04 New Thought, Minority Influences, and Popular Culture Video Notes

04 New Thought, Minority Influences, and Popular Culture Video Notes

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Hello. Everybody, and welcome to section 4 of our. 1920s. Notes today we're going to talk about New Thought minority. Influences. And pop culture in the 1920s. So. We're gonna start, with New Thought we, ended, the, last lecture, with new morality so. The way people's morals, and the way they believed, what, was right and what was wrong changed, in the 1920s. But, the way people think is gonna change in the 1920s. A new thought is. Going. To start with, this. Push to look to science and, innovation. Instead. Of God for answers and solutions to problems so. For example at, the beginning of the 1920s. A, lot. Of people saw the Spanish, flu epidemic, that hit America, as God's, punishment. People. Who ascribed, to the new thought instead. Of thinking God is punishing us, they're, gonna be looking for scientific. Reasons why this that why this flu is happening, and ways, you can stop it now. A new. Thought is not very popular, amongst, those rural. Conservatives. So, their response to. All of this new scientific. Thought. And scientific, learning that's going on can. Be seen in Tennessee, in March, of 1925. Tennessee. Passed a law called the butler, Act which. Prohibited. The teaching of the. Theory of evolution in public schools. Now. The theory of evolution had, been around for a while but. What. Makes this unique is. It's. The first scientific, law that you can't start. You. Can't teach in schools. Now. Tennessee's, Butler act is going to lead to the most famous clash, between, Americans. Social, divisions there between those moderns, and there's modern urban you. Know liberals and the, conservative. Rural traditionalists. And. That. Big. Clash. Is. The Scopes. Trial. It's Tennessee. Versus Scopes, a, lot, of people call this the Monkey Trial it. Takes place in Dayton Tennessee in, July of 1925. When. A Dayton, high school teacher named, John Scopes. Purposely. Teaches, evolution. He, knew about the law he broke the law on purpose okay. People. Wanted to challenge, this law so.

They Chose John, Scopes as kind of the person to do it kind, of like the way in the civil rights movement they chose Rosa Parks to be the woman who, refused, to give up her seat on the bus, so, he taught evolution, for a couple of days until. Word. Got back to parents parents complained. Cops. Showed up inside, of his classroom and he continued, to teach it and. He, gets arrested and he gets put on trial and this. Is going to blow, up this tiny little town of Dayton Tennessee. People, from all across the country are gonna be coming to this town. Like. Every, hotel room is filled up people, are renting out their guest rooms and making buku money over this, this. Tiny little town is going to have the eyes of the world on it because of this and. Because. Of. That you're gonna get two of the country's, most famous lawyers. To, come and try this case, now. The prosecutor, the guy who volunteers. To prosecute, this case and try to put, John. Scopes in jail is William. Jennings Bryan, yes. That. William Jennings Bryant, the cross of gold guy he. Was a lawyer he's very elderly um, well. Not very elderly. We'll get there he's like in his 60s but. He's elderly, at this point he, has. Decided. That this is a cause, he wants to champion, he. Considers, himself an expert on the Bible so, he is going to go in and he's gonna execute this case the, defense, attorney, is a. The. United States's most famous. Defense. Attorney the most famous a trial. Lawyer at the time his, name is Clarence Darrow, and, he is coming fresh, off of one of his biggest cases ever the Leopold and Loeb case, in, 1924. We'll. Talk about that in a second so this is John Scopes okay, this is the man that they decide is going to be the one to. Challenge this law this. Is Clarence Darrow and this is William Jennings. Bryan. All. Right so Leopold. And Loeb, they, are. Let's. Call them special friends. They. They. Were lovers guys and, Leopold, and Loeb are. Kind. Of an interesting case it's a very traditional.

Kind. Of serial killer pairings, here you. Have the, one. Charismatic. Kind of sociopathic, leader and then, you have the other kind, of weaker, partner who, is very subservient, to the first partner. Always. Does what he says that type of thing and they decide, that, they are smarter, than everybody else and they want to commit the perfect crime. So. They decide I mean they they type it all up on a nice fancy typewriter, they type up their plan, they're. Gonna get this little boy Bobby Franks, he. Was a distant, relation of one of these two and. They're going to convince, him to get in a car they've rented so, that that can't be traced back to them they're. Gonna tell him that let's go play tennis and they gonna. Sneak. Him into the car and then they're gonna drive out somewhere and kill him and had the body and nobody's ever gonna know the. Problem, is these people have book-learnin, but no common sense, for. One Franks, is related, to one of these two so that's that's mistake. Number one mistake. Number two was they wrote everything, down and, while they while, they did and, get rid of the paper itself it. Was written on a typewriter and. Typewriters. Have ink ribbon the way it works is the key has. The little shape of the letter on it and the, shape of the letter presses, into that ribbon and. Pushes, that that shapes, worth of ink onto the. Paper so, whenever the key comes down there's. That perfect, shape letters, worth of ink missing, on that ribbon so, all the cops had to do was take that ribbon, and go, through and look at the letters that were used and just figure out where the spaces went and they. Could figure out everything that typewriter had written so that's mistake number two. Mistake. Number three, when, they go to hide the body, and. One of these two was an avid birdwatcher so they knew all of the backwoods. Kind of places and they, thought they wanted, to hide the body in a culvert one of those pipes underneath the road but. Neither one of them wanted to crawl all the way into the pipe and get all nasty and dirty so, they just kind of shove the body as far in there as they can and they, leave about that much of the feet sticking out and. With. About a foot and a half two feet of feet. Sticking out and his body's gonna get found pretty, quickly. So. That's mistake number three mistake number four the, avid birdwatcher, had, specialty. Made glasses, made for him and his. Prescription. With solid, gold frames, and they. Fell out of his pocket near, the body whenever. They were disposing, of the body so. Like this is. You. Can't get but you, can't commit. A crime in a much more stupid way than these two did they're. Gonna get caught they're gonna get tried. Clarence. Darrow takes the case. Clarence. Darrow does not take the case because he wants to get them off okay. Everyone. Knew they were gonna get convicted but. Clarence Darrow, was an ACLU. Lawyer, so he is focusing, on civil rights so. When they get convicted, he Darrow. Gives an impassioned, speech. Against. The death penalty he, talks about how the death penalty, is cruel and unusual punishment. And it, shouldn't be used to hurt people and, he does can get these two out of the death penalty they don't spend the rest of their lives in prison but, they don't get the death penalty. So, back to the Scopes Monkey Trial, Scopes. Is convicted, okay. Though. This conviction will later be overturned, on, technicality by the Supreme, Court so, the Conservatives. Take this as a win right, because scopes, gets convicted but. Ironically, enough the, Liberals take this as a win too because. In, order to win the case. Scopes. Had to forego scopes uh Darrow, got. To put, William. Jennings Bryan, on the witness stand the. Judge would, not allow, the. Judge was that was a very, you, know fundamental religion. Oriented. Judge and. He refuses, to, allow Darrow. To call any scientific, witnesses, to talk about the theory of evolution so. The. Only thing left is for Darrow to. Kind. Of point out that it's silly to only, teach the bots the literal, interpretation, of the Bible in schools because.

Most People don't believe. Every single word of the Bible was meant literally, some. Things are just said, for the meaning or for the message it's not specifically. That the literal, interpretation. So. He puts Bryan on the stand because Bryan is a self-proclaimed. Expert, on the Bible and he, proceeds, to tear Bryan apart. He. Starts off with Bryan you know do you believe and the literal interpretation of the Bible, and. Bryan. Basically. Says yes I do and then. Like. The first thing that Darrow hits him with was okay. Well then. Where. Did Cain's wife come from, where, did April's wife come from so. They talk about you know and in Genesis. There's. Adam and Eve and they have two sons and then all of a sudden their sons are married but they never talk about where the women came from so. I they he's. Trying to talk to Brian and Brian, keeps getting fuddled, he keeps getting he keeps, he messed up and. It. Makes Brian look like an idiot, which. In turn makes, all of the Conservatives, who believe in that the liberal. Interpretation of, the Bible look, like an idiot's so, liberals take this as a win - now. Later, on, at. The end of this trial July 26th. Hmm. Excuse. Me I'm gonna try not to do the yawn anything again today um July. 26, 1925. William. Jennings Bryan will die while he is in Dayton at the at the end of this he has kind of a heart attack. Now, uh five. Years later Bryan, College, is opened, up in Dayton Tennessee to. This day it is still one of the best, religious. Colleges in the southeast, so, and, as a Christian college, the, butler, act the law that makes evolution, illegal, it actually remains a Tennessee, law until, 1967. So. If you have parents or grandparents, who went to high, school in Tennessee. Before. 1967. They were not even taught the theory of evolution. All. Right some minority, influences, now these are not just black but these are all the different types of. People. That were part of that loud frisky, minority, this is this is gonna be the way we shaped our way the way we see the 1920s. These, are the Great Gatsby type, people. Okay. So the first thing we're going to talk about is the lost generation. The. Lost generation, is the name for this minority, group, of people that are doing all of these new. Modern types of things, the, Lost Generation is a term coined by a writer named Gertrude Stein. She. Was female writer uh, and, she's, talking about this generation, that kind of feel like they don't have a place in the world anymore which, is very, much defines, all of these people we. Used the Lost Generation today. To. Refer to that group of people that were too young to fight in World War one and too, old to fight in World War two. Okay. One, of the best quotes to describe, the Lost Generation comes. From my writer F scott Fitzgerald, he. Says that these men had, grown up to find all God's dead all wars, fought all faiths, and Men shaken, so. There's. There's no, point in religion, you know there's nothing left to fight for and, you can't trust your fellow human being so. What do you do in that situation and, that is, very much what the members, of this last generation are struggling, with the. Lost generation. Generally, speaking is going to refer to the young urban writers, and artists, of this movement. Because. The writers writers, and artists, they're the ones that are left behind, the. Evidence. We can go back and look at the, iconic, book of the lost generation is, the great gatsby if you have not read it go, read it it's. Written by F scott Fitzgerald, okay. One. Of the famous artists, of the time as a woman named Georgia O'Keeffe. She's. Gonna be famous for her landscapes. Her deserts her desert style type paintings. And. Especially. A flower. Which, I'll show you in a second and. A lot of the members of the Lost generations, are going to become expatriates. They're. Gonna go to places like Paris now. For those of you who don't know an expatriate.

Is Someone. Who lives permanently, in, a country, other than the country where they hold citizenship. For so, American, expatriates. In Paris they are American, citizens they were born and raised in America but. They're a lot of times they are so. Sick. Of the hypocrisy shown. In. America, that. They. Leave. That. They get out of America they just think they can't put up with them anymore they go and they move to Paris and I, spend the rest of their life in Paris they, never try to become, French, citizens, they're still Americans, they, just are never gonna live in America again. Okay. So this is F scott Fitzgerald, the, writer of The Great Gatsby this, is my favorite cover of The Great Gatsby cuz it's amazing, I mean how do you not love that. This, is Georgia O'Keeffe, this. Is her famous painting, flower. Okay. And you're going to see a lot of kind of Native, American, inspired. Art. From. Georgia O'Keeffe. Native. Americans, get a little bit of a bump in status, in the 1920s. A, lot, of Native Americans, had fought for the United States in World War one and as, kind of reward, for that we. Kind of stopped the whole doll severalty, app thing so we allow, tribes. To have an identity again, we allow tribes to have. To. Own land and have that tribal identity again so, that's, gonna that's the one. Bump. That. Native. Americans are gonna get in the 1920s. Gertrude. Stein this is her she's the one who coins the term lost generation. This. Is Ernest Hemingway, he, is gonna be an expat, he's gonna be an expatriate, he's gonna he is going to go live in Cuba he's, gonna live in Paris, I'm, he's gonna go all over the world and he writes some amazing, books he writes The Sun Also Rises. He, writes the Old Man and the sea which. Is amazing. And if you don't want to read the old man in the sea they've got a really good. Movie. Interpretation. Of it that came out I want, to say in the 50s um, it's, really really good I suggest, you go and you at least watch the movie because it's amazing. So influence of black Americans, and black culture in the 1920s. So first we're going to talk about civil rights and. The, big civil rights issue in. America. In the 1920s is getting civil rights getting the right to vote and opposing. The racial violence that's happening especially. In the south the. Two main n-double-a-cp, leaders. You have at this time RWE, betta boy but. Do boy is getting up there in years now he's getting old and. Then James Weldon Johnson he's, kind of the new young, up-and-coming, member of the n-double a-c-p. Now. Johnson especially. Up this. Is de boy okay. This, is James Weldon Johnson this, is one of the things he's known for he, compiles, the first book of American, Negro poetry. He's. Got a couple poems, in here but you this is a great book to go to if you're looking for doing any, type, of book or, research. On the Harlem Renaissance this. Is a great book to go to for that now. Johnson especially. Is going to be involved in an anti-lynching, campaign. He. Picks up that lynching, campaign that was Star anti-lynching, campaign that. Was started by Ida B wells in 1892, um so, at, this point she is. Caste and he has taken it over and in. The. Whole point of an anti-lynching, campaign is, to convince Congress to, pass. Anti-lynching. Laws. Remember. Lynching, has always been illegal murder has always been illegal, what, anti-lynching, laws would do would. Make it would make lynching, a federal, crime so.

Instead Of having local police, investigating. Lynchings, which, didn't always work well because, a lot of times either the police were involved, in the lynchings or they were related, to people who were involved in the lynchings so they're not gonna go look into it. An. Anti-lynching, law would make it a federal crime so. The federal. Investigators. The FBI didn't, exist yet but Secret, Service US Marshals they, would have to come in and investigate, the. Thought process, was that if you have someone from the federal government, coming to investigate, they, don't have any ties to that community, so, they would be more impartial and more willing to arrest, the white people for committing the crimes, and. Congress, three, different, times in the 1920s. Rejected. Anti-lynching, laws so. Three different times the laws came before Congress, and three different times Congress, said we don't need these and voted it down. Black. Influence, on popular culture is, going to be known as the Harlem Renaissance. Harlem. Renaissance is, the rise or the rebirth, of black culture, in America, and, you're going to see a lot, of amazing, black influences. I will show you some separate videos after this in class of some of these songs you. Have jazz which, is amazing, a jazz comes from the blues, you're, gonna see this a lot in northern cities the. Great migration, brought the blues north and it's, gonna mix with some of the sounds, that were already happening some of the ragtime sup type sounds that were happening in the north and you're, gonna get jazz. Two. Of the famous, jazz, artists. You need to know Louis. Armstrong, he, was a trumpet, player in a singer and Duke. Ellington he, was a piano player and a composer. Blues, singers, you're gonna get off so, many great blues singers, you, have Bessie Smith Billie, Holiday. Amazing. Google, Harlem. Renaissance, 1920s. Musicians. And. Just. Follow. It into the YouTube rabbit, hole it'll be amazing. Literature, you're, gonna see a lot of amazing black, literature coming, out of the Harlem Renaissance, one, is the poet laureate of Harlem poet laureate means official, poet and. The the. Official, poet of the Harlem Renaissance is, Langston, Hughes, unless. Faced with his poems in a minute but. He is. Amazing. It's, he. Is one of those those, poets that these, were the first to stand up and say no you need to be proud of being black you, just celebrate, being black you, don't need to try to hide your blackness, and act more white that's not what this is about you should be proud of who you are um, Zoe. Neale Hurston, writes. An amazing, book called Their Eyes Were Watching God this. Is one of those books that I tell every, one of my female students, you, need to read this book I. Mean you should read it if you're a man too but this is one of those books that I've. Read, it several times throughout my life and I've gotten something different, from it each, time I've read it so, every, time you, read this book as a woman you're gonna see you're gonna pick out something else from it and this, this. Book chronicles. A woman's, life a black woman's life in the, south, and.

It's Kind of like her young adult life where she's married, and then her husband dies and, she, falls back in love and, it's, just this whole big, kind. Of saga and it's amazing. Also. Gentlemen. If you, want to read a fictional. Account of what happens to the human body whenever the human gets rabies it's, in this book so. Uh there's. There's something for everybody. Okay. Josephine. Baker is a famous. Singer. And cabaret. Star. She's. And she does burlesque, she goes she's, a black woman she's a black American, she. Goes. To Paris and becomes famous doing, burlesque shows, um. Which, are you. Know shows. Where you wear very skimpy clothing sometimes, you go topless, and, you have you. Know these big elaborate, displays, where you sing and you. She, was an amazing singer and dancer she becomes world-famous, and when, she comes back to America, to do shows in America. She. Refuses, to play in theaters that are segregated. Which. Means you're gonna get a lot of big big. Theaters. In, Washington. DC and, Charleston. And in. Miami. In, New. York City that were, segregated. That, actually. Desegregate. They integrate, the whole theater from then on because of her so. That they can get her to come and play there. This. Is Louis Armstrong. You're. Gonna have clubs all throughout, the. World but. In America, like in Harlem you had the Cotton Club still. There today where. You could go you'd, pay you know a dollar fifty, per ticket and these, are like the old-fashioned clubs you saw in in movies where, they have the tables, with the long white tablecloths. And you'd, get dinner and there would be a show up on the stage may be singing, it or, a band, playing and there'd be a dance floor you could go and dance that's, the type of feel, the Harlem Renaissance has. Um. You have Duke Ellington, he played the Apollo Theater, and one of the interesting, things about Duke Ellington, was he had a few. Long-term. Band, members but, every, major city he went to he, held auditions and, would, bring in local talent for his band and then, he would give them solos, so. That any type of music industry, people from, that city that were in the audience would. See local. Talent, and that, a lot of men are going to get jobs. Because. Uh you, know of local, record producer, saw. Them play you, know a trumpet, solo in Duke Ellington's, band, so. This is going to lead to long term jobs, for some people. You've got Billie Holiday and Bessie Smith both of which sing the blues I'm. Gonna play you a, a. Song. In a second called strange fruit after, this lecture, and, it will make you cry if you have a heart so be prepared. Langston. Hughes poems, the. I too sing, America I too, sing. America, I am. The darker brother they, send me to eat in the kitchen when company comes, but I laugh and I, eat well and I grow strong. Tomorrow. I'll be at the table when company comes, nobody. Will dare say to me eat in the kitchen then. Besides. They'll, see how beautiful. I am and be. Ashamed I. Too. AM America. Ok, so, very strong. Kind. Of a pro, black. Culture, poem, there you. Also have dream variations, to. Fling my arms wide in some place of the Sun to whirl and to dance to the white day is done then. Rest at cool evening beneath a tall tree while, night comes on gently dark.

Like Me that. Is my dream to. Fling my arms wide in the face of the Sun dance whirl whirl to the quick day is done rest. At pale evening, a tall. Slim tree, night. Coming, tenderly, black. Like me. So. Once. Again this kind of this this black is a good thing you're. Gonna see a lot of that in Langston Hughes's work. This is Zora Neale Hurston and, her book Their Eyes Were Watching God, once. Again you should totally read this it's an amazing book ask, me about the extra credit for it after the novel, or after, the notes. You're. Also gonna get a black nationalist, movement. That happens in the 1920s, or a black separatist. Movement, the. The. Leader of this movement is Marcus Garvey. That's. Him. But. The feathers on his head and. He is going to start what's called the back-to-africa movement which. Was literally a push, to return black, Americans to Africa, he. Wanted to resettle, in Liberia. Liberia. Was a country. That was set up by white. Anti. Slavery. Americans. During. The early. 1800s. They, would buy slaves. And then. Give them their freedom but, instead of letting them go free in America where slave catchers, could catch them again they. Actually sent them to Liberia, so they could set up their own country so, I'm at least this white. These. White, anti-slavery. Groups. Pooled, their money and bought Liberia. From, the country that had owned it previously and, set. It up as a country for free blacks. So. Marcus Garvey is calling for the resettlement back in Liberia, but. He has to pay for this right if you want to take all the black Americans, and send them back to to Africa, you got half way to pay for it so he founds, the UNIA. The, universal. Negro Improvement Association. To. Fund the movement, and. They, start. The paperwork to buy a cruise, ship. So. That they can start you. Know actually. Putting. People in a boat and sailing them to Africa, and, they start sending out pamphlets in the mail you. Know you can send us money and reserve your ticket that, type of thing and they call this the Black Star shipping line. Now. The American. Government, does not like this because, black, people are, still a major portion. Of the workforce and we. Don't want them to leave because then we won't have workers, so. Garvey. The federal government's gonna start investigating. Garvey and they, find out that he is selling tickets for this black star shipping, line this boat but, they haven't finished the process of buying the boat they're. Actually using the money from the tickets to to, raise. Money to buy the boat so, they're selling tickets for a boat they don't own, and. The the government, calls that mail fraud because it's happening through the mail mail. Fraud is illegal, Garvey, is convicted, pretty quickly and then he is deported, back to Jamaica because. He was a Jamaican immigrant. Okay. Now, here's the thing the back to Africa movement was not just. Americans. Going back to Africa it was our black, Americans, going back to Africa it was black Americans. And and, all, the black people in the Caribbean islands because they, were brought there as slaves -. All, right so Marcus Garvey this, is the Black Star shipping line. Okay. And this, is. One. Of the advertisements. They did notice. To members of the universal, Negro Improvement Association, all, members of the UNIA. Who, desire to go to Liberia West Africa to settle to help in the industrial, commercial and cultural development, of the country and who, are intent sailing October, December 1920, September, October December, 1924. Or January. February March April, or May 1925. Are requested. To send in for application. Form to be filled out and then here's the address, so, they would send you the application, form you would fill it out and send it and your money back, to the UNIA. Alright. Popular, culture, one.

Of The things you need to know about the 1920s, is this is the first time when, you start to see the synthesis. Or the blending, of all, the regional, cultures into one unified, American, culture so, it's not just a, northeastern, culture, or a South Eastern culture or a Western culture it is an American. Culture and. All of these things we're going to talk about helping, bring Americans, together because, the more Americans. That are coming in contact with each other the. More those, cultures. Are going to start to blend and one, of the biggies one of the big things is cars right and, all the things that go along with cars paved, roads, urban. Sprawl where, the city starts to grow out and people are living in suburbs, restaurants. Motels, billboards. Tourism. All, of, that is gonna is going to. Push. Americans. To. Come. In contact with other cultures other, American, cultures and and what, they see they like they're gonna bring back home with them now, tourism is especially going to be a big thing in Florida, you're. Gonna get lots of motor, hotels. Everybody. Loves going to the beach so you're gonna see a lot of that the. Next big thing is the radio. Because, radios. Were, pretty. Cheap they're, about as cheap as you can get a TV for now, yeah. I mean and you could get big fancy expensive models, but just a cheap radio that could work almost, everyone could afford that and they. Had nationally. Broadcasted. Programs, so, people, everywhere. We're listening to the same music they, were listening to the same news they. Were listening to the same sports programs. They. Had. Drama. Programs, kind of like TV like epic shows you're watching TV now only instead, of it being pictures, you just imagine, hearing just listening into it with your eyes closed that they'd have those kinds of programs on the radio. So. Some of the big sports they're gonna bring, in people together these sport of the, 1920s. There were two one was boxing, and the other one was the, other one was baseball and you're, gonna get heroes, from each of these and one of the big heroes of the 1920s. Is Babe. Ruth they. Called him the big Bambino, he, was also known as the Sultan of Swat he. Is going to be famous. Famous you. Also get music, that becomes. Nationally. Recognized, and one of the big national. One. Of the big national radio, stations, is, WSM. Out of Nashville Tennessee which. Is the Grand Old Opry um, it's, still around today it, still does a nationally, broadcasted. Saturday night radio show this. Is where you're gonna get the Carter family becoming famous, they're, kind of like. The. Modern day or. That starts with the 1920's, version of. The. Jackson, 5 or. Donny. And Marie like this family that you got parents, and then siblings, parents. And children that all go out and sing together. Those. Of you who are fans of Johnny Cash. Johnny. Cash's second. Wife June, Carter, Cash was. A daughter, from, the Carter Family. The. Phonograph, is. Invented, by Thomas Edison well, you. Know how this works it's invented, Menlo Park his. Research, facility, but the name on the patent is Edison's, the. Phonograph, is that thing that would play records you'd wind the handle and, it had the big kind of horn thing coming out the top of it and it would play a record that's. Invented, by Thomas Edison so, now you can buy a record and not, only is everybody listen to the same music but it sounds, the same no matter where you play it. Movies. Are gonna start bringing people together, they. Are also invented, by Thomas Edison at Menlo Park the, early part of the 1920s. All the, movies are going to be silent and there's, two major. Categories. Of silent, movies you can watch one. Is comedic, and the other one is romantic, a if. You guys are wanting to go you know youtubing you. Can look up the. Little tramp which. Was a comedic one now, tramp in the 1920s. Meant homeless person okay.

Charlie, Chaplin he's. Known for his physical humor, I'll. Show you a video in, a second that that has Charlie Chaplin clips in it so. He's very physical kind of slapstick, lots of slippin and and jumping, around and. Then you have romantic, movies like. The chic with, the heartthrob, of the 1920s, and it Rudolph of Valentino, and. That's a lot of overacting. In silent movies right, because. Silent, movies there was still a script the actors would talk and they'd, act everything, out, but. Only, the, and what they do is every couple of minutes they would cut to a black screen that. Would have just, white words on it kind of like captions, where. They would just say the important, stuff so they weren't saying everything. That was in the script just, the important, parts. You'd. Have talkies, that's. What they start calling movies once they add sound. And. Then. The the first talkie, is called the jazz singer and, had a famous actor at the time named Al Jolson, in 1927. A lot. Of people today consider, this movie really racist because. Al Jolson, plays. A jazz, singer and for. A couple of the the numbers, in this movie he's in blackface, so he has painted himself, like. Um. So this is Charlie Chaplin. This. Is Rudolph Valentino, okay. Once, again you're gonna get a lot of the overacting. A lot of that the big gestures, okay. The, greatest, hero of the 1920s, the guy everybody. Loved, was, Charles, Lindbergh, he. Was the first person to fly solo across, the Atlantic Ocean, he. Does this in May of 1927. He flies. 3735. Miles and it takes him more than a day to do it takes in 33, hours and 39 minutes you. Can do that now in. Six. Seven hours depending on the plane. Now, he does this in a very specially, built plane they. Basically took everything off this plane they didn't absolutely need so, extra, chairs were gone, a, lot. Of the interior, comforts, for the pilot we're gone, they used thinner metal, to make it lighter that gave it a bigger gas tank so it could hold all that fuel and. The. Name of his plane was the spirit, of st. Louis. This, is the plane the spirit of st. Louis, this. Is Lindbergh in front of it and not, to be outdone by a man a woman will, do the same thing she just won't manage, to get it done until the 1930s, the. First woman to fly solo across, the Atlantic is, Amelia, Earhart, she. Does this in 1932. And she's. Famous because, she, tries to fly solo across the Pacific, well, not solo she the navigator with her but, she's trying to fly across the Pacific Ocean and. She ends up disappearing. Over the Pacific in 1937. Actually. You can google this they. Think they found the, wreckage that came out last year they're, pretty sure they found Amelia, Earhart's, remains in the wreckage of her plane on a little, island in the Pacific, so. You. Know history is always happening, and. That is it for today this is a Amelia, Earhart, so you can see. What. She has okay I've once, again very much a modern, woman right. She's wearing pants, that is just scandalous. Um. You much shorter, haircut. She's, de-emphasizing. Her curves she's got that flat so the wet so. You'll see that. All. Right and that is it.

2018-10-09 05:22

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