12 Things We Wish We Knew BEFORE Travelling to Sri Lanka

12 Things We Wish We Knew BEFORE Travelling to Sri Lanka

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well guys we are on the last leg of our trip  across Sri Lanka in a Tok to and we thought this   would be a perfect opportunity for us to share  some things that we wish we knew before we came   here uh there wasn't a whole lot of information  for us when we were trying to plan this trip so   we wanted to make this video as valuable to you  guys as possible so here's 12 things we wish   we knew before traveling to Sri [Music] Lanka  being a is not a vacation it's freedom but it's   also discipline it's an exchange of security for  enhanced experiences it's a way of [Music] life your never too far to run run away run away  run away until your Escape run away run away   run away run away run away run away [Music]  before we get into the episode we need to   say thank you to level 8 for sponsoring this  video and making this free content possible if   you want to live the nomadic lifestyle you'll  need luggage that can keep up with you on your   journey that's why we choose level eight luggage  we've been using level eight luggage for over   a year now because like us they're all about  traveling light and efficiently we use these   24-in check-in suitcases because although they're  big enough to fit everything we need they're not   too big to drag around big cities on adventures  or on public transport such as buses and trains   even though our suitcases have flown all over the  world with us they're still in amazing condition   and that's because their luggage is made from  high quality materials that are built to last   we love how lightweight they are making them  super easy to carry around they're also made   from waterproof material in case you get caught  in a rainstorm which actually seems to happen   a lot to us they also have 360° spinning wheels  which makes it super easy to get through a busy   airport as well as a lock feature for added  security and peace of mind they also offer a   lifetime warranty on all of their products if  you're interested in leveling up your luggage   gain try level eight click the link down in the  description below all right now let's get into the   episode okay the first thing I wish on you before  we got to Sri Lanka is that ATMs are extremely   reliable literally the first day we got here we  had to go to an ATM to get cash out because we   had to pay for a tour that we did on the first  day we drove around for about 45 minutes going   to different ATMs and none of them worked and I  thought it was a problem with our credit card we   rang out a credit card company they said no no  problem we tried other cards they also said no   there's no problem here it should be working  uh I asked the concierge at the hotel we're   staying at he said said I don't know ATM should  be working I then got a Tuk Tok driver to drive   me around again and he helped me find an ATM that  accepted international cards which I thought was   the only problem but it seems like ATMs are just  unreliable as far as whether or not they're going   to give you a certain amount of money a lot of the  time I'll go to the ATM and it'll say insufficient   funds when I know there's not insufficient funds  in there and then sometimes it'll just say not   accepted and we thought we' found an ATM that  worked for us called Commercial Bank but then   we tried another one and that didn't work so my  biggest tip would be when you arrive in Sri Lanka   make sure you have quite a bit of cash on you  and just exchange it so you're not going to the   ATM straight away and then if you do find an ATM  that works um try and get as much out as you can   unfortunately I tried that and it didn't really  work either this ATM here right now I've used   it 2 days in a row and it's telling me me I have  insufficient funds even though I have the money in there so as we drive back to Colombo  we're probably just going to have to   stop a 3 or 4 ATMs and find one that  works I don't know yeah so that's just   a regular problem here in TR lanco ATM  didn't work classic right another one this sucks cuz we got half a tank of gas  and we got to get to Columbo and most   of the petrol stations only take cash  that was one of the ones that we were   sure worked every time NDB that's hnb  okay so we got to find an NDB one M DB yeah we only get 15,000 out which is  the equivalent of about 20 bucks   but that'll do us that'll do us petrol dinner  and then we'll just throw this again [Music] tomorrow [Music] okay we've just stopped  somewhere pretty local for lunch in the   middle of we have no idea where one thing to  know about the food in Sri Lanka is even if   you ask for no spice it's always going to have  a little bit of spice to it otherwise it has no   flavor usually I ask for no spicy and they seem  a little bit disappointed because I think that's   just part of the food and they get a little bit  worried that I'm not going to be able to eat it   but just something to keep in mind if you're  someone who doesn't like any spicy you might   not like the local food cuz it always just is  a little tiny bit at least this is our favorite   shinkin meal that we've had is chicken Catu  highly recommend trying it it's delicious it's   sort of like a pad tie I guess that would be  something I could compare it to it's very very [Music] good okay now this Mak seem like an obvious one  now uh but we had no idea that we were allowed to   rent a Tok Tok here in Sri Lanka to drive around  the country before we came here we were really   lucky that a subscriber reached out to us and told  us that this was a thing because it's made our   entire trip and we think it's the best way to get  around during your time here we rented through a   company called tuktuk rental.com so they organize  everything for you they'll even drop off the Tok   Tok to you they'll organize your life license  for you and they give you a driving lesson so   Lloyd did a full driving lesson before we took  it and um made sure he was comfortable knew all   the rules of the road and felt super comfortable  before we set off also the good thing about this   company is that it rents the Tuk TOS from locals  and most of the profits go back to the locals so   they make more money than just driving as a taxi  driver and they get to have another job on the   side if they want to so they can make more income  and the employees that work for Tok to rental also   there's profit sharing so a lot of the profits  that the company makes goes back to the locals   as well so we are huge fans of this company  we will leave a link to everything we talk   about in this video but we'll definitely leave  a link to Tok Tok rental down in the description   like I said this has made our trip we've seen so  much more than we would have ever imagine seeing   there's you can also organize to have a local  drive your Tok to for you so what we did was   we had a local Drive our took took from Ella to  noira Alia so we could take the train still which   is an amazing thing that you have to experience  too and we didn't want to miss out on that so a   local gets paid to drive the Tok Tok for you so  you don't miss out on the incredible Sri Lankan [Music] trains how you going honey we're  getting close hey it's pretty busy it's   pretty pretty different than where we've been  yeah it's um it's pretty hectic but I'm glad   I'm doing this now after driving the Tuk took for  3 weeks already at the start of the trip I don't   know if I could have done it no wow we're back  where our journey began this is insane it's been   the wildest month of Our Lives we're almost  at the hotel thank goodness Lloyd's done an   incredible job driving [Music] today [Music] oh  my goodness we're exhausted but that brings us   to our next point which is the hospitality has  been like 12 out of 10 the entire time we've   been in Sri Lanka like there hasn't been one  time that someone hasn't bent over backwards   to make sure that we're happy and comfortable  even at times like we went to one hotel and the   credit card machine wasn't working he basically  ran around the entire city trying to help us   find an ATM that worked yeah best Hospitality I  think we've ever experienced in our lives would   you say that as well yeah 100% like like Mandy  said everywhere we've stayed I can't think of   anywhere we've been where we didn't feel welcome  even the one hotel like she said the ATM are the   credit card machine wasn't working um there  was a very noisy group in the room next to   us and like the owner or manager just sort of  bent over backwards to make sure that we're   comfortable like he moved our room and everything  so even just getting here now after driving for so   long like they gave us a drink and made us feel  welcome told us like everything about the hotel   which I guess they should but just in general  the local people seem to be really welcoming   sorry I'm so tired they really want tourists here  and um it's very obvious um that they're really   grateful for your business and um yeah you won't  be uncomfortable here I'm promising you that I'm tired enough so I think this tends to be the way  in like almost all big cities as a general guide   Sri Lankan people are absolutely beautiful  they are so kind they are so helpful they   will do anything to help you with Columbo  sort of being the exception um once I guess   you just come back to City Life and people  are you know back to being busy focusing on   making money working it's the same anywhere in  the world so with Columbo being the exception   it's really the only place that we had someone  try to like rip us off throughout our entire   time that we've been here other than that  we've only had people be kind and helpful   and and want to give us the best experience in  Sri Lanka so I just wanted to mention that as [Music] well okay so this brings us to our next Point  we've just come to a cafe called Black Cat   Cafe unfortunately the upload speeds here for  the Wi-Fi in Sri Lanka not the quickest we've   been struggling with it pretty hard pretty much  our entire trip so we've had to sort of source   out different cafes in different places for us  to be able to upload so it's just something to   keep in mind if you are someone who works online  or runs a business from your computer if you do   schedule like any Zoom calls or anything like  that it might be a challenge or if you're a   YouTuber like us it's been a challenge so this  is a good place so far we've been able to start   getting our backlog of content uploaded we also  found another one in Ella that was called chill   Cafe we will be putting together a full travel  guide for you guys but um just something to keep   in mind if you're coming to Sri [Music] Lanka  all right we got our work done we're just uh   headed back to the hotel I'm going to stop off  at the grocery store here there's pretty much   one main grocery store it's called carle's Food  City this one's the biggest one we've seen since   we've been in uh Sri Lanka honestly they're  not great like you can't get a lot of stuff   you would get back home and in more developed  countries like Thailand and Vietnam we really   struggled couldn't find any like meat and  produce really so it's quite limited that's   one thing I wish we maybe knew before we came  is that like getting Necessities particularly   like toiletries and stuff I would be bringing  your own if I was coming to Sri Lanka because   you're not going to find what you find back home  there's no like Sephora is that where you usually   get stuff there's none of that here really so  yeah grocery stores very limited but you can   get by you're definitely better off buying like  your veggies and fruits and stuff from like when   you're out of the city from fruit stands and  um staying at home state places that have like   that grow their own produce it's very fresh  and it's very nice I just don't know if they   get the best quality stuff in this type of place  um most people seem to grow their own things and   be a bit more uh self- sustainable so I think  that's kind of uh why it's not good but we'll   see how this one is maybe it's a bit better cuz  it looks a bit bigger and more established than   the other ones we've been to this one this one  looks like it might be okay it's more in the   little towns there's not really any options at all  yeah just yeah not the selection that we're used to I definitely think the meat selection  isn't good because a lot of people are   vegetarian here and don't consume as much  meat as you know Canada Australia I think   that's definitely plays a big part of it what  are we here for water yeah what else is water   here we definitely have that [Music] here I  finally got um Camal te been searching through   all of the food cities that we've gone to and  they've all been sold out of it so that makes   me happy finally got it done you love your  cam I love it I drink probably about 10 a day [Music] okay we are about to check out of the hotel we  managed to get a late checkout today but we've   still got quite a lot of time to kill cuz  we're not flying out till like midnight so   uh we're going to take the Tuk Tok for a drive  down the beach and and um just check that out   cuz we didn't really get to check it out when  we came to Colombo when we flew in uh and then   somebody's going to come and pick up the Tuk Tok  and we're just going to wait around the hotel for   a few hours before we go though another thing  we should mention that we wish we knew before   we came is getting hot water in Sri Lanka  is kind of hit and miss some hotels they do   offer hot water but it doesn't really get hot  it's kind of just luck of the drawer and I can   understand that the infrastructure isn't really  the best also blackouts expect blackouts pretty   much everywhere every hotel we went to I think  we got a blackout yeah um but it's not actually   a big deal like most places have generators so  the power might go out for like 20 minutes and   then it'll go back on or it'll just go out for  like 5 minutes they'll kick their generator on   usually it's when when it's like bad weather  or something like that plus I think they also   try and save electricity and that's completely  understandable but just be aware when you come   here that you may have that issue wasn't a  big deal for us so there actually is like   restrictions in place in like in the city uh to  preserve electricity we were told there's rules   and regulations it gets shut off at a certain time  because they are in a bit of an economic crisis at   the moment that's pretty well known so something  to keep in mind that it is very dark at night like   in the city everything gets shut off and walking  around could be a little bit scary cuz it's very [Music] dark so we just came down to uh  goldface Park which is I don't know it   feels like kind of like the main park on the  beach here and we drove past it like four or   five times actually when we're on our t  t tour and it was just not good weather   so I'm happy we got some sun and this is  like our last thing we can do in Columbo yeah on the fence about if I want to fly the Drone  or not the last time we flew it you see it in our   last video it crashed into a tree they ask you how  you are you you just have to say that you're fine   when you're not really fine and this is a brand  new drone we just bought so I'm like it's the last   day do I want to risk a crash today it's a bit  windy too it's pretty nicey yeah it's beautiful a   couple more things uh that we wish we knew before  we came here one being that cows are a traffic   Hazard here in Sri Lanka um they wander around  on the highways they're just like free range a   lot of them we've been told don't even have owners  they kind of just just roam around so just to to   watch out for them if you are going to do the Tuk  Tok uh route or you're going to take a scooter or   anything just keep an eye out for the cows cuz  they're everywhere also touching on Wildlife   another thing to keep in mind is wild elephants um  if you watched our videos you will see that we had   a runin with a wild elephant you're not meant to  feed them there's actually signs everywhere saying   don't feed them not to give them like bananas and  stuff even though we saw people doing that not to   do it and they're also massive pests in a lot of  places we stayed uh with a local family in Habana   and uh oh an elephant actually came and visited  came into their yard while we were sleeping and   started eating all the mangoes off the trees um  they're so they're actually a pretty big Pest and   um they're really really aggressive and super fast  so if you see them keep your distance again if you   do the Tik Tok Journey um they can damage your  Tok Tok and and uh and you so uh be super careful   about that but we had no idea that they were um  so aggressive before we came [Music] here as a   side night this isn't like one of the things  I wish we knew but shans seem to really love   Australians every time I say I'm Australian they  seem to be happy and they've told us multiple   times that uh lots of Australians come here and  they're really happy for all the austr Ians to   come here so that's just a s they couldn't care  less about Canadians cuz we don't have a cricket [Music] [Music] team okay whole hands on De yeah yeah I am T LD I am we had two more things we wanted to talk  about for this video one was policemen they're   everywhere when when you're driving around every  2 km there's a police checkpoint but they're so   friendly like we've only had good interactions  with them um we got pulled over one time without   a license on our scooter so nice didn't try  and get money off us they're always smiling   great interactions so we wanted to let you guys  know that the police here are really friendly   now that might just be because we're tourists as  far as I can tell I've said this to locals and   they kind of look to me like yeah they're not  really friendly to us yeah and then the other   thing was that there's Uber here I I did not  expect there to be Uber in Sri Lanka there's no   Uber in other Asian countries and there was Uber  here our Uber driver was actually a policeman and   we just spoke to him the whole way about his son  being uh a javelin thrower going to the Olympics   and um he was really cool and it was like wow  we just met a policeman and an Uber driver at   the same time but uh he gave us his WhatsApp  number and his son's name and everything so   we're going to watch out for him cuz apparently  he's going to the Paris Olympics in 2024 so cool   pretty cool yeah so that's the last two things  policemen are really friendly there's a lot of   them don't be alarmed they're very nice they're  helpful uh and there is Uber here if you need [Music] it [Music] all right well we're about to jump on our  flight well I guess in a couple hours we've   got a bit of time here at the airport um  last thing I wanted to mention was just   um about the Travel warnings so like when  we were coming here um we were a little bit   weary because of what mainstream media had said  about Travel warnings for countries like Canada   and Australia don't listen to that because I've  felt safer here than I did in a lot of like big   cities in Canada or in the United States Yeah  just something to keep in mind if you if you   want to travel here or even if you haven't  thought about it consider it because we've   enjoyed this trip so much and the Sri Lankan  economy could really use it they used to get   a lot more tourists than what they get now and  um it would really help them out as well as well   as you having a good time here um it' help  the local people out so and the consensus is   that they want more tourists so they're very  happy with every tourist yeah absolutely as   always thank you so much for watching we'll  see you guys in the next video [Music] bye   I'm just talking to the camera okay yeah in  case you're wondering what's going on behind me four countries airports are  the worst place to record I know   but we always do it and we're always  here run away run away run away into   your Escape run away run away run away  never too far to run run away run away

2023-12-08 17:13

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