16 | MYANMAR TO UK on Motorcycles ( MOTOURLOGUE ) : NORWAY 01/02

16 | MYANMAR TO UK on Motorcycles ( MOTOURLOGUE ) : NORWAY 01/02

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Life is not just full of dream Men live to see their dreams come true To pursue a path which you passionate about, you need brave decision, diligence and commitment By enduring these hardship From Myanmar to England there are two young men who toured the world on bikes We need to make the upperside bigger We will be in Norway if we go from that path This is the camp we will be staying Wow, you made this? Tomatoes soup Tomorrow, we will be going to the furthest edge called Nordkaap Hope the weather will be fine We will be continuing our journey to Nordkapp from a place called Alta Nordkapp is the furthest north western location the most northern part of Europe and we will be sharing our story on that experience this week That morning we woke up early because we were quite excited Mostly because of what Dicky and other fellow travelers' recommendation to visit there and some even went there without having actual visual experience of what Nordkapp looks like And the weather there is quite treacherous so we just hoped to have a nice weather when we got there That morning, we checked the weather when we woke up and the weather was quite nice and not cloudy And we tried to cook breakfast as usual we tried to have breakfast with bread And you will see the situation of the bread Hello good morning we are having a pretty rough life here We are having brown bread for breakfast it is really hard I can throw it to you and you might even get unconscious Including Norway, the three Scandinavian countries were the countries we decided to visit last and the weather is favorable It was not very cold It doesn't usually get hot much there what we were afraid of was the low temperature So, we planned to visit these countries at the last minutes Ok, now we are going to Nordkapp where we really want to go We hope the weather is going to be fine It is a bit cloudy here, but we are seeing some hopes over there Shall we take the key? Ok, see you! It has been 70 days since they have started their Myanmar-UK journey They left Alta for Nordkapp and the distance between Alta and Nordkapp is over 146 miles And the road to Nordkapp is one of the most attractive road for motorcycling and driving And it is indeed actually beautiful We are one hour away from Nordkapp The weather is fantastic and we can see afar The water is so clear -What are you doing? - I wanna put sticker I have run out of stickers and I can't find other Come on, you can reach it I want it up to the letter P You will fall into water while reaching for P Ok 3..2..1 What is that? It's chips bananas and coffee Nordkapp is the cape located at the Magerøya cape in Northern Norway That place is the most attractive place for tourists in the world And the tourists can enjoy the view of Nordkapp cliff which is of 1,007 ft height including the most beautiful views and the midnight sun of Barents sea The more we went further the more different the weather was When we started to left, the weather was really nice We had to ride 4 or more than 4 hours on our bikes to reach Nordkapp The closer we get to Nordkapp it gets colder and the rain gets heavier We rode along the coastal road and some places are really beautiful Mountains on one side and sea on the other side it is really different And in some places We had to go through tunnels built in mountain and There are also underwater roads below the sea surface We were looking at the map and suddenly our road disappeard and is showing us that we were riding in the sea At first, we thought the GPS was malfunctioning But, later we found out that we were riding under the sea later we found out that we were riding under the sea When we go there we can see a building which is a museum memorial place and also a restaurant We were very lucky the weather was clear and not raining anymore We were so happy and even forgot all of our fatigue - We took photos and videos - It was really cold there Very cold When we got close to the Nordkapp symbol we had a very pleasant feeling And we were fortunate that the weather is nice and we could see the end of the coast we could see it very clearly And to let people from Myanmar see we broadcasted it live Hello Mai Som Kha Mingalarbar We are broadcasting live here because we want to make some good memories Currently we are in Finland -It's Norway - We have passed Finland We have been to so many countries We are now in Norway So, take a look at the place we are now Waht we are seeing right now is the sea but no beaches and cliffs And it's full of it And we can see that the sea expands until the end of the horizon This is the furthest Northern place of Europe You can come here on car bicycles or motorbikes There are a lot of tourists This is a place called Nordkapp which is located in the furthest north of the most northern part of Norway, it is at the edge of an island We'll show you How are of a edge it is If we look from here we can see the pole of the globe There is absolutely nothing over there Ok, it's getting pretty cold now That's all for today They headed to a fishing village from Nordkapp Now, we are at a small store here And we bought some necessities That place is really beautiful We also found other bikers have put their stickers on So, I'll put ours as well Aung Kyaw Win made me peel of the sticker on his helmet instead of doing it by himself We're at Norway now Norway We continued our journey and the sceneries are really beautiful. And it's very expensive to eat at the restaurant While we were riding on our way we saw a lot of snow-capped mountains and we decided to have lunch with the view of those mountains And we chose a nice spot And there is also a big pond at the front So, we had a bromance moment there Now, we are beside those snow-capped mountains We can start to see those snow In coming winter it will be snow all over and and the lake will be frozen I think I like the view so much that I searched for a spot to cook our lunch Aung Kyaw Win I ate bananas So, tell me what are you cooking Today's chef's specialty dish is Salmon Grilled Salmon And it happened It's ok, no worries It's good I lay down and the fish fell off Sausage Chicken sausage Oh yeah, chicken sausage and Holick and olive oil And we will have fried vegetables Can you feed me into my mouth? Oh So, it's like that, huh? It's so cool It is snowy and the temperature is 10 degrees 9 degrees It's nothing serious I can even stay like that So, I challenged Aung Kyaw Win It's cool Where's camera? Flex your muscles I'm having muscle cramps Make the last pose again I'm having goosebumps And he's having muscle cramps Even the wind is cold It is subtle, but still obvious The reason they visit the fishing village is to visit the place whre their late friend visited And that friend mostly inspired Sai and Aung to start their journey So, they will visit the place where he took the photograph Do you remember that there were only two places in that village with graffiti The one where our friend took photo and another one The locals also notice that those are the places There is one graffiti there and there The lady from gas station told us In Norway They preserve nature very seriously and Build only small roads So, on the road, the lane is big enough for only one vehicle The vehicles have to take turn with the traffic light But, it's not very far it's only as long as a flyover And we saw piller stands with rocks where people use them to sundry the fishes We stopped our bikes we took photos, videos and at the back we saw that vaguely in the background We saw a tanker and we realized "this is the place" and we felt very happy Here, we found it Do you see it? Now, we are here That is a very special place for us We took the picture from our friend Ko Zaw Lin Aung's Facebook He took the picture here last September And we came here mostly for because him, we started this journey And the motorbike I am riding is actually his that's why I have chosen this bike in particular in memories of him Now, it has almost been a year that he passed away It will be a year in October So, that is the place he visted 11 months ago And we took photos with that painting for memories He was a very close friend of ours We love each other very much We have thought about which motorbike to take when we go and It is not that as beautiful as it was Back then when he took the picture there were no cargos This is the place where he stood Zaw Ling Aung was such as kind-hearted friend of ours He was so nice to others as well There is also an another place he has visited we will make it, we still have time we came here mainly because of the reason to visit here And we will continue to go to an another location after that Viking Festival When does it close? 7 p.m.

We have around 45 minutes Migalarba Now, the place we are at is the viking museum is near Bøstad village and A village leader's house of Vestvågøy was examined by an archaeologist and reconstructed as a historical place The building used as a museum was founded by archaeologists in 1983 The research project was conducted between 1986 to 1989 It was opened as a Viking museum in 1995 and was nominated for "Museum of the Year 2011" (Norway) and in 2013, it has won the award for The European Museum of the Year 2013 When we went out we found foals in emo haircut So when two emos meet we took some photos for memories It is a very long trip to go back to the island by road from the place we were at But, it is very close if we take the boat And it is already a night time So, we decided to sleep there The hostel we stayed is on the upstair of a fish museum We were only staying there for a night So we slept there There is a stock fish museum "Stock fish" means dried fish, I think Those are the fish we saw when we visited Viking museum, here. I have been up there once I have taken packs as much as I can And the view is very pretty The surrounding is very quiet We are only staying there for a night So at a beach with birds' chirps But, I remembered the place reeked fishy smell Yeah, the fish smell because it is a fishing village This is the room we are staying for tonight This is a double-bedded room. And in that double-bedded room when we came here We had to share shower and toilet with other guests Here is a couch table and two beds We had to put on our own bed sheets New bed sheets here we have put on our own bed sheets Aubg Kyaw Win will sleep like that without any bed sheets He is so dirty You don't know who slept there so put on your bed sheet Here is the outside view of our room I am not opening the window because I cannot open it Hello, morning This is the room we stayed last night The hostels and guesthouses here are very clean What I really want to show is the text here We have to put our pillows and bedsheets in place hen we leave Put them in a bag and leave outside so the housekeeping staff will be able to pick up We have to do this They left for Bardu the next day We had to take the boat the next day and we looked at the schedule We went there early and we saw other bikers came in and we chatted with a biker called Richard He hadn't eaten anything and us neither since we left early And we were looking for a place for somewhere to eat and We found a café near a place which was 5-munute walk from the place we parked - I think Richard is from Netherlands And yeah, he felt like he owes us and offers us coffee on the boat next time We bacame travelmates A conductor lady came and told us that we did not need to go buy the ticket We just had to queue and a staff came and gave us We just had to give our cards to pay and we got the tickets There were a lot of people on bikes, motorbikes and cars queuing Now, we are planning to got to Bodø by boat through this So we are queuing here now From Moskenes to Bodø We will have to travel by boat We are now at the corner of the cape and will have to go there In fact many people travel through that way The front wheel of my tire is pretty worn out and starting to see the steel wires When we enquire about the size of the tire we want We can get it in Trondheim and Oslo and only in these two cities According to our calculation, it is a five-day trip And it won't hold much longer We got a red alert and Asked another boat We are at Bodø and we are looking for a boat But we can't find it Therefore, we will just ride to Oslo Badø town has the area of 2,704 square kilometers and Over 4,000 populations They are worried about motorbike's tire durability since it is going to be a five-day trip The situation is bad Wearing rate is the same Now, it has worn out Will it be ok?

2021-01-27 01:19

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