2015 Commencement: Awards and Diplomas

2015 Commencement: Awards and Diplomas

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Brien. Colgan. Hate, bart, oldest. Brian, Bart told us has built a multi-faceted, career, as a conductor singer, and composer he. Is the assistant conductor of the city choir of Washington, as well as the music director for Frederick, Presbyterian. Church his. Work with the city choir includes, directing, the city singers, at chamber chorus dedicated, to community outreach, in his, first year at Frederick, Presbyterian, he founded a new festival choir and instrumental, ensemble, began, a new performance, series benefiting. The local homeless shelter, and introduced, master works for, chorus and orchestra as, part of worship, mr.. Bart oldest is also the founding artistic director, of third practice a DC area vocal, ensemble, that uses carefully planned programming, to show the connections, between contemporary, compositions. And the music, of the past as a. Native of the DC area he, is passionate about supporting his local community as a director, of the city singers he had he has led dozens of free concerts for injured veterans the, elderly, the homeless, and others who do not have easy access to live music in the, spring of to, 2012. Third practice performed. A series of benefit, concerts, to combat homelessness, raising. Well over $1000. For local shelters and other supportive, services, in. Addition to conducting brian, serves as organist, for Frederick, Presbyterian, Church he, has composed pieces for both voice and instruments, with performances, across the East Coast as well, as in France Italy and the Czech Republic, he, is also active as a lecturer, and a clinician and, has presented throughout America, and in England on subjects. Ranging from Gregorian chant, to late 20th century master. Works. Colleen. Potter, Thorburn. Colleen. Thorburn, enjoys. An active career as a soloist, chamber, musician, orchestral, harpist and teacher she. Is currently principal, harp with the eastern Connecticut Symphony Orchestra, in New London Connecticut. Previously. She held the principal heart position with the symphony nova, of Boston Massachusetts with. Whom she has also has appeared, as a country. To soloist. She. Is also a harp substitute, for the Philadelphia, Orchestra and, performs, regularly with, the Roanoke Symphony, Orchestra. Mr.. Byrne is also a dedicated chamber, musician, who is particularly, devoted, to new music her. Horn and harp duo Apple, orange pair founded. In 2010. With hornist. Emily Boyer focuses. On reviving, transcribing, performing. And commissioning. New repertoire, for French horn and harp, apple. Orange pairs first full-length recorded. Albums seeds was released in November 2013. Mr.. Barun serves on the faculty at Bluefield, college, Bluefield. College's, fine arts community, school and at southwestern. Virginia Music Academy, she. Is also the head of the harp department, at coda Mountain Academy in Fayetteville, West Virginia, and an. Active proponent of regional harp activities, in southern Appalachia as president, of the new Southwest, Virginia chapter, of the American harp Society she. Presents regular, concerts, and outreach events featuring the harp throughout Virginia as a touring, artist with the Virginia Commission for the Arts.

Yan. Ming, Alvin, Wong. Alvin. Wong enjoys, an active, and diverse career as a soloist chamber, musician, proponent, of new music and educator, he. Has performed in venues such as Carnegie, Hall Walt Disney, Hall Seoul, Arts Center Hong, Kong Cultural Center and in music festivals, such as Aspen, Orford Casals. And great mountains an. Enthusiast. In new music mr. Wong has premiered solo, works by Cheng Yi and angel' Lam, recently. He premiered James Auburn's, cello concerto, written for him with the Thailand Philharmonic, Orchestra, under bright Sheng at, the Thailand, International, composition, festival. He. Also collaborated with composers. Such as Ezra, Letterman so long and bright sang and recorded. Works by Claude Baker and Ingram Marshall, he. Has given recitals, of all Chinese contemporary, cello works at. The University of Missouri Kansas City at, the central Conservatory of Music in Beijing and at the Tianjin, Conservatory, of Music. Mr.. Wong is currently on the faculty of the, Melbourne Conservatorium of, music at. The University of Melbourne in Australia which. He joined in January of 2014. He. Has also served on the faculty of Connecticut, College and was the principal cellist of the Eastern Connecticut Symphony, Orchestra, he. Has given master, classes and workshops in cello chamber, music and composition. Across, the Americas, and Asia. As. Now dr., Wong finds, his way back I wanted, to again. Congratulate, the dma recipients. This is a very. Very significant, achievement to, earn a doctoral, degree from Yale, and, would. The three of you please stand and be recognized. And. Now. We ask the candidate, for the Master of Musical Arts degree, to come home forward. Michael. Ruiz Weinberg. Because. We, have such, a large number of graduates, in the, master, of music program, and the artists diploma, we ask that you hold, your applause until the. Entire. Class. Has been awarded their degrees, then, I assure, you there will be plenty, of, opportunity. To respond, to them and them, to you later on we. Now award, the, greet degrees. Of, candidates. In the master, of music program. Fiona. Jane last. Kemp. Kaiser, Jernigan. Soul-g. Park. Christina. Brittany, Hughes. Victor. Yi, wang. Joshua. Christian. Andersen. Qi. Han Fung. Kevin. Shafter. Barbara. Ellen, Bentley. Bogdan. Dmitry. Marissa. Santos, Oleg, ro. Chuta. Choo. Lavell along. Thomas. Daniel. Park. Patrick. James, Durbin. Mickey. Oh Alan. Sasaki. Carl. Franklin. Stanley. Timothy. Will. Curtis. Read, bigs. Elizabeth. Leah Schaefer. Terrence, Edward, Sweeney, the third. Gorky. Georgiev, VIN, and off. Hayley. A, roadside. Thing. Yin. Yin. You chin. Anton. Smirnoff. Tate. Chandler. Attis. Wesley. Harrison. Hall. Francis. Kim. Patrick. Wayne Krieger. Daniel. Joseph O'Connor. Wyatt. Dustin, Smith. Sara. Elizabeth. Svendsen. John. While, hustler. Lily. Mardian. Ian. Tusky. Ivana. Choo. Mindy. Ella, chew. Leah. Uli's. Hawkins. Samuel. Wilson, Hinkle. Edmund. James, Millie. Jean. Paul stinger. Junior. Emily. Workman. Sara. Elise, Jana, bitch. Dehe. On. Maryna. Okawa. In, young-kwang. Jacob. David, Joyce. Jinyu. Lee. Ruta. Lee. Jana. Li. XI. Li AO. Avi. Haim Nagin. Jessica. Rose Adi. Eat. Zoo. Jin. Yong. So. You. But. Mick Mar errand. Abet. Yeo. Jin Han.

David. William. Mason. Yong. Chi. Daniel. Stone. Rebecca. Danielle, weep. Allen, Joseph, hon. Kimberly. Me, young Zhang. Jian. Li. Chang. Pan. Zulan. Wang. Yoon. Ha ye. Andrea. Elizabeth. Blackard. Buyer. Samuel. Adam. Babinski. Christopher. Read Letty. Nicholas. Anthony. De, bear our Dino. Ian. Gretzky. Got lead. Michael. Our Holloway. Jesse. Ryan, Lim, Bakr. Mark. Begins. Christian. Erin, Crocker. Maximilian. Michael, Holman. Lewis. Cameron. Laura said. Those. Of you who have just received, diplomas. For the master of Music degree would, you stand and let all of us congratulate, you. Now. We ask the candidates, for the. Disturb. Plumber to, come forward and receive their, degree. Jacob. Men de freitas. Jonathan. Anthony. Slade. Timothy. Michael Gatlin. Chen. Sheng Wang. When. Binge in. Beef. On Ivan. Lin. Aleksey. Alekseyevich. Tartakovsky. Robert. Patrick, Christopher. Benesch. Send. Meows Oh. Nicole. Andrea. Percy field. Halim. Sean. Brian. Kwong. VIN vu. Bradley. Walker. Melanie. Claw, pious. Schwa. Li do. Xinyi. Shoo. Hi. REE you. Christopher. Shouldn't, win Hwang. Bora. Kim. Alan. Michael, Okubo. Ef'n. Woo. So. Yang you. Hi. Yong Chun. Michael. Bartholomew. Larell, Oh. And now. All, of you who are recipients. Of the artists diploma please stand and let us recognize you. This. Is kind. Of a quiet, audience so I'm going to give you a couple of more opportunities, first of all I want, all of you graduates to, stand and, be recognized, the class of 2015. Okay. Now. These. Students didn't just arrive without, being, loved. And nurtured from, the time they were born so. If you, are parents. Or. Spouses. Of, graduates. I want you to stand first of all you. Guys hope. And. Some. Very very special, people if you are grandparents. I want you to stand grandparents. Of the graduates. You. Only have had to be on campus this weekend, to, appreciate, what a great, staff. We have in the School of Music I know that, the graduates, and all, of our guests want to say thank you to our staff for making these days so wonderful. Every. One of you, came. Here to study with, a particular teacher. Certainly. The university might have had some sway other, factors. Might have had a little bit of influence, on it but largely. It. Was to be here to study with one of these distinguished, faculty, members I'm, going to ask them to stand so you can say thank you one more time as a class the faculty.

2018-07-27 03:39

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