whoa my friends I welcome all of you 96 000 star seeds Wanderers and light workers to this beautiful session in today's session I have channeled The Pleiadians and you know when I listen to the session I was like wow this stuff is really good okay this material this information which I received during the trans state is really amazing you can make a movie out of it and it sounds really amazing okay because I have asked information about what is tartaria because many of us you know we we know about tartaria we have heard somewhere that tartaria was this land and I wanted to know what it actually is so in this session they explain it in great detail okay like this is the greatest explanation I've ever heard and also not only from the earth level but also on the cosmic level so this is like amazing and with regards to tartaria they talk about nephilims uh anunnakis and Nibiru and they talk about the type of you know battle which actually happened and I believe you know this is one of the reasons why uh the you know the people in power they have kept this information as secret okay or hidden because they do not want us to know that aliens are real and I believe you know that's what they're trying to do they're trying to you know not tell us about tartaria because uh it is directly related with extraterrestrial contact okay and the second thing that I have channeled today is about the information uh related with as many of you wanted to know is Metatron a negative entity or a positive being so in this session you'll find a ton of information regarding you know how Metatron evolved and what is the main purpose of Metatron and also they explain if is Metatron a negative entity or not okay so you'll find it beautifully explained in the session and finally I also asked about since today is the 10th of October so 10 10 I believe is a very important day so I wanted to ask a spiritual practice we can do and they have described it in the session what we can do today and I hope you'll enjoy the session so with that being said my friends give a shout out to the queens of Kaleidoscope Channel with whom I did an interview and if you want to watch that the link is on the description and the other thing is I want to say big thank you to all of you who actually got the physical version the paperback version of the sessions because you know it helps to preserve the information because we don't know you know what the big tech companies they want to do so if it is in a book format you know it will never disappear at least we will have the knowledge okay so thanks to all of you who got that the link is on the description if you want to get yourself and the other thing is I just want to say big thank you for liking the video as it helps to reach out to other people just like us at this time so with that being said enjoy the session my friends we are the blue aliens and we are now communicating through this instruments vibration pattern at this time we The Pleiadians would like to warn each individual entity who shall listen to our thought forms have to remember to only choose those thoughts which resonates deeply within the inner self furthermore the queries which have been placed today by this instrument pertains to the history of the location known by your people as tartaria we shall now address this query by providing all the information which is hidden from the human Collective Consciousness at this time the so-called location of territorial was a land inhabited by the ear so-called the nephilims by your people oh primarily were at the time using the human mind body and spirit complexes as their slaves the nephilims were in a way a type of cross breed between the human Mind Body Spirit complexes and the jeans which appear from the Anunnaki Collective furthermore these nephilims they had the ability of communicating telepathically as they were granted the use of fourth density Technologies further this activated their telepathic ability is the location known as tartario existed around from the time period of 25 000 to 250 years ago in the Earth planet furthermore the nephilims primarily are the descendants of the Anunnaki social memory complex to escape from the planets named by your people as Nibiru after the end of the battle in the b-roll further after this incident there was a type of battle or a war which broke out between the nephilims and the anunnakis of the Earth planet these entities they tried to flee to other planets but they couldn't find any safe zone for themselves to continue There that Soul evolution in the universe the nephilims then decided to remain on the Earth planet and live amongst the humans disguised as human beings using modern complex Technologies the nephilims furthermore were the first experimenters of the so-called genetic engineering technology by your people the used to create new distortions and these species of the humans animals and plants mind-body and spirit complexes but the experimentation went wrong and these experiments resulted in the creation of beings known by your people as monsters such as Cog and Magog this created a distortion of fear amongst all the human entities living on Earth at that time and the entities who were living on the earth planet at the time were afraid that there would be another apocalypse furthermore they started developing weapons in order for protection and the weapons reached the planets through a type of Intergalactic Corridor these weapons were created by the Anunnaki who owned the planet known as Nibiru before they left it's behind on the planet further upon scanning the vibrations of the previous times of the Earth planet these weapons can also be found being used by the Nephilim entities during the battle against the Anunnaki forces therefore the Nephilim social complex having been on the Earth planet and not working for service to others were banished by the Council of planets from earth they couldn't go back to their home plotted which was in the bureau therefore they chose to live amongst the human entities disregarding the orders of the Council of planets as slaves and scientists further they created many types of genetics and biological changes and after a long period of struggle the Nephilim entered his team were able to escape from the earth with their Technologies further they were able to find a planetary sphere known as tartaria wherein The Entity settled on it and they continued their experimentation and used genetic engineering Technologies to create more genetically modified entities furthermore they use some of these genetically modified entities to help them battle against the Anunnaki forces they also created some types of super soldier entities from the human Mind Body Spirit complexes to use them against in the battle against the Anunnaki complexities super soldier entities were then sent back to the planet of nipiro and the battle began again as the Nephilim entities wanted to take over maybe root just like the unknock he did eventually the Anunnaki were victorious in the battle because of their Advanced Technologies of higher fifth density Consciousness and the Nephilim lost control of the Nibiru planets the Anunnaki forces were extremely powerful for these entities and the couldn't stand a chance further they had to leave the planet known as the Biro and settled somewhere else in the universe which is why they decided to live amongst the humans where they would not face any types of conflicts the Nephilim furthermore also primarily resided on Earth and they knew that the Earth was going to be infiltrated by the ardenaki forces and they decided to settle on another planet and the Anunnaki forces were already aware of the other planet known as tartaria and further many years later when the Anunnaki forces left Earth the Nephilim were forced to return to earth once again and they were able to land on the planet known as the fire by your people the Nephilim forces lived on the planet known as the fire for many timelines and once they decided to return to Earth to check what was happening on the Earth planet when the Nephilim entities arrived back on Earth they found it being controlled by the Anunnaki social memory complex were taken control of the earth planets at around the Sumerian times as known by your people the Nephilim started destroying every Anunnaki social memory complex they came in contact with in order to free the Earth from the rules they started creating bases on different places of the planets and also taught human entities to battle against the Anunnaki forces the Nephilim entered into an agreement with the Galactic Federation to help them defeat the Anunnaki and the plan was successful were defeated in the land and the name of the land was coined as tartaria which is located around the North Central Asia we shall now address the other portion of the query which pertains to is Metatron magnetic Consciousness a negatively polarized entity we must state that Metatron is a entity currently in the third sub Octave of the sixth density Consciousness Metatron magnetic Consciousness originated in the planet known as Arcadia in the Universal section 0.1be this entity started learning about first tensory lessons when it was in its home planetary sphere and after learning the many lessons reaching to the level of fifth density its first contact with the human entities began at the time periods of around the year 3080 as known in your space-time identification terms at which time it appeared to the human entities as an Angelic entity named as Metatron in this light being form it spoke only one word and that was awareness the single word has been interpreted by many Mind Body Spirit complexes as having multiple meanings the most important refers to more information or knowledge The Entity known as Metatron had no physical body and communicated using telepathic communication but the entities on the Earth planet so much the Angelic being claimed that they felt an overwhelming sense of Peace while in presence and some saw Metatron as a manifestation of the Creator itself While others experienced intense fears some beings said that it was beautiful While others describes the face as ugly and deformed Metatron did not physically appear to anyone who met it for more than a continuous period of five minutes but many have on the Earth planet Earth is fear reported seeing a bright light emanating from the location and a feeling of spiritual energy radiating from within its inner core as the times pause after the initial encounter with the human entities it became clear to many mind-body Spirit complex of the earth planets that see Angelic entity was a higher dimensional being with a purpose to help Humanity expand beyond their current state this Divine entity seemed to have an interest in assisting those beings on the Journey of spiritual Evolution and growth over time it came to be believed by your people that the entity's name referred to it's functioned as a translator of information between the various densities this entry furthermore have also been seen by many of the human mind body and spirit complex furthermore we must state that the entry known as Metatron is a Divine being hence it is not a negatively oriented being as claimed by many upon your planet furthermore the entry known as Metatron assisted many a times in the purpose of improving the consciousness of the planetary sphere the main purpose of the entity is due assist in the Improvement of the State of Consciousness by moving higher in the scale of Consciousness the vibration of those entities who come in contact with it it is a movement from the lower Consciousness level to the higher level of Consciousness which is the main purpose of the entry known as Metatron who is here to assist furthermore we as the plethians shall now address one the spiritual practice which will be of it at this time to the people of the Earth planet a spiritual practice for the time of Tenten as known by your people the period of 10 October as zoned by your people can be used as a period for consciously practicing raising the level of vibration to the highest level and further each entity must realize that the main purpose of every Incarnation on the Earth planet is to improve the State of Consciousness by moving higher and the scale of Consciousness as known by your people every Incarnation on the Earth planet is for the purpose of moving from the lower levels to the higher levels of consciousness as have been measured by many of yours scientists in the scale of consciousness every particular level corresponds to a mind-spawn complex activity and belief system furthermore there are many more levels than those on which your mind complex is aware of the lowest level is where all the matter exists and at this level there is no self-awareness but only action the next level higher above has taught but the thoughts are limited to survival such as hunger tourists sleep sickness pain Etc at this point there is still no understanding of Love or hate or fear or courage or any kind of emotion and then as the entities move into the first stage of true intelligence which is what maybe of your people referred to as thinking in this level there is self-awareness and comprehension and so many entities begin to learn about the worlds about the universe further there are other levels which cannot be experienced at this time and all actions taken by the mind body and spirit complex in this timeline is but to raise the level of vibration to the highest level which is the ultimate objective and it is a great spiritual practice at this time too change the vibration consciously to a higher level and to leave you now beloveds in love and light of the one creator I so my friends you know I hope you have learned some important information in the session you know I did learn something really amazing in the session and that is about Nibiru tartaria and Anunnaki and how they are connected now uh it's really I mean when you listen to the session you actually understand what they were saying but to actually explain it in my own language is actually a bit difficult but I'm gonna try my best so basically what this said is the tartaria is a land in north central uh Asia okay and it existed around like two thousand uh 25 000 years to 250 years ago so basically what happened was that the nephilims you know they had made it their home and uh this uh this location was used by the nephilims uh to battle against the Anunnaki forces and there was a battle going on between them uh you know far from Nibiru to Earth so uh you know there was a type of battle between you know nephilims and Anunnaki forces and also one of the things I noticed is that uh the uh you know the Nephilim forces you know they were they were Advanced you know they were given like fourth density Technologies they had telepathic communication and stuff like that and also you know it turns out that the Nephilim entities you know they also had another planet uh which was named tartaria so I believe the other planet's name was tataria the original planet was named as tartaria and then there was uh there was a land in which uh in which they had landed on Earth which they made their home uh that was also named as taratarya because uh there the battle took place and the Anunnaki forces they ended uh the uh in a battle with the Nephilim the nephilims you know worked with the Galactic Federation to end the Anunnaki forces okay the negative Orient in Anunnaki I believe that's what they said so and that was how the tartarian lands were named and the other thing that they said in the session is about Metatron now the only thing that I understood from the session about Metatron is that Metatron is a positively oriented being okay it originated from a higher vibration uh it came here uh It came it comes uh in contact with humans as a light being and its main purpose is to assist Humanity in the Ascension process so this is the main thing that I learned in the session about Metatron being a positive being so I don't know you know like why people say that Metatron is negative but it turns out Metatron is extremely positive oriented being so there is no need to worry about anything okay and you know as far as I know you know people you know they say you know everyone is negative okay like sometimes you know I have seen that you know maybe it's the ego coming out okay maybe it's uh maybe they want to you know make other people other entities you know lower uh bad or stuff like that and I have seen that you know they they say that you know if they can even say Galactic Federation is negative they can say everyone is negative okay and I think you know we need to use our discernment whenever someone says negative we just don't believe in that okay we have to use our thoughts let's think uh properly what they said and analyze it and then finally you know we come to our own conclusion right and uh the final thing that they said is at this moment of 10 10 there is a simple exercise which we can do to raise our vibration and the method is very simple which is uh primarily you know to use a method of raising our Consciousness now I believe you know we can use any of the methods they have provided us till now which we can find in many of the sessions which I have done so that's the that's the simple practice we can do today is to just change our vibration consciously to a higher level so I hope you know this video helps helped you to change your vibration to a higher level and also I want to say a big thank you to all of you for sending me requests for past live sessions where I Channel your past lives your soul name your current life purpose and any other question you may have to this email and then I want to say big thank you to all of you for joining me on patreon where I'm planning to do some teaching sessions as well as I upload three times a week on my patreon uh and the link is on the description the other thing I want to say is I want to say a big thank you to all of you for also downloading the free pdf of the transcripts which is available the link is on the description as well as you know those who want to get the paperback version of the booklet you can buy it the link is on the bio so with that being said see you in the next session my friends take care
2022-10-13 03:35