XML Technologies discussion

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did something yesterday yeah   um session is getting recorded what I'm  looking at I need to share my window and .... I'm looking at this we're gonna keep it pretty simple in this  XML stuff. I've got a couple books here   for reference but we're not we're just discussing  so share application screen the whole thing okay there it goes all right. So I'm going to  bounce into module six which takes us through   April 2nd. We're gonna start looking  over this what is basic XML. We  

are going to keep the  discussion pretty simple okay I'm just gonna highlight there's 70 slides on  this and your author is very verbose and so   you'll see a lot of words but I'm going to just  touch on highlight most um important why do we   use XML it's a way that we could mark up data  what does that mean basically Port data around   that describes the data itself um document  type definitions and schemas for specifying   and validating the structure of an XML just like  we talked about the uh HTML validator didn't we or you've come across it  because we did one section   um where I talked in the Powerpoints  about the validator and CSS validators   create and use Simple extensible style language  style sheets to render XML document data retrieve   and manipulate XML data programmatically so we're  able we're able to read like it was a field name   and understand so it's transmitting and and  showing a description of the data in the data   XML is portable and can be widely used  on a number of items and the XML basics now that one keeping it simple what we see here is that XML describes the  data so that a mere humans can interpret it   um all right so what we have is here we're  calling or telling it that we're using it   the XML version 1.0 as its standard so if  we were to be doing a validation that's   what you would validate on and our comments  and then finally line five where they start   player have we ever talked about a tag  named player? What are some of the tags   (we've used)? a picture you know what some of the tags are what  oh come on your second right [Music] we've talked about the HTML tag  which has the end HTML we had the I,   and not I, B for bolds and bold what was another  one table do you get what I'm trying to say   here is that we have a number of tags table  table row table data table header um break um HR um the horizontal rule then we have the  um H1 through H6 and those are our attacks um what this data   um dtds and schemas allow us to do is we Define  a structure that we expect to see the data in and   as long as we're following the structure we should  be able to go in and gather the data that we need XML documents begin with an  XML declaration our comments   any elements making sure notice I'm going to come  back up here A second we had player end player   first name end first name last  name ends last name batting average end batting average so what that does is that goes  in and describes the data based on simply reading   these XML tags can you gather what the data is  about first name holds the first name batting   average would give you their average so when we  do the XML documents what we're doing is we're   TR we're ex describing the data a structuring  data notice something here article end article title end title date end date then  they broke author up into first name   and last name end author this is important  every start tag has to have an end tag   and um the tags need to be nested in such a  way that they are we would call it first in   last out life elapsed in first out yeah last in  lifo lesson first out meaning in this case if you   can visualize article as being one platter or  one hand and then title an end title date and   date so what we're doing here is we're describing  the data every start tag has to have an end tag and they have to be layered correctly  documents should include the XML placing any characters including white  space before the XML declaration is an error   an XML document each star tag must have a matching   end tag omitting either is a problem  as well as not layering them correctly XML is case sensitive you can't have white  space because what they're talking about   there's a physical space between the um name or  in the name because then it's two separate words   XML elements that's the field name if you would   should be meaningful to humans  and should not use abbreviations all right so in this case um nesting  tags so we have the X the Y last in   first out what this means is this tag over  here what's what should be my first Out Tag why to be able to pop off X and in this case we're  just going in there and showing you know XML   is not going to look pretty  because it's about porting the data   rather than making it look nice  and so showing a little bit of code again contact type type E equals  sender name address city state ZIP ends contact type is an attribute contacts and then we have another contact type  receiver their name address city state ZIP   a paragraph followed by the end paragraph  why can't we use the slash P well XML   is not HTML HTML and JavaScript  the stuff that makes it look pretty um so we had to call it something else so we  have paragraphs then closing and signature   ends letter and we started with letter here XML is not required to reference a DTD  but validating um XML parsers can use a   DTD to uh ensure that the document has the proper  structure so this is going in there if I tell you   um there is one slide out here that goes  in and shows you the validation page all right naming collisions  what we're finding out is like zip code of 20 years ago is  different than zip code of today   so what we'd have is a means by  using namespaces of keeping those   it data separate each name space prefix is  bound to a URI that uniquely identifies the   namespace and then we go in here where we're  doing XML text directory and text and directory trying to see what's image is where  we go in and describe what the file   name is like we might keep a  library of all of our images um dtds allow us to look at other  files and see the relationships all right dtds and schemas solve the problem by telling um  the computer reading what type of data is expected all right and so they go in here and describe   um certain um elements so we're telling it so what  we're doing on this part is describing the type of   data something is if we're typing it in or getting  it from um file it's going to be the PC data   and the I so we're going in there and describing  all of the elements I'm going to tell you right   now I'm not really concerned over that  um I what the gist of that you should get   XML is used to Port data from new systems  like the internet to backend systems like the   database server so that they are compatible  or they are they serve as the interface w3c goes in um and describes  let's see what's important here simple and complex types what we see here simple and complex   the only thing that would appear to be quote  quote complex is this contact type equals sender sorry close the door please sorry all right um so  they're just talking about being well structured   tags you get to uh or create  your own sample XML code   um Visual Basic is the title for the  book here's another book visual C   another book with the title Java how to program so  we basically have well this is under deedle books   and and deal books so this would is a listing of  all of Dido's books but if it had been another   um prolific writer like Cashman um Shelly  Cashman that is written for 20 years that   list would be much longer all right so we go in  and we describe the book list as the namespace   and we go in name equals type sequence element  name equals book type equals single book type   Min occurrence as one maximum is  Unbound that was all of sequence   and that was all of complexity so we would  follow the same pattern that we described   in the namespace as to how to interpret  the data and what we need to supply to it foreign we go about validating and the data types I mean there's somewhere  in here there's a description of how   to go about validating we could  have a string a Boolean decimal   float what's the difference between  decimal and Float um integer between and that's less than or equal to  zero whereas the floating point   is an integer whose absolute value is  less than 2 to the 24th and is an integer   in the range of 149. so if our numbers are  outside of that we can't use it um all right long and none of these data types should  surprise you Annie because basically   um the LA many of you are taking Python  and they have a lot of the same data types   or they have a data type that is that  but names or are given a different name all right so a simple name restriction  minimum inclusive value 2.1 complex name  

CPU simple content extension base equals string  attribute so we have extension and attribute so   then we would have to end extension and then ends  excuse me end attributes and this is an empty tag   when I say an empty tab do you see at the end of  this where it says slash greater than that's the   end tag name and this one um there it is end  extension and simple content and complex type and some more just showing different ways in which we  could describe the data you would have   to choose the one way or so that the back  end processor is will work with that um all right all right so I was just looking at the projects I  try to have two or three in there for each period   each module and um this is what I think we're  gonna hone in on I'm gonna ask that you do a small   small research and when I say small  research I mean five well-structured meaty um descriptions of whatever you're  researching math ml is a math markup   language SVG is another wireless markup  language extensible business reporting extensible user interface w-3 schools   XML schema extensible style sheets so  what do all of these things do is they are   specific XML qualities given to certain businesses  or certain types of data for example what are some symbols in math that are hard to just simply  type in the one that comes to my attention is pi um Sigma the e um those are the ones that come immediately to  mind so we need something special to create that   so we would use a math markup language um so I'm  going to ask there there is quite a few of people   I think what I'm going to do is your research  well your five well-structured um paragraphs   will be included in a discussion board and then  you'll have to respond with one good paragraph   to at least two others so that we get some  discussion moving on some of these things and   that way you don't have to be a subject matter  in all expert in all of it um you'll just have   to know that hey if I'm working in science I  need scientific notation stuff what would I use a root node is the math element all right  so they're just talking about more of the   vocabularies and this is one here where they're  showing the markup in math that we had the two   plus um number three operator equals and then the  answer was five so we would write it like this   and it would with the the style  sheets it would show up like this   again not every browser does displays it nice   all right so what about this one where  we have something raised to the power   and a numerator over a denominator so  that's what this is a fraction numerator ah index X so that's 2 over X and it's there in this case we have a minus sign and y so  1 minus y and there it is doing the square   you could absolutely see that if you're doing  scientific notation and writing this stuff you   have to have an editor that allows you to type  that stuff in or create it so again some more   markup languages I will put in um a number for you  to choose from and I want you to go in and give me   five good paragraphs when I had to do some of  this stuff when I was working on my masters I was more surprised any of it were then to find  out when something didn't work it's it gets rather   complicated foreign style sheets allow us to go  in and display just like a cascading style sheets   a extensible style sheet um style sheet allows the markup so the style sheet looks nice  and some of the stuff that you have to know   all right in creating the style  sheets here we have sports   href Sports XSL extensible Style and so  we tell it paragraph game all of this   and when we've done that what it's done is it's  taking this Sports X extensible style sheet   and telling it qriket's going to be the first  thing more popular among um Commonwealth Nations   the second one was the idea of 239 baseball  239 baseball more popular in America you'll sometimes see the XML  process instructions written   as a style sheet with a colon rather than the dash and we got the dash again where we've  gone in and described the style sheet um and created link relationship style sheet styles  CSS table caption had you're familiar or okay with   all those things extensible for each select so  what this does is it allows us to go around and   around for example if we have 36 payments and we  want to see how those payments are amateurized   um over the lifetime of the loan  that we're able to see it and it   adjusts however many rows are needed to  accommodate for that particular um loan author chapters all right chapter numbers  and we go in and describe the chapters   and again all XML is is something that  we use we can't Define our own tags   that are then used to send data back and forth  between an internet technology and a back-end   system like a database server and we use style  sheets to go in and make the um outputs pretty document object model and the answer was to one  of those questions was that it I it the correct   one wasn't in there so I believe I gave everybody  credit for that one um but this is allows us to   go in and keep a structure of what's going on  in the data you know what I'm thinking about as   we've been working with computers and how much we  rely on compute I was just thinking at the college   um had a server um malware  and it got ransomware all over   that would totally devastate everything so um a  Dom tree allows us to go in and create a structure   in how we are keeping track of the documents um child nodes are those nodes that are um  underneath a parent and we should have a   parent here um in this case this is a picture  is it no all right I just made child notes   a no a child knows to node name but when I send it  back it child nodes is by itself in the structure   so it is a parent with non's throw if  the current module node has children   so again what it is is just  describing the structure   keeping try as we rely more and more  Heavenly heavily on these black boxes   um one of the the biggest things that the Y2K  from 23 years ago was we had so many programs   not well documented that um we don't know how it  works and we've got this big problem we got to fix   this goes in there and allows us to structure  the the data so that we can keep up with it okay so they're just showing you again last  name and first name is a child to author   author is a child to article first  name and last name are siblings so some common things that we  could do with this and I'm really going through this you're not going to  see a whole lot if anything on this um so let me see all right all right  X path is where to find something   uh here title using XPath form  ID my form action equals pounds input ID input field type equals text matches  button so this goes in and what we're trying   to do is we're giving a field name and the data  type so this is matches button it's a data type   of button that's going to say get matches on it  so we would go in there and give us something   that we are looking for and it responds back with  the data or something that says um no data found all right and we may come back and visit this  part A little later um but for now for now looking at this even though it are you  understanding a let me do I have my nope nope what marking up data is used for and it's used  to move data back and forth through the internet   learn how names spaces provide unique elements  and attribute names no you don't think separate   um the data type definition super specifying  and validating the structure so that we know   what we're supposed to better Supply or how  we're supposed to get data back uh extensible   style sheets that go in and lets our data  look nice and the idea that we can use   XML remember what XML is used for moving data  back and forth well we can include JavaScript   that can move the data or manipulate the data for  us and I hope to get into a little more of that   um later on in the the semester  all right so far so good so far so good all right so let's take a actually  I'm going to stop the recording there recording and


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