In today's video you will see how we prepared the hood for painting, removing everything that was the old paint, giving it putty, sanding, we also prepared the doors, you will see how we worked with liquid putty, something very important to leave a good finish. And pay close attention at the end because we left a little spoiler for the next video we start What's up family We're here again I hope you're all doing very, very well, those of you who are new to the channel Thank you for entering this video, have a little patience with me because I think you'll You're going to like the only channel where you do tuning, we say it with our mouths full, we don't care what other people think, which is what everyone should do, do what you like, do what you enjoy, put passion into it, and don't care. Exactly the same. What do you think about them because there is always a bitter person who comes to take away your desire for everything, look, he didn't do anything as soon as the video started and now you have free advice. Here we are like that, anyway, let's leave the talk that I get really into and let's get to work.
as always before the header My name is Abel you are in aeromagic and we are going to do tuning [Music] well we are going to get into the matter But first we are going to briefly remember things that we have done to this e36 touring for people who are new to the channel Let them know that we mounted pneumatic suspension we touched up the entire chassis from below that video is quite interesting we cut the chassis up here so that it would lower more we made metal front fins we made metal rear fins heel which we also made with metal We even have the spoiler made with metal behind, we modified the opening of the tailgate to be able to install the small American tailgate-type license plate, as in these cars the bumper did not exist, we lengthened it a little downwards due to the lines that you also have in another video that is quite interesting in my opinion . and at the front we adapted this entire grill that was very bad and everyone that an e36 knows that they fit terribly well we adapted it so that it would fit perfectly and down here we made a small trademark detail that we joined what is the lip, this little one we joined it with the bumper and here we leave it in one piece, now what are we going to do? We have it almost ready to start painting. We have to fine-tune these two doors, the two on the other side and the hood. We are left halfway, removing all the layers of paint that had to be done. If I remember correctly, we counted about 15 layers of paint.
So we'll start by removing the paint from the capon. We're going to putty the entire door, a very thin layer to even it out and leave it as straight as possible, since the color we're wearing is like we have a little bit of water that If the door looks a little wavy, it will be very noticeable when it is polished. Because we want to give an ultra-glossy finish and those are the finishes that most highlight all the faults that the car has, which is why I initially decided to remove the doors, put them on a table and sand it so you don't sand down, which is much easier, much faster, but looking for Excellence in the finish, perfection or whatever you want. Call us that we are never going to achieve it but all our interest is to get as close as possible I am going to leave it assembled to sand everything, placed here of course I will put the door with its lock in its natural position to sand everything at once and that will make the side completely straight as if it did not have a door, it is also the best way to make all the joints so that they are perfect what do we gain from this imagine here there is a spotlight up here there is a light that when we move the Light runs forward and that will make the light go completely straight and not have any jumps is the best way to leave everything, I'm not just saying the door or the other door, but the entire side as straight as possible, treating it as if it were a single piece when we sand. On the other hand, as soon as possible, I promise that I will finish quickly, but it is necessary. and that I must explain to you, fix the fin, the arch at the top completely round, when we stand here, there is something strange here. What is happening, this is the damn optical effect that
we always talk about. This is completely straight, but the problem we have here is that this wall of up here it is not completely straight as it would be here behind us This is straight And it is very easy to make the arc well here We have an angle here here we have another There it stretches upwards and that means that if you do this you make it completely straight if here it stretches towards there the fin goes there Well, the fact that it is lengthening is why the fin seems to have a bad shape but I assure you because look when we stand over here that it is completely straight What are we going to do, we are going to play a little with the optical effect so that from all angles it looks as good as possible and it doesn't look like we've done a bad fin anyway, let's get down to business first remove the leftover paint we put the car on the elevator fix the door and start reviewing everything [Music ] side Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] T [Music] Oh ah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] T Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well after many and many hours of sanding which seems to be something very fast but it is a very slow process I try to give you as few shots as possible so that you don't get bored nobody likes to see a person sanding for so many minutes but it is something that has to be done and it is very very important for the finish because what seemed to be all straight Look how here it is raised Here it was a little down, very little putty gets in, a very thin layer but it is necessary to even out everything that has been said. We already have it ready as far as the sandpaper is concerned. Now we are going to give it a coat of liquid putty together when we have the doors to do it with everything together we are going to give liquid putty to everything then we will use a 180 sandpaper and we will give it its corresponding primer and it would be ready to paint let's go with the doors [Music] he ah [Music] he [Music] he [Music] we already have the doors with their sandpaper and we have it straight, as you have seen before, we have fixed it from here so that we can sand it at once and make it all straight like this Now we are going to take it off, we are going to sand the edges to make it fit properly. We are going to
review everything that is the gap of the handle and as I say we have it already sanded with 100 sandpaper, you can see it here with p100 sandpaper, we are going to give it a a little bit of blue ink to serve as a guide and we are going to sand with 180. I have made a break here because I precisely wanted to comment on it. We cannot use liquid putty on top of the 100 sandpaper because the scratches are very deep and the liquid putty is not as consistent. like paste putty So the finer the finish is for liquid putty, the better the finish will be in the final result and I say this because people abuse liquid putty a lot, liquid putty is something that is between the paste and between the filler it is as if it were a very very thick filler or a very very thin paste if you want to cover very deep scratches with it which will make you load it a lot you will add a lot of liquid putty And that will cause the liquid putty to shrink when it evaporates and you he's going to point out the scratches again So nothing said we go over the edges we give it the blue powder as a guide we give it with 180 and we pass it to the cabinet to give it the liquid putty Oh [Music] [Music] he [Music] k [Music ] [Music] [Music] [Music] he Oh [Music] [Music] he [Music] he [Music] well And once we have given the liquid putty we are going to make a guide for sanding using cleaning solvent and with black We're going to move well, we're going to put it into the gun and we're going to stain it so that later when we're sanding we're going to remove the black that we've given, which you'll see later and the white liquid putty will remain and that way we'll know where we've sanded if there are any imperfections and so on and this It will help us a lot to leave a better finish [Music] I [Music] [Music] we have let the liquid putty dry for 24 hours and we already have it quite cured So we are going to sand it, which by the way I have already fixed as well what the arch of the fin was, but as I say, we are going to sand it and I am going to show you what the guide is for. We have 180 grit sandpaper and you will see how when sanding flat we discover what the liquid putty is, which is white, and we remove the black dye that we removed from [Music] on top here you can clearly see what I mean all this is sanded all this is straight now Although you see some piece of sheet metal but it is completely straight look here for example that we have to sand more because it stays black as if there is a small scratch there we have to sand a little more and this is where we have not sanded it, that is, it is about sanding what is the guide that we pull black until all the sheet is white What happens there will be some porito how it goes through here for example here I don't know if you can see it here These are poritos that when we have the door with putty we can't see it that's why we throw the liquid putty we throw the guide and it will mark all the pores which we are going to cover with a little bit of putty and we prime again on top and everything is completely straight And without any imperfections underneath [Music] and once we have everything sanded now we can see all the imperfections perfectly So if you look around here there is a small hole here is another one here is some other one What are we going to do I usually point it out with a pencil we point out all the little pores and then pour a little bit of putty look look here there is a pore downwards as I said and then add a little bit of putty sand again and leave everything ready for the last coat of primer [Music] ah [Music] he Oh [Music] ah [Music] Well and this would be the final result, this is how the doors and hood would look with a couple of coats of filler and its black guide so that later it will be easier for us to sand and know where we are sanding Well family, everything in this life has a beginning and has an end And unfortunately this video has come to an end But don't leave because I am going to explain two little things the first This video is made for all those people who see my cars at events and ask me about the varnish, the finish and so on. You have to understand that a good finish is from below
from the sheet metal, that's why we are so insistent on whether it is a putty another liquid putty filler remove all the pores because everything is then reflected in the finish On the other hand, if you are not subscribed, subscribe because in next week's video we reveal the color so nothing from me this week is everything I hope you enjoyed the video as much as I did it if you liked it leave your like that helps the Channel a lot and we'll see you next week [Music]
2024-10-18 15:10