15 km Solo Hike in Elephant Territory

15 km Solo Hike in Elephant Territory

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This Is Where The Adventure Starts we  will track up to the Buddha's footprint   uh this definitely looks like elephant  dong it seems like we're not alone here all right all right guys all right all right guys welcome to another  video I'm just outside chanbury and um we're   going on an adventure today I'm just getting  some petrol here because we're going into the   mountains and when you go into the mountains  you need to be ready because there might not   be any petrol stations W and the Sun is very  bright but we're going on an adventure let's go oh okay okay thank you c car okay for you for you  changes for you okay thank you let's go yeah   I really love how respectful Ty people are  they're always super super friendly I love   it um it's really um nice to do business  with them and always so respectful I like it and in preparation for this adventure I  went for my first ever authentic Tha massage   and I went right there last night somewhere  flow massage it was called uh it was my first   ever Tha massage experience and it was a  bit strange there was no oil or barely any   oil and it was more like uh applying pressure  and different points and yeah it was my first   ever massage like this but I hope it um made me  ready or it prepared me well for what is about to come all right guys we made it to the starting  point this is where The Adventure Starts we will   track up to the Buddha's footprint and on all  Trails this hike is called sou pluang Reservoir   because we're right next to a man- main reservoir  you will see it in a minute and a little bit of   details 12.7 km in length 6.5 up 6.5 down uh and  then 1038 M of elevation gain and I can tell you   in 6 point well 3 4 five uh kilomet 1,000 met  elevation gain is quite a lot so it will be   pretty steep and um yeah we're going to visit  footprint which is similar to what I did in Sri   Lanka I went to the SRI or the Adams Peak there  which was 10,000 steps to get up I think this one   will be a little bit easier but still is it's um  qualified as hard here on all Trails uh and they   say it will take about 5 hours and 52 minutes  and um yeah it's actually 1:00 already so I'm   pretty late but you already know if you've been  watching my videos for a while I'm very bad at   time management um the the good thing is I I  slept really nicely but a little bit too long   yeah and we're in the cakut national park and  on the way here I could see the mountains and   all the green nature it looks really beautiful  that's what I can tell you so yeah let's get   started yeah so as you can see we're right next  to the reservoir it's man-made obviously because   you can see the huge wall here but once we get  higher up there we will have a beautiful view   over the reservoir that's what we're aiming for  at least and um I have a mix of um sun block on   my arms and legs and also mosquito repellent  I don't know how much it will be necessary   but now we're not in the jungle yet but later  I'm sure we will be a little bit more in the   jungle we have a beautiful Road for now but  not sure how long this road will last let's go and here we have our first glimpse of the  plong reservoir wow it looks stunning stunning   beautiful ooh I feel like the water level is  pretty low you can see it could be much higher   as well oh and we're surrounded by mountains look  at this I'm assuming we're going somewhere on top   of those mountains and look at this this is the  elevation profile so we still have a long way to   go a long way to go and I'm sweating buckets  already and we haven't even properly started yet wow wow even though it's man-made it's still  beautiful still gorgeous look at this and up there   once we're up in the mountains we will have a  even more beautiful view I think so look what   we have here that definitely looks like from a  huge animal and I can only imagine which animal   that could be an elephant so it seems like we're  not alone here um yeah I'm slightly worried now   even though well I saw already a wild elephant a  few days ago here in Thailand so they're def oh no   well I think they don't move that much during the  day I think mostly they're active during sunset   so I'll just keep moving and uh yeah hopefully  we don't run into one because uh that might be   very dangerous well guys I don't know about you  but this definitely looks like what I saw down   there uh this definitely looks like elephant  dong or elephant poop look at this wow look at   this I'm slightly worried now well I don't think  an elephant would just attack but uh elephants are   extremely smart they might be hiding somewhere  right there and you don't even know they might   be like 3 MERS away you don't even know oh I see  some uh scooter there so I'm not alone here this   is the first uh human that I see so I'm a little  bit less worried now but damn if you're walking   no way that you can out run an elephant you know  I don't know what you should do like what can you do look at this guys there's even more 100%  sure there are elephants here more than one probably and look at that view that's  amazing there seems to be like a temple   there that might be where we're going actually  there's a high chance but I think we're going   even more up probably all the way on top of the  mountain almost but it looks gorgeous here wow   so impressed with the nature here in Thailand  I mean I've seen a lot of countries a lot of   beautiful nature but Thailand what so and that's  number three and it looks more fresh than the others you can clearly see here the grass  and the bushes are completely flat which   really feels to me like there was an elephant  there look you can even even the pot that it   took because the lake is right there so  I'm sure that's where the elephants drink look at this what is this looks like some kind of Chimney not sure what they're burning here  or what they used to burn there's a little   settlement here as well well this one house  I think two cars three cars [Applause] let's   see if I can ask him about the elephants  do you know if there are any elephants here me yes one one only oh  where here or there I go to Budd is it safe for me to go there yeah okay okay okay C on c c on more Cup  this way no this way okay okay thank you thank   you y huh thank you thank you okay okay I  don't know what they're saying but I think   they said there's one elephant and I asked is it  safe for me to go up there and they say yes so   that's all I need to her if the local say it's  safe I feel safe oh and finally some shade so   much sweat and just in case you were wondering  well probably you were not wondering but in case   you were wondering I brought about 3 L of water  and half liter of Coca-Cola and this is the map   that we have here so that's where we are right  now I don't know what the name is I think it's   a chimney there's a waterfall apparently as  well wow so basically that's where we're going   Buddha's footprint that's where I'm going but  uh basically you could have taken your vehicle   up until here instead of walking already almost 4  km like I did uh but then it's not so fun anymore   right cuz um this is mostly a pilgrimage similar  to the one in Sri Lanka where people also track   up to the uh three which is a big Temple very  very sacred temple in Sri Lanka on one of the   highest peaks there uh where Buddha's footprint  was also found so this is a bit similar let's go   wow now it's for real before I was walking mostly  on a road that you can do with a car but this one   you can do with a car only humans or maybe with  a mountain bike if you're courageous oh and it's   much cooler here as well and I hear some water  running so maybe we will see see that waterfall woo s you doing socks socks not painful  painful okay okay oh she's tracking on socks Saud C oh another another on here hello yeah similar to Sri Lanka this is a  pilgrimage so a lot of people do this as   a pilgrimage not just for fun like I'm doing  they really do it for religious purposes you   can see already there's a shrine there as well  I'm sure we will see plenty on the way to the   top but the good thing is I feel much safer  now not being alone here because seeing those   elephant poop and yeah that worries me you know  if you're alone in the jungle of Thailand but   now I'm not alone anymore it's full of big  ants here so I'm not going to break too long   just a little drink here cold drink with  um some rehydration salts in it oh so more sweat I'm being eaten alive here by mosquitoes even   though I use mosquito repellent already  definitely need more and a lot and strong one ah that tastes in my mouth  tropical spray I don't think   they will attack now maybe I should  spray my GoPro as well just a little bit [Music] [Laughter] let's have a bit of power food  homemade sandwich with mustard   cheese and ham maybe that will uh give me some new energy H is it still far yeah um I think 60%  60% only yes 60% from here from here   50% me three three k yeah it's still a  while ah yeah only yeah probably like   60 yeah I think you're right 50 50  no no no no 6 yeah okay okay thank you [Laughter] what kind of  insects are those so noisy [Music] listen wow what's that what is that so loud W what is that so loud it's amazing sweat all sweat hello sorry sorry sorry good good yes wow as you can see this is the reason  that Temple is here this big rock here wow it smells so good here they're  definitely cooking up some chicken here   chicken chicken onions some fried  vegetables oo wow it smells so good   here and I have a sandwich that's all this  is the view we got it's not an open view   but still you can see how deep it goes  down there let's see what's going on here oh there's some stairs there and  this is the big rock wow it's really   big oh and you can camp here actually  there's a campsite here campside with   lots of Buddha statues wow  so many all kinds of Buddha statues I don't know if I'm allowed to go in up   there probably some people chilling  here oh there's a lot of people here wow so many people here wow I didn't expect this where did all these people  come from wow look at the view here beautiful view look at  this it's a little bit hazy   but you can see all the way through the valley oh and there you have the so  many people all here for [Music] praying got the amount of water in  my shoes I think there must be a   shorter way to get here as well no way  that all these people here you made it oh I need to leave it there oh how  how much can I see I need to I can see there okay I think I need to attach it  somewhere there there okay give me like a little   booklet with papers I don't know if I should write  something on and I don't know if I should leave a   donation honestly because there are some like  spots for donation hello what should I do with this have no idea what's going on here do you speak English yeah what should  I do with this uh to at the The Rock on the   Rock oh on the rock yeah you you see that  the people are there yeah so I just push   against The Rock and it will stick to the  Rock stick to the Rock okay okay how does   it work they're donating money here you can  see these little um Le they put some money   in there hello I really have no idea how  this works you can see people they push all kind this see the cors are against even how do how does it work okay you stick stick to the  RO like this like this like no no inside inside   there's gold inside yeah inside you have to I have  to open it okay is it for for good luck for good luck they call elephant rock okay okay  wait I'll just leave a small donation here [Music] okay yeah I also took my shoes off  because I thought in the temple it's   not allowed to wear shoes should be  some coming very short yeah mine is   a little bit short but it's okay that's  fine demand fine you it's hot country   yes it's so hot see you you see you  keep walking full up there elepant robly for you maybe half hour and  you go to the end you can see like   Buist everything there oh and why why  do they carry him huh why do they carry because why do do they carry some people they old  people there they got the problem with their help   or they just got KNE problem they pay for that oh  they pay for that it's a porter porter yeah this a   carrier for people around here 800 B 800 for 200  200 B each oh really so is you yeah older people   they want to come here to play so they can come  as well yeah and also make people local people get   some more money for oh yeah good for the economy  the local economy yeah yeah that's I don't know   if I will go up there because honestly I have to  go back the same way it's like 2 or 3 hours and   it will be dark otherwise you want to go back that  way yes yes yes because my bike I have a bike down   there always say good because they said after  4:00 you know they just worry about the animals   come out from the from the W yeah I know there's  elephants I saw a wild elephant two days ago where   uh in rayong you know rayong oh yeah yeah yeah  I was in the a little bit in the jungle but on   the street there was a wild elephant there so and  I know there's one here as somebody told me yes   so I I don't want to stay too long here so I can  make it back on time okay you remember how to get   back right yeah yeah I have my navigation here  okay nice to meet you and good luck what's your   name uh my name is Tong Tong I'm Tim Tim nice  to meet you and enjoy having a good time thank   you thank you you too you too Tong what a legend  he explain me a little bit about what's going on   here so basically there's a pot also about 1 kilm  away that you can follow and uh people seem to be   surprised from the part that I took because not  a lot of people take that part you can see it   you know they're not really dressed for adventure  not like me so uh and he said um he's also worried   about the animals coming out around 4:00 so I  need to make my way back because apparently you   can make your way up there about 30 minutes he  said and there's another nice spot that you can   see there um but I will skip that because yeah  I don't want to to encounter an elephant or a   tiger or whatever Wildlife is here so yeah but  uh this site is actually where the footprint of   Buddha is and since 170 years already he told me  uh people have been coming here so it's a little   bit like a pilgrimage side but I didn't expect to  see so many people here there's no worse feeling   in the world than putting on wet socks again  like there's literally no worse feeling than   that but I don't have any spare socks and mine  or drenched from sweat but I don't have another   option all right time to get back down and um  honestly I will rush it a bit because this guy   said the wildlife comes out at 4:00 and it's  now 5:00 so yeah but I don't have much options   because my bike is down there so I have to take  the same way down um but it's okay it's all good   I'll rush it I have to be there before it gets  dark which gives me like 1 hour and a half s I wonder what is there might be an open  view of the reservoir that would be nice oh there's like a Viewpoint here  oh a helot it's for a helicopter for   rescue missions let's see what  we can see here oh yeah look at   that that's where I came from down  there that's where I have to go back to hear I'm saying Fang that's me  okay we have about 1 hour to get down [Music] there so we made it back to the river already  45 minutes it took me to get here but we   still have at least half an hour to go to my bike  minimum half hour probably an hour so let's keep going back at civilization well kind of we're  back at the at the chimney where the official   Trail starts basically but my bike is  parked way down and uh that's where I   saw all the the Elephant D so hopefully no  elephants but um seems like there's still   some people around here I'll make it to my  bike in about 40 minutes I would say maybe   an hour motorbike motor bike is down there oh  motor bike motor bike yeah there there there   yes yes yes what what is this for electricity  this one looks like they're making electricity   here for the water but there's no Damo though  but this is how you get electricity from water okay yeah I went up come down yeah yes  is yeah now my motorbike motor bike okay let's have one last view of the beautiful Lake see you next time we made it back finally it is now 6:30 um  the hike took me about 5 hours and a half 15 k   K in total and uh I think I've never sweated so  much in my life like really my whole pants is   still drenched my t-shirt is drenched my socks are  drenched my shoes are drenched but overall overall   it was a good day I really enjoyed it um I wish  there were a little bit more open views of the   lake yeah from here you can't see it but from up  there from up there it would have been nice that   you can see through the jungles sometimes a lake  or something you know some kind of viewpoints that   would have been cool and uh maybe if we would  have spotted an elepant that would have been   cool as well but not from up close but uh overall  I really enjoyed the hike uh so if you want to do   this as well you can uh find the details on all  Trails or on my Strava for example if you follow   me on straa which is Tim 10 uh on all Trails you  can find it you can take two routes actually to   um to the peak so it's up to you but uh it was a  good day it was a good day so yeah now 30 minutes   driving to my hotel I will get a shower and a  pizza probably because I don't know for some   reason when I'm exhausted I always crave Western  food so probably I will get a pizza but uh I want   to thank you all for watching and uh yeah you  already know if you're still watching you're a   legend legend w guys what's going on here there's  like a huge fire I don't know what they're doing here I think they're burning the the bad crops or  something but it's really huge the fire wow I've   never seen such a fire I think in my life damn  all that orange light that you see there that's a   fire I think from here you can have a good look  look at this you hear even like look at this wow that's really impressive and maybe  not so safe uh I don't know if they're   not scared of wildfires or something but okay

2024-05-28 09:33

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