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let's talk about friends friends friends that's  good why you being weird why you being worried   they don't love themselves enough to be a great  friend for you and that's honestly what it was   breaking up with a friend is  harder than going through a breakup   hello you guys and welcome back to another episode  of you ain't wrong and honestly it's obviously the   revamp you feel me because y'all see this y'all  see it do they see it they see it but yeah so   today we are definitely back we are definitely in  a new era of you ain't wrong podcast we still want   to keep the core values but just keep it a little  bit more pg honestly it was a tight ratchet yeah   i was going to do it a little bit different this  time same core values so today we have the lovely   layla so what's your instagram handle it's xo  dot b-a-e-y-l-a period make sure you go add her   on instagram you know go go ahead go ahead don't  be shy subscribe to my channel it's gonna be right   there and then we want to make sure everybody  who's tuned in make sure you subscribe to our   channel at the leaves because don't y'all want  to support us we're not funny enough for y'all   just saying that we're not gonna i'll just wait  okay so we're gonna go ahead and get into today's   topic which is we're gonna let layla choose okay  so whichever one she comes off with and only is   what we're gonna go with we're gonna talk about  let's talk about friends friends friends let's   talk about outgrowing friends out growing our  growing friends that's deep and you know today   is a whole new year at the end of the day  so we're really just pushing into like   i know and it's terrible because i don't feel  like the the start of the year when you should   stop dealing with bull crap i've been today that's  like you should cut it off when you see it but   sometimes it takes like a new year just like i'm  doing the same thing i'm in the same motions this   person is kind of like distracting me or becoming  like more so of a uh what do they call it um   distraction you know how there's how there's asset  oh more so like a liability than an asset so child   play for me you definitely like just want to  like sing a lot of people in your life sometimes   people's only meant for a season you know what  i'm saying and be okay with that so what have your   most noticeable moment of outgrowing a friend what  has that um played out to be honestly i've been   through a lot we are the same age but we've been  through different things of course um but with   friends yeah let me be honest breaking up with  a friend is harder than going through a breakup what am i supposed to do every morning what  who won't call me what i'm doing my makeup   you know what i'm saying it's real tough so that  that that takes a toll on you for real for real um   definitely been through a lot with friends  i've definitely let myself out more with   friends than i have with somebody that  i'm significant with um so that yeah yeah it's not good but you have to in my  opinion like you have to honestly realize   some people aren't they don't love themselves  enough to be a great friend for you and that's   honestly what it boils down to and i'm not  saying i've been through that i had recent   talks with a friend it was like oh he was a  bad friend but then i was like honestly and   i had to say they weren't going to say it to me  but i said i didn't love myself enough to give   enough to friendship a relationship like i was  going too much personally in my own thoughts   i was growing a lot at that moment and i had  to take a step back and my step back just was   like i wasn't being a good friend so that's what  happened and you realize that for real yeah and it   takes a lot to realize that you have to learn to  love yourself and then your relationships around   you is going to become so much better at the end  of the day once you set those boundaries some   people's okay with boundaries i would never come  over your house at certain times i would never   require anything from you as a friend i would just  take you as a friend those people that come with   too many requirements like you need a mom and a  dad and a [ __ ] like especially with females like   i see a lot of females these days like they like  the attention from meals or like the attention   from family so they look for that with their  friends and that's not fair on the friends at   the end of the day that's a lot of pressure  it takes a lot we're not dealing with that   so my recent experience with um one  of my friends where i said i outgrew   honestly let me tell people like when you  meet me like i'm a forever friend like   i literally like i grow at the same time but the  core values stay the same like even when i was   going through a little period where i feel  like while i look back on it and i noticed   like i didn't love myself i feel like you guys  are saying i was the best friend that i could be   but um a recent experience um that's love let  me cut you off one second yes love that's self   yes and you gotta step back into like loving  yourself even though like tauruses we do a lot   for other people remind you we both tourists gang  and we are like we do a lot for other people we   put other people emotions and stuff before  ours like we necessarily be having a great   day and you call us with a conversation knowing  this is probably like going to death in our day   a little bit we still going to do with it and  we're still going to try to be there for you   but empathy really we're very empathetic  right yeah so um the experience with taught me   like i'll grow a friend in my job i've been  friends with the friends i have for years like not even years i would say almost a decade  probably over there so at the end of the day   like one of my friends the longest friend that i  had she called me and she had a conversation and   mind you i just had um a situation where i like  that situation but i moved from michigan to here   and it was like our lives has always been on  two different paths but i was just too young   to notice that the day we really didn't have  that much in common we really didn't have the   same goals we really i feel like honestly like  i just feel like it was a one-sided friendship   like i was always there for when you when you  needed me to be but whenever i need you it's   very much unavailable but i just kept holding  on to you just because she was like my um   my oldest friend but it was very much one-sided  as i grow to love myself i love myself now i   realized that and she called me and she basically  told me she didn't like the person that i became   i'm still the same person so it's so crazy  because you're the only person that say   that you know me for the longest but at the end  after that i could i could not let a person who don't understand the mental state that i was  in like noticing your friend's emotional state   yeah normalize that because okay that's a whole  different topic like yeah she just came for me   and she was just like i don't like the person you  became i don't like the new people that you're   hanging around i'm like you don't even know  these people you're looking at it from a just   standpoint and that's so work that you have to do  and i can understand that because i was there but   i'm not there now so i'm not going to entertain  this conversation because if you don't like me   and at the end after we were supposed to go to  um cheetahs and just have dinner so i'm like   i'm busy and i took time out to and give or  take like something traumatic did happen to her   and i was unable to be there for her but if you  know me like you would be like oh okay she if she   could've she wouldn't you know so we're all adults  we all have ideal problems these bills is terrible   so i think that i couldn't be there and i  think that she should just accept that and   then try to um knock down my growth because  that's all i was talking to um somebody about   i'm just like i work so like cozy we just talk  about that we're definitely going to do an   episode about covey but even with kobe like that  had me like in a depressed state of mind kind of   do you feel the same like that should have  been kind of like depressed so like just   by staying in the house and just like whatever  is the case with that but it's like it kind of   had me in the state of mind i was so like  outside of myself and for me to when the   world opened back up well atlanta never closed  when the world opened back up it was just like   okay now i'm in this mood and i gotta get out  of it it was a lot of stuff work i had to do   behind the scenes within myself no social media  no post no let down lighting that type of person   like i barely know how to work instagram so no i'm  not even that type of person so it was just like   for me to do so much self work and become proud  of myself and for my longest friend calling me   [ __ ] on me like bro when when i loved you  i wasn't happy with myself i wasn't happy   with my surroundings i wasn't happy with  [ __ ] so for us to connect at that point   and for me to do my ground work for me and you  not like it saying i become a different person   when every time i talk to somebody else they'll  be like oh you said it you always you saying   you know saying it was just like that's coming  from somewhere else and that's a lot to do with   her and not with me that's just how i feel yeah  so what is your recent experience that you went   through um well you know about my friend not  gonna say no names you know what i'm saying her next star wars i've just let a lot of my life out on her  right so it's so much things she knows about me   so many things she just was able to get  from me because i valued her as a friend   somebody who i really genuinely trusted and trust  is a big thing we talked about this earlier yeah   um for the new year i really want to go into  a place where i fully trust somebody until   you give me a reason not to trust you  at this point um but with her she just took advantage of the things  that i allowed myself to   let her you know i'm saying like i just gave this  to you i let you know what it is i allowed you to   manipulate really manipulation is a big thing  you got to understand what manipulation is and   we allow friends to do that yeah you think your  relationship when it comes to a significant other   is the manipulation sometimes but  no with friendships that comes too   and the show i would pray and hope she doesn't  because i would never let out her secrets you   know what i'm saying i would never allow the times  that we've been through a dark stage we've been to   good times whatever the case may be i would never  come out with those things there's so many things   that's happened between us that she told  to other people yeah who i never thought   the person i trusted the most i would never think  i would think you would take it to your grave you   know what i'm saying but you told somebody and  then you twisted it that's yeah that's my problem   when you twist some [ __ ] when you when you is  if i did what i didn't tell exactly right exactly   what i said because no it'd be on the phone  three-way baby girl we gonna get the [ __ ] out   the way i'm i have no problem saying what i  had to say but yeah don't twist what i said   to make it seem good for you yeah you're making  yourself seem like a good person or a person who's   everybody always going to highlight themselves  that's why i like people i'm sorry people be like   but honestly you like you to open youtube let me  tell you i don't like being woken up um a little   crazy with [ __ ] i might not give a [ __ ] about  them two weeks from now but it is what it is i'll   be loving them for two weeks let me love my [ __  ] for two weeks and i'm gonna be over it you know   what i'm saying like just let me be me and but  i want to say we are what we attract that thing   today that's the [ __ ] up part about it so and i  think we might have a lot through stuff like that   we have to go through moments where we realize  okay this person is not a good person for me   and i thought they were so good for  me but the growing me is not good   and it takes a long time it could take a long time  it could take a short time or a long time and you   know what i'm saying like it's just you just gotta  find your place for it but yeah it is what it is   people go you know me too yeah  me too where are you going you don't let me know more like just say that like  but why you being weird why you being more like   that so no well i think that's just the goodness  like just wanting friendships to stick and stuff   like that but honestly some people is not meant  to be your friend honestly meant to teach you a   lesson yeah and what you want well i think knowing  what you want other people is so great even on   a relationship if you go into it like blind side  and not knowing what he should do to make you feel   good or like what type of support he should offer  you as his girlfriend not even speaking monetarily   just like maybe like emotional or like physical  support back in the day you got to know what you   wanted for friendship and that's why i said i'm  gonna i'm gonna lie man lily we've been friends   for like how long four years now yeah yeah three  or two two gotta be two hold on i met in 2019 is it three i don't know damn  whatever twenty nine i was terrible i was talking to my friends from back at home  that i've been friends with for maybe like 15   years and i was just like we took for granted  the friendship that we had because so many   females come with so many like they honestly  push their insecurities off on their friends   and sometimes that takes a toll  on you it takes too long it does   which i shouldn't have told you beautiful  every day that's your [ __ ] job um a [ __ ] the [ __ ] what is it a monetary   because no that's what's in that like you step out  and pop out you feel me like yeah be too cute but   you should know that and you should be getting  like that's not a french job yeah uh trying to bring up or more of a support not support  because i'm gonna support you but more   like trying to feel like you're saying yeah yeah  i don't i don't have to feel you i shouldn't have   to make you feel secure yeah wow that's not my  job i'm gonna i did you know being your friend   at the end of the day right as your friend  you're already secure [ __ ] don't come like   that these days i don't know what is it about  like and that's why i sat on one or more friends people come with so much stuff and it's just  like females like i honestly know like a female   but i gotta look at this situation like even  though i was telling my friend on the phone just   because i was just like uh girl trying to cuss  her out on live and i'm just like you know how   would they have easily dismissed that like she  does hair so she's just like trying to pinpoint   her out as the bad people but sometimes people  look at you like oh you're the golden child you're   always happy you bring light to like every room  and i know the effect i know the [ __ ] effect i love the effect so i sent it a day it's  just like but if you envy that secretly and   just trying to get to know me to find out more  areas that i haven't need to make yourself feel   better i'm not [ __ ] with that neither everybody  is different after that you never want to be that   person that's just like make the situation fun  because [ __ ] people don't use you for fun   we're going to use you when you get to those  points you ain't gonna have nobody but they're   gonna call you they're gonna make sure they  call your phone and make sure you be like oh   i'm having a terrible day they don't lay  everything on that on you but you can't i literally so you got to know what comes  with being at that person forever so we are   we are very much people pleasers i will say  that people say that to me and i'll be like   but it's yeah we are because we love kids we  care so much you know what i'm saying like i said   we are very empathetic yeah anything  you tell me i'm gonna cry baby just let it out you know cry baby cry baby  but we care so much and a lot of people   pretend to not care you know what i'm saying you  shy we're tend to care no like you try to portray   a caring characteristic but you're not  caring yeah don't do that it's okay and i'm clear on [ __ ] i don't give a [ __ ]  about because it's like yo you fighting with   your [ __ ] like yo he's okay your bill's still  paid i really don't give a [ __ ] afternoon   you gonna [ __ ] with him regardless regardless  i mean i'm not about to say something to because   don't talk about my [ __ ] that part i want you  to join in to me so i literally treat people i   want to be treated don't talk about my [ __ ]  he might be broke he might be walking might be   rich and he might have a wife mind your [ __ ]  business that's it that's it you support me if   i gotta lean i'll be doing that y'all yeah yeah i  don't be doing that but it's just like the simple   fact like you just want to mind your business  like when you that's why i said when you got   this [ __ ] going on as a friend say friends  you got a job you got [ __ ] you got friends you and i don't think no friendship so when  people don't have a life they kind of like   have the time to sit back and analyze people  and figure out what's wrong with them because   they feel like why do people love this person why  can't you talk to this person so they literally   be trying to tear you down i notice the signs now  and that's why i want y'all to know this as well   notice when somebody is being a terrible friend  just because somebody is available to you   sometimes you be a shoulder to cry on but at the  end of the day they you crying on their shoulder   it's giving them ammo against you for one and for  two they might view you they may view you as a   person that is a threat or why you so happy or why  he treats you like this or why everybody love you   they just looking for reasons to stop [ __ ]  with you literally you have to notice that too   as well i feel like that's important so that comes  with self-love yeah you gotta notice that because   ain't nobody gonna sit there and that's why i said  it's a difference like um i'll talk to my friends   um and it was like it's a difference from me  telling you something i'm gonna tell you something   out of pure love my [ __ ] if i have no game  no i don't have no reason to tell you this i'm   not getting any money it's not paying my bills um  it's not making me happy to have this conversation   and i don't necessarily want to have this  conversation with you but i'm gonna have it   because i care about you and i care about your  growth at the end of the day any friend who's   gonna let you sit there and be stagnant in your  life i don't think you shot them around i know i   don't think you should accept people treating you  like trash like you gotta notice the difference   like you gotta observe the person like people who  are too involved in other people like i think you   should just let them go set your boundaries yeah  boundaries is so important like who who are you to   tell me that my time is not valuable who are you  not you just popping up thinking that have time   you think i'm not busy i am busy but i make time  you know what i'm saying you're going to do what   you want yeah you you exactly but don't step  boundaries boundaries is a very very big deal   yeah so so what advice would you give to people  outgrowing friends um be okay with it honestly it   hurts yeah hurts hurts a lot yeah yeah it's  it hurts it's gonna it's gonna hurt my body body feeling different so different things like  that so be okay you wanna be okay yeah you know   know that you're gonna be okay and just  let it go honestly if it's really a true   friendship where it's bound to really work  it's going to come back yeah regardless we've   been through some [ __ ] you know what i'm  saying um it's it's not it's not that serious it was a lot of people involved in our [ __  ] too i i will say that yeah yeah yeah so   but we're here now yeah and i'm saying so but  you're gonna be through a lot of [ __ ] and it's   gonna your problems gonna be this much or more and  friends let me tell you something about a friend   and my definition a friend is supposed to like  lightening your load like i'm not talking about   like i stay away from my friends in a relationship  but if a friend ever like just need like like your   [ __ ] is supposed to be your piece but sometimes  he's not i'm your friend come watch movies drink   wine do whatever whatever that makes you happy  like you can go through it after they just to   make you feel better so don't friends will be  [ __ ] on you when you your lowest they're not   your friend then it's not your friends  like or even feel like they can call you   like even a case of mine like i did so much  ground work this summer to get up out of that   and then for you to call me you haven't talked to  me you talked to me twice this year and feel like   you had an opinion to say about me i wasn't having  it you need to cuss people the [ __ ] out now i'm   not saying like yeah cause she should never feel  comfortable calling me telling me that because if   you would have been like if i'm so irreplaceable  then why are you saying stuff like that to me   it's it's that it says that behind what's going  on in your head and i'm thinking we're thinking   we are thinking we are thinking two different  totally ways different you guys are saying   because i should be there for you as a friend  just like love you as a person and enjoy our   time we spend together and whatever ideas we come  up with i should just [ __ ] with it like because   it should be generic like generically us but  you thinking everything as a competition that's   where the thing is getting [ __ ] up at and the  competition with me you're gonna lose because god because god is going to be on my side regardless  you know what i'm saying so it don't even matter   like and i was going to be on the good side  you're not in competition with nobody sweetie   you're in competition with yourself and as  long as you keep growing and as long as you got   as long as you're like going up a ladder like  nothing else should bother you it don't matter   it don't matter how much next money the  person got i don't care about their pockets   we really don't that's so crazy it's so crazy  because we don't we don't give a [ __ ] about   that like that's cool like if you don't  have it i have it they having a quinceanera just grow even if that means i'll grow some  people it's gonna hurt that hurt me that was   my longest friend that i ever had but i still  have to let you go to because you're you are   you don't serve purpose in my life honestly and  at all you just want to call me and offend me   when i work so hard that's like we work so  hard for something somebody has the audacity to   what would you say to a person who's outgrown a  friend um i hope you have found true love within   yourself i know and i believe that you have grown  within yourself as well um you are strong you are   going to be strong if you haven't gotten there yet  live honestly love and don't put your trust issues   on other people period and what the [ __ ] i would  say is that don't take nobody's [ __ ] once you   get that tough thick skin to grow a bottle a lot  of [ __ ] you don't have to overcome in this world   don't let nobody tell you down don't let nobody  tell you what's right for you what's wrong for   me because at the end of the day i know what  my true friends what are they [ __ ] up i'm   rocking with it or if i'm not i'm gonna i'm gonna  let them do them and let them live their life   i'm not gonna say nothing i said my my thing  with my friends my friends are doing a situation   i thought as long as it's not um [ __ ] with your  goals your money or your household or the way you   take care of your kids i have nothing to say  about it that's just it don't feel like i'm not   gonna accept somebody i could be dealing with the  with the with the with the dumb ass [ __ ] mind   your [ __ ] business [ __ ] when you see um later  on bills i'm lit on this so i can't do this you   like okay so you're working you give it like no  like no have problems like this overcoming that   [ __ ] somebody told me you're not supposed to  meet your real friends into your 30s at the end   of the day but i definitely just want to say like  if you just picture like if you do on the front   and you don't think they're going to be around  in like a couple years like don't don't don't   hold off stuff for them that's where i am in life  like i'm definitely like going on a schedule with   myself and with everything that i want to do  and i'm not letting nobody disrupt that we just   made planners yes just made planners just all our  goals even if they start off small and sometimes   be around friends who's got margo or is oriented  being around prince is more goal-oriented   like just do that like you literally like be like  oh there's a feather flock together and then i'm   just like no i don't because my friend could be oh  i ain't got to be in a hole yeah you do um sorry   i meant that yeah you know but like yeah so you  definitely become the people you hang around with   so make sure you're just like grouping yourself  around certain individuals like and that's   important too like even if you see something  in somebody else you don't see in yourself   definitely just admire it and grow from it and  don't learn to envy it so that would be my advice   to somebody dealing with a bad friend or even if  you outgrow somebody that's perfectly fine like   people sometimes just meant to teach you something  you know what i'm saying you learned something   from everybody that you're in a situation with  whether it's a relationship or friendship or   anything like that so just learn from every  situation you've been in and if somebody is proven   not meant to be good for you or not meant to be  good for your mental state you may be growing them   it could be declining at the end of the day it's  not that you're not there for them don't think   you're not there for them just notice y'all at two  different points in life and i can't be trying to   raise my mental frequency up here every day every  morning and you consistently think about something   to bring your day down you go so just focus on  that that will be my advice so you guys say that   no girl it is what it is though period let that [  __ ] ride for real um be you be true to yourself   find yourself and be truthful that's important  because you might be true to a fake person and you   attracting those same things so ah we all haven't  been through it so don't there's no need to be   like embarrassed about it or whatever the case  is and some people like it's only some people who   you at your lowest point you still have those same  peoples around that's great but they have to be um okay with you changing and becoming a better  person the better person that you want to be at   the end of the day so i feel like that's valuable  as well so during this little segment we're just   gonna hit y'all off with like a quick little  podcast so we feel like we didn't give you guys   a little bit of background about ourselves and  like what we went through and how to change it so   just for guidance for whoever out there and don't  have guidance within friends we definitely want to   bring that into this new era of you and wrong  podcast and i always say like you ain't wrong   you know because at the end of the day you  lived your life you felt how you felt and you   are finding ways to conquer those things and  nobody can tell you you're wrong just because   of the simple fact they haven't been through what  you've been through so if you think of something a   situation different you're still not wrong because  life has taught you to think of it a certain way   and you want to trust in god and not in the  people around you they could be demons okay   so at the end of the day he showed you what you  wanted he wanted you to learn so go buy that don't   go by nobody else and that's all here go ahead  make sure you follow layla at xo dot b-a-e-y-l-a and make sure you follow me my instagram handle  is kia kia the kia kia oh make sure you guys you


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