The World is Going to Hell!! What are We Going to Do?

The World is Going to Hell!! What are We Going to Do?

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good afternoon i think i'm live so yeah i really wanted to come on here today because i see a lot of kind of panicking going on i think i'm live now maybe i wasn't live before i'm going to start again um i'm coming on here today because i i see on my timeline there's kind of a lot of panic about what are we going to do what are we going to do you know and this is really coming from a place of fear and that is completely understandable considering we don't know quite what's unfolding ahead of us um and a lot of it seems very very sinister but we also know on the other hand that all this stuff has kind of got to come undone and tumble down so that we can create something better so what are we going to do you know how can we perhaps accelerate this process how can we bring this to its knees even quicker so we can move on even quicker how can we create the better world how can we just get through this how what do we do okay and i i kind of see this almost panic in a way of of what do we do and that's why i really wanted to come on here and talk to you guys and say right this is what we need to do because at the end of the day this is it right and we need to really start stepping into our sovereignty our divinity um because we have access to all these things and when we are in a state of fear we're suppressing them and we are not coming um from an intuitive state shall i say because you tend to block it off when you're in a state of fear so what we need to do right and i'm going to give you this to you in a step-by-step um you know instruction if you like just to really try and lay it out and make it as easy to understand as i possibly can and i do this obviously with love in my heart i do this because i've been not in this situation before because none of us have been in this situation before but it's helped me um get out of you know situations which have seemed dire in my life at the time and you know some people may look at this and they're gonna go oh it's all a bit woo-woo you gotta stop it you've got to stop it science backs this stuff up right it's not woo-woo anymore it's actually who we are it's what we are and it's how we call that in and it's how we step into that and actually say no this is who i am and you need to start believing it it's who you are okay you have a divine guidance system shall we call you can call it your highest self you can call it source you can call it god you know the universe whatever works for you okay as long as we can all agree there is this higher consciousness that we all get to tune into but it it also needs our guidance as well right so we need to say what we want and we need to get really really clear on what it is we want okay and i've used this actually to manifest money okay but i think what we're looking at here is actually bigger than that you know we're looking at something worldwide um that we need to heal across the earth plane so what exactly is it we want well we want this to all be over i know that we want to probably expediate the process and perhaps that's what's happening on some level because we're watching it particularly in places like australia we're watching this crazy tyranny go completely out of control but perhaps that's what has to happen to bring it to its knees um i've seen it before saying that the end is inevitable i've so many synchronicities lately have been pointing to the fact that we're in the end game here and what we are witnessing is literally you know the death throes if you like um as someone else described it it's being a master chess player and these two chess players can see that the game is finished it's checkmate in say five moves right but we still have to play those moves out and that's kind of where we're at and it's it's good to know you know i keep on getting this come through that we're close to the end we're close to the end and i think according to all the astrology and cosmology and all that kind of thing um you know october looks to be some kind of crescendo it's probably going to get a lot more chaotic but i think it's all going to help move forward a lot more quickly but i think what we need to focus on what we need to set our um vision our what we want to request from divine source is really what we want to see manifest beyond the chaos right and um at the end of this i'm going to do another coherence which is that kind of new earth you know that loving place where we're no longer consider can you know worried about i anymore it is a community thing and i think this is where we need to go this is probably where we need to be is placing ourselves in a place of just being open to everybody and opening our hearts and i know that's really hard because we see these people and and and some of them are vile on our facebook feeds or you will see on twitter twitter oh twitter you know who i'm talking about those keyboard warriors who just are you know but we have to say okay they're coming from a place of fear and even if that's all we can say at this time you know i can see they're coming from a place of fear and it's just better to step away rather than get involved in any of those kind of conflicts um but we want to see that healed don't we we want to see people actually seeing each other for the beautiful kind-hearted human beings that most of us actually are um you know i would say what 99 probably 0.9 percent you know we'll ignore the evil overlords shall we say but most of us are good kind-hearted people and we just want the best for everybody we don't want to see people homeless we don't want to see people hungry we want everybody to have what we have you know um and and feel safe and feel loved we want all children to be loved and in a secure home and and you know that's what children should have um so we need to focus on this loving place okay that we want to get to and at the end of this i'm going to do a heart coherence so we can do that together so okay so we start doing this regularly we actually say we're going to take this time five minutes a day just to visualize this beautiful new earth okay and we are going to put ourselves we're going to feel it we're going to live it okay and we're going to put ourselves there so then what okay so we do the visualization then what okay this is what we do this is how we act this is how we behave okay what we have to do and i know for some of you who maybe have not tapped deeply into your intuitive side much we have to let go and trust that whatever comes through whatever crazy ideas might pop into your head or you might just get what i call synchronicities where things just keep coming up into your field of vision and you're like right i have to do this i have to do something with this thing because i don't call them coincidences there's no such thing as coincidence you are being divinely guided and those are just showing you that they're giving you little signals they're showing you the way okay they're showing you what what steps you need to take next and you know to go right back to the very start of this whole thing in march 2020 i intuitively knew i i hadn't gone deep into the rabbit holes i knew about the banks and what they were up to i knew about big pharma what they were up to but i hadn't gone into many of the rabbit holes and gone deep like i did last year but i knew intuitively inside of me this is off whatever they're putting out there whatever they're doing something more sinister is going on in the background and that just came from an intuitive place and from the early march you know i started i had this i couldn't stop myself i had to post on facebook because i had a fairly big following and it's changed a bit since then i've still got a reasonable following but it's different people um but i knew i had to start speaking out and that is what we call inspired action so we need to start trusting those urges those impulses that's just i've got to do this right we have to trust whatever it might be it might be going on a march it might be posting it might be just starting some new initiative and just acting on it okay don't just sit there and think oh someone else will do that no that's been given to you that's what you have to do and in the same way you will be given this inspired intuitive downloads um when it comes to looking after your family you know you might suddenly feel we've got to move or you know whatever that might be however that might look like or we actually do need to sit tight mine is actually i know a lot of people are saying oh we've got to find some land and we've got to go off grid and all this kind of thing i actually feel i've you know and this is for me this is my message this isn't your message but mine is that actually no we have to sit tight and we have to connect with the people in our community that's what's come through for me no matter what side of the fence they're on somehow we've got to find a way to connect with the people in our you know our immediate community our neighbors right those within sort of the 500 yard radius if you like those whose houses you could go and knock on i'm not suggesting go knock on doors and start talking to them i would actually suggest we need to connect in other ways one of my thoughts has been i wonder if i could find some land that we could start a community garden right that's what's coming through for me it might be for you that you need to find somewhere off grid and that's fine i'm not saying anything is wrong it's doing what's right for you and that stuff will come into you but don't do it from a place of fear okay if you're if you're saying i need to go off-grid and live on a boat or whatever and that's coming from a place of fear that's not an intuitive guidance okay and that's what we need to really get tuned into how do we recognize intuition quite often it's a wacky idea it's something you wouldn't even contemplate maybe in the past um you know it comes to you in different ways you might get a vision you might have a dream you might you just get a feeling for me i've always had overwhelming feelings that this is what i need to do and it's hard to um put it into words really you know how that is um but i would say you feel it in your gut you feel it down here it's why it's called your gut feeling it's your gut instinct it's why when you know something's off okay so you think of the times you've intuitively known something is off you know aside from all the rubbish that's going on now right that is your intuition kicking in and equally it does it in other ways that you feel inspired and you think i've got a message i need to get out there i've got a thing i need to do okay i've got an idea how we can move forward and i need to share it and all you have to do is take the first step you don't have to think you know 50 steps ahead you just take the first step because the next step will be revealed the next step will be revealed okay and that's how it works um as i say i've used this myself in the past to manifest money um and just trusting this is and this is the hard bit for those of you who have never been there who've never worked in this way in this intuitive way it's called flow flow state okay it's not forcing if something feels icky that's the best way i can describe it if it feels icky inside you're forcing it it's wrong you're resisting something right so if you're feeling that icky oh i really don't want to do this it feels horrible it's different to that i i have to do this okay and i it's not something i really want to do but i i have to do this it's not coming from that fear place it's coming from a place of empowerment um and we have to take those actions so you know a lot of people say oh yeah all these people who just want to sit and meditate and um you know and everything will be all right it's all love and light no it's not that yes that is part of the journey that is part of doing the inner work um and it's finding again with meditation it's finding what works for you i find the heart coherence works amazingly for me because it's quick it drops you into your heart fast you feel good and it connects you with what i believe is that divine source very very easily i'm not there one to sit there for 20 minutes with my eyes closed um i just it's not for me um but it might be for you and you just need to find the modality that works it could be going for a walk in nature that is a type of meditation maybe it's more mindfulness for you so if you're making a cup of tea that you're just present and in that moment okay and it is finding that and just find whatever works for you when it comes to doing a visualization notice everything that's going on around you feel the sun on your face the breeze in your hair bring it to life because your subconscious which is i believe also the conduit it's also the blocker if you allow it to be but it's also conduited so you know the heart does bypass that that helps but the subconscious doesn't know the difference between something that's actually happening and something you're creating with your imagination and everything that is created starts in your imagination you know this mouse for example someone had to come up with the idea and create it right everything has come from a place of creation and we are creators so i just need you to know that you are the creation source you are god source right you have this ability within you and whatever it is you want to do um you know whatever it is you want to achieve you have that divine power but one you have to believe it you have to believe it and like i say sometimes just to bypass the brain it's easier to go straight to the heart okay so i've got a couple of notes down here just make sure i didn't um miss anything so yeah so actually what we need to do right now is become be the person we see ourselves being say two years down the line when all this is over i don't know what the timeline is but when this is finished but let's actually let's make it six months shall we right if we're going to put a timeline on it let's keep it you know okay this is all gonna you know all going to come to fruition within the next six months okay become that person right now step into who that person is who is that person someone who knows their sovereignty someone who understands what it means to be a sovereign divine being know that embrace that okay that's who you are that's who you are and if that means going and talking to someone who's got the mask on and they've got the terrified looking eyes peeping over the top if that means reaching out to someone with kindness and saying hi how are you today with a big smile on your face like it's already gone and you you feel sorry for these people that are still lingering in in that fear and you want to share your compassion with them be that person right now start planting your veggies or well actually it's probably not a great time you'd start planting but start preparing your garden for next year start preparing a compost for growing veg get rid of all the toxic crap that's in your cupboards do that you can do that now you know be that person stand for that person for that new earth that you want to be and that's how we change it we take we we set our intention with a visualization we follow through with inspire inspired action okay so whatever comes to us we follow through and if nothing comes to you that's okay make it your intention that that you want to be more inspired that you want to be driven more by intuition trust okay trust that everything will and is happening as it's supposed to be happening okay trust that this is going to unfold the way it's going to unfold but not on its own with our divine intervention as well okay and like i say follow through on anything that comes up for you even if it's just a post on facebook that's how it started with me it was just me posting on facebook and it kind of got bigger and then i met more people and now i've organized tribes and now i'm looking at how to bring my local community together okay so just whatever comes up for you um and yeah be that person so what i want to do now is a little heart coherent so if you've not done one of these for me they don't take very long okay about five minutes we're just going to drop into our hearts and i'm going to talk you through the whole process so you don't have to worry about you know what am i supposed to be doing what i will say up front is that when we do the little visualization that we're going to do okay be in it right imagine really bring it to life with vivid colors feel you know whatever's going on around you hear the noises really bring all your senses to life feel the breeze in your hair okay whatever it might be bring it to life okay right so let's just have a little shake off because that just um that's really good for just shaking off any energy that you've you've kind of built up for the day and it's actually a really good way if you're feeling that kind of energy have a shake it just helps loosen things up helps your energy move around your body more easily okay and it's just a good thing to do at any time when you feel if you're carrying someone else's energy as well and i forget to do this myself but you know i'm reminding you right now i can't see you you can only see me looking silly shaking so have a good shape okay right now we're just gonna bring ourselves back to center okay so we're just gonna take some deep breaths slow deep breaths so breath in and release and you can put your hand on your heart and you can start to connect deep breath in and release and close your eyes and notice your heartbeat and deep breath in and release and one more deep breath in and release inside out and now you can just breathe normally with your hand on your heart i want you to notice your heart beating and actually to start this heart coherence what i want you to do is bring to your mind a memory and this memory is one of joy celebration success whatever it might be something that just filled your heart with joy at the time for me i always use um seeing my babies for the first time after they were born and just that feeling of love that came over me at that time i really want you to just take a minute and really immerse yourself in that memory really remember the feelings let it bring a smile to your face notice what was going on around you notice if you're using the same sort of memory as i am notice your baby's face as you're holding him and he's looking up at you for she's looking up at you for the first time or maybe you're celebrating something something you achieved that just made you so happy it's just something that happened in your life just one of those beautiful gold standard memories that whenever you recall it it makes you feel amazing and just be in that moment now we're going to take that feeling with us we're now connected with that beautiful divine source the one that brings us joy happiness love peace and we're going to take that into a new memory that we are creating a visualization and it's of the new earth the time after whatever we're going through now everyone is tired but they're relieved and they're happy the veil has been lifted we've all seen what's going on and the human race has united maybe we're with our family or with friends or neighbors and we're just hugging each other those who resented us saying i'm so sorry and you just open your heart to them and you say there's nothing to be sorry for it wasn't your fault i love you and they say i love you too and you look around at the children you saved a lot of those children's lives simply because you refused to shut up that was because of you and another neighbor comes over someone from the school and they said if you hadn't told me i wouldn't have known and my child is alive and safe because of you thank you you walk to a local park or a green area and you just see children playing and happiness all the social distancing signs have been torn down and thrown in a bin everybody's hugging everybody's happy everyone's relaxed and there's a peace there's a beautiful peace everyone's really coming together and it turns out there's plenty of food everyone has shelter and anyone who didn't have shelter before has been taken in they've got a roof over their heads and food on their plates all the children are safe now and it's just a beautiful time [Music] the sun seems to shine even brighter than before and there's a glow there's kind of this golden glow as we've entered this golden age we've now got free energy it's been released all the secrets that were hidden from us all of those who were damaged from whatever medical procedure they might have had they're being healed and they're being healed by the new technology they're being healed because love has just been allowed to enter their hearts instead of fear and it's just this beautiful beautiful new world notice how bright everything is the beautiful clear blue sky the green green grass all of a sudden it just seems to abundance of everything surrounding you your family are hugging you and i'm with you and your friends and people are dancing maybe there's some music playing and it's just a time of absolute joy humanity community unity as we were supposed to always be and that's happening right now i'll just give you a moment just to enjoy the place you're in right now and when you're ready just open your eyes oh i always get a couple of tears there [Laughter] i hope you got something out of that and i hope might not be what you were expecting but trust me it's the only way we have to trust what comes through to us this is who we are we are these divine beings we do have this connection to source energy and we are all able to access it all right i'm going to have a quick look at your comments now [Laughter] deb how lovely to see you on here oh i overran five minutes so i don't know if you're still on here hi chemine great to see you as well jacqueline javel hi haven't seen you before lovely to meet you lorraine same with you um you just got back from a walk with your dogs you're out in the countryside and loved it yeah i've got my doggy down by my feet here is ego fear that's such a great question because um a lot of people rag on the ego now i think there's a difference between ego as being a part of who we are as humans and the um [Music] exaggerated ego if you like which could be fear yeah um but you know we have to love our ego that's part of it people say oh that's egotistical you know actually we have to love our ego because it's part of being a human being so yeah if fear comes up the best thing to do is just be aware that fear is coming up because once you switch on the awareness and go oh this is happening and all of a sudden you've got this chatter going on in your head which is all what goes on in the frontal lobe actually um and and the fear um it's just something that needs healing if you're feeling triggered it's something that needs healing and you know you don't always know what's triggered you or sometimes you do but not always and sometimes it's just like sitting with it and saying oh becoming the observer and saying oh this is happening it's not to judge it it's not to say oh my god oh my god i'm a terrible person um because we're human beings and whatever is coming up for you is perfect it's there for a reason okay fear is there for a reason um and we just need to recognize it for what it is it's not real okay usually it's a projection of something that might happen in the future that creates anxiety um depression is usually when you're looking back on your life and all things are much better then you know you can see where that's coming from but actually when we bring awareness to it we can start to heal it and say okay it's okay that i feel like this i'm gonna lean into it a little bit and say okay what's this about where am i feeling it in my body and sometimes just doing that it will just dissipate it will just go sometimes it takes longer sometimes you'll need a good cry but whatever's coming up for you don't judge it okay it's there for a reason it's there to help you heal and it's there and that healing right if we we start saying oh happy thoughts happy thoughts mustn't feel these bad things that's spiritual bypassing and all you're doing is suppressing it and you're pushing it down pushing it down pushing it down which means it's going to come back with a vengeance later it's actually to embrace it okay so we've got to thank the ego for showing us this stuff um and actually embracing it um and accepting whatever is coming up for you as something you know you you just need to bring awareness to so i hope that helps um hi richard that's my brother jacqueline hi emma hi oh you're very very welcome guys i hope um any more questions do do fire away but i hope in some way this has brought um you know a little bit of clarity as to how we can move forward um you know i take my brother richard for example he was very lost i think you don't mind me saying that you didn't really know what direction to go his business went in march 2020 he ran an event in international events company and it literally got wiped out overnight um and you know i really take my hat off to my big brother because that was you know his bread and butter business um and he's taken the opportunity and he's actually loved being with his family because he was obviously jetting all over the world before he's um now getting into crypto and helping other people do the same um so you know he's kind of found his new way of being um and you know perhaps that's what your job is to be maybe it's not to be anything terribly dynamic but it's to bring your gifts to other people and show them new ways whether that's healing whether you know it's herbalism or um you know for me this is very much part of my calling is to help you guys realize your divinity um you know we don't need to look to the gurus anymore we are the gurus of ourselves and as soon as you actually embrace that that is true sovereignty that is true sovereignty is actually saying you know i don't care what other people are saying you've got all the experts and the gurus telling you what you should be doing the only thing you need to be doing is listening to yourself and your higher guidance and taking action on that we don't need gurus because you have everything you need you might need me just to remind you of it from time to time and that's where i see my purpose but please don't think of me as any kind of guru because i say whatever comes up for you is for you whatever comes up for me is for me um and it's really just trusting that that comes up anyway i hope that helps um i hope you got some peace i hope um you know i hope this is all done in six months and we are all hugging and kissing and celebrating um the fact that this is all over and that we're experiencing a brand new way of being on earth and you know whatever it's coming that's the one thing i'm sure of it is coming and we just have to believe that because if we don't if we keep putting our energy into the fear narratives that's what will manifest and i'm not trying to tell you that to scare you because you need to understand you're a divine creator and we are manifesters we are all master manifesters whatever is showing up in your life right now in some way you have manifested that um good or bad unfortunately that's why we really need to keep our attention yes observe what's happening on the outside world all the chaos observe it but don't go oh my god this is our future this is what's going to happen and start visualizing that as your future okay just say okay that's happening it's not nice it's upsetting it's bringing out fear in me and i'm gonna release that i'm gonna put some healing out there um but just remember bring yourself back to your center even if you just do the basic heart coherence which is where i took you to a memory of yours that takes you to you know a place brings you joy or love or whatever it is um just do that because that will help ground you it'll help center you and it'll help you remember who you are okay anyway i'm gonna love you and leave you thank you for joining me i do appreciate it take care now bye

2021-08-30 01:00

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