1st Time In El Nido, Philippines: Is This Paradise?

1st Time In El Nido, Philippines: Is This Paradise?

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in today's video we are going to visit el nido  one of the most beautiful and famous places in   the Philippines yeah this is the Philippines that  you imagine right the goal is to get some First   Impressions see beautiful places and to have some  fun but what's the downside to such a famous place   it's usually the big crowds we saw literally like  a 100 people walking by so that place over there   is definitely totally overcrowded with people  will that ruin the experience or can you even find   quiet places here let's find out feel free to join  all right but first I need to get to el nido I am   currently in coron wow I think this is going to  be an interesting flight I think this is one of   the smallest planes I've ever been on and this  is also one of the shortest flights of my life   I think it's going to be less than 30 minutes oh  I'm think I'm Too Tall here my head is hitting the   top here almost so we have two seats on this side  and then two seats on that side only all right I'm   going to sit right here here in the first row all  right where do we have the here two b and a is the   window seat all right so this is also interesting  I've never seen this before that somebody is   flying backwards I know this is the first time I  see this in the plane oh I'm not sure if I would   like it to fly backwards you know very interesting  configuration here actually the space for me is   okay so I always book an exit seat so we have the  exit seat right here so that I do have a bit more   space because if you look here the space would  be very limited if you are a tall person like   I am but to be honest just half an hour flight so  I wouldn't really mind but yeah othered so far I   would say this is like a regular airplane despite  the the seat configuration over there which I have   never seen before but other than that small plane  but similar feeling as in the big planes and yeah   you can see the propellers from here and then  it's actually pretty hot here let me turn this   on all right excited for the let's go to a our  fly time is approximately 20 minutes and we sh   the C of 10,000 so usually I prefer flying with  bigger planes because on the small ones you feel   the turbulences if there are some way more than in  the big planes but this flight was actually quite   smooth and you can see on the map here that  it wasn't a long distance we just flew from   one Island to the neighboring one basically and  yet throughout the flight we had beautiful views   you could see all the islands to blue water so  it was a very beautiful flight I have to say very   interesting to just look out the window the whole  time and then we arrived already at the airport   at 10:54 so A short flight but a smooth one all  right I think this was indeed the shortest Flight   Of My Life 25 minutes only and we have arrived in  ano thank you very much thank you wow this was an   interesting experience with a small plane like  this and now we have arrived in the paradise of need and yeah also here the airport seems to  be very small which uh was kind of expected   to be honest and yeah I actually do have two  issues now that I need to figure out first of   all I don't have a hotel booking yet so I need to  figure out where to stay tonight hello thank you   very much and then the second issue is I haven't  had breakfast yet so I need breakfast and I need a   hotel all right and this is the baggage claim  area also very small and my bag is here all   right so that was a smooth experience overall so  compared to the ferry you can of course also take   a ferry the ferry takes about 5 hours obviously  the the flight is way faster but also of course   more expensive I think I paid around $120 for the  flight now and I just booked it like 2 days ago   but yeah let's see if I can get breakfast here and  then figure out where I'm going to stay maybe I   get a sandwich here hello you have sandwiches  yeah are they fresh you make them fresh yes   or it's like cold ones no it's um we go get uh a  bu you cook it fresh okay what do we have cheese   grilled ham can I get the ham and cheese 195 pesos  195 yeah oh I understand vlogger yeah you want to   say hello to YouTube hello what is your name Jam  okay nice to meet you I saw your uh videos on Tik   Tok oh you saw me on Tik Tok before yeah thank  you very much thank you all right okay so here's   the plan I'm going to finish the sandwich now  energize myself and then I have a look at what   hotel options I have and then we are going to  take a tricycle to town check in into the hotel   and then explore around okay so I don't have a  hotel yet for elido so what I'm going to do now is   just browsing around booking.com see the options  that I have so I'm staying for three nights here   I always use some filters Hotel private bathroom  very good review and an air condition obviously   of course as well let's see and yeah usually I my  hotels one or two days in advance never more than   that to be honest I'm very spontaneous and usually  that's never a problem but yesterday I was so busy   that I somehow forgot about booking a hotel for  today I basically just remembered on the way to   the airport earlier can I find tricycles here  outside outside okay thank you all right the   hotel is booked let's see if we can get to the  hotel where can I to tricle yeah yeah what you   want to tell sir I want to go to the to a seun  hotel 300 00 yes oh you have fixed prices here   yeah yeah yeah oh interesting okay 300 is the same  price that the girl over there mentioned and seems   to be the case that they have fixed prices here  welcome oh thank you very much see Hotel hello I'm   your driver oh sure okay thank you very much yeah  how many minutes to the town maybe 15 15 minutes   but if you want to eight if you want to make it  8 we need fly if I want to make it 8 minutes we   can fly yeah okay let's make it let's make it 8  minutes is this the flying tricycle of elido oh   that will be interesting how many people you can  fit in here uh two people people yeah yeah then   more people and then including all the luggage  it's going to be pretty tight in there I guess   you're tired even here okay very good so you don't  need to be worried about the safety of your B here   and we have all the highlights here already npan  Beach Las Cab's Beach zipline Kopi walk so many   things to do here so your name is AR yeah yeah are  you from yeah I live here but I mean are you born   here uh I was born in the not hereo and part of  Palawan is palan yeah you know P bon no I don't   know P Bon is the uh it's a beautiful Tre also  here in Palawan Palawan everywhere is beautiful I   think right that's good what is the most beautiful  place in palan in your opinion here is the most   beautiful so I was already be really loving coron  you probably saw my previous videos from coron how   beautiful it is there and now he says it's more  beautiful here so my expectations are really high now but um yeah once we have checked in very   curious to explore around might even  meet up with one of my friends later again this is the town right yeah yeah so we  have arrived in the need Town how many people   live here I don't know but it's small town right  not not a big town obviously so small cozy Town   that's what I have heard people right yeah over  here over there okay a this one here ah we have   arrived seon Hotel let's see what you can get in  a town for $100 night oh that was an easy ride I   think it was even less than 15 minutes to be h  this we do have a quick tricycle almost flying   tricycle yeah very good we were very quick  hello welcome hello 3 yeah okay thank you   very much nice to meet you all right let's check  Ino oh we have some dogs here oh wow are these   the hotel dogs yes oh wow oh look how fluffy they  are that is cute what are the names of the dogs um this one is China this one is samb this one you  can touch her but this one please no this one I   can't touch yes this this one is Moody one a moody  one she doesn't want to be touched hello hello but   this one is okay oh it's so fluffy wow what a  nice dog oh I think I've never checked into a   hotel and the first thing I see there are two  Lovely Hotel dogs good first impression yeah   can I check in already ask what is your name  please reservation I just booked 15 minutes   ago when I arrived at the airport and just you  or you have just one person yeah just yeah so   you see my name in your system already  yes very quick and easy okay so yeah I   can't check in but they told me I can check  in already in like 30 minutes so I gave me   some water and I have Wi-Fi access already and  this is the the breakfast area already so I have   breakfast included here which yeah obviously  it's too late already now we do have a little   pool area here which looks actually quite  cozy and good for relaxing let's check it out let's open the window for the view yeah  so if you want the even with Ocean View here   yeah it's near oh nice yeah so if you want to  going going out so maybe right side and then the   maybe it's a five walk 5 minutes to the beach  yeah yeah 5 minutes or 2 minutes something like   that make it very close oh wow that looks very  nice so so if you want to smoke sir please open   here I don't smoke oh okay so maybe you take  a pies already yeah but sitting here maybe   drinking coffee or something yeah so we have a  big main room like this we have a big double bed   we have a place to yeah put some things there's  a fridge down there actually is there something   inside I don't don't think so no nothing inside  but I will fill it up later with some drinks uh   actually a lot of uh storage places here you know  a desk right here yeah we already saw the ocean   view which uh looks really really beautiful we're  going to check out the beach later in the video   of course as well so yeah this is what you can  get in elnido for $100 a night obviously elido   is a bit pricey because it's a very touristy  Place probably yeah together with coron where   I'm just coming from the most touristic place  in the Philippines so obviously the prices are   a bit up here okay so this is very interesting  what is this for like what is this supposed to   block ah maybe it's to block the wind from  the airon so it doesn't blow directly onto   the bed oh then it's actually very smart wow  I've never seen something like this and yeah   guys by the way I recently released my Philippines  travor guide eBook The Book is Full with useful   information about traveling in the Philippines  like how to get around the country how to find   the best hotel deals a full breakdown of my  average cost of living and traveling here and   the core of the book is my personal collection  of over 100 Google Maps links to locations all   over the country every hotel that I have been to  that I can recommend every restaurant viewpoints   hidden gems motorbike rental shops and so on all  the places that I personally have visited that   I can recommend to you are linked in the book if  you would like to check out the book I will leave   a link in the description thank you very much okay  all right I was able to uh rent a motorbike at my   hotel and now we're going to explore but first  we're going to meet a friend now he should be   somewhere down the road here all right there he  is what's up hello hello how's it going can't   recognize you with you look like a gangster  I know I know I got to protect from the Sun   but uh some of you may know him this is Jonathan  from the channel travel escapes maybe you could   uh recognize the oh the B head oh I'm about  oh there's a car coming let me get out of the rain okay he's already here in elido for I  think a week now you're here already for a   week right yeah yeah so you know the area a  little bit yeah I'm the I guess I'm the tour   guide expert the area where you want to go now  you know the way yeah okay then you lead the way   okay I'm just going to follow you then okay so  we're just going to follow him he knows the aere   already I obviously don't because I literally  just arrived but yeah you can see the weather   is perfect to rent the scooter explore around  on your own that's one of the best things you   can do in the Philippines get on the bike explore  a beautiful area like here on your own oh I love   doing that and wow how cool looks that the huge  Limestone Cliffs here you're basically passing   by them while cruising around the town wow that  is really nice but yeah other than that my first   impressions here are it looks like a typical  tourist Place wow to be honest just cruising   around here is super fun and beautiful I mean just  look at the road and then on the right side I can   sometimes see a glimpse of the Ocean between  all the trees here and what I've seen so far   looks incredible so I'm very curious to see it and  also to show you of course all right vanilla Beach okay here park here okay you'll get blocked in  over there they'll move your you'll get blocked   in like three rows deep so yeah okay sounds  like a better option park to park here then   okay we have arrived at the beach Las caban Beach  which he just told me is one of the best spots   for Sunset as well yep right yeah because the  sun doesn't set in the elino town proper exact   yeah yeah oh wow this looks incredible already  yeah this is the Philippines that you imagine   right beautiful beach good sand quality the  water looks turquoise how do you say that in   English turqua what's that turqua the color of  the water in English turqu turquoise turquoise   oh you thought it was French or something with  a silent S no I mean I don't know it's English   but I wasn't sure how to pronounce it yeah no tur  turquoise turquoise we pronounce the S yeah it is   pretty beautiful here and yeah elido the main  town is on the right side of the a huge Cliff   over there so that's where we are just coming from  all right so since he has been here before already   he knows a place where we can get food right on  the beach and that actually sounds pretty good to me okay so this is the spot so we're going to  have lunch here right in front of the beach one   of the most beautiful beaches here in Palawan wow  this looks like a really cool spot for restaurant   he's having nice cocktails there that looks  good so I guess it's going to be like Western   food here pretty much I think it's got a  little bit of everything I think they've   got some Filipino favorites over here they've got  crispy PA a crispy P yeah cang Pang what have you   tried here before I always get the same thing  which is just off the grill chicken kebab and   beef sauté oh that sounds good actually I would  like to have the vagio burger and then do you have   uh Sprite yes okay then one Sprite please as well  wow that looks delicious wow a vagu burger right   on the beach with this view right [Music] here and  potato fries and three different sauces so I think   this is tomato sauce mayonnaise and C mustard  I think you have peanut betti also very popular   dish in the Philippines I tried it before as well  okay so I don't even know where to start the vagu   burger so usually vagu meat is yeah obviously way  better quality than regular meat I tried vag new   burger a few months ago in Malaysia maybe some  of you have seen that video and that was a really   awesome Burger experience and yeah have a look at  this decent Petty here this is a really nice Petty   have you tried vagio Burger before I've never you  never tried it no oh the it's just a different   meat experience I've I've eaten I've eaten it in  Japan but not a burger I've had oh so you tried   vagu be before I've had the beef yeah okay okay  just not the burger just not the burger and it   was it was torched yeah I think that's probably  even better than yeah than the burger patties so   the original vagu meat okay that's way better than  this one I guess but yeah let me give it a bite now you immediately taste the difference it's just  such a better beef quality it's very juicy there's   like water squeezing out or probably it's fat  and not water but yeah not sure if you can see   it oh this is delicious what's the the bread  like the bread is actually very I don't think   it's a regular burger bun it's like brush bread oh  yeah so it's h definitely better than the regular   burger buns and then they Grill it a little bit  you can see the the lines from the grill here that   usually adds a good flavor and then you can see  how the the fat is dripping out here so you can   imagine how juicy the the beef is i' actually try  the Veges as well W the Veges are also way better   than regular french fries what do I pay for this  I think 700 pesos so you of course pay a higher   price because it's vagu beef and of course you  have this view here amazing oh I'm down to the   last two bites but once again if I squeeze it you  can see the the juice the fat dripping out so that   really shows how juicy this Patty is oh this was  delicious all right he's got to catch the Drone   because it's returning home now and the homeboy  is in the ocean did you get that on film yeah   that was not fun did you tell them what happened  what happened actually so the Drone was trying   to land by itself but the home point was in the  water that was what what happened right exactly   the it you want to establish a home point on sand  on land but my home point was established in the   water and then it lost connection for some reason  and when it loses connection it goes to the home   point and lands yeah yeah luckily it was just two  met out yeah yeah if it were yeah you would have   seen me swimming out there oh man look at this  this isn't I'm waterproof yeah in case you don't   know if the Drone gets into water it's done that's  it for the Drone then that was that was intense   we have the famous elnido zip line here we can do  zip lining here yes sir and it's from here to the   island over there right sorry that was starts from  the mountain going to the island then if you're   Tak one way there's a stairs in the landing site  going down so you can walk back I can walk so I   don't need to swim no need to swim so we have uh  the sitting price is 600 Superman is 800 okay so   we have to walk up this steep Road here but check  out the view already from here so this is the zip   lining starting somewhere over there and then wow  I love the view here already and I can imagine   it's even more beautiful once we're up there here  we are we have reached the top and yeah the views   already incredible from here just standing here  and now imagine we are zip lining over there to   that Island hello hello this is two sit one okay  please sign your name here one in here and then   one in oh what what are we signing here that's  a waiver sir a voluntary waiver sir a voluntary   waiver yep so I don't have to sign it um you're  uh we're not forcing you to do the zip line that   is true it's true I can I can say I'm not being  forced to do the zip line here okay so probably   like in case something happens then they are  not responsible here I'm getting a helmet as   well all right why do I need a helmet if you fall  you're done yeah well I hope I don't fall for the   cable he said for the cable okay all right is  this actually a bit scary I'm not so sure huh   how many meters is this 750 sir 750 m so almost  1 km down the line here towards the other Island   you need to follow that position lean back and  straight your legs all the way okay is this safe   yeah yeah ever happened any accidents here no  no accidents excident free okay are you ready   sir yes I'm ready okay back more all right one  two three enjoy okay let's go W oh this is oh my god oh no oh I'm oh no [Music] W oh check it out to you [Music] W oh that was a rough Landing you came in here okay I'm not going back wow that was  fun right yeah way more fun than I thought   it was going to be all right so we on the way  back so we have to walk over these rocks here   and then they're actually is a way a path to  walk back to the beach but yeah just look at   this the the sceneries here in elido are just  out of this world this is just so beautiful   I do understand now why this is one of  the most famous and touristic places in   the Philippines and I haven't even seen that  much yet I literally just arrived a few hours ago okay so the idea is now because it's almost  sunset time to find a beautiful spot to watch   the beautiful sunset we have some coconuts  here maybe we can get a fresh coconut are   you thirsty this is uh a different place than  where I got the coconut last time but yeah I'll   I'll definitely drink a coconut they have H  hallo here H hallo let's do that inside the   coconut no I wish would have been good yeah we  could do that we could chop I I thought do you   get the Halo Halo inside the coconut we can  put it together yes sir hello the girls over   there told me you have delicious Halo Halo here  oh yeah can I get Halo Halo inside the coconut   sure different uh price that's okay it's 2 as  long as it's delicious I'm happy to pay all   right here we go I'm Halo hallo inside a coconut  yeah oh wow I've never seen this before maybe we   are the first persons ever to order a Halo Halo  inside the coconut hey hold the H H I'm going   to hold actra coconut all right so here we have  it h hollow inside a coconut let me know in the   comments if you ever saw this before but yeah  what could be better then eating H hallo at the   beautiful beach in the Philippines okay so there's  a decent Siz coconut here and yeah what actually   do we have inside here so I ate Halo Halo a  couple of times last year in the Philippines   already and usually some shops put in different  ingredients as far as I know so let's see what   she has in here so we have U ice cream in here  we have bananas in here which is nice I'm a huge   fan of bananas and this one should be ice shave  shaved ice you call it shaved ice mhm right yeah   and oh we also have mango here and then we  have we have corn in here as well which is   interesting and then I think some jelly but  well let me just try it before I'm talking too much M it's delicious it's very creamy  as well the U ice cream is very creamy   thick and creamy maybe that's because  it's half melted already I'm not sure   but it's very good oh it's Mard up  M up Mard up thank you very much   it's delicious already banana pieces in here and  actually you can see there's a lot in here oh also   actually coconut I think I mean obviously we're  eating inside a coconut so you kind of expect some   coconut pieces in there which we do have in here  oh combining coconut with Halo Halo is a great   idea I think whose idea was it I think the girls  gave us the idea right uh I don't remember I want   to take credit for it oh the thing is you find so  many different things once you dig deeper inside   look at this there's green jelly in here so  yeah this is a great idea if you happen to be   somewhere in a beautiful location like this in the  Philippines try it out H hallo inside a coconut   so actually I want to show you the view again  because we do have the sunset about to happen   over there soon we have the Halo Halo in my hands  eating a Halo Halo at a beach in the Philippines   so you're saying you didn't spill it let's see  if I can drink it as well without spilling it easy right yeah better than drinking  with the paper straw yeah definitely easier that was very Mas up yeah very delicious  and a very big portion yeah there was a lot to   eat inside actually and then the M inside you  going to put it together what did you also put   coconut inside yeah exactly the meat inside  there's a yeah I mean like the the juice I was   tasting like coconut yeah but maybe just coming  from the juice I'm not sure yeah exactly but it   was delicious did someone ever order coconut  inside H before but it's very difficult for   that if I have alone here because it's a very  um difficult to prepare yeah exactly yeah but   you did a good job thank you for okay how much  I owe you for one coconut one Halo Halo coconut   and one water that's uh 290 for you 290 okay  all right we're trying to get to to the Sunset   Point actually this is already pretty epic here  I think we can just continue here because yeah I   was spotting uh an empty Beach on the other side  of the bay oh be careful that rock is loose which   one the the big one right here okay I think we  made it to the beach and guess what we are the   only people here better than the touristy place  over there with like 100 people for sunset time so   Wow have a look at this what a view and as you  can see nobody here so over there this is the   famous touristy Sunset Viewpoint and yeah  the past 20 minutes while we were sitting   there eating the Halo Halo we saw literally  like a 100 people walking by so that place   over there is definitely totally overcrowded with  people and then you just go on a little Adventure   through the bushes here and you can end up on  a beautiful beach Beach just by yourself so in   case you're wondering where we are now so this  over there is vanilla Beach we have Las Cabanas   Beach over there and then yeah basically next to  vanilla Beach you can find this place right here   we have some dogs here hello hello you look very  wet and muddy oh three little uh stray dogs here   well actually I don't think they have stray dogs  because this one has a uh what do you call that so yeah I have seen plenty of beautiful sunsets  in the past weeks here in the Philippines also   you saw some of uh the previous sunsets uh in  my videos from coron for example but I have to   say this one is very very beautiful like there  are no clouds you have a really clear shot of   the sun going down it looks pretty cool because  it's basically setting right beside or right in   theid M of all these limestone rocks here what  I love doing is getting away from everyone else   that's what I do it in all my videos all  the time right yeah if there's a group if   everyone's going that way I'm going that way  exactly like what we just did yeah same same   and now I think we can literally witness the sun  disappear should be I reckon 10 more seconds no   even less and now the sun is gone wow we  literally just witness the end of the day   and if you want to see one of my previous videos  where I was still in coron also one of the most   beautiful places in the Philippines definitely  a mustsee as well then feel free to check out   the video right here stay healthy stay positive  and then see you on the next episode ciao guys

2024-06-02 07:39

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