1st Arrival In Phnom Penh, Cambodia

1st Arrival In Phnom Penh, Cambodia

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I have just arrived in Phnom Penh the capital of  Cambodia and in this video I am going to show you   exactly what it's like to arrive here and then we  are going to get first impressions of this city   that almost 3 million people call home my goal for  today is to make it to my hotel and then explore   three different parts of the city the touristy but  beautiful riverfront, a local neighborhood and a   new modern area and of course I also would like to  try local Cambodian food but navigating around in   new and big city sometimes isn't easy so I am not  sure if this day will be a smooth and stress-free   experience so what's penom pen Cambodia like and  will the city surprise us let's find out feel free   to join all right I just arrived here coming with  the bus from Sihanoukville in southern Cambodia it   was about a 3 and 1/ half hour journey and now  I'm quite Central in the middle of the city so   let's see how I can get to my hotel you have a  Tok Tok yes how much uh to get to my hotel hotel   name my hotel is uh Fairfield by Marriot Fairfield  Fairfield Marriot yes right let's see I think my   hotel should be about 10 to 12 minutes away from  here you know my hotel yeah yeah yeah Fairfield   yeah how much how much you would like to pay I  say yes never mind how much I would like to pay   what do you like four I like uh that's always a  tough question four I think $2 okay three what   that's the price on grab I think less than two  actually $3 okay okay yes okay let's go what's   your name Sun Sun soon nice to meet you nice to  meet you yes I am a Ken from Germany good good soon you know some German Fairfield by marot oh you can sing a song as well yes uh  beginning to learn English yeah or beginning   to learn foreign language foreign languages any  language must select two song to sing and then   pronunciation good Ah that's a good idea yeah  yeah what about German you can sing a German song Friends me or me you speak friends yes ah  yeah codia used to be a French colon yeah yeah   yeah right how many years ago is that oh uh  Cambodia and the coloni of French 100 years   100 years ago right 100 years 100 years okay  but some people still speak French here uh for   old generation yeah me yeah old Generation all so  you speak French yeah a little bit no a lot matal   yeah Primary School yeah University oh everywhere  of French yeah yeah yeah oh interesting okay yeah   but for old generation old generation yeah yes yes  today not anymore uh today yes you see is right   not anymore not anymore yeah oh you have a Barbie  doll here yeah yeah oh my my La my LA but why the   legs are missing it's uh I don't buy her someone  stolen her oh okay and bring her to R oh really   oh oh okay let's go let's get some very first  impressions of the city pomen Cambodia are you   born here in the city yes I'm born here I'm here  and will die here oh [Music] okay yeah penom pen   has about 2 million people which makes it actually  a very small Capital compared to the nearby other   countries like like the capital of Thailand  Bangkok or the capital of Vietnam Malaysia   Indonesia the Philippines they are all way bigger  and here it's only about 2 million people so   rather small City but nevertheless I think a very  interesting City lots of different sites different   places to explore here there's also a lot of  history here and the first impression here is you   see lots of uh these Tuk TOS on the road I'm not  sure if they call it Tuk Tok here or maybe wicka   or maybe these vehicles have lots of different  names in different countries and also very typical   for Southeast Asia you see plenty of motorbikes  around how do you call this Tuk Tuk okay we we   call H tukk you say tukk yeah okay uh and this  gu we call Tuk Tok India Tuk Tok India from India   because it's from India okay yeah and they are Tok  Tok Cambodian these are the Cambodian Tuk TOS yeah   yeah yeah they look a bit different it's basically  a motorbike attached with a Carriage oh what what   is this building here that looks interesting  prime prime office prime minister office oh   that looks like a very big fancy building that  looks cool he just said that the traffic is   always like this not only in the evening no all  day all the time all the time okay it's up night   time exact night okay there's no Metro here  right you don't have no Metro right are they   planning to build a Metro uh yes yes I have okay  and we have traffic police here regulating the traffic oh yeah I think the lobby is here yeah  here's okay yeah you can drop me here all right   that was here about 10 minutes 15,000 it's okay  yeah yeah yeah okay nice to meet you have a good   day bye-bye but now let's see what $100 a night  gets you here in nen Cambodia I'm staying in the   Fairfield by Marriot Hotel which is a hotel I  stayed before in other countries and usually   I'm very happy with this hotel so let's see if  that's also the case here in Cambodia let's see   if the lobby is here that doesn't look like  the official entrance to be honest looks more   like the back door hello is this the lobby 27  floor a 27th floor yes 27 Flor okay thank you   I think the official entrance is right here so I  came through the back door and then we have the   lobby on I forgot the floor already Lobby on the  27th floor hello good afternoon you good afternoon   I would like to check in absolutely can we get  your yeah sure that's cool that you have the   reception on the 27th floor absolutely I was a bit  confused I let me check out the view yeah let's   get a glimpse of the view here overlooking uh the  whole city so this is uh I think overlooking the   southern side of pom pen but it looks quite large  right despite the relatively small size of only 2   million people here and I think in the background  there we can see the river which might be the Mong   River there are two rivers here in the city  Ah that's cool that's a nice view all right   I checked in that was easy going and smooth  I have a room on the 36th floor I don't know   here we go first of all let me make some light  oh I don't need maybe it just works like this   let's check out the view first oh oh yeah that's  a pretty cool View and I think if it wouldn't be   that cloudy I would see the sunset from here so  maybe in one of the next days but uh let's start   with a room tour that's the room here and it looks  exactly almost exactly like the rooms in any other   Fairfield B Mar hotel I stayed in maybe you saw my  video from from Korea or from Shanghai China where   I also stayed in a Fairfield hotel then you maybe  recognize uh the layout of the room but actually   the shower here seems to be a bit bigger which  is nice so a proper shower head here then you   can even sit down here we have the toilet and then  an open space area like this and this is the main   sleeping area with a big king bed you have a couch  area over there and a TV and you may be noticed   that there's not really a door here to close  the bathroom but you can close this sliding door   here so then you do have a bit of privacy in the  bathroom but not a lot oh yeah comfortable nice   pillows feels amazing and I'm very happy to be in  pomen Cambodia now but yeah it's actually getting   dark in like 20 minutes so I think uh we're going  to explore the city tomorrow so see you tomorrow   okay have a good day bye-bye bye all right and  here we are basically in the city center of   penom pen and yeah I would like to show you three  different parts of the city now first of all the   touristy City Center here with the beautiful River  Front but then I also heard that there's a modern   and witch area around here which I would also like  to check out and then also I would like to see a   very typical local neighborhood so that we can  see three different sides of penom pen today and   first we are starting at yeah basically the city  center the touristy site we have the river front   here which we will check out in a minute and here  we have a little park and then the Royal Palace   over there which to my understanding is still The  Residency of the king and his family because yeah   Cambodia is a monarchy it's a constitutional  monarchy and what's special about the monarchy   here in Cambodia is that it's an elective monarchy  there are only very few monarchies in the world   that are elective and Cambodia is one of them  and wow there are so many pigeons here that is   incredible and actually there are also people  here that offer to take pictures of you with   all the pigeons so you can like feed the pigeons  and then walk through them and then people are   taking pictures of you with hundreds of pigeons  around you are you offer tours here yes really I   thought you make a pictures with the pigeons um  do you want to made a picture here no no but uh   I thought that people offer that here right they  still live here right um Yes actually this uh the   the the back in the in the back in in the front  here for the tourist to visit but it can leave   the back side must be annoying when you live here  and every day tourist come to visit your house   yes really must be annoying right for the he's a  popular for the area for the to visit this so we   have a big road here which is maybe also a road  that is uh yeah is actually blocked for the main   traffic I see uh some blocks over there so there's  no traffic no regular traffic here on the road but   can you imagine that maybe sometimes the king or  the royal family does like a parade or something   then it's going to happen on this road right  here I wonder if they or I can imagine that   they probably feed the pigeons here so that  the pigeons always come back or stay around   here because then they can make money with  with the pigeons here by selling uh photos   with the pigeons to the tourists but let's  actually go over there and check out the   the beautiful River Front actually let's get  us little snack as well so many options here   hello what are you selling here you're making  some cake here oh like a waffle ah what is inside something inside it looks almost like a  little pancake a fish pancake okay how much one   p how much for One Piece let's just buy one and  see what's inside uh 1,500 okay one piece please   yes one yes please okay let's see I would  imagine that there's maybe a sweet filling   inside and then I think this is probably the  dough here and then she just heated up here   in these uh forms that she has over some uh some  charcoal here so this is the the fish form here   and then she puts the dough inside and then uh it  gets hot heated up from the charcoal down there   oh little interesting operation here okay oh it  smells delicious here I think the dough is going   to be sweet and then just closing it and then  a few minutes later you have a little pancake   like this oh what is she adding now is this a  butter maybe or maybe this is a sweet condensed milk what is this here is this a butter it's like  milk right I think it's a sweet condensed milk and   then adding a bit more ah I think that is going  to be the filling then so I guess there's this   sweet condensed milk filled inside and then  closing it waiting a few minutes and then you   have a little delicious pancake you have changed  I only have 5,000 okay thank you so much have a   good day let's give it a try sit down here for a  while I'm a bit worried though if I open up the   pancake now that maybe hundreds of these pigeons  are going to attack me trying to steal my pancake   so maybe I have to eat quick let's give it a try  oh I think this one has a chocolate inside oh and   it's still warm almost too warm to eat so this one  is a fresh one very nice great little snake here   it's very good I like it very good okay thank  you we have a small Temple or Pagoda here and   then we can Overlook one of the biggest rivers in  the world which is the Mong river which is over   there and this River here I forgot the name it's  like a small more local River and then we have   the the Mong which uh oh be careful little guy  oh also so many pigeons here oh wow oh oh oh how   did she do that oh she was doing something and  then all the pigeons flew away what did you do   are you fed them ah look at the amount of pigeons  here that is crazy oh wow and yeah what I wanted   to say is we have a a smaller river right here  and that is flowing into the Mong river which is   over there coming from there and yeah Mong River  one of the biggest rivers in the world starting   in China and then passing by Myanmar Thailand  Laos Cambodia and then through Vietnam into   the ocean oh this is actually a pretty Lively  River Front here I can imagine that also in the   evening it's very Lively some people selling  food and drinks somewhere around here what a   nice place if you live live nearby here I can  totally see this being an area to uh come after   work maybe have a walk around the river nice area  oh and people selling Birds here I think I think   you can buy a bird and then release it for good  luck I saw something similar before in Vietnam   and how do I walk here that is insane oh oh oh  okay at least they making way so you can pass   what I really like here so far is that there are  many vendors here like Street vendors tour guides   people offering something but you're not getting  hassled here as a tourist at least so far nobody   like really came to me tried to sell me something  or offering his tours except the one tour guide   over there in front of the temple but he did it in  a very I would say polite way and not being pushy   or aggressively trying to sell something that is  very different in other countries or in some other   countries at least and I like it that that's not  the case yet you can just have a walk around as a   tourist and not being uh hassled by Street vendors  or people trying to offer their tours or their Tuk   Tok rides so that is actually something very nice  here but yeah the river front here goes on and on   I think you can probably walk for like 20 30  minutes just along the river here and also the   next row behind the rad there are plenty of trendy  cafes restaurants International Food bars like the   the bar with the big tiger sign over over there  and I see not a lot but a few westerners around   here so this is obviously a touristy area here you  have international cafes there's a Starbucks over   there as well me I actually don't want to spend  too much time in this area because if you know me   and my channel I prefer the non-touristy areas  getting a ra from places like this but still I   wanted to give you an impression of this area of  the town but let's see if we can get a ride and   then go over to a more local area of the town  which I think will be even more interesting to   explore okay so I'm in a local neighborhood now  in the city I'm actually trying to find the barber   shop because I would like to get a haircut and I  always like to get haircuts in different countries   so actually it also smells delicious here lots of  meat is being sold here by the side of the road   but let's see if I can actually find the barber  shop around here what are they playing here it's   a game oh they're playing a local game here I  think oh maybe this is like a Cambodian version of   chess or be G is this Cambodian game L but this  is from Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia Cambodia again obviously I don't understand this game  but uh maybe it's similar to a be gam or chess   okay thank you have a good day bye-bye yeah  I'm about to enter a market so we have a a   street here which is a full with vendors  so let's explore this Market here markets   are always great to explore especially when you  are in a new city in a new country because this   is where the life is happening the local life  people come here to buy their their Foods their   vegetables their ingredients to cook at home  or in their restaurants so this is I think a   fresh market and the vegetable market oh we  also have fish here hello hello ah yeah you   can buy some fish here these guys are half alive  still and we can buy chicken over there and lots   of vegetables here yeah I would say this is  a very typical market for Southeast Asia you   can find markets same like this in Thailand as  well in Vietnam basically all around southeast Asia oh some snakes here and lots of meat oh even life chickens here they  are tied together I think that's why they can't   move yeah you can't be sensitive on a market in  Southeast Asia you don't like to see things like   that then I don't visit markets in Southeast Asia  overall I'm getting a very typical Southeast Asian   Vibe Seer I would compare it a bit to Vietnam  and Thailand if you walk around the streets of   Bangkok or the streets of haimon City or Hanoi  it's similar lots of business is going on right   on the streets you can basically buy everything  just by the side of the road including food okay   I actually noticed already that there are plenty  of barber shops around here uh I walked by four   or five already in just the past 10 15 minutes  so let's see the next one that I will see I will   just uh take it oh there's one right here I  think let's see if I can get a haircut here   hello can I get a haircut here yeah yeah okay  ah we have a little haircut place just by the   side of the road here so not really a proper shop  just a little stall here unfortunately there was   loud copyrighted music playing in the background  of the shop so I can't include the scene here in   the video but I ended up paying $5 for the haircut  and then I also went to get a shave which turned   out to be quite a good experience yeah and I  have the feeling that not many tourists make it   to this part of the Town based on the looks that  getting here hello no can I get a shave here yeah   you want sale the shave just shave yeah yeah shave  everything yeah yeah yeah I you can sell okay okay   how much uh $2 $2 yeah okay I can make a video  that's okay yeah yeah no problem video about the   shave okay okay okay let's go all right I found  a little shop here oh hello good afternoon hello   sit here okay oh air conditioned shop that's good  proper air conditioning here it's not as hot as   outside hello good afternoon seems to be a family  shop hereo all right so oh I even got water here   oh that's very nice oh lovely fre water included  in the Shaving price a bottle of water that's   great oh thank you so much what's your name my  name Buon Buon yeah okay I am Ken from Germany   Germany yeah you're from Cambodia yeah from okay  okay all right yeah there's not a lot to shave I   usually don't grow a very thick beard but yeah  just everything just uh make me look 10 years   younger again please yeah that's usually the  case when I'm getting a clean shave usually I   look a few years younger in the end oh little  pillow here as well ah I can almost lie down   here oh that is very comfortable oh I like it oh  I think this can turn out to be a good experience   here okay okay let's see what he will actually  use oh that's actually the same that I use as well okay this is the razor blade here okay yeah it immediately feel so much smoother  compared to when I'm doing it on my own here you can really feel a difference  between these professional blades and   the the blades that are for one  time use for example it's a big   difference okay the first side is  done oh feels so smooth already very good very good I should do that more often so much  better than doing it on my own some water you also   do haircuts here right how much is a haircut  here haircut $3 $3 cut and and sell $5 $5 okay I think he's charging very fair prices  here here in an air conditioned shop and   he's charging $5 for haircut and shave  so I think you have a good prices here   you want air clean air clean yes air  clean no just a shave just a shave okay just the shave is okay okay that was  a quick and easy job and I have to say very   smooth I didn't feel any pain at all that was  really really good and I think I do look a few   years younger now and a little massage as  well that's often the case and basically   every country in Asia when you go get a haircut  or a shave usually a little massage is always included even uh setting my hair now oh very  good is this your shop Are You The Boss here   yes you're the boss the B oh oh step yeah your  wife yeah your family yeah family family family   I think I got an honest price here and you  guys know I usually like to reward that and   I'm getting fair and honest prices and I think  $2 for a shave in an air conditioned shop like   this is very good here we go it's okay no change  it's okay tip for you thank you so much that was   really great okay have a good day thank you  very much thank okay byebye you come back I   I come back next time I come back to pen pen  yeah I come also back for haircut yeah yeah   yeah okay okay okay thank you so much thank you  so much okay bye-bye bye-bye oh that was a great   experience you're selling sandwiches here yeah  ah and what they put inside pork pork how much   is one sandwich half half 5,500 5,500 okay can  I get one sandwich I can sit here yeah oh oh we   have this uh very small uh plastic chairs here  and then you can get a little uh sandwich here   by the side of the road ah so this is a pork  meatball oh okay and then she puts on some more   things and a little bit of sauce oh this uh no  no no not not this one h no no chili right thank   you for saving me from this chili yeah I'm not  good with eating chili It's a too spicy [Music] okay thank you very much all right and just like  that we have a sandwich here reminds me about bar   me sandwiches in Vietnam is this a Cambodian  food Vietnamese ah but also popular here ah so   in Vietnam you can get a sandwiches like this  everywhere as a street food and that's because   of the French Colonial history from Vietnam  and I guess it's the same here because also   here Cambodia you have French Colonial history so  this is probably also left over from the French   here so we have lots of meat in here she put  on the meat bolts here as well as the pork meat   from over there and then you can also add the  vegetables here which I think it's cabbage and   then chili sauce okay let's give it a try okay the  first bite was basically just a baguette but the   baguette is already very nice very crispy soft  and crispy oh there's a very fresh taste to it   which is really nice I think it's coming from from  the the sauce right here oh we also have the the   big fatty pieces in here they are very juicy  I like it it's very good very good so that's   how it works here so she puts the baguettes  onto the grill here for just like a minute or   so to make them a bit more crispy and then she  fills it up here with all the delicious items yeah so she adds the big meatballs here they  were actually really good and then more meat   over there the sauce then you can also add  the chili here thank you okay you too thank   you all right you can sit here just by the side  of a market on these little plastic chairs and   then enjoy some some baguettes with meat sitting  here with the with the locals these are always EXP   that I really like the bagett is actually really  nice I really like it family mom mommy mommy mommy   daughter ah okay so I think she's the mom  and that's her daughter your name is Mommy okay the bagette was really delicious this was my first time trying this in Cambodia yeah yeah very delicious thank you c c  good okay thank you so much oh that was a great   experience here no I don't want to go to sville  yeah okay oh you can get a Shar taxi here going to   to siuk where I have been to already in the past  days hello sir hello hello I have the impression   that Cambodian people are actually quite welcoming  and friendly not everyone here speaks English   which is totally fine but uh sometimes despite  the language barrier they're trying to communicate   with me they're being happy smiling welcoming so I  have a nice well I'm getting nice Vibes here from   the people which is awesome really like that by  the way in case you're wondering why I'm using US   dollar here the US dollar is actually an accepted  currency here in Cambodia you can basically pay   everywhere with US dollar just sometimes uh it can  happen that people don't have change in US dollar   then you often get the change back in the local  currency which is real and also for any amount   that is less than $1 us you have to pay with the  local currency because they don't have US dollar   coins here so the smallest available note is the  $1 note so if you buy something that is lower than   that then it's going to uh be paid in the local  currency but anything else you can pay with US   dollar here in aus so the ATMs they can give you  US dollar if you go to ATM here the ATM asks you   if you want the local currency or if you want US  dollar okay to be honest I do want to try a very   typical local meal as well today and I just saw  it here on the menu uh it's called amok hello I   see you have fish amok here yeah I would like to  try that uh this one right here it's very popular   here in Cambodia right cambod yeah is it spicy no  no [ __ ] I see okay then one fish aror please oh   yeah I can sit here all right so we are back uh  at the river front area so we have the river right   over there then over here is also a market and  in case you're wondering what is this red back   that I suddenly have I actually just filmed a  market video where I bought lots of items on   three different markets but that video is going  to be on my second Channel I will link it in the   description lovely view here and let's see how  the Cambodian fish armor will taste like I've   never tried it before here we have fish armor one  of the most popular dishes in Cambodia thank you   very much all right that looks delicious thank you  okay so this is fish aror so it is a traditional   Cambodian dish typically with fish but you can  also get it with tofu or chicken as far as I   know and it is basically a curry with a creamy  coconut cream and traditionally it is steamed   inside a Bamboo Leaf I think the word amok in  the dish refer to something being steamed inside   a Banana Leaf it smells delicious already let me  take a picture for Instagram first if you're not   following me on Instagram yet feel free to do  so canab brought on Instagram I'm posting live   updates behind the scenes usually if you know my  channel I'm more into chicken or meat I don't eat   fish often but since this dish is typically um  served with fish I wanted to try the authentic   and original version actually let me try the fish  first just the plain fish I can immediately taste   the coconut flavor as well as lemongrass reminds  me about some dishes in Thailand CU yeah the Thai   Cuisine also uses a lot of lemongrass and I can  immediately taste the lemongrass here it's a   very creamy texture and so rich in flavors and  I definitely also taste Ginger inside here so   if you're not a big fan of this lemongrass Ginger  type of flavor then you might want to skip this   dish and the fish is so soft and tender I think  also the pork is quite good there's a lot of fish   in here actually look at these huge fish pieces  and in case you're wondering this is not spicy   at all there's no chili inside and no Peppa very  good I like it thank you very much that was very   delicious thank you okay 24,000 can I pay with  cut hello you can take me yes I want to go to   a cool Peak PE diamond okay yeah how much uh you  want check around 1 hour no no no not 1 hour just   Co Peak uh how want the coconut park yeah I know I  know you know how much uh $4 $4 yeah how about two   three okay three okay okay let's go all right so  this is actually a Cambodian Tuk Tok as we learned   earlier already so we have these uh the typical  ones that you can also see in countries like India   or Indonesia uh and the Tuk Tok guy from earlier  called them the Indian Tuk TOs and these are   Cambodian Tuk TOS here which to be honest are  actually more comfortable the seating here is   more comfortable I like it that all the sides are  open here so you get more wind blown into your   face and that is of course a bit more convenient  because it is still very warm here and yeah let's   go to the modern and Rich area of the city which  should be only like a 10-minute ride from here and   yeah something that you can also see here in penom  pen are massage Paras very similar to a Bangkok   for example so the girls are sitting outside and  then you can get a massage let me see if I can uh   see some prices in case you're interested so there  for example is a sign oil massage for $5 and then   a casual massage for $3 and an air conditioned  massage for $5 and these are probably prices that   are a bit higher than usual because we are in the  touristy area here right by the river some people   told me before that Cambodian now is like Thailand  20 years ago personally I don't know because I've   never been to Thailand 20 years ago but if you  have been to Thailand 20 years ago and you have   also been to Cambodia recently let me know if  that's actually true and here we are driving by   the Royal Palace which Belongs To The King and  his family and have a look at this here this   looks beautiful I like the contrast here we have  the Modern Skyscrapers in the background and then   here we have a beautiful golden temple wow I yeah  this is the area where we want to go we have for   example the shanga hotel has a tower here and then  the peak and then this is I think Naga World which   is a complex hotel and casino and we have a lot  of honking here oh and the pink Porsche I think   it is a Porsche yes it is Porsche kman s but look  at this this Temple is so beautiful yeah Cambodia   is a mainly buddh country same as in Thailand and  yet the temples here if you have been to Thailand   before you will see the similarities could also  be a temple in Thailand and what I notice here   in this area now is many of the shops here almost  all of the shops have Chinese characters written   on it maybe you saw my previous video where we  have been to cuk in southern Cambodia which is   a city basically turning into a Chinese City  Chinese hotels casinos and shops everywhere   and I haven't seen that being the case in the rest  of penom pen but here in this area every shop here   has Chinese characters on it that is interesting  maybe this is also a little Chinese area here all right and we have arrived there's  a park here called the coconut park you can   change $10 always difficult here with the  two different currencies uh to find the   right amount of change maybe I can ask the  shop yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah maybe uh let's   see if I can I can break down a $10 bill can you  make it smaller I need a dollar for the TK Tok cannot usually only have a $10 bill you have a  $5 yeah I right okay give me give me $5 then you   get a $2 extra okay thank you very much have a  good day if you want to be really prepared in   pom pen make sure that you have a small dollar  builds because the small ones like one $1 is is   it actually a $2 bill I'm not sure but the small  the $1 bill it's actually very rare here but uh   look at the beautiful Skyline here I like  modern skylines like this that looks nice   so I'm curious to see the rest of the area but  yeah I think you can clearly see a difference   uh this area compared to the areas we have been  earlier the roads are rder here it looks overall   cleaner more modern less chaotic but also to  be honest I haven't had the feeling that the   rest of penom pen is super dirty or chaotic  not at all to be honest just that you can see   a difference compared to the rest of the area  here and what are we having here some snakes h ah this is I think a Korean food not local  food then we have some meat on the sticks   here as well okay I definitely see more  foreigners here in this area than local   many of the foreigners here are Chinese but  I also see quite a few westerners around here   and yeah this is literally just a 10-minute ride  away from penom Pen City Center the riverfront   where we have been earlier and that is a bit of a  different world here I can see that immediately so   yeah I think I could compare this a bit to the BGC  area in Metro Manila if you're familiar with that   area it's also a very modern city right next to  Manila and it feels like a different country also   almost and I do have a bit of the same feeling  here not as much as in BGC you can still see a   bit of Cambodian vipes here for example we have  these Tuk TOS cruising around here and some places   selling food like the little street food stores  that we saw earlier but yeah these are very new   modern buildings here and yeah every restaurant  yeah every shop has the Chinese characters on   it that's also very interesting so my guess  would be that this area is is maybe funded by   the Chinese Chinese investors are building many  of the buildings here and they want to attract   the Chinese tourists to come to this area so a bit  similar to what we have seen already in Sean nukal   in my previous video but of course in cleet was  way more extreme than it is here oh what's going   on here something is being burned here hello  why are you having fire here what is the fire For What what is the fire for no no English  no English no problem okay I'm just curious   what are they doing here I could imagine this is  like an opening ceremony for the building to um   get good luck for the building something like  that this might be like a Buddhist ceremony if   you know what's going on here let me know in the  comments but yeah we also have a lot of Boutique   shops here next to all these restaurants  here I see a lot of Chinese restaurants and   also some international cuisine like Japanese or  Korean oh that was nice oh there's air condition   coming out oh that is great yeah you never see  that in the video uh how hot it actually is to   walk around here hello what are you selling  here ice cream ice cream how much is one ice   cream ah he has different uh pieces like this  how much is one let's see maybe let's get a   little ice cream here support the vendor here  by the Road uh ah even with a QR code here oh   oh you can pay with QR code here uh ice cream  by the side of the road uh what flavor is this vanilla want coconut okay actually I don't really mind  how much I don't really care what flavor   this is how much money does this cost  I think he wants to show me the money uh 1,500 ah okay uh can you hold us for one  second again okay thank you so much okay oh   he's just walking around with a little ice cream  card selling ice cream and you can even uh pay   we QR code here very nice thank you very much  sir actually this ice cream reminds me of an   ice cream I used to eat as a child in Germany I  forgot what it was called but it looked exactly   like this I think it's just a milk flavor  and everyone around me seems to be Chinese   am I back in China this feels a bit like I'm in  China you can pay an ice cream on the road even   via QR code everything here in Chinese this uh  maybe is a clinic or medical center Singapore   Medical Center lifestyle Mall interesting such  a big contrast to the area we have seen earlier   wow did you know that there's an area like  this in penom pen I didn't know to be honest   and here we have Naga World which is a complex  Casino and Hotel and there's one Naga World   building here and then a second one right over  there and what's actually interesting is that   as far as I know locals are not allowed to go  into casinos and gamble so the casinos that you   see here as well as the ones that we saw in the  previous video in Sanuk they are all only for   the tourists and actually I just Googled it and I  thought Naga world is Chinese owned but according   to Google it was founded in 1995 in penom pen  with the name derived from Naga a seven-headed   serpent from Hindu and Buddhist mythology and  yeah this was a very interesting area here   in penom pen a big contrast to the area around  the city center that we have seen earlier so I   think we got a lot of first impressions today I'm  curious to hear your thoughts about this city in   the comments would you like to visit here as well  have you been here before as well let me know your   thoughts in the comments and if you haven't  seen the previous video from c nuk will and   kurong Island in southern Cambodia then feel  free to check out the video right here stay   healthy stay positive and then see you on the  next episode ciao guys and I think there's a   storm coming so I will uh get a taxi now and  go back to my hotel before the rain arrives

2024-09-22 05:40

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