10 Days in Turkey - Why This Country Deserves a Spot on Your Bucket List

10 Days in Turkey - Why This Country Deserves a Spot on Your Bucket List

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Welcome to Turkey wander through the ruins of  empires past scale ancient stone fortresses and   soar above the surreal landscapes of Cappadocia  and marvel at the grandeur of Istanbul's mosques   lose yourself in the bazaars and spice markets  and awaken your senses with the incredible Turkish   cuisine you will soon find yourself falling  under this country's spell wow that was new   this is the dream to journey family join  us as we spend the next 10 days exploring Turkey flying to the center of Turkey   we head to Cappadocia surprisingly the  airport became a memorable part of our journey Turkey was celebrating the  100th anniversary of Republic Day and   a lively group of dancers welcomed us upon arrival after enjoying this warm welcome we rush to catch   our connecting flight let's  see your flag Reese go Turkey A short shuttle ride brought us to one of the  most unique places we have ever stayed a cave   room fit for a while a traveling family okay  we just got in here let's check it out Bailey   we give us a little tour so this is the  king suite the king s wanted a spot with   two extra with two separate rooms so she can  sleep when we can work there's still no door   that's okay no no matter steps are uneven can  I help you down big steps our first meal was Unforgettable do you cook it in an oven  yeah in the pot Turkish ravioli and a lamb   stew baked in a sealed clay pot which is then  cracked open just before serving for the best flavor is so good that was just the best so what  you what is in it lamb this is lamb mhm and Reese   likes the bread what do you think about the bread  the bread is it yummy mhm no the restaurant even   brought soup for our little one free of charge  and provided blankets so we could dine comfortably   outside this was our first taste of the incredible  Turkish hospitality we enjoyed throughout our travels at sunrise we woke to a site we had never  seen before we were just in our hotel room and we   heard a fire breathing dragon coming out so I  came outside to see what was going on there's   a hot air balloon that had just taken off in front  of our hotel oh but just look at that it's amazing   hundreds of hot air balloons drifting across  the sky in the golden morning light again peek the magic continued over breakfast  where our table was filled with   traditional Turkish dishes and of course plenty of tea just a short drive from our base in  Goram we visit Uchisar Castle a towering   rock that was transformed into a fortress over the  centuries tunnels rooms and storage spaces were   carved into the soft rock creating a maze-like  honeycomb of living spaces the ingenuity of   using the natural landscape this way was  truly incredible to witness this UNESCO   world heritage site dates back over 4,000  years to the Bronze Age climbing to the top   of the castle the highest point in Cappadocia  gave us stunning panoramic views of the valleys   below no wonder this fortress has been so  important in watching over this region for millennia we did it we made it to the top how does a butterfly fly? we spent hours exploring its many nooks  and crannies imagining what life might   have been like here you got this Indiana  Jones just pull out your whip and swing   across do you like this house cheese  go give me big hug oh yes okay go find mommy oh you found her you did it good job  from Uchisar Castle we hiked through Pigeon   Valley back to Goreme Pigeon Valley gets its  name from the pigeon houses carved into the   rocks farmers once used pigeon droppings as  natural fertilizer for their crops making   these birds an important part of life here if  you're going to take this hike be sure to wear   good shoes and bring water offline maps  helped us from straying off the path our   hike back to Goreme felt like we were back at  home in southern Utah but the call to prayer   reminded us that we were actually far from home  so weird to be in wilderness and be hearing that   the call to prayer so cool back in Goreme we  settled in for a break and a delicious lunch and and some herbs it's got like an orange  drizzle on it as well now we get our Turkish   pide p i d e it's like their Turkish pie  Turkish pizza and this one has cheese and mushrooms those two they're so cute choosing to walk to the next chapter  of our adventure brought smiles seeing all   the unique sights along the way but we were  eager to explore the Goreme Open Air Museum   a 1,000-year-old cultural hub carved into  rock (that's like five stories!) churches   monasteries and living quarters once a  gathering place to thousands of people   hewn from natural stone pillars and chimneys  between the 9th and 13th centuries Christians   created this sanctuary to be a haven among  the stones despite the dimly lit spaces they   lived in the vibrant wall paintings we saw were  breathtaking full of intricate colorful details   that have lasted for centuries so we have  this like three stories of off the ground it's easy to look around and see  rocks with holes and a layer of   paint but picturing people children monks  worshippers living and learning in these   caves turned cathedrals gave the sense  of a heartbeat to the still stone walls though they seem long abandoned and  not easily lived in in other similar   cave cities in the area people lived in  them even up until the 1950s all right   we're just passing our time here at the  playground at the school just across the   street from our hotel waiting for our  sister tia Chloe to come with us found her took long enough oh it was a long long  day Journey but we're here right here here hit it with my sister joining us we were ready for  the next level of adventure a level 200 ft below   ground level Kaymakli at its peak housed  a staggering 6,000 people in these tunnels   that number in the thousands along with their  animals and supplies ingenious air shafts and   clever design made room for kitchens sleeping  quarters schools churches and even wineries   Kyle the holy light has been bestowed upon you  you see the ventilation shaft here we're just   on the first floor I it was mindblowing  to think about people thriving in such a   deep and expansive space and we channeled  their bravery as we explored its depths look at this getting some nice shots of your butt  here oh yeah it was mindblowing to   think about people thriving  eight stories below ground there that is just not not very  big we're on our hands and knees   here crawling through it's crazy what  do you think could we stay in a room   this size I think a few of our hotels have been  about this size Reese sure seems to like it I want to go back this is our  new home new home that's home   we are now cave people afterward we  rewarded ourselves with a well-earned treat what do you think how's the juice fresh  it's very fresh my mouth pucker but yeah so good to walk a mile in someone's shoes you need  the right outfit and maybe some pottery skills my   sister and I left Kyle and Reese behind to try a  pottery class in an ancestral home let's just say   we walked away with a newfound respect for Turkish  pottery because spoiler alert our creations were   far from masterpieces is that what you had hoped  to make the first time I I don't know what I the sun was just beginning to  rise the Cappadocian landscape   was waking up and it was finally our  turn to explore the landscape from above wow how do you think Bails how you feeling  oh I'm so freaking excited I was up an hour early   I'm terrified of heights so this is going to be fun as the balloon lifted off I gripped the  edge tightly unsure if I'd enjoy the view or   keep my eyes glued shut but with every moment  the beauty around me replaced fear with awe as the sun began to rise we joined the  morning spectacle of glowing hot air   balloons lifting off one by one into  the golden light wow it feels unreal   it's so quiet up here except for that the  soft light unveiled a surreal landscape   below towering rock formations ancient  cities carved into stone and valleys   that stretched out in every direction  unlike anything I've ever done isn't it so cool scary as we began our descent I assumed  the ride was over but boy was I wrong our   pilot expertly navigated us weaving  between other balloons and dipping   into steep valleys lined with rock  carved dwellings at times we got so   close to the buildings it felt like we  could reach out and touch them oh oh my go oh my gosh buzzing the tower (2 ft!) even with my fear of heights I can   confidently say this was one of the  most unforgettable travel experiences   of my life months later I still catch  myself smiling just thinking about it when we finally landed safely back on  solid ground we celebrated with a champagne toast a perfect ending to our  truly magical time in Cappadocia up next we journey back in time  to the legendary city of Ephesus walking along the ancient stone roads and  through tunnels it was surreal to imagine   life here over 2,000 years ago here we go we were  walking in the footsteps of the Ephesians Ephesus   is often regarded as one of the best preserved  Roman ruins in the world outside of Italy it's   a treasure trove of everything iconic about Roman  culture grand amphitheaters for performances and   preaching intricate street art and inspiring  architecture the city also showcases Roman   ingenuity from water systems and transportation  to public restrooms although it's worth noting   they're strictly for viewing these days the great  theater of Ephesus with a capacity of 25,000 must   have been an incredible venue for gatherings  performances and sermons standing there it was   easy to picture the energy of the crowds today  though we enjoyed a different kind of performance then there was the Library of Celsus a true  masterpiece its stunning two-story facade   adorned with intricate carvings and perfect  symmetry seemed to radiate enlightenment and   knowledge at the library's entrance four female  statues stand as symbols of Roman ideals wisdom   knowledge intelligence and excellence while  we stood in awe Reese had other priorities   it turns out even world-class ruins can't  compete with nap time next we visited the   House of the Virgin Mary a sacred site believed  to be her final resting place whether or not the   historical evidence confirms its authenticity the  spiritual energy of this place is undeniable the   walls surrounding are adorned with scraps of paper  and cloth bearing prayers and wishes in dozens of languages up next we make our way to Turkey's  bustling capital Istanbul this incredible city   spans two continents Asia and Europe and with a  population of about 15 million it's the largest   city in Europe and it's not hard to see why we  made it did our journey began at one of Istanbul's   most iconic landmarks the Hagia Sophia your head  today it's a functioning mosque so visitors should   dress modestly she knows what she's doing she's  got it down entry is free but the lines can be long completed in 537 AD under the orders  of Roman Emperor Justinian its massive   dome was the largest in the world for nearly a  millennium only surpassed by Brunelleschi's dome   in Florence during the Renaissance originally  a cathedral then a mosque then a museum and   now once again a mosque the Hagia Sophia is  a symbol of Istanbul's layered history the   architectural blend of Byzantine and Ottoman  elements tells a story that spans centuries   what do you think Bailey so cool that's really  cool it really is it's very it feels like gold box this was our first time visiting a mosque  and it was a deep enriching experience we   observed worshippers performing Salat a ritual  prayer performed five times daily at specific   times worshippers faced the Kaaba in Mecca with  movements symbolizing humility and submission to Allah after exploring the Hagia Sophia we ventured  out to experience another facet of Istanbul life   its rich culinary tradition which like the city  itself blends influences from across the globe as   the sunset over Istanbul's rooftops we dined  on mouthwatering traditional Turkish dishes   many of which were once served centuries  ago to the sultan himself we don't belong here oh you guys are so cute the  lamb shank slow cooked to perfection   was tender and delicious and the sweetness  of apricots and the warmth of spices blended beautifully then came a unique favorite  a stuffed melon filled with savory   minced meat currants and almonds A  surprising and delicious combination though day two cool stick with sticks in hand we stepped into  the Topkapi Palace the former home of Ottoman   sultans and a true masterpiece of design we  picked an entrance at random not knowing what   treasures we might stumble upon inside we did find  a treasure not of gold or jewels but of silks and   velvets lavishly embroidered and inscribed  with calligraphy that once symbolized power   wealth and authority these are talismanic shirts  the artistry left us in awe what' you think so   cool I feel underdressed a little bit the next  stop the Sultan's Library every detail from the   intricate tile work to the illuminated manuscripts  emphasized the immense value placed on knowledge she's so pretty whether wandering the  courtyards or marveling at the interiors   we found beauty at every turn both in this  culture so different from our own and in   sharing the experience with our family  oh my goodness you're so quick getting run run here in the women's palace I'll  let you take in the stunning gold leaf   geometric designs the intricate tiled walls  and the surprisingly lifelike wax figurines   after our palace explorations it  was time to hit the road almost   quite literally as trains sped by just a  little too close for comfort wow that was new we stopped for fresh lahmacun corn and simit  and while we each managed a few bites Reese wasted   no time in claiming her share is that good that's  so good huh yum corn on the cob I had I had maybe   two bites before she took over devoured the  whole thing oh and now you would like some of mine recharged we made our way to one  of Istanbul's most iconic landmarks the   Blue Mosque as we approached the stone  structure we couldn't help but notice   the cascading dome stacked looked like a stone waterfall it's beautiful my sister and  I covered our hair as other women did   out of respect my first thought absolute  brilliance the walls seemed to glow with   bright blue tiles spanning the ceiling  catching the light pouring in through the   stained glass windows every inch felt alive  with energy and devotion it's mindboggling to   think that this architectural wonder despite  its immense size and detail was completed in   just 8 years wow just so beautiful the sultan  of the time poured a staggering 15 million AKC   into its construction a fortune that would  translate to hundreds of millions of dollars today after such a day we felt like treating  ourselves to a sultan worthy dinner a restaurant   nestled in a nearby neighborhood with great  reviews served us our favorite meal of lamb and   fresh vegetables kept perfectly hot and flavorful  by complimentary tabletop fire absolutely delicious on our final day in Istanbul we decided  to set out and see the city on foot soaking in it   rhythm the Galata Tower stood tall above  us its 14th century stone walls offering   a glimpse into the past though we didn't  climb to the top we wandered the streets   around cobblestone alleys lined  with historic buildings one small   restaurant tucked away in an industrial  district adjacent caught our eyes here   we enjoyed a hearty lunch the kind of meal  that local workers might savor during a break making our way across the iconic Galata  Bridge stretching across the Golden Horn   we watched local fishermen lineup casting their  lines into the water below in hopes of a fresh catch visiting the spice bazaar and Grand Bazaar  you are struck with the vibrant colors of the   spices fruits and candies but as we walked around  I began to feel a bit underwhelmed the products   felt cheap and overpriced and every negotiation  seemed more like a performance rose petal and   pomegranate with some pistachio nuts good we left  with a couple of items more for the sake of the   experience than their actual value making it a  place worth visiting for its ambiance but not   necessarily for good shopping experience but  again this comes from someone who definitely   wouldn't classify themselves as a shopper yeah we  then made our way up the hill to the Suleymaniye   mosque where we paused to take in one last view  of Istanbul it's skyline a mix of minarets,   domes and the timeless waters of the Bosphorus  as we stood there looking out over the city that   had left such an impression on us we reflected  on everything we'd seen its history its vibrant   culture and the incredible journey we have shared  if you've enjoyed this journey with us consider   subscribing to our Channel and if you'd like to go  to the extra mile please consider supporting us on   patreon it covers the cost of video production and  helps us keep these adventures going next time we   find ourselves exploring Spain thanks for watching  and as always dream big and enjoy the journey

2025-01-20 03:11

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