiful group all right next we have the sale raffle committee raffle ticket committee is riding a six passenger wagonet driven by Lano bomb Gardner and donated by The Buggy Barn Museum up there in Blanco we know the Buggy Barn yeah through scholarships this committee supports many of our youth and participates in the junior lifestyle stock auction and the San Antonio stock on Rodeo if you buy your raffle tickets there's so many great prizes and it also supports the Texas Youth and of course you can reach out to them at 500 Club all right catering signature catering Lisa and Neil Reagan with their daughter cersa and they own signature catering and they have been the premier catering outfit right here in town providing the best quality and service for almost 30 years and that horse back there agrees and they have been they riding in a blue and white Visa driven by Randy Bolen and pulled by davidon you know and Catering makes me think about all that great food in at the rodeo I can't wait you know it starts next Thursday and here I go I can already smell the turkey legs and the funnel cakes cooked yes it's a food group on unto their own turkey legs de fried everything please all right right now the 1800's covered wagon Stacy and Van here come Jasper and Jackson pulling their late 1800s covered wagon this wagon has been lovingly restored to represent how it looked in its original condition yeah and this wagon would have been used for travel and Hauling Goods to and from the market and own is operated by Bandit Williams and Stacy black and you know how we talk about how this is history making its way back through town the old Chism Trail on yeah on the old chis Trail and when you restore wagons like this which are the ones that were actually used 150 years ago and longer ago and what's so great about this is this all ends in front of the Alamo so it just brings it all back to our Texas history and our heritage here in San Antonio great looking [Music] wagon all right the Fort Hood first Cavalry the horse cavalry Detachment from Fort kabaso Texas is a US Army special ceremonial unit established back in 1972 yeah it's manned by its current active duty of US Army soldiers assigned to the first Cavalry division their mission is to preserve the heritage of tradition of us and army Calvary during the late 1800s the unit has appeared in events from Washington DC to Pasadena California and everywhere and they are bringing the energy right now they currently have 33 horses four mules and one dog Captain DEA Wells and Sergeant First Class Kyle Miner LED them today and they're of course the South sand pooper scoopers helping this parade Move Along not a quiet Bunch are they yeah we we definitely have to keep these Street clean down here we couldn't do without the students of South San High School the first caly thank you for your service all right coming up next the W sigin company of tahano volunteers they embark on a journey through history with W sein's company tahano volunteers a passionate group of tahano and texian reenactors dedicated to bringing the Texas Revolution of 1835 36 to life yes immerse yourself in the spirit of the times and witness The Bravery and resilience of those who played a crucial role in the unfolding drama of the Texas Revolution and if you are a history buff well I say one thing this is a place to be with all the history down here throughout the years and how it's coming to life right now all right now we are looking at the te house Rodeo Ru Riders drill team an award-winning Precision drill team that was founded back in 2005 they perform in a drill competitions and several parades and all over 40 rodeos at the deos Rodeo company right here in bvery Texas each year so come out out and watch their amazing Rodeo performances on Saturday nights March through November if you're interested in joining the team more information it's available at their Facebook page yeah and this just keeps the the tradition of rodeo alive throughout the whole summer so it's not just here in February um we work year round at the San Antonio stockan Rodeo but also we love to support tahos Rodeo ref Riders love the outfits and those beautiful horses they are riding on patriotic all right all right now it is the show steppa Riding Club and organization that helps in many community events and Outreach to include working with fost and include working with foster kids and feeding the homeless and they also work closely with other organizations clubs to help encourage appreciation education and the preservation of African-Americans a Heritage of country culture and lifestyle and the show stos are under the direction and the president of first lady Carl and lwanda Morrison vice president Troy White and the club is made up from participants from Floresville Austin Colleen and San Antonio also a member of the show steping today is NFL player keeman Hall number 38 of the San Francisco 49ers and now we are looking at the Dennis Moore Buggy Barn yep Buggy Barn Museum has been involved in San Antonio Stock Show in Rodeo Western Heritage BR and cattle drive for the past 10 years they're excited and proud to be involved for more than a decade in our seventh year as Wagon Train leader buggy bar museum is located in Blanco Texas hey I I know we're both right there just North of San Antonio and of course a lot of the the buggies and buckboards and everything else have been used in uh Hollywood Productions as well as some of the episodes of Yellowstone the 1883 that's right that is so incredibly cool they even have an old west town and studio so incredibly cool and just the sound of the wagon wheels the the the Hooves it it it's great all right now the sail trail ride committee established in 1980 primarily by the Trail Riders to preserve the traditions and Heritage of the past and the first rodeos were born from the cattle and trail drives right here in 19 in 1800s sale Trail committee coordinates and hosts 11 trail rides from different locations throughout South and Central Texas that are going to travel collectively 1,300 miles on their way to the San Antonio Stock Show in Rodeo this week they all meet to Camp close by the rodeo grounds for the opening day of the stock show in Rodeo and today they have sent small groups from eight of the 11 trail rides to participate right here in the Western Heritage parade and we just picked actually we just drove yesterday out of Mexico right on Eagle Pass with our new Trail Riders coming from the the Mexico oh and the bear uh Bear County Precinct 4 are part of the trail Pride committee you can actually see these uh Trail Riders coming into the San antario stock Rodeo on Saturday at noon at the show they come on through they ride through the arena and that's where they will end their ride when they've driven when they've ridden all over round Texas and like this event trail rides go on rain shine cold anything they I mean just like it was 150 years ago as folks are coming in here weather couldn't stop them oh look at this I love it all right it's coming through backwards all right Robert and Sarah wanut from Tiny toown Texas Museum this is the 836 parade and show to date for them the lead vehicle is the first self-propelled vehicle in the United States an 1890 Morrison and the second vehicle is an 1890 Army wagon that is very cool looking like we said everything in this Western her pron cattle drive is on Hooves or Wagon Wheels and uh I think those qualify as Wagon Wheels and of course right behind them there is the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo uh animal ambulance yeah the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo is committed to proper care and treatment of all our animals for display of competition exhibition and educational purposes associated with the San Antonio livestock exposition position and of course responsible parties must comply with show policies regarding proper animal husbandry yeah and these are they are down there every night of the San Antonio stock from Rodeo just like the competitors animals are competitors so we make sure we take care of both our competitors as well as the animals in the arena all right and the sweepers are going to come up behind them yep and we are going to take a little bit of a break but we still have more of the Western Heritage parade and cattle drive stick around [Music] all right welcome back to the 2024 Western Heritage parade and cattle drive brought to you by or coverage brought to you by the San Antonio are of Chevy feelers and just like that it's over yeah all those beautiful land trees all of the horses all of the performers out there and of course now it's kickoff what comes next yeah San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo and hey here's the 75 years this year come on down join us February 8th through the 25th and lot of folks you just saw here today you can also see throughout the course of the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo of course one more important bit of business that we have to talk about yes we have uh of course uh the fan favor favorite to let you know about voting started earlier this week and right now we can announce the winner it is South sand let's hear it for that congratulations to South San high school for being the fan favorite yet again yep all right Chris so good to see you again thank you very much for all your help and for everybody for coming down here for everybody watching it has been great seeing folks line the streets here of Houston and kind of reliving a little bit of History yes and don't forget to watch sa live at 1 pm. all week next
week especially as we gear up to Rodeo yep and what do we say here let's Rodeo San Antonio [Music] by w
2024-02-06 17:08