You Are Your Own Saviour

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anymore it's it's wild you know oh we're live here we go sweet okay yeah the sleep thing is interesting the title made me very happy to type welcome everybody good morning okay that is not shared we are good to go there yeah just public and you are ninja quick i told you this is gonna be ninja quick ninja styles ninja quick all right anyway done all right welcome everybody to our ninja style pop-up jason put a post up this morning that was very shocking for people and we had lots of questions uh so yeah we just wanted to jump on and uh and answer some questions for you so it should be pretty quick uh we just woke up i think most people well anyway who knows time but yeah welcome jason i'm skylar welcome everybody here on the replay um let's get some some clarity happening because i think people saw the six billion uh number when you mentioned walk-ins and i was like wait what and then it's like how many people do we have on the planet six billion what is happening so here we are yeah uh i mean you also have to keep in mind that's also new births so there's but it's it's roughly about six billion people and what that means is these high octave beings beings that have transited into fifth dimension or greater and have lots of experience in it are the ones that are gonna be coming in and a lot of the beings that are still here you know we've all had that experience right so like your master class soul if you're alive at this point that's just how it is it doesn't matter whether your master class sold for the light or the dark as people call it doesn't matter right but like you're still one of those and the transitions occurring right now it's actually pretty fast they did a few earlier this morning to test the waters and it kind of like skipped which was an interesting thing to watch basically when i say like 6 billion that's what's anticipated that doesn't mean that's what we're going to arrive with because as anyone knows about walk-ins it doesn't mean that it's going to stick and it might take multiple waves for it to work and that's one of the reasons why i think we're gonna have some spikes what i mean by spikes is these beings are coming in fully intact that's something that we've recently been able to do this is brand new so what that means is instead of being memory wiped this being comes in full well if this being's not being memory wiped then that means that all the information that this being knows is being added to our collective and that is a lot of new information a lot of new information per soul and then you multiply that by 6 billion souls and that's like that's that's a considerable amount of information and so i think that we are probably going to transit up into like the 4 000 an hour now that doesn't mean that we're going to be at 4 000 every hour that's only when like major souls come in in large groups and i'm pretty sure this is going to be done in the most gentle way possible on the bright side all of us have trained up to a thousand natural which means that all of us know how to handle this yeah it's you know four thousand that's a lot but it's not every hour it's literally just some hours sometimes so we'll be like oh that wasn't that's okay oh oh this isn't as intense oh this isn't as intense and the other cool part about this is all of us that are still here you know except for like the few that made it last night all of us that are still here are in pc or our pcs right and so what happened was that the vote was split i mean the information that came through us was split by only uh pcs no npcs what this means is as we get more npcs that turn into pcs it means we have more support with the vote not only do we have more support with the vote but these beings are coming in fully intact which means they know the plan clearer than any of us because we're we're doing our best to get information on what the plan means to us right but but like that's only coming through all of the misunderstandings that we have and our entire vessel and like anything that's the trauma that we've taken on like all of that right these things are coming in without that which means that they know exactly what to vote when to vote and how to vote and they probably have more awareness of what the future holds for us than i do right and so that's a great thing because as that comes into the collective more people will be like oh wait we're off track here i can vote this to change that right and so this is going to be a very fast cleanup effort and it's going to be amazing in that sense but just be aware that like the pressure that we've been feeling is because there were less and less of us every vote that chose to stay and now from this moment forward there will be more and more of us in the vote which means that a lot of the pressure that we were feeling that was crushing us wasn't actually the data points the data points are just the fuel that allows your car to go fast the choice points are the direction that you go and how fast you change that direction so now that we can vote with more people the the drasticness of the changes should settle down now does that mean that the world stages changes are gonna settle down no but our own body and our own mechanism you know the way that we handle reality will start to settle down so the more information will come through we'll have more fuel that's not gonna change but at the same time the pressure that that fuel has on us is going to change and it's going to change in a way that's actually more manageable and more easy for us so as more and more beings come in and we have more and more people sharing that information that vote the easier it becomes for everyone and this is a really awesome time for that because we've made it through some of the hardest times that we'll ever have to go through now and i know i've said this a few times but like each time we get closer to a huge new change in the way that we are and many times over we've changed dramatically like we've got over 200 years of information in the last year alone that's a lot of change that we've made that's 200 years of suffering that we don't need anymore because we chose to go through things a little bit more difficult than normal but we don't have to anymore and now we have more support we have the the second group coming in and then the third group and the fourth group in the fifth group all the way up to the seventh group is going to be coming in and so we're going to have a whole lot of wonderful amazing people some people are coming in after they were transited out in this life which is really interesting some people went studied and are coming back so you're going to run into some people that you've met before in different bodies it's going to be really interesting so just stay tuned for the the excitement there was a really cool part that somebody asked and they said are we going to be walking into ourselves our higher selves and there is going to be a lot of major upgrades for those that stayed like if you were here the whole time yeah you're going to get major major downloads of who you actually are throughout all time space and have more awareness of that than you've ever known and that's kind of your gift because you strengthen your vessel you've held it strong and you've made it for you right so you're going to be able to handle higher octaves as well so we're all going to become high octave beings some of us are going to walk in as high active beings right and others of us are going to grow into high octave beings but it's not going to matter which is because neither is greater or more right like that's important to understand this doesn't make you special that you survived and made it to this point it just means that you survived and made it to this point and congratulations on that seriously congratulations but everybody that's coming is just as awesome as you are so we're all going to be awesome together and so team humanity is getting a major upgrade by us and by them until we are just we tell all of us our team humanity again right and that's what these next few months hold for us so if you are on the ground team you're these this group of people that is here right now celebrate that you made it through to this point and then be ready to help a lot of people try to figure out how to live on earth right now because there are going to be billions of people that have no clue what to do other than they have the information right so just be aware that your job is going to be to kind of be like hey you know that's a faucet water comes out of it uh there's a toilet over there that that thing you can use you know like the the most basic things are what they're gonna struggle with the most advanced principles they're gonna understand they're gonna know a new level of math they're going to know things we can't even fathom right now technology as we understand it will just exponentially increase from here on out and in a great amazing way we're going to have that 5th dimensional technological revolution in 2023 this process for these walk-ins even though they're fully intact it's gonna take time probably six to eight months for them to take over and understand their body perfectly there is a lot of questions in the channel about the being that was inside the body many of them have contracted to work with each other meaning that some are actually going to stay behind the scenes and observe their body being used in the world and it's it's conscious choice so that some people are going to do that other people are choosing to opt out completely and go to a more dense world specifically to study their contracts and again there's no judgment here it's simply just a contract that they can can't fulfill here anymore so they're just gonna go somewhere else to fulfill it and then others are just going to observe so they can get some of their higher end contracts and then some of us like you know i personally am choosing to stay in this body and continuing to integrate my own epicness and they're going to be a lot of us that continue to do that as well some people are just going to say okay we made it to this point and i'm done now and that's okay too right because if you are on the ground crew you've done your job you you've made it now you get to choose whether you want to be here for the next leg of the journey which is really helping these beings kind of settle in here and also helping to rebuild the infrastructure of this new world that we're building together and i think this is going to be the most fun part like the second part of the movie which is like a continuation of the the film that we're in now right like we're now at the the credits have have begun to roll right and then there's this we all know though that there's this ending part that's hidden that we have to wait for the credits to end and then we get to see this part and then the movie will end the lights will come on and we'll all take an intermission and then the next movie will begin probably three days from then so i think by about the 21st will be in the new movie and the new movie is gonna be like a continuation of the the other one except it's just gonna be like a really short part of it because we've got all the story now we've got all of the depth of our character but now it's time to use all that story and to overcome and to become the greatest race and the cosmos really like i mean that's what humanity is destined for and why so many beings from all of the other races integrate into humanity so i think that this next film is going to be the greatest film we've ever lived i think it's going to be what we came for and i've been waiting my whole life for this film to start and only a few more days so yeah i covered a whole lot there if there are any other questions i'll let skyler ask them um celebrations keeps feeling like it's almost here yeah it's like new year's eve celebrations right now and then we'll have the shortest 2021 ever yep november until november 28th i think you said yep november 28th and then it's weird because we have another three day thing that doesn't exist in time again this is going to be a new thing and then on december 1st i think it is our december 2nd even we transition into 2022 so i don't know what that means i'm just i'll be very excited once we get there because that means it will have made it through all the way to november 28th all six billion beings will have integrated in and it will be in the whole new age so you mentioned before and i was getting i was remembering travelers the show when you were talking about like even watching them like attempt and how they might not all make it in because of the density levels and because of the bodies so do you have an idea of like how many will be successful or it's just going to be like kind of trial and error it's going to be trial and error there's no way to know um we have cleared up more density and more of the negative signal than ever before so in theory it should be much easier but the first few did skip across and so that was kind of like the test thing that ran last night so a lot of people felt that because it was like skip and then they came back up and then they tried again and then after about the third time they're like can't do it yet so our atmosphere there's a lot of things that needs to happen and change but it will uh there are going to be some that that arrive successfully and others that don't and they're just going to go through training and then jump back in and we'll keep going um the anticipated date is the 28th of november as a completion for the 6 billion that is more than 6 billion attempting but 6 billion there's room for 6 billion roughly a little bit more than 6 billion but still interesting and then you were saying like a lot of people ask because there's also this realization of like if it's that many people likely many people in my life are probably already npcs so if these high-level beings are coming in they have full access like there's not a process of this like remembrance then well they have to integrate that though so they're coming in intact the soul is coming in intact it's not being wiped but the body has to be able to process the information so imagine that you understood quantum mechanics but from venus's point of view and you landed on earth the math would be wrong so you would have to spend like time figuring out how to translate everything that you know on venus into earth terms so that's going to be kind of where the ground crew comes in is like hey you have this i have the understanding that from earth's perspective let's get together and and like bring all the pieces together because you have all the answers you just don't have them the right language so there's going to be a lot of translation that occurs and that's why it's in 2023 that the fifth dimensional technological revolution begins not in 2022 because it's gonna take us like at least a year to be like okay you're speaking a completely different language i do not understand anything that you're saying and we're gonna have a lot of work to do but i think that a lot of the people on this planet are prepared many of us have already brought a lot of our gifts forward and understand them enough in this world that when they bring their piece together it will have already built the foundation and we can really go fast with it so i think that it's going to go much faster but 2023 is when it's supposed to start if we start earlier i'm all for that so well and with this acceleration now like maybe it will be a quicker i mean who knows like with 4 000 data points um and just so people know too um maybe if you can explain data points really quickly and just like how it works i guess from so i remember when you were talking like i guess a year ago like not even that long ago when we were at 200 and how that basically it's just like your mind just can't like it's a it was a clear distinction of like your mind not being able to process things so like now we're like a thousand plus and you're talking 4 000 plus so like how does that how can people make sense of that basically our minds can't process time at that speed so a data point simply is the amount of data that equals a single hour right and in the past when we were all born here like if you're over 30 you basically were born into a one data point every three hours ratio so just to understand what you've accomplished alone if you're 30 years older or older is you went from one data point every three hours to a thousand data points every hour so that that's pretty insane right and the four thousand and again it's important to understand the four thousand is spikes they're not sustained so there might be like an hour that's only a thousand dollar well thousand and eight is the minimum so that might happen and then like the next hour might be four thousand you might be like okay uh and then the next one will just be one thousand and eight you'll be like oh i can actually breathe this is easy because eventually that's going to be your resting point and so even though it's difficult now it's going to become cakewalk then because you're going to be expanding so fast and then calming down and then expanding so fast it's going to be like an exercise in time on levels we've never done before as humans so that's going to be fascinating but to make a data point explanation really simple is data points are simply a ratio of time so one data point is one hour so if you have 4 000 data points that's 4 000 hours condensed into a single hour worth of processing and a way to understand this kind of simply put would be if you have a computer that is an older computer it might not be able to run like a newer operating system right and so you would have to upgrade your computer maybe you have to upgrade your graphics card maybe you have to upgrade your hard drive something right but something in your computer is outdated and so it has to be updated and unlike in computers where you have to go buy a part in this world because it's our human anatomy that is the the bio computer we have to upgrade that part using resources meaning we might need sugars we might need salts we might need minerals cell salts are extremely important for like everything so like those resources are what your body calls for so that it can build this new part because your body is a divine intelligence it knows how to do this it actually was trained perfectly for this moment so it's not like this is is scary to it it's actually you the personality that are like i don't know if i can handle this the body's like dude we got this just make sure that you pay attention to me i'll tell you exactly what i need when you need it just make sure that i get it and then we'll be fine and we're like i don't know man this is this is too much everybody's like dude chill i got this so just get into tune with your body know that your body's got this give it what it needs let it create an update and you're going to find that your operating system is better than you can imagine you're going to process things so fast it's going to be insane but that 4000 is the max that we'll have to process during this integration so that's huge knowing that they're not going to do that like they're literally going to make sure that if we start to get close to that 4 000 they're going to stop sending people until it diminishes down again and then they're going to start sending people so we're going to be going up and down a lot but that 4 000 is the max that we're ever gonna push and we probably never will hit a four thousand probably at like 3890 or something like that but they're gonna do their best so it's gonna look like this a lot and that's actually very helpful because the skips also look like that so if we can get that same rhythm then what will happen with time is they'll be able to integrate into time easier into the bodies that they've chosen and that the person in the body has chosen to leave because it's not this is not a force takeover kind of thing this is a soul contracted agreement so there's nothing to be afraid of and also if you're here at this point you made it like if you're listening to me right now unless you're one of those few people that made it in last night you you made it right and if you are one of those few people you also made it congratulations for like making it through that a lot of people didn't so good job everybody congratulations and welcome to the ground team so will the 1008 data points be our baseline for a while then it's like we were ramping up kind of to this point yeah we had to be at a thousand or greater for the watkins to have enough stability because they're high octave so we had to become high enough octave so that we could actually handle that and that's one of the reasons why if that insane jump that's been happening these last few weeks it's just like had to happen because we were behind a little bit and that fast speed actually caused like some pretty big things to happen in the world too i think there was some earthquakes and some other things that had to happen as well with the earth because the earth had to speed up too like everything had to speed up so it's been a kind of an interesting thing to watch this was all not designed for the record like this all had to happen very much over time because there was a reality break and that reality break changed everything when when we had to break reality and untether we did something that hasn't happened since the beginning of time itself and that coming back together allowed us to make jumps and advancements we didn't think were possible and so now that we have done that we're able to handle things on levels we couldn't imagine because we were able to reframe reality one time which is like the greatest gift ever so now that we're doing that everything that was the past template all the plans everything it's out the window literally it's completely gone because we are so far ahead of schedule and with what's about to happen we're actually beginning to almost prepare for the master land integration hundreds of years ahead of schedule like it's it's just i don't know man i mean i might actually get to see seven density in this lifetime like i might actually get to survive to see that i wasn't planning on integrating into that time but now that like it's a possibility i'm like okay well that's kind of cool i mean i i thought this body might maybe make like a few thousand years but you know who knows it'll be interesting to see whoa and then with all of these walk-ins coming in with that level of um i guess energy like there's going to be a lot that we're going to be learning from that like we're providing a support in terms of like here's how to be in a human body but they're like hey here's how it's you know they have if they have all that remembrance i can only imagine the conversations that we're gonna have yeah and they're gonna unlock us to our own remembrance of the same things that's the coolest part about it because you're an infinite being right this is the infinite game they're just bringing a different part of infinity into the game and we're going to unlock at that and they're going to learn from us because we've learned how to stabilize this level of density in these forms so they're going to learn that and they're going to share their understanding and it's going to be like we're going to exponentially grow over the next 100 years humanity is going to change in ways that none of us not one person on this planet can foresee but all in the greatest direction possible so like you have made it into the beginning of the golden age we're a mere few months away from the actual beginning of the golden age which is 2022. so now we're in the redeeming of humanity this is where we cleanse out the darkest pockets of our minds so that we can make room for our ability as masters of time to actually integrate in and i have no idea what is what's in front of us that's why i said uh i know these things not for certain because anything could change in an instant literally like these beings that are skipping into time and space and their information and what they will trigger and unlock within us i mean we could literally change the course of human history in three days that's how fast time flows now and at 4 000 data points that's like what i i don't even know i i mean i literally i i my mind no no i don't know i don't know so yes my i know a lot we get this question a lot is like you know how the world stage is affected by these updates and i can only imagine with this many people i'm very much waiting i cannot wait to see how they handle that because the walk-ins are gonna come in to pretty much everyone except for like a billion people roughly a little bit under a billion people so that's like the majority of the world stage right so what happens when they come in and they're like oh by the way this guy's off on the trajectory just a little bit we need to course correct and all these course corrects start happening really fast and people are just like wait what i just but but you're not supposed to do that but then it won't actually be like you're not supposed to do that because the person that they're course correcting and the person that would normally say that that would be like hey you can't course correct it's also gonna be good good on you for course correcting let me go ahead and follow my suit right and so like the whole world is gonna be course correcting because of the walk-in agenda completing and so i i don't know what that looks like all i know is like i can't wait to watch it i am so ready i i mean it's not intermission yet but i refilled my infinite thing of popcorn i coated it properly it's never gonna run out of popcorn we've got a whole group of people hanging out in the theater we're ready for the next movie we're laughing we're we're talking about what we thought was interesting about the first movie because you know it's the credits right now and then we're about to get like the teaser trailer before the next movie and the teaser trailer thing like we're all guessing what that could look like because no one of us know like there's no certainty at all anymore we're just kind of like yeah and this is off the walls let's just see what happens it's going to be great though like all of us know that and so that's kind of the general consensus of everyone in the movie theater with me is i can't wait this is like going to be amazing like how are we going to even do this we don't even know how we're going to do this well this is going to be awesome though because there's no idea of what to do and i love that i love that the enjoy the ride line comes to mind exactly it's totally gonna be enjoy the ride at this point for sure i i'm i'm the comedy that i'm about to get to see when i look at the world when things start to get revealed and things start to make sense again in this world and all the course corrections start i am gonna laugh so hard it's gonna be great i think it's gonna be the most therapeutic laugh i've ever laughed in my entire life watching the world correct itself it's gonna be it's gonna be awesome awesome um yeah that's it for my questions i don't know if you want to take questions i know where ninja style is this morning yeah we're gonna just style this morning uh i don't know how long we've gone on i wanted to keep it short but i guess we could always cut one side of the clip to only be this and then have a q a part that we can answer to help some people that are struggling yeah that sounds good okay cool yeah um then we just won't take the questions and answer part of it when we put it on youtube unless we just feel like we need some what's uh i'm okay with like five questions five questions okay so anybody here on the live please if you've already asked a question repost it so i can see it and i will go in and check now on facebook 237 people nice that's my that's one of my numbers i think i answered all the ones i saw on my wall so i saw him and i was like man people are really freaking out need to make sure that they understand this is actually a great thing and it's going to be hilarious totes okay so robin's asking so some of the watkins will have the previous memories of their bodies and some will not all of them will have the previous memories of their bodies that's that's normal um they'll have to distinguish between the two which is going to be a little awkward phase for them that'll take about three to six months depending but because they're high octave and this has never been done before it might be less but yeah they're going to be stumbling you're just going to notice that these people aren't really in coherency with reality for a little bit they don't know why and uh then they'll remember and anyone that's ever gone through a walk-in journey you you also understand what that's like it just takes time but then you remember so nick's asking a question it reminds me of another question about people experiencing really weird kind of weird things lately and like what's going on so they're asking last night i relieved my relived my day two more times okay sorry let me start this last night i relived my day yesterday two more times in different versions but so realistic that i really struggled to know how my day yesterday went in this reality yep um yeah trying to figure out what's going on energetically i'm just gonna let you know now that anything that happened yesterday made you who you are today and if it took three times to make you to who you are today it doesn't matter so let go of yesterday that is the best advice i can give anyone right now you're gonna have weird stuff happen i go through dream cycles where like i have a sleep for three minutes three three minutes and it's an entire reality that i process and then i wake up and then three minutes later i'm back to sleep and then i wake up and then like it's and there's just information just huge amounts of lifetime just downloading at once and that's just gonna get much more bonkers so the best thing you can do is remember that what was was so that you could be and what you are is until it isn't the rest of the stuff just throw out so be be grateful that you got to have that crazy experience and then just let it go because if you try to think about yesterday today you will miss today and today is going to go so fast that you won't understand and then you'll be stuck in yesterday and then you'll have to process today tomorrow and that will really not go well especially when we go to 4 000 data points that's going to be that's going to be like reality checking levels i mean that at that point you're like at like every four to five seconds you're you're processing more than like a lifetime so it's going to be it's going to be really really really strong a lot of a lot of lessons really fast wow this is really fast there's some questions about families um do we get our families back teresa is asking i mean you never lost your family that's the the idea that you lose something in an infinite game is the misunderstanding right so who comes back in maybe uh but at the same time anyone and this is really important the people that are coming back in aren't people that are not familiar to you that's going to be really interesting so like if you're in a family dynamic with npcs the people that come into those npcs are beings that already understand and know you from other lives so what's going to happen is it's going to be more like soul family reunions inside of the family unions so you might still you and sometimes some of the people might have just left for a little bit to learn and come back in too so it's going to be kind of like situational but it won't be like this loss or mourning of right because with that awareness of truth comes this understanding of like oh well this person's gone on their journey and they need to do what they need to do and this this human aspect where you need to mourn the loss of a person instead of celebrate that they've transitioned is going to be kind of an older outdated thing as we continue to move forward because when you get that full awareness of the greater game life isn't as depressing as it used to be it's more just games being played out and you're acknowledging them johnny's asking after the watkins we're gonna experience 5d and peace all over the world well i mean in theory i can't say for certain anymore i mean the the world peace date that was supposed to happen is like gone because something greater is coming and i'm like i don't know what's greater than world beast so i'm open to this it's gonna be great i don't know um as for 5d 5d is an individual choice the earth is requiring 40. so a lot of people are just going to set it 40 which is great like i mean i'm okay with the whole plan of fourth dimensional beings like sure works for me but the the 5d thing there there will be people that that go and experience 5d and then they will come back down to 40 and help the 40 people go up into 5d and it'll just be a process but i mean we could be in seven dimensions by the end of 200 years from now and real 200 years so i i don't know i don't know what we have in store for us i know the fifth dimensional technological revolution doesn't necessarily mean physical tech it could be spiritual attack it could be awareness of other lifetimes through downloadable consciousness and i don't mean through like implants and things like that i'm not talking about that kind of stuff i'm talking about pure conscious streams of information being like in like disc format that you can like just like hold and infinitely remember so i don't know what what we are going to come into and again like there's no certainty at all all i can tell you is that when we get all course corrected and all the watkins do their exact reason for coming and with that specific body and everything changes hands and does what it needs to do that you'll be grateful that you're alive like you will be so happy that this is the moment that you lived for and you'll also be very grateful for everything that got you there despite how crazy or chaotic you might think your journey is today you'll be grateful for it because it will add character and meaning to what you're about to walk into and renee is asking is there a specific system the walk-ins come from no it's literally the entire omniverse is coming it's going to be amazing whoa that was five questions awesome i actually still feel like there should be like two more so i'm open to two more i see lots coming in so that's great um um lots of questions about how to handle the body and fear do you have any um recommendations on how to process fear so your body has got everything it needs as long as you give it to it the fear is the unknown and that is completely 100 natural because we are all very very afraid unconsciously of what's about to happen because we don't know and humanity has always been afraid of the unknown since the beginning i think that this is just part of our process but fear doesn't have to stop us fear allows us to become courageous right so you just have to activate that bravery and if you don't know what i'm talking about watch the clip called activating bravery it's really short i think it's the short one of our shorts right yeah yeah and we can post that below it it'll be easier for you to watch that but understand that that fear is okay acknowledge that fear because the moment you acknowledge the fear it becomes in front of you and you can just walk right through it but if you can't acknowledge the fear then it becomes something behind you and it whispers to you and it tells you all the reasons why you can't succeed but the thing is like you can and you will all you have to do is the next right thing in front of you so there's nothing to be afraid of but fear is very present for everyone right now because there's so many unknowns that we don't know how to process reality we've never processed at the speed that we're doing it we've never processed the speed we're doing it in these bodies we've never connected to our body the level that we're about to connect to our body we've never integrated the pieces we've ever done we've never had to walk into this level we've never had an earth where the reality was broken and re-tethered back in like all of the things at this point there are too many unknowns i literally can't even list off all the unknowns so yeah most people are terrified right now and then if you just think about that it's just like the energetics right look at the world stage the world stage is bonkers man like i can't go into much detail but it's bonkers people are terrified left and right because of the craziness of the world and there's no truth coming in from the world stage it's just lots of people's opinions and ideas so as we continue to move into truth those opinions and ideas will matter less until truth matters more and you'll start to see truth everywhere and then a lot of that fear and uncertainty will go away but this next three months is going to be pretty rough for most people when it comes to the thing right because like all of these things that we're moving in this one direction are about to get course corrected which means all of these things that are moving this direction are going to start to turn it's going to be a drastic shift in another direction and that is going to feel very uncomfortable for many people many people won't even know how to process that and that's going to be okay because again activating bravery is the key and you gave yourself more bravery than any other skill in this lifetime all you gotta do is activate it and that means acknowledge the fear and then walk through it and again fear and danger are not the same thing please watch the clip it will help a lot that's beautiful yeah it's a lot of um people processing what they thought was true and that shakes people right especially if it's something they believed their whole lives or whatever so i totally get it i mean i had an entire reality that i understood that i came for i'm kind of like um well can't do it because it's a spoiler but there's a character in the show that you mentioned the travelers that i really relate to because of the historian aspect of it and having the world change constantly is uh definitely messes with me a little bit but the good news is like now none of us know there's no plan for the future in the sense that we're all voting there's an idea where we're going to head right but we don't know how we're going to get there and the beings that are coming in aren't he aren't coming in to save us this is another misunderstanding that a lot of people have is oh the watkins are going to save us no they're coming in to humanity so that humanity can save itself they're gonna have the same problems and issues that their host body had and they're gonna have to overcome that and that requires us helping them so like if they were a drug addict they're gonna have to work through that if all the things like there's so many things that that's out there that's gonna require a lot of help we've been poisoning our bodies for years we've been destroying the world for years like that's not just going to change overnight we get to figure out using all of the the skills and knowledge and ability that we've developed that they've developed how to move forward but we're going to have more wisdom to move forward with than we've ever had actually more than any race has ever had ever because all of the races the greatest beings in all time and space are here and are coming here and that includes you i'm pointing at everyone here watching this you made it like that's insane most people up there like dude i can't even believe that you guys did it that's this was the hardest mission we've ever gone on and we did it so if you're afraid don't worry that's normal one more yep suzanne is asking do the walk-ins take over personality structures of the previous soul or be completely different expressions of self they will have the same personality structure at first but there will be subtle differences and it'll be very obvious so what will happen is the personality structure is like a cage we all are actually working on dissolving ours but they're gonna have to reach whatever level that they started at so like when they come into that body wherever that body was left off at is where they're gonna start coming up from and they're gonna have to push through the personality structure just like everyone else but the difference is when they start to push through the personality structure they're gonna start dissolving it because there's nothing reinforcing it whereas we still have reinforcing ideas on top of it some games different cultural belief structures like all of these things that they won't have they're going to have a clear understanding of something and they're going to push through it so the cool part about this is when they solve something they solve it for the collective just like when we solve something we sell them for the collective so there's going to be a lot of solutions coming up all the time basically for the next well i mean the rest of eternity really because as they come in more solutions and as they solve things we're going to start to see things to solve for ourselves that's going to create more solutions until everyone is free and each are free and all are freeing each other and that's really what is the fifth dimension so i'm very much looking forward to the support because we've been doing this together for so long and having outside perspective is just going to make it go that much faster but again we earned this so these are not our saviors they're our friends and together we band and we create team humanity and we move forward but they're not our saviors they're our friends i want you to really hear that because there's going to be a lot of people that are going to try to worship them and they're going to be like nah man like i'm not i'm your friend like don't even do that because they're not here to save us they're here to work with us so that we can save ourselves again that's what this year of redemption was about the first part of it was us redeeming ourselves so that we knew that we could stay and make sense to stay like we were worth staying right and all of us have done that and now the world stage or the earth itself basically has to be redeemed which means we now are respecting ourselves we now agree with ourselves we know that we are ready to take over the earth and be good stewards again but we have a really big mess to clean up and so we have support coming in who also are good stewards and together we will figure out ideas and solutions that will solve the problems that the earth currently has and record time and we will move forward in ways that we can't even imagine and create things that we can't even imagine now and we'll have more fun than we can ever imagine so i'm really looking forward to it i'm looking forward to it too super exciting yes it's wild on my final note this is not doom and gloom this is get ready for the riot of lifetimes you've earned it get ready to enjoy and remember to activate the bravery because the fear is going to come up it doesn't even matter if it's the most beautiful amazing world in front of you you're still going to be afraid of it because it's not the world you know and we get stuck in our pain psychology all the time we become miserable and we get used to being miserable and so anytime that something comes in that can help us to not be miserable we destroy it it's normal it's a human brokenness thing that our personality structure really activates into because the unknown scares us so just consciously activate your bravery and do things that you're uncertain of that's going to be very helpful for you and it can be very small it's going to be a big thing like if you've never swam in a swimming pool and you're afraid of water put your toe in the shallow end on the step where you know there's no danger and you've at least taken a step in the right direction to understanding that that is activating bravery for me whenever i was terrified of heights i jumped out of the sky like a plane and skydived right that is a little bit different there was some dangerous elements there but i also knew that i wanted to overcome my fear if i was afraid of water i would have done the pool thing right you can come up with great wonderful ways to activate your bravery but begin doing that and it doesn't have to be a big thing it could be a little tiny thing every time you do that you tell yourself that it's okay you create room for you to be brave and you're gonna need your bravery for what comes next not because it's scary or bad it's just simply because it's unknown and we're all going to collectively step out of a world we know into an unknown and it is going to be a little bit scary for some people so activate that bravery prepare now you've got several days and just enjoy the ride guys continue to be good continue to do good and have faith and just enjoy the ride because that's the step we're at now amazing i had a dream the other night that i was skydiving into the ocean and it was a blast and i'm i'm to me that would normally feel scary like with the height thing um but yeah say that again and then the ocean i love it like you combine the two examples yeah um i want to do that now anyway great ideas halo jumps high altitude low opening yeah jump from the sky into the ocean super fun awesome you've done that i have not done that but i've done the water part of it and i've done the skydiving part of it so i can imagine what it would be like awesome well rosie is cheering us on um i hope everybody enjoyed this uh any questions head to jason's wall that's where we'll answer them from here and yeah thank you jason this was awesome i'm excited let's celebrate and have a beautiful day everybody exactly alright love you guys bye


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