1st Arrival In The Maldives (Not As Expected)

1st Arrival In The Maldives  (Not As Expected)

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have you ever dreamed to visit the Maldives s  one of the most stunning places on Earth ever   since I started traveling the Maldives have been  a dream destination for me I always imagined to   be on the postcard perfect beach with crystal  clear blue water in front of me and today I'm   finally trying to make that dream come true at the  end of this day I want to be at such a beach but   the problem is it might not be the best time to  visit the Maldives the weather forecast for the   next few days rain so this entire trip could turn  into a complete failure and I could end up losing   my money and wasting my time going there and as  usual I booked this trip very spontaneously just   a few days ago so I haven't done much preparation  I don't even know how to get to my hotel which is   on a different Island than the airport so we  have to figure out everything step by step so   join me on this adventure to the malds and let's  see if we can make it to a picture perfect Beach   later today all right and here I am at my gate  I'm actually flying business class today and I   think I might found the world's cheapest  business class flight I will tell you the   price later first let's see if the flight is  actually any so if the upgrade was worth it   I think this is my gate right here c23 okay time  to board the plane is actually quite small I was   expecting a bigger plane for an almost 5-hour  flight to be honest and as usual I always touch   the plane before I enter all right and here  we have the business class and then we have   the regular economy class over there and I have  seat 3A which is right here okay first impression   here the seat is of course way bigger and more  comfortable compared to the regular airplane seats we and we also do get a water yes thank you you  have some more orange juice no it's fine I guess   ladies yes thank you T so yeah I really love the  seat so far already the leg space here is amazing   yeah the seats are very comfortable as well even  a headrest here and then there's plenty of space   to yeah leave your phone leave your watch and  then I think here I can uh get up a table later   when the food is going to be served and then  you can even charge your phone here and this   is for the headphones and then even here you  can uh recline the seat of course Let's test   that out we have these buttons here and then  we also have a leg rest here just like this   and then this is a good position at least for a  quick nap yeah I got a pillow as well they also   offered me a blanket so if you do really want  to get a nap here and let be possible and yeah   of course there's also food included here which  will be served after takeoff welcome you on our   flight 293 for mod the commander this is Captain  okay and we have left KOA L the start was about   45 minutes delayed but the expected flying time  is only about 4 hours which is half an hour less   than expected and yeah right after the start  we actually had quite a few turbulences I am   flying a lot but turbulences like this are  actually quite rare for me and I'm actually   quite hungry it is 11:00 a.m. in the morning now  and I didn't have breakfast yet oh I am surprised   uh it looks like in a fancy restaurant you now  okay there were four different options to choose   from I decided to take chicken Teryaki and there  was also a crong and a little cake on the side   and yeah overall the food was okay nothing too  special but for a meal inside a plane okay but   I also have to say that I think there's not a big  difference between this meal and the regular meal   in economy class just the presentation here was a  bit better than usually the presentation of food   inside a plane and yeah now I think we have about  3 and 1/2 hours more to go and I'm really looking   forward to finally see the beautiful islands  of the males later through this window right here and yeah this is the bathroom here which  is very very small I think there's no difference   between the bathroom here in the business class  and in the economy class and you can see I can't   even stand straight here with my 1 M 90 but yeah  of course this bathroom is only shared with the   people in the business class we are only 10 people  here so you don't have to share your bathroom with   like 100 people in economy class and yeah I think  I haven't mentioned the name of the airline yet   this is by the way batique Airline which is a  Malaysian Airline and yeah I also just took a   naet for about an hour and I really love how  spacious it is here even if there would be a   second person sitting next to me there would still  be plenty of space for me here so that is really   really great so overall the experience here in  business class has been great also the staff was   really friendly it was possible to order drinks at  any time also like coffee or tea and yeah how much   did I pay for this flight so the regular ticket  for the economy class by the time I booked this   flight was $200 and for the business class ticket  I paid $300 so only $100 more than the regular   economy class ticket and I think that makes it  the world's cheapest business class flight only   $100 for a 4-Hour business class flight that  is pretty good value in my opinion but I also   have to mention that my business class ticket was  without a lounge access the same ticket including   lounge access would have been $150 extra which  is still a good price I think so yeah let me   know in the comments if you think paying $100  extra is worth it for a business class like   this and now I really can't wait to arrive I am  very very excited for my first time in the malds dear thank you very much and we have arrived in  the Mal Dives let's see how the arrival cres will   be like here I'll actually be able to enter the  country because I don't have a Visa yet and we   have to take a bus first and wow the arrival  here was so beautiful seeing the islands the   clear blue water that was really impressive  already all right then here we are I'm not   allowed to film here usually so see you on the  other side all right and I am in the country I   can stay Visa free for 30 days with a German  passport and this was literally a thing of 2   minutes they are very organized here I think  there were like 10 immigration officer ready to   check the tourist so very organized and what are  we having here Bank of malds uh okay here we are   yeah the Maldives one of the most touristy places  in the world one of the most well-known Destin   worldwide for luxury travel for honeymoon  Travelers so I'm actually very excited to   be here first of all I need cash I see the sign  ATM up there that is now the first mission and   after that we have to figure out how to get  to my hotel which is on a different Island   but first things first let's get some cash hell  you want to change money no I just want ATM other   ATM is good this one sometime hungry the ATM was  hungry hungry do you put the card card not coming   hungry now oh let's see don't take the let's see  if the ATM will keep my card or not I guess that   he's just saying that because he wants to sell me  his money how much do I need so the currency here   is maldivian rofia let's get 2,000 I think that  should be around $150 and that's the sound I like   to hear and the card is coming out yeah I would  never change money from a guy waiting in front   of the ATM approaching me but yeah this is what  the money is looking like we have uh 500 notes   Here 100 notes and yeah $1 us is about 15 Malian  rupia and have a look at this I can see the ocean   already oh wow actually let's get a first very  quick glimpse of the ocean before I will enter   the airport again and figure out how to get to my  hotel oh wow this is already nice oh wow check out   the water here that looks beautiful already  oh I'm so excited to be here that is amazing   oh I hope the water looks as good on camera as  it looks here in real life that is amazing and   we have trees here already palm trees looking  beautiful wow so yeah I am actually now in the   capital which is called Mali actually I'm not in  the capital I'm next to the capital the capital is   on a small island by the way the capital here is  the most densely populated city in the whole world   about 200,000 people are living on this small  island which is about half the population of the   whole country and in total there are over 1,000  Islands here in the malds but only about 200 of   them are inhabited and you have to differentiate  between local islands and Resort Islands some   islands are only for hotels and resorts and some  islands are also for the locals of course and here   the first island where I am staying for the first  few days is actually a local Island which is right   next to the airport called hulali more information  about this island later because it's actually a   very interesting Island so let's see how I can  actually get there I think I think actually I   need to go there or I can go there via boat excuse  me how can I get a boat to Hulu Mal Hulu there is   no boat to hulali there's no boat to hulali you  can take tax from there taxi from there yeah all   right I have to abort the mission there's no boat  going to My Island there's only a ferry these are   the faeries going to mallei which is the capital  uh Island which is actually right over there in   the distance which we will explore in probably  the next video oh yeah here you can get a   taxi to Mali but yeah I am going to hul Huli hul  hulali that's my Island but wow this is probably   the most beautiful arrival I ever had in the  country you literally step out of the airport   and then you're welcomed with this water here that  is quite impressive oh and we very lucky with the   weather so far the weather forecast for the next  days was only rain rain and rain some driving here   and we have Sunshine that is great although we  do have some clouds over there but let's stay   positive and hope they will not come closer hello  can I get a taxi here just this one okay thank you   all right hello I want to go to Amber Beach Hotel  Amber Beach Hotel in Hulu Mal yeah you know it   yeah I know oh perfect very easy then okay so far  the arrival here very stressfree very beautiful so   I'm having really good good first impressions here  and I'm really really excited to uh spend the next   few weeks here how many minutes do we need uh 15  to 20 15 to 20 okay not that far are you from here   yeah yeah it's my first time here I'm very looking  forward to stay here yeah I hope not the last time   hope not the last time let's see let's see the  first impression here is very good where you come   from I'm from Germany Germany there is quite often  German people is coming there's lot of German   people here what is the number one at the moment  is the China and the chines yeah then the UK I   think if you are going to the the local Island  totally different concept I would like to stay on   a local and also you can really see in the local  people and the TR CER of local that's what I'm   interested about yeah yeah we are entering Hulu  now which as far as I know is an artificial Island   which was created because the the main capital  Mali was getting too small for all the people so   I created this artificial Island right next to it  and the airport is basically in between these two   islands how many years ago was this island created  There is almost 15 20 years now 20 years okay so   pretty new then it's actually pretty fascinating  that uh they can create a whole island in the   middle of the ocean basically here and then being  able to build houses and everything here how much   you get $7 or 100 rupes 100 ruia yeah okay I later  found out that there's actually a fixed price for   this ride of only 80 rufia which I actually saw  here on the sign as well before I entered the taxi   but to be honest I just didn't notice it then all  right here we are so yeah my hotel is about 100   m over there he just dropped me off because  this is a oneway road here but guys I think   we are lucky today because there's a beach right  here and we are going to check it out of course   very soon but first let me check in I'm actually  also looking forward to the hotel uh it's not   that cheap the malds are a bit more expensive  than other places in South or southeast Asia   and yeah let's see what $150 a night gets you  in the malds right at the beach is it this one   right here oh yeah I'm staying in the Amber  Beach hotel which is this right here hello   good afternoon I have a reservation for Ken  yeah the Maldives are one of the most priciest   places you can go in the world but not everything  here is fancy luxury hotel resorts for hundreds of   dollar you can also get a more simple room like  this for $150 only a night this is the view from   the balcony here that is pretty cool what a  view this is already oh I can't wait to uh go   down to the beach later all right before we are  going to check out the beach I'm actually quite   quite hungry again and if you want to get to know  a new country there's no better way than doing it   by trying the local food so I'm trying to find the  spot now where I can actually try some maldivian   food to be honest I don't know much about the  local food here yet all I heard that they eat   a lot of fish here especially tuna fish and that  is actually quite good because yeah I'm not a huge   Seafood of fish fan but tuna fish is actually my  favorite fish so I'm definitely curious to try   tuna here in the Maldives so let's get some very  first impressions of this island here Hulu Mal   which yeah is a local Island but still many hotels  here but it's not like some of the islands that   are only with Resorts so some islands you can find  here in the males there's no local life on these   islands they are only in the hands of hotels  and resorts but I am here to uh yeah see more   of the local sides of the country I mean you all  probably have seen the famous Instagram shots from   the malds before the beautiful hotels the water  Villas I'm more interested to see the local sides   of the country that's what I usually like to do  on my channel so I think the city here is actually   quite walkable I think you can basically walk  from one end to the other in like half an hour or   so and there's a park right in the center of the  island which I would like to visit now and then   maybe from there we can see if we can find the  restaurant around there or make some other plans   and here we actually have a mosque and in case you  didn't know the Maldives are predominantly Muslim   country I think I remember reading that 98% of the  population are Muslims so you can find mosque all   around the country but I also read that it is a  bit different once you leave the local Islands if   you go to the tourist Islands then of course you  will see tourists walking around the beach with   a bikini you will find tourists drinking alcohol  but on the local Islands you will not find that   I really have to say I always really love first  days in the new country it is so interesting for   me just to walk around everything is new I think  actually that this is quite a local residential   area here so just like a 5 minute walks away  from from the beach from all the hotels you   have a local residential area here which actually  looks quite nice but wow I am so so happy that we   are lucky with the weather literally yesterday  when I checked my weather app it says raining   and the forecast for the whole week was raining  raining raining so I was really a bit worried   but now we arri here and the weather at least  so far is beautiful hello what are you selling   here some food yeah yeah ah what is this oh  we have some snakes here by the side of the   road green peas green beans yeah beans ah and  this one is this one is sausage sausage yeah ah   okay you said fish fish yeah oh and this looks  like cake here oh we do have a little bit of   sweet food here I'm definitely curious to try  something is this homemade by you you make at   home yeah oh okay what can you recommend  here I thought you're having a mic but oh   it's a it's a camera you know I would like to try  something which which which one can you recommend   uh you can try this is also good and this is  a little bit chili this look like Samosa yes fish okay how much is one piece rupia okay can I  get one of this one please you can try each one   so that you'll know which one is better yeah  I want to try more than one is this typical   for Mali Malian food yeah it's all all Malian  food all maldivian food potato yeah oh okay   then one of this please as well and then one  of these was with fish right yeah it's fish   yeah I I get one of these taste is different in  everything The Taste is different okay okay I'm   happy to try okay then one of these with fish  yeah fish this is with egg oh this is with egg   yeah it's very delicious okay then one as  well please if you say it's very delicious   then I have to try it okay I think that's  enough for me to try so in total how much   you get 11 rupia 11 rupia yeah oh looks like  you can also find Sweet food here in the malds   that is lovely oh and it's a homemade by by  them right oh nice okay okay thank you very much how do I say thank you herea yeah it sounds  Arabic like an yeah it's Arabic language yeah   mix up Arabic and Malian mix languages okay I  learned my first word here I just arrived here   my first time in the miv really I just arrived  one hour ago where you from I'm from Germany   how how do I say hello again yeah that meanso  okay very easy okay thank you so much for this   have a good day byebye byebye all right I got  some snaks maybe we're going to eat them in the   park very curious to try it and I also learned  my first local words and yeah I actually heard   that the local language here is a mix of Hindi  and Arabic and English and yeah we just learned   shukuya already which means thank you which is the  same word as far as I know in Arabic as well and   my first impression here is also that people here  do speak English which of course makes the life   for me as a tourist a bit easier here you know  what let's also get a drink for the snakes and   I think I can get some drinks here maybe even a  coconut not sure if they have local coconuts here   or if they import them from maybe Sanka which is  also nearby but we're definitely having coconut   here hello can I get a coconut here yeah how much  is one coconut 30 Ria 30 rupia okay can I get one   are these from the malds or you import them from  the malds okay maybe I just uh this one okay all   right so they are indeed from the mald so we  have local coconuts here and then I think he's   now cutting the coconut freshly open somewhere  in the back there okay thank you very much 15   all right and just like that I got myself my  first Malian coconut oh coconuts are always   good can't go wrong with coconuts especially  when it's as hot as today here and I think   the park where I want to go to is actually right  over there and yeah now you can hear the prayers   from the mosque in the background okay I found  the park I found the place here in the shade by   the way very beautiful Park here really love it  very well maintained lots of trees here to get   shade from the Sun and yeah let's uh give these  snakes a try so the first things I'm going to eat   in the malds some homemade snaks from the lovely  couple by the side of the road uh to be honest I   forgot already what is inside which item so  let's just try it and maybe I can figure it out oh lots of spices in here some onions not sure  what else The Taste reminds me me about food I ate   before in Sri Lanka maybe the maldivian cuisine  is similar to the Sri Lankan Cuisine I'm not sure   what is inside here could be fish together with  onions and some vegetables and lots of spices but   actually The Taste is really nice I really like it  also the dough here is quite fluffy and nice and   then this one I'm pretty sure this one was with  egg also some spices in here so I think the the   maldivian cuisine typically uses a lot of spices  similar to like the Indian or the S Lankan cuisine   as well and this one I'm pretty sure was with fish  looks almost like a chocolate cookie right but no   it's not not sweet definitely Savory and there's  a slight fishy taste to it but not in a bad way   and then I have two more this little one here the  first bite tasted the same as the one before also   with a very Savory filling inside here and the  last one this one oh this one is for potato inside   M oh this is really good I think this one is  actually my favorite okay honestly all these   snacks were really good I think I have to go  back to them later to tell them and look at   this looks like China is also investing here Hunan  construction Investment Group yeah it really seems   like China is investing everywhere we have seen  plenty of countries before on my channel where   China is investing and looks like it's also the  case here in the malds and in fact actually the   bridge that we used earlier from the airport  to the island is called The Chinese friendship   Bridge because that bridge was also built by the  Chinese actually these snakes were pretty filling   so I might skip the full meal now I'm definitely  curious to uh try local food definitely so I'm   probably going to do that in the next video then  actually the snacks from that old couple were so   delicious that I'm curious now to also try their  cake and I think some dessert is still fitting in   my stomach it was very delicious very good oh  I would also like to try your cake this is all   cake no 1 two three this one this one chocolate  cake chocolate cake this one p p p yeah I'm not   sure what is is this one uh milk milk yeah  milk cake okay how much is one piece this one okay I think I take one of each three pieces  I can I can just eat here I don't need a plastic   bag okay I will just uh eat them right right here  let's see I can just pick one yeah okay okay let   me pick this one okay this is with milk milk okay  let's try this milk cake here in the Maldives oh   that's very good oh it's a very milky taste to  it which I would like very good you make it yeah   yeah yeah oh delicious and also quite a good bite  size okay I'm not really sure what what this was   I didn't really understood what he said but also  English is not my first language so I might just   not know the English word if you know it let  me know in the comments reminds me about kui   in Malaysia if you're from Malaysia you maybe know  what I mean in Malaysia they have a pandan flavor   with kui which looks and tastes very similar to  this oh so delicious very good wow this looks   like a decent uh piece of chocolate here oh it's  so delicious very good it's a very nice chocolate   flavor to it oh how do I say delicious in uh the  local language okay the local language is called   D let's see if we can translate it meu meu yeah  very tasty that means tasty right ah meu okay okay   thank you very much it's okay no change thank you  very much have a good day byebye oh lovely that   was a lovely street food experience here some SA  snakes some sweet cakes and yeah now I think it   is time to complete our goal let's see if we can  find a beautiful spot on the beach here it's so   amazed the cars are actually stopping not all  of them but as you can see some of them at the   zebra Crossing that is definitely not the case  in other countries in South Asia and also not   in Southeast Asia but we are at the beach now are  you ready the first time being at a beach in the   males hopefully a beautiful one hopefully with  very clear blue water let's check it out enjoy   this moment together with me I'm about 20 30  m away from the beach now we already have nice   coconut trees here that is a good start I w't  cut the scene now so you can enjoy this moment   yeah in real time together with me let's enjoy  it I'm so so happy to be here it was a very   spontaneous trip once again I literally decided  to come here I think three or 4 days ago very   spontaneous as usual but now I'm very happy that  I made this decision so let's check out the beach here yeah this will not be the only beach  that I will see in the malds as I said I'm   going to spend a few weeks here I'm planning  two to 3 weeks not sure yet so there will   be more beaches and also other Islands in my  videos and let's have a look here here we are   this is the malds ladies and gentlemen oh  this is beautiful oh wow I'm happy to be   here this is amazing oh welcome to the mald  guys oh we have high tide at the oh damn it   oh my God these are my only shoes that was  unexpected oh oh my God why did the water   suddenly came so high oh and check it out  how much sand I have on my leg now oh my god oh oh I have a problem now with my shoes  because it takes usually a long time to dry   shoes and they are full with Salty Sea  Water now and these are my only shoes oh oh I don't want to let this ruin this moment  now because this what sh a beautiful moment and   suddenly I was attacked by the wave here oh  actually the Raves are huge over there I'm   not sure if you can see it it's maybe too far  on the camera but they are looking huge and   we have sea planes here because the airport is  also used by sea planes so you can can see them   Landing here actually I've never been on a sea  plane before that would be interesting as well I think well okay trying to forget the  situation with my shoes now but this   feels very uncomfortable now my shoes are  full with water look at this they are full   with sand and salt this is not ideal how do  I clean them well I'm definitely not going to   let this ruin my my happy mood here of being  in the the Maldives oh it feels so weird now   to walk with these shoes they are still full of  water I might need to organize some new shoes   for this trip but yeah this was only scratching  the surface of this beautiful country I'm going   to stay here 2 to 3 weeks we're going to see  different Islands different places so if you   want to join the journey feel free to subscribe  to the channel and if you haven't seen my previous   video where I was still in Cambodia in the  capital there then feel free to check out the   video right here stay healthy stay positive  and then see you on the next episode guys

2024-09-29 22:57

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