The Curious Death of Vincent Van Gogh

The Curious Death of Vincent Van Gogh

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This. Week on BuzzFeed unsolved, we take a look at the death of Vincent, van Gogh long thought to be suicide. But as recent writings may suggest, may actually be, murder. Excuse. Me. What. We're gonna cover a murder on this, show, no but if a man who long, thought to have taken his own life I mean he was a bit eccentric and had a history of bodily harm so maybe people assumed, it was suicide but there are some things in here that at, least for me yeah are fairly convincing, that it may be something a little bit more sinister. Well I'm here for it what, you know about go. You. Know he's a Dutch guy paint, a lot you, know very. Dreamy cut, off his ear you did that self-portrait, you. Know yeah you do a selfie, all. Right we're done here that is case, closed. No we got him we got Monday, all. Right season, finale let's do it baby let's get into it Vincent. Willem van Gogh, was, born on March 30th. 1853. In zunda Netherlands, he, was the oldest, surviving child. Of the odorous van Gogh and Anna Carr Bendis Vincent. Would eventually have five younger siblings the, one he would formed the closest relationship with being, his brother Theo despite. His good grades Vincent. Left secondary, school before graduating at, age, 16, he began, his art career as an apprentice with goo peel and see an international. Art dealer where his uncle was a partner, Vincent, first worked for goo peel in The Hague, then in London, and finally. In Paris, where he was dismissed from the company in 1876. Two, days after, his 23rd, birthday kind, of a double-edged sword back, then because it's, neat that you can just jump into an apprenticeship, at age 16, like, yeah I'm probably gonna be a. Legend. In the art field I'll, do that you could still do that today though I feel like people start apprenticeships. Quite young but they don't really do like it's 16, yeah I remember applying, for an apprenticeship, at Warner Bros at 16 how'd that turn out I didn't get it hmm so, I hope, you're watching this now and know what you missed out on Jack Warner, Jack. In 1881. After five years of, wandering Europe, and bouncing, between dead-end jobs such, as lay preacher Vincent. Moved back in with his parents who, worried about their sons lack of direction, in life bo who had also gone to work for the art dealer goopy landsea but had risen through the ranks to become a manager began. Sending his older jobless, brother money, for. The next few years, Vincent, would move out for periods, but returned to his parents, home it's interesting because nowadays people, you know people. Get to age like 24, and they're like I just don't want to know I don't know what I want to be in life well, it is kind of funny that, he is this 19th century millennial, just, wandering, around yeah, not really sure what his purpose is and if Vincent van this is a this is an aspirational, tale for all you out there if Vincent, van Gogh is going through this similar struggle you know you can make something of yourself just out there with his brush saying.

I'll Put this on something you. Put in front of me I'll put it to it that. I feel like yeah where'd that big no, no it's probably exactly, what he said to people I'll, put the songs give me a job I'll put this on so I'll put this on something you put it in front of me I'll put it to it in 1884. Vincent, now in his 30s wanted, to start paying Theo back for all the support he had given him over the years, Vincent. Began sending his paintings to do in Paris, for him to sell unfortunately. For all parties, Vincent's. Work was not what the people of parents, were looking for I always wondered about this when it comes to famous artists, obviously it took them usually decades. To find what made them famous, wouldn't. You say that the paintings, like their early drafts when they really sucked wouldn't, those be worth more cuz it's like seeing the journey is. Worth more but the probably worth a lot like, a year one van Gogh yeah, I feel like that. When you say it that way it sounds like it should be it's a little shit yeah a little. Hmm I didn't know he had a year one Van Gogh in his house I know he was doing that well that's. Pretty good it looks like shit but you know there's. A lot of that out of there for Picasso, he's got a lot of really stuff out though Pablo, yeah. Him oh you're, not talking the other Picasso. Ted. Picasso. Over. The next five years Vincent's. Life would appear to once again be mired by folly as he started a failed art collective, and continued, his nomadic, habitation. Of Europe, during. This period however the, style now associated, with Vincent began, to take form the tones used in his paintings, began to light it he developed his characteristic. Style of using short brushstrokes, and he moved to brighter more colorful subjects. Such as portraits, often, self-portraits. And city scenes, unfortunately. For Vincent, the progress of his art happened, during a time of declining mental, health culminating. In late 1888, when Vincent famously severed, his own ear, and wrapped it up as a present. For a sex worker the, day after this eerie occurrence. Like, that one. Vincent. Was admitted to the hospital where, he stayed until early, 1889. For, the next few months Vincent struggled, with his mental health eventually, checking, himself into a psychiatric hospital, in May during. His one-year, stay at the hospital Vincent. Made some of his most famous masterpieces. In his first week there he started painting the irises, in the asylums garden while, Vincent considered, the paintings merely a study irises. Is considered, one of his most iconic pieces, the, starry night now, one of the most famous paintings in the world depicts.

The View from a window in the asylum enhanced. By Vincent's, imagination. In January. Of 1890. Theo and his wife welcomed. Their newborn, son Vincent, Willem, van Gogh, into, the world named, after the infant's uncle Vincent, sent them his famous painting almond, blossom from the hospital, as a gift for his new nephew all told, while in the asylum Vincent. Made about, 150. Paintings, and by 1890, his, work was finally being exhibited, in receiving, positive reviews I don't know if I agree with this narrative all the time where art, needs to come from this like darker place of misery or maybe like turmoil, yeah, within your head you don't need to be troubled, to make good art it, happens. But I think I think, intense emotion, or introspection. Can obviously, fuel, it yeah, like, a breakup or a death yeah but it is weird that great art is often not appreciated, when it comes out it's true why that is I mean a lot of it is you know well, maybe because like the artist, mind is more enhanced, at that moment and the world is not ready for it yet so they're ahead of me that could be after, being released from the mental hospital in Maine Vincent moved to overshare, wass an area, with other artists, not far from Paris which, allowed for him to easily visit Theo's family, in Paris, on one, such visit in July Theo, told his brother he was considering, starting his own business, this news greatly, unsettled, Vincent, who not only felt like a burden to his brother who was still supporting, Vincent but also worried, about the impact of Theo taking, this gamble, on his own finances, after lunch on July 27th. 1890. Vincent. Left the Revo Inn where he was staying in ovair with his easel and painting supplies it, was a warm evening so, the inn keepers and guests were enjoying dinner outside after. Sunset when, Vincent returned, he, shuffled past without exchanging, any words he also noted, Lee had none of the belongings, he left with and had his jacket buttoned, all the way up despite, the heat he, clutched his abdomen, and limped up the stairs to his room Gustave. Ravel the owner of the inn went, to check on Vincent, the artist was curled up in his bed and when Gustav asked him what was the matter Vincent replied quote I wounded, myself and quilt, he. Lifted his clothing to reveal a bullet, hole under, his ribs. That. Said it, is said one thing to note from this is it's. A bit odd that he would take all of his painting supplies in his easel out only to, then kill himself, and then walk back with none if they like why not just leave all that stuff in your apartment, if that was what your plan was who, knows how these things creep up on a, person that is true well we're gonna get into it more in the theories okay bill. Arrived, midday on the 28th, to find Vincent in bed smoking Vincent. Van Gogh died just after midnight cradled, by his brother after telling, him quote I want to die like this and quote, at just, 37 years, old Vincent's. Life and career was, over, leaving, behind nearly, 1300. Works of art on paper and, more than 850. Paintings, with, no autopsy, ever conducted, the, exact location, of the shooting never identified, and a five-hour period between the time he left the inn and when he returned, unaccounted, for it's, time to dive into some theories the, first and prevailing, theory is that Vincent was in trouble genius, who shot himself in a wheat field according, to aniline Revo that, then 13, year old daughter of, the inn owner Gustav quote Vincent, had gone toward the wheat field where he had painted before during.

The Afternoon, as my father understood, it Vincent, shot himself and fainted the coolness of the night revived, him on all, fours he looked for the gun to finish himself off but he could not find it then Vincent, got up and climbed down the hillside, to return to our house and quote. Hmm. Yeah, I could see that oftentimes, when people commit suicide, the weapons right there the means is right there there's usually a note it's very odd to be like shoot myself now let's go hide, this gun, yeah, I mean it's a weed field you know I don't know how dense those are but unless he tossed the gun which, maybe he did at the same time how thorough of a search do you think he's doing if he is currently bleeding. Out well you'll also come to find that no one else could find the gun either interesting. Now, do you understand why I think that's so weird, now I understand. Right. Perhaps. No one was more adamant, about this theory than Vincent himself, witnesses. Recalled Vincent, saying quote I wounded myself in the fields I shot, myself with a revolver, there and quote, he, was emphatic saying, quote do, not accuse anyone it is I who wanted, to kill myself end quote, witnesses. Did say however that Vincent appeared confused as he lay dying replying. To the police's question of did you intend to commit suicide with quote, I think, so and would Vincent. Had also in the past morbidly, joked about suicide, he once told Theo he would quote cease, to be end quote if he ever felt that he had become a burden or a nuisance, to his brother could. His fear of complicating. His soon-to-be, unemployed, brother's life have driven him to kill himself one. And while, this story is the one Vincent, seemingly wanted, the world to hear there are some glaring issues, with it for one Vincent. Was shot in the abdomen below, his ribs which is an odd position to take if he had been aiming for his heart, additionally. The fact that the bullet did not exit, Vincent's body suggests, there was some distance between Vincent, and the gun more, distance, than Vincent, could have achieved on his own it's also suspicious, that Vincent allegedly, dropped the gun so far out of reach that when he came to he, couldn't find it to finish the job, what's more if he had actually, passed out four hours after shooting himself his, wound would have been much bloodier, than it was when he returned to the inn so if he did shoot himself it would have been larger. Yeah because it had been so much time till, when he got to the inn it suggests, that it, happened sooner than he said it did or, like he was getting. His theory that he fell asleep woke back up came to the inn it would have been so much bigger yeah, so they're saying like he probably got shot right away then walked to the end which would also explain then why he carried, out his art supplies because he didn't go oh yeah getting shots in the plans today right so you know it makes sense okay apart. From the heart to explain, ballistics, no, one knows where Vincent, would have obtained, the gun revolvers. Were very rare in Auvers at the time and no, one would admit to selling, or lending Vincent, a gun the, next day no, one was able to find a gun where Vincent, purportedly, did the deed all of Vincent's painting gear too seemed to have vanished all. His painting gear yes from where he left it in the fields mm-hmm so no gun none of the paint stuff that he walked out with yeah all, the other stuff that I just mentioned do you think someone was aware that this was Vinnie's stuff and, was like I'll get a pretty penny for this feel like we would have seen it by now I mean frankly people at BuzzFeed's steal lunches out of the fridges all the time you don't think someone was just like hey free, stuff true, someone did steal some of this stuff from our set yeah some of loose stuff from around here all the more precious, props you, think we don't notice that come here curse timmy's ball is gone yeah this is this is this, is a fake this is a sham.

This Is a fake ball this isn't timmy's someone, stole Timmy's ball what if Timmy, came back and took it I thought, about that but on things you did. In addition, to the questions the physical evidence raises. Vincent, was a religious, man who condemned, suicide, calling, it wicked and a demonstration of moral, cowardice, at one, point prior to his death he even, said quote I really, do not think I am a man with such inclinations end, quote, any, time he did have thoughts of suicide, it was always by way of drowning, saying quote I can, understand people drowning, themselves end quote, suicide, is wrong I, do not understand. It it'd be pretty baller to drown. It's. Just a weird thing to just tack on as a button at the end of it yeah cuz drowning, arguably, seems like the main force but why is it more morally. Sound I've heard that it is agony, Oh God. Did, you really just sneak a prestige quote and I don't know vo also found no evidence that, Vincent, was planning on killing himself, finding, no suicide, note but, instead drafts, of letters on his desk that he surely didn't, want anyone to read with, so many loose ends in the suicide Theory it's time to look at another hypothesis. This one posited, by biographer. Steven nayfeh and Gregory, white Smith nayfeh. And spent suggest, Vincent, was shot by some local boys and that Vincent, protected, their identities, to begin, it's worth going back to get a better picture of what life was like for Vincent, in 'auvairs he, was known to be quite eccentric, and when he would approach people in the street to ask if they would sit for him most people retreated, his, appearance, didn't help matters with, wild hair ratty, clothes and you know a missing, ear as is, often the case the worst bullies, were the teenage boys they. Would pretend to be nice to the artist to gain his trust, then pull pranks on him like throwing salt in his coffee rubbing, chili pepper on a dry paintbrush Vince intended, to suck and putting, a snake in his box of painting, supplies. Boys. The. Way they are. Yeah what. A nerd god I'd love to just transport. Them here and be like hey, you know that guy who, I put. A funny snake in smile but you know you put some salt in his car, museum.

He's, He's, the museum. That you're standing in front of the museum yeah I can't believe boys would be that mean to a funny, old man I could, believe it teenage boys are the worst I remember, being obnoxious as, a team, yeah, it's inevitable, if you're pranking a stranger I find it not as funny it's just me that just means it's just me and this is me one, of the boys who would tease Vincent, was Rene secreto, who, said quote our favorite. Game was making him angry which, was easy, end quote. Look. I read his face is getting. Rene's. Older brother Gaston, was an aspiring artist who like to hear Vincent's tales of the Parisian art world, Vincent. Figured Rene was just something he had to endure in, order to have a friendship, with Gaston, Rene. Unlike, his brother had no interest, in art instead, enjoying fishing and hunting after. Seeing Buffalo Bill's Wild West, Show in Paris, Rene, came back to 'auvairs with a full outfit, of western clothes complete, with fringe coat cowboy, boots and added. A 380. Caliber pistol. Vincent. Started calling Rene Buffalo, Pihl a mispronunciation. Of, Buffalo, Bill due, to his accent, which only angered, the boy more I. Love. It I love, Vincent, getting back at him because I'm sure this guy just showed up and Van Gogh was just like oh Buffalo. Bill and it was like I. Just. Said he's puffle Oh pills. Pull. Off those pistols bins oh what. A burn walked, I love, that kid taking his hat off slamming, on the ground stomping, on it so to hear him get a little win in there, prank war I love it that's Gregg's me happy in their, book Ben go to life authors, neethu and Smith speculate, that the secretaries, quarreled. With Vincent, around a farmyard on Boucher Road they may have accidentally. Fired the gun, striking, Vincent in his abdomen, Vincent, then stumbled, back towards the end where he covered for the boys the, boys in shock at what they had done may, have collected Vincent's belongings, and fled the same destroying, what evidence might remain it seems plausible one, because he's, a sweet man yes, and clearly. He put up with his bullying for a long time so they're being very cruel to him and he's still just kind of like hey that's just how it goes a relationship. With one of the Brotherhood and that's the other thing if he's close with Gaston then maybe. He doesn't want to point. Fingers to Rene yeah cuz it's gonna ruin their life it's devastating. Thing yeah I buy, it I, think I could get behind this the theory is supported by the fact that multiple, witnesses, saw Vincent, leave the inn and head towards the hamlet of Shaban ball and not, towards the fields, where he claimed he'd been painting, that, road leads to a spot and was where Rene enjoyed fishing it's, possible, Rene and his brother met Vincent, on their way back from wass went, to a nearby farmyard, and then the boys accidentally. Shot the artist that would also make it easier for Vincent, to get back to the inn with a bullet in his stomach as opposed, to a steep mile long trek back from, the wheat fields, this, theory would explain a lot of things the suicide, story does not such, as the odd entry, point of the bullet the lack of suicide.

Note Why, Vincent, took his painting equipment to, kill himself, why all that gear and the gun could not be found and why he didn't shoot himself in the head they, don't think that Rene would, have been so upset about the cloud about the cowboy about that puffle oh yeah, that he would I would, hope not see that and that makes this story get a different, kind of turn yeah still. Sweet, of him to cover but, I really, really don't want to accept the fact that maybe Rene did shoot him on purpose in the wake of the shooting Rene Gaston, and their father left town when, they returned Rene, who rarely traveled, anywhere without his pissed, no longer had the gun when asked about it decades, later Rene, said Vincent stole it from him in the 1930s. As Vincent's, work was beginning to gain notoriety. Townspeople. Told an art historian, that young boys shot, Vincent, on accident. And that Vincent protected, their identities, for fear they'd be accused of murder still. Largely, due to Irving stones 1934. Novelization. Of Vincent's, life and death and the 1956. Movie that followed, the idea of Vincent, van Gogh being a tortured, genius who took his own life crystallized. In the public consciousness in. A story that may feel familiar for those of us in our 20s and 30s, Vincent, spent much of his life looking for a purpose, trying, to find a path that could at once fulfill himself, while also bringing joy to others, what, he didn't know at the time of his death was, that his work would be beloved by generations. Inspiring. Countless others, to pursue their life's true purpose, what, he did know at the time of his death was how that fateful, bullet found a home inside, his abdomen but. As for the rest of us that truth will remain, unsolved. Well. That's a lovely little story I got to be honest I didn't think that the alternative would. Be a little. Bit heartwarming, yeah, I would say so II would it definitely, paints a different, image completely. Of him in my mind because, I like, most of the public did think he was a tortured genius in his own life but, this paints him has a very empathetic, understanding man. The underlying theme being, human kindness yeah, not bad it's, a good thing to try take, it for a world yeah it's definitely a, good, way to, end the season Oh. See. We don't agree on anything but right now maybe we like this move so you all take a cue from this. And. We're, all gonna be golden.

2019-05-15 21:24

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Make sure to leave your questions for our Post Mortem episode down below!

Thoughts on Edgar Allen Poe’s death?? I say it’s rabies.

Did u get Timmy’s ball back?

For Post Mortem - I'm just spitballin' here, but is it possible that Theo killed Vincent? Theo said Vincent had stated that if he ever became a nuisance or burden, he would kill himself (and it's likely Theo, as Vincents brother and closest friend, would've seen his dismay when he told him about his business plans) - but Vincent himself had said he frowned upon suicide and would never commit such an act... It doesn't add up. What if Theo was lying to cover up his crime? It's clear Vinny boy had one or more mental illnesses, and it's common for mental illnesses to run in families. It's a stretch, but what if Theo also had similar illnesses and was just high-functioning? He'd just become a father and had plans to start his own business. Both of those things are a lot to handle on their own, emotionally and financially, but he was also financially supporting his older brother and realistically there didn't seem to be an end in sight. If you add an unstable mental state into this equation, it could be plausible that either Theo hired someone to kill Vincent and dispose of his belongings, or that Theo killed Vincent himself. This would explain the distance between Vincent and the gun, why they couldn't tie a gun to Vincent, but most importantly it explains why Vincent claimed it was suicide - he was protecting his little brother. I would love to hear your take on this theory! #postmortem

You should do the New Bedford highway murders

They should visit the stardust ranch or the skinwalker ranch if they do hopefully they take swords

Not really a question but I'd like to think that instead of being in a place of suffering, Vincent Van Gogh was getting better in the mental hospital, which was why he could create so many beautiful artworks during that period of time. #postmortem

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network I know that he had a seemingly good relationship with his brother, but what’s the chance that the brother or someone who thought they were looking out for Vincent’s brother shot him? There’s a lot of evidence towards the teenage boys theory, but I kinda expected at least a little mention of it from Ryan, since he often presents many theories. If Vincent relied on his brother’s financial help on and off throughout their lives, and he cared for his brother very much, if his brother shot him so he wouldn’t have to give Vincent money while he was jobless during this new business venture, Vincent would try to save his brother’s skin even in death. I don’t know, just a thought. #boogara #shanehaschaoticneutralenergy

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network where do I get a (wheezes) mug? Anything from this list

I am at 10:00+ so havent seen theories part yet

He covering for his brother imho. He went with his paintings to him imho. All makes sense.

I have a theory for the #postmortem Maybe soemone was jealous of him and his art. So one day when he was painting in the fields, that person shot him and took his painting so that he could sell that as his painting. And he took the supplies away so maybe no evidence would be left and it could be possible that Vincent knew this man and thus did not turn him in. You have to test my theory *Ghoul boys*

I have a theory. Maybe soemone was jealous of him and his art. So one day when he was painting in the fields, that person shot him and took his painting so that he could sell that as his painting. And he took the supplies away so maybe no evidence would be left and it could be possible that Vincent knew this man and thus did not turn him in. You have to test my theory *Ghoul boys*

For the #postmortem , as an artist he should of known at least basic anatomy don’t you think? Why would he shoot himself in the belly if he knows, that that is a part that wouldnt kill him immediately #Renedidit #shaniakbutaplaceinmyheartforbugara

I'm not convinced it was a murder. The 1890s weren't a time particularly known for their knowledge and sympathy for mental health issues. I'm sure Vincent was depressed, but he easily could have had something like Split Personality Disorder, or Borderline Personality Disorder, or maybe he was Bipolar. All of these could have led to an impulsive moment that lead Vincent to try to kill himself. It would explain the confusion. He could have stolen the gun from Renee before hand with this intention. If painting was my life, I'd want to leave life doing what I loved. And it's pretty hard to carry all the stuff back to the hotel with a bullet wound. A lack of suicide note is not confusing, that happens quite frequently, especially if it is more impulsive than premeditated. Lastly, I don't think he was in the wheat field at all to begin with, which explain the lack of gun, painting supplies, and how he managed to get back to town. The only thing that this doesn't explain is the distance and angle of the shot. Anyways, I think he can still be a kind and empathetic man whilst also being a tortured, mentally ill artist. Everything I've read and learned about him makes me think he was quite emotional and empathetic. I liked the concept though. #SkepticalBoogara #freerangegrasssaiditbetteranyways

Do you think the clear evidence of an accidental death has been largely ignored purely because it contradicts that “tortured artist” narrative and people like to romanticise his supposed suicide? I know lots of people who say stuff like “If van gogh was on medication or healthy, we wouldn’t have his works” which manifestly is not the case. It’s total BS. Also, Ryan, is your hair so big because it’s full of secrets? Love y’all! #Shaniac (mostly) #Postmortem #Hotdagastan #Buzzfeedunsolved

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network maybe he paid someone to shoot him! Assisted suicide?

When are Americans going to pronounce Van Gogh’s name right?

An important thing to note about Van Gogh is that his artworks were typically created during his manic episodes and not depressive, hence why he was such a prolific painter. I am glad you mentioned, albeit briefly, that the fields he was supposedly painting in were a difficult walk to make. It’s tiring as a well bodied human on a hot day, let alone with a bullet in your abdomen. Hats off to you guys for another great season.

What if rene wanted to scare vincent with the gun and he did not actually shoot and then Vincent took the gun and accidentally pulled the trigger on him.

#postmortem My theory is that what if someone talked him into this? like what if Rene spoke to him and convinced him to kill himself and offered to "help him" with it. Vincent probably didn't give him a clear answer and the boy ended up shooting him anyway, explaining Vincents questionable statement of "I wounded myself" and "I think so" when asked if he Intended to commit suicide. Vincent still being vulnerable to bullying despite all they've done to him points to him also being vulnerable to being talked into a situation like that. This also explains the disappearance of all of his equipment, Rene not wanting to get caught and stealking/hiding all of it.

But what if Vincent convinced/manipulated someone (maybe young renee) to shoot him, so that in theory it wouldn't be suicide and then he would no longer be a burden on his brother theo or have to suffer with his mental health??

What if he sold his paint stuff for a gun? That would explain the missing art supplies and I know I surely wouldn't admit to selling a gun to a man with one year who is clearly acting irrationally. He also could have used some of the (possibly) leftover cash to pay someone (a vagrant maybe? or the douchey boiz?) to shoot him, if he truly couldn't bring himself to do it. And I KNOW I surely wouldn't admit to murder, so of course, no one came forward

What if Vincent and Gaston had a lovers’ quarrel and Gaston shot him in spite?

I loved it when you guys were acting like the little a-holes. Have you two considered improv? #50.5%Boogara #49.5%Shaniac

#postmortem What would drive you guys to cut off one of your ears?

What if Van Gogh hired someone to kill him? That way it wouldn’t technically be a suicide but the end result is the same. He could have also taken his painting materials out to do one last painting before he died and the person hired to kill him could have taken it to sell.

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network Vincent could have taken his painting supplies to sell so that he had some small amount of money to leave behind to repay his brother. Love the show guys #shaniac #bringbackthehotdaga

Next, death of Edgar Allan Poe please !

Zion Leach We actually have a name for that! When you’re neither a shaniac nor a boogara, you’re a shitfish! (I’m being serious; it’s from the postmortem for the Tromp family episode)

Such a minor point in the video, but the way Ryan pronounces the bully René Secrétan's name makes it sound like "ce crétin" in French, which means "this idiot." Quite accurate, in this case. Sucks for his brother Gaston, though.

But what if Gaston took Vincent's art supplies? Gaston's interested in the art just like Vincent, right? Or maybe, if Vincent did killed himself, maybe he gave away his art supplies to Gaston or to those who needed it but doesnt have enough money to buy supplies and would like to pursue something in the arts too just like him. Or idk.

what's wrong with y'all hairstyle today guys

For the #PostMortem: Vincent Van Gogh back to the Sally House Ryan geez

Van Gogh didn’t actually sever his ear for his lady, him and a colleague got into a fight and it happened then

Ryan's hair is almost as tall as his face, I dig it.

#postmortem I think Vincent was killed by his brother Theo. As Theo told Vincent of starting a business, Vincent thought of it otherwise and there could be a fight between them over this. Days later Vincent must have gone on to paint in the wheat fields where he generally paints and Theo would have shot him over there and fled with Vincent's belongings. Its a wild guess. Do you know anything about Theo after Vincent's death? Was Theo there when Vincent took his last breath? #shaniac

for post mortem I think the painting become more expensive because of it rarity and the mysterious surrounding it. One more thing, Self portrait Vincent at thumbnail look like Benedict Cumberbach or it just me?

I think you should look into Edgar Allan Poe's death next time, super super sketchy and mysterious.

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network when are you coming back? I enjoy this channel soo much.Shane and Ryan are the best. Don't leave us hanging! Lots of love to a great show, and everyone who works so hard making this the best yt show.

What happened to his severed ear? Did he ever give it to the sex worker? And if he did, did she like it?

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network Loving Vincent is an amazing movie about him. They touch on the murder theory and illustrate what his final day was like.

Shane's voice sounds like a 78 year old lecturer who refuses to accept any criticism. Kidding, shane is amazing, so is Ryan. #whereisthehotdaga

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network do kurt cobain

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network do kirt cobain

#RoastMortem I wish I, like Van Gogh, could cut my ear off, so I couldn't hear Shane make his little anti-ghost comments. Love you, Ryan. Nice teeth.

If Van Gogh was establishing a relationship with Gaston then couldn’t it be possible that he gave his supplies to him as soon as the “accident” happened. Gaston may have reminded Van Gogh of his younger self. #postmortem #hiShanewavedatyouatsmallworld #stillteamBoogara

Have you guys ever considered covering the Long Island Serial Killer?

I'm really tired of the idea that a lack of a note makes a suicide suspicious. Many suicide victims don't leave notes. Many suicides are impulsive acts with no long-term planning involved at all. Even people who have long contemplated suicide don't necessarily plan the exact moment, and only act when the wrong kind of pressure gets put on them at the wrong moment. In addition, many suicidal people don't show many outward symptoms. People need to stop taking "He would never have killed himself!!" as evidence of a conspiracy. #postmortem #shaniac

Would you ever do an episode of unsolved about the Buzzfeed thieves? #boogaraforlife #loveyouguys

René had said “My favourite game was to make him angry, which was easy.” That to me, is evidence that even though Vincent was a nice guy, he wouldn’t want his murderer to get away since making him mad wasn’t hard at all. Here is my theory that answers the question “Why did Vincent not expose René?” Vincent was financially unstable and it is possible he got extra money from René’s father, for guiding their other son who was interested in art. To pay their father back, Vincent decided to not say anything against René. When the father found out about the incident, he took his sons out of town to dispose the pistol. What are your thoughts on this? #postmortem #buzzfeedunsolved

Van Gogh really was a misunderstood artist. As such, dost thou think thou can use thy skill of art and use it to create art from the soul?

#postmortem Hey guys really love your series. Question about the brother Vincent was close to, Gaston. Was he ever asked any questions on what he knew about Vincent? If they were close and spent time together, wouldn't he have known about any plans for suicide? You mentioned Rene had left with his father shortly after Vincent's death, and returned without the gun. Wouldn't he have known where his brother's pistol had gone? #loveyouguys #defashaniacbutloveyoutooRyan #can'twaitfornextseason

Is it possible that maybe someone else had shot Vincent? Perhaps it was another aspiring artist that was familiar with Vincents work and was jealous as he started receiving recognition and positive feedback. This could have fuelled their envy and in an attempt to stop Vincent from being hugely successful, they killed him. This could also explain why his painting equipment had gone missing. I was also wondering if it was possible that Vincent had made some bad ties with people he met while in the psychiatric hospital? #postmortem

I actually had an appenticship at a tattoo shop a few years ago. Basically i went in, told him i drew very well, showed him my work and got the apprenticeship. I had a lot of fun with it and think there should be more apprenticing so know what you want to do with your life. Just make sure you make money while figuring out what to do with your life. But i do think it was an accidental murder. If it waant an accident, would Van Gogh just say he didnt know who killed him? #boogara #shaneiac #deadvinney #postmortem

For postmortem-- [13:56] These draft of letters intrigue me. If they held no clue about his suicide...What were they about?

Maybe it was the sex worker he cut his ears for. He asked him/her to shoot him and gave away his art supplies. #postmortem

for the post mortem: another theory about van gogh, maybe vincent and gaston were in a relationship, explaining their closeness and vincent's desire to please rene, and rene got angry about it. seeing as gay people were even less accepted back then than they are now, i think it could be a plausible reason as to both why rene wouldve shot vincent and why vincent wouldnt have wanted to turn him in. thoughts? love you guys. excited for the next season :)

For #postmortem : Do you think Vincent shouldve told the police someone shot him (if they did do it)? Also do you think art made in this generation could someday be recognized as big as Vincent's is?

Have you heard the rumor that Vincent didn't cut his ear, it was his friend, either on accident or on purpose #postmortem #shaniac

#RoastMortem Thank the watcher this season is *so short*. Now that its finally over, we can now move on to the supernatural stuff. And see if Shane will commune with his demonic brethen. #boogara P.S. I was being ironic. I love both TrueCrime and Supernatural. But, I wanted you guys to cover Hilter's mysterious death for the finale. #StillLoveYouThough #SeeYouNextSeasonForBUNSupernatural

For #postmortem: What if Vincent said something rude to Gaston (like “you’ll never become and artist because your art sucks”) that made Gaston extremely upset to the point of shooting Vincent? And Van Gogh felt some kind of guilt for making Gaston feel like that and that’s why he didn’t say anything?

Visit the Ed and Lorraine Warren

If Vincent Van Gogh said he didn't like suicide, perhaps it was someone he had hired to kill him? It could be Vincent had paid his killer with the only thing of worth he had, either a painting or his supplies themselves. #postmortem

Roast Mortem - finally figured out who Ryan reminds me of.... Every annoying guy who thinks he's cool in highschool ever.

#postmorden I have a question about the gun. In the 1960's a farmer found a 7 MM pistol that was believed by many to be the gun that Van Gogh shot himself with. You said that the gun the bully had was a.380. do we know what type of bullet VG was killed by? The smaller caliber gun might explain why he had smaller wound. It is rumored he had a .7 MM to scare of crows. Is it possible since he was shot in the gut could he have shot himself by accident. The 7 MM was going to be auctioned a few months ago. #shaniac

This was a greag episode guys. Will next season be longer? I get you both need time to regroup and come up with new murders but it would be nice to have some more content from you guys. Love you both.

Gogan cut his off in a fight while drunk vincent though a cup out comes sward off goes ear.

For postmortem, the information about his severed ear all makes sense now. Thanks Ryan.

i really appreciate the editors this episode! the editing was gorgeous! and van gogh's best work happened when in recovery so his art came from a good place. if you guys were artists, how do you think you'd be tortured? #postmortem

Can you please do the death of Marilyn Monroe? It's super interesting

The movie Loving Vincent explains this theory so beautifully! It’s completely animated using oil paintings in his style

whens the next season???

For the #postmortem since Gaston was an aspiring artist and him and Vincent were close, maybe they have talked about Vincent's death. They may have maybe planned that Gaston would shoot Vincent. And maybe, the reason why Vincent brought all his painting stuff with him is because he gave it to Gaston for him to able to have "a head start."

For the #postmortem. I'm pretty sure Vincent has a painting of that wheat-field he supposedly shot himself in. Maybe Vincent wanted to go there and get one last painting created of one of his favorite places before he ended it. I'm also pretty sure people who are suicidal don't always have one concrete plan of how to commit suicide so maybe his grief just overcame him and he ended it immediately. P.s this episode was quite heart warming and im so excited for the next season of supernatural #Boogara #Shaniac #BUN

Come to Charleston sc!! Super haunted.

#postmortem wait wha? How did he walk back to the inn just holding his abdomen and not one of the people he passed by got curious in what he was doing then later on he was able to endure the pain for quite a long time then died cradled by his brother?

Ryan, my guy, you said sinister and I expected like cold hard murder. Then you turn up with theory 2 being accident murder and my main mans Vincent covering for local bois? What if. What if it was Murder murder? #postmortem #postmortemwiththemostportem #thatdidn'tmakeasmuchsenseasIwanteditto

Do a video of Ananda Mahidol's death

I've been doing a paid apprenticeship with an art studio for 2,3 years now. It's actually fairly common in art communitues, or like tatoos.

For the Postmortem: Why do you guys blackout some faces in some cases, but in other cases you don't? Even in well known ones, such as Jack the Ripper, the faces are blacked out, but others like The Eight Day Bride, are not. What's the deal, boys? #boogara #shanicsmorelikefooliacs #shaneisslenderman


Lol, but you should do the chuck e cheese pizza theory.

When buzzfeed unsolved runs out of crimes to cover,maybe shane & ryan would commit crimes so that they can have something to cover on BUN

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network Roast mortem: Ryan should hit up paramount pictures and tell them to not bother redesigning the new sonic, just cast him instead

#postmortem What about the yellow paint that he ate?

#ROASTMORTEM Shane’s forehead is as large as my musty sandwich #Appletaters

#postmortem I think it's important to talk about him getting treatment while doing his greatest work. His art didnt necessarily come from a dark place, or came from getting better/on good days. He wasnt allowed in his studio when he was having mental breaks or in a bad place because he'd self-destruct. #shaniac #loveRyantoo

I don't find it that odd that he shot himself in an odd place. The man cut his own ear off prior so...

I thought the thumbnail was an oil painting of Benedict Cumberbatch

As much as i think that ending is a very convincing possibility and Im inclined to believe it, it is still possible that vincent van gogh was a "tortured genius" in that he struggled with his mental health. I dont think it makes sense to categorize him as either mentally ill and suicidal OR murdered.

"bully boy"

Has buzzfeed unsolved covered the case of the expedition of Percy Fawcett who disappeared together with his son in search of what he called the lost city of Z? We need them, buzzfeed!

Ryan patted Shane's shoulder 16 times

I think it was the boys that accidentally shot him. Maybe it was just to threaten him but they accidentally pulled the trigger and immediately regretted it. Vincent probably seeing the boys regret they're decision wanted to cover for them. Since he is really kind like the time he cut of his ear for the woman working in a sex area, but not as a prostitute as a cleaner who got burned marks all over her body from dog attacks. He cut off his ear to give to her maybe as a sign of he didn't want people looking at her so he wanted them to stare at him instead.

He also wore a candle hat at night.

Do Kurt Cobain

it is pronounced goth (Vincent van goth)

van gogh made his best art while getting treated and so could you! see someone about your mental health, and meet your potential

#roastmortem Sleep paralysis but it's just Shane Madej standing in the corner, chanting "look at the tears"

He cut off a lobe of his ear not all of his ear

Not a question but I think Shane is hot

please do a video on the disappearance of chandra levy

You don't have to be a troubled person to make beautiful art, but I think people with serious inner struggles always make the most powerful work.

Do the Zodiac killer! It’s actually unsolved!!! We need you two to solve it!

god i loved the backgrounds of his paintings

The biggest unsolved mystery is who stole things from the unsolved set.


Also that he disliked the idea of suicide but thought about it anyway - that happens. Depression can have a cognitive dissonance sort of thing. In your cortex you know it's wrong, but emotionally the whirlwind drowns out anything else. It's not that weird for a crazy person is what I'm saying. - a crazy person

When Ryan said season finale....i died a little inside

6:20 I think it's worth noting he was receiving treatment at this time. In a mental hospital and being treated for his mental illness, his art improved and he was able to create even more. Sorrow might be a source for good art, but depression isn't. Depression is poison.

Nice job. I think it was an accidental shooting by one or more kids. Yes...the answer to your question is yes.

Given all the information in this video, what I could believe is that he was shot accidentally, but once he was, he was okay with dying because he genuinely was depressed but thought it would be morally wrong to take his own life.

Look into the disappearance of Maud Crawford. She disappeared March, 2 1957 without a trace. She was the only female attorney to ever practice law in Camden, Arkansas. There is a book written by Beth Brickell about it and plenty of theories and strange happenings to dive into.

I was honestly disappointed by this season. It felt like most of the videos this season were just about the death of people that was never solved. Like the situations surrounding their deaths didn't seem nearly as intriguing as in the previous seasons. Also I don't really care about the mob tbh.

#RoastMordem: what is with Ryan's hair this season? It seems that every episode it gets bigger! Next thing it will be a birds nest or something ridiculous... Love the show, love you guys, but come on! #TheHairIsKillingMe #CalmDownBoogara #BUN #Postmordem #Roastmordem

"I applied at Warner Brothers!" if you really think that is even part of the real world outside of LA then you are so far removed from the reality of most people that watch this shite you produce. The twink is a complete tool

Im learning about him at school

Hey can you talk about the death of Kurt Cobain? Bc his case was so small which is odd for artists and they never did proper investigation, some say he was murdered

My favorite painter

It looks like they just photoshoped a picture of Christian Bale for the image of Van Gogh they use throughout the video

He shot himself. Some one stole his stuff. Simple.

you guys should do William Shakespeare's death because there is debate on how he truly died

why does Scott Disick look like Van Gogh?

y'all go get a copy of Loving Vincent,, don't pirate it tbh, worth every penny to get the dvd or something

hm i wonder if theyd ever do an episode on what started the Hartford circus fire? thats still unsolved right?

#postmortem #boogara #stillloveyoushane Let’s say he really did get murdered. if he really wasn’t that famous for his time, why would anyone try and murder him ? Could it possibly be related to his mental health? A possible someone causing trauma from a young age ?

Make solved

*What a True art*

When will the post mortem be posted

Hey, I know it's not about a serial killer or something but it could be very interesting if you guys could investigate about the Count of St. Germain.

release ruining history season 2 cowards

Guess you dont wanna work at Warner bros anymore :/

Not gonna lie this season was boring and they keep getting shorter

What if Theo killed him? He supported him and cared about him and did everything to keep him safe, so he just waited for the right moment to kill his brother and use him to sell his art and manipulate him? Plus, he was closest to his brother, so he knew very well what his desires and goals were. Idk just a theory.

#postmortem Did Ryan say "aparCHED" @11:58? Why can't the dude pronounce things correctly lol?!

I'm never sure if I should feel proud or ashamed that when I've mentioned that if I had been alive at the same time/area as Van Gogh, I think we would have been friends, my family and friends always immediately respond with "Yeah, you would've been right there with him... eating the yellow paint...cutting off your ear... going to the psych ward..."

note that his most iconic work came when he was getting mental help in the hospital

do one about kurt cobains death!

Oh The machine of a dream, such a clean machine With the pistons a pumpin', and the hubcaps all gleam When I'm holding your wheel All I hear is your gear With my hand on your grease gun Mmm, it's like a disease, son I'm in love with my car, gotta feel for my automobile Get a grip on my boy racer roll bar Such a thrill when your radials squeal Told my girl I'll have to forget her Rather buy me a new carburetor So she made tracks saying this is the end, now Cars don't talk back they're just four wheeled friends now When I'm holding your wheel All I hear is your gear When I'm cruisin' in overdrive Don't have to listen to no run of the mill talk jive I'm in love with my car (love with my car), gotta feel for my automobile I'm in love with my car (love with my car), string back gloves in my automolove

#postmortem The fact that he didn’t write a suicide note is so suspicious. Vincent wrote daily to Theo, sometimes multiple times a day. Thousands of letters still exist as they were collected by Theo, and this is why so much information is currently known about Van Gogh. Letters written around 6 hours prior to his death were were undoubtedly positive and witness statements say that Vincent was content and in good health when he went out that day. He was happy to be out of the asylum, he had a new lease on life. I don’t believe that he shot himself. He was eccentric and strange, but not suicidal at that time.

VAN-GOD save us all

Why couldn't you have done this like a month ago? I did aProject on him and I could've learned everything here in 21 minutes instead of studying for it haha

Y'all should do a video on the Texas Killing Fields

this made me cry just from his being bullied he was such a nice man

Where is he van going? Cause it's definitely not pronounced that way


ryan why'd u pronounce quarelled Like That

post mortem pls answer this .....ryan's "qware elled" is haunting me

Who dares to steal timmy's ball?!?!

is there not a theory that his brother killed him? that seems most obvious to me. he had motive because he was in a financial strain and Vincent made that strain greater, plus he had proximity because he just happened to be visiting the night this happened. we just don't know if he had access to the gun. The boy said Vincent had stolen it from him. If Vincent had taken the gun, his brother could have found it in his home and used it to shoot him.

cant believe yall left out his beef with Gauguin

My name is vincent

Y'all should watch Loving, Vincent. You'll understand

Am I the only one who thought it was about Benedict Cumberbatch because of the tumbnail that looks like him? ^^'

watch. the. movie. *loving. vincent.*

Weird the Brick thing is also used in lawsuits against gun sellers and manufacturers that's why I already knew about it. Funny how it comes up so much.

this is the only good thing in buzzfeed

Oh those paps don't play if they take a photo they own it this has already been to copyright court before that's why they sue and it's usually settled. You think their bad you should see Getty go after publications yikes.

Flanan isles mystery

#postmortem it was probably be a suicide because cutting his ear off would be hard.He would have used a knife or scissors and maybe did that for a mannaquin thing.By cutting your ear off that would make you bleed a lot and their would be now way to stop it bleeding I'm sad that he died at a young age #Shaniac

Mysterious: 6 Horrifying: 4 Bizarre: 4 Strange: 4 Odd: 3 Disturbing: 2 Chilling: 2 Suspicious: 2 Shocking: 2 Haunting/Haunted: 2 Curious: 1 Puzzling: 1 Unexplained: 1 Unusual: 1 Eerie: 1 Terrors: 1 Demon: 1 Treacherous: 1 Covert: 1 Sinister: 1 Grisly: 1 Thrilling: 1 Ghastly: 1 Enigmatic: 1 Scandalous: 1 Historic: 1 Terrifying: 1 Incredible: 1 Tragic: 1 Creepy: 1

Hi Ryan and Shane for the #postmortem I’ve been meaning ask about this but I didn’t have time to get to it. A couple of weeks ago I saw the Instagram video of guys texting each other from across the room because you were so mad at each other that you didn’t want to talk to one another. What was it that made you guys so mad? Btw I think you guys are hilarious and amazing so keep up the good work.

for the postmortem: why didn’t you discuss van goghs relationship with paul gauguin? i feel like its an important part of his life story, maybe gauguin killed him idk love you guys and your work #boogaraforlyfe

It’s one am why am I watching this

There's a movie of Vincent Van Gogh, called Loving Vincent, check it out guys. I loved it.

Next week on buzz feed unsolved we will be looking at the disappearance of James Charles fans.

as an art student my whole life i had to learn about Vincent Van Gogh now we all know why he chopped off of his ear. to give it to sex worker. true love folks. x

I share a birthday with the great Vincent Van Gogh.

It's pronounced .38 caliber.

#postmortem notable thing about his declining mental health, he painted with lead paint which we now know, is not so good for that sort of thing

the unsolved murders at hinterkaifeck. Plz do

How can y’all make an artist’s backstory scary??

Quien está aquí por anuel I karol g “dices que te vas “

I think he might have been schizophrenic

Let’s all remember how Vincent used to drink yellow paint to make himself happier

For #roastmortem Shane's eyebrows almost look like a Disney villain's, Either Ryan's hairline is slowly receding or his forehead is getting bigger, if it keeps going he won't be able to make jokes about Shane's head being the size of the sun.

love these episodes, y’all should do an episode about Morgan Nick from Arkansas

Maybe his brother needed money and thought to sell all his paintings but it didn’t work and Vincent didn’t want his brother to get in trouble because of all he did for him?? #spookeyboyz

⚘ rest in paradise ....⚘

#postmortem the unsolved mystery I always wondered about is how that sex worker reacted to receiving an ear as a gift, you know?

Why does Vincent Van Gogh lowkey kinda look like Benedict Cumberbatch in the thumbnail?

what is your favourite Van Gogh painting? #PostMortem

What’s up with Shane’s hair? I think I love it.

According to the film Loving Vincent; René Secrétan claimed on his death bed that his revolver (which was apart of his Wild West outfit) was stolen by the artist Vincent Van Gogh.

Warren brothers listen up lol

Where are the supernatural episodes ;-;

Kurt Cobain’s death

Yeah apprenticeships are mostly taken by people under 20 because they're paid really badly and, in the UK at least, they're counted as a kind of education so you don't have to stick around forsixth form Edit: Van Gogh didn't paint those amazing things because he was mentally ill, he painted them cause he was recovering and getting meds/therapy

Anyone gonna talk about the mannequin behind shane?

Why does the thumbnail look like Benedict Cumberbatch


I feel like Phoenix Wright while watching these.

loving that wheeze mug

O my god. Just as I think i cant have more compassion toward vincent

“This week on Buzzfeed Unsolved, we’ll discuss about the miserable disappearance of James Charles’s career.”

Didn’t he cut his ear for Gauguin?

I know the story about the prostitute is interesting, but I believe he cut off his ear because he got into a fight with one of his only friend. The friend made the remark that Vincent never listened and so he cut off his ear to show that he would listen now. I think this is a lot sadder, but I believe this is the true story.

Edgar Allen Poe next?

what if vincent was teaching rene to shoot a gun then rene accedentaly shoots vincent

In a book about Vincent's life that I read, it stated that he cut his ear while he was having an episode. He had very violent episodes and one time, his cousin had to fight him off when Vincent was waving around a knife. It was an accident. I don't know if he DID give the ear to a sex worker afterwards tho.

this episode came out the day of my apush exam and for that sad reason i was fated to miss this episode until now

What was left out is Gogh wanted to poison himself (based off his physician’s medical reports). Paint and turpentine

they manage to make literally anything creepy as hell

Can you please cover the Toyah murder in cairns, Australia?? Its still unsolved!

the real crime here is how they butcher the GOGH pronunciation

bro y’all should check out that forest in indonesia

the way they pronounced gogh...

So I’m seeing comments about James Charles and Tati drama while buzz feed talks about this there basically the same both of the artists carriers ended

Working in the fine art market, it always a great thing to see the names of Old Masters embedded into popular culture! This man truly was one of the worlds greatest treasures. He lived such a misery-filled life that its not surprising he took the route he did. Since his death, most of his works have gone upwards of 40 million dollars, which I have no words for/

Whatever music that was playing in the background around the time 11:00 was really stressing me out. I don't know why but it was like the back of my brain was silently freaking out.

Invents Time Machine follows him for last five days ...

It’s sad he should’ve had a girlfriend or a boyfriend like besides his brother

#Postmortem #roastmortem “ I can’t believe boys would be that mean to a funny old man” uhhhhh Shane sweetie Van Gogh was only 38 LOL if that makes him an old man then I’m assuming you & I don’t have much more life to look forward to

Just so you know the thing about the sex worker is not true. The real story is he cut his ear off for a much sweeter and beautiful reason so there was a bartender and what happened was she was in a terrible terrible fire which scarred her severely and everybody was just awful to her and so to try to put himself in her shoes he cut off his ear so he could scar himself so she could know that she was not alone

Wow!! This is an awesome episode. Thanks so much guys!! All episodes are great but this one is especially awesome for art lovers and history nerds

You guys should really take a crack at the case of Michael L. Rosenblum. It's not covered on youtube very much so few people know about it but it's one hell of a twisty ride.

The best art comes from the dark places of the mind. Just look at HR Giger's work

Do a video about the death of hitler

he looks like benedict cumberbatch on the thumbnail

You should do the lead masks case

ultra instinct at 11:08

9:18 mhhh "coolness of the night" but i thought you said his jacket was buttoned up all the way even to it was "very hot"

Maybe he hired someone to kill him

Do highway of tears canada

i haven't even played the video yet but i know for a FACT ryan's gonna bring up aliens because starry night could maybe kinda sorta possibly look like ufos

my favourite exploration into van gogh has to be Dr. Who's 'Vincent and the Doctor'. It's so emotional, but really puts his feelings into account.

I think its important to remember that his best work was when he was getting help. A note to fellow people who struggle with mental health, you are worth getting help for. Getting help doesn't damper who you are, it helps you be your entire self without the weight of mental illness

the van gogh in the thumbnail looks like benedict cumberbatch

Call me “crazy” but anyone thinks “maybe” the sex worker he gifted his ear to might have had a “significant-other?”. I’m just saying

Do the lead mask case

They always play the same song when they get into the theories

Ive been waiting for this case to be covered, yay!

“Edgar A. Poe” another mysterious death

14:17 lemme just go ahead and say that if some local boys shot me, I would not protect their identities

Am I the only one who thinks someone tried to kill him then take his painting and tried and sell it?

#postmortem Not to put a downer on your little thing Ryan but... Van Vogh died without seen his success and not seeing how his art made history and influence a lot of other people in that time and to this day. I get what your saying but I wanna see how I make something of myself and probably be someone worth remembering. I love you guys and keep up the astonishing work, can't wait for more. #boogara #unsolved #ghoulboys

What's your opinion of the Van Gogh Doctor Who episode?

Here for the only Buzzfeed content I enjoy.

I don't think it's weird that he brought his painting supplies with him. If he did go out to commit suicide, he probably wanted to maybe paint one last thing. Painting was one of the only things that made him feel happy. When I attempted, I brought my stuffed dog with me. Had it since I was little. It's always been my comfort, and the thought of having him in my arms while I fell asleep for the last time, was what I wanted.

Commenting at 15:02 literally the same teenage boys as at 2002.

if the René/Gaston Secrétan theory was true, another reason he would protect René for the sake of Gaston would be if he saw himself and Theo in their relationship, and didn’t want to separate them any more than he would want to be separated from Theo. What I mean is this man’s most meaningful and important relationship was with his brother, so he probably wouldn’t want to interfere or affect another pair of brothers.

I think a point that was missed about the "tortured artist" narrative was that van gogh was *receiving treatment* when he made some of his best work. he was not creating his greatest work at the height of his turmoil, but during a break from it. intense emotions can inspire great art, but instability makes it extremely difficult to actually apply those feelings. had he gone untreated, I doubt that van gogh would have created anything comparable to starry night or irises.

Hey I'm a very amature art enthusiast and, YES! Yes artists earlier works are in fact very much more valuable for their historical value!!

don't quote me on that though. you cant quote anyone on anything for Vincent because a lot of the knowledge of him is warped. theres not much verifying anything for him?

ALSO the ear thing isn't the whole truth. He did cut it off and give it to a sex worker but he initially wanted to give it to gauguin who was his art hero. Gauguin was the original reason why vincent started painting sunflowers, they were presents.

You guys should do a true crime episode about the anthrax scare

Commenting at 4:57 they didn't tell it was a sex worker in art class in middle school. They said she was a woman he was interested in.

I lost it when Shane suggested Timmy took the ball and then laughed at Ryan when he admitted that he had already considered that as a possibility.

heathers in van goghs time?

Why would he say "I wounded myself" if it wasn't suicide? Do you think if he was murdered (Not by the boys) that he was so far gone into mental illness that he was just confused and thought he himself had done it? #postmortem Also which of you would be more likely to give your ear to a sex worker?

The season finale? Nooooo!!

#postmortem While the last theory is almost as likely, I do think he intended on dying (/committed suicide) because of how he walked back to his room without asking for medical attention to try to stay alive. His confusion about his suicide as police questioned him could be due to blood loss. Also: - stuff in wheat fields are hard to find (gun likely lost) - unfinished suicide notes point to suicidal thoughts’ presence, and maybe he committed suicide while painting in a moment of creator’s-block-caused frustration. It’s not uncommon for suicide to be done on impulse as a result of a culmination of mental illness and emotional strains. And creator’s block can be very frustrating and facilitate thoughts of inferiority.

"cease to be if he ever felt like a burden" ok relatable

Can u guys investigate the murder of Robert Kennedy?

When you’re Dutch and they’ve been saying that Vincent might’ve been murdered for quite a few years now



Please please do the Nixon watergate scandal!!!!

what a beautifully kind hearted man. true or not this will forever b the VVG i see when i thinl of him. not the crazy self mutilating girl crazy psycho

Go to the haunted nazi camp in Germany

Is this actually the season finale? I feel like it just started. These videos are too good to already be over.

i always thought that the theory about the accidental shooting and him covering it up was true. i never knew that he had supposedly “killed himself”

I think for your next season when it comes around you guys should do something relating to famous singers death. For example, Elvis Presley produced a lot of great music and has passsed away but I was always confused on how he died. Some said drugs, some said her was overweight, some said heart attack, some said he had to many meds. Michael Jackson is another one that died suspiciously, I know that they pointed out the doctor but I think a episode on him and his passing will also be interesting. You can also do a episode on Whitney Houston!

Vincent was getting treated when he made his most famous paintings. I think that's a point to how treatment can help and prove suffering isn't needed all the time to create beautiful art.

1 like=1 (wheeze)

Hearing him say zundert makes me uncomfortable


He was a tortured genius while also being an empathetic, understanding man. He was incredibly depressed, had a history of self harm, drank heavily, and was in mental pain constantly. But he also had a strong relationship with his brother, worked with other artists throughout his life, and even lived with another artist- Gauguin- for a short time. He wanted help, and voluntarily admitted himself to a psychiatric institution. He wanted to be closer to people, writing in a letter to Theo in 1897, "Like everyone else, I have need of relationships of friendship or affection or trusting companionship, and am not like a street pump or lamp-post..." Him being sick doesn't mean that he was always a selfish, mean person. He just needed more help than he was getting.

Studies show only 15-38% of people leave suicide notes, so that explains why he didn't leave one. It's only seen as common because it's a bit of a movie/ tv trope.

you should do the disappearance of madeleine mcCann

POST MORTEM - what if he wanted to kill himself, but didn't think he would be able to go through with it. so he asked his BROTHER (or maybe even the boys) to do it for him.

Oh I got a good one, Was Adam Ellis claim about Dear David B.S or was he actually being haunted.

July 27 is my birthday I never knew that Van Gogh was shot that day

Shane looks worse than my cats puke #bugara #roastmortem #shaniacs #buzzfeedunsold

"Parissss-ian" "quay-rreled" ryan ur doing ur best sweetie

My friend got an apprenticeship with a tattoo artist at age 17

hahaha SHANE can you not get massages because your fat head can’t fit in the facehole!! OHHHH ROASTED BABY #areyouapotatocozyoujustgotROASTED #shaniac #roastmortem #postmortem #buzzfeedunsolved

I always felt that I'm jus so happy he had his brother at the very least.


Do the Lindburgh Baby

why do Shane’s eyes always look like he’s had a severe allergic reaction??? #shaniac #roastmortem #postmortem #buzzfeedunsolved

For your supernatural series, PLEASE do the Lemp Mansion in St. Louis, MO... A wealthy family of beer tycoons lived in that mansion, and there was a lot of death and suicide in that house. Supposedly the family haunts it to this day

As a dutch person, the way they pronounce van gogh hurts me physically

Can you guys do Tesla

This made me so sad, that poor man.

hi not relevant at all but yes here in austria you start an apprenticeship with 14 or 15 - I was 17 though hah

Starry starry night, paint your pallet blue and gray.

feels weird hearing my name so much

All the dutchies out here shaking

His mental state sounds like the much less successful version of me in college

Firstly. He only cut off part of his ear. Secondly. He had an older brother who had the same name as him who died and had a headstone outside there house.

Why do people keep saying 'go' instead of 'goGH'? There's a couple of videos on here where Vincent's name is pronounced correctly. It just grinds my gears when people say names wrong, I find it a bit disrespectful

This pair is difficult to listen to. Interest has been lost. Let me outta here...!

Vincent van Gogh was Dutch, so his name is pronounced as Vincent van ‘Gock’ not ‘Go’

At least he was able to see how much his beloved work touched people and his impact on the art world before he died...thanks to the Doctor and Amy.

vincent van *gone*

so much respect for this person!

He killed him self

9:58 these few seconds are now saved in my phone.

Edgar Allan Poe !!!

I just did an art history presentation and some boys playing in the same wheat field found the gun recently and it's being sold as art. It was apparently originally the inn keeper's so the boys turned it in to the inn keepers who are the family of the same keepers Vincent would have interacted with. I might be misinformed but here's some extra possible facts

Year 1 Van Gogh sounds like a rookie year Gale Sayers card

i cant be the only one who thought about theo trying to kill him off, idk why i just got this feeling because a) vincent would've never snitched on his brother b) vincent already had suicidal tendencies c) he felt like a burden to his brother theo d) theo might've felt the way vincent was unhappy with his life and wanted to help him by killing him (so vincent doesnt have to commit suicide) e) theo could've turned the story around because the hosts trusted him f) theo was rich enough to get a revolver what do y'all think?? its 5 am and i havent had a blink of sleep, maybe thats why im going crazy with these theories! stan bts!

Excellent video as always! You should cover the Crazy Brabant Killers. It’s a very interesting case from 1980s Belgium with a lot of theories about who they were and why they committed all those terrible murders/robberies. There have been some interesting updates on the investigation in recent years as well


*”Season Finale”? Really? Is there a reason that the seasons have gone from twelve episodes to eight?*

16:07 the way he says parisian... is this the new february?

maybe he made a deal with someone to shoot him and gave them his supplies...

I know there are probably already comments about this but you guys need to watch Loving Vincent! It's a beautiful movie and is just so touching. It's entirely made of oil paintings stop-motion style.

Can't believe we got another story with a naughty boy motivated by cowboy-worship. Also, as far as the idea that art comes from someone being "tortured," you'll notice that one of his most prolific periods was when he was hospitalized, in other words, a time when he was under treatment and his mental health was improving as a result.

Why isn’t anyone talking about teenage boys pranking Vincent Van gosh

I actually think that he paid or asked someone to do it for him

If you liked this video (which I did) you should watch the movie "Loving Vincent". The animation is so beautifully done, as it's reminiscent of Van Gogh's style of painting, and the story is so heart wrenching.

I believe Shane and Ryan were both obnoxious teens ( Shane was the big nerd in school).

You should do the Disappearance of Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt for next season!

can you look into yesenin’s death??

He probably sold his belongings to buy a gun

Shane is compassionate. A lot of people overlook this trait of his, but he is.

Ryan is really smart. I love his commentary. He's very eloquent!

Painting is pain. That's why pain is in painting.

*can I pay shayne to be at my birthday?*

Wait, I thought Van Gough had consumed yellow paint or something to commit suicide? Or am I thinking about something else?

Actually the story of Vincent cutting his ear off was a story made up by him. His friend somehow cut his ear off by accident and Vincent said he cut his own ear off to protect his friend. That was what I was taught at school.

am I the only one who still gets freaked out of that black suit wearing guy doll in the back of shane??

He basically killed himself in my birthday:/ or was it murder idk

Awesome episode


I’m confused, do they do paranormal investigations on another channel? I thought they did it on this channel. If anyone could tell me I would really appreciate it!

why does the thumbnail look like benedict cucumberpatch

Why does Van Gogh look like Benedict Cumberbatch on the cover of this video Idk what the word for the front of the video is


Ik it's kinda a small thing but his name is pronounced like hoh not go

Ryan’s hair

can you do merriwether lewis

I’m not sure I’m going to be able to watch this with the butchering of Van Gogh I’m going to try power through but I might not make it! Why do Americans pronounce it wrong?

Am I the only one who thought of doctor who...

You got one of your facts wrong Vincent van Gogh did not cut off is what ear his friend cut it off his friend was a duelist and he gave that story so his friend would not be arrested

Do the FPS Russia murder. Deals with YouTube, guns, and the US government

the snake bit the artist

That boy REné killed him. He had a gun, and he hated Vincent. Vincent must've probably pissed the boy off and yeah.. Maybe the reason why Vincent didn't expose him was because René had threatened to hurt his brother or nephew. Am I reachhing?

is there another season??

I hope Timmy is haunting the person who stole his ball


Do one at Pearl Harbor

I was actually just talking about how I loved Van Gogh’s style and how I feel inspired by his art. I hope he’s watching all of his admirers and feels at peace.

If you can cut off your own ear, you can kill yourself.

*A day after this Eary occurrence*

I've always greatly admired Van Gogh, and his life story and paintings have been a source of support from me. I think it's important to highlight that the period where his most famous paintings come from was the time where he went to SEEK HELP ans actually get treatment for his own mental health!

At the van gogh's museum today in Amsterdam ❤

Man, this story just reminds me about my seething hate for teenagers. Im down for the "Puffalo Pill" theory. Never knew any of this and also thought he commitment suicide.

Ik ben de nederlandse comment, waar nederlanders naar zoeken

Anyone else notice that van Gogh's portrait in the thumbnail looks uncannily like Benedict Cumberbatch??

I visited the asylum when I went to France in 2017 and that garden was really pretty

Why didn’t you mention the time he spent with Gauguin? They lived together and their relationship went from to love to hate.

Please do the Sunny Von Bulow case!!! It's astounding how Claus Von Bulow won the appeal

4:50 it was ear lope not the whole ear (I may be wrong but here we are)

I just wanted to put it out there that in actual fact most suicide victims do not leave a note. It’s estimated that only around 25 - 30% of victims leave a note so its actually not uncommon at all to not find a note accompanying a suicide.


I think the physical evidence of the ballistics, not being able to find the gun etc is strange but I wouldn't say him taking his art supplies out to the field and giving up searching for the gun after he was shot is evidence that it wasn't suicide. I have mental health issues and I know a bad mood swing can catch you at a totally random time and a lot of my behaviour would seem bizarre and unexplainable to a neurotypical person.

Watching this after re-watching the movie "Loving, Vincent"... Same theory but after watching that good but heart-aching movie, I like the funny approach of this.

ok, i cant be the only one who thinks that the thumbnail vincent looks exactly like my boy Bennidict Cumberbatch

We didn’t learn in school his love was a sex worker. The more you know

He was on digitalis, which made him see visual aberrations, particularly green-yellow aberrations. This inspired the paintings

Funny that i just live less then a kilometer from bavaria HQ and under 10 from the vincent van gogh village hahaa

I love u but ur pronunciation is absolute trash

I cant handle how y’all pronounce both “van Gogh” and “Zundert”

*I'm going to cry*

In Switzerland people are mostly between 15 and 16 when they applied for their 2 to 4 year long apprenticeship. Therefore him being young and having an apprenticeship is quite normal in Europe in general

I thought I knew everything about Van Gogh, I'm kind of siding with the murder idea, it's a shame it's so rarely mentioned.

Is that a maniquinn in the back?

Tons of kids leave school at 16 and do apprenticeships where I live in Scotland

Y’all should do the mysterious disappearance of all of James Charles subscribers

Ok idk if this makes sense but like could he have propped the gun on his easel and with a piece of string pulled the trigger??Whilst the gun was pulled by the string it fell off the easel aiming the bullet in an odd place and therefore the gun landing on the floor in an unknown place which Vincent couldn’t find??

I always thought that he died by bleeding to death after he cut off his ear.

How have you got made a video on Robert Johnson yet

The boys are back

why don't you gyz cover the death of marilyn monroe

What if his brother killed him bec he wanted all the money he knew would come from Vinnys paintings considering he was trying to start a new business

Fuk the music

8:10 those supplies could have been more sentimental to him and he might have not wanted others to find it or display it.

He was making his art while he was trying to get better, which I think is a good lesson for artists! Emotions will fuel your work but you'll be able to work way better after you feel like you're in a good place in life!

Poor Vincent Van Gogh!

Van Gogh’s emotional turmoil did not fuel his beautiful art. He actually only ever painted when he was doing better. He was a great artist not because he painted from his problems, but be cause he painted IN SPITE of them.

every time they say van go my soul dies a little

I once stayed in the same room Van Gogh “killed himself” it was freakyyyyyy

There’s something really entertaining about Shane saying “boy”

Vincent was just a gentle soul who would eat yellow paint because he thought that would make him happy

4:56 I can't believe Shane pulled a Greg's Kitchen on us

Why do I get a Benedict Cumberbatch vibe from Vincent van Gogh from the video thumbnail? Well, just a random thought Haha

Buzzfeed is a plague that needs to be yeeted out of this Earth

Little did the mean boys know, his painting came to worth more than their life ( money wise )

You can't do apprenticeships with artists anymore. At least not legally I think

Maybe his own brother shot him because he WAS turning Into a burden and because Vincent loved his brother so much, he covered up for him and he cleaned everything up and claimed suicide

He was a good man!

Do an episode about Edgar Allan Poe

I dont know why, but everytime they show Van Gogh's face it gives me the heebie jeebies. those eyes man,,,

Why was such a talented man going through so many hard times?

Yo I started my apprenticeship at 14

How do you just assume something is suicide?

How about the "suicide" of Meriwether Lewis? (as in Lewis and Clark) he "shot himself" twice in the chest with a flintlock

Why didn’t he go to the hospital?

You have no idea how many people paused this to have a good cry while watching Doctor Who.

i feel like sections of this video could be summed up with "Vincent Van Gogh is believed to have suffered from schizophrenia" lmao but it was a fun watch. I'm still pretty sure he killed himself, but it was fun to learn about. (i mean the probable schizophrenia can explain quite a few of the details around his death, like the confusion-psychotic break, hallucinations, delusions etc could have lead him to shoot himself and then be a little confused as to why after the fact. Also explains taking the painting supplies etc. Doesn't explain everything, and either way he was dealing with mental health issues, but yeah)

You do NOT shoot yourself in the side under the ribs! That is the stupidest thing Ive ever heard!!

is this just me or Shane kinda looks like Van Gogh.........


Did i hear that this is season finale?

everyone should watch the movie loving vincent

Where’s the new episode

why does the man on the thumbnail look like benedict cumberbatch

I have watched this channel for so long, but that mannequin in the back somehow always startled me.

Imagine the final painting he was doing was found with Rene and Vinces dna on it ahaha would be priceless

They should do Kurt Cobain

Probably shot himself, passed out a little, some vagabonds watching from a distance took all his crap so he got hungry and decided to go back to the hotel.

do aliens next season

Lolllll. All of this information is wrong. But ok. Interesting. I still like y’all cause you’re funny.

His style is post-Impressionism, which was not accepted during Vincent’s time because it contradicted classical French impression

Also, he only sold one painting during his lifetime

Vincent didn’t cut off his ear for no reason, and he didn’t actually give it to a sex worker. He had an intense ear pain, so awful he thought the only way to get rid of it was to get rid of his ear all together. And giving it to a sex worker was made up

He looks like Benedict Cumberbatch in the thumbnail.

0:15 Keep taping I think he murdered him

Y'all should do the "Killing Fields" in League City, Texas for true crime or supernatural!

I never expected BuzzFeed to cover Vincent Van Gogh but I’m grateful for it!!! Imo he was shot by rené and I Guess you should watch movies like “loving Vincent” and “at eternity’s gate” cuz it really shows how much he struggled in life. Both movies also explore the theory of rené shooting him

Did they mention he had schizophrenia?

That's wack! I love this though. What a great man!!

I love the effect they did at the beginning, how they made some of the video look like his painting style.

what about him drinking yellow paint?

The reason why some works of the artist don't have a higher value is the lack of documentation. Often than not in the art world the price of a painting is determined by a group of people who have studied the style and life of the artist. There are always varying opinions. A big example of this is salvator mundi. For years it has been known as attributed to leonardo da vinci and not by work of da vinci himself

You guys talk about how you don't like the narrative of art coming from a place of misery and turmoil, but I don't think that's Vincent's story. If he's in an asylum, he has to be getting help for his problems and is presumably in a better mental place, and I see it as his increasing mental health helping him to make all these masterpieces. #postmortem ps sorry that's not really a question just an observation lol

this is the only thing I like from buzzfeed

0:35 what you know about gogh what you what you know bout gogh

13:33 when the employer tells you a joke that you know wasn't funny but you need the job

Is this the finale ?

kurt cobain would be a cool video

BREAKING NEWS: According to TMZ, Shane Madej and Ryan Bergara reportedly were rushed to the hospital due to severe back pains caused by carrying the entire Buzzfeed Company. We wish them a speedy recovery.

you guys should do Shakespeare's death next

might need a new haircut bro lmao

They made a movie about this guy last year it’s called, At Eternity’s Gate

you guys should look into the Salish Sea human foot least 20 detached feet, usually found in sneakers or boots washed up on the shores in BC and Washington

For those wondering about the ear: The worker in question was a sex-worker/barmaid whos face had been marred by an attack by i believe a dog, and so people often made fun of her and causing her to work at the brothel to pay off her medical bills. Van Gogh quite like the young woman, and either cut it off to either an attempt to heal her or just to show that you don't have to be perfect something like that

If you notice, most famous paintimgs never got recognition until a tragic story could be tethered to it. The name is what sells, this is why blank canvases can be sold for half a million dollars.


ahhh when will season 6 beginnnnnn

Puffalo pill and his caliber bistol ahahahah

when will u guys do elizabeth bathory no one gunna make the joke about how his name was really pronounced? No? okay

Why do people act like no other generation has felt anxiety about what they are going to do with the rest of thier lives? That's some real heavy sh*T man.

Perhaps he asked someone to shoot him?

i think his brother shot him and he did not wont him to go to jail so he said he shot him self

I really hope they won't end buzzfeed unsolved TmT i really like it and i find it very interesting :")

I’ve learned more from you guys then from my dutch teachers so I guess you did a great job telling Vincent van Goghs story

Vincent: puffalo pill ?? *kids laugh* Rene:

if anyone is interested, they left out a HUGE theory and several parts of vincent’s life. look up his relationship with dr. Gachet! it’s very interesting, i just wrote a research essay about this

if you want to watch an amazing movie about him, i recommend Loving Vincent. it is incredible movie, W A T C H I T

What a beautiful soul.

Is it just me or does that mannequin in the corner sometimes look like it is moving?

Do you think he got shot by the boys and then just went with it because he was planning on committing suicide anyways? I only ask because he had just learned of his brothers Financial situation, which he had said would be the only thing to lead him to suicide, and they found what sound like questionable letters on his desk?!?!?! You guys are the best,you’re both great! But Shane is my favorite! ❤️❤️❤️

Ryans ending statement was great

Could you do the death of Marilyn Monroe

I did a presentation on Van Gogh yesterday and said almost everything you guys said but I was so nervous that I started stuttering. You guys did it much better

Omg they’d be so good doing the caylee Anthony murder case

He gave it to a sex worker to give to Paul Gauguin. It was for Paul

it's said van GOFF not van GO

his last name is said like “Gof”

The Dutch in me is screaming "that is not how you pronounce it!!!!"

Is it just me or does the thumb nail of Vincent look like dr strange

Cool video, loved it as always.... my vote is it was suicide but


some people don't plan out there suicide. sometimes they just do it because they've had enough. because they can. and sometimes after a failed suicide attempt, you feel guilty and get cold feet. I think this is just a case of a troubled artist who was ready to go

No one paints like Gaston No one sucks up to Van Gogh like Gaston No one accidentally shoots Van Gogh like Gaston

Whether the boys accidentally shot him or if he did it to him himself , one thing is for sure... he longed for death. _"The sadness never ends"_

All I have to say is 15:53

Honestly this is the only buzz feed channel humanity can stand to watch

hello doctor who fans. who else is sobbing nsjsjsjs

You guys could do the disappearance of Lauren Spierer, or the unsolved death of Lauren Agee.

Am I the only person who found this boring and a waste of an episode

thumbnail looks like Benedict cumberbatch

'If I am worth anything later, I am worth something now. For wheat is wheat, even if people think it is a grass in the beginning.' He wrote this in one of his letters to Theo and honestly, it's such an inspiring quote from the sad end of a genuinely kind and inspirational and tragic man. He loved his faith, nature, his brother and nephew, the everyday lives of his neighbors, even potentially the boys who may have taken his life. For all his paintings produced while being treated for just over a year, imagine what he could have accomplished with a full lifetime of treatment and artistry, if not for the bullet that took his life. Depression and mental illnesses do not cause great art; trauma does not create poetry or great works of fiction. Humans make art despite trauma and illness, as a way of processing emotions that our language can't give words to. You don't need to be tortured to be an artist. You are an artist if you make art. The fact that his greatest paintings were created while he was in treatment speaks to that. Regardless of how he died, his life speaks measures about how we as a society need to have a discussion about art, mental health, treatment, and stigmatization.

awww :(( i actually cried what a sweet dude

Vincent Van Goghnad

You should do one about the men in the lead masks, I can’t wait for season 6!!!!!!

Pls do the Burari family mass suicide case.

I know its late but my theory goes like this: Vincent went to the field to paint, in which was actually intended for suicide. When he was about to do it, he changed his mind and threw the gun but the friction on impact shot the bullet. This theory kinda fits with the speculation (aside the equipment missing) But we may never know.... #truecrime cant even pronounce his name right. im done

how about chris benoit murder-suicide crime?

I despise buzzfeed. But i like this.

"Look how red his face is getting. Hehehehohoho. Look at the tear.

Finally understood Don McLean's Vincent. What happened that day, we do not know still. Perhaps we never will.

ohhhhhh if comments are also where we can put requests,,, dude i'd LOVE to see u guys' research on ambrose bierce's disappearance

You guys should watch the Van Gogh documentary starring willem Dafoe. It’s called At Eternity’s Gate, and it includes significant elements and relationships of his life that were not mentioned in your description of his life. the film also includes his death depicted as theory 2 of this video

paddy moriarty disappearance


How do you find direct quotes of van gough claiming his preferred way of suicide was drowning

Have they done an episode on Connie Converse yet?

The most common belief is he went into a field and shot himself with the canvas behind him. Therefore the blood would hit the canvas and it would be the last art piece.

i saw benedict cumberbatch in the thumbnail

Do an episode on the unsolved mystery of Michael Jackson’s death

I started my apprenticeship at 14

maybe he asked someone to shoot him, so assisted suicide?

Ya it is heartwarming

9:58 hands down the best moment of buzzfeed unsolved to date, dont @ me

The guy in the thumbnail looks like shane


People had so much to say about the supposed "rat's nest" atop Ryan's head; Y'all done made him bring out the Shoop Da Whoop Swoop. Not an improvement.

Edgar Allan Poe tragic story please

Vincent looks like Benedict Cumberbatch in the tumbnail.

You should cover the death of Meriwether Lewis (he was the Lewis in Lewis and Clark)!! Long thought to be a suicide, there's evidence that it was actually a murder!

Van Gogh puffalo pill boom roasted ha ha

Do a episode on smoke dawg

Do one about the Malaysia Airline MH 270.

I will say from bleakness you can dream. Ive tired to kill myself 7 times. Can you belive that? I feel like the biggest failure in history.

session 2

you should do Kurt Cobain next

*1853?!?! I thought he was born in like the 1500’s

do curt cobain

My theory is : the sex worker did it

Its actually been debated that Vincent did not cut his ear off but a friend did in a sword fighting incident and they just decided to say Vincent cut his own ear off to keep his friend from jail.

My theory is, Vincent asked his brother to shoot him. Theo doing what his brother wished, helped him “one last time”. So while Vincent walked back to the inn, Theo went to hide the gun and went back to be by his brothers side!

Y’all should do a video looking into the mysterious death of Kendrick Johnson.

Most people do not leave a suicide note, that's a common misconception. It often happens suddenly and may very well be due to very "unlogical" reasons. So that alone does not rule out a suicide at all.

Gogh is pronounced goff

Remember, he had mental illness. Someone who would not like him or if he had to pay on old debt, he could have been shot then convinced he killed himself.

I thought at 9:56 “Now i understand” was a reference to Vincent by Don McLean. Ig it wasn’t tho :/

WHO STOLE TIMMY'S BALL?? My husband's stepsister drowned and was revived. She said after the initial burning in your lungs, it becomes very pleasant. Also, that was very satisfying high five.

The editing makes it so creepy...

why van gogh gotta be looking like benedict cumberbatch in the thumbnail thO or is it just me

You guys are so funny

You should make an episode about Tom Thomson (another artist with a very mysterious death)

I would kill to see y’all visit Zach bagans haunted museum if y’all haven’t

I was skeptical, but good theory! The only thing I wonder is what he was intending to paint if he went over to the boys with all that painting equipment...

Apprenticeships are pretty common for high school students, sometimes even middle schoolers. You can also be a medical intern in hospitals shadowing doctors and surgeons or even a paid intern doing lab work at as young as 14-16(depending on your school/ the hospital) or become a cna at 14 and work in hospitals or nursing homes, most of the people who work in the nursing homes are actually students.

I'm curious how psychiatric hospital were during his time.


15:42 my favorite parts

You left out him painting on the day he shot himself

I am in aarles right now!! Wow that's a nice episode


Stick with the facts. The cutesy chit chat is tiring

'Bully Boy'

Can’t wait til these guys are like 80

where are my Dutchies at?!?!?!?!

his brother is an angel that made me so emotional

There was also a story that he got into a duel with Gauguin and lost his ear that way, but they hushed it up - possibly over a woman or something else. They said he never lost his whole ear either.

You should do the death of Canadian artist, Tom Thomson

Would it have killed you to look up the correct pronounciation

I think that picture proves that Van Gogh was at least 4% Neanderthal.

No guys. Him and Gauguin had beef.

When you go Ghost hunting just use fu@#$&% Snapchat and see if there is a face anywhere

teenage boys are the worst

murder in the wheat field

In England u have to be in education until 18 So some do apprenticeships

I just went to the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam. My favorite things were his sketches. They are just so different from his painting style and still absolutely amazing.


Nobody: Me waiting for the manikin in the back of the room to move every episode: ( ͡°╭͜ʖ╮͡° )

What if someone killed him for his supplies

9:57 now I understand what you tried to say to me how you suffered for your sanity how you tried to se them free Vincent (starry starry night)

You should do an episode on Adnan Syed!


Looks like Benedict Cumberbatch in the thumbnail.



Waitttttt have i been saying his name wrong the entire time. I say van gof not go if that makes sense

You should talk about Michael Jackson, like about what really happen and how he died

Excuse me please elaborate on the letters on his desk that he "surely didn't want anyone to read" because what kind of dirty stuff was in those??

Thank you guys for doing this episode. Van Gogh is my favorite, I just graduated from college and my thesis was on him! Thanks for showing the world the theory I’ve always believed! Read Deborah Heiligman’s Vincent and Theo for more evidence it was the boys, that Vincent loved life and was actively making plans for the future, something people planning Suicide don’t do, and more ballistic evidence it was impossible for him to have done it. Also the book reviews how he didn’t cut off his own ear, it was probably his drunken friend and he covered for him too.

Why is Benedick cumberbatch on ur thumbnail


The cases are getting boring

ugh I'm so annoyed with the way they pronounce Gogh

Do a vid about the russian sleep Experiment

Could he have been robbed?

i bet that he gave someone his art supplies and in return they’d shoot him

i would love if they would tackle on the execution of the romanov family

I hope his innocent soul rests in peace:(

That one person in the 19th century.: Bro my boy vin vin should famous

You guys should do the “Suicide” of Kurt Cobain

( *wheeze* )

You should’ve done a video on the colmenares case. It’s pretty interesting.

Ryan and Shane should do a episode on marilyn monroe

his whole story is so sad tho :/

I think you guys are forgetting that people in the 1800s lived for like a lot less time then they do now. Probably like 50 or 60 years...

You guys should do Maurice ward or Jan sloot

You should do the story of the Egyptian actor soaad Hosny, That'll be real interesting!

PLEASE cover the death of Kurt Cobain!


That awkward moment when you realize that you have been watching UNSOLVED for a longer than you have spent on any work.


15:54 the smallest "look at the tears!" ive ever heard


I started watching this then realized it was buzzfeed and I can’t take it seriously as their credibility is non-existent

I buy the 2cd theory. It makes so much more sense. I think they actually solved a case

But... didn’t he have a conflict with one of his comrades, leading to the severing of his ear after a fight

this week on buzzfeed unsolved we investigate the planet as part of our ongoing investigation into the question, is the earth flat?

3:09 Thats what HE said

will they keep making more seasons to unsolved? these episodes are the only thing keeping me sane

This season flue by

Vans did a Van Gogh collection and I have the almond blossom ones

Season 6 : The Disappearance of Madeleine McCann

#roastmortem Ryan tried to make his hair as tall as possible to see if he could reach Shane's height. Unfortunately, Shane saw right through this scheme & made his hair even taller, reaching impossible heights. When will little Ryan reach the stars? #loveyouryan #letryanbetall

(soft patting)

16:34 - 17:15 YESS

15:40 - 16:02 is my everything


I had heard he was covering for a friend because they had an illegal duel over a woman.

"Oh yea, getting shots in the plans today" I died

I hated everything buzzfeed ever made, except this, you guys are alright.

I think that it could've been a mugging or some kind of cover up. Vincent always had mental health issues and one time in the institution he was so confused he ate some of his oil paints. so maybe he was mugged and shot and then became confused and just said that he shot himself. or maybe one of his friends shot him (he didn't always get along with Gauguin and there are some theories that Gauguin cut Vincent's ear off and Vincent covered it up because he didn't want his friend to be in trouble) and he covered it up by saying his shot himself.

Can you do the Springfield 3

that manniquen in the back really scares me

please go to Manteno State Hospital (the psych ward and tuberculosis hospital)

Dude that'd be so fucked if Vincent's brother killed him for his paintings (as they were good!) And the innkeeper was in on it!!

when are you guys gonna be back with your Supernatural episodes?

*Since you didn’t say it, there are actually two rumors. One, that his asylum room had a window and that’s how he painted starry night. Two, his room had no window and he painted from memory and imagination.*

10:35 honestly a mood

Please do the devils tramping ground

There is a famous robbery in sweden where a helicopter landed on the roof of a building. The criminals went in and later left with something like 4 000 000 €. The case is still unsolved and when you look in to the story it gets quite interesting. In swedish newspapers this case is called "hellikopterrånet" (helicopterrobbery)

Imagine doing all this work and then not looking up how to pronounce van Gogh.

wait why does vincent look like benedryl comderdatch in the thumbnail

Lmao bully boy

When I was 9 I remembered the teacher saying van gough cut off his ear for his cousin Kate. They probably lied.

Man van gogh ain't no snitch

Can you guys talk about the Colmenares caseeeeee pleaseeeeeee

Fun fact, Van Gogh may have NOT cut off his own ear, instead, his lover Paul Gauguin did during argument. The two were both alcoholics and abusive towards each other, Paul could have threatened Vincent with a knife during a drunken rage and sliced off the tip of his ear. There is no evidence to prove that Vincent ever sent the ear to the prostitute, or that he was even in contact with her at the time. Paul and Vincent continued their relationship even after the event. The portrait of Van Gogh with the bandage over his ear was in fact a gift for Paul, when they were living separately they would exchange self portraits as presents (Gauguin was also a painter). Van Gogh took the blame for his injury, telling people that he did it during a mental breakdown to insure that Paul did not get prosecuted, as they did have a deep love for each other, despite how her vile dysfunctional the relationship was. The story of how he cut off his own ear is merely a romanticized myth to cover up an abusive relationship and to escape prison time.

Vincent (Starry, Starry Night) Don McLean Starry starry night Paint your palette blue and gray Look out on a summer's day With eyes that know the darkness in my soul Shadows on the hills Sketch the trees and the daffodils Catch the breeze and the winter chills In colors on the snowy linen land Now I understand What you tried to say to me How you suffered for your sanity How you tried to set them free They would not listen they did not know how Perhaps they'll listen now Starry starry night Flaming flowers that brightly blaze Swirling clouds in violet haze Reflect in Vincent's eyes of china blue Colors changing hue Morning fields of amber grain Weathered faces lined in pain Are soothed beneath the artist's loving hand Now I understand What you tried to say to me How you suffered for your sanity How you tried to set them free They would not listen, they did not know how Perhaps they'll listen now For they could not love you But still your love was true And when no hope was left inside On that starry starry night You took your life as lovers often do But I could have told you Vincent This world was never meant for one as beautiful as you Starry starry night Portraits hung in empty halls Frameless heads on nameless walls With eyes that watch the world and can't forget Like the strangers that you've met The ragged men in ragged clothes The silver thorn of bloody rose Lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow Now I think I know What you tried to say to me How you suffered for your sanity How you tried to set them free They did not listen, they're not listening still Perhaps they never wil

18:55 shane almost said clownboy. yeehonk


Vincent Van Gogh faked his death and is still alive. Proof below.

I love that awkward pat on the shoulder lol

"Vincent had Theo Theo died alone that day"

Poor Van Gogh. The man was shunned and bullied just because he was different but all he wanted was to pursue what he loved and give joy back to others! And maybe somehow support himself through that but couldn't. Kudos to him for following his heart and still being kind, humble towards others. I can seriously relate to that as a artist, I know it's a very difficult line of work to go into thus why I stopped going for that dream but still draw on the sideline for myself. The sad truth is we as humans tend to fear of what we don't understand. Van Gogh was different in many colors and shapes but he wasn't bad, he still kept his head up high and walked the distance. Searched for what his purpose was in life while doing what he loved even though people saw him as strange or crazy. I did not know much about Gogh as a child just knew what he was famous for but now watching this I will research more about this wonderful amazing man and other famous artist.

I think vincent told the kids to shoot him to finish his art so the blood would go on the paintings finishing them

If anyone’s interested in this story more in depth, the movie “ at eternity’s gate” came out earlier this year and is the story of Van Gogh from his point of view

Do Kurt Cobain next!!

*Can you do an episode of my pizza? It went missing this morning*

Oml jack warner

For me I never believed it was a suicide nor did I think he actually cut his ear off.... Anybody else?

i’m crying right now

why tf does van gogh look like burndict cucumberbatch in the thumbnail

in england we can start apprenticeships at 16..

Next video will legit be a true crime investigation on how James Charles’ career was murdered

Only thing keeping buzzfeed alive

taehyung (somehow) is gonna watch this

#postmortum #betterlatethennever. When I was watching this with my fiancé, it hit me that the photo of Vincent looks strikingly like Nick Groff from Paranormal Lockdown. Lol!

Could you make this a podcast? I think it would amazing

15:53 I'm laughing so hard I've been crying for a week

has there evr been a mystery tht HAS been solved on here???????? lol

I think it’s an xxxtentacion thing where he wanted to kill himself but hated the idea of self harm. Maybe he asked someone to kill him or got murdered and saw it as a good thing and didn’t want the person that shot him to get introuble


Germany still practices Apprenticeships too

Can we get a Kurt cobain one

Lol why is benedict cumberpatch in the thumbnail

Aw man, this makes me sad.

I am not a 100% sure but I think he cut his ear after a fight with his friend as an apology for nearly stabing him.

Omh please do Edgar Allen po

Please do a vidoe about Edgar Allen Poe!

his lover cut off his ear, would have been deported if that fact was known.. so he claimed to have done it himself. that is your murderer.

Random nerd : AcTualLy van gogh cut his lower earlobe not the full ear I am not saying any random things this is true he really cut his lower earlobe than the ear itself

The thumbnail looked like Benedict Cumberbatch

Edgar Allan Poe next, please.

why does he look like Benedict Crumblepatch

A .380 is really tiny round to try and kill yourself with.

I have a lot in common with old Vinny, debilitating mental health issues...…… mainly just that actually.

the guy in the painting looks like benedict cumberbatch wtf

He looked like Dr. Strange

But Vincent mentioned a revolver not a pistol

The way Vincent can joke about suicide is just so relatable

The pied piper

Please, someone at Buzzfeed, please steal the mannequin in the back that always shows up behind Shane's head

van gogh reminds me on benedryl pumpkinpatch

as a huge van gogh fan i found this really interesting. i love his works and i cried when i got to see starry night in person. he was such a talented artist who sadly wasn't appreciated in his time. i still believe that he was a tortured genius, but seeing this makes me question the idea that he took his own life. if the boys shot him as theorized, it just goes to show what a kind empathetic man he was.

Still waiting for a new episode of the supernatural series.

Do Edgar Allan Poe next season


Immediately pronounces his name wrong

You should do the disappearance of Susan Cox Powell.

You should do an episode on the Franklin expedition

I love the painting effects done on the sky in the photos.

14:44-14:52 A complete summary of the BSA


y’all should check out carie jacob bonds

Good video but I'm disappointed in buzzfeed for spreading misconceptions about suicide. Most people who commit suicide do not leave a note and you often cannot tell if a person is suicidal.

Prolly his brother shot him bc he wanted his art or sumthing then Vincent didn’t want his bro to get in trouble so he said he did it

I think he had someone do it or it was accidental!

Do an Unsolved on Venus Xtravaganza. Famous for being in the documentary Paris is Burning. showing life and struggles of Ballroom Culture and the black and Latino LGBTQI community. She was murdered in the 80s and it's still unsolved. The police tried claiming a "John" (men who seek prostitutes and escorts) murdered her but a lot of people have reason to believe that it was a Cop or a killer who deliberately target trans women and prostitutes. The reason why it's not major news is because back then LGBT people were discriminated alot more harshly than today and people used the HIV and Aids outbreak as justification for violence and murder I think it would be great for you guys to use your platform to do a story on her and her legacy. Especially considering that Transwoman today still are being murdered for simply existing

Could you cover the death of Venus Xtravaganza? Her death is a complete mystery.

I did it

Every Buzzfeed Unsolved Video Ever- We have evidence and a motive for this murder Viewers- So it’s solved? Ryan and Shane- Well yes, but actually no

The John dillinger conspiracy next!

i enjoyed this episode so much

the best art ive made came when i was in a dark place. i dont know why but the portraits just come out differently - the skill is from intense emotions and its really therapeutic.

Maybe it was somebody he payed too kill him? He gave his ear to a sex worker maybe he made a sex worker shoot him.

Why do they say his name like that? It's not Van Gō it's more like Van Gogh like in hot

Can you cover the death of The Adventurers Of Superman actor George Reeves ?

Ryan: talks about Billy's ball New Subscribers:

Hi everyone, i am new here and im thinking of making a request. You guys know the amityville house, can we request them to stay in that house for 30 days. Prove that the demon is still lurking there. I dont know, maybe it requires lots of time, but it might be worth it. They never captured solid evidence that could prove the demon's existence anyway.

Whatever happened to Ruining History? Anymore seasons of that coming?

Irah Camid ooh, that’s a good suggestion.

Guys, this murder that happened in my city really messed me up and is still unsolved after 10 years, please take your time to consider this! She was my childhood friend.

How about the Villisca Axe Murder Story

y Vincent van gogh look like Benedict Cumberbatch

DEA agent Kiki camarena

what if his brother killed him so he would not have to support him anymore

Why’s there a gun in the picture

Hello guys, love the show, you to investigate the death of Luis Andres Colmenares It left me very confused :(

You should talk about lavena Johnson!!!!

he only cut off his earlobe tho

Do the Abraham Lincoln room in the White House

@BuzzfeedUnsolved Can an episode be about Agatha Christie's disappearance?

He’s thanos he said “it’s inevitable”

What do we know about theo though? Maybe his brother couldn’t pay vincent anymore and killed him out of emotion


Pls make a kurt cobain unsolved story

Nobody: Shane and Ryan: (wheeze)

Empathy must be a newer invention. God, I feel so sad for Vincent. All he wanted was models to paint, and people just dismissed him.

Oh no my poor baby Vincent

Do a video about Walt Disney rumored to be frozen

bruh the editing ppl outdo themselves every single time huh

did he really eat paint

why have teenage boys been toxic from day one??

Hey Ghoulians...... Watch Top 9 Scary Buzzfeed Unsolved Supernatural moments here

all hail the watcher

Mystery aside, the editing on this video is so on point.

shane being shook about apprenticeships when like half my yeargroup left my school 4 apprenticeships


Ryan: talks about Timmy's ball New Subscribers:

Why does Vincent look like Nicolas Cage?

I think vincent van Gogh, hired or told someone to shoot him

Good video

Does anyone know when the next season starts i discovered them two days before this video and I’ve binge watched everything. I need more

There was a movie about this! It’s called Loving Vincent and it has really nice visuals :)

Do Marilyn Monroe and Edgar Allan Poe!!! Please!!!

is it just me or the drawing in the thumbnail look like Benedict Cumberbatch?


or maybe he asked somehow to shoot him.

Make one about binigno aquino jr.

did anyone else think Van Gogh was in the 1500s and not the late 1800s?? lol

It always take the public (and the rich people who'll buy the art) a while to get used to any new style of art--until these days they'll dub anything art. I always wondered if VVG was poisoning himself through the art supplies he used. When I painted (back several lifetimes ago), I'd routinely stick the brushes full of paint in my mouth to make it easy for me to find them fast, I'd have paint, various oils, turpentine, etc, on my hands when I'd pick up a sandwich my roommate would leave for me because I would work for 2-3 days straight stopping only to pee.

The only buzzfeed videos worth watching

Jennifer Fergate article-

Jennifer Fergate's mysterious death in Oslo would be an interesting case for u guys to cover

The only bit of buzzfeed I like.

Hey buzzfeed do malaysia flight 370

Please cover “Texas Chainsaw Massacre”

Omg guys this is why in the doctor who episode after they showed him his art in the Musee d'Orsay there weren't any new paintings! When they went back Amy thought there'd be tons more paintings but there wouldn't have been more paintings if he didn't kill himself! If he was killed then it wouldn't have changed anything!

He was going to commit toaster bath

Do the Casey Anthony case!!!

I'm so annoyed he did not scut off his own ear it was cut off in a duel come on

You should do the Madeline Mcann Case

It's high time you covered that Dancing plague of 1518 you guys have mentioned over six times the past seasons


It wasn’t a sex worker, she was a maid at the brother. Due to her having a accident with a dog attack, they had to iron her face which made her disfigured. He felt extreme sympathy with her and he wanted to do something special for her


15:38 bully boyy hahaahaha

It’s actually pronounced like “van ‘goff’” rather than “van Go”

Dame y’all just started season 5

What?? No theories involving Gaugain??

@buzzfeed unsolved network Please do an episode of Bob Woolmer's murder, and Noida's double murder. They are two of the most intruiging unsolved murder mystery ever

can you do the beth doe case??

I can totally understand why he would have taken his supplies with him if he was going to kill himself. I don't think that's a weird thing at all.

Everyone should watch Loving Vincent. It’s an amazing movie that covers his death

Why the thumbnail look like benedict cumberbatch

Nobody: Vincent: "Puffalo Pill" Rene: *shots the gun*

Do a episode on Amy Dunne!!!

u'll understand it when u go through a major depressive won't be that scary at all

Puffalo Pill was a murderer, pass it on!

He was killed, accidentially or intentionally. Then the suspects disposed of the art supplies and the gun. Seems so obvious

Ryans so fkn cute anyone agree or is it just me

Um.. just go watch 'At eternity's gate'

If you’re a fan of unsolved please join my new subreddit called UnsolvedBoys where we discuss theories and anything unsolved!

U should do Marilyn Monroe’s death

I think positive emotions are easier to share with people close to you than negative emotions. Or you get sick of sharing negative emotions with others, and you're more likely to turn to an outlet for this emotions

I have to say, I've learned many a fascinating and heartwarming fact about Vincent Van Gogh. Him sending a painting he did for his newborn nephew has to be my new favorite thing about him now.

There is one more theory I've heard which is Vincent was in a fight with fellow artist because of which he cut his ear. Later his brother was not being able to send him art supplies because of his financial issues Vincent in the asylum painted starry night after which he was released but no one really cared about his art. Because of depression he then sucided in his bedroom at his own house. -this is a theory I've alwayssss heard



I don’t remember this part from art class

And if your going to kill yourself why would you shoot yourself in the abdomen and not in the head

Idk if I’m too late but #postmortem This is so sad, but I think it’s probable that Renee purposely shot Vincent. Sometimes children get irrationally angry and do things in the heat of the moment. Just a thought.

You guys should play the midnight game to see if it’s real or fake....or unsolved!

Idk why this episode has got me feeling so sad

why did this come up when i searched the office

Vincent Van *WHO?!*

I don’t believe 380 caliber bullets were around in 1890?

I love that at the end they're kinda like "awww, he got murdered"

Would love to see these guys cover the disappearance of Madeline McCann

Why not do the amityville house murders and haunting. I’ve watched the movies and they always say “based on a true story” but nobody ever points out some people associated with the story’s admitted to lying.

Hi! Could you guys please do a video about Straight Inc?!

I am Dutch, and can not imagine a way were a Dutch accent would make a b sound like a p..... We can say buffelo bill. There are people here named bill. Maybe he made fun of him on purpose. Also if the boys teasing usually made him 'angry', I really don't think he would cover for them if they mortally wounded him. I consider myself to be a pretty kind and compassionate person, and honestly if some one would hurt me like that I think even I would tell what happened.

Fact: Vincent Van Gogh painted a land portrait in which he was going to kill himself, he shot himself but missed the heart and was found in pain and agony by a man who rushed him to the hospital. He died of his wounds soon after that.

did anyone else know that their entire supernatural series is featured on Hulu? or am i really late to the show? i just found out and i’m so proud (,:

Over here in Europe the youngest you an apply for an apprenticeship is 14 I believe

My house has a ghost that plays a toy piano. No joke.

Why is this only being solved now? Like, in the earlier years, couldn't have pointed out the evidence in the letters???

Do one about Ted bundy I wanna see that lowkey

Lola Drake No, it’s not. That’s the British pronunciation. In Dutch it’s a throaty g sound.

I am from India please cover the case of Arushi Talwear. It was a national news.

You should do the Alphabet murders from the 70's in Rochester New York.

Please do Kurt Cobain.

Vincent Van Gogh Vincent Van Going Vincent Van Gone

ryan: i did think about that but i dont think so

yall should do one on Pac or biggie that'd be dope!!

To be honest Vincent van Gough on the front looks like Benedict cumberbatch

Is there no theory that he could have got robbed on the way to the field and that's why he didn't he have his equipment after he got shot

the death of len bias

Can you guys make an unsolved video on hitler... (NOT A JOKE)!!!

Who put Bella in the Witch Elm?


I think it was the brother...

Despite all of the jokes this was pretty sad.

benedict cumberbatch?

You guys should cover The disappearance of Jim Thompson the silk king! Very interesting how he went missing in Malaysia’s rainforest . That would be amazing

I agree with the conclusion at end but it also says to me , chose your friends wisely , or ya can get shot

petition to bring back buzzfeed unsolved: supernatural

When is the new ep dropping??

I'm asking the same thing

How do they sleep like whaa

I went to the asylum in France where Van Gogh was. It was very very beautiful

Painter: *uses cheap gear to make a detailed mural* Me: I don’t speak BAROQUE.... Painter: .... Me: don’t CHALK it up to be a bigger deal than it is

My theory is that Vincent stole Rene’s gun and when he tried to get it back from him, he accidentally pulled the trigger when he pulled it towards him. I don’t know. It makes sense to me. Love the show boys. Keep it up. Lots of Love from Malta #postmortem

You all should look into Bunny Man Bridge in Virginia!

One day they are going to solve a crime or murder and it will be f*cking amazing

Y'all should do 'The Alice Killings' it's really interesting

Season finale?! You what

It's possible he asked someone else to shoot him. That could explain why he was so adamant to blame himself and that there was no one else involved etc.

I think that you would find the yogzte case interesting as it yet to be solved

The disappearance of Kelly Bergh-Dove

they should do Madeleine McCann next. her disappearance is still a mystery

So did theo s business work well?

can you do marilyn monroe? please it would be so interesting

I bet he was drugged then told he wanted to kill him self

You guys should look into the case of Martha Jean Lambert! @buzzfeedunsolved

please tell me why I’m watching this at night

With theory 1, he probably brought his art supplies with him because they were is pride and joy. He then being consumed with grief of his brother, yes would have driven him to committing suicide. In the wheat field, well, most of his paintings were of outside- nature; is possible that's where he felt comfortable and knew that no one would be around. Shooting himself would have been very awkward, probably causing his hand to jolt because of the force of the gun, causing the bullet to leave a hole but more than likely to have skimmed his skin and head in the ground. The sound and pain would have shaken Van Goh out of his mental state and he throw the gun in shock. The wheat field would have been far so walking could have taken up to 2.5hours max. The revolver, he could have bought it while on his previous travels around Europe.

I am Vincent Van Gogh kin

I ship Ryan and Shane like FedEx

I want them to do one about the man from taured. I don't know why but I just do

Question: was the painting gear ever found?

Y'all should check out The Magnoila Hotel in Seguin, TX for the paranormal unsolved series.

Do an episode on the Jenny Lin murder in Castro Valley CA

*i wonder if they have a broken back from carrying the whole of buzzfeed*

I think he asked his brother to shoot him. That would explain the distance of the shot. He brought his art supplies so he could paint with his blood but the brother took it with him so there wasn't any evidence. Then he walked back.

Doctor Who has fucked this up for me, I cry anytime I hear anything about Van Gogh :'/

oh the things they never told me in art class...

Van Gogh always bums me out but I love that dude hope he’s happy roaming and painting up in the clouds

Make something about the Footballplayer Sala that went down in January this year with his plane

for a new supernatural season y’all should go to griffith park.

Why does Van Gogh looks like Benedict Cumberbatch in the thumbnail?

maybe Vinnie had a proclivity for young boys? maybe this is the reason for the tormenting by them

The disappearance of etan patz

Could you make a video on the Hinterkaifeck Murders?

I’m 16 and I got a film apprenticeship so ....

Do Amy Mihaljevik next please

Ryan :“this story definitely paints him in a different picture” Me: *wheeze*

Has anyone ever considered that Van Gogh's paintings *WERE* his suicide letter? The thing about art is it's open to interpretation, but what we will never know is what a piece of art means and represents to the person who created it.

Buzzfeed I love your unsolved mysteries and my art teacher always talk about him

I think that maybe being in the asylum and recieving treatment allowed him to start his recovery, which is why he was able to produce the art that he did. Thanks for discussing the notion about art and mental health!

europe has apprenticeships at 15

Listening to this version I became a little sad. He thought about the welfare of the boys before his own. To think his life was ended by a 13 year old D-bag.

WHO PUT BELLA IN THE WYCH ELM? is a fun case to research.

I was busy w exams I missed this

How bout the death of Pepsi Paloma from ph?


PurplePhantom Fairy I agree

But why did he give his ear to that woman?

Who realized Ryan has a *(wheeze)* on his cup

Is there going to be a supernatural season 6? If so, any rough idea when? Please, it's my drug. I can only rewatch every episode so many times, it's getting sad.

What if Vincent Van Gogh took the gun from the boys to “see it” and shot himself Don’t play with guns kids!

I was under the impression he never actually cut his own ear off entirely. I read he was injured in a duel but as these were then outlawed he removed what was left of his ear so as to protect himself from the law therefore also saving the person he duelled with. Is it possible that this gun shot was a result of a rematch??

While curators at the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam stand by the theory of self-mutilation, Kaufmann argues that Van Gogh dropped hints in letters to his brother, Theo, once commenting : "Luckily Gauguin ... is not yet armed with machine guns and other dangerous war weapons."

Why do I feel like Theo killed Vincent

Can you (bullrat) do the case of the dream man

You should do an Episode on Count Saint Germain and the whole immortal vampire thing

Buzz feed unsolved; who stole timmy's ball?

Bobo Shinn!

“I’ll put this on somethin’ you put somethin’ in front of me I’ll put it to it.”

They should cover Marilyn Monroe's death and everything surrounding it. I loved the video❤️

Mmmmmmmm,mmmmmmmmmmm,,mmmmmmmmmm!!!! Good !! Lmfao

Literally nobody: Ryan: *pats*

U guys should go on NeTfLiX

Can you please do a Buzzfeed Unsolved on the Waco siege/compound? love you guys

Please do the missing persons case of Madeline McCann!!

Do you ever think that after a video recorded about a killer Ryan turns around and see's the guy in the suit in the corner and gets scared?

Quote by Ryan in 15:20 "Teenage boys are the WORST" i am turning into a teenager in a few months

15:52 this voice sounds sssssoooooo familiar... And yet i found out it sounds like King Julian's cute assistant on Madagascar... Ps. By the way his name is Mort...

FUN FACT: Gogh was extremely depressed and once drank yellow paint because he thought it would make him happy, nearly dying from it, and therefore was not allowed into his painting studio until his mental state improved

You can do apprenticeship at 15 in france

His brother shot him for money

as merch you should sell the show on Blu-ray

Go to the golden lamb next

i honestly don't think it's suicide

*René, the Bully Boy*

They should do a video about Roger the doll.

this show is so cozy i love it so much

Hey can you do Selena Quintanilla please

Was this the last episode of the season?

Idk but some of his paintings scares me

you guys could make anything funny


You should look into covering the disappearance of child prodigy author Barbara Newhall Follett

Always has amazed me that the most famous and accomplished people all seems to have had a very miserable life. And what's with the Elvis do Ryan?

Vincent: Puffalo Pill Rene: *YOU JUST YEE'D YOUR LAST HAW*

For people who are interested in more, watch the movie 'Loving Vincent' it is beautifully made and gives many perspectives on his death. I believe he was murdered. The shot/angle of the shot doesn't add up with a suicide. He seemed like such a sweet man and this is so sad to me to learn even more about.

U should do the kidnapping and the murder of amber hagerman

Vincent Van Gogh is soo kind despite his mental health, job loss, and all of the bullying. He is very selfless. I aspire to be kind like him.

Am I the only one who saw the train with a smiley face?

Shane and Ryan are the only members of Buzzfeed that I love to watch. Their show is the best by far.

You guys should do rebecca zahau case

Hello Buzzfeed Unsolved! For the next season of Unsolved True Crime/Supernatural, can you feature 'The Missing Panama Girls'?It's an unsolved mystery too and although it isn't as famous as the other ones, it sure is creepy! Can't wait for more great content coming from all of you guys. Great work!

When I was little my mom always told me the vincent kill him self by shooting himself in the ear..... I HAVE BEEN WRONG MY WHOLE LIFE ;-;

Can you guys do Edward Mordrake next please?

I know this is an unsolved mystery channel but can you solve one thing my Rubik’s Cube?

Vincent: If I am KILLED by some murderer, DO NOT PROSECUTE THAT MURDERER because HE caught ME slipping! That is on me!

I love ur guys videos

Do 9/11

I want that mug that says “(wheeze)”

Could you please make an episode about the dissapearence of Agatha Christie?


You should do a video over 9/11

When's the next season?

I, personally, would like to believe that he didn't commit suicide. It feels really hopeless when all of the mentally ill famous people end up committing suicide, so sometimes it feels like there is no other way for a mentally ill person's life to end other than suicide. I know that obviously isn't true, but it would be much more hopeful that he made such an incredible impact on the world as a mentally ill person without killing himself

Dang, I'm only half way through Naifeh and Smith's The Life, what a spoiler alert. Van Gogh is such an incredible artist and person in general. Naifeh and Smith's book is definitely worth the read!

Vincent was far from a nice guy. He was basically mentally insane and would grope women and snap at people. Literally no one liked him and he thought himself as a failure. I studied him in art.

The way they described this is completely different to how the Van Gogh museum explained it

I've been thinking about Doctor Who this whole video

In the beginning of the video when Ryan was narrating, he said that when Vincent returned from the fields, the inn keeper and guests were outside because it was a warm evening, which is when they saw him come back without his things, but later during the theory part of the video Adeline Ravoux, the daughter of the inn owner, said that Vincent fell asleep in the field but the coolness wake him up... before it was warm but she said it was cool, maybe it’s colder in the fields, or she might have been wrong about that?

It was the watcher

One thing I can definitely conclude from this, it is hard to find a brother like Theo.

Anyone else think the painting on the thumbnail looks like Benedict cumberbatch

My heart goes to Vincent Van Gogh. I believe he was a man with morals. And if these murder theories even bear one percent of the truth then I can only imagine how kind Vincent was to protect his supposed murderer because he thought it would eventually ruin their lives.

Do Edgar Allan Poe’s death

Have you heard of the disappearance of Ronny Valkenaar

Vincent got a friend to kill him and then take his art supplies. That’s probably why he said nobody was to blame but himself. He probably was just protecting his friend.

No one : Shane : *clap clap clap* look at the tears 15:54 the best bit

the lack of a suicide note shouldn’t be used as evidence against the suicide theory. many many people who sadly commit suicide don’t leave a note. it’s somewhat rare for people to leave a note.

Yes, but Van Gogh would be inclined to do so. He would write notes to his brother every single day (or weekish unsure) so it wouldnt be like him to not mention this to his brother or something of the sorts in a letter.

he only cut off a small part of his ear. not the entire thing. common misconception.


im betting you 10000$ that Shane will look like Tim Cook when he becomes old

Can y'all make an unsolved video of amber hagerman?

BuzzFeed, The fact Van Gough cut his ears was just factor to his suicide: The motivation for such an act of self-mutilation has evaded art historians for more than a century, though writer Martin Bailey claims to have finally found evidence as to his reasons (via The Guardian); stating that it was in fact inspired - not by his argument with Gaugin - but by the news that his brother Theo, who supported him closely both financially and emotionally, had become engaged.

pls do one on kurt cobain. pls?

I know y’all won’t read this but you should do the missing persons case about Monique Daniels and her family. It is so strange and interesting.

What if the sex worker that Van Gogh gifted his ear to killed/had someone kill him because she was tired of him being clingy (maybe) and he said it was suicide to protect her because he loved/was infatuated with her?

wait was this the season finale

As far as paranormal goes, you guys should go to Central State Hospital in Milledgeville, Georgia. From what I have heard, you have to get permission from the state in order to enter. I hope you guys see this and btw I love these vids.

Vincent van Gogh didn't cut off all of his ear

One of the most controversial theory about who could Jack The Ripper be is both Vincent Van Gogh and Paul Gauguin working together and there is actually some evidence including modern science tests backing it up. Vincent and Paul were supposed to be in a relationship where Vincent was very submisive to Paul who had a wide history of assault and kind of hatred towards women. Vincent was supposed to give his ear to a sex-worker Paul often visited for her services as begging her to leave Paul. Both dates of murders and dates of when Vincent+Paul were in London match and so does Vincent's handwriting with Jack The Ripper's handwriting. Not saying it has to be truth but would be worth to mention.

Ok. Buzzfeed is bad. But this part of Buzzfeed is good.

He had such a miserable life Poor Vincent


Van Gogh low-key looks like Benedict Cumberbatch in the thumbnail

Benedict Cumberbatch should portray Van Gogh. Thoughts?

lovely man .

I would just like to put up a wee reminder that Van Gogh’s main bulk of 150 paintings came from a place of recovery, not deep depression. He checked himself into the hospital and was getting better, which I sometimes think people can overlook.

My theory is that Theo killed him.

please do the kurt cobain case

The movie that just came out recently starring Willem Dafoe actually portrays this theory in a way! It's called At Eternity's Gate and it's worth a watch!!!

These guys give me a man boner.

r we just gonna ignore how the dude looks the benedict Cumberbatch i

Do the mysterious disappearance of Johnny Gosch. He’s a little boy who disappeared down the street from where I live now when my mom was a little girl. It was the biggest child abduction case to happen in all of Des Moines, Iowa.

4:51. She was not a sex worker, she worked at a brothel as a maid to pay off her hospital bills. Her name was Rachel

I think it was an assisted suicide

Oof yeeesss I’ve heard the one where boys shot him, both either accidentally or on purpose.

I want to see his face after CUTTING off his ear

The funny thing is if the thing about him covering the boys theory, if he didn't they'd legit get there heads chopped off.

What is Vincent never went to the wheat field.

“Bully Boy”

I was born the day Van Gogh died.... lol this is going to be a weird 21st birthday

Maybe his brother did it.

I’m relatable to Buffalo Bill. R u saying the my ancestors could have inspired the accidental death of Van Gogh… as an artist… I’m confused about how I feel

I’m in middle school and have MY life more planned out than my 22 year old brother

Can you go to the bilmore hotel or the stanly hotel

This really reminds me of Kurt Cobain's case. That would make an interesting episode...

bully boy is my new dream career

Just saying, I think the reason he didn’t leave a suicide note, and also brought his supplies with him was because he didn’t want everyone to worry about him

So sad that the teenage boys were bullying Van Gogh :(

If it's true then I'll smash my 'F' button till it's destroyed

Farrah - u preeeety

Who else here is Dutch? :)

this mystery pales in comparison to the mystery of the pronunciation of his name...

it's good to see the boys back. I re-subscribed.

If it was in fact suicide, why would he say "do not accuse anyone?.."

the man behind shane is creepy. was shane his name?

Every time I see Vincent’s self portrait all I can think about is how he much Benedict cumberbatch looks like him

He did not actually cut off his entire ear, he only cut off a part of it.

Do one of Kurt Cobain

Visit Kamloops Tranquille Sanatorium for paranormal investigation.

Did Ryan really straight up pronounce Parisian like Par-ee-see-an?

My personal theory is that Van Gogh left that day to go paint, then someone (man or woman) came to the fields with a gun and threatened Van Gogh that if he ran or told anyone that it was them he would hurt his brother or his nephew.

go watch The Life and Death of Vincent Van Gogh 60 Minutes

He died over one hundred years ago, yet they still find a way to make everything creepy. I’m currently in my room, with multiple blankets, and my light on. Why am I like this? Edit: I should not have watched this... I am now paranoid.

were never know but there is also a theory paul gauguin being a skilled sword fighter, cut van goghs ear off during a fight using his dueling sword. gauguin said van gogh threatened him with a knife when he wanted to leave but never admitted to hurting him.

I didn't know he died on my birthday

i love how they’re so descriptive. “(wHeezE)”

You guys should make an episode about Kurt Cobains suicide

I really enjoy Shane and Ryan pronouncing the Dutch Words

theres so many ghost towns in az, but you guys should really visit the Jerome Grand Hotel in Jerome. the hotel is extremely haunted, and Jerome is a big ghost town with an eerie atmosphere, the few times i have been there ive felt uncomfortable. its a really cool town but none the less its pretty creepy

Here is what I think, he took his supplies out to paint one last painting where he then hid it so that painting would be one for him and no one else, then he attempted to kill himself which he was unsuccessful in, now some people may think it is odd the fact that there was no note or anything, maybe the earlier said painting was his form of said suicide note idk that’s just what I think

Also maybe the reason for the distance of the gun and shallow hole along with the fact that he couldn’t get a gun, maybe he got someone to shoot him because maybe he still did not have the courage to do it himself, then he still didn’t kill himself but he didn’t want anyone to blame anyone else but it was a way with his morals to kill hinself

Art aren't supposed to be beautiful, it supposed to tell something.

Could you do Kurt Cobain's story next?

Hide this from Tae

You guys should look at the case of George stinney jr

If vincent van gogh was murdered the murderer probably said "I got to be like vincent and gogh.

I like Ryan's (Wheeze) mug. 1:40

nice haircut Ryan


Me: reads a book about Vincent and sees "he shot himself in the head then died" (duhh) and got buried next to his younger brother's grave Theo." (Theodore :p) Me again: **questions self** is it true? or is it a lie? *MAYBE I WILL NEVER KNOW* **and then sees a video about Vincent's death**

dit klinkt zo hard en serieus

Does anyone else wonder where Vincent’s ear is? Like there’s some museum somewhere like “aha look at this ear isn’t it wonderful”

Idk why but I read the title as “His Vincent van Death”

Do Madeline McCann

He apparently saw things/ saw the world differently that Enhanced his art

This is maby a crazy idee but can you guys go to amityvile

U should do hitlers story coz some people say he committed suicide or he was killed ??

So there are 2 Van Gogh's who are murdered?

What if.... after Van Gogh killed himself, someone simply stole the gun and the other art supplies. As in, during the all the commotion, someone could have easily stolen the stuff. Thus, the reason for the missing items.

I'm currently writing a story for LA and im basing it off you guys. What story should I do? I was thinking either goatman or mothman because you've already done stuff on it and I can just write it that something actually did happen. But i'm not really sure. Anyone have any suggestions on any stories on the supernatural I could put in the story? Could be one they've made a video on but it doesn't really matter. ((:

13:13 “At one point prior to his death” ... so literally whenever lol

This PAINTS his picture differently.

ryan the cockatoo

I know the Postmortem has been and gone but I think this is a valuable nugget of information. WHEN shooting yourself in the head at close range, the bullet simply goes in and kills you. The way to tell it was close range is telling off the burn marks around the entry hole. WHEN shooting yourself in soft tissue however, something completely different happens. The hot air that travels out the barrel following the bullet (which creates the burn mark on the head) tears through the tissue making a catastrophic mess and a wound size quadruple that of a wound created from a ranged gunshot. (P.S. if this wound would have been created, Van Gogh would have never been able to walk to his room as his bowls would be all over the floor.. so simply putting it, he was shot from range, because if he had shot himself in the abdomen he would have essentially disembowled himself). One simple postmortem on Van Gogh would tell if he was shot from close range or from range. The wound I'm talking about can be made from up to around 5cm away (suicide range). Tah Dah - sorry I was late to the party

BuzzFeed unsolved I love your videos

Y’all should do a video on the disappearance of William tyrell in Australia

“bully boy” i’m in *tears*

Its the sex worker who did it

why does he look like benedict cumberbatch on the thumbnail

I don't think Vincent's work at that moment in the asylum came from turmoil. I mean, yes, he was in a bad place, but he was also being treated. He made his best work while getting treatment for his depression, while fighting to get better.

Van Gogh was severely depressed and decided to eat yellow paint to be "pretty on the inside too" and the paint which was made with lead caused him to go crazy and therefore cut off his ear to send to his ex-girlfriend as a scary and quite gruesome way to get her back ...

I’m gonna show my mom this ep cause she’s obsessed with him

You guys know you're both millennials as well, right? - The millennial generation is born between 1981 and 1999, and you're both definitely not 38

please cover Arushi Talwar,s case!

Please next season do a unsolved for Kurt Cobain! I love all the theories and would love to hear you guys tell them!


That statue man behind Shane always scares me.

Will you guys cover The Disappearance of Martha Jene Lambert?

I came here just to see if they'd pronounce 'Van Gogh' correctly, since I have to this day never heard a non-native pronounce Vincent van Gogh's name right. Not only did the pronounce it 'Van Go', but they pronounced Zundert like 'Zundair'. I like mispronunciations.

You have cover the disappearance of Subhash Chandra Bose , Indian freedom fighter. Please.

1. Vincent had a bullet wound. Maybe dying by a gun wasn't a common suicide-preference as it is more painful/draggy than consuming poison or hanging? So it increases "murder suspicions". 2. Vincent mentioned in the past that "suicide" is against his religious beliefs and it's cowardly. This increases "murder suspicions" as well. Hence Vincent must've thought "If I don't let anyone know that this was my choice, then there would be more suspicions of me being murdered! I can't let that young boy with a bright future ahead be labelled a murderer cuz of a small mistake he did". Cuz Vincent had a heart of gold.

That is the way it is pronounced in Indian English. But yea, Ryan isn't an Indian.... =/

Van Gogh: Painted in Words. Benedict Cumberbatch played Vincent in that movie

Vincent: Puffalo Pill Rene: *YOU DONE JUST YEE'D YOUR LAST HAW BOY*

Vincent looks like Benedict Cumberbatch

Many believe van gogh was bipolar, which is why world bipolar day is on his birthday.

Highly recommend watching the Vincent Van Gogh episode of doctor who, which captures the true beauty and tragedy of his life.

What a story

why did puffalo pill make me laugh sm tf lmao

Taehyung would be sad if it was a murder

Van Gogh is a *GOAT!*

Can you do the disappearance of granger Taylor

What if he asked someone to kill him but unfortunately the shot wasn’t fatal right away so he woke up and decided to walk home and finish out his time there

Man Vincent that’s kinda kinky giving your ear to a sex worker

"Timmy's ball" ... Ohhhhhh I get it! I think.



Who is annoyed with "quote" and "end quote" thibg?

WTF! I screamed at 1:43 I thought it was a ghost

Honestly should do a BuzzFeed unsolved on the theives in BuzzFeed.

you guys should do the disappearance of harold holt

Do Edgar Allan poe

Please do the disappearance of Ronald Henry Tammen Jr. it’s a weird story

tip: Finlands bodom lake murders

rene: bully boy

He probably got mugged

Im gonna kill my self


I am a nice teen screw you

Brother did it his wife incourge him

8:37 i’m sorry but what’s the background music? couldn’t help but ask

In the uk it’s more normal for 16 year olds to get apprenticeships than any other age! They are encouraged hugely by secondary schools as we all graduate when we are 16

Earless Jesus had died for their sins

I mean they couldn't find a gun in a wheat field, I lost my dogs toy (bright blue ball with a long yellow string attached) in a field, I saw where it landed, yet I searched for three hours and could not find, or the days following lmao so I see how they mightve missed it tbh

How is "van Gogh"

ariribanana this needs more likes ??? Like wtheck

Hey can you guys talk about the free masons? My grandpa was one, and I really want to know more about them.

3:43, that is correct. When it comes to very big famous artists the upcoming work, which sometimes aided the uprising of an artist can be worth millions more than a classic. You could also see it as a rare piece, since artists during that decade concealed the ‘bad’ art and only showed the good ones. So it would be way more trouble to find a bad piece, that’s partly a reason too for the higher starting bidding at art auctions.

I heard that his art in the asylum was not made because he was, you know having some mental problems but during progress in improvement of it, not out of his misery.

What's wrong with all of these artist? They all have sad or disturbing stories.

Ahhhhh... Timmy's ball. The episode where the Shaniacs were christened

It could be his other siblings.

You two are some of the funniest people on youtube i swear XD

omfg i remember learned about vincent van gogh in elementary school and my art teacher told us that the reason why he cut off his ear was because people would trash talk his art and bully him HEJSHDJSJSHSJSJSHSHSSJ

This video makes me want to watch Willem Dafoe’s performance as Van Gogh in At Eternity’s Gate.

One more thing... ALL HAIL THE WATCHER!

Okay wait...season finale?!

i think van gogh was suicidal, but didnt condone it because of his faith, so the bully boy shooting him was probably thought of by van gogh as a blessing since he didnt want to continue being a burden to his brother, especially since he was thinking of starting his own business.

Do edger Allen Poe!!!!

I reckon it was the in-keepers daughter, she stated it was a suicide and that he went down to the wheat fields as a cover up and to throw people off the scent....

Van Gogh-ing goghing gone

the beast of new jersey is a good case you’d should show

My ear started hurting after this

Hi!! I know you guys will never see this comment :(( but can you please look into the NewBedford Highway Killer.... 9-11 woman were killed and its unsolved. It happened only 30 years ago, so they could very much still be out there lol. Live in the county of the area so kind of scary.

he lost his ear in a duel

i love the impersonations of the little boys

If we’re going to talk about a murder it have to be the murder of your haircuts get it sorted especially u RYAN tbh it’s better than mine

This is a joke btw for anyone who is conflicted

what if he asked his brother to kill him? bc they were really close and he didn’t want to be a burden to theo anymore so maybe he met his brother in the field and asked him to shoot him, that’s why he kept saying “don’t make accusations” bc he didn’t want his brother to become a suspect for his death


Ok so let’s look at the facts here 1. He struggled to find his purpose in life 2. He lived with his parents for a long time 3. He joked about suicide and killing himself 4. He wasn’t able to get laid With all the facts presented here I have come to the conclusion that Vincent was a complete and total mood.

He died because when he was painting and only had one brush he would like the paint of and eat it to get a different color. Then he died from a stomach disease or something

Can you guys do the murder of John Lennon?

Obviously Ryan needs to be educated on mental health

Pepijn van Houten There isn’t much evidence that Van Gogh killed himself because of that. He even called suicide “an act of cowardice”

You should do Olof Palme.

No . They mean it'll get bigger if it's closer or held by him

Bring this back i miss ryan's voice amd shane's going crazy already.

Theres a man behind the guy on the left

during his lifetime Vincent Van Gogh only sold one painting :(

it's funny because Americans say "go" and British say "goff" but it's actually pronounced "kock" because it's Dutch

As for the shot in the abdomen loose end to the suicide theory, consider this: suicide is very difficult to achieve. Maybe Gogh knew that and worried that if he shot himself in the head he would have survived with a wound worse than the lack of ear? I know I've considered that. A shot in the abdomen, although not damning, could make it to where death was inevitable. Idk though, because the accidental shot theory sounds pretty good. And he did cut off his own ear, so I don't think he cared that much about wounds.


René Secrétan will forever go down in history as "bully boy", and frankly he deserves no less. I love it

I can't think of Vincent Van Gogh without thinking of Vincent and the Doctor ;n;

please do tammy lynn leppert! her case isn’t so well known but i’ve got a couple of theories of my own.

Go to Biltmore hotel

One episode a month sucks.

I mean he was a masochist by the fact he cut off his own ear, but if you wanted to kill yourself why shoot yourself in the chest?

I used to think that genius artists were ahead of their time mentally till I found out that all his life Picasso was a womanizing sexists piece of human fecal matter and I was like damn I guess it's a gamble More info on Vincent, if y'all want

go to auschwits

Its van GOFFFF

Vincent van GOGH is Dutch and his last name is also Dutch so i guess you're wrong

+Gina Im British and British people are never wrong... You infantile ostrich

No im Dutch and thats not how you pronounce it

If I ever disappear or get murdered I expect you guys to make a video of me. Or else I will haunt you from my grave

Can you do The John Lennon Shooting?

I was thinking of Weezer's Pinkerton throughout this. Very under appreciated when it came out and Rivers was in a very dark place whilst writing the album. It is a masterpiece of music.

Ryan Bergara, king of the understatement. In his vocabulary "a bit eccentric" is synonymous with "Brutally mentally ill".

What...... IS that utterly horrifying piano music

hey I found out a few days ago that my family was connected to a huge unsolved murder where my dads aunties sister was found in pieces inside a fridge comment for some more information and I’ll try to find the article

If your Dutch it's funny to hear how badly they pronounce his name

We know its the Watcher!

the thumbnail looks like Benedict Cumberbatch

the gun was found. It is being sold at auction.

I'm convinced!

Do the Thalia massive case next please

What font do you use for the voiceover? Where it’s blue and yellow

Maybe it was his brother... probably got tired of supporting him, and since he was about to start his own business.. it would definitely explain why he would protect the shooter.

He cut off his ear for a sex worker? I always thought it was his girlfriend or wife or something

you know, just imagine Van Gogh coming back as a ghost and is just like ‘hey, I was murdered. Thanks for the appreciation of my art. Bye gollies’

12:40 ☕

I have a theory.... What if Vincent paid somebody to shoot him? It wouldn't technically be a suicide, and that would also explain many more things.... Also, He didn't use short brush strokes as stated in the video. He actually used the backside of a brush. Yknow, the wooden handle that's rounded at the end.

vincent van gogh: *dies* the watcher: _all me baby_

New subscriber..i like your videos

I’d love to be Vincent’s friend

For my English project, I picked Vincent Van Gogh as my legacy person who inspires me. A few more facts about him: -He was named after his older stillborn brother Vincent -He left school due to his family’s financial problem -He suffered a breakdown after being rejected by a woman -Vincent was known for falling for troubled women (prostitutes and stuff), thinking he could fix them -He devoted his life to God and even taught at an all boy’s Catholic school -He refused to do the Latin part of an exam of him to become a Bishop -Theo also died a few months after his older brother -Theo’s wife continued to store and exhibit Vincent’s paintings as she was a big supporter -Vincent’s mother threw away many of his old paintings

Ironic I know

The reason a lot of his paintings were painted the way they were was because he was colorblind

You guys should cover The Mary Celeste mystery. I bet Ryan will say aliens.

I feel sorry for Vincent 1 like= one heart for Vincent 1 comment= a rant for puffalo pill

Can gogh didn’t actually take his own ear his friend actually sliced it off while they were fencing and to keep his friend out of jail they came up with that story

Do the missing of Malaysian Airlines MH370

I literally didnt even know people had thought it was suicide. My sister always told me he was murdered by some kids playing with a gun, and that he covered for said kids. She told that story like it wasthe absolute truth.

Imagine chopping off 1/3 of your ear for a girl and she says “ewww oh my god.” And leaves you..

Fun fact: there are two versions of starry night

How did they get all these quotes

why is pam little

Anatomy lesson for the boys: nearly directly center, slightly below the ribs IS where your heart sits. Not off to your left side above your breast. Though, I don’t know how Vincent would’ve known this..

The part of his ear that he cut off was actually a present for the famous artist Gaugain, they spent some time painting together in Southern France but as Gaugains fame rose he had to leave. In a storm of emotions, Vincent cut off a part as a gift to keep him staying. However, he had already left and thought he could ask a girl working at a bar he used to visit. If I'm correct, she wasn't even a sex worker but simply a person Vincent knew. Source: The van Gogh museum in Amsterdam and the movie At eternitys gate

Welp, I'm crying in the club right now

No one knows the truth more than the deceased himself.

Armys where ya at?

Do a video about the murder of Sergey Kirov, a high figure in the Soviet Union.

They should do the disappearance of the Beaumont children from Australia in ‘66

Me: gets scared extremely easily Also me: watches this at night

Just watch loving vincent a painted movie about him

You guys should do the Australian backpacker killer Ivan Milat!!

I don’t know why but listening to there voices help me fall asleep...yah it’s weird.

Does anyone know if they list their sources anywhere for their episodes? I'm writing an art history paper on Van Gogh and it would be super helpful

Feel like I'm hearing Ryan Reynolds from the narrator

why is nobody talking about ryan’s mug?

It was the brother

Tf is with Ryan’s hair?

16:29 I own a couple of cowboy revolvers to play with at the range. I have NEVER heard of a .380 revolver from Van Gough's time. We're just coming out with them now, considering the .380 is a round for an automatic. Did they mean .38 S&W? Please correct me if I'm missing something.

How the neanderthals died

Actually drowning is supposedly peaceful once the water's filled your lungs and you stop struggling.

in school they told us it was his girlfriend he gave the ear to, not a prostitute

You guys should do Kurt Cobain!

If you watch Loving Vincent, it does transport you to his work and imagination. The whole film was hand painted! It is very melancholy however because is does open the possibility of him being murdered but quickly tries to wrap it up like we shouldn't think of that possibility. Just to solidify the whole tortured artist story. After this watch Dr. Who's episode of Vincent Van Gogh. That will make you cry more but of happiness.

Do one about west virginias missing Chaz. Lots of speculations would be a great one

I fell asleep with unsolved playing~ i had a nightmare.. Ryan's voice is so eerie

what if he made a contraption like he put the gun on the easel and pulled a string or rope attached on the trigger

That moment when you look at the thumbnail and think: "Is that Benedict Cumberbatch?" instead of: "Wow Van Gogh was murdered"

I can't be the only one who thought it was benedict cumberbatch

I've been watching your videos for years now and I just realized..... this whole time I was not subscribed

There is this french case with the murder of a boy name gregory in 1984, there is a lot material to find about online and this case remind unsolved.

I hate how Vincent was painted in life. He just wanted to get better so he checked himself into the mental ward, and he painted because it was his joy in life, he ate yellow paint because he thought it would make him happy, and he was just trying to make his place in the world

i hate ur voice


Although it may appear that someone else may have been involved his mental state leans more to self inflicted gunshot....but there are so many unanswered questions...if someone happened upon the gun and the art supplies there is a possibility that they stole it and remained quiet...

Any other true crime series, like these that I can watch now this has finished??

You guys should do the mystery of the death valley germans! It looks really interesting

The best show ever

Actually, drowning feels just like slowly falling asleep. Once you breathe in the water its like falling asleep

Y'all should do Agatha Christie's mysterious 11 day disappearance!!! She disappeared, was found checked into a hotel under her husband's mistress' name, and remembers nothing of what happened during those 11 days!!! It's one hell of a juicy unsolved case

Just imagine vincent hide those paintings so nobody can remenber him from his past.

for once I'm not left in a bad mood after watching one of these, this was nice ps. I normally get in a bad or paranoid mood because of the story, not the video itself

Pronounced Goff

Het is Vincent van GoGH godverdomme

U should cover the maddeline mccann dissapearence

ALIENS... I CALL IT... IT WAS ALIENS.... They found a gun and didnt know what it was.. Messin around in the field they accidently shot him and when they realised they brainwashed him into sayin he did it himself then they took the gun and his art supplies... BAM DONE CASE CLOSED....

I feel like he made someone do it for him sinse he condemns suicide hed make others do it like angelina Jolie hired someone

What do you do when it’s yellow and blue words smooch

That guys looks like Ben from parks and rec


Well I mean, if some guy gave you his bloody, chopped ear.. would you really be flattered lmao.

Why does every Weezer fan talk like this lmfao

We share birthday dates

Here is an interesting case for you guys to investigate. Look into the disappearance and possible murder of Susan “Cox” Powell. She disappeared in the winter of 2009 and her case lasted the next three years after that but ended up cold after a major tragedy on the day of the Super Bowl of 2012.

I think if it wasn’t a suicide, it was Theo. After Vincent found out he wanted to run a business, lil vinny felt like a burden and didn’t want to be. since he saw suicide as a sin and his brother was notably less religious, it kind of makes sense. also, maybe Vincent brought his art supplies to make one less painting for his brother. it also explains Vincent covering it up if it was agreed upon.

He got Vincent Van Got

It’s hard to paint the way you want when everyone’s stubbornly accepting the impressionist and surrealist waves of art at the time. Vincent could have used some more 19th Century art hipsters.

im watching this because i'm using this for reasearch. i love ur vids

You guys should investigate the death of Tom Thomson (a Canadian artist)

2:36 I came out to have a good time and I’m honestly feeling so attacked right now

Bully Boy

When Van Gogh did his self portrait, he used a mirror so his missing ear is on the wrong side on the painting.

PLEASE do the death of princess diana!!!!!

Please make a video about Yuri Tishkov!!!

Can you please do the death of Princess Diana

why does the vincent van gogh in the thumbnail look like benedict cumberbatch?

Please do slender man sightings

Ryan, Shane, if you'd like to have some happy thought about Van Gogh, please look up the Van Gogh museum scene from Dr. Who!!! As a huge fan of both the show and of Van Gogh, I cry no matter how many times I watch this scene.

On next season of unsolved, could you look into the murder of the Swedish prime minister Olof Palme?

Can you guys do the haunted walmart?

I remember my dad told me about the theory of how he really died when i was in like kindergarten after learning about him in art class

I saw an eraser at the art store called Vincent van goghs EAR-racer and it was shaped like an ear

I am actually crying, not sure if that's weird or not. I get sadder and sadder everytime I discover more about this man's story.

there’s this amazing movie called “loving vincent” about someone trying to figure out this mystery, while learning more about vincents life, it’s so beautiful, the most amazing thing about this movie is that every frame is painted

oh and also it’s a true story

can you do the jermey thorpe murder case

Are we gonna ignore that his younger sisters name is lies?

natalie v Look in the description

The reason he gave the sex worker the ear. The sex worker was a love interest to Van Gogh. He knew Paul Gauguin. When Vincent told Gauguin, Gauguin bought the sex worker just to hurt Vincent. After he found out, he cut off his ear to let the sex worker how much she ment to him. She was shocked and just screamed.

Happiness is mundane, pain is exemplary!! Some of the most extraordinary people are born out of it!!

Please do an episode on Madeline McCann for us English fans!!

You guys should do Princess Diana of Wales

am i the only who saw the thumbnail and thought it was benedict cumberbatch?

can you do robin williams , i wanna hear it from you

Best episode yet. Why van Gogh?

Are we not gonna talk about Ryan's hair?!?!

Hey Shane & Ryan Ryan you know Shane has Batmobile toy

anyone know when new season releases?

Breaking news: Benedict Cumberbatch is actually Vincent Van Gogh!!!

Vincent got shot on my birthday whatta day to be born

Wait their done now?

I have a friend who's father apparently owns an earlier sketch of Van Gogh's! I got to see it myself, I'm not saying I am a great judge of hand, but it looked authentic to me. I love art, I like to think I am an artist myself, and used to own a book full of his paintings and some of his sketches, even did a paper on Van Gogh for my art class. My friend is a pretty honest person, and I believe that I may have actually got to touch and see a real piece of Van Gogh's art.

i just want to say Ryan you mug, I love it.

So I’ve almost drowned quite a few times in my life and it’s never been particularly painful. Scary, yes, as you watch the blackness overtake your vision and know you won’t be opening your eyes again, but not painful. Kind of peaceful, actually.

He covered for someone. It's the feeling I perceive.

I’m pretty sure he used a gun he took from the inn keepers bar. I saw it in a documentary but I’m not for sure.

I think the weirdest mystery is that Shane Dawson and Ryland (Ryan) Adams also do conspiracy videos...please tell me I'm not the only one who noticed this o_o

Everybody a good movie on Van Gogh is loving Vincent favorite movie by far

i would love for both of you investigate about the unsolved case of Paulette Gebara Farah, it is really interesting and my favorite unsolved crime ever. greetings from Mexico!!!

On the next Buzzfeed Unsolved True Crime.... Who's Steal the Boys' Props?

I thought Vincent was good but now i see that he was veru weird, cutting his own ear off eeeeeee Mqns crazy fam

What if he was painting and someone shot him from the front and he got away since he didn't have his art supplies

Can you do phantom trucks?

Vincent Van Gogh or .... Vincent van GONE! HA HA HA HA HA HA ha ha ha ha........

Do an episode on the camp Scott murders

His face kinda reminds me of Benedict Cumberbatch

He looks like the guy who plays sherlock

We learned about him in school and they taught us that he cut his ear off and we were all like ‘why?!’ and my teacher was just like ‘idk...’

It was a big difference back then when he was alive. No one actually appreciates this guy's work. He reminds me of Mendel. They were ridiculed when they're living, never seeing the day they were supported. At least Beethoven got a few years before his death.

It annoys me when sometimes you don't mention some very important incidents that you have to tell them if you want the story to make sense

My mom had the starry night in 2017

Please do a video on the Dyatlov Pass incident!!!! It takes place in 1959 in the Ural Mountains!!!!! Nine experienced hikers mysteriously died in the freezing Ural Mountains after fleeing their tent. Most were in their underwear, one had a fractured skull, another had her tongue and eyes missing.

lindbergh kidnapping case would be interesting

They actually found the gun in 1965

Jim Sullivan next

Do an episode on the Kiplyn Davis case!! weird and inconclusive.

Puffalo Pill killed Van goh

Wow. I've never heard of this theory, and Van Gogh is one of my favorite artists. It sounds plausible and is tragic for those kids who possibly had to live with their secret.

You guys should do the Madeline McCann case next season of true crime

Omg the high five!! And acting like teenagers


You should do a video about the disappearance of Jean Spangler

Late squad who else lol

You should cover the death of Kurt Cobain it happened on very weird conditions.

puffalo pill *hahhaah* *lmao*

I want to be friends with vincent

van gogh be looking like benedict cumbersnatch in the thumbnail

For the next season of Unsolved True Crime (maybe even for Supernatural) you should do the Villisca Axe Murder House

i can’t believe i slept on this ep

I've heard that some kids were playing with a gun in the field and accidentally shot Vincent, but he didn't say anything so the kids wouldn't get in trouble

BuzzWheeze Unsolved

This was a really good one boys. The alternative theory that he was accidentally shot makes more sense than the popular "artist committing suicide".

Totally thought that was Bandersnatch Cucumber in the thumbnail

Please do the Unsolved case on Jill Dando's Murder in 1999. p.s Love the show!

These stories would be great if they didn't pause every 2min to have the two clowns try and be funny. Like I get your jokes, but there not very funny.

People told him that he was crazy... so he cut off his ear, and said “ I cant hear you!” Jk, he did it because he was mentally ill.

In europe apprenticeships when you are young are quit common.

I want a movie about that last theory with Marc Evan Jackson playing Van Gogh.

And also apparently the way that the bullet burnt his clothes and the angle at which it was shot , it was impossible for him to have done it himself

It’s also believed that the incident with his ear was due to a fight he got into and part of his ear was cut off

Do kenneka Jenkins

They already did that tho?

the movie at eternity's gate explores this pretty well!!!

he was drunk


Vincent Van Gogh looks like fp jones

Many believed the reason Vincent cut off his ear because he has tinnitus...


U guys should do an episode on Kurt Cobain

could y’all explore the disappearance of Connie Converse? I feel like that would b interesting

His brother killed him that’s common sense


When he left the asylum he was in good health so why would one incident cause him to kill himself

I fell so bed for Vincent

I would like to recommend a movie called “Loving, Vincent” every frame was hand painted and its a really cool story

Can you guys please visit the Annabelle doll

Season 6??????

You guys should do the death of James Callender

there’s a movie made about this, it’s literally life changing and an amazing movie overall, it’s called Loving Vincent, and it’s in a painting style. it talks about how vincent probably didn’t commit suicide but was killed, at one man is trying to find the truth. it’s amazing!

I always felt that he didn’t kill himself. I’m glad the two biographers uncovered this. It’s definitely worth considering

I had a very bad path ever since u was born but never got famous afterwards with my art it YouTube videos.

You NEED to do the disappearance of Madeline McCann it’s such a big story and no one knows what happened

Gordo from Those Conspiracy Guys should really do an episode with these guys or vice versa.

Ok but this pronunciation of Van Gogh is just confusing lmao

Maybe the painting was a painting of the boys, and they took it with them to make sure nobody found out they were there

I could ask for the murder of Nicky Verstappen, but the killer (Jos Brech) has been arrested in spain. It's increddible that he went from the Netherlands to spain with just bush crafting skills.

What if he had someone shoot him, it explains his confession and distance

"Suicide is wrong! I do *not* understand it! It'd be pretty baller to drown!" For the love of whatever exists, why does the tone this is said in make me laugh uncontrollably.

You guys HAVE to do one about Madeline McCann

You guys should do Bonnie and Clyde

This turtle

someone correct me if i'm wrong, but i don't think they've covered the case of mary phagan/leo frank yet? it would be an interesting episode!

personally I DO think Vincent committed suicide but intentionally made it look like a murder (by shooting himself in an awkward place, hiding his stuff beforehand) out of shame for being brought to the edge by his mental illness and out of fear of being shamed because when you think about it, suicide was a very taboo subject back in the day and he probably thought his legacy as a painter would be lost

Have you already made a video about Edwina and Fred Rogers? If not can you?


Do the death of Hae Min Lee, her death is so, she was murdered but her case is so good and weird. Also listen to the podcast about the case.

Bts Taehyung has entered the chat!

you never expect these things until you actully hear the backstory

Do the kidnapping of etan patz

So Neil deGrasse Tyson's favorite "the starry night" was painted when the van gogh was in a mental Asylum ..

So it's neither somebody shot him or another theory he may have been drugged his self od?......wait Is that possible during that time? Lol the theory is kinda odd

why do u cover their faces

Why does the painting in the thumbnail look like Benedict cumberbatch

Do a supernatural video over the Blair Witch Project !!

I know the guys probably won't see this but by the hopeful chance you do, can you please cover the case on George Conniff, an officer from the small town of Newport Washington (my hometown) where he was murdered during a robbery. I find his case extremely interesting and I think I could be a great topic. Love your vids guys!❤️❤️❤️

I just went to the Van Gogh exhibit yesterday in Houston

apparently he only cut of a piece of his ear lobe rather than his whole ear. idk tho.

Americans : “van GO”

why is ryan's hair so high

not a question, but i do think he was suicidal, but not that he killed himself. he had bad mental health and i think psychosis? idk the actual diagnosis. theres so much evidence to show that he didnt shoot himself

Why does Shane constantly hide the fact that he's a demon? We ALL know that he is.

Hey! Since you were talking about VVG being a tortured artist, I’d like to point out that many historians believe the pieces he painted in the asylum (such as Starry Night) came from a place of hope, and were meant to be comforting. They weren’t about him being a tortured artist, but about him wanting to get better. #postmortem

Why are you ending the season here?

When will y'all do more of your supernatural episodes? lol

Min Yoongles maybe he is the true form of Lucifer Morningstar

*hears The name Gaston* *takes deep breath* “No one shoots like Gaston, makes those beauts like Gaston, Then goes tromping around wearing boots like Gaston!”

For Post Mordem: Would you guys do some collaborations with other youtubers during the off-season? Personally would love to see you on Good Mythical Morning

for postmortem: do you think it’s possible that he asked someone to kill him ? he was clearly highly unstable, and that would explain why vincent was so adamant that he killed himself — he didn’t want them to get in trouble for something that he wanted. #postmortem #shaniac #nolongeraboogara

I’m pretty sure Rene did it. I get mad and wanna kill people when they steal my food.

How are you, both? I hope you are doing well! Poor Vincent..He just had an accent and he couldn’t say Buffalo Bill properly. How would you act if you were in his shoes OR were friends with Vincent? I don’t get it why, people back then had no taste in Vincent’s art, I mean well if I was in that century time line I would’ve brought one of his paintings if I had the money, like in year 4 me and my class mates had to a piece of Vincent’s art, I still have it but I think he did a better job then me, I can’t remember the name of it tho...It had Lily pads and was surrounded by water. Any who I find you guys funny, you all ways put a smile on my face, I am a believer in ghosts like Ryan I find when you guys go to a haunted place that it’s pretty like umm convincing when you use the spirit box and you get answers most of the time they are quite convincing voices even the footsteps or noises you hear it would be quite scary. I know my comment question won’t be answered but I want to tell a story that happened a few days ago.... So I went to bed, not getting up to go on my device and watch you guys this time like I’ve been doing late at night even 12 am in the morning and I was asleep. My Mama woke up to ‘me’ and I apparently was in the bedroom with her and my dog, she could feel me leaning in to pat the dog and she called out my real name, my real name isn’t Emi but I’ll use Emi as my name here “Emi? Is that you?” I didn’t reply after I had patted the dog she watched me then I just vanished. My Mama told me the day I asked her what happened, and she told me this and I asked did it look like me and she said yes, she said “It looked like your figure” and I then asked what was I wearing and she said “what you are wearing right now, your Pj’s” which were the exact ones she saw which I was wearing that same night Nd I actually am, wearing them right now, writing this. I find it a bit mysterious for that to happened I said to her I wasn’t Up and I didn’t go to her room that night which I didn’t. I said she could’ve been Hallucinating like I do(I think) or there could be a ghost/spirit that looks like me... #postmortem

Do you think that Shane is possesed by a smart af demon

For the Post Mortem- if you had someone special you wanted to give a gift to, what body part would you choose to cut off and give them? #boogara #shanemakessensetho

Why does Ryan look like a serial killer when he laughs

Do Kurt cobain

for roastmortem: shane really out here looking like that one college professor who reads one short story from the fifties and concludes that technology is the root of all evil. ryan, your head is small and your life is a lie. #roastmortem #nolongeraboogara #shaniac #ghostsarentrealryanfuckoff

Would you boys ever run the Amazing Race together? Because you would be the best team of all time.

For the roast mortem: Why does Ryan look like Chicken Joe from that animated movie Surfs Up? #boogara #stillloveyouryan

Shane admit you are the grass man already!!!!!!

For the post mortem: When will the ghoul boys come back. I want to see some spooky ghosts.

You guys should cover the greenbrier ghost, who’s testimony was used in court to convict a murderer

For the post mortem: I heard recently that Van Gogh's paintings started off quite bleak and lacking color, then a friend or relative of his encouraged him to use more color, thus influencing him to paint in the style for which he is now famous. Do you know if there is any truth to this?

When will unsolved supernatural appear? #postmortem

POSTMORTEM: Why would Van Gogh cover for the boys when they shot him? He didn't have a friendship with Rene, who most likely shot him.

Dr. History I’m just thinking of drawing doodles like I do in my books

Loving Vincent... Go watch it

#shaniac4ever My question is where did Vincent's ear end up? Was this a common thing to give a lady of the night a part of your body? What untraditional body part would you give a lady love?

I honestly understand his point of protecting the boys as I feel he was still in the realm of depression and to him a life with no worth isn’t the same as two young children who have a whole full life to live and that’s just well the saddest thing and honestly when I saw the end of the doctor who episode on him I did cry because it’s really true he didn’t see how much worth he really had.

My great aunt Tilden said that she killed Van Gogh last Easter. Though she as black out drunk and thought she was a sheep.

Just a theory, but I think Theo may have shot his own brother. Perhaps, tensions over Theo's new business and Vincent's codependency on Theo financially drove Theo over the edge. This would explain why Vincent's belongings were taken; maybe somebody was trying to preserve them rather than hide them. I think this also explains why Vincent said he killed himself because he would want to protect his brother who he had a close relationship with and possibly forgave when Theo spent the night comforting Vincent. #postmortem

For the #postmortem: 2:50 Ryan you do know how Gogh ended up in life right??? THATS NOT ASPIRATIONAL

2:50 Ryan you do know how Gogh ended up in life right??? Not only the death part lol #stillboogaratho

Actually, he cuts his ear because he scare his friend, Paul Gauguin(also a famous artist) away and he felt guilty about it. Some say that it's his friend cut it while they had an heated argument...

whats the tea on the sex worker and him ?

For Post Mortem: what do you think is the reason why they didn't investigate further the death of Van Gogh especially if they found evidence that it may not have been suicide? Also what if it weren't the kids who accidentally killed him but someone else? He was slowly becoming famous so there may be those who aren't fond of him. Maybe the kids had another role in this. Maybe those kids and his worry for his brother caused him to embrace death? Maybe....maybe.... And what does those letters contain? #postmortem #buzzfeedunsolved #everythinghereremainsunsolved

I'd just like to add my two cents in and propose that the art supplies and gun were disposed of by the boys into said watering hole, and/or simple hidden by the boys. I honestly think that the younger boy was simply trying act cocky and threaten Vincent in an attempt to get back at Vincent for the "Puffalo Pill" thing and the gun either misfired or he accidentally hit the trigger. Then, in a fit of panic, they ran and came back after Vincent had left to get rid of evidence. Then they told their father and the family thought it wise to leave until it cooled down and avoid accusations. Then years later the boy says that Vincent "stole his gun" to imply that Vincent stole it to commit suicide and to have an alibi if a gun was ever found and linked to him. Sorry for the long comment, I have a lot of thoughts on this. Love you guys!

OMG you should do marlyn monroe’s death because I personally thought it was a murder posed as a suicide

Did you ever find any thieves in BuzzFeed??

what do you think is his final painting? Was it just a background or was it a subject(perhaps one of the two boys who may have shot him)?

#PostMortem Shane's little breathy laugh after Ryan admitted to having thought about Timmy coming back for his ball was the highlight of this video.

shane your cute #shaniac4life

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network Hum... maybe he finished a painting and someone knew who he was. Someone robbed him and it might have been someone he knew. Since the gun wasn’t found and he didn’t returned his art supplies... Do you think it was an armed robbery or someone he knew? #postmortem

Which body part would you cut off to impress a sex worker? (I’m not a sociopath I swear)

#postmortem I’m just wondering why Ryan’s hair is defying gravity in this video? Did you do something new to it? Btw, I love you guys

Olivia Higdon i asked the same question. My Q was slightly a little more complex. If u come across it, you’ll see...

For the postmortem: hey guys here's a case so my friend and I are in the school bathroom just pretending we don't have to go to class when we see a cockroach in a stall. We both watch it and take a picture, then turn back around to talk, then not even a minute later turn back and THE COCKROACH IS GONE. IT'S NOT ANYWHERE IN THE STALL. WHERE DID IT GO. SOLVE MY CASE. I'M SCARED. PS: out of nowhere, polka music started playing... is this a demon case??? Not quite the season for it i know but we need answers.

lydiathompson60 YUSSSS I was wondering the same thing!!!

What about ye infamous quote of Van Gogh's suicide note "the sadness will last forever"? #postmortem #bunsolved

Do The Sam Sheppard case

This episode was stellar (get it, like Starry Night...That joke is for Ryan). Also, for the next True Crime season, could you guys please do the "suicide" of Kurt Cobain? Thanks, love you guys!

Can all BFU fans that are artists call themselves Vincent Van Goulighans? #buzzfeedunsolved #shitfish

There was actually supposedly a letter on his person(Van Gogh) at the time of his death addressed to his brother and it’s largely seen as a suicide note, along with the last letter that was really sent to his brother. and in my opinion, in that letter at least, although he seemed sad, it didn’t seem like he had any extreme intentions like suicide anytime soon as Van Gogh spoke of meeting with his brother for business purposes. Thoughts?


Are you guys dog or cat people?

Where did the boys flee to?

I definitely feel it was the the boys---likely the younger one. What a heart breaking story though and it makes sense that he covered for the boys as the older one was probably or perhaps a protege? Maybe that's why the painting supplies were gone, as perhaps he was teaching Gaston and it would link him to the crime scene.

shane, i love you. bye.

ryans hair actually looks good in this episode! .........NOT!!

Shane, blink twice if you're being threatened into not doing anymore hot daga ep's

#postmortem Yeah I've got an idea for a buzzfeed unsolved ep: The Mysterious Disappearance of the the Hotdaga.

Didn't he did suicide???

Shane and Ryan what's your favorite painting of Vincent Van Gogh #postmortem

Do Marilyn Monroe!

But you said it was hot but the coolness woke him up? (Also it’s pronounced gof not go)

I’m dutch and had lessons about van Gogh and didnt even know that the ear was for a sex worker damn good job searching stuff Ryan!

Was he trying to pay the sex worker in cartilage?

Do the michael myers haunted house...

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network not really a question about the mystery, but what is your guy’s favorite Van Gogh painting

Hi! I really enjoy your show and i love you guys. What's your favorite ice cream flavor?

#supernatural ?

As an art student who loves Vincent van Gogh's work, I am really happy to see an episode about him with the idea that his death could have been an accident instead of a suicide. I would like to point out though that when he was in the asylum to get help for his mental health, he seemed to be making more paintings than before he went to the asylum. This to me sounds like he was on a road to recovery and that he was happy when he was there and painting, unlike what you guys said about how he was "painting from misery". And as someone who also suffers from depression like Vincent did, I find that I am most productive when I'm actually happy, not miserable.

Free range grass where art thou

Where’s the hotdaga??! My soul feels empty without Shane’s heart wrenching tunes

What exactly did Vincent use to cut his ear off? A kitchen knife? How is that ever seen as a good gift? Did the lady even know him?

Where’s the hotdaga??! My soul feels empty without Shane’s heart wrenching tunes

Oh heyyy there... loved this episode! is it normal for teens to have guns back then? I believe rené did it and his brother was in posession of the art supplies being he had an interest in art and vincent...hard to say if it was an accident though and its too strange to be a suicide Love all your videos guys cant wait to see more #buzzfeedunsolved #shaniac #boogara #shoogariac?

For the postmortem: Not on the murder, but I find it interesting that his paintings began to use lighter colors when he was in a very dark mental state. If you look at his earlier work it is all dark grays and blues, while his work then is full of color and seems happier in a way. I think that people, artist especially, create better places to live when what's going on inside is bad. I think he was painting how he wanted to feel, just a thought. #bogarra #postmortem

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network #postmortem If he did cover for the boys why would he be so unsure about killing himself/confused since it’s a cover story you’d think he would want to make it believable and straight to the point instead of “ I think I so” when the question was asked.

Love this episode thanks guys

I’ve had my fair amount of teachers tell me their take of his death and I still believe that he didn’t commit suicide. He was just misunderstood.

How/why is it that his death possibly not being a suicide is never talked about? The accidental shooting actually makes a lot of sense, especially considering the entry point of the bullet. On the one hand it feels like an insult to Vincent's legacy, but on the other hand if he died protecting the boys' identities he would have wanted to be remembered this way...? Thoughts? #postmortem #boogara

It's strange to me that the boy, Rene or Puffalo Pill or whatever, constantly had a gun suddenly didn't after Van Gogh's death. Why would he carry it around then no longer have it? Also I think ifs pretty suspicious that they left not long after Van Gogh's death. Were they trying to hide something? #POSTMORTEM #BUZFEEDUNSOLVED #BOOGANIAC?

Do video on the disappearance of Indian freedom fighters Neathaji Subash Chandra Bose

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network Have you seen the film Loving Vincent? It’s about the son of Vincent’s postman exploring the mystery around Van Gogh’s death and his personal relation to the murder narrative. It’s also animated fully in oil painting and uses Van Gogh’s style in animation.

I know this unlikely to make it into postmortem, but this episode was incredibly sad and confusing. The murder theories seem to be based in being unable to accept the tragic suicide of a genius; is there any evidence that he didn't commit suicide that isn't purely speculation? Was there ever even evidence of an argument in the field? While it would be "heartwarming" if he covered for some boys, he can be both kind and mentally ill. The question of "his cemented public image" just seems like a desperate attempt to make sense of his death, and the mental illness that caused it, because the truth is too heartbreaking for many people to accept.

why does shane looks like van

Roast Mortem: Funny how Ryan jokes about bullying when we all know that Shane is a demon who had his demon buddies bully Ryan in the Sallie House. I’m surprised you even carry a flashlight anymore Ryan, the ghouls could turn it off anytime they like and make you scream like a little girl again!

Since this is unsolved's last episode, i guess Ryan is going to hybernate like the BEAR he is #ROASTmortembutnotreally

Can't wait to see all the #RoastMortem comments from art nerds complaining about how you pronounce his name is wrong.

why is ryan's hair taller than jimmy neutron's? #roastmortem


Am I the only one who finds it weird that they’re placing a lot of weight on the word of a 13 year old? Also, I heard that Adaline gave this account when she was much older, so it’s possible she may have gotten some details mixed up. Why didn’t they just let her father tell the story?

Did they find any blood in the wheat fields? and Do you think the reason Rene bullied Vincent was because he was jealous of Vincent having a special relationship with his older brother? #postmortem #pleasefindthis #60%Boogara40%Shaniac

I was expecting a bunch of conspiracy theories, but I'm down with this version of events. I really hope the kids turned their life around after that. Would be a waste if they turned out to be dicks.

Sorry i got confused with the ear cutting off story. But isn't it because he had a fight with another artist? I double checked on the Vincent van gogh museum website & it was because of a fight & NOT because he gave it to a sex worker

post mortem: if van gogh wanted everyone to believe he killed himself, even if he didnt, shouldnt we respect his wishes and go with his story?

#roastmortem Ryan looks like a fella with a demon attachment, the roast part of the comment comes from the demon flames that surround him.

Come back faster with a new season! I love this show to DEATH! ;-;

please give us some hotdaga #postmortem

#postmortem I don't think I could completely toss out the idea the boy shot at him on purpose. Some of those "pranks" sounded intense and maybe he wanted to either scare Vincent by shooting the gun twords him and actually hit, but also the boy might have wanted to hurt Vincent and shot him thinking the wound wouldn't be as bad as it was.

Post Mortem: okay: as a person I who loves van gogh i would like to point out that van gogh DID NOT cut his ear as a present- Paul Gauguin and him got into a fight leading van gogh to cutting his ear then giving it to the prostitute. Gauguin was a horrible man to van gogh and mentally abused him. Also, he was forcibly hospitalized twice by the community

I'll do anything to work with you guys

Hey, art history major here... The gun was found, and it was actually gifted to the 2 young men who shot him from a Buffalo Bill traveling show. You can look it up, it's actually up for auction this fall.

Ryan your hair looks like u were licked by a cow

More of a slight correction: most suicides do NOT come with a note. Those who write notes usually convince themselves not to do it, so most forego it altogether. Interestingly, there have been a few "misfires" in suicides before, probably in part because the committer is often not in the right mind. Robespierre attempted suicide but missed and broke his jaw.

Let’s not overthink this, if he’s batshit crazy enough to cut his own ear off he’s definitely batshit crazy enough to shoot himself in the stomach

So history as we know it about him is a lie basically?

If René said Vincent stole the gun maybe rené didn't want to give the gun and they fought for the gun and he or rené accidentally shot Vincent

Do that one where people danced themselves to death

For #PostMortem - With Rene owning a gun and Gaston’s aspiration of one day becoming a painter. What if Gaston with the help of his brother Rene, conspired together to have Vincent killed in the hopes of that it would make Gaston more famous? If not even more famous than Van Gogh himself? Also what if Gaston stole Van Gogh’s artwork and claimed it as his own?

What is the question "I think therefore,i am". Not sure what time it is.

Did Van Gogh cut off his ear for his girlfriend or a prostitute?

I don't really think you should use him as an inspirational tale. His work wasn't famous until after his death

Some art historians believe that Van Gogh didn’t cut off his own ear but it was his painting friend Paul Guaguin but Gogh took the blame for the incident, these historians point to police reports to back this up. What do you believe about this theory?

At least 2/3 of suicides don't leave a note, and some statistics place the percentage even higher, at 85% no note, 15% note. Most successful suicides are spur of the moment decisions so there's usually no opportunity to write the note. So while it's a common misconception, the lack of note isn't surprising. That doesn't change the fishy nature of the case, however!

Postmortem q.. if you had to cut off a body part what would it be?

#PostMotertem Yo, which theory about Vincent's death is the most believable to you? Also, What's your favorite episode of the Hot Doga? #shaniac

When’s supernatural season gonna air

Hey, art history major here... The ear that he severed was for another artist named Gaugin, who was his only friend and was paid by Theo to live with Van Gogh for about a year. Van Gogh severed his ear and gave it to a waitress who worked in the bar/inn where he spent most of the time in his 30s. It was not for a sex worker.

#postmortem He may have known the killer, maybe he had asked the killer to do the deed because he couldn’t do it himself? That might be why he said I killed myself, and the killer took the gun and painting supplies to cover it up. Super unlikely... #shitfish

#postmortem is it possible he hired someone to kill him?

Do you feel bad that Vincent and his art was finally acknowledged when he passed away? Or do you think it should be a moral or something?

Is anyone going to mention how damn high Ryan’s hair is????

Bring back hot daga

When will it be the next episode of the HotDogga we all know it isn't the end

Visit Auvers-sur-Oise in Paris

Is there any one event that caused his decline in mental health?? #postmortem #shaniac

Do you think Prince was murdered.

#postmortem if Vincent wanted to kill himself why would he wound himself in the ribs??? Only reason I could think of is that he wanted to wait for his brother or maybe his own hesitation

Most of this seems based on conjecture of just odd circumstance. The pieces that Ryan is fixed on - him bringing art supplies to his suicide, not writing a note - they don't make sense logically, but people generally are not thinking logically when they are suicidal. He was a mentally ill man who numerous times was committed for his illness, and said in letters preceding his death that his mood was starting to slip again. The physical evidence of the bullet angle and the missing gun is intriguing, but I'm not buying any theories about what others thought of his mental state of mind at the time. People can hide a lot when they want to.

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network “whatcha you know about gough” - Ryan 2k19


#postmortem more of an opinion but I feel that art is often appreciated after death because the sentiment that there will never be more of them make people appreciate it more.

Do you guys think it could have been some sort of robbery gone wrong? Someone wanted the supplies, and he didnt say anything because he felt bad for the thief

hey boys! do you think that there is a chance that the brothers didn’t shoot Van Gogh on accident? Maybe they wanted to kill him, I don’t know? It all seems fishy to me, by the way love your videos!

Hey guys! Just wanted to mention something I learned (I’m an art major and a huge fan of Van Gogh’s work) So the whole ear thing isn’t actually true, or at least not the way it’s told. In reality, Gogh suffered from seizures and was holding a straight razor when one occurred, causing him to cut off a part of his ear lobe, not the whole ear. Just something interesting that is commonly unknown. With tremors and seizures being a part of his life, it also could have been part of the reason he was ostracized from the town

#PostMortem Theory: Ted Picasso is freerangegrass

For the post-mortem: Ryan, what the hell is a "kware-ull"? You mean a quarrel (kwahr-uhll)?? #Shaniac

#postmortem This case maybe a combination of suicide and homicide (or probably murder). Vincent was shot, by himself or by someone else. Regardless, he refuse to seek medical treatment causing severe blood loss then death. His refusal can be his own way of killing himself. Anyways, I'm glad that Unsolved has an episode about this case. Since I've watched the movie "Loving Vincent", I can't stop thinking about his death.

What about how van Gogh trying to kill his best friend Paul Gaugin, forcing Gaugin to retreat to Tahiti to paint? Also, know that Theo's wife is the one that made Vincent famous. She was widowed and left with all of his paintings and she was the one who began to successfully sell them. Sorry, nerdy art historian here :)

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network do Edgar Allen Poe’s death... super mysterious

Do an episode on the people who danced untill they died cowards!

Where was the hot doga!

could van gogh have thrown away his painting equipment and then shot him self on accident by trying to shoot the boys

What is your favorite case you’ve done?

#roastmortem Shane and Ryan are really good at pretending to be French teenage bullies, but don't let it get to your head Shane, can't have it getting any bigger! Ryan has a baby head

Post mortem: did the police not think to investigate at all? And if they did why didn't they question Rene at all? He clearly had anger problems, and was a brat.

Buzzfeed Unsolved#ForPostMortem. #RoastMortem Why is it that Shane seemed like a zombie that's food deprived? And why are his lips so small in comparison to the rest of his face? #Ryanisthebest

I do think the fact that the majority of his works were made in the mental hospital is not a sign of just "the tortured artist" archetype (although that is true to him) that people use to justify their reasoning that mentally ill people should not take medication, but rather that it was thanks to that mental assistance that he was able to create such beautiful works of art. I recently read a book where it was suggested that it was because of Dr Gachet (who treated him later in life) with digitalis that he made his famous sunflowers. Digitalis was a medicine used for epilepsy back in the day and caused the eyes to become more sensitive to the colour yellow! There is a lot of evidence to support this, along with a portrait he made of his doctor holding foxglove (the primary source of digitalis). Idk, just thought it was interesting to share!! Love the show guys and can't wait for the next season~ #buzzfeedunsolved #dondeestalahotdaga

if he was religious the drowning thing might have something to do with baptism. also please bring back the hotdoga PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!

Why “gear” and not supplies? Was he wearing the “art gear”?

Please explain why it was a warm night and some how the cool air “woke” him up? It can only be one or the other

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network have you heard of the theory that Gauguin, a fellow artist who had a fraught friendship with Van Gogh, may have cut off Van Gogh’s ear in a confrontation/squabble over the sex worker? Gaugin was a “fencing ace,” and Van Gogh may have kept quiet to preserve Gaugin’s rep. Evidence for Van Gogh’s tendency to cover for other’s mistakes, and thus protect the boys?

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network I don’t think he killed himself. My theory is. That someone was threatening him (maybe it has to do with the letters) they might’ve been threatening him telling him they’d hurt his brother and that would explain why he said he killed himself since he wanted to make sure that his brother is safe.

just a commentary on the whole "dark, troubled genius with mental health issues" stereotype: yes, sometimes, if something upsetting happens, like the death of a loved one, or a rocky period in your life, it can be helpful to express those feelings trough art, but if someone's mental health is seriously compromised, it can be nearly impossible to create! even with Van Gogh you can see that the time when he was the most productive was during his year at the psychiatric hospital, where he was getting some help. being in insufferable pain doesn't make anyone's art better, what makes it better is being healthy

NOTICE ME SENPAI! Now that I've got your attention: have either of you ever watched Doctor Who, and if you have, have you watched the Vincent Van Gogh episode? It's so sad and wonderful!

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network maybe Rene was the only one on the fishing dock and Vincent, after getting shot, chose not to say anything because he knew what brotherly love was and he wouldn’t want to destroy not only Gaston’s life, but also not destroy Rene’s. (But also keep in mind that Vincent was a lot crazier then you guys made out)

For the Post Mortem: are you sure that he severed his own ear? Because I've heard before that that was a myth and he only cut off part of his ear lobe.

Maybe he wanted to frame someone for his murder. Or he was drugged. Or robbed.him being robbed makes more sense.

For Post Mortem: I think the reason Vincent left the hotel with his supplies and didn’t have them when he returned wounded is that he probably sold it for money to send to his brother since he was already going to commit suicide. A sort of last act of brotherly love before Vincent died. Love y’all!

With each passing episode Ryan looks more and more like Giorgio Tsoukalos #RoastMortem #Orisitacompliment?

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network Didn’t Ryan say that it was weird that he buttoned his shirt all the way up when he returned because it was hot? Then Gustave’s daughter says she thinks the cold of the night revived him..? Both can’t be true.

for post mortem: I've never heard of his death in any way other than a suicide, why do you think that is? And why hasn't/hadn't it been more publicized more? #shaniac #

#roastmortem why does shane look like vincent’s cut off ear (just kidding shane’s the best)

I don't know why, but when Ryan mentioned Vincent calling René (that little rascal) a "puffalo pill," I just imagined René stomping up to Vincent, face red, fists clenched, picking up a paintbrush from the artist's snake infested art box and then suddenly snapping it right in front of his watery eyes. Then running off laughing and giggling about his terrible act. Anyways, loved the series and I honestly want to know what Shane was like a teenager. #postmortem

What if Van Gogh had someone else shoot him because he wasn't able to (whether there was a mental block or some sort of self-preservation instinct preventing it), and that person's aim was off and he was shot in the ribs by accident? It's nearly physically impossible to drown yourself, and suicide notes are not that common. Maybe in his mind he wasn't killing himself because someone else was doing the actual act? Maybe Gogh was having morality swings on his views of suicide because it's theorized that he had Bipolar Disorder or even Schizophrenia?

The da Vinci disappearance?

For post mortem please make a mini series where Shane and Ryan create theories on who stole their set supplies.

How do you think this information will change his public image? Have other celebrity deaths, cited as suicides, be murders as well? #postmortem #boogara p.s. this is one time I won't think that aliens were involved.

I actually got a book on Best British mysteries cause watching you guys has made me love them even more. Thank you! Also my little sis wants to say shes a #boogara #postmortem #unsolved

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network Do you think that there is a possibility that Theo could have killed Vincent?

It’s a freaking artist !!!!! Sorry both of my passions coming together :) what made you pick van gough ? I mean there are lots of mysteries why The famous starry night author

Somehow Ryan and Shane think that they act more mature than teenage boys. #roastmortem

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network when will the supernatural season start

#postmortem Were there any more possible theories than just these two? I don't know what happened but I definitely don't believe in the suicide theory. No matter what he said, that is just too odd place to shoot yourself. Or hey, maybe the murderer was actually Theo. Maybe he ran out money supporting his family and couldn't afford to provide for Vincent anymore and was like "Yeah, I gotta kill him." Okay maybe not, but this is truly an interesting case. Love you guys! #shaniac

#Post Mortum 1. Why do you are the Icelandic names but not the Dutch names. 2. Can you say this " Ik haat wielrenners"

Xx Tentación

Why does Ryan look like Rob Schneider when his toupee flew up in the wind in Grown Ups #RoastMortem #❤️

I'm just really sad that he never got to see the success of his art, he was really talented and it's a shame that nobody appreciated it until he died

What if Van Gough went to sell his art supplies to Gaston (somebody who he considered a friend and trusted) in order to pay his brother back? He might have wanted to relieve his guilt about becoming a burden. However, Rene might of started to tease him again and Van Gough called him “Puffalo Pill” this could have angered Rene and he may have impulsively shot him. It would explain as to why he met up with them and it also may explain why he brought his art supplies #buzzfeedunsolvedpostmoterm

For #roastmortem Shane looks like a hipster guy that rides a vintage bike everywhere and eats kale. Ryan, what is your hair doing? Make it stop.

#postmortem Didn't Van Gogh and Paul Gauguin live together, and then got into a fight? There's a theory that instead of cutting off his own ear, he lost it in a fight with Gauguin. I'd love to hear what you guys think about it, especially if Gauguin was maybe the one who shot him.

spare coochie for the homeless??

#PostMortem Sorry for offtop, it's a bit personal, but how did you guys find your paths in this life?

#PostMortem #shaniac I have a theory that maybe the watcher was upset that Vincent didn't paint them correctly? Or take their warnings seriously, even after they cut his ear. Vincent then had to say it was himself who cut his ear so his family wouldn't get involved and get hurt by the watcher. All hail the watcher. The watcher sees all, even an artist mistakes and almost got away with the murder

Why does Shane look like an employee at a whole foods market? #roastmortem #boogara

#roastmortem why does shane look like my liberal arts college ex who thought that having glasses was a personality trait

Marry me?

Do marilyn monroes death

@PostMortem Shane, would you rather have to work/answer to the Mothman, Goatman, or the Watcher? #shaniac

For #postmortem, what happened to Vincent's ear? Was there ever anything about that? And also this is the most solved unsolved case for me, I like to think that the man died protecting the undeserving, it makes him more of a martyr-like thing and just adds to the tormented genius.

Some Internet Person Vincent was not at all respected in society during his life; the only person who really cared about him was his brother. Everyone saw him as this crazy, worthless human being. Someone easy to pick on, as he was the lowest of the low (something he even acknowledged himself). So, if someone wanted to murder someone, why not pick the person barely anyone would miss when they’re gone?

All Hail The Watcher I Guess.

Not so much a question but I thought you'd appreciate that my group for drama set our GCSE piece at the Pennhurst Asylum, thanks to inspiration from your video - it turned out very dark and very interesting

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network #postmortem As an art student, I’ve never heard of anything besides suicide in regards to van Gogh’s death: but he seemed to be a kind and sensitive (though hard done by) man, so the story about the boys would make sense. Consider this episode artist approved!

#postmortem The drowning could be better for taking your own life ,cause it could possibly make him feel closer to the earth. Some religions take baths in body's of water to feel cleansed & closer to their higher power. That could be why it's bet better.

#postmortem it's such a sad story man and to think he doesn't even know how big and beloved he is. Also, your stolen props and items deserve their own True Crime moment because omg someone stole Timmy's ball.

#PostMortem Unrelated: Are we going to get season 2 of Ruining History???? #RuiningHistoryIsLit #BenFrankWasInASexCult #Boogara

where the hell was vincent van gogh getting art supplies in an asylum?

i think it's important to acknowledge that vincent's best work was done when he was feeling his best. when he would have episodes at the asylum he would often try to ingest his painting supplies, and was eventually entirely separated from his painting supplies whenever he had these episodes. none of his pieces were done while he was feeling miserable. they were all done while he was feeling happy and inspired. as an artist and a manic depressive myself, i can attest to the fact that, by and large, misery itself does not generate art. it does not aid in the process of making art. happiness does.

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network You guys should investigate Marilyn Monroe’s death.

When an employer asks what you do for a living and you say “nomadic migration” because you want to sound like a smart homeless guy

You should do “The horrifying rise of tik tok”

Do John Lennon's death.

ryan’s hair is RLLY defying gravity over here.... trying to copy shane or something?? #roastmortem

Van Gogh's neighbor before she immigrated to the United States. She had entire pages in her diary written about him- since he never came outside or talked to anyone and she thought he was a REALLY creepy guy. After he died & got really famous, my dad asked her what she thought about his death. She said this: "I always thought that he was bound to get killed, either by the police or by someone else. That man talked to nobody but himself and almost never left his house. He scared me and when I heard he died, I thought I was safer."

For the post mortem: you guys touched on the idea that art and creative brilliance need not come from suffering, but seemed to imply that Van Gogh was suffering at the time of his best work. I want to point out that Van Gogh was receiving TREATMENT for his mental illness when he created his most famous works. He was confronting his issues and feeling hope again - from that treatment and recovery was born Starry Night, Irises, Almond Blossoms and many others. His best work didn't come from pain, but from healing. Great episode, love you guys.

For Post Mortem: What if someone killed Van Gogh after he asked them to sit for him? This wouldn’t be just because, they might have been scared. Or it could have been Theo because he had dementia and Van Gogh was a burden on him. He probably didn’t want to have to pay for his brother AND his new company. #Shaniac

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network #postmortem #roastmortem Um... Why is Ryan's hair looking like Johnny Bravo's...?

Can you do the mysterious death of Alan turning?

#postmortem Van said he would shoot himself if he felt he was a burden on his brother . And in the end he was saying don't blame anyone else. What if he had talked to his brother , asked him to shoot him. That way he would be a burden & he was protecting his brother. What if the paint stuff was an illusion & he has his brother take them & hide it way? Could he have been on drugs for his mental state?

Halle Raeleigh that’s awesome, I love Myst and Riven my favorite classic games, I knew I recognize the music from it

For #Postmortem : Hey, boys. If you were a painter what would you mainly paint? Loved the show, per usual. #Boogara #Shaniac #ChoosingASideIsOverrated

For the #Postmortem: Ryan aren’t you scared that Timmy will come back? You know he wants to play with you. Love the show can’t wait for the next seasons of true crime and supernatural. #BUN #loshermanosfantasma

Is it a possibility that his brother had killed him? Maybe Van Gogh felt so bad about him being a burden to his brother and his new business that he convinced his brother to kill him because he knew it would look like a suicide. That way, his brother doesn't have to worry about supporting him and his business, and Van Gogh takes the blame so his brother's life isn't affected. #postmorten #boogara #shaniac

It makes me happy that you included Theo in this ep, they were SO important in spreading his work and preserving his legacy and they get left out sometimes. Anyway, how do you choose which cases to discuss on the show? Thanks guys, you're the best.

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network how long it took them to think this was a murder makes ya worry how many “suicides” of that time were actually more than suicide.

@thatguy dill

Ya know maybe this guy just wanted people to ask questions about his death and set it up before I guess he killed himself . U did say he a very eccentric man so yea U never know

Hey my dudes, loved the ep. Question, do you think this case has changed your view or shed any light on the history of famous artists at all? Do you think if more people knew about this case, they might learn to reject the "tortured artist" fallacy, or do you think it's too ingrained in our culture, or that as a society we are too infatuated with romanticizing mental illness? Have a good day, boys. Love you more than life #Shaniac #ButRyanRemainsRadToo

Vincent's painting was romanticized through his depression and eventually his "suicide". His art was priced with the mystery he holds, and I think people nowadays wanted more "story" about it and cant accept the fact that things are just that. Its just too obvious he got shot, but hey. If his story was the reason every scarred people get up to fight, then maybe. This should remain a mystery. But nevertheless, lets not romanticize sadness. Loved the season and Timmy went back for the ball. #BuzzfeedUnsolved #PostMortem

For #Roastmortem : Can we talk about how Ryan styled his hair so that he was 3'2" instead of his normal 3' height. #LoveTheShow #Boogara #Shaniac #ChoosingASideIsOverrated

Will we hear from Free Grass Range in the Post Mortem? Vincent Van Gogh did paint a lot in fields.If we hear from "Free Range Grass" this week on Post Mortem I may just have to cut off my own

What was your favorite thing you learned from Season 5 episodes?

For postmorten: I dont think that him taking his art supplies before his suicide is something to be suspicious about, suicide thoughts can be definitely sudden for a person, however the entry wound sure is! Great and heartwarming episode!

not a question just wanted to let you guys know youre the raddest of the baddest my dudes, good day

Postmortem: What if Vincent was painting the boys as maybe a gift to Gaston or olive branch to René. Maybe René wanted to show off his gun for the painting and accidently fired it, shooting Van Gogh. Then Van Gogh, wanting to protect the boys, told them to remove all the evidence (the painting that had them in it and the gun) before going back to town. OR... What if Van Gogh asked the boys to kill him as some sort of loophole to suicide. Maybe they took pity on him, Gaston in particular, because he was clearly suffering from his mental illness. Seems less likely, I know, but not out of the realm of possibility. #PostMortem

What was his psychiatric diagnosis? Rapid cycling between mania and depression aka untreated bipolar explains all your issues with the suicide except the missing items but it's very likely some rando stole them.

This is so awesome that you guys made this video !!!I never knew what actually happened to Vincent Van Goh !!

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network maybe Vincent did take the gun and chucked it into the water where Renee was fishing so no one would find it and identify it as Renee’s

#postmortem do you think his brother could of had anything to do with his death? Since he wanted to open his own business but was still financially support Vincent, Vincent could have become a burden on Theo and that’s why Vincent covered who shot him? Also love the show and you two

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network they made a Van Gogh film last year starring William Defoe as Vincent. It’s a really great movie!


I HEARD Van Gogh was murdered... he didn’t #dadjokes #postmortem #ineedalife

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network so for post mortem did really no one question it at the time? It seems hard to believe that he stumbles in with a bullet to the chest and no one thinks, “hmm that’s in the wrong spot” Before he croaked?

unrelated to this show but when is ruining history coming back??!!! ps love you guys and im sad this is the last episode of the season

Those kids are awful!

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network for suicide, from personal experience, there is very rarely a note. It’s often a quick decision, that isn’t as methodical as TV dramas depict it to be. Just thought I’d throw that in there, since I think the lack of a note doesn’t necessarily mean he didn’t kill himself. The availability of a weapon or substance seems to be something to look into though.

can you do what is ice cube do?

Do the Cicada 3301 internet mystery! It's very interesting.

@Some Internet Person magic

For the #postmortem If René was jealous that his older brother was spending a lot of his time with Van Gogh, it could be possible that René and Gaston had an argument and René saw Van Gogh setting up and shot him out of jealousy. Any thoughts? Btw love you guys so much! All Hail The Watcher #ghoulboys #Boogara #loveyoutooShane

Ryan only because the wasn’t a suicide doesn’t mean he “didn’t attempt suicide or committed suicide” because it’s harder than anything think you will ever . But you have to remember in the 19th century mental health was poorly undertreated lobotomised a lot of there patience. P.S I don’t have anything against your opinion but as someone who has experience with this topic I wanted to educate you more. #postmortem #Hotdogger #DaytimeTeamShane #NightTimeRyan

Not really a question but theory. I think someone shot Vincent for any number of reasons; The sex worker had a client who was jealous, someone thought he was a menace, etc. But he got shot and didnt want to say who or why so that his brother wouldnt try and find his killer going with the story that shot himself

No thankyou.

@Christin Kurpen I'm so glad someone else noticed their gamer music. They used Myst music, and also I'm pretty certain Layers of Fear a few times

"our favourite game was making him angry... which was easy" of course silly boys, van gogh was an aries they're lucky they made it out alive #ariesgang #postmortem #imjokingariesaregoodpeople

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network Was the bullet just left in his body? And wouldn’t police been able to identify the type of bullet used, or is that too forensically advanced for the time period? Either way. Love the episode and the twist it took at the end, best season finale. Love you Ryan and Shane!!! #postmortem

yeah but what if René’s mission was to kill or drive Vincent to suicide since the beginning? since they were all bullying him for a while, then René had just came out with a gun in the cowboy’s outfit, what if he had done it to try finish the job? what if he found out about Vincent’s mental illnesses? #postmortem

Hey Shane, I’ve got an abstract question for you... Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like? #shaneisfreerangegrass

Ryan is looking like a newly divorced dad with a son trying to beat his ex wife's new boyfriend but failing #roastmortem

where do your get your quotes? and what was the context of the "my favorite game" quote? i kinda wanna hear that whole conversation...

#roastmortem Ryan's hair looks like Danny from Grease styled it, but the razor cut the sides too short PS, if you're reading this, please give my girlfriend Cali a shout out. She love's your show, and was the one that introduced me to it! #boogara #loveyoutooshane

Rost Mortem: Shane couldn't sneak in a Prestige quote even if he tried

Shane looks like that awkward uncle that you invite to parties out of pity and Ryan looks like that older cousin who always turns up unannounced and causes trouble #kindaweakroast #shaniac #boogara #postmortem #roastmortem #noticeme

For the #postmortem What about the brother or the sister in law I feel like if I had to do what they did I might want to be slicing some heads let alone soothing them under the rib

Dear Shane and Ryan, do you think Vincent may of also covered up the fact the brothers shot him due to the fact one of them wanted to become an artist? Vincent did know the struggles. Thank You! #Shaniac

Is it possible it was the watcher that killed Van Gogh?

#postmortem !!! There are reports that say that Vincent borrowed the gun from the Inn keeper and lost it in the field, but around 1960 an old Lefaucheux revolver (dated to be from the same time period as Van Gogh), was dug up in the field he supposedly shot himself and displayed in the Van Gogh Museum. Recently it was announced that the gun is being put up for auction in Paris on June 19th, 2019 for 40,000-60,000 Euros!!!

#postmortem Maybe Theo and Vincent had a plan to meet. Vincent couldn’t bring himself to commit suicide. Maybe he convinced Theo to do it. Theo would be committing a final act of assistance and compassion for his brother. It would make sense as to why he was so adamant that he did it to himself.

Ryan you keep styling (not even that) your hair that way it’s like your asking to be roasted (which you are) you look like a seagull or your wearing a black version of Donald Trumps toupee!! #roastmortem

You guys should have a debate on if ghosts are real

Are we gonna talk about the fact that the brother easily could’ve shot Vincent? Also, isn’t the gun the boy had a different type?

Wjy does Shane look like a wanna be art critiquer,and Ryan like a cockatoo? #roastmortem

Did the sex worker keep the ear tho???

How surprised were you guys (if you were) when it was revealed that his suicide wasn’t actually a suicide (supposedly) also you should cover the murders of Ben Smart and Olivia Hope.

this theory of possible murder/manslaughter shows how van goghs paintings may reflect his sad but thoughtfull nature and how even tho réné made fun of him he may have still been willing to protect the boy further showing his kind nature under his somewhat strange outward appearance Also “ALL HAIL THE WATCHER!”

As a Dutch artist, this was an amazing case for the season to end on, with many things I didn't know. Tried to prepare myself for pronunciations and yet- for Post Mortem: Hey Shane? You don't blink that much?? ExPlAIn YouRseLF?!! #PostMortem #Imkiddingbutpleasebehealthy #Loveyouguys

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network #postmortem How would you both answer this question: What if I was bad, but I asked Santa for coal? What would he do? If he did give me coal he would be rewarding me for bad behaviour. What do you think?

Have either of you watched the film Loving Vincent? It kind of delves into the life of Vincent leading up to his death, and what happened afterwards in the small town Vincent lived in. Also, some art historians claim that Paul Gauguin, a fellow artist and former roommate of Vincent Van Gogh, cut Vincent's ear off (well not completely off, that's a dramatized version; most likely part of the ear came off). The supposed story was that Vincent and Gauguin got in many arguments when they were roommates and one argument escalated, and when Gauguin stated that he wanted to leave for good, Vincent got angry and tried attacking him, where Gauguin drew his sword (he was a fencer) to protect himself, which then injured Vincent. However, this claim does not have much support, but it is an interesting theory.

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network do an unsolved on Timmy’s ball also when will the next season start?! I’m already having withdrawals

Great episode guys

Takashi I think they did. I may have to double check

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network bring back the hotdogs

Thumbnail looks like Benedict cumberbatch.

@FluteBait brutal

BuzzFeed Unsolved For Post Mortem, what Music do you use at the end of each episode? It sounds like it’s from one of the Classic games Myst or Riven

#roastmortem Ryan, please learn to pronounce words. Look up the pronunciation of the word “quarreled”. Ps, just kidding, I love you both.


#postmortem this case is evidence of why little boys, especially in the like middle school age range, are the worst they have the fearlessness and lack of shame of children and the chaotic tendencies of teens. truly terrifying creatures. At least now all they do is tell the guy who killed Princess Diana when he was twelve that he has feminine hips and no more of this shooting-earless-artists thing #shaniac #freerangegrassiac

For the postmortem: I have also heard a rumor that one of the brothers admitted to shooting Vincent accidentally on his death bed. Though I do not know if this is true. Love you guys, keep up the awesome work. #postmortem

@Neax 44 I REALLY would like to know this... What happened to the ear???

Ryan’s haircut makes him look like a cockatoo. #roastmortem #birdboi

I think it's important to note that Van Gogh's most productive period was while he was in the asylum, where he was getting help. His least productive time was before that, when he was spiraling. I'm an artist (acting and writing, not visual) and I am NOT productive when I'm in the midst of a depressive episode or anxious spiral. I'm productive in the aftermath, during reflection. Van Gogh is a victim of having his mental illness romanticized and used by people who say medication is a sham keeping people from their true selves. Mental illness isn't who a person is, it KEEPS THEM from being that person.

I heard that his death was an accidental shooting not a murder a bunch of kids were playing with guns and he got shot but he didn’t say anything because he knew they didn’t mean it

Do one on the disappearance of Brandon Lawson

Great episode guys!! I really enjoyed it. I just wanted to say I once read that he did not actually cut off his own ear, but instead it was cut by Gauguin, another famous artist. They were close friends but would often argue. After the attack he supposedly did give his ear to Rachel, the sex worker. What do you guys think about this? Love you bois! #shaniac #postmortem

and if he really wanted to kill himself, don’t you think he would’ve ljke shot himself in a place that was a for sure spot for death like shooting himself in the head? btw i love you guys and all of your videos

How is it that Ryan can pronounce all those difficult names in the Reykjavik episode but y'all can't take the time to learn how to properly pronounce 'van gogh'? Loved the episode anyways,, so keep up the great work guys

For the Post Mortem: Do you believe the fact that him being mentally ill along with how commonplace absinthe was in arts circles for the time (Van Gogh himself include glasses of absinthe in some of his paintings) had anything to do with his death? His mental state was not too well and absinthe does contain wormwood which has been know to at times (contain hallucinogens in it) so is it possible he went on a bad trip? Food for thought. Love your show! #postmortem #ghoulboys #thisseasonendedquick

@Undergretta that is not an unsolved case.

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network what I’ve heard is that the paint fumes made him crazy with him cutting off his ear so why wouldn’t the paint fumes make him go crazy and hallucinate that he shot himself because if he did when the police went back to the painting spot why hadn’t the painting supplies and gun been there?Just a thought.For next episode could you look into the Mr.Bears Celler case?#postmortem

Will I ever get onto post-mortem? #postmortem #Shaniacmostofthetime #boogarainthedark

Wtf was van Gogh thinking while smoking after shooting himself while his brother was cradling him while dying

For #PostMortem , my own little theory. I feel as if Van Gogh was shot by someone else. With his lack of employment and income, I feel as if he borrowed money and owed someone. He probably didn't pay it back and fell into debt. The person shot him and then took the easel and paint supplies as some sort of payment. It explains why they never found his belongings he had taken into the field.

@Meljusenr Super cute, well done transitions

@ ryan what does your search history even look like??

For #postmortem : is it known to the public the content of the letters his brother found? Love you guys!

I’ve been under the impression the ear thing was a myth this entire time.

For post Mortimer: I was wondering if you guys had heard the brilliant theory that the reason that Van Gogh cut his ear wasn’t to give it to a prostitute, it was to give it to a woman who had horrific scars onset face who worked in a brothel in Paris. It was his way in his unstable, not rational state, of telling her that he saw her hurting, he saw the way people looked at her and he wanted to give them something else to stare at. Because Van Gogh didn’t suffer with psychopathy but the complete opposite, becoming too empathetic with peoples suffering? #52.7%boogera

@Undergretta he shot himself

theory: vincent didn’t cut off his own ear, someone else did and they just came back to finish the job #andhecouldnthearthemcoming

For Postmortem: Why didn't you mention that Theo Van Gogh died in January 1891, at age 33, with dementia paralytica? Only a few months after Vincent died, he was admitted to Willem Arntz Hospital (a psychiatric hospital). Also, the dementia paralytica was sited to be caused by overwork and sadness. If he was exhibiting symptoms of mental illness _AND_ if it were true that Vincent was a burden to him, why would it be illogical to assume that Theo killed him?

uwu soobins dimples lol

Ryan went back in time out of resentment for the beautiful art that was created by Shane Madej The Hotdaga: A Hotdog Saga: Staring world renowned Gene who is French fries RIP. Anyway Ryan chose to kill the only artist who had created anything nearly beautiful as the masterpiece known as the Hotdaga. To conclude Ryan is a time-traveling murderer who killed Vinny Van Gogh because he could never create anything as beautiful as the Hotdaga. #postmortem

Ted Picasso is a little b****. .... #ROASTMORTEM

Hey guys, did you know that Bigfoots in Mexico and the Southern USA sometimes use chupacabras as hunting dogs? Also, for Roast Mortem: Ryan is the dumbest ghost hunter ever if he isn't even a little afraid of the demon that he apparently works with... I'm looking at you Shane, if that's even your real name you demon! #RoastMortem #PostMortem #BigFootIsReal #ShaneIsADemon #BuzzFeedUnsolved

Who is the better artist Ryan or Shane?

Undergretta i had watched a documentary about hitler, and i was legit going to text them in the chat to do hitler

For Roastmortem: Roses are red, and so was the parrot, which Shane one day mistook for a carrot. @

y'all couldn't have dropped this when i was working on my thesis about this?????????????????????????? #postmortem

I think it was René did it intentionally. Also fun fact: Van Gogh didn’t cut off his full ear and cut off part of it. Love you guys and would you ghost hunt Lemp Mansion in Missouri? It’s a time. #boogara#maybemorehotdaga

Is it possible that Vincent saw drowning as a baptism of sorts and that is why it would be the method he supports as a religious man?

Do you think Van Gogh's mental illness can be attributed to a sexually transmitted disease (Syphilis)? You mention he was with a sex worker. Syphilis can cause neurological problems. Thanks for the art Van Gogh. RIP

For post mortem... Is it possible that Vincent Van Gogh was shot by his brother? Vincent had a big heart and he never wanted to be a burden. He loved his family and I find it easy to believe that his brother shot him out of panic/greed/etc. and Van Gogh didn’t want to destroy his brother’s life, business, and family even after that betrayal. Theo could have found himself feeling guilty and came to hold him while he died/apologize. As someone with clinical depression, I could see myself feeling that way about the situation so it seems plausible that even while dying, Vincent valued others lives over his own, even if another person ultimately shot and killed him.

Why does it look like you guys were attacked with a leaf blower

Can you guys do an ep on the Villisca Axe Murder House?

what crime would you guys commit during the purge

you guys never caught a real ghost and it shows #roastmortem

Ryan looks like a grandpa trying to dress like a hipster and Shane should learn how to clean his glasses #roastmortem

People will often do things like give away personal items when they decide to kill themselves. If he felt like his work was a failure and despite any success (cognitive distortions) he may have thrown it away in a symbolic gesture.

Shane and Ryan I've recently seen your show on Hulu you guys are hilarious! Please do a season 6 I'm neither a shaniac or boogara I'm on the fence about anything supernatural. Please do season 6

Do a Hitler or Madeleine McCan episode

What happened to his ear? Did the female worker keep it or discard it in a bin?

I feel like we need to understand that there is a possibility of hard core drugs due to the lack of knowledge of mental illness. Hope you agree

This isn’t a question but Hi! My name is Nyla (n-eye-la) just wanted to say I have been watching buzzfeed for years and was lucky enough to see the entire series from start to now and I absolutely adore you two! Much love! You make learning about mysteries, murders, etc. funny and exciting!

I wish you’d just Vincent Van Gogh to hell with that eight-head, Ryan. #Roastmortem #Shaniac #LiterallyEverestOnAMansFace

for post mortem: if you had to would you cut your ear off

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network question for the post-mortem. Ryan what do you use for your hair because I swear it gets taller and taller each episode #shaniac

When are you guys going to do some Supernatural? I miss seeing Ryan scream :( #boogara #postmortem #shanelookslikealibrarian

For post mortem... Did they ever locate his painting materials or the gun?

Wow I love the aesthetic of this video. The narrative/animation parts specifically, not the parts with Ryan and Shane. Props to the people who handled those parts!

#roastmortem Ryan looks like a Wallace and Gromet character sometimes, but especially when he smiles and talks. Shane looks like one of those guys on vacation in his shorts and white button up that would approach you and ask you to take a picture of him and his girlfriend and they would do some really cringy pose. #boogara4Ryan #shaniacINreality.

#roastmortem ryan u have 9 billion homosexual

Hitlers death

Asako Yuki Shane is turning into a demon and Ryan is carrying to show on his back I bet.

For post mortem or just a regular inquiry, when are you going to do Madeline McCann!?! Seriously!?! We all want it!

Can you guys do Japanese unsolved crimes?

hey shane clean your glasses #roastmortem

#roastmortem ryan why are u scared of ghosts what are u 5? You whining bag of dicks

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network what would be the motive as to murder an amazing painter...?

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network is the reason the season is so short is because you’re running out of crimes to cover?#postmorem


1:48 Ryan's mug says " (wheeze) "! I'm dying right now!

I had a huge crush on Vincent when I was a child, always telling my parents how I would marry him when I‘m older. They of course told me he died a long time ago but at that time I didn’t understand death and said ‚I don’t care I‘ll marry him anyways!‘ He was so sweet, I can see why child-me wanted him :)

Actually, it was proven that Vincent had a romantic affair with Marguerite Gachet, the daughter of the doctor who provided him a house in Auvers. There was an entire book written in french about a theory in which Vincent (who had actually wrote many times to Theo about leaving Auvers for good) had been ready to leave, only for Marguerite to try and leave with him. When he refused, Marguerite said she would shoot herself with a gun she was holding. Vincent tried to stop her, and, while trying to grab the gun, got shot by accident. In fact, it was proven that Marguerite was an aspiring artist who was deeply inspired by Vincent, and who could reproduce his paintings in the smallest details (which she did, for a lot of them.) Due to this, it is actually unclear if some of the paintings hung in museums are truly Vincent’s or actually copies by Marguerite Gachet.

You guys should come to South Africa , there is so much here , including a lighthouse that is believed to be haunted and every time I’ve been near there , bad things have happened including my fathers motorcycle accident right outside it and at night You can hear screams from inside it . There’s a park right next to it’s and I have been going there since I was little , I remember riding my bicycle at night one time around the lighthouse when I saw a figure and when I got closer it disappeared. Ever since I was younger I’ve “ seen things “ and now that I’m older I’ve learned that my family on my fathers side has a history of encounters with the paranormal / supernatural. I always thought I was crazy ( I might be ) . There is also the well known Tokoloshe and just the trip here is amazing to Cape Town . Just some ideas


It would be cool if the next place you guys investigated was Slaughterhouse Canyon in Kingman,Arizona. There are a fee different variations of the story that you can check out. Its really interesting among our various haunted locations here in Kingman. There is also the Beale Street hotel in downtown Kingman that is said to be very haunted. I suggest checking it out!

I think which is solely my theory is that when Vincent preferred being drowned is most likely because it take figuratively the longest time of the other options and because if you look back at the kind of things he said and the fashion she says it in it is some what poetic but again just an opinion.

Please go to the haunted museum where the actual annabelle doll is at

BuzzFeed Unsolved...I am from Maryland and I think you guys should go to Blair Witch Fredrick MD ! It’s a wooded area that’s supposedly surrounded by witches and dark spirts or something Idek

Do one over the Zodiac Killer

You guys should defiantly do Phantom Of the Opera! I’ve studied it for many years and found many things of evidence and such from books, newspapers, to Gaston Leroux’s journal of hoe it’s real! You boys should really try it out!

Do lunches really get stolen in offices?

Do the disappearance of MH370

You guys should do an episode on the death of James Dean!!


It’s pronounced “Vincent Van (guttural Dutch noises)”

I start to get scared by Ryan then Shane just come in and makes it funny

Me and the boys shooting Vincen... oh.. oh no

i highly suggest those who are interested in this to watch Loving Vincent! it’s an amazing movie made by extraordinary artists :)

OMG ITS SO OBVIOUS A PERSON AIMED A REVOLVER AT HIM maybe in an alleyway and Vincent denied to give his gear, thus getting shot and being told that the brother will be killed if the cops come after me

Please do Kurt Cobain!!!!

Was this the artist who would stalk women?

Vincent actually did have a little love affair with the sex worker , and he was influenced to leave her by his brother Theo persuading him it would benefit him. Or did it ?

Does he look like bendiect cumberbatch

I'd love to see Shane and Ryan at the Warren's Occult Museum in CT. The case of Annabelle the possessed doll would freak Ryan out beyond all logic and reason. I know people who don't even believe in the occult who won't go there or talk smack in front of that doll. Come on Shane and Ryan - Warren's Occult Museum FTW!!!

He spent 444 days in Arles.


Can you guys talk about the haunting in Connecticut???

Yeah, it's not 'unsolved', he committed suicide, it's tragic, but the truth. Don't try to make it more 'interesting', just let the man rest and move on

BuzzFeed Unsolved Network I think you guys should do a vid on Ted Bundy. I live very close to Seattle and find the whole thing interesting

In the uk it’s very usual for 16 year olds to get apprenticeship

ccan you make a video about the “GIVE UP TOMORROW DOCUMENTARY” about Paco Larranaga who is mistakenly accused of raped. please make a video about it, it is so mysterious and depressing.

Sounds like suicide to me. People who come up with these weird theories clearly know nothing about suicide.

I love your videos they are so funny and interesting You should look at the Harold Holt case he was an Australian prime minister who went missing

I hate how these amazing artists are only truely appreciated after they are gone. They never get to reap the rewards of their efforts.

I wish more than anything that Van Gogh could have died knowing how appreciated his art is now

pls make a podcast

Do an episode on Thomas nice he was murdered and there are so many twists and turns in the story. Also y’all should do an episode on James callender it is thought to be that he was possibly murdered by one of America’s founding fathers

You guys should do and episode on Christopher McCandless

One of the most haunted places in the U.S.

Can you go to Mansfield penitentiary

I feel like the voice they use to narrate the story makes it creepier

For next season can you do an episode on Timmy's ball.

Plz do a vid on Ted bundy

i bet he was schitzophrinic

I love their chemistry soooooo much

Please cover this unsolved mystery that has been unsolved for YEAAARS. It’s a mythical city in the Philippines. It’s called “the black city” I heard once you go in you just disappear and they enslave you or what not, or you have to be invited. And I also heard that usually people who see this city have dealt with a demonic possession or whatever. It’s like you see it from afar and it disappears.

Here's a missing can that hasn't been her name is Courtney Coles

I have a few suggestions of bizarre murder/disappearances/crime cases that are certainly bizarre and that would blow some minds. I would love if you guys did these

The white face dude behind Shane scares the living crap out of me every single time so much that I can no longer watch the videos and have to listen to them

You can cover the story of Thomas Dean Gibson

IN REGARDS TO VINCENT’S EAR!! Many sources say that only his ear lobe was cut off, whereas some say that it was his entire ear. Also, there are various ideas as to why he cut it off. Some popular theories are that he was having an epileptic fit and sliced his ear lobe, he was having an attack caused by his health, he was in a fight, he was angered by Paul Gauguin, he was mad about Theo’s engagement, he did so as a token of affection for Rachel, etc.. However, these are all theories and none are 100% proven. Just like the suicide belief, the ear being a gift for a sex worker is just the theory the public hears most often (because once again, it plays into this tortured, odd soul thing.)

When I was watching a documentary on his life I always thought that Theo's wife killed him.

why did I think he was born in 1692 or something

YouTube recommended me this perfectly in time for my art his history exam tomorrow

I SAY vinny went out to paint and someone shot him and he came back after ...and I am a painter myself and paintings take a while it paint so he may have been painting for a while been shot and took it as this is my time...and the local boy theory is really good

You guys should do the unsolved mystery of amy mihaljevic, the 10 year old girl who was murdered back in 1989, and police today are still trying to figure out who the killer was.

1:36 the Eiffel Tower wasn’t built for another 11 years

Ok where's the next video, i have done watching all from this to s1e1

Ryan and Shane please do a house called The Portal to Hell in Gary Indiana

I love how Ryan's cup says "[wheeze]"

You should do the disappearance of Madeleine McCann

That man in the thumbnail is not Vincent Van Gogh, thats Benedict Cumberbatch.

I moved to the uk and have been here almost three years and god do I miss people saying Vincent Van “Go” and not Vincent Van” Goff”

Y’all should watch the movie Loving Vincent!!!! It’s on Hulu and online :))

New episode idea: The unsolved murders of Albert Kaser and his family. Happened in the now ghost town of Covert, Kansas in 1928.

What if he just asked someone else to kill him and that's why he didn't want anyone to look for the killer because he didn't want his helper to be found? He also brought his art supplies to make sure that no one would follow him as it is something he does very often. Or he created a painting and gave it to his accomplice as a gift/a cover if they were ever accused. He frowns upon suicide but having someone else kill him may not be considered suicide to him.... idk but like consider it

My phone case is the painting “Starry Night” so I might take that off for a couple of weeks while I recover from this video..

they should do the man in the iron mask

do jeffery dahmer!

Do st James hotel new Mexico

Please try and see the film "At Eternity's Gate" about Vincent's life and painting. It does consider that he may not in fact have shot himself. I think it's a beautifully made film that touches on lots of different parts of his life and his struggles, and his work in general

Van-Gogh actually imitated (actually copied) allot of African Artist... research it

This just made me so sad.

But he made his greatest artworks when he was recovering from his illnesses he didn’t make the paintings because of his depression but he made the paintings on the better days during his recovery

I am an apprentice portrait painter. Will you two sit for me to paint ???

You should do the Jersey Devil

you should do any episode on the gypsy rose murder. I think it would make a really good episode

The sex worker killed him

what is vincent favorite food

What about Robert the doll

okay but it's Van "Gock," not Van "Go," y'all just said he's Dutch at the beginning, sheesh


People don’t care about art unless it means something

So if you look at art history. The reason many interesting styles that came out were really looked at as "bad" since the style that everyone needed to have to make money and get into galleries were realism. Since all paintings needed to be I guess in a way judged, by a council. So the style impressionism was finally being accepted. Councils thought the art was disgusting and wouldnt allow them into galleries. IDK I'm brain farting BUT YOU CAN JUST ART HISTORY IT


The Shane Dawson Conspiracy theory

Did v know who vincent van goh is? or he just use it that name when he was try to fake his name lol

I have a few suggestions of bizarre murder/disappearances/crime cases that are certainly bizarre and that would blow some minds. I would love if you guys did these

Can u visit the Poveglia Island?

do elliott smith next!!!

This is the only good branch of buzzfeed

I feel like he hired a hit man to himself

We need the ghoul boys to come down to okc for the skirvin hotel

Maybe he traded his art for a gun

He only cut one pees of hid ear so not his complete ear

“Bully boy”

Mind officially blown

The episode of doctor who when the doctor took Vincent to a museum to show him his art and he cried and i cried I’ve never even seen doctor who why am i emotional

Do one on Crystal Rogers it is a great modern murder mystery that will be sure to crank up the views!!!

Do Otto Warmbier next. Heres a article to help get started:

Something that makes me kind is sad is how Vincent might have not told on the boy because he himself had a brother who he loved a lot and he knew how much it would hurt him if he lost him and he probably didn't want his friend to go through that. He was really a kind soul.

his private part 11:03


I think he was shot by someone he loved or asked someone to kill him.

Someone control ryan's hair!


The ear wasn’t for the sex worker, it was for a painter friend (which i don’t remember his name right now) and the sex worker knew that friend cause the friend left van gogh, and he didn’t want to be alone

9:43 well hes an artist, his suicide note was in his art, maybe he drew a painting as his note with his supplies

Supernatural up next baby


Make an episode about the Chupacabra

Guys, try the Mysterious Mary Celeste ship

can you do ricky mccormick next?

16:48 every school ever when someone gets roasted

Can you do axe murders of vuliscel

You should do a Edgar Allen Poe Buzzfeed Unsolved Episode

Chef Windex please

Van Gough’s surname is pronounced goff (like the same way as cough)

The only good buzzfeed

He was robbed

pull a vincent van gogh just to convince a damn hoe -eminem

You do realize that someone condemning suicide does not prevent a mental illness from driving someone to it, right? Vincent was very unstable. His mood was all over the place.


You should cover the death of Marilyn Monroe! Her death really does seem shady

Please do a video on The Dyatlov Pass Incident.

In the movie "loving vincent", there was a line at the end credits scene which states that when rené was on his deathbed, he admitted to lending the gun to vincent.

Edger Allen Poe must be done. His death was strange as well.

that mannequin behind shane is freaking me out

You should do the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.

1:57 does anyone see the man in the background


Some of the reasons that artists work was not accepted is because it was not the style of that era therefore they were shunned

Ryan, Shane, and the editors of BuzzFeed Unsolved. I have a suggestion for you all. I live in the deep South of Mississippi, and we have a lot of “unsolved” stories (if you want to call them that).. The one I suggest to you takes place in Wesson Mississippi... Little Boy Blue, is a Urban Legend down here and a lot of Teens (counting myself) goes to his grave.. He is from the 1900’s and he is a little boy that “haunts” the old grave of Little Lane. The local teens of Wesson made a game, (if you want to call it a game..).. How to play the game, you drive down the long road of Little Lane. Once you find the Cemetery, which will take a good while.. it’s old and it’s hard to find. (It took me and my friends 2 hours to find it in the dark.) once you find it you HAVE to turn off all phones, lights, and vehicles. You get out of the vehicle and go to his grave.. his grave is tall, crooked, and it’s faced away from all the other graves. You stand around the grave of Little Boy Blue, and you wait until you see a blue/red light. The color of the light does matter, if blue he likes you... you should know what red means... once you see the light you run back to your car and there should be a hand print.. DO NOT WIPE OFF THE HAND PRINT!! AND DO NOT TURN ON THE LIGHTS! You leave after everything happens. And pull out with the lights OFF, and phones OFF. Do not wipe off the hand print after 3 days... my friends aunt wiped off the hand print, and she died 3 days prior. You may get scratches from him.. he doesn’t like people that make fun of him.. my friend got a really bad scratch and he was making fun of Little Boy Blue.. if anyone tries this urban legend game please be careful... good luck. Please like this comment so Shane, Ryan, and the editors can see this comment.

You guys should do 911

Thats not how he died how he really died was one morning he walked in a feild pulled out a gun and shot himself

I gasped so loudly when I learned that this is the season final... tf am I supposed to watch now?

Does anyone know what kind of spirit box buzzfeed has ? and where to buy it ? Thanks

I have a lot of trouble expressing myself through words so I often draw to get out my emotions or tell my parents I’m feeling upset, that’s actually a strategy I learned when I was at the hospital due to my poor mental health. If Vincent did kill himself is it possible instead of writing a suicide note he wanted to make one last painting because he thought that could explain everything better then it got stolen before anyone else could see it?

Aye can you please do the death of Rebecca Zahau! It is really interesting and crazy.

Those kids reminds me of that Bible story where kids were making fun of the prophet Elisha and Elisha just sicks to two of bears on them and they all died

Rather think he covered up for the boys

I remember learning about him in elementary school and they definitely left out that he gave his cut off eat to a sex worker

I love how you guys have a great sense of humor but at the same time have very interesting unsolved cases, it lightens the mood!

i love ryan’s coffee mug, (WHEEZE)

Van Gogh only chopped off the tip of his ear

Vincent didn't cut his own ear, his friend accidentally did it, in a jousting game, the n lied about it

Having attempted suicide myself, I can say that the circumstances of Van Gogh's death AS a suicide make absolute sense... when you're in that state, you are extremely impulsive and thinking illogically. It's actually common NOT to leave a note, and to attempt to end your life very suddenly and haphazardly. It is NOT at all common for someone who has survived a suicide attempt to try to "finish the deed" upon realizing they've been unsuccessful... as for where the gun went, who knows. I don't think it's too compelling a point, especially considering Van Gogh's mental state and what "police work" must've been like at the time. I highly doubt there's any other explanation for his death. It almost feels like a disservice to suggest otherwise... both to his memory, and to the understanding and de-mystification of mental illness. I don't know. Just my thoughts. I love Buzzfeed Unsolved, and I love Ryan and Shane. I don't mean this to come off sounding like an attack, or anything like that. Absolutely love the boys. This just hits close to home, and I feel the need to express my feelings regarding it.

this just reminded me of that one doctor who episode

( Wheeze )

It's sad to think he didn't know the impact his paintings would eventually have on people. His life had purpose, and his art had meaning, far beyond any level that he could have hoped for or imagined at the time. I'd like to think life is connected in ways we've yet to understand and that some echo of his energy/soul knows, somehow, now.

I was born on the same day as him, March 30th. Is there any other people?

Like dis comment if u want to see a ted Bundy episode

he seems like he was such a good man the way he covered up for people

Y’all should do the Toynbee Tiles guy!!

Vinny G wasn't no snitch

You guys seriously need to do the case of Martha Jean like it’s the longest missing persons case in America’s history said on some readings

I can hear I don’t need you to spell out your dialogue...

I know y’all sometimes look into cryptids like the Mothman, so why don’t y’all take a look into the Michigan Dogman, a cryptid so famous that it has its own song

You guys should go to Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary for the night tour i went there in the day its pretty fun but you should really go there during the night they do it

Long thot to be suicide

Oise is a river. Not a specific place

Dude it’s pronounced vincent van gof

What if Vincent asked Theo to kill him?

I will *literally* disown the Warner Bros.

I reckon he just got his brother to kill him as assisted suicide n covered his brother’s name

Is it crazy that I don't have a 1000 likes

i think he was accidentally shot. perhaps the reason his suicide was publicised is to respect his wishes of the boys not being accused of murder, so people began to spread a different story about it

Hi, can you spend a night at Bhangarh, the ghost village at Rajasthan, India?

i tought the thumbnail was Benedict Cumberbatch

Could you guys do “The Lady of the Dunes” next? I just found an article on her and I would love to see what you guys thought about it and go in to more depth about it

Tyreek Hill case

1440 Bluejay way in hemet CA is known as the hemet murder house.. it’d be nice to see that mystery cracked. Lights turn on when you drive past the house and on the anniversary of the murder burning flesh can be smelled all around the neighborhood. People in the area moved away because of the house. Thanks guys!!

I honestly never knew he got shot to kill himself, everyone I’ve know has always told me he ate a tube of yellow paint and then he died??? And I always thought it was the truth so I never fact checked it

Same birthday as him

The entire buildup for this story was supporting reasons for why van gough killed himself, I personally don’t think it’s a murder

D̶e̶a̶t̶h̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶V̶i̶n̶c̶e̶n̶t̶ ̶V̶a̶n̶ ̶G̶o̶g̶h̶✖️ Incident of the dog in the nighttime✔️

Why have y’all not done a video on Scientology?

The bunny man

Still waiting for dancing plague unsolved

Do the murder of Mary Pinchot Meyer- JFK's murdered mistress

Would love to see you do an Unsolved video about Dr David Kelly, the British weapons inspector in Iraq who "commited suicide" in very suspicious circumstances whilst being investigated for his role in providing intelligence. Very interesting case. Search on YouTube for 'BBC Conspiracy Files: The Death of Dr David Kelly (weapons inspector for the British government)' for more info.

i miss my babies :(

I only watch these because i have nothing to do

Is it just me or .. Is his name pronounced ‘Vincent Van *goff* ?? Am I the only one?

Make video on Disappearance of subhash chandra bose!!

Quite entertaining.

Vincent Van Gogh you’ve inspired generations and I wish you all the best in the afterlife ❤️

I now have a ritual I need to watch at least 6 buzzfeed unsolved a week cuz even Jesus needed Sunday to rest

If my counting is correct, we are 8 episodes away from episode 100!


To hell with that white devil

Vincent could have perhaps brought his painting supplies to set the gun on the easel wich could explain why it was from farther away .

I enjoyed pointing at posters scattered about my room of the paintings mentioned

Read books!! There are a lot of good biography books about van Gogh

Please do MJ

Please do an episode on George Reeves, Marilyn Monroe or Anastasia (even tho that one is not really unsolved now)

im pretty sure van gogh looks like benedict cucumber in the thumbnail

What if Theo made Vincent kill himself so Vincent would no longer be a burden on him. He only said he killed himself on purpose was because he didn’t want his brother to be affected by anything.

19th century bullies: *puts snake in box* *Puts salt in coffee* *Possibly shoot an old man* 21st century bullies: "lol go kys"

I always feel like that mannequin in the back is going to move at any moment

Can you guys please do one on the disappearance of Madeline McCann? I would love to hear yalls thoughts on the sad story, and what you think happened. You guys rock and I watch your videos every night before bed!

My name is Vincen Vangorden and every time they say his is so weird

Damn, this is actually really well made.

He cut his ear after a fight with Gauguin in South of France.

you should do a video on rebecca zahau!

Y’all should do Adolf Hitler


Wait 3 months for a season that's 20 days. Oof

Dyatlov indicated

Why is your guyses description so long ?

Do a unsolved on Hatton garden heist in London please

Can we have a BuzzFeed SOLVED ??? Where they talk about crimes that were very tough to crack, had multiple theories and suspects and at the end we find out if Shame or Ryan can guess the actual truth, ending with SOLVED. For once damn it. Lol

can you do the madeleine mcann case?

Where are the boys! Come back!

I can't believe that they didn't make fun of Gaston's name...

Pretty sure its a myth that van gogh cut of his ear

This is why I hate kids

Can you react to buzzfeedunsolved memes

hm maybe he killed himself maybe he has voices or he's bipolar...

Please do all the Marylan monro conspirisys! With JFK and rozwelled ERC

I wanna see one on Mr. Cruel, or there is one about him I have not seen.

Do one about Michael Jackson

I want to see them do a video on the West Memphis Three

They should do the clown sightings of 2016-2017

My name is vincent and im just imagining everyone talking about me

Drowning is one of the most painful ways to go. People who have drowned and been revived like dude said. Said it was agonizinng

The eyes of a cockrall

He shot himself on my birthday in 1890 in July 27

Van Goghcredited his improved mental state for the painting Starry Night and didn't paint during his most tumultuous periods.

vincent van gogh was shot by some kids who stole their parents gun, when he was shot the kids buried the supplies, and didn't want to snitch on the kids for ending his life. Vincent didn't want to live and when he was shot he accepted death, but he still rushed to the hospital, he was dazed and confused and lied about it. i didn't even watch theory 2, but the talk about the kids pranking Vincent is not true. There is a whole movie about Vincents life, you should watch it sometime. There was also a old journal by Vincent given to the same sex worker that he gave his ear to, but she never opened it, and it survived 2 world wars and was found in 2016.

They should do Elisa lam next

I swear to God if that little boy Rene is the reason why Vincent died Im gOiNG tO BE sO MADDDDDDDD

You should do a video on the Jennings 8 from Louisiana. There is a book called murder in the bayou along with a 4 hour television special on the topic.

Post a new video already

He didn’t cut off his ear for a stripper it’s because he was eating his lead based paint and it drove him crazy

i have an addiction

13:29 Shane 2019

Quote: Endquote

Can you guys do a mystery of the Jersey devil

Y’all should go to the Viper Room in LA and try and find River Phoenix’s ghost

you should do the Valeska ax murder from iowa

Van *GONE*

Shane is going to be an adorable grandpa

Can you do a video about Robert the doll

What happened to the sallie house video?

They literally just auctioned off the gun that was believed to have been used to shoot himself

Nice channel!

Can you do one on the group "Anonymous", is it real, is it an idea?

What happened to the uploading!?

This is not what they taught us in school they said that he got in an argument and it made him upset and then he cut of his ear

8:50 I’m not sure how you can return unaccounted for

Will there be another season of buzzfeed unsolved? If so one kind of funny cryptids for the ghoul boys to look for would be the hyenas of Arkansas- yes that's a real tale there in the fun old south

Pick on an old man? He was 34 lol

Do ted bundy


i see the anti christ in you.

hahaa like christ he is.

Where are more like these!!!☹️

they need to do one on chupacabra

Guess he had to vincent van-go

my favorite game is making him angry is lol hahah look at the tears

I thought wil was his sister not brother

“The snake bit the artist!” - Buzzfeed Unsolved

Where's the theory of him having schizophrenia?

my theory is that it was an assisted suicide. that’s why he blamed himself and was so adamant on not accusing someone else despite there being evidence that he did not shoot himself. also if he was suicidal but called suicide “cowardly” it would make sense to have someone else kill him to make it technically murder.

“Hahaha JaCk”

27 club and the white lighter!!!

or maybe it was the sex worker he gifted his ear to. he was probably in love with her and she didnt feel the same way. so that day he didnt actually go to the wheat field but had been at her place of work to try and court her. then she shot him because he was being creepy

Ryan are you trying to out-giraffe Shane with that hair? Why is that hair so tall? It has no business being that tall. It’s a Ricky Goldsworth hairstyle. That hairdo has a mind of its own. It’s like Nicky Moldsworth. How much hairspray/hair gel did you have to sacrifice for this? A ghost could hide in that hair. Are you 6’ tall now? Is this the Ryan we have to get used to? Ricky goldsworth with his Nicky Moldsworth hair hiding all the answers of buzzfeed unsolved? That hair threatened me personally. It stole all my left socks and burned my crops and delivered a plague upon my people. Save us Ryan. Cut the hair.

vincent: if i am killed by someone, DO NOT prosecute them! that is on ME! they caught ME slipping!

15:51 “Oh look how red his face is getting!! Ho ho ho” “Look at the tears!”

You should do the disappearance of Jimmy’s Humanity or Buzzfeeds life

Why does the white guy look like Zaza Pachulia

He went van gone

they need to do an episode about 9/11!!!!!!

or sandy hook

Would you guys ever do a mini series of investigations into any of the Warren cases? Like Annabelle or the Perron family? Or maybe visit the Warrens Occult museum?

Only buzz feed stuff I’ll watch

Video effects are sweet in this episode

nederiandse shi

His ear shot him in revenge

I find a lot of people who speculate his reasons for things hed done have never been suicidal yknow it really does sneak up on you and sometimes you don’t try entirely with the intention of dying it’s a complicated thing, not to say I don’t agree with the other theories I just want to point this out as an art history student who’s generally annoyed by the narrative surrounding him and his life

Who else is here because of the inside edition video with the auction

I've visited the mental hospital he stayed in! The garden is beautiful!

Apprenticeship was different then. A) It wasn't free labor. B) you learned more than you currently do at university C) you paid the them to teach you scrubbing they knew. Very few people took on apprentices. Only the best of the best in their field took on apprentices. Today anyone with a sad story of being a victim gets "higher education". D) education of the time was designed to teach people how to think. Not what to think. Completely different than today. Btw, Vincent became famous because of the mere exposure effect. His sister-in-law made him famous. Not his art. Vincent didn't kill himself and he wasn't mental. At the time sanitarium's were also hospitals. That is where he met the girl that he gave part of his ear to. She was in there recovering from rabies. She have a full account of what happened to Vincent. Btw, she wasn't a prostitute. She was a cleaning lady at a brothel. Vincent moved there to be near her. His friend he met in hospital. Vincent was conflicted because he was gay, but he wasn't suicidal. He was manipulative to his brother so he could live off him, but he wasn't suicidal. The girl he gave his ear to told his story. Problem is, her accounts don't paint Vincent in this, troubled doomed artist broke his time everyone likes to believe.

You guys should do one on Kurt Cobain

Actually the gun was found and recently sold.

The older the painting is the more that it is worth if it is from a famous artist because of the age the older the artifact is the more it is worth

What if Vincent sold his soul for fame.

That mannequin in the background keeps freaking me out

Do madiline mcann next it's a weird one

Possible to do something ok Elizabeth Báthory? Apparently she was insane. Guess it would be unsolved but would love to hear your points on her.

Do the great train robbery

do the menendez brothers

If Vincent van Gough went through stuff and turn out well??!

*You lost Timmy's ball. Oh no.*

You guys should do the unsolved death of Edgar Allan Poe, it’s not necessarily thought to be murder but the death is an anomaly.

Van Gogh is surely a legend. Love this episode.

I am sorry to say this I dont believe it for the reason that he had a huge amount of anxiety so he shot himself in the chest and he was indeed mentally not there

The only two beta males I can tolerate

And we did a gosh thing in school and you talk about what actually might've happend

The brother did it.

God Bless you Vincent :') RIP

It's his brother. Got jealous.

How is his brother not one of the suspects

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