When. You're running a bigger organization. Complex. Doesn't begin to cover it. But. We've got these tools that we built to really make all of the work easy. In. UX, we, are always thinking, about the customer experience. Microsoft. Gives us the tools to, empower, my, customers. Across. Industries, we see the workplace transforming, and businesses, need tools that promote agility, and enable them to connect the people their data and, insights, all securely, we're, making huge investments in Windows because developers, are essential, to our mission but. Their creativity, is, absolutely, transformed, the world with technology. Last. Year we announced Microsoft, 365, now. You can have teams located, across the globe connected, in real time in a secure workplace the. Hardest thing for a dove Oliver is getting connected to a customer. With. Windows 10 developers, can instantly, write an app that hits 700. Million devices around. The world, developers. Can extend and reuse elements of Microsoft 365, solve, the problems, of the modern era place. The, devs are customer-focused. They obsess, over making everything, perfect. I just. Want to create the best experience as, possible, that's it and, with, Windows and Office I know that I'm doing that. Please. Welcome Joe. Belfiore. Good. Morning. Good. Morning good, morning. Hello, Bill's. Welcome. To day two a, big. Thank you to all of you for waking up early, to join us here on day two we, greatly appreciate it you, know this Microsoft. 365, platform, keynote. Originally. We were thinking we would do this on day one after Scott. We. Know there was some risk that Scott would go over time a little bit so, we thought maybe today would be a little bit of a better time to do it and in particular we know you all appreciated. Our big announcement. Yesterday, after. Scott. Microsoft. Dev yoga. Me3, 65. Enterprise. Edition. Sponsored. By Lenovo. See. What I did there Yoga Lenovo, yeah too early still no, well. Thank you all for coming and I really, want to start out with a sincere. And heartfelt, thanks. From all of us at Microsoft, as we, embark.
On Our journey to continue, to Mardin modernize. Our. Platform. And our experiences. We, know that what we deliver is only possible because of the work from all of you and we view this as a partnership, and we're excited to be here with you today to give you more depth on how all of these pieces are going to evolve and, and so with that I want to recap a few of the key ideas from, yesterday, and put. Today's keynote, in some context. Yesterday. You heard Satya, and Scott talk, about some key ideas for us one, is the, sense of responsibility that. We feel around how computing, is evolving, we, want to do things because they're the right thing to do not just because we can and then, looking, at it from sort of a technical, perspective, we. Really see the world it, evolving and some really important, and noteworthy ways, we. See solutions. Getting, built in this combination of, an intelligent, cloud with. An intelligent. Edge working. Together where. The code that you write might, run in the cloud but you might deploy, to the edge and take advantage of offline and, you saw lots of examples, of this yesterday and you'll hear more today. We. Believe in ubiquitous, computing, embracing. A wide range of devices we, believe in data and AI and we, believe that end-users, deserve, that their devices. Are. Thoughtful. And incorporate. Multi, device use, and multi, sense use so today, we're going to talk about that as well, and yesterday. Satya, mentioned, that we view the world as, being, focused on two key platforms, one. Is Asher and the, other is Microsoft. 365, and today we're gonna spend 90. Minutes focused. On that Microsoft, 365, part, I promise. You I'm gonna do our best to, keep us moving along and hit 90 minutes and. When I'm done I'll hand you over to, the next keynote. You'll. Probably want to get your bingo cards ready for the following, keynote, I, personally. Am curious, to see if sundar, and our friends down in Mountain View can. Execute, the bingo as quickly and nicely as Satya, did yesterday. Actually. I had I had, a bingo that was this nice dot diagonal. With, these four spots, I want to see if sundar, does that to my my, bingo was drone. Powered AI flight, I think. Though Google's likely to do that drone powered a flight ethics. And responsibilities, I'm sure. We'll hear from Google about that here's the tricky one. Digital. Assistant, cohabitation. Yes. But, the one that I think might be toughest, is of course Microsoft. Dev, yoga, Emmy, 365. So. We'll see if we'll see if we get that we will try to keep to time so, that for those of you who are going to switch over you. Can do that quickly and easily so. What, we're going to cover today is. Microsoft. 365, which I think most of you are familiar with but just to be sure this. Is a product, suite, that consists, of Windows 10 office. 365, and enterprise. Mobility, and security services, and today. We're working to build this as a thoughtful. Experience. That rolls out to organizations, and individuals, in a way that helps to empower people in the, way the, culture of work has evolved, we're, focused on things like teamwork, and collaboration and. Making, sure that not only the, software that we write but.
Also The software that you write makes, this into a platform where. Organizations. Can make the people within them, more. Effective. And able to do more and some, of the key technical. Aspects, of this are the things that we talked about yesterday, we, want Microsoft. 365, to, embrace. Multiple. Devices, we, want it to be smart, about letting users move, from a PC, to a phone we. Want Microsoft. 365, to, embrace, multi. Sense use we. Want it to be able to smoothly go from mouse and keyboard to, touch to ink we, want to be embracing, vision, new, ways of working like wearing, a VR, display. And so, a lot of these ideas are not only work that we're doing in the products that we build but, we're also trying to platform eyes so the code that all of you build will, make your, organization's. More effective. In the same kind of way. One. Of the other key, ideas, here that we're gonna spend time on this morning is the Microsoft, graph and you heard about this some yesterday maybe attended, some sessions. Yesterday afternoon, on the graph and I just want you to come into the keynote, with, one key idea which. Is that the, graph is a cloud. Backed, data. Store where, both, you and, us. Can put organizational. Data in a way that's private, and secure to the organization, but in a way that also lets, our solutions. Take advantage of both so, that a I can, reason against, that data. That organizational, data and so that the experiences, that both we build and you, build can, light up and make those end-users, lives better. So. What. We're gonna do is go, through. Or chapters, to, take you through all the cool things that we're working on to help all of you with Microsoft, 365. First. We're, gonna talk about ways in which the Windows 10 user, experience, is evolving, to help make people, more productive and, effective in this evolving, culture of work. Second. We're gonna take, you through a bunch of specific. Things that we're doing to make life better for Windows. Developers. And this ranges, from terrific. Technologies, to help you modernize, your apps to. Better. Pragmatic. Ways that you can distribute, those, apps two, ways, in which we're trying to make sure that Windows is a great place for you to write code for all kinds of experiences, and platforms. Third. We have some really cool things that we're going to show you about how within, your organization's. The code you write can. Light up and user experiences. Within office, and so, the value, that you're making is present. Where people are collaborating where, they're communicating, with each other and making, their workflows better and then, the last we're, going to show you some some, ways that the Microsoft, graph can, make the apps that you write more powerful, and more capable, helping, your organization, get things done more effectively so that's the layout and what. I'm gonna do now is give you a quick look at an example of how one of our customers, has, started embracing this idea of Microsoft, 365, and they're already getting started so, let's hear, from Siemens. We, at Siemens healthiness have served as pioneers, in medical imaging for more than 20 years we. Are continuously, expanding, the core of our products, and entering into new fields this. Requires constant adaption, of nearly 10 million lines of code across, a broad range of different deployments, our.
Focus, Is to make the life of users, easier, using, new interaction, technologies. Artificial. Intelligence, and. Digitalization. But. Now it gets more and more important, to have a faster, and more efficient implementation. Of high quality interfaces. All of our hardware whether, it is a tablet for our scanner control or one of our single reading workstations. Is paired with an interface running. On the Windows platform, our. Windows integration, across our products, allows us to incremental, estate improvements, and prevent, disruptions, for our customers, it, strategically. Important, for us to, create a, coherent, experience. Across our portfolio with. The Universal, Windows platform the. Goal is to make our products. Be easy and delightful to, use and create, a feeling of familiarity, when, switching between them we. Not only focus on our users, but also on patients, our, solutions. Touch, an estimated. 5 million patients, every, day we. Aim to enable. The hospital, staff to focus, on the patient, instead. Of how to control, our systems, in. The end we are helping people and every. Improvement we make means, better care for them. Alright. So, I'm gonna get us started here on chapter, 1 talking about how the Windows, 10 experience, is gonna evolve to give people better, productivity. Across devices and I want you to think about this from the lens of how Windows 10 would be used within your organization's. One, of the key things that's happened lately is we see Windows 10 deployment. Really, ramping up significantly. In commercial accounts right, now there are over 200. Million people in corporate. Accounts, using Windows, 10 and we've seen that adoption rate increase, now at 79, percent year-over-year growth and, so, we're trying to find great new ways for people to use Windows, to get things done as they do their work within organizations. And I'm gonna cover these two topics first. I want to talk about how we are continuing. To push forward on the idea of Windows embracing. All the devices that you use and, then second I want to take you through some of the ways we're improving the, desktop experience but, first let's talk about the notion of Windows PCs, working. With smartphones, and other devices and I want to start here by talking about timeline now, I know most of you are familiar with timeline, you've tried it out before, timeline. Is now ramping, to millions, of people as part of our April, update, and so, with, timeline, the, basic idea is that the things that you do on your PC, or other devices are available in a simple click from the taskbar you can scroll back through time see, everything, you were working on and just, click to resume, now, the, key idea here though is that timeline, is based, on the Microsoft, graph and therefore. It enables, cross-device, experiences. Here, you can see I've got my iPhone, out I'm gonna, do some browsing in, edge for iOS, I'm gonna look at a word document and when, I do those. Microsoft, 365, experiences.
They Post that activity. Data into the Microsoft, graph and then, when, I switch devices and go to my timeline I'll see those activities so there's my word document and there's the web browsing I was doing this. Is relevant of course to all of you because now is the time for your, apps to, be posting, that activity, data to the graph as well as timeline, ramps to tons of people on, mobile. And on the PC we, want that experience to work for all the things they use now. You might be wondering now. That this is out what happens next well, with the graph data in the cloud we're, gonna begin experimenting, with, some features that will reason, against that and do, things to help end-users be more effective like in this example here you'll see we're, working on an idea that'll come to an insider build soon where Cortana, can make proactive suggestions. About, where you would pick up where, you would left off based, on your frequency, or intensity, of working, on particular, things. So. That, gives you a sense of the, the way that the graph plays a role in making these cross device experiences, work and what we're gonna do now is start talking about some new stuff, in particular. That, runs on mobile phones and to do that I want to introduce to the stage Shilpa. Ranganathan, who runs our cross-device. Experiences. Team so Shilpa, come on out, thank, you Joe. Good. Morning everyone it's great to be here and build with you today and I'm, really excited I'm, gonna hit all the bingo words by the way so I'm really excited about that and I'm also really excited to share some of the work we've been doing to. Enable seamless, customer experiences. Across, your phones and your PC, so. I'm gonna start us off we're talking about our mobile experiences. First and to, do that I'm going to talk about Microsoft edge and Microsoft. Launcher, so, let's take a look at Microsoft, launcher, as many.
Of You know Android, ecosystem, enables. Us to create a fully customized. Experience for, your Android phone now. We have a Microsoft, launcher, bringing, our signature. Fluent, productive. And customer, first experience, to your Android device now, it's available in the store and if any of you downloaded today please try it use it and send us feedback, I'm. Also. Very excited that, the very same launcher we just talked about is going to come to the enterprise so, this is Martina she's a designer in contoso this is her Android device as you, can see on her home screen we've created a safe and secure environment for. People like Martina to access, their work content, seamlessly through, their phones the. IT admin, can place a customized, folder, which, can showcase many of the line of business apps that many of you in this audience are, actually, gonna place in there with, one-click she's able to swipe right and she. If. She has access to her integrated, feed now, this very same feed allows the IT administrator. To be able to send her messages about, important, security acts updates, gives. Her access to her calendar the, same line of business apps that we just talked about and also, news about her enterprise this. Launcher, is powered by Intune and we hope that many of you in this audience will take advantage of it going forward so. Before I move to the next section you. Heard Satya, yesterday talked about the fact that we're really focused, on making the phone a great, second screen for your PC just, a few minutes ago Joe, talked about the fact that the timeline on the PC is the easiest natural. And most simplest. Way for a customer to get access to their shared activities, across devices and now, I'm very excited, to announce that we will be bringing that exact same timeline to, your iPhone, and your Android devices as well thank. You and making, the PC, the, perfect, second screen to, your phone. So. Let's take a look so on my launcher, here on my Android phone with a click of one button I have access to the exact same timeline I did on the PC it's, a great way for me to be able to launch the exact same apps that I had access to this, morning driving, in a build it would have been really convenient, for me to have this on my phone being, able to launch PowerPoint, so I could rehearse my, deck.
This Morning so, being able to give you access to all of these activities on the go on all your devices now. We're bringing that same, rich and powerful timeline even to iOS so edge on iOS will showcase that same button. Clicking. On the button will give you access to the timeline again and. People. Like Martyna as well as all our customers, can have one-click, access to, all of their, shared activities, across devices. Now. This picture is incomplete without, you, what, we'd really like you to do is write your activities, to the Microsoft, graph so, that we can make people like Martina really. Successful, at home as well as at work we, can make her super productive, with a timeline, that is inclusive of your, apps as well as ours so. I'm gonna tell you a little bit of a story here this is me at my desk I, get. A few minutes between my day. Full of meetings I like to keep my phone nearby so, while, I'm sitting at my PC trying to be super productive that. First text, from my mother or my husband or my daughter's school makes, me want to pick that phone up I pick that phone up and then I'm lost for the next 10 minutes I'm on social media I'm tracking, steps, which I haven't done any steps I'm sitting at my desk clearly, that's that's weird and so I'm doing all of these follow-on activities, that have nothing to do with keeping me productive, in the PC and the primary reason I keep my phone so close by is. Cuz I'm really anxious that I might miss that important, text or that important, notification. Now what if I told you I'd never need to take my phone out of my laptop bag my purse or my pocket, of it ever again so. You saw some of this yesterday I'm thrilled to announce that coming in a future release of Windows we. Will be, shipping an inbox, app that. Will allow you to get some of the key workloads, off your phone right onto your PC, so let me talk a little bit about how this would work so as I said it's an inbox app integrated. Into your PC experience you, can launch it from the taskbar, launching. It will give you access it's. A permanent destination for, your photos for your text for your notifications. And many, other key workloads, over time from your phone right, there on on your PC, so. Let's take a look at how this might work so, I have my phone and Martyna here, Martyna, get some text message we mirror that exact same text message on her PC she, can reply in line or would launch her into the phone app we just talked about giving. Her the ability to use her full flash PC as well as keyboard to, interact with this text message so. Let me talk a little bit about how this works what, we've done here is we've leveraged, our knowledge, of Martinez, identity, and her, devices, in the Microsoft, graph to create a durable connection, between her phone and her PC now, we leverage this connection, to, pull some of the most recent text messages, that she cares about from. Her phone right to her PC now, Martina is in full control of this experience, she can decide to enable the experience or disable, it she's, she, cares deeply about her privacy and so do we at Microsoft, so we've ensured, that the data that she has stays between her two devices and isn't, synced to the cloud so.
Let's, Take a look at how this might proceed going forward she. Starts having a conversation with a co-worker you saw some of this again in such as keynote so. Being able to actually use your full keyboard instead of your two thumbs on your phone being, able to integrate your workflow so copy pasting, images from your desktop right into, your flow as well, James. Colors the tools tool sends, it back she's. Able to integrate all of the content, of her text message back into, her PC, as well without. Taking her eyes away from being productive at her PC. Now one, of the other things that's really critical is photos so we've all had this moment where we've taken a picture and we, want quick real-time, access for. That picture on our PC, so, Martina, is, like many of us is at the build conference, and she just had lunch and she's basically trying. To figure out if she can actually submit an expense report in the few minutes she has between sessions so, let's take a look at what she might do, so, Martinez crawls up and she, finds the most recent pictures again we're leveraging the graph to get the 25 last pictures, from her phone onto her PC and she's. Able to open, the picture in the Photos app edit. It, so. She says there's only one person eating lunch she's able to save this to her desktop as well and, it's. As easy as that now, one of the other things that's a source of distraction and anxiety, for most of us is notifications, on our phone what, we've done here is basically, mapped all her Android notifications. To either a Windows, Phone a Windows app excuse, me or to, a website and then, being able to actually give her the ability to click on the notification, from the contoso expense, app so. Here's the contoso expense, app that many of you in this audience probably, contributed. To and she, has the ability to drag and drop that expense, report receipt right in line. So. I hope, you. Guys are excited to use this use this because I certainly am we're, making it so that your phone and your PC work together for, you and on your behalf. None. Of us here can live without our phones and neither should your PC please. Welcome Joe back on stage thank you. Thank. You sofa. All. Right so hopefully, you all get a sense for some of the ways that we're evolving the windows experience to take advantage of this, all, our users use of multiple devices and, the, next topic that we want to talk about is some, of the ways that we're evolving the user experience, to help make people more effective, as they use that desktop, or laptop and, so, today I'm gonna walk you through sets. And I know some of you are familiar with this but this is the first time we've had the chance to stand here with all of our developer. Community and describe what we have in mind and how it effects your apps but, before I get into that I want you to hear from some, actual. Human, end-users. Talking. About some of the problems and opportunities, and obstacles, they, hit while they're trying to get complex, tasks, done on their, PC so let's take a listen. We're. Passionate about helping, people get, serious work done, to. Learn how to make it easier, to finish projects. We asked people to send us snapshots, of how they use their pcs to work on the things they care about we, found two main problems. The, first is that it's too hard to put together all of the web and app content, needed for a project.
I've. Got like five different folders, that say documents, I have, no idea what's in half of them at. All. The. Second problem is that it takes too long to reassemble, all the necessary content, each time someone picks up where they left off. If. I stop doing this for like a week or something I might forget about that combination, so. That's something that the computer could I guess remember. We. Want to help solve the problems, people face when working on projects, our, goal is to make it easier for our customers to be productive with. The apps and web content they need together. To, get serious, work done. So. Let me take you on a quick walk through how we see, the sets experience, evolving, I know many of you have tried it up I want to give you a sort of the full picture so, as you'll see here we're gonna start in a Word document we're. Here I am someone, putting together a rainfall, report, and of course one of the first things that I'm gonna see is a, web link that might be in my document, or it might be research, that I'm doing related, to my my, Word document, so here I am I'm reading along on the web and of course I'm interested, in other articles and what starts to happen as, I get going is more, and more things will open up now, I'm curious how. Many of you right, now have 12, or more tabs open in your web browser yes. Have 15, or more 20. Or yes a lot and the problem is that those, tabs in your web browser they're, off in a different area not, in a way that's related, to the work that you're doing and not in a way that's remembered, and restored later so that's one of the key ideas of sets here the, second thing that we're trying to do is to try to help people start. The next part of their task so you'll see here when I click the plus we. Get a new tab page that's, optimized, around this, organization, and these people getting things done it's, a it's branded, contessa, and because contoso. Is an office 365 shop, it's customized, with office, 365 data. About. Documents, and things that I as a user am working on or things my work group is working on and furthermore. Contoso. Has, deployed, being at work and with the office, service the, search experience, within, that new tab page is, smart so if I'm looking for an Excel spreadsheet with, precipitation data, that's relevant to the, word, document, I'm writing I can get it incredibly. Quickly and easy easily through, a simple search again. Keeping these related things together, now. We've rolled this out and we have a number of people who've been testing, it and we're starting to get feedback and one of the things that's pretty interesting and probably some of you have experienced. This is when. This content, comes together it, starts, to change the way you think about switching.
Between Things, and so, one of the things that we've worked on is alt-tab, so imagine. I'm going, between web, content, and app content, and I hit alt tab and there's, this funny thing and I'm curious, how many of you can relate to the following idea, you're. Working on a website you, do a bunch of stuff in the web site you open a tab to go to another website you switch between browser, tabs and then you hit alt tab to, go back to a previous website but the, web tab is not there yes. Anyone. Okay. The next insider, build you get will, take web content. And put, your recent, web tabs right, at your fingertips, in alt tab so, you get this automatic. Muscle memory feeling, of switching, back to the last thing regardless. Of whether it's web or app and, yes. I thank you I can see some of you clapping for that I've, been trying this out and let me tell you all those moments where you go oh it's, not there finally. That gets a little smoother and it's one of the ways that the insider program, has, helped us come, to a good understanding about which problems, to go after so, in this case I'm gonna finally, lift, my thumb off the alt button switch. Back to my word document and, so the act of switching, between things, remain, smooth, with, sets but. Probably, the biggest payoff, and this is the comment that Kevin made in that video it, happens, when you close a set and maybe, a week goes by or, even a month goes by and you want to pick up where you left off, with, a combination, of things because. Sets. Are stored in the Microsoft, graph and therefore their cross-device if we, have a memory, of which things you were doing together in combination it's, literally what Kevin asked for I wish the computer, could remember, the combination so. Here when I reopen, my Word document, we prompt, and say you had three tabs open last time you can see what they all are and with one click you're right back to where you left off it's, the combination, of things, that the computer remembers. Of. Course. Since, this is stored in the graph sets. Has a relationship, to timeline and so, one of the other things you'll see coming to our insider, builds, is support, for sets in the, timeline, so here in the upper left you'll see the, set I was just working on that's my rainfall, report and you can see that there's three tabs there I could flip between them if I want but, over here I also want to point out a second, set this, is our contoso. Expense. Reporting, app as part, of a set and here, you can see all the. Contoso, IT department. Contoso developers, needed to do was, register, their activities, with the Microsoft, graph and then, that app could be restored, as part of a set as well so you can see here's a meaningful set, I've got the expense. Report I'm working on our company's, guidelines, for expense reporting, and some receipt images, that I dragged to my PC from my phone so. Now. Is the time for all of you to be thinking about how you, incorporate. Sets into, your applications. And there, are a few key things that are happening now I, want, you all to be installing. These insider, builds, and giving us feedback we've. Been getting positive, feedback but we've also been learning about glitches and, bumps and things we need to improve and we need more of that and we need it as it relates to your apps there. Are a whole bunch of improvements, and things underway I talked, about some of them and I know this begs the question for all of you when will sets be available, here's. The answer when. We think that it is great and so in the past we've come up here at build and showed new features and sometimes people assume that means they're imminently available, I just want to be really clear sets, require. Office. And your applications. And our whole ecosystem. To, work smoothly together and we're going to make sure we take the time to do that right so all our customers, have a great experience so. That. Wraps up our first. Chapter on Windows, improving. Its productivity, across devices. And how the user experience, is going to change and what we're going to do now is transition over, to the topic, of developers. And a lot of platform. Capabilities. That we're building that will make your apps more, modern, more, more. Embracing, of this multi sense world but, also give you pragmatic, ways to deploy and better ways to be effective, as you write code and to, transition, over I'm. Gonna introduce, Kevin, gallo who RC, VP of the windows developer, platform who's going to come to stage but I'm gonna leave you with a video, of the, fluent, design, system, and how its evolved, we, announced fluent, last year at Build and fluent.
Is About. A community. Driven effort to. Understand, and define the, way in which applications. Need to be modified so. That they work great cross, device and multi, sense we, want your apps to, be comfortable, with mouse and keyboard comfortable. With ink and touch and also. Comfortable on a VR, display, if that makes sense for what your apps do and so, we're working with all of you and we we love getting your feedback on fluent, and I'm gonna run a quick video that shows you how fluent, has evolved, and then I want you to welcome Kevin to the, stage to talk more about the windows developer, platform let's, run that video. Good. Morning everyone we're. Now in chapter 2. Where. I'm excited, to, share with you some of the improvements coming. To the Windows 10 platform. Now. Building, for the intelligent, cloud and the intelligent, edge brings, with it many complex. Challenges, so, we've taken a very pragmatic. Approach to. Helping you be more productive when modernizing. Your applications, with, that in mind let's, talk about three key areas of innovation one. How, you can enable greater, user productivity across, all your devices and, code, bases to, how. You can deploy applications more. Easily, with, some dotnet. And packaging, improvements, and three. How, windows can be your primary dev, box whether, building your cloud back-end or, building experiences, for any of your edge devices, pcs. Phones. IOT. Hololens. Or even, Xbox, first. Up improving. User, productivity across, all, your code bases, based. On your feedback we've, been working, on decoupling, more, parts of the universal Windows platform so. You can easily adopt, them incremental. In one. Specific, request was. For the ability to incorporate fluent. Experiences. Into, any of your existing, applications. I'm happy. To share with you two, new areas, of innovation, first. I'm so. Excited to announce. UWP. Zamel. Islands with, host controls, for, Windows forms, DPF, and native. Win32. What. This means is that. All Windows. Applications. Can, access the fluent design system, regardless. Of which UI stack, you, use a, zamel. Island is just, a standard uwp, control or, even, a complete uwp, UI that. Is seamlessly. Composed, inside. Of any, other UI, framework, no. Complex, input problems, no, threading, across process, issues it just works. So. Inside, your windows forms or DPF, application, you, can just drop in any, uwp, control like, MediaPlayer. Edge based, webview, in canvas. Maps, suave, chain panel or even your own custom, UI this. Makes you, dopey controls, truly. Universal. Controls. Second. Developers. Can better tailor, universal. Windows applications, specifically. For, the desktop for. Example we, filled in some gaps by, adding window management api's, we. Improved UI density, and we, now have a, fluent. Data grid now. To seal this come together everybody. Want to see some code. Alright. So. Today. I'm going to work on a WPF. WPF. Application. This, is for the shipping department of, a, furniture, store and they. Want to do, two things to the application, and nothing, else they just want to do two things one. Fix, a bug there's some bug that's been reported a bunch of times and two, they, want to modernize their processes, so they want to make some improvements in their UI and I'm going to use zamel, islands just solve both of these problems so, let me show you the application before we go take a look at the code so, here's, the application when, I start up it has a typical thing it's in a land on a page this, is a web page that's shared with its internal website and the.
People In the internal website they even they updated it they updated to use some new features in edge so, they use CSS grid here and you, can see it just looks kind of wonky and, that's because in DF you, only have access to the I 11 web browser control but, we want to update that and use a new ed based control so it looks correct that's, the first bug we want to go fix the, second thing is improving, our workflow, so, we're, changing some stuff in our enterprise and I'll, show you what we do now and it's kind of arcane so, we double click here that's my standard all my you, know my invoices, I double click on the first one I guess this data form we print and the. Way it works is we print it we physically sign it and we archive the piece of paper we can search for it got, paper and go deal with we, want to go completely digital at the, same time we want to make the application match. That experience, so I'm going to take this gray area here this light gray, and I'm gonna replace that with, as ammo Island everything. From the white and above is going to stay with dirty PF I'm gonna show you their seamlessly, together so. Top over to visual studio and take it and work, on those two issues so. The first one is updating, the web browser control so I'm in my main page that's ammo I'm in my dipey F project, and, here's. My web browser control, so, I'm going to delete that and I'm, going to move over a web. View control now it looks like a dope you have control because it actually is but, inside, this implementation, it's implementing, a zamel island for the most common controls we've, actually created, wrappers and make, it really easy to drop it in and you only have to know that the implementation is as a moai on behind the scene because it's so seamless so. I have to here, is give it a name if I remember the name was web get, that right so, I'm gonna hop over to the new application, and show, you that running you can see now it's formatted correctly I, think there's 25 characters I counted them that I had to go change in order to go now get all the rich features in edge, base webview pretty. Awesome right so. The, second thing is a, little more complex and here I'm going to directly host as ammo island throw and replace that entire data. Form so, I'm gonna do this by using a uwp user control, so, what I've done inside. Of my solution, here I've, added a UDP user, control project, and it's.
Just A standard one it could be anything it's just a UDP control, and. As I go through here I want to show you some of the new features that I was able to use as part, of upgrading, and using the UPP UI. So. The first thing is mimic UI, density, that I mentioned how we've improved it I this. App is pretty dense and I want this experience to feel like, it's part of that application not, different, so I'm gonna use this new compact size mode very easy I changed the resource dictionary, and I've got it simply, got all the nice benefits of being more compact but it still works with, touch with, pen so, it didn't compromise there we just got more density, second. Thing is I want to be able to lay it out so, it can automatically, add all that nice fluid layout that we've shown want you to pee I want that in this application, as well because I want to be able to show two invoices, side, by side so. What I do is I use the trio of visual state manager, adaptive. Triggers and relative. Panel and gives me all that beautiful resizing. And I'll show you that in a moment I go and show the application, next. Thing I wanna use features like ex bind which give me compile time bindings for better performance, I'm gonna use X load and X phase so, they can decide which UI loads the right time again, giving. A more delightful experience, but I've got I don't get access to those features. Text. Boxes they just work better since, there are you doing people text boxes they have access to all those features they have spell checking, autocomplete. And they, can take ink and do ink reco naturally. Right, inside the text box and I don't have to do any additional work now. One thing that I'm sure you'll want and it's when a note here is that, because we're running zamel, islands inside, the same CLR. That dopey F is running they're both running inside of dotnet framework I can, get two-way data-binding naturally. They're in the same process in the same threading model so, now to a data binding between Adobe, F controls and the, UDP controls, just works. It's. Pretty awesome when you see it running, so. Now that I've got my you dopey, control, that's my Island I'm, now gonna go to de PF and wire, that up and tell it where I want to place it which was that like gray area that I highlighted, before so. I'm gonna go this is where the grid is that was, implemented into a PF I'm going to delete that and, I'm just gonna drag in here a host, control so, this is now in the same exact location, I want it I need to tell it which user control, that, I wanted, to you so that. Way I don't miss type it you know the typos are I'm, gonna cut and paste it here now. I've got that control and that again is just the same control, that I used here just fully qualified so it knows what's going to go use now. Let me hop over and show, you that in the application, let. Me go to shipments just like I did before I'm, gonna choose the first one and now, you'll see it. Doesn't really look that radically, different well that's the goal I don't want to disrupt the workflow of my employee I just want to improve the application, with, the middle amount of interruption, and all the benefit so, this light grey area is now running completely with you to Pui inside. Of this dotnet, application, is de PF application. Note. A few things one. I can resize it and as. I resize it it reflows. Naturally. Using animations. I ain't if you looked at the code and highlight, it but I did some implicit animations, I'd copied code off the web that we can see where things flow and things move is very simple for me to go do that another, control that, we've added is we, actually have command bar flyout if you looked at any of the recent versions, of office it uses, inline commanding, so I've done it right here in this text box where, if I how, they created it automatically, pops it up inline knowing that I'm probably gonna want to do something because I highlighted it I can bold it if I right-click it gives me a complete context, menu you, can use this using, zamel ions and your dope if WinForms win32, application, or of course the UWP as it's, just a UDP control.
Now. One of the thing I told you about is these text boxes I can actually go and use my pen inside any of these text boxes so I'm gonna go click here I'm gonna put. A two I'm, gonna hit OK and we. Get inked reko automatically, all that multi, cents work. That we have now inside, of UWP with, fluent you can go get access to now. We've had this built, into windows for a little while but I'm excited to announce that we're actually going, to add. Ink, analysis. To, the cognitive services labs, so. This is going to be available so, you can go use it not just inside. Of YouTube keys but on any of your devices just. Like any other cognitive services. So. Now, awesome. Right ink, analysis, is a cognitive service anywhere, so. Now, that I've actually you know filled out the whole form is correct I'm just gonna sign that here my little scribble that I do you. Know how, many of you have better signatures, ok, come, on guys, there's exciting, stuff here signing, now, I hit save this. Is, gonna save the form but I do one additional thing I'm, actually saving a user activity, there's, a great place for me to say that off into the grab Microsoft, graph because, it's the point that it may want to go search for later on it may want to find I also, get the benefit, of not just being in timeline but, also being in set so if I had multiple tabs and save that user activity as Joe said if I close them all down and I started them up I would be able to pick up where I left off because, I placed that as a user activity, so. Let me just show you how. It works in timeline here saved off here I'll scroll down its editing item 1001, yeah I made a a simple, name. Pops. Me right back into the form and I want you to note that it, didn't just start the app it deep, linked make sure when, you put user activities, you also make sure your app can handle those deep links so, you can help your employees, or users, get right back to where they were and pick it up now, one, thing I didn't point out when, I went through this the first time is that, I have these additional, items up here I have four, little green cameras, one. Of the things we want to do to improve, the product quality is make, sure that we're shipping undamaged. Boxes, and undamaged, furniture. So, we want to go we're, going to go add. Cameras. To take photos, at four, different points of the packaging, products packaging, of the product so, then. The employee who signs off here can look at those four photos and make, sure there is no damage now. This, is a great place for us to kind of help the employee that's an additional work and it's kind of mundane we, can use machine, learning, and the custom, vision service, that Scott talked about yesterday, to train and create an onyx model to, help offload, some of that work that we're adding here so, let me go show you how, we've gone and added machine.
Learning I mean, she'll in Windows ml and machine, learning to the application. So. I'm hop over here to, this one up to show you first of all that I created, so when I did the custom vision service I created, and produced an onyx model from it so that's the output from it when I trained it so here I've imported, the onyx model and. As you've seen before when you import an onyx model we, automatically. In Visual Studio create, a wrapper class that you can go call from your code and here's that wrapper class basically, creates box, model input output and evaluation. Functions so I'm going to use those within, my application and, I'd, have do anything other than import, it first. Thing I do here, is I, declare. My variables I actually have no outputs here I have an input in an evaluation function, so I put that to know in. My loader I just load up the Onix model. Now. On each of the pictures when, I hope that data form I'm gonna run this process ml, function, to go give me a score, to know whether or not the photo was damaged, or whether the product was damaged at any of those stages of it so, I do a simple thing as I just get the probability, back so the way works with ml is you give it the photo and it comes back with a score telling, you the likelihood so there's a high probability that, it's broken or not broken then, I'll mark it as you, know I'll put in oh yeah oh icons, that show that and the. Real interesting case here because, this is where I want to go spend some time retraining, is if I don't know if I don't know which was we've seen learning couldn't tell, me I'm gonna mark them with a question mark and then have the employee take action, say, okay I'll physically, go look at it and then I'll classify, it we'll take that among all the employees who are doing this and then, bring that data together put it up into Azure and retraining. That vision service to get better and better each time ultimately. Making, my employees. More, productive so when. I just showed you in this demo is three things first. How, you can use mo islands in your existing, UI either. With our wrappers for, the most common controls or directly, host your own custom, UI the. Second, is how you can log a user, activity, so, it shows up both, in timeline and in, sets and third. How, you can use AI and, Windows, ml not, just to make your applications. More capable, but, your employees, more productive. We. Have Microsoft, are also using, AI and, Windows ml to improve our products, for, example in Microsoft. Word we, have a goal to make every, person, a better, writer and one. Way we, do this is with grammar checking, however. Some errors are very. Very, hard to detect with, traditional, algorithms, for, example in English. You get into, a car but, on to a train there. Is a shadow, on the road, versus. There is fog on the road. For. Me this, issue is a deeply, personal one, as my. Daughter Anna has struggled, with grammar her whole life just three. Weeks ago after, getting back a paper she, told me in despair that, she felt like she, would never be a good writer, she. Had a nearly perfect grade on the content, but, lost 50, points for grammar even though she tried really really hard to get it right I'm. Sure many of you can relate out there as well. However. With. Machine learning we. Now have a tool that is tailor-made, to find these errors as it, can learn just, like humans. Learn when. I saw this next demo I realized. That it could truly change my daughter's life. Here. We have two documents on the, left is the current version of word which, doesn't find any grammatical errors, on the. Right is a prototype, with, improvements, for machine learning but. Now it finds, the grammar issues, a specific. Challenge in English is knowing, when in which determiner. To use like the or. Sometimes, neither them as in that fog case we've. Trained the grammar checker and it now can suggest corrections, that I can take action on and fix. Another. Point I wanted to highlight is that we're running this on Windows ml which. Enables word to, build an experience, that is low latency, has, high scalability, because. There are a lot of word, uses out there and, it.
Can Work offline. Now. I'm excited to announce one, more thing about UI, starting. This year we'll, make new platform, controls available, via. Nougat, we. Call this the, windows u UI a library, or win UI for. Short. Controls. And when UI are the same ones that ship in the platform, and the, same ones that Windows, uses to build its own apps and experiences. But. Now if you're, deploying to devices running Windows 10 anniversary, update or later your. Application, can start using win UI controls, right, away. So. Next, let's. Talk about some, deployment, improvements, for dotnet, how. Many dotnet developers are there out there. Alright, there are a bunch of you out there but, I kind of knew that. You. Gave a seed feedback, that, you would like us to decouple, the, dotnet framework updates. From. The Windows platform updates. And at, the same time you, wanted us to better align the, dotnet framework that. Is in UDP. With the regular with the full dotnet framework and Windows so. Today I am so excited to, announce that we are addressing both. Of these requests. With, dotnet, core 3, this. Release will. Bring the deployment, flexibility, of dotnet, core to, the rich set of api's, and functionality. That desktop, developers, love, about. The dotnet framework. You'll. Be able to run multiple, instances, of dotnet, core 3, side-by-side, on the same computer which. Means you can update windows forms or des PF or you 2p applications. To, a new version of.net, without. Updating the, entire OS. Pretty. Awesome right. We'll. Have this preview, of dotnet, core 3 later. This year. When. We talk about packaging and distribution. The. Words simple. And, pragmatic. Always come to my mind and yesterday. You heard, a lot about containers. And how, they're being used to solve management, and deployment for. Will cloud workloads, as a. Class of technologies, containers. Are valuable for client, applications, - and today. I'm going to share with you details, about, the next generation, application. Container we, call MSI. X with. MSI, X we're, providing a complete, containerization. Solution. MSI. X inherits all the great features from. Uwk including, reliable, and robust installation. Updating, a managed. Security model and support. For both enterprise, deployment and, the. Microsoft, Store we're. Also making it easy for you to take any app or game package. That is an MSI and. Simply uplevel, it to MSI X, and. We're choosing a new tool optimize, through your workflow, whether, you're an IT pro or, a developer. Or like how many of you out there kind of both of those sometimes right, gotta, kind of wear both of those hats you. Can now easily, uplevel large. Catalogs. Of msi x's using. Either command line tools scripts. Or even. A UI. Many. Partners have announced support for msi X including. Advanced installer like, Sara and fryer, giant, and we have more partners coming soon. Finally. So, you can manage one fab package, across all your, devices I'm happy. To announce support, for, MSI packages, on Windows, 7. So. We move on and talk about our third and final topic. Which. Is improvements. We're making so, Windows can be your primary, dev, box when, building for the cloud and edge. You. Can work with back-end services, build, app and web clients, ship. For multiple platforms and devices all, while, using ml, AI. Bots. Or any, framework, or any language you, choose our. Mission. Is to make Windows the, best dev box for. You, now. Over the last year releases of Windows we've, made some steady improvements, for. Web devs we've, enabled vs code debugging for nodejs on the windows subsystem for linux we've. Also had support for progressive, web apps but. We went one step further giving, you a pwace, access, to, the full power of the Windows platform for. Mobile debts we've, added xamarin forms intellisense, powered, by the same engine as doe PF and uwp we've. Also added modern, templates for, iOS and Android with. Flyout menus and bottom tabs but. Today we're excited to announce a share a few, more we're. Bringing enhanced, session support for, Linux VMs through, a collaboration, with the xrdp, open, source project, it's. Faster, no, more Mouse delay it, has tighter integration with, Windows for. Easy sharing of drives.
The Clipboard, we also, know what a pain in the neck it is really, to, have to choose between running the Android emulator and having, hyper-v, installed, so. We work to make the Android, emulator compatible. With hyper-v the. Preview is available today so you run the latest Android emulators, side, by side with, hyper-v VMs, dr., tooling, the hololens, emulator, and more. But, to. Me sometimes. It's, the little things that matter the most right. Like. How in Notepad the, Linux lied feeds, don't, actually end, they. Just go on and on and, on, right. I can. Work past it but. It's kind of just plain annoying anybody, annoyed by that I'm always annoyed by it well, we, fixed notepad we, decided finally time to go fix it. Notepad. Now supports, Linux. Line, feeds the. Little things, another. Small detail that. I think adds up to a lot of value is having. A repeatable, reliable. And fast, setup for new dev boxes, we're. Excited to be contributing, sample, scripts to Bach starter and chocolaty. For, Windows app devs web, devs and many, of the characters character, categories, like mobile and IOT coming. Soon. Please. Keep giving us feedback and let's. Build the best dev box together. So. Today I shared a few, of the key innovations, coming to the Windows platform and, you. Can get started exploring these as well as many others with, the insider, preview SDK today. I can't. Wait to see what, you do, on the Windows platform next. Back, to you Joe. Alright, thank you thank you Kevin. So. I have. To say like I spend, most of my time up in the top of the stack with, UI kinds, of questions, and as I see what Kevin presented, I'm really, impressed by the wide, range, of things that our Windows core team has built and I, want you to think about this because I think it's impressive, there, they're both looking. At backwards. Facing, problems. Things, like large. Code bases that companies have and as Windows, 10 is getting deployed more broadly they. Want to help make all of you and all of our other partners able, to deploy those apps modernize. Those apps and make them better and at the same time they're leaning into forward-looking.
Technologies. Like win ml and, embracing. Lots and lots of development environment, on Windows so I am. Super, happy to be partnering with those folks and I think the work is great now, one thing I want to comment before we close chapter, two is that, all this stuff not. Only for, you all as an audience but it's all beneficial, to those, consumer. Developers, out there that are writing apps for, consumers, and one of the key things we want to just touch on briefly is, that of course, we continue to invest in the Microsoft, Store we're, building, new ways for consumer. Developers, to track the the. Use, of their apps to, deploy their apps and one, thing that we're excited to announce at Build this year isn't change. In the revenue, model within. The store for, consumer, apps so, if you're somebody who writes consumer, apps not games not, commercial, apps you'll, care about the fact that going, forward later this year will, increase. The revenue share to 85, percent of the revenue going, to you if someone comes, to the Microsoft, Store finds. Your app and installs it but, even better if you're, running your own campaigns. Or promoting, your app on your website if you, send a customer, to the Microsoft, Store and they find your app will, return 95, percent, of the revenue to you making, this the most developer. Friendly, store. From, an economic, point of view of all the large ecosystems. So. Thank. You thank. You. So. That wraps up chapter 2, and I hope you got a sense of the wide range of things that we're doing to help developers. Be more effective, and, what we're going to do now is change gears and talk about office. And some cool opportunities. For all of you to, be where your customers, are and I want you to get the right mindset, here today, you probably, think about your apps as a rectangle, on the screen that someone launches, on their phone or their PC, but, what we want you to do now is start thinking about your apps as value. That you create that can live in the places where end-users, are collaborating, or communicating, and today, because this, office, experience, is reaching, more and more people with, a hundred and thirty five million commercial, users now, using office 365 and, in, just a year. 200,000. Organizations, have begun to adopt Microsoft, teams it's. Now possible for, the work that you do to appear. In the places, where people are having conversations, or collaborating, so, what we're gonna do now is three, demos, showing, you the way that you can integrate into office, experiences, first, with functions, in Excel second. In conversations. In Outlook, and then third ways, that you can customize the, whole experience, and create, a tailored, teams. For. Your organization. And to get us started I'm, gonna introduce, to the stage, Nina arenas who's, gonna talk about extending, Excel.
Yena, Leads, our Microsoft, graph team and you're gonna hear a bunch from her today so thanks. You know thank you Joe. Hello. Build. Hello. Build, I. Am. Nina Ennis and I lead the team that brings you the Microsoft, graph but. I'm here to show how you can, take your, business logic and services. And make, them available to, everyone. In your organization. Using. Excel, now. Excel has, a lot of powerful capabilities. Built straight into the application, things, users, know and love like a powerful set, of functions, and. Here's. The cool part we. Are now in abling, you to extend Excel to, make it the most flexible, tool for processing, data, customized. To, your organization. How. With. A new support for custom, functions, in JavaScript. You. Can write custom, JavaScript, code that looks and behaves like, any, other function, in Excel you. Can empower, every, Excel user in your organization. With, artificial, intelligence and, service, connected, code. Without. Having them leave the tool they already know and love. Now. Let's take a look at an example of this new functionality, on Excel and how, it helps the budget managed, by the contoso finance, team. The. Team needed, to calculate, custom. Depreciation. Based on business rules. So, we created a set of functions, specifically. Written for the cantos of finance team I want, you to pay attention to this particular cell, when, I'm going to invoke, the, contoso functions. The. First one is a depreciation, value. I'm. Gonna select the, input. And then. The function will automatically, calculate it this. Function, implements, our logic in JavaScript, and it's connecting, to our internal, services, to the contoso internal, services, and you. Can also write custom functions, that pulling data from the web here. This, function, is bringing, cell stacks values, based, on the city, now. As any, other function, if I change an input, like the vendor price to 2000, the. Worksheet, will automatically. Recalculate. Now. Let's go to visual studio code and see how this is done the. First thing that I have here, is that, as a JavaScript function, that allows me to register, this custom, function with excel all. Right all I need to do this is simple. JavaScript and web service calls the. Second function that I have here is the one that is make bringing in that cells tax information as, you. Can see is plain, and simple, JavaScript, this. Code is in the cloud not, in a PC or attached, to a specific excel, file and as. A developer, you, can package this code and deploy these, new custom, functions, to, everyone, in your office 365, environment and make. It available for users, and groups in your organization. So, we're gonna add this new, add-in. And. Now. Users, will automatically, get access, to all of these custom functions, whether.
They're Using Excel on the Mac on the web, or on their PC, the. Deployment, is centralized, and no local adings are required now. I'm gonna add it to a finance team. Now. That, way every. Time since the deployment is centralized, every time that you need to fix a bug in your code you, fix it once and everyone, gets the fix right away and it's, not to say that you write buggy code but just in case now. Let's, take a moment to, review what we just did we. Created a custom JavaScript. Function, that, behaves like any other function in Excel and we, made it available to, everyone, in your organization. Using. Centralized, deployment, this. Custom, function, is connecting. To our own web services, and recalculation. Is triggered just like you would expect by. Infusing, Excel with code and insights, you can offer new cloud-connected experiences. To, empower everyone, in your, organization without. Disrupting. The workflow, thank. You. Now. I'd like to invite my colleague Charles Morris to, show you how you can extend outlook experiences, Charles. Thank. You Gina. Good. Morning everyone my name, is charles morris and i'm a group program manager, on the web platform team. Today. I'm here to show you how by, building adaptive, cards, you. Can engage. With your users in your apps right. In the flow of their daily conversations. Adaptive. Cards are an open source card exchange format that, allow you to embed your content, inside. Of other applications. Allowing. You to reach your users wherever they are. Adaptive. Cards can be hosted inside of Microsoft teams as we'll see in a minute but, also the bot framework Cortana, the windows timeline and more. Before. Now I'd like to show you how adaptive, cards help me be productive, right. Inside of Microsoft, Outlook. So. Every day I get, many workflow. And notification, type emails requests. For approval or decisions. That need to be made for these, types of emails adaptive. Cards help your users make streamlined, and quick, decisions, right. Inside of Outlook so. Let's take a look at three quick examples of how this works. So. How many of you out there have a bunch of notification. Emails from github in your, inbox right now. Well. This one here is a bit different. Because. It contains an adaptive, card that github is built this, github issue becomes, immediately actionable, for me so, I can simply skim through this issue. Add. My own comment, and this is now posting, directly back to github and with. Just one more click I can close it out, so. Just like that I have, completely taken care of this issue all without leaving my, flow in Outlook how cool is that so. Just. Think of all the context, switches this, can eliminate throughout, the day which cost us precious time and energy, let's. Take a look at a second example. Well. I made is a company whose mission, is to build employee, engagement, at the companies, that they work with by.
Helping Employees at those companies invest, more time in, their, personal, well-being, and growth. Here. You can see an email that I've gotten from limeade that contains an adaptive, card. Because. I've given limeade access, to my calendar they can now use the Microsoft graph to look at my schedule and make some personalized, suggestions. So. Now with just one click I can, schedule some time in my calendar for my well-being in this, case by participating, in a group mindfulness. Session it's, that easy. So. Let's take a look at a third example now. Another. Type of email that I get are bills, and invoices and, these can be time-consuming to. Take care of and that's. Why I'm thrilled to announce that, starting today, you. Can pay off bills and invoices directly. In Outlook using. Adaptive cards. This. Integrates, with Microsoft pay, which means that I can access all the payment. Methods that I already have securely, stored in the cloud to, streamline the payment process, let's. Take a quick look. So. Here you can see that I've switched over into my, personal outlook.com account. Where. I've got an email which. Is an invoice that's handled by our partner zero they, help small businesses, with, services. Like billing, because. Xero, has built an adaptive, card into this email that. Degrades with Microsoft. Pay I can kick off the payment process, directly, inside, of Outlook so. Now with
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