11th Gen (2023+) Honda Accord Touring Power folding Mirrors

11th  Gen (2023+) Honda Accord Touring Power folding Mirrors

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last test of the day Lo yes I was able to make a touring I was able  to do power folding mirror on the touring a lot   of work but I got it done guys so open yeah  baby yes yes hello guys welcome back to the   channel I got another video for you so today  we are working on a 24 Honda Accord touring   I never worked on a touring before but  let's go and get this process started   also a lot of you guys who watch my channel  have not subscribed hit the Subscribe button   down below put notification Bell on so you  don't miss any on my video without further   Ado let's car stom it so here it is guys it's  a 2024 Honda Accord all blacked out looking   really good very nice black rims which I  actually really like all right here's the Reel here you guys so here we go hybrid touring here we go guys  so we're going to work on this guy and then   we're going to do power folding mirror in it  I'm going to show you the interior real quick   guys very quick we're not doing a review on  this guy okay so here it is this is what it   looks like turn it on love the digital screen  very nice guys and then look how big this thing   is very nice right the interior is very nice  so what we're doing guys we are doing power   fold mirror on this guy let's get this process  started all right guys so the first thing we're   going to do we got to take out the door  panel the we need to take out the master [Music] switch all right unplug it all right all right next thing guys on  the 2010 the screw is over here on the 203   and up the screw is underneath here I'll  zoom in so you guys can [Music] see okay   now the whole thing should come off guys  get a trim removal to find a spot [Music]   all right I got it guys it's a little tough  because it's a brand new car this one um clip   we got to take out the the seat right here  that's it and the door panel is out okay   guys now we take out the mirror unplug  it pop this guy off it should be just Clips all right two clips it's out  okay now we got three 10 10 mm [Music] okay now we can all right guys the mirror is out let's  go work on it you've seen me this done this   before so the first thing we have to do  we got to take out the mirror there's   a couple connector behind it so let's do  that right now push it to the [Music] side   there's a couple connectors behind it guys  one all right got it out put it down here   okay that's out so like always that's very  similar to the 2020 version guys there's a   couple Clips we got to take out I see one  two I believe three maybe four all [Music] right all right guys so as was got these things  in now the can oh there we go just got to remember   how to do this thing that's nice all right I got  that one out oh that one is not completely out [Music] yet there's another clip right  here guys we got to take out too okay I got it guys that one  is a tough one but I got it all righty we got it guys without  breaking a clip like always we're   going to take this thing out guys right here  that little opening just trying to work it out oh okay nice done and we got three screws we  got to take [Music] out all right the screws are   out and we got to take this bottom cover out  now guys there's a couple clips that hold it   big one right here okay there's one big one  right in here I'll zoom in so you guys can see go and then now there's a little  lift we got to lift this up here [Music]   all right I got it here we go guys this is  out put it to the side um let's take out   the turn signal there is a screw holding  the turn signal we got to take that out first out there we go take some  of this cables out then we have   six screws guys we got two three holding this  bracket and two holding the motors so the first   thing we're going to do we're going to take the  one that hold the motor out [Music] first okay   guys now hold on let me take this thing  out all right this bracket part is up   out okay let's unplug uh this guy up okay the next  thing we got to do we got to unpan this this and   this guy all right I've done it a couple times  so but anyway let's go okay first one is this guy   let me take a picture of it so I don't so I make  sure I put it back exactly the same where it was [Music] okay so to depend it there is a little  clip here you just push your little clip out this   way and then you can pull out the cable I'll put  the picture in so you guys can see it again but   I've done it so many times [Music] so all right  this one is done then we got to do this guy the   same way let me take a picture of this one too  so I make sure I put everything back the same way [Music]   all right got one take another [Music]  picture all right got it now we got to do this   one guys I'm going to put a little piece of  tape on one of them so I know which one goes [Music] where all right guy one same one  thing on the next one [Music] all right I got both of them guys nice  okay now we can feed that cable out of [Music] there all right guys I got to fold these a  little bit that's just how it is fold them   up a little bit so I can get him out there okay  now should be able to take them out a lot [Music] easier all right I got the bracket out guys  let's put it to the side for now all right let   me grab the kit all right so my man bought the C  uh bought the kit himself s he just brought it to   me so all I'm going to do is do the installation  that of the kid he brought to me so what we're   going to do now guys we're going to take one one  motor from the kit we're going to put this this [Music] way all right okay guys now what we  have to basically do put all the con connector's   back okay so let's start with this connector  now let's just straighten these pens [Music] out okay now let me grab my my  picture all right I'll put the   picture so you guys can see it  as well all right all right so   if I'm holding connector like this we  got green got blue and white together then we got white then we got yellow okay that's done next one is this  guy here so if I'm holding it like   this the pink one goes over here nice and  then the purple goes next to it down on okay we got the black connector if I'm  holding it like this this guy go right here done and then the  other one goes right next to it okay now we can take out this tape  here [Music] okay so the next thing is   we're going to reput this back in this way  at of remember all this goes out an angle   it goes like this all right I'll zoom  in so you guys can see at an angle like that okay now next thing is I'm  going to feed this cable here for the motor all right I'm going to grab the  motor we're going to connect it and put it on okay so let's put the the motor on all right guys let's put the two the four  screws that hold this motor here [Music] all right guys now we got two  three more to hold this bracket in okay guys route this here and goes there this  guy and this guy goes into this hole all right   all right I'm going to get a turn uh sequential  turn signal guys I think I still have some left   I got the sequential turn signal I'm going to add  for my man boom it should fit right in there as well boom there's one screw holding it guys okay that's done guys next what we're going  to do we're going to remove this a little bit and   I'm going to try to power folding mirror through  so the power folder Mir got to go through here first then we can push it through here okay [Music] so far looking good what I need  to do now I'm going to put the bottom   cover [Music] on okay that's good next thing  we're going to do we're going to put the mirror   guys just to make sure we don't have any um  issues so connected and connect this guy all right now connect clip the mirror on okay now guys we can put the  mirror back into here we have to   use the screws that come with the kit let me grab them all right guys there are three screws [Music] all right guys that's done  let's fix this thing up real [Music] quick all right guys that looks good  we're not going to put the bottom cover on   yet we're not going to put the top cover on  yet so what we're going to do we're going to   put this into the car now all right let's go  all right guys let's put the mirror back in put the three screws that hold it [Music] guys  all right that's done so what I'm going to   do before I go to the other side I'm going  to try to run the cable to go on the other   side so to do that I need to take out the  speaker there's only one screw holding the   speaker oh my goodness wow okay I need  to get an eight this one is not coming out oh wow I was HED get out but anyway I got  it out okay got to move it like this and that   to thing off oh never mind it's new enough all  right let's unplug it so now now the hard part   is trying to run the cable this way so to do  that I got to take out this panel and that   one so I have room to see what I'm doing okay  should be able to pop it off with just your   hand so clip done and this guy as well there's  a clip here just should be able to just pop it all right I got it goodness unug this all right okay one of the clips stay in there I  got to I took it [Applause] out we're trying to   see if we can make the cable go through but  this one is not going to be easy one they   changed the this here to a plug from the 11  gen I'm going to try to find a way to do it   all right all right guys I found a way to run  the cable without taking this thing off [Music] I I'll show you a picture of what  I'm trying to [Music] say all right   guys I'm so glad I was able to do this  okay so now guys the long the long cable   I'm going to attach it to my zip tie so I  can pull it inside the car let me attach it here hopefully it [Music] fits all right guys I found another way  to attach the cable so I'm going to try to pull it   I'll pull it in now see if this this is easier  if I do it a different way oh yeah that works   I got it in I'm so happy it works that way  all right cool I know that for the next next time let's pull it all the way in now  we're going to push it through the door jam   boom let's put the rubber back into  its place okay give it a little slack okay so we're going to zip tie this  stuff up later so I'm just making sure I   have enough slack for the cable  that looks for me out all right   that looks like it's good enough for me  guys so while we here let's run the cable   to the other side okay so we do the same  thing we attach this cable to the zip TI okay let me find a spot for this thing right here guys all right I I just wout the cable  through an existing cable so I'm going   to go to the other side I'm going to  basically make some room to grab the   cable from the other side okay okay guys so  I need to make some room for the uh cable   to come through this way and the first thing  we got to do let's take this thing out it's Clips all right okay got it okay now I  have a little bit more room let me try   to feed my cable on the other side guys all  right I see my cable already let's pull it all right it's through here guys next thing  we're going to do let take this guy out first okay now we got to take this one out we lift   the rubber stripping and we got  to pull this thing out it's it's Clips okay what's holding you up right here man I think  there's another clip back here okay I got it out   oh my goodness I got it out next step is guys  let's take out this door panel okay now we got   to take this uh this trim out first so let's SP  out we're going to try and pop it from the front [Music] okay go panel is out now what we're going to do   unplug the mirror boom we  might as well take out the speaker okay unplug it okay guys now let's take  this thing out uh we're going to take out the [Music] mirror all right guys the mirror is out  all right so the next thing is we got   to push this thing out here and then I'm  going to take out my zip tie I'm going to   run it the other side so I  can actually feed my cable [Music] through all right I'm feeling the  the zip tight I just can't it's hard to   grab it I'm almost there feeling I got  to try to push it a little more guys oh my good guys I finally got it oh this one was  tough whoo okay this one was a pin in the you know   what okay now we got to attach again the cable  the same way we did it on the last one because   there's limited space so I don't want to do it  like this I'll zoom in so you can see I got to do   it this way the cable and the zip tie will not  fit in exactly so I'm going to attach it like that and then I'm going to put another layer on  it to protect the cable from getting scratched up all right now let's pull it through oh I got it oh my goodness I love it  okay now we can take out the [Music] tape right now guys we will feed the cable through here and then put the robber gramet back in place okay all right we should have enough slack here so I  have this cable all done up I'm going to let it   hang for now so I know I'm going to have to zip  that stuff but the next thing is we're going to   do we're going to go take this thing apart and  do the same thing we did on the other mirror   let's go all right guys so the next thing we're  going to do we're going to pop this mirror out okay let me take a quick picture of this here  all right unplug it and unplug the blind spot monitoring put it here we're going to take  the mirror out the exact same way as the other [Music] one going to try to pop this guy open all right we got one of them the one down here is a pain  me I need my light okay so I got   to get this one over here so is a pain to get [Music] okay I think I got it almost there this guy come on you got to come  out get out of there all right I got it   I got it nice next we got to pop this  guy open here there's a little clip   pop this open Where's My screwdriver  three screws let's take them [Music] out okay all right guys now we take this thing  out we got to take this bottom cover off we   got to use this big clip here right here guys  Lift This Big Clip and pull it out a little all right all right think I got it is that it I think   that's it and we should be able  to get this thing out of there oh yeah nice next um let's check out the turn signal only one screw holding  it boom unplug then we take out   the motor and the bracket at  the same time three and four [Music] all right guys so I got it out oh this  one has an extra all right let's see   I figure out how to defend this guy oh  unplug it um stick this to the side here okay all right so they're touring as an  extra wire in this thing here guys um   let's STI the the little connector  out it's a small one I'm going to   have to figure out how to depend  this guy I haven't done that one yet okay woo that's a tiny one I hope it'll  fit through so I don't have to depend it I   really don't want to let's take these guys out  out we need to deepen everything first we're   going to take a picture of this right here  [Music] okay okay let's go so you'll see the   picture guys the Deep pinning processess same  thing as the last [Music] one get out of here four one done okay now we got  this guy let's do this guy picture [Music] again all right finally got  it oh my goodness let to the next [Music] one give this thing a break let's  try the other one oh [Music] my all right I got one let's try  the other guy okay I got both of   them finally all right this  is the one that is kicking my [Music] what finally guys this was kicking my buns I got  it wow OMG okay all right let's see if we can get   all the cables out without taking this thing out I  really don't want to have to deepen this thing too [Music]   okay for these pens we got to fold them [Music] yeah it's going to be a tough one I'm going to  try to I do not want to take this thing apart guys it's very tight in here all right guys I had to trim a super  tiny part of it so I can take out take it   out so I'm just trying to p push it in now  it's tight in there finally oh my gosh I   got it out wow we do everything backward  all right this is a lot bigger the hole   is bigger so I don't have to worry about all  that extra stuff put this one in ah see this   one fits a lot easier okay that's good so  now next one we just push this guy this guy all right [Music] next yeah SCA was  a lot thicker than the other stuff   but I got it through now we can do  the power folding mirror it's going   to be a little tight I have to push  it a tiad but it should fit in there all right I got it it's in all right that's in Wow Wow Wow Let's put   back all the connectors but first  let's uh straighten everything out [Music] here okay looks good let me grab  my picture just to make make sure I put   everything back the same way okay all right so  I'm holding the connector like this yellow goes here Black by itself goes right here  uh green goes right here um black and   blue go right here okay boom done [Music]  next we're going to do the problem child   all right holding it like this  we got the Pink goes in right here okay purple goes right here next to it okay done okay next one if I'm holding this  guy this one without the tape hold on   right here one without the tape goes right here and the next one with the table goes on the other side [Music] okay now guys we got this thing  right here we got to put in hopefully this   fits in cuz I think it might be a little  different let's hope it does [Music] [Music]   so guys I had to um trim a lot of this  to try to get this thing to fit flush   but it's very hard to get it to sit flush  because of the way the kit is made but I   cut enough where I think I can't fit it  in there so I'm actually going to try it   and see how it goes no guarantees if I can  get a couple coup of them in [Music] there   let me run the cables that needs to go in  there and then test fitted so we can see [Music] I think that might be  the best that I could do all   right let's see if I can actually put  the um put this thing sitting in there properly all right let's [Music] uh all right let's put a  couple screws guys and and test [Music] all right guys I'm trying to get another  screw in here somehow but it's not easy [Music] okay guys final screw that is a touch longer  so I can at least get three screws to make it   snug so far it looks it looks okay but  you had to do a lot of trimming so um   let's proceed guys and see if we can  get the whole thing working properly   if we can get the whole thing properly  that'll be success next is let's do the   turn signal we're going to do sequential  turn signal it should should fit in there properly all right that's on route  the cables properly goes this [Music] way okay guys uh looks looks good  to me next let's um feed this cable   through here [Music] all right now  guys let's put the the bottom cover on all right bottom cover is  on let's uh put the mirror [Music] on now let's click it on all right looks good guys now let's put the mirror   here we have to use the sco  that come with the [Music] kit okay guys finally know what all right time to   put this mirror back into the  car and then we can run a few tests all right guys we got three screws that hold   the mirror together we're just  going to put them on [Music] all right guys before we proceed let's  connect the mirror we're going to do one   a quick test test to make sure left and right  goes the right way and then we can connect the kit now let's go to the left works  works works works go to the right   up down oh I know why hold  on all right one more time   yep works works works works guys success  oh it works okay let's sck this out real quick okay next thing guys we got to replace  this button let's we let's take this one out and to make sure it matches we're going to  pop this button off and then put the the   silver one to match all the trims you just  you can just pull it off all right go like this do the same thing on this guy and then we switch it here boom all  right done guys let's put the new one on okay there you go guys new one is on so that's  the difference you see this is the used one this   is the new one the only adding thing the only  extra things is the power folding mirror okay   so now that we have all everything done what  we're going to do we're going to want a quick   test guys we're going to just connect everything  real quick and test it out okay this goes right   here take this out connect it here connect it  here we connect the module we connect one of the mirrors okay guys let's give that  a try and see what happened [Music] wait a second I need power I [Music]  forgot all right guys finally I got it   to work so basically what happened is that  the kit that my my customer bought didn't   work for the touring so I I'm lucky I  had another kit that works so finally   I got the kit to work so everything is  is working let me show you real quick open there you go guys it's working it's  definitely working it just took me a   little bit to figure that out om goodness  yeah it's working oh my goodness it took   me a little bit to figure that out let me  double check make sure it works while the   while I do the door locks and stuff you  know what I mean time for the test guys yes yes ready definitely works it definitely works one   more [Music] time love it all  right guys let's test this real quick all right all right guys we got power  yes baby all right let's proceed okay guys   so I finally um got everything working  the way I want to so now we're just going   to make everything look super nice going to  do a couple of zip ties inside the door and   then we're going to do a couple underneath here  and we're going to move to the um driver side [Music] all right guys looks good to me  I going put a little bit of tape   here I don't like this so let me grab my [Music] tape all right guys I like this looks good um  let's put the speaker back on we can connect it boom okay speaker is on guys let me get  the door panel and we can put it [Music] on okay done put the window switch on [Music] oh  I forgot something I forgot something let me see   if I can put it without all right hold on guys I  got to pop this guy back [Music] out let's try to   put this thing back in cuz it's easier when the  panel is not on see now we can reconnect this guy now put the screw back on all right now we can put  this thing back in again guys okay we got to finish this  down here I almost forgot [Music]   here you go as you can see my cable is  zip tie all the way up here and it goes   through this hole right here guys where  the cable comes out through through this   grommet and it goes through the mirror  okay so now we're putting much done over   here I'm going to put this cover that  goes over here guys okay let me grab it okay that's in now we're going  to put this thing back in here okay done put the uh rubber grammed back in here all right all right guys let's go to the other side okay done all right guys every  everything inside the uh the car is   pretty much done so the next thing we're  going to we're going to do we're going to   put this trunk release back in place  guys like that and clip it clip it   in here done now we can put it back into  place move this out a little bit [Music] all right then put this back into place I need the trim that goes here okay  guys let's just put this trim back into place all right guys done now we're going to make  all this thing look beautiful as well [Music] [Music] all right guys so now it's time to basically get  power so we're going to use this big purple they   change the colors a little bit I guess all  the touring is a little different but we're   going to use this purple here let me get  my tool so we can do this thing real quick   all right while my heating gun is getting  ready we're going to get this thing ready   going to splice it just a little bit that's  it we're going to cut this guy up it's right here then we're going to attach [ __ ] while my gun is heated  heating let me cut this zip ties guys all right let's take care of this right here all right that's done I'm going  to tape this guy up [Music] there you go guys see all my cable has zip  ties right here module right here should be   all good I got my power from here I'm going  to put a little bit more tape on this guy   right here zip tile V go to the C the go  this here looking all good so what I have   to do now I'm going to do one more quick  test before I put the door panel back guys   all right right last test of the day yes baby  yeah I did it all right right we're good guys   we are good to go we can put the door panel  back now let's go unplug this guy right here unplug put the little tape over here all right done before  we put the door panel back   guys we got to put this thing here  first boom we're going to put the speaker scre let's grab the door  pan off guys and put it back [Music] all right guys we're gold then okay guys let's go for the  last test last test of the day Lo yes I was able to make a touring I was  able to do power folding mirror on the   touring a lot of work but I got it done guys  so open yeah baby yes yes test this guy out too yes it works oh yeah it  works let me test it turn signal hey guys so as you can see sequential turn  signal added to the car power folding mirror   of course working there you go look how good  that looks I wish I could show it to you at   night you go beautiful right guys I love it  now we got two more things to do we got to   put this cover back in put this cover back  in and then we can call it a dner let's go boom done let me get this bottom [Music] CPP boom done let's go to the other  side and do the same thing [Music] last one we got to put that [Music]  on all right we're done Doan finally [Music] done all right guys power folding mirror on the 24   Honda Accord touring is all done and it works as  it should you know it it took a lot of it took a   good amount of customization to get it to work so  technically if you buy the kit keep that in mind   okay and even the connectors are different so keep  that in mind all right I was able to make it work   cuz I had another kit for a different Accord that  end up working for this thank God but anyway it's   all done like And subscribe comment down below  tell me what you think until the next time peace

2024-09-30 03:36

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