2019 Israel Trip

2019 Israel Trip

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You. You. You. Thank. You guys for today. Sang. This morning. Rephrase. Give thanks to the Lord for he is good, his. Love endures forever. Thank. You Lord for this time. Oh. From. Him. The. Fountain. Oh. Good. Real. So. Numbers. Chapter 15. Address. 37. 37. Prison, then. The Lord said to Moses give the following instructions, to the people of Israel throughout. The generations, to come you, must make tassels. For. The Youngs of your clothing you'll catch them with a blue cord when, you see the tassels, you will remember and obey all the commands of the Lord instead, of following using some of your own desires, in the filing yourselves, as you, are prone today the. Tassels, will help you remember that you must obey all my commands, and be holy to your God I am, the Lord your God who, brought you out of the land of Egypt that I might be your God I am, the Lord your God. Very. Very. Strong language like that saying he's reminded, you in, case you wonder why I was able to see this black light you just do this init system for all as. The command of God and then. Said I know that you got who brought you out of Egypt, exclamation. Mark to be your God double, X dimension of God I, am the Lord your God okay, these, three rows a huge, impactful, sentence, but, he, simply. Put these passes on for all genders and. Why is this court. The. Four rivers representing, God's, continued. Persons bringing. Us back to him okay, so it's a minute, two minutes or not what you guys look a guy who was pretty willing we created us and. I know I know. I love, this word. You. Know I can't, really forget things that's the way we create some God any. System, through - on a minute-to-minute basis, on the second second, X when, we go to Jerusalem to see all show of the document, as they walk through the streets will always have one of the castles, in their hands and they're playing with it but they're constantly. Touching my pastors what. That's. Not. Okay. It's, a sight of the second reminder, the. Mezuzah oh. You. Guys. The. Hotel every room you'll see every room, in the do shots but the bathroom will happen because, we, worked on a second, - second, door, friend - door frame basis but, as I entered the door you see every single Jewish man touch. The door and touch the mezuzah kiss. Didn't touch it touch it and kissing it's. Not because that specific, it's what's written in the mezuzah, Deuteronomy. Chapter 6, verse 4 you, gotta help me here is a lot of allies long she loved the work. Right. There, you know I mean I'm excited. No one hopefully houses when you baby yeah I'm a direct. Command right there so, this is who I am, hear o Israel the Lord our God the Lord is one that is these statements, of genius, it's, a beautiful statement how. Do we lift that walk that's not very specific, well the rest of the chapter right God never really leaves, as a mean one or anything else, explain, yourself, be patient enough, to see it well right.

They're Following. It right away conceiving, that that question was going to come I heard it this way in order to prove that I believe this fake not true but this is what means them in this thing to be limit you've got this in heaven with my lifestyle, and as, I walk through this door frame, you don't have to kiss it but you physically, touch it to remind yourself when, I cross this door, frame this, is how I'm gonna conduct myself it is an extremely, talk. About the bathroom. In this dorm or through this door frame in this room this is Harlan a conduct myself I do it every single indoor friend in the house is the, constant, reminds everybody here will avoid civilian, life, muscle. Memory here that same. Thing happens with this you do this as it comes to have it it becomes your lifestyle, if, you do it enough okay, so you see every girlfriend we touch it to remind ourselves then, people sometimes. Will recite me and everything if they walk through that you to another pick your friends, laughing. And. They check all the girls say you, can go but otherwise every. Single room you say that so you thinking well you reminding yourself that's because this is how I am to live my life. Make sure to present for that to visit blessing for everything. Some like that he's really cares about me what's, the rabbi's their luck yeah. But. Um so. This is this is why we do these things. He. Gave. Us a way. Out of it no problem, thank, you very much yeah. Back. To this, she's. Coming up to him and imagine a pass over here, she, grabs and pestle, now, for the two E's represents. Protection and. Leviticus chapter I think it's 11 at all God, is talking about where, under his delete he's got our protection, so, he's on our back we're in better protection, then a lot of times it says under this Queen's way, this is an. Idiom used in the Bible. To represent, the tallit it's. The wings of the leaf this speaks. A lot miniature birds won't, stand back so we're under his wings we're under the delete then. The word that we just read is CC, in, the Hebrew Leonid Elenin was chapter 15 it's, the specific garment. With. Hasslein targets if, this woman is grabbing, on to that well she's not just grabbing onto the garment that represents, this she's, grabbing, on to what we just read in numbers chapter 15. She's. Grabbing on to what this rabbi told me God, has constantly. Pursuing us but not only that when, I reach out to grab it as its representation. Of up I realized. Your, God I am under your protection, I'm covenant, to you I've. Listened, to you for help that's, what she's doing it's also representation. Of authority. Who, has support right, there's God's Authority. Around us but, that's, not the simplest so, she's grabbing clock and others why this is amazing, Isis what, she's doing is, actually a declaration. Of who he is in. Front of, Jarius. One. Of the disciples in front of it everybody. None, of the disciples have yet said who this man is and she's. Not only taking the leap of faith she's acting, upon it me grabbing his passes, saying, I know who you are and. That's a lot grabbing your specific, passes to the jurgis's, what, about anyone elses and she's graduated, she was passes, knowing.

What's Going to happen, that's not never. Absolutely there's repercussions for, what she's about to do. Who. Touched me but Jesus kept looking around the Superboy gun and then the woman knowing what had happened to her came and fell at, his feet trembling. With fear oh that's where I was told, him the whole truth she's, been healed she made this big Act, this big declaration. And actually. Going for the consequences. And looking at how gracious Messiah, is that they can response. Daughter. Your faith has healed you you. Guys just scratch that yes remember there's one exception for. The bleeding woman and, that's a family member in touch everyone is not watching to, see he's. The. Rashes. You know something widows but. He turns around we. Did that we did that knowing. That happened, and she. Comes forward his, daughter your. Faith has, healed, you, he. Knows that, by a herd rubbing his garment she's declaring, who he is that she's grabbing on to his authority where. None of the disciples have, said yeah okay. She, knows, she's. Taking the leap of faith you guys remember uh. It. Says Abraham that her disability was. Gonna work, 11:11. Be to, his fate, it's. All about faith. To. Come. You. You. No. Shalom. Carpenter. And, as you can see he's working, with wood. Remember. Jesus himself said once said. You see a splinter, of wood and your brother's eye, but you don't see a log in your own eye of, course I've, got a carpenter, would say such a thing and not, work with wood but. It's interesting although the word carpenter. In greek is picked, on ring. Any bells. Tectonic. Plates no the, word actually means builder, Mason. Or jointer, it is possible, the carpenters, not, only work with wood but stone as well you, can see in the back some of those heavy, duty sledge hammers, picks. And chisels for crushing and hewing stone and remember. How many people were living in Nazareth how many families. About. 200 people so 50 families so, where would a carpenter find a job in such a small town probably. Not, here but somewhere outside. Maybe citrus, which was this actually a very very big, town here in the galley was around 30,000. And, of course somebody, had to build the building so they have to pave the Roman, roads going everywhere so it's possible since this was skilled labor that carpenters, would also be doing things like Joseph's. Tools. Anybody. Can, try this and give it a spin you can do it you can stay here. Sorry. Alright. Well folks if you. Notice. At. Least here you can see that the bedrock line so, we're on a hillside so, your chisel right into the rock keeps, the building cool and there's, the air-condition see the holes in the wall. You. Everything. Let. Everything. That. We'll. Save shallow. People. Milo. We'll. Teach our. People. Yes. You. I woke. Up to the mountains does, my help, from there my help comes from the Lord you may have nothing in the earth he.

Will Not let you stumble the. One who watches over you will not slumber, indeed. He who watches over Israel never, slumbers, or sleeps the. Lord Himself watches, over you the, Lord stands beside you, as your protective, shade the. Sun will not harm me by day nor the moon at night the. Lord what keeps, you from all harm and, watches, over, your life the. Lord watches over you as you come and go both, now and forever. Oh. Yeah. Don't you shine no. You shun. I. My. Yeah. Thank. You Father as you watch over this rail yard. You. You. Let's, kill these mama, oh, boy. Become you is built, this system to make sure this never happen, again builds. All these systems, all about in the place he, builds the storerooms, he fills it with food from around the world but, you. Can only go as far as the. Last drop of water so. What he does is he builds a system, of channels. Coming down the side of the mount that he builds a dam and, reroutes, all the rainwater to, come down into this valley, you. Can see the. Upper. Channel. This. One over here. And. Then, he. Can. See all these caves down on the backside over here these, are the systems, that we'll construct. Where. That you can see some of the remains of that aqueduct, that's still there there's, to supper lingo down there no, you can't go down there today you can if you hike from there. You. Funny, here there's not a soul that has ever been born here raised here that I don't know there's, Jimmy, there's Tommy there's, Ted there's Phil excuse, me ma'am I need, to know how many people live here yeah yeah there's Phil there's Ted there's Tommy there's Bill there's Fred. No, ma'am I need to know how many people then give me a number she. Looks at him and says oh well, I don't know anyone by numbers I know that by means. That's. The point of yad vashem the first thing that the Nazis did to the Jewish people is take away their identity. Once. You take someone's identity you're, taking away their will to live, mystic. Well. Yad, Vashem is, trying to combat, that, you. Won't see any picture, inside of the museum that doesn't have a name attached to it we. Have we. Say six million people died. In the Holocaust we, only have about four and a half million, names so. There's still a lot of names missing and. Now, yad vashem is. The. Name in hebrew which comes from the book of isaiah chapter 56. And, i want to explain that to you because, the. Way god uses it here is to, speak to unix, and unix-like, aunt. Have children, so. Basically. They're. The last of their families, name and. God. Here in verse. Of. 3. It says let, no foreigner, who has bound, himself to the Lord say the, Lord will surely exclude. Me from his people and let not any eunuch, complain I am only a dry tree for, this is what the Lord says about the eunuchs and perform people. To.

The Eunuchs who keep my, Sabbath's, then this is the key base remember the sabbath is the symbol of god's being in covenant, with god i compared. It to the wedding ring this, is how we know who our covenant, to do, to. The eunuchs who keep my Sabbath's, who choose what, pleases me, and hold fast to my covenant to. Them i will give within my temple and its walls a memorial. And a name better than sons, and daughters i will give them an everlasting name, that will, not be cut off so. Just like god is speaking and. Comforting, the eunuchs. Who, can't have a future. Generation. This, comparison. Is being made to those, that perished in the Holocaust you, know 1.5, million, children were killed, they're never gonna have children entire families, were wiped off the face of the earth their, generations, are lost forever, so Yad, Vashem is, using, this example that God says I will. Give them a temple, and a memorial in, his, walls and, Hebrew, its yad vashem yad, is a memorial and Shem, is a name, so. Memorial and the name better than sons, and daughters I will give them an everlasting name, that will not be cut off so God's saying I will remember them. You. You.

2020-01-20 23:03

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