Jerry Ropelato - Silicon Slopes Lecture Series

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Ten, years don't exist. Or, something, new and it's interesting on from an education, standpoint how, do we prepare you when. You get a degree to be prepared, to really take on. Skills. And jobs and talents, that don't yet exist. So, I really, think it's important, to look at everything, it's important, as you're going through school to. Really figure out how to be a good problem solver. And. What's. Fascinating and, exciting, entrepreneurship. Fits into that we're, really trying to to. Encourage you to think outside the box and identify, a problem and try to find solutions and, don't. Be afraid to take risks, because the, pace of life changes, very quickly and. As. You look towards the future there, are some cool things coming around I wish, I would have known ten years ago about being a drone pilot in that big. Racing. Drones. Okay. So. Let me introduce then. Jerry. He's. Also a, significant. Entrepreneur, right I love not only that he's involved in technology but he started, and founded several. Companies. White. Cloud is the one he's currently out there they're renowned. For being a 3d printing company but the innovation, that goes behind what. They do is pretty phenomenal. 3d. Printing is a new technology that didn't, exist what, 15, years ago 20 years ago one that. Come around. Forty. Holla jeez don't was that me. Talk. To her till yeah and, I it was interesting, because there was, a student business, competition. That and what is they were Vichy was they, can build, rocket. Engine parts. Now, with metal ion with 3d printing I'm thinking that it's amazing. Technology. So, he's the founder and CEO of white cloud he, before, Matty he was founder, and CEO of perch which was a tech media network the large worldwide, network, is. Very. Big on innovation, technology, and. Thank. You so much for coming down. Pleasure. To be here I didn't, think I would walk in to, see my alma mater mentioned. On a UVU, screen. At Weber State so. That's. Great, so. For starters. What. What, was announced in the last week, that was potentially, the. Largest. Most. Impactful. Thing. No. Look, last week I'm talking last week not last year not last decade, last week so, last week a firm out of Israel the, team of science announced they. Have a, cure, for all, cancer. Never. Really got my attention and. Still. A lot of skepticism on. It, totally. Different approach, very. Interesting. And so you're, starting to see technology. Really. Have very impactful. Things in life and so I'm, surprised. That was, a big deal that's, a very big deal. This. Sauce, 1999. Fox. News editor resumed dogs and. Two, astronauts, Neil Armstrong, and Sally, Ride. Founded. A new company called space. About. Ten years later about. 80 million dollars investment, I had, the opportunity to acquire that so in nineteen in 2009. We, actually acquired space, comm, and I, became the CEO as. A CEO I was invited, out to NASA. As. Part of the press corps to actually witness the launch of the first Falcon. 9 rocket does. Anything to anyone, so, that was SpaceX, is first, rocket, that they launched so. The, night before the launch all. The press was invited, out, right. To the launch pad to see this new block this is the rocket was supposed to replace. The space, shuttle. A lot, of enthusiasm. When. We got out there there, are two Cobra, helicopters. Flying overhead, and, they, have all these guards with machine guns there it was very very nice security very cool, so. The. Next morning this, is what we got to see. Like. The. Hard drive that's run off my thumb's right it's probably, not fast, enough. So. I might have to stand right there by the the, countdown clock is this rocker what, a surreal, moment for, me see. This new rocket, there, was really witnessing, the rebirth of the space program at NASA it was just really a cool opportunity, I remember. Thinking at the time how. Far technology had, come over the years and I really I'm thinking about how fast technology is, changing, and, what's going on in the future and that was really. Kind. Of where my thought process, went for this presentation, is really talking about the, future of technology so. A little bit about me so.

I. Founded. Eight startups, six, of them are still alive into, one way or another two, of them were huge in failures, one. Of them forced me into a complete bankruptcy both. Corporate, and personal so. Purchase. My most successful, one we, grew that company. If, you look at the top web properties, in the world obviously, you've got Google Facebook Yahoo, now. Oath as, the top ones we were the 28th largest worldwide, so. We did 14 acquisitions. We gobbled, up a lot of media, companies, and really. Grew this so that was my most, successful one so I've been a high, flies and I've been a low close and so entrepreneur. ISM is a big deal for me I've been involved with it literally for. Probably thirty years my current, company is white clouds in. A lot of respects, we're still a startup and yet. Our customer, list there we've, got over 70, Fortune, 1000, customers and. So we feel like we're doing something right. We're. Going to be covering, a lot here, it's a very visual, presentation. And, so. So. Back in the sixties. So, when the. Big. One ring there's, going to be two rings when, the other neighbors would be three days so, we can always, pick up and listen to the cute girl that lived next door and, listened to her conversations. So. So, that's kind, of the age I grew up in party, lines and, one. Of my favorite cartoons was. So. I remember as a kid. Everything. Objected. To, a. Piece. Of telecommunications. If. You've. Got different. Devices. Support. Smart. Launches, through your iPhones. And their combinations, I mean, it is just amazing to, think what you've got here in this little device. Hey. Siri say, where's the bathroom in. Mandarin. Okay we're gonna do they. Usually turns out pretty dice but. So. If we go back a hundred years we're, going to be talking about 100 years going forward if you look at 100 years back what did we you, know what have we seen I mean if you look at literally. You know some of these these old pictures, that some of the technology, has changed throughout. The decades, even. The internet you know someone who mentioned the internet you, know they've totally been around literally, for about 30 years. So. We're going to talk about the future a lot. Of this came from my editorial, team at purge we. Had about 300, 350. Editorial. People that are talking the brightest people on the planet so Elon. Musk has been in my office in New York, you. Know and, so a lot of our people have access to these very, bright individuals, and that's where a lot of this presentation, has come from so. Let's start out first. You. Know where are our home people look like in the future, so here's a little presentation. By Corey. Yes. Pretty. Cool stuff here when. You're looking, out in the future, let's talk about some various categories so I've done this vehicle, so you there. Isn't a day that goes by that you're not hearing something, about autonomous, vehicles, it's. Getting more a more and more prevalent, and we're right around the corner from this so, if you look at the leader who is the leader right, now. It's. Google it's actually not Google it's actually a new company called the Wayne low so, Wayne home is a subsidiary, of Google and, everything, these autonomous vehicles, goes through whammo. But, if you look at that wait, mama now has over 10 million miles. On the road they've got over 60 cars but. They're actually. Doing. All their testing, right, now today in the United States there's 41 states, that have enacted laws. Dealing. With autonomous, vehicles. There's. 52, manufacturers. If I go back two years ago when I gave this presentation there. Were 11 manufacturers. Dealing with autonomous, vehicles we're now up to 52, so, this is growing very very quickly. My. Guess is within, three, years. You. Can see an autonomous, vehicles, everywhere. It's. Not too, far off Tesla. Is. One of the big players in this. Even. Given in the large scale so if you look at this, Daimler, for, example, in Germany, now. Has, semis. Out on the road they're still in kind of a test space, typically. There's a driver in there.

If. You go to the lame-o vehicles. Over here on the right-hand side they. - now, Google. Is now into the semi trucks. They're. Actually doing testing, out of Atlanta. Larger. Vehicles. These are out on the road they're going today. Volvo. Has come out with a new one this, one freaks me right out because, they're not driver, over so there's no brakes there's no celery's there's no steering wheel there's, no place for anyone to even sit, in this I. Think. If. I saw an autonomous, vehicle going down the road I'd probably feel a little better if there was a cap in there but. Nobody. Is kind. Of a little freaky but it's coming it's coming very very quickly. Here. Again if I go back to the 60s, cartoon, The Jetsons you, know I always thought that'd be pretty cool to have that vehicle that would just take off and fly, this. Is one area technology. That has been around for a long time that, has just never seemed to take off you, can buy there's. Probably 20 different models. Today you, can buy an automobile, and, an airplane combined then you'll pay somewhere. Between 75. And. 175,000, dollars for these I. Don't see, these as a big, thing in the future even. Though they sound cool, I. Just, don't think we're there now drones is a whole nother story there's. A lot going on with drum, so drones, if. You look in. Australia. For example they're. Actually using drones, to deliver mail obviously. You've got the dominoes, that have been, experimenting. Around with this but there's a lot going on here do, you hang, that. You hang one 84, is. A company, out of China, that. Has just been given a license, in. The state of Nevada to actually, task to. Work the door service, with, drones so. These problems will land on, your. Porch right. On the front of your porch you'll. Step inside and they'll take off okay. They. Have a license, to do that now you live over 40 miles an hour and, it'll go, a range of about 35, minutes but, that is here today, so. This is not some futuristic. City, I'm. Still not sure if I would trust getting into a drone without. I heard that. We're. Seeing semanticity, some. Of the big players in more of these. Taxes. Airbus. 2021. That's. When your, bus wants to have this life so, they're already, doing testing. Now uber. Is not far from others. It's called uber air elevate. But. Airbus is going to be the punch, so. So. Drones what happening, with drones. To. Me this is one of the most exciting things, going, on is e a day very quickly where. Drones. Are going to be used as ambulances, being, able to get someone there quickly, and get them back, out it's, really cool things for me here each. Of drones log, predictions. 2040. We will have drones, that will actually convert. To, automobiles, and, back into drones so it's my kind of the same concept as the you. Know the car to flying but I think the drones will get there much, faster than. A. Lot, of cool designs, in the motorcycle world, where the future is going to go with this same. In the automobile. Industry where. Does the future go there, are some, there. Are some that are claiming that. Children. Born today will, never drive. With. All the autonomous, vehicle I personally don't believe that I think it will have a big impact on, us and. If my wife hates to drive and so she'll love the autonomous, vehicle, at some point but, I think you're, still going to have new. Automobiles, going, for a long time, to come, if. You look at what all the major aircraft. Manufacturers. Looking to do over the next 30 or 40 years these. Are some of the designs that. They're they're, working on that today. Airbus, again this, is what they envision there. Airbus airplane, will look like in 2050. Does. That give whole new meaning to air travel. Some. Really cool stuff okay. Five, years ago we thought must announce to the world the game for the world his plans for the new Hyperloop, that, was big news five, years ago now. There are tons of companies worldwide, implementing, his technology.

Into. These Hyperloop, the Hyperloop, was, meant it's, a high-speed train to, go from Los Angeles San, Francisco 700. Miles per hour in 35, minutes that's what the, original, a. Lot of different, companies and countries now, are doing all kinds of things with this technology if. You look at the in, China they're, the leaders today so. They've got what's called the maglev, which. Now. Travels. It's a high-speed train 384. Miles per, hour. The super maglev, that they're working on will, they're. Expected within three years that will be up to 1800, miles per, hour and, a train, if. You look at the Hyperloop, but if you go out there a lot of people predicting. Them within 70 years that's a long time waiting. We. Will have trains that will go from East. Coast to West Coast in 45, minutes 4,000, miles an hour using. A lot of this type, of technology. 3d. Printing this is my world, 3d. Printing has been around for 40 years but most people think it's a three or four year old technology is still fairly new a. Lot, of new materials, a lot of what you can do. Here. For example if you've ever Invisalign. Teeth. These, were are all 3d, printed, this. Is just layer by layer using. Different materials there's. Some things we do. Large. Objects, with 3d printing you're thinking of the little toys, this. Is a shear we get the DreamWorks, it was at the New York Comic Con we. Hear lots of architectural. Models, fine detailed. Medical. Models, here. Is where you're now seen companies. This a conformist. Where, they're all actually, 3d print, your. Personalized. Knee. Replacement. So, they've been able to reduce the recovery. Time by about half. Because. It's a perfect fits to the surgeons pulling the extra-large large medium, off-the-shelf, that's, a perfect fit for your. For. Your need here. This is a home being built in New York it's all going to be 3d, printed it's under construction, now with. 3d printing, and, home. Construction there's, no design, that you can't build if you can think it the 3d printer can actually build it so, if you've got 30 to 40 years I see, the construction, trades.

Industry, Completely, being, changed. Because, of 320. In China. Right now there are companies that are printing. You. Know they, can do like 40, foams in, a 24 hour period. Just. You, know with some of this equipment they can do it very very quickly. A. Lot, of your manufacturers, in shoes are, now 3d, printing, a lot of these still early stage, 10. Years from now I think every shoe you buy will be 3d printed and they'll, be customized, to your foot and. Your. Knee. In. The same way this, is a blade 3 car this, was actually 3d printed, so think about this for a second with, the chassis you can actually 3d, print, any design, you wanted. So. Automobiles. Will be going through a lot of interesting, changes. This. Here drug. By. Appreciate. Was the first 3d printed, drug, and it may say welcome to 3d print a drug because. By doing that they, can now customize. The. Prescription. To you personally. So it's not like you're just getting the same pill everyone, else is and so. This, arrow is for, epilepsy. But. That was the first one you're going to see a lot more of this here in the future, if. You look at this these are six, different what. We call. Bioprinters. Very similar to 3d printers, they're still considered 3d printers for, what they're doing is they're taking stem. Cells out of your fat your bone marrow and, they're actually, reproducing. Parts of the body. So. As you look at all these these. Have all been created, using. Bio. Printing, technology. So. If you look at this here, the way this works is you actually have. A scaffolding. And then, these stem cells are applied to the scaffold, to actually grow that what's. Interesting they call this bio wing anyone want to take a guess what this cost five. Thousand dollars a cubic centimeter if. You convert that into inches of cubic inches about, $85,000. So. You can see this is very expensive. Stuff, but. Very cool things that, they're. Working on here so if you look at this today this, is where we're at today is bottle printing, 3d, made a pretty. Medical printing space so. These are the things that have actually been, 3d. Printed and cool. Mobile. Phones with lot of predictions that this little device I held up and it failed on, me will. Be gone in two. Five so. About a seven-year life, there's. A lot of new technologies. That. They're working on I can't, predict, what the replacement, is going to be you know that's very tight, wraps and there are a lot of a lot of these but. In time you know your mobile phones that function. Will actually be thought, through. It won't be using the texting. Thank. Heavens as I get older it, gets harder and harder to do that. Holograms. You know you guys remember that this was kind of the first example. Of a hologram, was, in the, 1974. Star, Wars movie. You'll. See these are going to be more and more commonplace, you're seeing them now in all the movies, even. Though you can actually do Holograms, off of computers, a lot of different technologies, are still in their infancy but. This is going to be a big deal Lexus. Their new UX vehicle. It's not released yet will actually have Holograms. For, the controls in the car and so. Very, different than the digital type. Things so it will actually have, depth. Controls. In the actual image so pretty cool stuff. Future, sports right, now China, they're. Actually combining basketball. With. Digital, types, of things that you can just imagine as we go forward and have technology. Will play into, the sports in the eSports a lot. Happening, in the space. So. This is the SLS. System the space launch system that. NASA. Is has. Been working on to. Give you an idea of how the largest, is if you go back to the saturn v rocker, rocket. That's the largest rocket ever produced. By. Anyone, it, was a 363. Feet tall the new center out of the new SLS. Will be 384. Feet tall now in comparison, the. Largest building, in the state of Utah you. Know you've got the Wells Fargo and the church office building they're both, 400, feet so, there are about 20 feet taller than what these Rockets, are. The. First launch of this will be in November of this year this. Rocket, is designed for NASA to go to Mars in 2030. And, after that was good at Jupiter, and Saturn, without, completely. Revamping. This rocket, if. You look at colonization a lot going on here so, here a month. Ago you had China if, you know this China, actually landed. On the far far side of the Moon didn't, make a lot of press here but. They start some experiments, here you've got Russia and Japan that. Plan, to colonize, the moon by, year 2030. Probably. The biggest one and if I have a bet on England's it's going to pull it off I might, have another huge, SpaceX, man okay this is Elon Musk's company, that, are the ones doing the Falcon, 9 they've done born in.

My Opinion, in the last ten years in space, and. Things, they've accomplished, that nASA has done the entire. Time. Of existence. If, you've ever seen the video of, where, they actually take the rocket. The reusable, they land up on a dock out floating. In, the ocean and. They land two rockets, at the same time it's pretty impressive, that, they were able to do that so, he loved us he plans to have a human on the planet Mars. 2024. If. You look at the, SpaceX's. Mission, statement, you would think it's about rockets, the. Mission statement, is enabling. People to live, on other planets, that's. Their mission statement, so, they plan to take eighty thousand, people to. Mars and that, was about their existence on, water so there's there's, a lot going on in this area you've. Got a lot in the tourism. Industry this, firmly starting, to take off so, right now today, Virgin, Galactic for. $250,000. You hop a ride and go to the edge of space. You. Can go with space adventures, for ten million dollars they'll, take you up to the space station for 150, million dollars they'll take you all the way up and around the moon no one has bought, that ticket yet there's. Another company. Called origin. Orion. Span. And. This is their aurora station, they plan to be out there two, years. Twelve. Big trip, on. Their space station, only be nine point five million dollars. A. Lot, going on here. There's. A lot going on in the astronomy, and you've got the European. Extra large telescope, the largest one is being constructed, and chillin right now you, can see the difference. What. We're going to be able to see in the future, that's 131. Feet, the. Telescope. Is it's. Just a masse you've, got the James Webb telescope. That. Will be launched here next. Year this, is the replacement for the Hubble that's, interesting, it's. A 20 foot diameter lands. Which, is four times as large as the Hubble but it's 100 times more powerful, and so, these, 18, beryllium. Parts. Of the disc we're actually made by ATK, here, in that West Valley City so. Pretty. Cool. This. Is interesting so, there's now two companies. Out there that, are planning, to mine asteroids. NASA, actually. Had an asteroid, mission that, was scheduled for 2021. Decades now and lasts or ask for my parking over by the moon that, actually cancels, that project, here about three months ago and, take. Off the book but there's still two companies, planning, to do this. And. Their. Claim is they believe that the minerals, that would be pulled off these will make the first. Trillionaire. Or we actually corporation. In Japan they, plan to have, a space elevator, by. The year 2050. So. This is an elevator, that will go from the ground all, the way up into space it'll be tethered. By. The. Loss. The loss to turn, the. Turning. Of the earth the centrifugal. Force. So. There's, some cool things there and, I can never get this name right by. Divers. It's. On all the elevators you leave see oh that's your fire escape I don't know I cannot say that correctly they. Are now starting, a building, in Germany. Because. For what hundred, years we had elevators, that go, down. There. Are elevators will now go up sideways. Over. Back, up so. Now it's all sideways and. Vertical. Vertical and horizontal pretty. Cool stuff they're. Talking. About a few things here in the body so, to, give you a comparison. If. You take that a human, strand. Of hair it's. 100,000. Nanometers wide. If. You go to a red blood cell you're about ten thousand nanometers wide. The. DNA double-strand, is, three nanometers, wide so extremely, small well.

If You look at the chimp by being about there that was just released here about two months ago that. Ship, has. 30. Billion transistors. On, it at 5 nanometers so, so. The concept, and being able to get into the body when nano robots is. Very real. We've got a lot of micro. Miniaturization. So. Will allow us to get into the body and. Things and. Some really cool things happening. There, you. Read about this a lot the altering, of DNA. To help the longevity of, aging, care, for the common cold a lot of things went on there organ. Replacements. Today. There's, a hundred twenty-three thousand. People on the organ transplant list. Eighteen, people will die today, because. They can't get organ, replacement with. 3d printing, and some of the bio, printing technologies. That are coming this. Is going to have a huge impact on, those people. Designer. Babies, a lot, of ethical issues here. Different. Countries the technology, is here today to, do this so, if you wanted a blue-eyed. Blonde. Hannon maybe that. Technology, is here today but, a lot of ethical issues that will probably, is this becomes. More and more common. Bionics. A lot going on is bionics. So, you've got a number of companies, probably, the leader is a bionic. Exoskeleton. Out. Of California, they're, doing some really really, cool things with my next I'll show you some things with robotics, in a minute that will blow. Your mind away a lot, of things, related. To bionics, so you've now got. Lens. That. You put in your eyes where. They can actually measure, the chemicals, in your tears so, they can monitor healthy. Health. Function you've. Got actually. Artificial. Ice now where. They can actually attach they're. Not perfect, and the ice up not, great but for a blind person who. Can see figures, and, annoying you know light to, darkness it's, a great step forward so you're gonna see this in years to come for, the. Will take. Away some of the challenges, we've had with blindness. So. This is an interesting, chart, here and, believe this chart here to. Move forward so you've, probably heard of Moore's Law this was by Gordon Moore one of that a co-founder, of Intel. Back, in 1965. Said that. We should be able to take and double computing, power every, 18 months now if you look at this chart new. New, platforms. Have come out and, you've actually seen, this doubling, effect, and. They actually took it in Reverse to some of the early computers, and you kind of saw this this. Same, flow so, if you look at this where we're at today. You. Know the computers, today are the, equivalent, to about the. Processing, power of one human, brain and. So. You. Know when you look at this, this. Doubling, effect is, almost coming to an end because, we just can't the chip smaller, and smaller and. If. You look at these there's. Going to be a sixth, paradigm, and I'm betting is going to be fronting computing. Right. Now IBM, here benefit the CES, in January they. Announced there's 72, qubit. Quantum. Computer, that probably doesn't mean if. You look at computers, that way they've worked for decades is you've got on and off they're, called bits they're just on. Quantum. Computing allows you to take an, infinite.

A. Level. Of degrees, when we actually call it qubits, to do that so the power is extremely great. I'm, a man s there are a 72. Bit qubit, that. Human. Is. More powerful than a human, brain - by, all rides it's the most powerful computer, on, the planet today. One. Of the challenges. Is though has, to run. Absolute. Zero so. It's going to be in special rooms and, you're like what. Is that - 320, degrees Fahrenheit. They. Believe once, the quantum, computers, get up to a thousand, cubits so learn from 72, to a thousand, that. Thousand, will put it more powerful, than, all brains on the planet, combined from a processing, power. So. I'm betting. That's the next technology. In, computers, to get us there, today. They're already doing a cheap, implants. Parkinson's. Disease, and some stroke victims, are actually eating these chipping, plants to help them monitor, and, control. Their body a little, better than where they're at. But. 15.4, bodies for a second, I'm going to show you the kind of the state. My. One hand purchase, this part of the video Alexa, my dear they. Actually stopped, manufacturing, robots. Because it's 2 years. Ago. This was the leader. This. Is a robot like Boston, Dynamics and, you would think there's. I. Think. AI is, the future, from. Smart to humanoid robot. Technology. In. The future it's. Exciting, isn't it. Yeah. So anyways, come along we've, still got a long ways to go but, it's. Pretty amazing what robots, are doing nowadays here's. An example of a large-scale. Robot, because, she's in a heavy manufacturing. In. Japan. And. Reminds, you of the Avatar. Movie. Here's. The interesting. Robot. The kitchen robotics, $75,000. You can buy this. So actually, you, can select the recipe, and it will actually. Make. The make. Their dinner and actually clean up put on the stake that works pretty, amazing. Worldwide. They expect, to sell 48. Million, robots. Worldwide. This year, so. If you think robots, is, a fad. Surgeries. Things. Is really cool 25. Billion devices, connected to, the Internet. Next. Year that will go to 50. So. You're going to see a lot of things, that. Allow you to communicate with, the internet through devices, and people going here's, an example when, you run that employ the paper you're, there on the toilet you press the little Charmin, -, button, and an Amazon will actually send you some rolls of toilet paper. I'm. Going to skip through this a, few, minutes for some questions, they. Just get theirs. I. Do. Want to talk about this real quick this, is a city and I, would buy, 50,000. Residents live, here it's the first 100%. Solar-powered. City, the. Automobiles, are underground. There are fully electric. This. Has 1500. Businesses, and they're currently doing, that there's, a lot with new construction going, on above brands below ground this, is the Shamu zoo company. That. Will. Actually have a corkscrew city, will, go down to 4000. Meters underwater, good. Weather it's up above bad, weather. Goes down and. This. Will be an entire, community and they plan, to have this by 2030. So. I'm, going to take a few questions they could be about technology they could be about my businesses, or my failures, that are go ahead I. Think. A lot. Of it is related to ethics. Ethics. And controlling. It you've heard only one must, you. Know say he, is extremely, concerned, about a are there, one kind of lab setting I mean anyone must I. Know what, can be done with technology so, I think the controls, the ethics, we're, going to play a big part and.

I Think we're gonna have a lot of negative, technology. As the future goes on yes. We're. Always talking to. So. That's what they write about so, we kind of just went with a lot of one. Everyone. Finds interest so you know robots, is very interesting, but almost you could make a degree, out of robotics. And so so. It's tough I read. An, LST, I read, Business, Insider every, day I read. The. BTech. That's, where I get most of my information. Any. Other questions I think. Guys want to get to your next exciting, class right, I don't. Envy you feedback in school, so. Thanks. For.


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